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"href": "sections/self_report_tables.html",
"title": "EM Self Report",
"section": "",
- "text": "This page contains tables that summarize self report data for the DETECT F/U Interviews participants. Data for all follow-up visits is included even if a participant was visited more than once.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVariableDescriptionNMean of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview3461.7 (56.3 - 67.2)emotional_embarrassed_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview2121.8 (9.8 - 33.7)emotional_harassed_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview2359.3 (52.7 - 65.8)emotional_harassed_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview1411.9 (3.5 - 20.4)emotional_refused_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview4064.6 (61.4 - 67.8)emotional_refused_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview2525.6 (7.0 - 44.3)emotional_yelled_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview3458.2 (51.2 - 65.2)emotional_yelled_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview2213.9 (3.1 - 24.8)finance_stranger_forged_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview551.0 (16.6 - 85.4)finance_stranger_forged_timesfinance_stranger_forged_times0NaN (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview51.6 (0.9 - 2.3)finance_stranger_permission_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview1263.3 (50.7 - 76.0)finance_stranger_permission_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview113.5 (1.5 - 5.4)finance_stranger_tricked_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview349.3 (-52.5 - 151.2)finance_stranger_tricked_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview31.0 (1.0 - 1.0)physical_hit_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until5439.7 (34.4 - 44.9)physical_hit_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until4013.8 (3.5 - 24.0)physical_hurt_age_yearsQuestion from an older version of the follow_up interview3232.6 (26.1 - 39.1)physical_hurt_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until266.3 (3.5 - 9.2)physical_restrain_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until1332.5 (22.9 - 42.0)physical_restrain_times_timesQuestion from an older version of the follow-up intervie115.9 (2.1 - 9.7)sexual_forced_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until1928.7 (18.9 - 38.6)sexual_forced_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until1513.8 (-1.3 - 28.9)sexual_harm_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until2924.8 (19.7 - 29.9)sexual_harm_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until249.2 (0.3 - 18.1)sexual_picture_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until120.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until11.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until2927.6 (19.8 - 35.3)sexual_touched_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until215.3 (0.5 - 10.1)\n\n\n\n\n\nemotional_embarrassed_4cat_fSR_20a. Has anyone ever made you feel humiliated or embarrassed by calling you names such as stupid, or telling you that you or your opinion was worthless?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fYes13514.4 (12.3 - 16.8)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fNo80085.1 (82.7 - 87.2)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fDon't know50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fSR_20c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fYes3738.1 (28.9 - 48.3)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fNo5960.8 (50.6 - 70.2)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fRefused11.0 (0.1 - 7.2)\nemotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fSR_20d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1438.9 (23.9 - 56.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago513.9 (5.6 - 30.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago25.6 (1.3 - 20.8)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago513.9 (5.6 - 30.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago38.3 (2.6 - 23.9)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago616.7 (7.4 - 33.4)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fRefused12.8 (0.4 - 18.7)\nemotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fSR_20b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times910.2 (5.3 - 18.7)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1618.2 (11.3 - 27.9)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times78.0 (3.8 - 16.0)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times1314.8 (8.7 - 24.0)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f20 or more times4247.7 (37.3 - 58.3)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fRefused11.1 (0.2 - 7.9)\nemotional_harassed_4cat_fSR_21a. Has anyone ever forcefully or repeatedly asked you to do something so much that you felt harassed or coerced into doing something against your will?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_4cat_fYes707.5 (6.0 - 9.4)emotional_harassed_4cat_fNo85991.9 (89.9 - 93.5)emotional_harassed_4cat_fDon't know50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)emotional_harassed_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nemotional_harassed_65_4cat_fSR_21c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fYes2451.1 (36.6 - 65.4)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fNo2348.9 (34.6 - 63.4)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fSR_21d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1145.8 (26.3 - 66.8)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago416.7 (5.9 - 38.9)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago14.2 (0.5 - 27.4)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago520.8 (8.3 - 43.2)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago312.5 (3.7 - 34.5)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_harassed_times_7cat_fSR_21b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1331.0 (18.5 - 47.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1126.2 (14.8 - 42.1)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times716.7 (7.9 - 31.8)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times24.8 (1.1 - 18.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f20 or more times921.4 (11.2 - 37.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_60_4cat_f(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fYes4374.1 (61.0 - 84.0)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fNo1525.9 (16.0 - 39.0)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_person_12cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/17/20.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA stranger37.1 (2.2 - 20.7)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner24.8 (1.1 - 18.0)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA brother or sister511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA son or daughter1228.6 (16.6 - 44.6)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fAnother relative49.5 (3.5 - 23.6)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA coworker12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA neighbor511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA friend12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative37.1 (2.2 - 20.7)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fRefused12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)\nemotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_25. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger55.1 (2.1 - 11.8)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner1717.3 (11.0 - 26.3)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner22.0 (0.5 - 8.0)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent11.0 (0.1 - 7.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister55.1 (2.1 - 11.8)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter2828.6 (20.4 - 38.5)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative1010.2 (5.5 - 18.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker11.0 (0.1 - 7.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor44.1 (1.5 - 10.5)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend66.1 (2.7 - 13.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative1919.4 (12.6 - 28.6)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone emotionally or verbally mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fYes918.4 (9.6 - 32.3)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fNo3979.6 (65.5 - 88.9)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know12.0 (0.3 - 14.0)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_24. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes3330.0 (22.1 - 39.3)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo7770.0 (60.7 - 77.9)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_27. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes3725.2 (18.7 - 32.9)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo8759.2 (51.0 - 66.9)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know2315.6 (10.6 - 22.5)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_28. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fYes3121.1 (15.2 - 28.5)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fNo7651.7 (43.6 - 59.8)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know4027.2 (20.6 - 35.1)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_friends_6cat_fSR_31. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fNone1010.8 (5.8 - 19.0)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)2729.0 (20.6 - 39.2)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)2021.5 (14.2 - 31.2)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)3638.7 (29.2 - 49.1)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_help_4cat_fSR_32. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_help_4cat_fYes5537.4 (29.9 - 45.6)emotional_person_help_4cat_fNo8255.8 (47.6 - 63.7)emotional_person_help_4cat_fDon't know106.8 (3.7 - 12.3)emotional_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_job_4cat_fSR_30. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_job_4cat_fYes5839.7 (32.0 - 48.0)emotional_person_job_4cat_fNo6745.9 (37.9 - 54.1)emotional_person_job_4cat_fDon't know1913.0 (8.4 - 19.6)emotional_person_job_4cat_fRefused21.4 (0.3 - 5.4)\nemotional_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_4cat_fYes1739.5 (25.7 - 55.3)emotional_person_live_4cat_fNo2660.5 (44.7 - 74.3)emotional_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_26b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fYes2221.4 (14.4 - 30.5)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fNo7976.7 (67.4 - 84.0)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know21.9 (0.5 - 7.6)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_26a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fYes4645.1 (35.6 - 55.0)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fNo5452.9 (43.1 - 62.6)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know22.0 (0.5 - 7.7)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_33. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fYes3589.7 (74.8 - 96.3)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fNo410.3 (3.7 - 25.2)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_police_4cat_fSR_29. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_police_4cat_fYes5437.5 (29.9 - 45.8)emotional_person_police_4cat_fNo6545.1 (37.1 - 53.4)emotional_person_police_4cat_fDon't know2517.4 (12.0 - 24.5)emotional_person_police_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_refused_4cat_fSR_22a. Has anyone close to you ever completely refused to talk to you or ignored you for days at a time, even when you wanted to talk to them?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_4cat_fYes12213.0 (11.0 - 15.3)emotional_refused_4cat_fNo81987.0 (84.7 - 89.0)emotional_refused_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_refused_65_4cat_fSR_22c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fYes4658.2 (46.9 - 68.8)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fNo3240.5 (30.1 - 51.9)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fRefused11.3 (0.2 - 8.8)\nemotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fSR_22d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1329.5 (17.6 - 45.1)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago511.4 (4.6 - 25.3)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago715.9 (7.5 - 30.5)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fRefused12.3 (0.3 - 15.5)\nemotional_refused_times_7cat_fSR_22b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2533.8 (23.8 - 45.5)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times810.8 (5.4 - 20.4)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1013.5 (7.3 - 23.6)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times810.8 (5.4 - 20.4)emotional_refused_times_7cat_f20 or more times2229.7 (20.3 - 41.3)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fRefused11.4 (0.2 - 9.4)\nemotional_yelled_4cat_fSR_19a. Has anyone ever verbally attacked, scolded, or yelled at you so that you felt afraid for your safety, threatened or intimidated?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_4cat_fYes15516.4 (14.2 - 18.9)emotional_yelled_4cat_fNo78583.1 (80.5 - 85.3)emotional_yelled_4cat_fDon't know40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)emotional_yelled_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.7)\nemotional_yelled_65_4cat_fSR_19c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fYes5546.6 (37.7 - 55.8)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fNo6252.5 (43.4 - 61.5)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fRefused10.8 (0.1 - 5.9)\nemotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fSR_19d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago610.7 (4.8 - 22.3)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago47.1 (2.6 - 18.0)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago916.1 (8.4 - 28.6)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fRefused11.8 (0.2 - 12.3)\nemotional_yelled_times_7cat_fSR_19b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2824.8 (17.6 - 33.7)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1916.8 (10.9 - 25.0)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1715.0 (9.5 - 23.0)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times87.1 (3.5 - 13.7)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f20 or more times4035.4 (27.0 - 44.8)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fRefused10.9 (0.1 - 6.2)\nfear_afraid_2cat_fFNW_1. What do you worry most about right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_afraid_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_afraid_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_forward_2cat_fFNW_4. What are you most looking forward to for your future?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_forward_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_forward_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_future_2cat_fFNW_2. What is your greatest fear for your future?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_future_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_future_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_grateful_2cat_fFNW_3. What are you most grateful for right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_grateful_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_grateful_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_important_2cat_fFNW_5. What is the single most important thing that someone outside of your friends and family could do to benefit your quality of life right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_important_2cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)fear_important_2cat_fRefused3100.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_copies_4cat_fSR_12. Do you have the copies of paperwork for the financial decisions they make or can you get copies if you wanted them?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_copies_4cat_fYes14494.7 (89.8 - 97.4)finance_copies_4cat_fNo85.3 (2.6 - 10.2)finance_copies_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_copies_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_help_4cat_fSR_8. Is there someone who helps you take care of your finances, or is there someone other than yourself who makes decisions about your money and your property, either with or without your approval?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_help_4cat_fYes15516.4 (14.2 - 18.9)finance_help_4cat_fNo78883.5 (81.0 - 85.7)finance_help_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)finance_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_12cat_fSR_9. What is that person’s relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner4630.7 (23.7 - 38.6)finance_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent10.7 (0.1 - 4.7)finance_person_12cat_fA brother or sister53.3 (1.4 - 7.8)finance_person_12cat_fA son or daughter8053.3 (45.2 - 61.3)finance_person_12cat_fAnother relative96.0 (3.1 - 11.2)finance_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA friend32.0 (0.6 - 6.1)finance_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative64.0 (1.8 - 8.7)finance_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_decisions_4cat_fSR_11. Do you feel like that person usually makes good decisions about your finances?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fYes15299.3 (95.4 - 99.9)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fNo10.7 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_4cat_fSR_13. Has that person ever forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_4cat_fYes42.6 (1.0 - 6.9)finance_person_forged_4cat_fNo14797.4 (93.1 - 99.0)finance_person_forged_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_65_4cat_fSR_13a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fYes133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fNo266.7 (0.3 - 99.9)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fSR_13b. When was the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1100.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_4cat_fSR_10. Does that person usually ask for your permission before deciding to spend your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_4cat_fYes13587.7 (81.4 - 92.0)finance_person_permission_4cat_fNo1811.7 (7.5 - 17.9)finance_person_permission_4cat_fDon't know10.6 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_permission_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_65_4cat_fSR_10a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fYes316.7 (4.8 - 44.1)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fNo1477.8 (50.5 - 92.3)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fDon't know15.6 (0.6 - 35.5)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fSR_10b. When was the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago3100.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_stolen_4cat_fSR_15. Has that person, or anyone else you are close to, ever stolen your money or take your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fYes1610.7 (6.6 - 16.9)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fNo13288.6 (82.3 - 92.8)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fRefused10.7 (0.1 - 4.7)\nfinance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fSR_15a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fYes436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fNo654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fDon't know19.1 (0.9 - 53.7)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fSR_15b. When was the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago250.0 (2.5 - 97.5)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago125.0 (0.5 - 95.9)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago125.0 (0.5 - 95.9)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_4cat_fSR_14. Has that person ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fYes64.0 (1.8 - 8.6)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fNo14495.4 (90.5 - 97.8)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fDon't know10.7 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fSR_14a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fYes360.0 (8.1 - 96.2)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fNo240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fSR_14b. When was the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_4cat_fSR_17. Has a stranger ever forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fYes555.9 (4.5 - 7.5)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fNo88293.8 (92.1 - 95.2)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fDon't know30.3 (0.1 - 1.0)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fSR_17a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fYes2262.9 (45.1 - 77.7)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fNo1337.1 (22.3 - 54.9)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fSR_17b. When was the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago522.7 (9.1 - 46.5)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago29.1 (2.0 - 32.7)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago418.2 (6.4 - 41.9)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago731.8 (15.0 - 55.3)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago418.2 (6.4 - 41.9)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_4cat_fSR_16. Has a stranger ever spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fYes647.1 (5.6 - 8.9)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fNo83692.4 (90.5 - 93.9)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fDon't know50.6 (0.2 - 1.3)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fSR_16a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fYes3475.6 (60.4 - 86.2)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fNo1124.4 (13.8 - 39.6)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fSR_16b. When was the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago926.5 (13.9 - 44.5)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago25.9 (1.4 - 22.0)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago926.5 (13.9 - 44.5)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fSR_18. Has a stranger ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fYes181.9 (1.2 - 3.0)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fNo91997.9 (96.7 - 98.6)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fSR_18a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fNo654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fSR_18b. When was the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago360.0 (8.1 - 96.2)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_4cat_fSR_6a. Do you need someone to make sure your bills get paid?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_4cat_fYes12213.0 (11.0 - 15.3)neglect_bills_4cat_fNo81786.9 (84.6 - 88.9)neglect_bills_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)neglect_bills_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_help_5cat_fSR_6b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fYes, one person9881.0 (72.9 - 87.1)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person1714.0 (8.9 - 21.6)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fNo65.0 (2.2 - 10.7)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fSR_6c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable21.8 (0.4 - 6.9)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable54.4 (1.8 - 10.2)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable4136.0 (27.6 - 45.3)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable6657.9 (48.5 - 66.7)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_clean_4cat_fSR_4a. Do you need someone to help you with house cleaning or yard work?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_4cat_fYes45048.0 (44.8 - 51.2)neglect_clean_4cat_fNo48451.7 (48.4 - 54.8)neglect_clean_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)neglect_clean_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nneglect_clean_help_5cat_fSR_4b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fYes, one person25557.6 (52.9 - 62.1)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person15033.9 (29.6 - 38.4)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fNo388.6 (6.3 - 11.6)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fSR_4c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable41.0 (0.4 - 2.6)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable399.7 (7.2 - 13.1)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable15939.7 (35.0 - 44.5)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable19548.6 (43.7 - 53.5)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know30.7 (0.2 - 2.3)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fRefused10.2 (0.0 - 1.8)\nneglect_food_4cat_fSR_2a. Do you need someone to make sure you have enough food, medicines or any other things you need in your house?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_4cat_fYes29431.2 (28.3 - 34.2)neglect_food_4cat_fNo64868.7 (65.7 - 71.6)neglect_food_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)neglect_food_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_food_help_5cat_fSR_2b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_help_5cat_fYes, one person17358.4 (52.7 - 64.0)neglect_food_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person10635.8 (30.5 - 41.5)neglect_food_help_5cat_fNo175.7 (3.6 - 9.1)neglect_food_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_food_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_food_reliable_6cat_fSR_2c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable10.4 (0.1 - 2.5)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable3010.8 (7.7 - 15.1)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable9935.7 (30.3 - 41.6)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable14753.1 (47.1 - 58.9)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_4cat_fSR_1a. Do you need someone to help you get to the places you need to go, for example do you need someone to drive you to the grocery store, a place of worship, the doctor?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_4cat_fYes47149.8 (46.6 - 53.0)neglect_go_4cat_fNo47450.1 (46.9 - 53.3)neglect_go_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.7)neglect_go_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_help_5cat_fSR_1b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_help_5cat_fYes, one person23750.3 (45.8 - 54.8)neglect_go_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person20844.2 (39.7 - 48.7)neglect_go_help_5cat_fNo265.5 (3.8 - 8.0)neglect_go_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_go_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_reliable_6cat_fSR_1c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable20.5 (0.1 - 1.8)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable5512.4 (9.6 - 15.8)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable18341.2 (36.7 - 45.9)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable20345.7 (41.1 - 50.4)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_4cat_fSR_3a. Do you need someone to help you with household things, like cooking meals, helping you eat, or making sure you take the correct medicines each day?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_4cat_fYes25827.4 (24.7 - 30.4)neglect_house_4cat_fNo68172.4 (69.4 - 75.1)neglect_house_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)neglect_house_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_help_5cat_fSR_3b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_help_5cat_fYes, one person15559.8 (53.7 - 65.7)neglect_house_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person8532.8 (27.3 - 38.8)neglect_house_help_5cat_fNo197.3 (4.7 - 11.2)neglect_house_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_house_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_reliable_6cat_fSR_3c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable20.8 (0.2 - 3.3)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable229.2 (6.1 - 13.6)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable9539.7 (33.7 - 46.1)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable11949.8 (43.4 - 56.1)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know10.4 (0.1 - 2.9)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_person_12cat_fSR_7. Considering all the things that we just talked about, who is the person who is supposed to help you with these things most of the time? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner7516.5 (13.3 - 20.2)neglect_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_person_12cat_fA brother or sister184.0 (2.5 - 6.2)neglect_person_12cat_fA son or daughter17638.7 (34.3 - 43.3)neglect_person_12cat_fAnother relative296.4 (4.5 - 9.0)neglect_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_person_12cat_fA neighbor81.8 (0.9 - 3.5)neglect_person_12cat_fA friend388.4 (6.1 - 11.3)neglect_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative10924.0 (20.2 - 28.1)neglect_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_person_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_4cat_fSR_5a. Do you need someone to help you get out of bed, get showered, or get dressed?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_4cat_fYes14415.3 (13.1 - 17.8)neglect_ready_4cat_fNo79584.5 (82.0 - 86.7)neglect_ready_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)neglect_ready_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_help_5cat_fSR_5b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fYes, one person9868.5 (60.4 - 75.7)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person3524.5 (18.1 - 32.3)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fNo107.0 (3.8 - 12.6)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fSR_5c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable10.8 (0.1 - 5.3)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable118.3 (4.6 - 14.4)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable6045.1 (36.8 - 53.7)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable6145.9 (37.5 - 54.5)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hit_4cat_fSR_34a. Has anyone ever hit you with their hand or object, slapped you, or threatened you with a weapon?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_4cat_fYes17218.4 (16.0 - 21.0)physical_hit_4cat_fNo76181.4 (78.8 - 83.8)physical_hit_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)physical_hit_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hit_65_4cat_fSR_34c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_65_4cat_fYes3227.1 (19.8 - 36.0)physical_hit_65_4cat_fNo8572.0 (63.1 - 79.5)physical_hit_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_65_4cat_fRefused10.8 (0.1 - 5.9)\nphysical_hit_last_time_8cat_fSR_34d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago515.2 (6.1 - 32.8)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago26.1 (1.4 - 22.6)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago412.1 (4.4 - 29.4)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago618.2 (8.0 - 36.1)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago1442.4 (26.2 - 60.4)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fRefused26.1 (1.4 - 22.6)\nphysical_hit_times_7cat_fSR_34b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times4740.9 (32.2 - 50.2)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1815.7 (10.0 - 23.6)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1412.2 (7.3 - 19.6)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times108.7 (4.7 - 15.5)physical_hit_times_7cat_f20 or more times2420.9 (14.3 - 29.4)physical_hit_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_times_7cat_fRefused21.7 (0.4 - 6.8)\nphysical_hurt_4cat_fSR_36a. Has anyone ever physically hurt you so that you suffered some degree of injury, including cuts, bruises, or other marks?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_4cat_fYes11612.3 (10.4 - 14.6)physical_hurt_4cat_fNo82287.4 (85.2 - 89.4)physical_hurt_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)physical_hurt_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nphysical_hurt_65_4cat_fSR_36c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fYes2125.6 (17.2 - 36.4)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fNo6174.4 (63.6 - 82.8)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fSR_36d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago419.0 (6.7 - 43.6)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago14.8 (0.6 - 30.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago29.5 (2.1 - 34.0)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago29.5 (2.1 - 34.0)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago628.6 (12.5 - 52.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago628.6 (12.5 - 52.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hurt_times_7cat_fSR_36b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times3238.6 (28.5 - 49.6)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1619.3 (12.0 - 29.4)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times910.8 (5.7 - 19.8)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times910.8 (5.7 - 19.8)physical_hurt_times_7cat_f20 or more times1518.1 (11.1 - 28.1)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fRefused22.4 (0.6 - 9.4)\nphysical_incident_60_4cat_f(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_60_4cat_fYes712.5 (5.9 - 24.4)physical_incident_60_4cat_fNo4885.7 (73.5 - 92.9)physical_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_60_4cat_fRefused11.8 (0.2 - 12.3)\nphysical_incident_person_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who physically mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_person_4cat_fYes975.0 (39.3 - 93.3)physical_incident_person_4cat_fNo216.7 (3.3 - 54.3)physical_incident_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_4cat_fRefused18.3 (0.8 - 50.1)\nphysical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_40. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger514.7 (6.0 - 31.9)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner514.7 (6.0 - 31.9)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter823.5 (11.8 - 41.5)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative411.8 (4.3 - 28.6)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend12.9 (0.4 - 19.8)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative411.8 (4.3 - 28.6)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone physically mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fYes650.0 (21.0 - 79.0)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fNo541.7 (15.7 - 73.3)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused18.3 (0.8 - 50.1)\nphysical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_38. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes1743.6 (28.5 - 60.0)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo2256.4 (40.0 - 71.5)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_12cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_12cat_fA stranger00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner337.5 (8.7 - 79.2)physical_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA son or daughter112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fAnother relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA friend112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fRefused112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)\nphysical_person_4cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_4cat_fYes00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fRefused1100.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_42. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes2044.4 (30.3 - 59.6)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo1737.8 (24.5 - 53.2)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know817.8 (8.9 - 32.4)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_43. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fYes920.5 (10.7 - 35.5)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fNo2352.3 (37.2 - 67.0)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know1227.3 (15.8 - 42.8)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_friends_6cat_fSR_46. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_friends_6cat_fNone39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)1651.6 (33.6 - 69.2)physical_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)412.9 (4.6 - 31.1)physical_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)825.8 (12.9 - 44.9)physical_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_help_4cat_fSR_47. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_help_4cat_fYes2147.7 (33.0 - 62.8)physical_person_help_4cat_fNo2250.0 (35.1 - 64.9)physical_person_help_4cat_fDon't know12.3 (0.3 - 15.5)physical_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_job_4cat_fSR_45. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_job_4cat_fYes1635.6 (22.6 - 51.0)physical_person_job_4cat_fNo2351.1 (36.3 - 65.8)physical_person_job_4cat_fDon't know613.3 (5.9 - 27.3)physical_person_job_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_4cat_fYes8100.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_41b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fYes1129.7 (16.8 - 47.0)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fNo2670.3 (53.0 - 83.2)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_41a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fYes2670.3 (53.0 - 83.2)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fNo1027.0 (14.7 - 44.2)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know12.7 (0.3 - 18.3)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_48. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fYes1789.5 (62.9 - 97.7)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fNo15.3 (0.6 - 33.8)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know15.3 (0.6 - 33.8)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_police_4cat_fSR_44. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_police_4cat_fYes2146.7 (32.2 - 61.7)physical_person_police_4cat_fNo1533.3 (20.8 - 48.8)physical_person_police_4cat_fDon't know817.8 (8.9 - 32.4)physical_person_police_4cat_fRefused12.2 (0.3 - 15.1)\nphysical_restrain_4cat_fSR_35a. Has anyone ever tried to restrain you by holding you down, tying you up, or locking you in your room or house?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_4cat_fYes475.0 (3.8 - 6.6)physical_restrain_4cat_fNo88994.7 (93.0 - 95.9)physical_restrain_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)physical_restrain_4cat_fRefused20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)\nphysical_restrain_65_4cat_fSR_35c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fYes928.1 (14.8 - 46.9)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fNo2371.9 (53.1 - 85.2)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fSR_35d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago111.1 (0.9 - 62.6)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago555.6 (19.5 - 86.6)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago333.3 (8.1 - 73.8)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_restrain_times_7cat_fSR_35b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1445.2 (28.0 - 63.5)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times412.9 (4.6 - 31.1)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_restrain_times_7cat_f20 or more times722.6 (10.7 - 41.6)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nreport_influence_4cat_fSR_99 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Did you get the impression that the presence of other people (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) may have affected the answers given by the patient during THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)report_influence_4cat_fYes54.9 (2.0 - 11.4)report_influence_4cat_fNo9593.1 (86.1 - 96.7)report_influence_4cat_fDon't know22.0 (0.5 - 7.7)report_influence_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nreport_private_5cat_fSR_98 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Was another person (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) present when completing THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)report_private_5cat_fYes, for the entire time507.5 (5.7 - 9.7)report_private_5cat_fYes, for part of the time304.5 (3.1 - 6.3)report_private_5cat_fNo, but they were still close enough to hear253.7 (2.5 - 5.5)report_private_5cat_fNo56684.4 (81.4 - 86.9)report_private_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_4cat_fSR_51a. Females- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your breasts or pubic area when you didn’t want to? Males- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your pubic area when you didn’t want to?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_4cat_fYes616.5 (5.1 - 8.3)sexual_forced_4cat_fNo87093.0 (91.2 - 94.5)sexual_forced_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_forced_65_4cat_fSR_51c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fYes511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fNo3788.1 (73.6 - 95.1)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fSR_51d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_times_7cat_fSR_51b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1232.4 (18.9 - 49.7)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1027.0 (14.7 - 44.2)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times25.4 (1.3 - 20.3)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times25.4 (1.3 - 20.3)sexual_forced_times_7cat_f20 or more times1129.7 (16.8 - 47.0)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_4cat_fSR_49a. Regardless of how long ago it happened or who made the advances, has anyone ever made you have sex or oral sex by using force or threatening to harm you or someone close to you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_4cat_fYes11211.9 (10.0 - 14.1)sexual_harm_4cat_fNo82587.7 (85.4 - 89.6)sexual_harm_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_harm_65_4cat_fSR_49c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fYes56.2 (2.5 - 14.2)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fNo7693.8 (85.8 - 97.5)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fSR_49d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_times_7cat_fSR_49b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times3547.9 (36.5 - 59.6)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1216.4 (9.5 - 27.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times45.5 (2.0 - 14.0)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times79.6 (4.6 - 19.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_f20 or more times1216.4 (9.5 - 27.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fRefused34.1 (1.3 - 12.3)\nsexual_incident_60_4cat_f (Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fYes512.2 (5.0 - 26.9)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fNo3585.4 (70.3 - 93.5)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fRefused12.4 (0.3 - 16.6)\nsexual_incident_person_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who sexually mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fYes228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fNo571.4 (21.5 - 95.8)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_56. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger225.0 (4.1 - 72.4)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner225.0 (4.1 - 72.4)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone sexually mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fYes00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fNo685.7 (25.7 - 99.0)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know114.3 (1.0 - 74.3)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_54. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes666.7 (26.2 - 91.9)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo333.3 (8.1 - 73.8)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_13cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_13cat_fA stranger00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA spouse or partner150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_13cat_fAn ex spouse or partner00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA son or daughter00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fAnother relative00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA friend00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fSome other non-relative150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_13cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_58. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_59. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fYes218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fNo436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_friends_6cat_fSR_62. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fNone114.3 (1.0 - 74.3)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_help_4cat_fSR_63. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_help_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_help_4cat_fNo436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_help_4cat_fDon't know218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_job_4cat_fSR_61. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_job_4cat_fYes654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)sexual_person_job_4cat_fNo218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_job_4cat_fDon't know327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_job_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_4cat_fYes150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_live_4cat_fNo150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_57b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fYes222.2 (3.9 - 67.0)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fNo666.7 (26.2 - 91.9)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know111.1 (0.9 - 62.6)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_57a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fYes337.5 (8.7 - 79.2)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fNo450.0 (14.3 - 85.7)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_64. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fYes3100.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_police_4cat_fSR_60. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_police_4cat_fYes436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_police_4cat_fNo218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_police_4cat_fDon't know545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_police_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_4cat_fSR_52a. Has anyone ever taken a picture of you with your clothes partially or completely taken off when you didn’t want them to?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_4cat_fYes181.9 (1.2 - 3.0)sexual_picture_4cat_fNo91197.4 (96.2 - 98.3)sexual_picture_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)sexual_picture_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_picture_65_4cat_fSR_52c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fYes212.5 (2.6 - 43.0)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fNo1487.5 (57.0 - 97.4)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fSR_52d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago2100.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_times_7cat_fSR_52b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times425.0 (8.6 - 54.3)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times425.0 (8.6 - 54.3)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times212.5 (2.6 - 43.0)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_7cat_f20 or more times637.5 (16.1 - 65.2)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_4cat_fSR_50a. Females- Has anyone ever touched your breasts or pubic area or made you touch his penis by using force or threat of force? Males - Has anyone ever touched your pubic area or made you touch their pubic area by using force or threat of force?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_4cat_fYes10110.8 (9.0 - 13.0)sexual_touched_4cat_fNo82988.7 (86.5 - 90.5)sexual_touched_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_4cat_fRefused50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)\nsexual_touched_65_4cat_fSR_50c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fYes56.9 (2.9 - 15.9)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fNo6691.7 (82.4 - 96.3)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fDon't know11.4 (0.2 - 9.6)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fSR_50d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_times_7cat_fSR_50b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2843.1 (31.4 - 55.6)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1523.1 (14.2 - 35.2)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)sexual_touched_times_7cat_f20 or more times1624.6 (15.5 - 36.8)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fRefused23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)\n\n\n\n\n\n Download table"
+ "text": "This page contains tables that summarize self report data for the DETECT F/U Interviews participants. Data for all follow-up visits is included even if a participant was visited more than once.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nVariableDescriptionNMean of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.3461.7 (56.3 - 67.2)emotional_embarrassed_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)2121.8 (9.8 - 33.7)emotional_harassed_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)2359.3 (52.7 - 65.8)emotional_harassed_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)1411.9 (3.5 - 20.4)emotional_refused_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)4064.6 (61.4 - 67.8)emotional_refused_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)2525.6 (7.0 - 44.3)emotional_yelled_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)3458.2 (51.2 - 65.2)emotional_yelled_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)2213.9 (3.1 - 24.8)finance_stranger_forged_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)551.0 (16.6 - 85.4)finance_stranger_forged_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)51.6 (0.9 - 2.3)finance_stranger_permission_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)1263.3 (50.7 - 76.0)finance_stranger_permission_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)113.5 (1.5 - 5.4)finance_stranger_tricked_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)349.3 (-52.5 - 151.2)finance_stranger_tricked_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)31.0 (1.0 - 1.0)physical_hit_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)5439.7 (34.4 - 44.9)physical_hit_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)4013.8 (3.5 - 24.0)physical_hurt_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from an older version of the follow_up interview.)3232.6 (26.1 - 39.1)physical_hurt_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)266.3 (3.5 - 9.2)physical_restrain_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)1332.5 (22.9 - 42.0)physical_restrain_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from an older version of the follow-up interview.)115.9 (2.1 - 9.7)sexual_forced_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)1928.7 (18.9 - 38.6)sexual_forced_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)1513.8 (-1.3 - 28.9)sexual_harm_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)2924.8 (19.7 - 29.9)sexual_harm_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)249.2 (0.3 - 18.1)sexual_picture_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)120.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)11.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)2927.6 (19.8 - 35.3)sexual_touched_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)215.3 (0.5 - 10.1)\n\n\n\n\n\nemotional_embarrassed_4cat_fSR_20a. Has anyone ever made you feel humiliated or embarrassed by calling you names such as stupid, or telling you that you or your opinion was worthless?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fYes13514.4 (12.3 - 16.8)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fNo80085.1 (82.7 - 87.2)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fDon't know50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fSR_20c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fYes3738.1 (28.9 - 48.3)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fNo5960.8 (50.6 - 70.2)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fRefused11.0 (0.1 - 7.2)\nemotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fSR_20d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1438.9 (23.9 - 56.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago513.9 (5.6 - 30.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago25.6 (1.3 - 20.8)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago513.9 (5.6 - 30.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago38.3 (2.6 - 23.9)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago616.7 (7.4 - 33.4)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fRefused12.8 (0.4 - 18.7)\nemotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fSR_20b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times910.2 (5.3 - 18.7)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1618.2 (11.3 - 27.9)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times78.0 (3.8 - 16.0)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times1314.8 (8.7 - 24.0)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f20 or more times4247.7 (37.3 - 58.3)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fRefused11.1 (0.2 - 7.9)\nemotional_harassed_4cat_fSR_21a. Has anyone ever forcefully or repeatedly asked you to do something so much that you felt harassed or coerced into doing something against your will?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_4cat_fYes707.5 (6.0 - 9.4)emotional_harassed_4cat_fNo85991.9 (89.9 - 93.5)emotional_harassed_4cat_fDon't know50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)emotional_harassed_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nemotional_harassed_65_4cat_fSR_21c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fYes2451.1 (36.6 - 65.4)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fNo2348.9 (34.6 - 63.4)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fSR_21d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1145.8 (26.3 - 66.8)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago416.7 (5.9 - 38.9)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago14.2 (0.5 - 27.4)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago520.8 (8.3 - 43.2)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago312.5 (3.7 - 34.5)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_harassed_times_7cat_fSR_21b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1331.0 (18.5 - 47.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1126.2 (14.8 - 42.1)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times716.7 (7.9 - 31.8)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times24.8 (1.1 - 18.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f20 or more times921.4 (11.2 - 37.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_60_4cat_f(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fYes4374.1 (61.0 - 84.0)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fNo1525.9 (16.0 - 39.0)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_person_12cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/17/20.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA stranger37.1 (2.2 - 20.7)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner24.8 (1.1 - 18.0)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA brother or sister511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA son or daughter1228.6 (16.6 - 44.6)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fAnother relative49.5 (3.5 - 23.6)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA coworker12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA neighbor511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA friend12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative37.1 (2.2 - 20.7)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fRefused12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)\nemotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_25. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger55.1 (2.1 - 11.8)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner1717.3 (11.0 - 26.3)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner22.0 (0.5 - 8.0)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent11.0 (0.1 - 7.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister55.1 (2.1 - 11.8)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter2828.6 (20.4 - 38.5)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative1010.2 (5.5 - 18.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker11.0 (0.1 - 7.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor44.1 (1.5 - 10.5)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend66.1 (2.7 - 13.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative1919.4 (12.6 - 28.6)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone emotionally or verbally mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fYes918.4 (9.6 - 32.3)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fNo3979.6 (65.5 - 88.9)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know12.0 (0.3 - 14.0)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_24. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes3330.0 (22.1 - 39.3)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo7770.0 (60.7 - 77.9)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_27. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes3725.2 (18.7 - 32.9)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo8759.2 (51.0 - 66.9)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know2315.6 (10.6 - 22.5)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_28. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fYes3121.1 (15.2 - 28.5)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fNo7651.7 (43.6 - 59.8)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know4027.2 (20.6 - 35.1)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_friends_6cat_fSR_31. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fNone1010.8 (5.8 - 19.0)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)2729.0 (20.6 - 39.2)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)2021.5 (14.2 - 31.2)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)3638.7 (29.2 - 49.1)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_help_4cat_fSR_32. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_help_4cat_fYes5537.4 (29.9 - 45.6)emotional_person_help_4cat_fNo8255.8 (47.6 - 63.7)emotional_person_help_4cat_fDon't know106.8 (3.7 - 12.3)emotional_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_job_4cat_fSR_30. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_job_4cat_fYes5839.7 (32.0 - 48.0)emotional_person_job_4cat_fNo6745.9 (37.9 - 54.1)emotional_person_job_4cat_fDon't know1913.0 (8.4 - 19.6)emotional_person_job_4cat_fRefused21.4 (0.3 - 5.4)\nemotional_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_4cat_fYes1739.5 (25.7 - 55.3)emotional_person_live_4cat_fNo2660.5 (44.7 - 74.3)emotional_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_26b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fYes2221.4 (14.4 - 30.5)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fNo7976.7 (67.4 - 84.0)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know21.9 (0.5 - 7.6)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_26a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fYes4645.1 (35.6 - 55.0)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fNo5452.9 (43.1 - 62.6)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know22.0 (0.5 - 7.7)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_33. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fYes3589.7 (74.8 - 96.3)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fNo410.3 (3.7 - 25.2)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_police_4cat_fSR_29. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_police_4cat_fYes5437.5 (29.9 - 45.8)emotional_person_police_4cat_fNo6545.1 (37.1 - 53.4)emotional_person_police_4cat_fDon't know2517.4 (12.0 - 24.5)emotional_person_police_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_refused_4cat_fSR_22a. Has anyone close to you ever completely refused to talk to you or ignored you for days at a time, even when you wanted to talk to them?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_4cat_fYes12213.0 (11.0 - 15.3)emotional_refused_4cat_fNo81987.0 (84.7 - 89.0)emotional_refused_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_refused_65_4cat_fSR_22c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fYes4658.2 (46.9 - 68.8)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fNo3240.5 (30.1 - 51.9)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fRefused11.3 (0.2 - 8.8)\nemotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fSR_22d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1329.5 (17.6 - 45.1)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago511.4 (4.6 - 25.3)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago715.9 (7.5 - 30.5)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fRefused12.3 (0.3 - 15.5)\nemotional_refused_times_7cat_fSR_22b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2533.8 (23.8 - 45.5)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times810.8 (5.4 - 20.4)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1013.5 (7.3 - 23.6)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times810.8 (5.4 - 20.4)emotional_refused_times_7cat_f20 or more times2229.7 (20.3 - 41.3)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fRefused11.4 (0.2 - 9.4)\nemotional_yelled_4cat_fSR_19a. Has anyone ever verbally attacked, scolded, or yelled at you so that you felt afraid for your safety, threatened or intimidated?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_4cat_fYes15516.4 (14.2 - 18.9)emotional_yelled_4cat_fNo78583.1 (80.5 - 85.3)emotional_yelled_4cat_fDon't know40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)emotional_yelled_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.7)\nemotional_yelled_65_4cat_fSR_19c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fYes5546.6 (37.7 - 55.8)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fNo6252.5 (43.4 - 61.5)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fRefused10.8 (0.1 - 5.9)\nemotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fSR_19d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago610.7 (4.8 - 22.3)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago47.1 (2.6 - 18.0)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago916.1 (8.4 - 28.6)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fRefused11.8 (0.2 - 12.3)\nemotional_yelled_times_7cat_fSR_19b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2824.8 (17.6 - 33.7)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1916.8 (10.9 - 25.0)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1715.0 (9.5 - 23.0)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times87.1 (3.5 - 13.7)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f20 or more times4035.4 (27.0 - 44.8)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fRefused10.9 (0.1 - 6.2)\nfear_afraid_2cat_fFNW_1. What do you worry most about right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_afraid_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_afraid_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_forward_2cat_fFNW_4. What are you most looking forward to for your future?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_forward_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_forward_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_future_2cat_fFNW_2. What is your greatest fear for your future?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_future_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_future_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_grateful_2cat_fFNW_3. What are you most grateful for right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_grateful_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_grateful_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_important_2cat_fFNW_5. What is the single most important thing that someone outside of your friends and family could do to benefit your quality of life right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_important_2cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)fear_important_2cat_fRefused3100.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_copies_4cat_fSR_12. Do you have the copies of paperwork for the financial decisions they make or can you get copies if you wanted them?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_copies_4cat_fYes14494.7 (89.8 - 97.4)finance_copies_4cat_fNo85.3 (2.6 - 10.2)finance_copies_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_copies_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_help_4cat_fSR_8. Is there someone who helps you take care of your finances, or is there someone other than yourself who makes decisions about your money and your property, either with or without your approval?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_help_4cat_fYes15516.4 (14.2 - 18.9)finance_help_4cat_fNo78883.5 (81.0 - 85.7)finance_help_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)finance_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_12cat_fSR_9. What is that person’s relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner4630.7 (23.7 - 38.6)finance_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent10.7 (0.1 - 4.7)finance_person_12cat_fA brother or sister53.3 (1.4 - 7.8)finance_person_12cat_fA son or daughter8053.3 (45.2 - 61.3)finance_person_12cat_fAnother relative96.0 (3.1 - 11.2)finance_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA friend32.0 (0.6 - 6.1)finance_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative64.0 (1.8 - 8.7)finance_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_decisions_4cat_fSR_11. Do you feel like that person usually makes good decisions about your finances?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fYes15299.3 (95.4 - 99.9)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fNo10.7 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_4cat_fSR_13. Has that person ever forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_4cat_fYes42.6 (1.0 - 6.9)finance_person_forged_4cat_fNo14797.4 (93.1 - 99.0)finance_person_forged_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_65_4cat_fSR_13a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fYes133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fNo266.7 (0.3 - 99.9)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fSR_13b. When was the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1100.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_4cat_fSR_10. Does that person usually ask for your permission before deciding to spend your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_4cat_fYes13587.7 (81.4 - 92.0)finance_person_permission_4cat_fNo1811.7 (7.5 - 17.9)finance_person_permission_4cat_fDon't know10.6 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_permission_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_65_4cat_fSR_10a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fYes316.7 (4.8 - 44.1)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fNo1477.8 (50.5 - 92.3)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fDon't know15.6 (0.6 - 35.5)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fSR_10b. When was the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago3100.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_stolen_4cat_fSR_15. Has that person, or anyone else you are close to, ever stolen your money or take your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fYes1610.7 (6.6 - 16.9)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fNo13288.6 (82.3 - 92.8)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fRefused10.7 (0.1 - 4.7)\nfinance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fSR_15a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fYes436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fNo654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fDon't know19.1 (0.9 - 53.7)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fSR_15b. When was the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago250.0 (2.5 - 97.5)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago125.0 (0.5 - 95.9)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago125.0 (0.5 - 95.9)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_4cat_fSR_14. Has that person ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fYes64.0 (1.8 - 8.6)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fNo14495.4 (90.5 - 97.8)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fDon't know10.7 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fSR_14a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fYes360.0 (8.1 - 96.2)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fNo240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fSR_14b. When was the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_4cat_fSR_17. Has a stranger ever forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fYes555.9 (4.5 - 7.5)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fNo88293.8 (92.1 - 95.2)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fDon't know30.3 (0.1 - 1.0)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fSR_17a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fYes2262.9 (45.1 - 77.7)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fNo1337.1 (22.3 - 54.9)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fSR_17b. When was the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago522.7 (9.1 - 46.5)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago29.1 (2.0 - 32.7)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago418.2 (6.4 - 41.9)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago731.8 (15.0 - 55.3)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago418.2 (6.4 - 41.9)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_4cat_fSR_16. Has a stranger ever spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fYes647.1 (5.6 - 8.9)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fNo83692.4 (90.5 - 93.9)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fDon't know50.6 (0.2 - 1.3)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fSR_16a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fYes3475.6 (60.4 - 86.2)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fNo1124.4 (13.8 - 39.6)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fSR_16b. When was the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago926.5 (13.9 - 44.5)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago25.9 (1.4 - 22.0)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago926.5 (13.9 - 44.5)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fSR_18. Has a stranger ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fYes181.9 (1.2 - 3.0)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fNo91997.9 (96.7 - 98.6)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fSR_18a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fNo654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fSR_18b. When was the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago360.0 (8.1 - 96.2)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_4cat_fSR_6a. Do you need someone to make sure your bills get paid?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_4cat_fYes12213.0 (11.0 - 15.3)neglect_bills_4cat_fNo81786.9 (84.6 - 88.9)neglect_bills_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)neglect_bills_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_help_5cat_fSR_6b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fYes, one person9881.0 (72.9 - 87.1)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person1714.0 (8.9 - 21.6)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fNo65.0 (2.2 - 10.7)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fSR_6c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable21.8 (0.4 - 6.9)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable54.4 (1.8 - 10.2)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable4136.0 (27.6 - 45.3)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable6657.9 (48.5 - 66.7)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_clean_4cat_fSR_4a. Do you need someone to help you with house cleaning or yard work?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_4cat_fYes45048.0 (44.8 - 51.2)neglect_clean_4cat_fNo48451.7 (48.4 - 54.8)neglect_clean_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)neglect_clean_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nneglect_clean_help_5cat_fSR_4b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fYes, one person25557.6 (52.9 - 62.1)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person15033.9 (29.6 - 38.4)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fNo388.6 (6.3 - 11.6)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fSR_4c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable41.0 (0.4 - 2.6)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable399.7 (7.2 - 13.1)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable15939.7 (35.0 - 44.5)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable19548.6 (43.7 - 53.5)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know30.7 (0.2 - 2.3)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fRefused10.2 (0.0 - 1.8)\nneglect_food_4cat_fSR_2a. Do you need someone to make sure you have enough food, medicines or any other things you need in your house?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_4cat_fYes29431.2 (28.3 - 34.2)neglect_food_4cat_fNo64868.7 (65.7 - 71.6)neglect_food_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)neglect_food_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_food_help_5cat_fSR_2b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_help_5cat_fYes, one person17358.4 (52.7 - 64.0)neglect_food_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person10635.8 (30.5 - 41.5)neglect_food_help_5cat_fNo175.7 (3.6 - 9.1)neglect_food_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_food_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_food_reliable_6cat_fSR_2c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable10.4 (0.1 - 2.5)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable3010.8 (7.7 - 15.1)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable9935.7 (30.3 - 41.6)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable14753.1 (47.1 - 58.9)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_4cat_fSR_1a. Do you need someone to help you get to the places you need to go, for example do you need someone to drive you to the grocery store, a place of worship, the doctor?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_4cat_fYes47149.8 (46.6 - 53.0)neglect_go_4cat_fNo47450.1 (46.9 - 53.3)neglect_go_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.7)neglect_go_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_help_5cat_fSR_1b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_help_5cat_fYes, one person23750.3 (45.8 - 54.8)neglect_go_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person20844.2 (39.7 - 48.7)neglect_go_help_5cat_fNo265.5 (3.8 - 8.0)neglect_go_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_go_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_reliable_6cat_fSR_1c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable20.5 (0.1 - 1.8)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable5512.4 (9.6 - 15.8)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable18341.2 (36.7 - 45.9)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable20345.7 (41.1 - 50.4)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_4cat_fSR_3a. Do you need someone to help you with household things, like cooking meals, helping you eat, or making sure you take the correct medicines each day?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_4cat_fYes25827.4 (24.7 - 30.4)neglect_house_4cat_fNo68172.4 (69.4 - 75.1)neglect_house_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)neglect_house_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_help_5cat_fSR_3b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_help_5cat_fYes, one person15559.8 (53.7 - 65.7)neglect_house_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person8532.8 (27.3 - 38.8)neglect_house_help_5cat_fNo197.3 (4.7 - 11.2)neglect_house_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_house_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_reliable_6cat_fSR_3c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable20.8 (0.2 - 3.3)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable229.2 (6.1 - 13.6)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable9539.7 (33.7 - 46.1)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable11949.8 (43.4 - 56.1)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know10.4 (0.1 - 2.9)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_person_12cat_fSR_7. Considering all the things that we just talked about, who is the person who is supposed to help you with these things most of the time? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner7516.5 (13.3 - 20.2)neglect_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_person_12cat_fA brother or sister184.0 (2.5 - 6.2)neglect_person_12cat_fA son or daughter17638.7 (34.3 - 43.3)neglect_person_12cat_fAnother relative296.4 (4.5 - 9.0)neglect_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_person_12cat_fA neighbor81.8 (0.9 - 3.5)neglect_person_12cat_fA friend388.4 (6.1 - 11.3)neglect_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative10924.0 (20.2 - 28.1)neglect_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_person_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_4cat_fSR_5a. Do you need someone to help you get out of bed, get showered, or get dressed?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_4cat_fYes14415.3 (13.1 - 17.8)neglect_ready_4cat_fNo79584.5 (82.0 - 86.7)neglect_ready_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)neglect_ready_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_help_5cat_fSR_5b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fYes, one person9868.5 (60.4 - 75.7)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person3524.5 (18.1 - 32.3)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fNo107.0 (3.8 - 12.6)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fSR_5c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable10.8 (0.1 - 5.3)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable118.3 (4.6 - 14.4)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable6045.1 (36.8 - 53.7)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable6145.9 (37.5 - 54.5)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hit_4cat_fSR_34a. Has anyone ever hit you with their hand or object, slapped you, or threatened you with a weapon?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_4cat_fYes17218.4 (16.0 - 21.0)physical_hit_4cat_fNo76181.4 (78.8 - 83.8)physical_hit_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)physical_hit_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hit_65_4cat_fSR_34c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_65_4cat_fYes3227.1 (19.8 - 36.0)physical_hit_65_4cat_fNo8572.0 (63.1 - 79.5)physical_hit_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_65_4cat_fRefused10.8 (0.1 - 5.9)\nphysical_hit_last_time_8cat_fSR_34d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago515.2 (6.1 - 32.8)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago26.1 (1.4 - 22.6)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago412.1 (4.4 - 29.4)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago618.2 (8.0 - 36.1)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago1442.4 (26.2 - 60.4)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fRefused26.1 (1.4 - 22.6)\nphysical_hit_times_7cat_fSR_34b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times4740.9 (32.2 - 50.2)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1815.7 (10.0 - 23.6)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1412.2 (7.3 - 19.6)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times108.7 (4.7 - 15.5)physical_hit_times_7cat_f20 or more times2420.9 (14.3 - 29.4)physical_hit_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_times_7cat_fRefused21.7 (0.4 - 6.8)\nphysical_hurt_4cat_fSR_36a. Has anyone ever physically hurt you so that you suffered some degree of injury, including cuts, bruises, or other marks?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_4cat_fYes11612.3 (10.4 - 14.6)physical_hurt_4cat_fNo82287.4 (85.2 - 89.4)physical_hurt_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)physical_hurt_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nphysical_hurt_65_4cat_fSR_36c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fYes2125.6 (17.2 - 36.4)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fNo6174.4 (63.6 - 82.8)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fSR_36d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago419.0 (6.7 - 43.6)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago14.8 (0.6 - 30.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago29.5 (2.1 - 34.0)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago29.5 (2.1 - 34.0)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago628.6 (12.5 - 52.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago628.6 (12.5 - 52.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hurt_times_7cat_fSR_36b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times3238.6 (28.5 - 49.6)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1619.3 (12.0 - 29.4)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times910.8 (5.7 - 19.8)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times910.8 (5.7 - 19.8)physical_hurt_times_7cat_f20 or more times1518.1 (11.1 - 28.1)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fRefused22.4 (0.6 - 9.4)\nphysical_incident_60_4cat_f(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_60_4cat_fYes712.5 (5.9 - 24.4)physical_incident_60_4cat_fNo4885.7 (73.5 - 92.9)physical_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_60_4cat_fRefused11.8 (0.2 - 12.3)\nphysical_incident_person_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who physically mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_person_4cat_fYes975.0 (39.3 - 93.3)physical_incident_person_4cat_fNo216.7 (3.3 - 54.3)physical_incident_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_4cat_fRefused18.3 (0.8 - 50.1)\nphysical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_40. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger514.7 (6.0 - 31.9)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner514.7 (6.0 - 31.9)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter823.5 (11.8 - 41.5)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative411.8 (4.3 - 28.6)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend12.9 (0.4 - 19.8)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative411.8 (4.3 - 28.6)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone physically mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fYes650.0 (21.0 - 79.0)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fNo541.7 (15.7 - 73.3)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused18.3 (0.8 - 50.1)\nphysical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_38. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes1743.6 (28.5 - 60.0)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo2256.4 (40.0 - 71.5)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_12cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_12cat_fA stranger00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner337.5 (8.7 - 79.2)physical_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA son or daughter112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fAnother relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA friend112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fRefused112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)\nphysical_person_4cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_4cat_fYes00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fRefused1100.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_42. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes2044.4 (30.3 - 59.6)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo1737.8 (24.5 - 53.2)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know817.8 (8.9 - 32.4)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_43. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fYes920.5 (10.7 - 35.5)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fNo2352.3 (37.2 - 67.0)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know1227.3 (15.8 - 42.8)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_friends_6cat_fSR_46. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_friends_6cat_fNone39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)1651.6 (33.6 - 69.2)physical_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)412.9 (4.6 - 31.1)physical_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)825.8 (12.9 - 44.9)physical_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_help_4cat_fSR_47. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_help_4cat_fYes2147.7 (33.0 - 62.8)physical_person_help_4cat_fNo2250.0 (35.1 - 64.9)physical_person_help_4cat_fDon't know12.3 (0.3 - 15.5)physical_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_job_4cat_fSR_45. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_job_4cat_fYes1635.6 (22.6 - 51.0)physical_person_job_4cat_fNo2351.1 (36.3 - 65.8)physical_person_job_4cat_fDon't know613.3 (5.9 - 27.3)physical_person_job_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_4cat_fYes8100.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_41b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fYes1129.7 (16.8 - 47.0)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fNo2670.3 (53.0 - 83.2)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_41a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fYes2670.3 (53.0 - 83.2)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fNo1027.0 (14.7 - 44.2)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know12.7 (0.3 - 18.3)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_48. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fYes1789.5 (62.9 - 97.7)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fNo15.3 (0.6 - 33.8)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know15.3 (0.6 - 33.8)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_police_4cat_fSR_44. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_police_4cat_fYes2146.7 (32.2 - 61.7)physical_person_police_4cat_fNo1533.3 (20.8 - 48.8)physical_person_police_4cat_fDon't know817.8 (8.9 - 32.4)physical_person_police_4cat_fRefused12.2 (0.3 - 15.1)\nphysical_restrain_4cat_fSR_35a. Has anyone ever tried to restrain you by holding you down, tying you up, or locking you in your room or house?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_4cat_fYes475.0 (3.8 - 6.6)physical_restrain_4cat_fNo88994.7 (93.0 - 95.9)physical_restrain_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)physical_restrain_4cat_fRefused20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)\nphysical_restrain_65_4cat_fSR_35c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fYes928.1 (14.8 - 46.9)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fNo2371.9 (53.1 - 85.2)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fSR_35d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago111.1 (0.9 - 62.6)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago555.6 (19.5 - 86.6)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago333.3 (8.1 - 73.8)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_restrain_times_7cat_fSR_35b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1445.2 (28.0 - 63.5)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times412.9 (4.6 - 31.1)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_restrain_times_7cat_f20 or more times722.6 (10.7 - 41.6)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nreport_influence_4cat_fSR_99 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Did you get the impression that the presence of other people (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) may have affected the answers given by the patient during THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)report_influence_4cat_fYes54.9 (2.0 - 11.4)report_influence_4cat_fNo9593.1 (86.1 - 96.7)report_influence_4cat_fDon't know22.0 (0.5 - 7.7)report_influence_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nreport_private_5cat_fSR_98 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Was another person (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) present when completing THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)report_private_5cat_fYes, for the entire time507.5 (5.7 - 9.7)report_private_5cat_fYes, for part of the time304.5 (3.1 - 6.3)report_private_5cat_fNo, but they were still close enough to hear253.7 (2.5 - 5.5)report_private_5cat_fNo56684.4 (81.4 - 86.9)report_private_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_4cat_fSR_51a. Females- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your breasts or pubic area when you didn’t want to? Males- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your pubic area when you didn’t want to?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_4cat_fYes616.5 (5.1 - 8.3)sexual_forced_4cat_fNo87093.0 (91.2 - 94.5)sexual_forced_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_forced_65_4cat_fSR_51c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fYes511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fNo3788.1 (73.6 - 95.1)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fSR_51d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_times_7cat_fSR_51b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1232.4 (18.9 - 49.7)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1027.0 (14.7 - 44.2)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times25.4 (1.3 - 20.3)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times25.4 (1.3 - 20.3)sexual_forced_times_7cat_f20 or more times1129.7 (16.8 - 47.0)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_4cat_fSR_49a. Regardless of how long ago it happened or who made the advances, has anyone ever made you have sex or oral sex by using force or threatening to harm you or someone close to you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_4cat_fYes11211.9 (10.0 - 14.1)sexual_harm_4cat_fNo82587.7 (85.4 - 89.6)sexual_harm_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_harm_65_4cat_fSR_49c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fYes56.2 (2.5 - 14.2)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fNo7693.8 (85.8 - 97.5)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fSR_49d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_times_7cat_fSR_49b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times3547.9 (36.5 - 59.6)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1216.4 (9.5 - 27.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times45.5 (2.0 - 14.0)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times79.6 (4.6 - 19.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_f20 or more times1216.4 (9.5 - 27.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fRefused34.1 (1.3 - 12.3)\nsexual_incident_60_4cat_f(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fYes512.2 (5.0 - 26.9)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fNo3585.4 (70.3 - 93.5)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fRefused12.4 (0.3 - 16.6)\nsexual_incident_person_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who sexually mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fYes228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fNo571.4 (21.5 - 95.8)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_56. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger225.0 (4.1 - 72.4)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner225.0 (4.1 - 72.4)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone sexually mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fYes00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fNo685.7 (25.7 - 99.0)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know114.3 (1.0 - 74.3)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_54. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes666.7 (26.2 - 91.9)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo333.3 (8.1 - 73.8)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_13cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_13cat_fA stranger00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA spouse or partner150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_13cat_fAn ex spouse or partner00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA son or daughter00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fAnother relative00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA friend00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fSome other non-relative150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_13cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_58. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_59. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fYes218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fNo436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_friends_6cat_fSR_62. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fNone114.3 (1.0 - 74.3)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_help_4cat_fSR_63. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_help_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_help_4cat_fNo436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_help_4cat_fDon't know218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_job_4cat_fSR_61. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_job_4cat_fYes654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)sexual_person_job_4cat_fNo218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_job_4cat_fDon't know327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_job_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_4cat_fYes150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_live_4cat_fNo150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_57b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fYes222.2 (3.9 - 67.0)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fNo666.7 (26.2 - 91.9)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know111.1 (0.9 - 62.6)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_57a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fYes337.5 (8.7 - 79.2)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fNo450.0 (14.3 - 85.7)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_64. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fYes3100.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_police_4cat_fSR_60. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_police_4cat_fYes436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_police_4cat_fNo218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_police_4cat_fDon't know545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_police_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_4cat_fSR_52a. Has anyone ever taken a picture of you with your clothes partially or completely taken off when you didn’t want them to?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_4cat_fYes181.9 (1.2 - 3.0)sexual_picture_4cat_fNo91197.4 (96.2 - 98.3)sexual_picture_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)sexual_picture_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_picture_65_4cat_fSR_52c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fYes212.5 (2.6 - 43.0)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fNo1487.5 (57.0 - 97.4)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fSR_52d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago2100.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_times_7cat_fSR_52b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times425.0 (8.6 - 54.3)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times425.0 (8.6 - 54.3)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times212.5 (2.6 - 43.0)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_7cat_f20 or more times637.5 (16.1 - 65.2)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_4cat_fSR_50a. Females- Has anyone ever touched your breasts or pubic area or made you touch his penis by using force or threat of force? Males - Has anyone ever touched your pubic area or made you touch their pubic area by using force or threat of force?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_4cat_fYes10110.8 (9.0 - 13.0)sexual_touched_4cat_fNo82988.7 (86.5 - 90.5)sexual_touched_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_4cat_fRefused50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)\nsexual_touched_65_4cat_fSR_50c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fYes56.9 (2.9 - 15.9)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fNo6691.7 (82.4 - 96.3)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fDon't know11.4 (0.2 - 9.6)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fSR_50d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_times_7cat_fSR_50b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2843.1 (31.4 - 55.6)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1523.1 (14.2 - 35.2)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)sexual_touched_times_7cat_f20 or more times1624.6 (15.5 - 36.8)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fRefused23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)\n\n\n\n\n\n Download table"
"objectID": "sections/self_report_tables.html#continuous-variable-tables",
"href": "sections/self_report_tables.html#continuous-variable-tables",
"title": "EM Self Report",
"section": "",
- "text": "VariableDescriptionNMean of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview3461.7 (56.3 - 67.2)emotional_embarrassed_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview2121.8 (9.8 - 33.7)emotional_harassed_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview2359.3 (52.7 - 65.8)emotional_harassed_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview1411.9 (3.5 - 20.4)emotional_refused_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview4064.6 (61.4 - 67.8)emotional_refused_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview2525.6 (7.0 - 44.3)emotional_yelled_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview3458.2 (51.2 - 65.2)emotional_yelled_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview2213.9 (3.1 - 24.8)finance_stranger_forged_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview551.0 (16.6 - 85.4)finance_stranger_forged_timesfinance_stranger_forged_times0NaN (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview51.6 (0.9 - 2.3)finance_stranger_permission_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview1263.3 (50.7 - 76.0)finance_stranger_permission_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview113.5 (1.5 - 5.4)finance_stranger_tricked_age_yearsQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview349.3 (-52.5 - 151.2)finance_stranger_tricked_times_timesQuestion from earlier version of the follow-up interview31.0 (1.0 - 1.0)physical_hit_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until5439.7 (34.4 - 44.9)physical_hit_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until4013.8 (3.5 - 24.0)physical_hurt_age_yearsQuestion from an older version of the follow_up interview3232.6 (26.1 - 39.1)physical_hurt_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until266.3 (3.5 - 9.2)physical_restrain_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until1332.5 (22.9 - 42.0)physical_restrain_times_timesQuestion from an older version of the follow-up intervie115.9 (2.1 - 9.7)sexual_forced_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until1928.7 (18.9 - 38.6)sexual_forced_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until1513.8 (-1.3 - 28.9)sexual_harm_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until2924.8 (19.7 - 29.9)sexual_harm_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until249.2 (0.3 - 18.1)sexual_picture_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until120.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until11.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_age_yearsQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until2927.6 (19.8 - 35.3)sexual_touched_times_timesQuestion used in older version of the follow-up interview until215.3 (0.5 - 10.1)"
+ "text": "VariableDescriptionNMean of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.3461.7 (56.3 - 67.2)emotional_embarrassed_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)2121.8 (9.8 - 33.7)emotional_harassed_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)2359.3 (52.7 - 65.8)emotional_harassed_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)1411.9 (3.5 - 20.4)emotional_refused_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)4064.6 (61.4 - 67.8)emotional_refused_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)2525.6 (7.0 - 44.3)emotional_yelled_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)3458.2 (51.2 - 65.2)emotional_yelled_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.)2213.9 (3.1 - 24.8)finance_stranger_forged_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)551.0 (16.6 - 85.4)finance_stranger_forged_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)51.6 (0.9 - 2.3)finance_stranger_permission_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)1263.3 (50.7 - 76.0)finance_stranger_permission_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)113.5 (1.5 - 5.4)finance_stranger_tricked_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)349.3 (-52.5 - 151.2)finance_stranger_tricked_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)31.0 (1.0 - 1.0)physical_hit_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)5439.7 (34.4 - 44.9)physical_hit_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)4013.8 (3.5 - 24.0)physical_hurt_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from an older version of the follow_up interview.)3232.6 (26.1 - 39.1)physical_hurt_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)266.3 (3.5 - 9.2)physical_restrain_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)1332.5 (22.9 - 42.0)physical_restrain_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from an older version of the follow-up interview.)115.9 (2.1 - 9.7)sexual_forced_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)1928.7 (18.9 - 38.6)sexual_forced_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)1513.8 (-1.3 - 28.9)sexual_harm_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)2924.8 (19.7 - 29.9)sexual_harm_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)249.2 (0.3 - 18.1)sexual_picture_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)120.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)11.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_age_yearsHow old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)2927.6 (19.8 - 35.3)sexual_touched_times_timesAbout how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)215.3 (0.5 - 10.1)"
"objectID": "sections/self_report_tables.html#categorical-variable-tables",
"href": "sections/self_report_tables.html#categorical-variable-tables",
"title": "EM Self Report",
"section": "",
- "text": "emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fSR_20a. Has anyone ever made you feel humiliated or embarrassed by calling you names such as stupid, or telling you that you or your opinion was worthless?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fYes13514.4 (12.3 - 16.8)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fNo80085.1 (82.7 - 87.2)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fDon't know50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fSR_20c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fYes3738.1 (28.9 - 48.3)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fNo5960.8 (50.6 - 70.2)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fRefused11.0 (0.1 - 7.2)\nemotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fSR_20d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1438.9 (23.9 - 56.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago513.9 (5.6 - 30.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago25.6 (1.3 - 20.8)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago513.9 (5.6 - 30.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago38.3 (2.6 - 23.9)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago616.7 (7.4 - 33.4)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fRefused12.8 (0.4 - 18.7)\nemotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fSR_20b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times910.2 (5.3 - 18.7)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1618.2 (11.3 - 27.9)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times78.0 (3.8 - 16.0)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times1314.8 (8.7 - 24.0)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f20 or more times4247.7 (37.3 - 58.3)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fRefused11.1 (0.2 - 7.9)\nemotional_harassed_4cat_fSR_21a. Has anyone ever forcefully or repeatedly asked you to do something so much that you felt harassed or coerced into doing something against your will?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_4cat_fYes707.5 (6.0 - 9.4)emotional_harassed_4cat_fNo85991.9 (89.9 - 93.5)emotional_harassed_4cat_fDon't know50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)emotional_harassed_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nemotional_harassed_65_4cat_fSR_21c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fYes2451.1 (36.6 - 65.4)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fNo2348.9 (34.6 - 63.4)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fSR_21d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1145.8 (26.3 - 66.8)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago416.7 (5.9 - 38.9)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago14.2 (0.5 - 27.4)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago520.8 (8.3 - 43.2)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago312.5 (3.7 - 34.5)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_harassed_times_7cat_fSR_21b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1331.0 (18.5 - 47.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1126.2 (14.8 - 42.1)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times716.7 (7.9 - 31.8)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times24.8 (1.1 - 18.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f20 or more times921.4 (11.2 - 37.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_60_4cat_f(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fYes4374.1 (61.0 - 84.0)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fNo1525.9 (16.0 - 39.0)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_person_12cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/17/20.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA stranger37.1 (2.2 - 20.7)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner24.8 (1.1 - 18.0)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA brother or sister511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA son or daughter1228.6 (16.6 - 44.6)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fAnother relative49.5 (3.5 - 23.6)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA coworker12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA neighbor511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA friend12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative37.1 (2.2 - 20.7)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fRefused12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)\nemotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_25. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger55.1 (2.1 - 11.8)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner1717.3 (11.0 - 26.3)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner22.0 (0.5 - 8.0)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent11.0 (0.1 - 7.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister55.1 (2.1 - 11.8)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter2828.6 (20.4 - 38.5)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative1010.2 (5.5 - 18.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker11.0 (0.1 - 7.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor44.1 (1.5 - 10.5)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend66.1 (2.7 - 13.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative1919.4 (12.6 - 28.6)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone emotionally or verbally mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fYes918.4 (9.6 - 32.3)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fNo3979.6 (65.5 - 88.9)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know12.0 (0.3 - 14.0)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_24. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes3330.0 (22.1 - 39.3)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo7770.0 (60.7 - 77.9)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_27. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes3725.2 (18.7 - 32.9)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo8759.2 (51.0 - 66.9)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know2315.6 (10.6 - 22.5)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_28. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fYes3121.1 (15.2 - 28.5)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fNo7651.7 (43.6 - 59.8)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know4027.2 (20.6 - 35.1)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_friends_6cat_fSR_31. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fNone1010.8 (5.8 - 19.0)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)2729.0 (20.6 - 39.2)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)2021.5 (14.2 - 31.2)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)3638.7 (29.2 - 49.1)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_help_4cat_fSR_32. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_help_4cat_fYes5537.4 (29.9 - 45.6)emotional_person_help_4cat_fNo8255.8 (47.6 - 63.7)emotional_person_help_4cat_fDon't know106.8 (3.7 - 12.3)emotional_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_job_4cat_fSR_30. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_job_4cat_fYes5839.7 (32.0 - 48.0)emotional_person_job_4cat_fNo6745.9 (37.9 - 54.1)emotional_person_job_4cat_fDon't know1913.0 (8.4 - 19.6)emotional_person_job_4cat_fRefused21.4 (0.3 - 5.4)\nemotional_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_4cat_fYes1739.5 (25.7 - 55.3)emotional_person_live_4cat_fNo2660.5 (44.7 - 74.3)emotional_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_26b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fYes2221.4 (14.4 - 30.5)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fNo7976.7 (67.4 - 84.0)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know21.9 (0.5 - 7.6)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_26a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fYes4645.1 (35.6 - 55.0)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fNo5452.9 (43.1 - 62.6)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know22.0 (0.5 - 7.7)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_33. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fYes3589.7 (74.8 - 96.3)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fNo410.3 (3.7 - 25.2)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_police_4cat_fSR_29. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_police_4cat_fYes5437.5 (29.9 - 45.8)emotional_person_police_4cat_fNo6545.1 (37.1 - 53.4)emotional_person_police_4cat_fDon't know2517.4 (12.0 - 24.5)emotional_person_police_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_refused_4cat_fSR_22a. Has anyone close to you ever completely refused to talk to you or ignored you for days at a time, even when you wanted to talk to them?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_4cat_fYes12213.0 (11.0 - 15.3)emotional_refused_4cat_fNo81987.0 (84.7 - 89.0)emotional_refused_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_refused_65_4cat_fSR_22c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fYes4658.2 (46.9 - 68.8)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fNo3240.5 (30.1 - 51.9)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fRefused11.3 (0.2 - 8.8)\nemotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fSR_22d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1329.5 (17.6 - 45.1)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago511.4 (4.6 - 25.3)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago715.9 (7.5 - 30.5)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fRefused12.3 (0.3 - 15.5)\nemotional_refused_times_7cat_fSR_22b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2533.8 (23.8 - 45.5)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times810.8 (5.4 - 20.4)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1013.5 (7.3 - 23.6)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times810.8 (5.4 - 20.4)emotional_refused_times_7cat_f20 or more times2229.7 (20.3 - 41.3)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fRefused11.4 (0.2 - 9.4)\nemotional_yelled_4cat_fSR_19a. Has anyone ever verbally attacked, scolded, or yelled at you so that you felt afraid for your safety, threatened or intimidated?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_4cat_fYes15516.4 (14.2 - 18.9)emotional_yelled_4cat_fNo78583.1 (80.5 - 85.3)emotional_yelled_4cat_fDon't know40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)emotional_yelled_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.7)\nemotional_yelled_65_4cat_fSR_19c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fYes5546.6 (37.7 - 55.8)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fNo6252.5 (43.4 - 61.5)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fRefused10.8 (0.1 - 5.9)\nemotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fSR_19d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago610.7 (4.8 - 22.3)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago47.1 (2.6 - 18.0)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago916.1 (8.4 - 28.6)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fRefused11.8 (0.2 - 12.3)\nemotional_yelled_times_7cat_fSR_19b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2824.8 (17.6 - 33.7)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1916.8 (10.9 - 25.0)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1715.0 (9.5 - 23.0)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times87.1 (3.5 - 13.7)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f20 or more times4035.4 (27.0 - 44.8)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fRefused10.9 (0.1 - 6.2)\nfear_afraid_2cat_fFNW_1. What do you worry most about right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_afraid_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_afraid_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_forward_2cat_fFNW_4. What are you most looking forward to for your future?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_forward_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_forward_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_future_2cat_fFNW_2. What is your greatest fear for your future?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_future_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_future_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_grateful_2cat_fFNW_3. What are you most grateful for right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_grateful_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_grateful_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_important_2cat_fFNW_5. What is the single most important thing that someone outside of your friends and family could do to benefit your quality of life right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_important_2cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)fear_important_2cat_fRefused3100.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_copies_4cat_fSR_12. Do you have the copies of paperwork for the financial decisions they make or can you get copies if you wanted them?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_copies_4cat_fYes14494.7 (89.8 - 97.4)finance_copies_4cat_fNo85.3 (2.6 - 10.2)finance_copies_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_copies_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_help_4cat_fSR_8. Is there someone who helps you take care of your finances, or is there someone other than yourself who makes decisions about your money and your property, either with or without your approval?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_help_4cat_fYes15516.4 (14.2 - 18.9)finance_help_4cat_fNo78883.5 (81.0 - 85.7)finance_help_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)finance_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_12cat_fSR_9. What is that person’s relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner4630.7 (23.7 - 38.6)finance_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent10.7 (0.1 - 4.7)finance_person_12cat_fA brother or sister53.3 (1.4 - 7.8)finance_person_12cat_fA son or daughter8053.3 (45.2 - 61.3)finance_person_12cat_fAnother relative96.0 (3.1 - 11.2)finance_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA friend32.0 (0.6 - 6.1)finance_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative64.0 (1.8 - 8.7)finance_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_decisions_4cat_fSR_11. Do you feel like that person usually makes good decisions about your finances?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fYes15299.3 (95.4 - 99.9)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fNo10.7 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_4cat_fSR_13. Has that person ever forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_4cat_fYes42.6 (1.0 - 6.9)finance_person_forged_4cat_fNo14797.4 (93.1 - 99.0)finance_person_forged_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_65_4cat_fSR_13a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fYes133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fNo266.7 (0.3 - 99.9)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fSR_13b. When was the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1100.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_4cat_fSR_10. Does that person usually ask for your permission before deciding to spend your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_4cat_fYes13587.7 (81.4 - 92.0)finance_person_permission_4cat_fNo1811.7 (7.5 - 17.9)finance_person_permission_4cat_fDon't know10.6 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_permission_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_65_4cat_fSR_10a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fYes316.7 (4.8 - 44.1)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fNo1477.8 (50.5 - 92.3)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fDon't know15.6 (0.6 - 35.5)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fSR_10b. When was the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago3100.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_stolen_4cat_fSR_15. Has that person, or anyone else you are close to, ever stolen your money or take your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fYes1610.7 (6.6 - 16.9)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fNo13288.6 (82.3 - 92.8)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fRefused10.7 (0.1 - 4.7)\nfinance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fSR_15a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fYes436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fNo654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fDon't know19.1 (0.9 - 53.7)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fSR_15b. When was the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago250.0 (2.5 - 97.5)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago125.0 (0.5 - 95.9)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago125.0 (0.5 - 95.9)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_4cat_fSR_14. Has that person ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fYes64.0 (1.8 - 8.6)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fNo14495.4 (90.5 - 97.8)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fDon't know10.7 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fSR_14a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fYes360.0 (8.1 - 96.2)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fNo240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fSR_14b. When was the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_4cat_fSR_17. Has a stranger ever forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fYes555.9 (4.5 - 7.5)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fNo88293.8 (92.1 - 95.2)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fDon't know30.3 (0.1 - 1.0)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fSR_17a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fYes2262.9 (45.1 - 77.7)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fNo1337.1 (22.3 - 54.9)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fSR_17b. When was the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago522.7 (9.1 - 46.5)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago29.1 (2.0 - 32.7)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago418.2 (6.4 - 41.9)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago731.8 (15.0 - 55.3)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago418.2 (6.4 - 41.9)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_4cat_fSR_16. Has a stranger ever spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fYes647.1 (5.6 - 8.9)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fNo83692.4 (90.5 - 93.9)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fDon't know50.6 (0.2 - 1.3)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fSR_16a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fYes3475.6 (60.4 - 86.2)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fNo1124.4 (13.8 - 39.6)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fSR_16b. When was the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago926.5 (13.9 - 44.5)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago25.9 (1.4 - 22.0)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago926.5 (13.9 - 44.5)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fSR_18. Has a stranger ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fYes181.9 (1.2 - 3.0)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fNo91997.9 (96.7 - 98.6)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fSR_18a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fNo654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fSR_18b. When was the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago360.0 (8.1 - 96.2)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_4cat_fSR_6a. Do you need someone to make sure your bills get paid?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_4cat_fYes12213.0 (11.0 - 15.3)neglect_bills_4cat_fNo81786.9 (84.6 - 88.9)neglect_bills_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)neglect_bills_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_help_5cat_fSR_6b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fYes, one person9881.0 (72.9 - 87.1)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person1714.0 (8.9 - 21.6)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fNo65.0 (2.2 - 10.7)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fSR_6c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable21.8 (0.4 - 6.9)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable54.4 (1.8 - 10.2)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable4136.0 (27.6 - 45.3)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable6657.9 (48.5 - 66.7)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_clean_4cat_fSR_4a. Do you need someone to help you with house cleaning or yard work?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_4cat_fYes45048.0 (44.8 - 51.2)neglect_clean_4cat_fNo48451.7 (48.4 - 54.8)neglect_clean_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)neglect_clean_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nneglect_clean_help_5cat_fSR_4b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fYes, one person25557.6 (52.9 - 62.1)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person15033.9 (29.6 - 38.4)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fNo388.6 (6.3 - 11.6)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fSR_4c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable41.0 (0.4 - 2.6)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable399.7 (7.2 - 13.1)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable15939.7 (35.0 - 44.5)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable19548.6 (43.7 - 53.5)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know30.7 (0.2 - 2.3)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fRefused10.2 (0.0 - 1.8)\nneglect_food_4cat_fSR_2a. Do you need someone to make sure you have enough food, medicines or any other things you need in your house?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_4cat_fYes29431.2 (28.3 - 34.2)neglect_food_4cat_fNo64868.7 (65.7 - 71.6)neglect_food_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)neglect_food_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_food_help_5cat_fSR_2b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_help_5cat_fYes, one person17358.4 (52.7 - 64.0)neglect_food_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person10635.8 (30.5 - 41.5)neglect_food_help_5cat_fNo175.7 (3.6 - 9.1)neglect_food_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_food_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_food_reliable_6cat_fSR_2c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable10.4 (0.1 - 2.5)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable3010.8 (7.7 - 15.1)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable9935.7 (30.3 - 41.6)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable14753.1 (47.1 - 58.9)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_4cat_fSR_1a. Do you need someone to help you get to the places you need to go, for example do you need someone to drive you to the grocery store, a place of worship, the doctor?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_4cat_fYes47149.8 (46.6 - 53.0)neglect_go_4cat_fNo47450.1 (46.9 - 53.3)neglect_go_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.7)neglect_go_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_help_5cat_fSR_1b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_help_5cat_fYes, one person23750.3 (45.8 - 54.8)neglect_go_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person20844.2 (39.7 - 48.7)neglect_go_help_5cat_fNo265.5 (3.8 - 8.0)neglect_go_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_go_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_reliable_6cat_fSR_1c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable20.5 (0.1 - 1.8)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable5512.4 (9.6 - 15.8)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable18341.2 (36.7 - 45.9)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable20345.7 (41.1 - 50.4)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_4cat_fSR_3a. Do you need someone to help you with household things, like cooking meals, helping you eat, or making sure you take the correct medicines each day?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_4cat_fYes25827.4 (24.7 - 30.4)neglect_house_4cat_fNo68172.4 (69.4 - 75.1)neglect_house_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)neglect_house_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_help_5cat_fSR_3b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_help_5cat_fYes, one person15559.8 (53.7 - 65.7)neglect_house_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person8532.8 (27.3 - 38.8)neglect_house_help_5cat_fNo197.3 (4.7 - 11.2)neglect_house_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_house_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_reliable_6cat_fSR_3c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable20.8 (0.2 - 3.3)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable229.2 (6.1 - 13.6)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable9539.7 (33.7 - 46.1)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable11949.8 (43.4 - 56.1)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know10.4 (0.1 - 2.9)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_person_12cat_fSR_7. Considering all the things that we just talked about, who is the person who is supposed to help you with these things most of the time? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner7516.5 (13.3 - 20.2)neglect_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_person_12cat_fA brother or sister184.0 (2.5 - 6.2)neglect_person_12cat_fA son or daughter17638.7 (34.3 - 43.3)neglect_person_12cat_fAnother relative296.4 (4.5 - 9.0)neglect_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_person_12cat_fA neighbor81.8 (0.9 - 3.5)neglect_person_12cat_fA friend388.4 (6.1 - 11.3)neglect_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative10924.0 (20.2 - 28.1)neglect_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_person_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_4cat_fSR_5a. Do you need someone to help you get out of bed, get showered, or get dressed?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_4cat_fYes14415.3 (13.1 - 17.8)neglect_ready_4cat_fNo79584.5 (82.0 - 86.7)neglect_ready_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)neglect_ready_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_help_5cat_fSR_5b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fYes, one person9868.5 (60.4 - 75.7)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person3524.5 (18.1 - 32.3)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fNo107.0 (3.8 - 12.6)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fSR_5c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable10.8 (0.1 - 5.3)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable118.3 (4.6 - 14.4)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable6045.1 (36.8 - 53.7)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable6145.9 (37.5 - 54.5)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hit_4cat_fSR_34a. Has anyone ever hit you with their hand or object, slapped you, or threatened you with a weapon?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_4cat_fYes17218.4 (16.0 - 21.0)physical_hit_4cat_fNo76181.4 (78.8 - 83.8)physical_hit_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)physical_hit_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hit_65_4cat_fSR_34c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_65_4cat_fYes3227.1 (19.8 - 36.0)physical_hit_65_4cat_fNo8572.0 (63.1 - 79.5)physical_hit_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_65_4cat_fRefused10.8 (0.1 - 5.9)\nphysical_hit_last_time_8cat_fSR_34d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago515.2 (6.1 - 32.8)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago26.1 (1.4 - 22.6)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago412.1 (4.4 - 29.4)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago618.2 (8.0 - 36.1)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago1442.4 (26.2 - 60.4)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fRefused26.1 (1.4 - 22.6)\nphysical_hit_times_7cat_fSR_34b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times4740.9 (32.2 - 50.2)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1815.7 (10.0 - 23.6)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1412.2 (7.3 - 19.6)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times108.7 (4.7 - 15.5)physical_hit_times_7cat_f20 or more times2420.9 (14.3 - 29.4)physical_hit_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_times_7cat_fRefused21.7 (0.4 - 6.8)\nphysical_hurt_4cat_fSR_36a. Has anyone ever physically hurt you so that you suffered some degree of injury, including cuts, bruises, or other marks?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_4cat_fYes11612.3 (10.4 - 14.6)physical_hurt_4cat_fNo82287.4 (85.2 - 89.4)physical_hurt_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)physical_hurt_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nphysical_hurt_65_4cat_fSR_36c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fYes2125.6 (17.2 - 36.4)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fNo6174.4 (63.6 - 82.8)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fSR_36d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago419.0 (6.7 - 43.6)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago14.8 (0.6 - 30.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago29.5 (2.1 - 34.0)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago29.5 (2.1 - 34.0)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago628.6 (12.5 - 52.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago628.6 (12.5 - 52.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hurt_times_7cat_fSR_36b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times3238.6 (28.5 - 49.6)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1619.3 (12.0 - 29.4)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times910.8 (5.7 - 19.8)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times910.8 (5.7 - 19.8)physical_hurt_times_7cat_f20 or more times1518.1 (11.1 - 28.1)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fRefused22.4 (0.6 - 9.4)\nphysical_incident_60_4cat_f(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_60_4cat_fYes712.5 (5.9 - 24.4)physical_incident_60_4cat_fNo4885.7 (73.5 - 92.9)physical_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_60_4cat_fRefused11.8 (0.2 - 12.3)\nphysical_incident_person_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who physically mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_person_4cat_fYes975.0 (39.3 - 93.3)physical_incident_person_4cat_fNo216.7 (3.3 - 54.3)physical_incident_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_4cat_fRefused18.3 (0.8 - 50.1)\nphysical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_40. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger514.7 (6.0 - 31.9)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner514.7 (6.0 - 31.9)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter823.5 (11.8 - 41.5)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative411.8 (4.3 - 28.6)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend12.9 (0.4 - 19.8)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative411.8 (4.3 - 28.6)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone physically mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fYes650.0 (21.0 - 79.0)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fNo541.7 (15.7 - 73.3)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused18.3 (0.8 - 50.1)\nphysical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_38. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes1743.6 (28.5 - 60.0)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo2256.4 (40.0 - 71.5)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_12cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_12cat_fA stranger00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner337.5 (8.7 - 79.2)physical_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA son or daughter112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fAnother relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA friend112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fRefused112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)\nphysical_person_4cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_4cat_fYes00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fRefused1100.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_42. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes2044.4 (30.3 - 59.6)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo1737.8 (24.5 - 53.2)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know817.8 (8.9 - 32.4)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_43. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fYes920.5 (10.7 - 35.5)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fNo2352.3 (37.2 - 67.0)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know1227.3 (15.8 - 42.8)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_friends_6cat_fSR_46. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_friends_6cat_fNone39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)1651.6 (33.6 - 69.2)physical_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)412.9 (4.6 - 31.1)physical_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)825.8 (12.9 - 44.9)physical_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_help_4cat_fSR_47. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_help_4cat_fYes2147.7 (33.0 - 62.8)physical_person_help_4cat_fNo2250.0 (35.1 - 64.9)physical_person_help_4cat_fDon't know12.3 (0.3 - 15.5)physical_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_job_4cat_fSR_45. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_job_4cat_fYes1635.6 (22.6 - 51.0)physical_person_job_4cat_fNo2351.1 (36.3 - 65.8)physical_person_job_4cat_fDon't know613.3 (5.9 - 27.3)physical_person_job_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_4cat_fYes8100.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_41b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fYes1129.7 (16.8 - 47.0)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fNo2670.3 (53.0 - 83.2)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_41a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fYes2670.3 (53.0 - 83.2)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fNo1027.0 (14.7 - 44.2)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know12.7 (0.3 - 18.3)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_48. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fYes1789.5 (62.9 - 97.7)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fNo15.3 (0.6 - 33.8)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know15.3 (0.6 - 33.8)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_police_4cat_fSR_44. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_police_4cat_fYes2146.7 (32.2 - 61.7)physical_person_police_4cat_fNo1533.3 (20.8 - 48.8)physical_person_police_4cat_fDon't know817.8 (8.9 - 32.4)physical_person_police_4cat_fRefused12.2 (0.3 - 15.1)\nphysical_restrain_4cat_fSR_35a. Has anyone ever tried to restrain you by holding you down, tying you up, or locking you in your room or house?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_4cat_fYes475.0 (3.8 - 6.6)physical_restrain_4cat_fNo88994.7 (93.0 - 95.9)physical_restrain_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)physical_restrain_4cat_fRefused20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)\nphysical_restrain_65_4cat_fSR_35c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fYes928.1 (14.8 - 46.9)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fNo2371.9 (53.1 - 85.2)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fSR_35d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago111.1 (0.9 - 62.6)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago555.6 (19.5 - 86.6)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago333.3 (8.1 - 73.8)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_restrain_times_7cat_fSR_35b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1445.2 (28.0 - 63.5)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times412.9 (4.6 - 31.1)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_restrain_times_7cat_f20 or more times722.6 (10.7 - 41.6)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nreport_influence_4cat_fSR_99 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Did you get the impression that the presence of other people (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) may have affected the answers given by the patient during THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)report_influence_4cat_fYes54.9 (2.0 - 11.4)report_influence_4cat_fNo9593.1 (86.1 - 96.7)report_influence_4cat_fDon't know22.0 (0.5 - 7.7)report_influence_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nreport_private_5cat_fSR_98 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Was another person (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) present when completing THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)report_private_5cat_fYes, for the entire time507.5 (5.7 - 9.7)report_private_5cat_fYes, for part of the time304.5 (3.1 - 6.3)report_private_5cat_fNo, but they were still close enough to hear253.7 (2.5 - 5.5)report_private_5cat_fNo56684.4 (81.4 - 86.9)report_private_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_4cat_fSR_51a. Females- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your breasts or pubic area when you didn’t want to? Males- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your pubic area when you didn’t want to?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_4cat_fYes616.5 (5.1 - 8.3)sexual_forced_4cat_fNo87093.0 (91.2 - 94.5)sexual_forced_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_forced_65_4cat_fSR_51c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fYes511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fNo3788.1 (73.6 - 95.1)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fSR_51d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_times_7cat_fSR_51b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1232.4 (18.9 - 49.7)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1027.0 (14.7 - 44.2)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times25.4 (1.3 - 20.3)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times25.4 (1.3 - 20.3)sexual_forced_times_7cat_f20 or more times1129.7 (16.8 - 47.0)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_4cat_fSR_49a. Regardless of how long ago it happened or who made the advances, has anyone ever made you have sex or oral sex by using force or threatening to harm you or someone close to you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_4cat_fYes11211.9 (10.0 - 14.1)sexual_harm_4cat_fNo82587.7 (85.4 - 89.6)sexual_harm_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_harm_65_4cat_fSR_49c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fYes56.2 (2.5 - 14.2)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fNo7693.8 (85.8 - 97.5)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fSR_49d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_times_7cat_fSR_49b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times3547.9 (36.5 - 59.6)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1216.4 (9.5 - 27.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times45.5 (2.0 - 14.0)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times79.6 (4.6 - 19.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_f20 or more times1216.4 (9.5 - 27.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fRefused34.1 (1.3 - 12.3)\nsexual_incident_60_4cat_f (Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fYes512.2 (5.0 - 26.9)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fNo3585.4 (70.3 - 93.5)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fRefused12.4 (0.3 - 16.6)\nsexual_incident_person_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who sexually mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fYes228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fNo571.4 (21.5 - 95.8)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_56. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger225.0 (4.1 - 72.4)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner225.0 (4.1 - 72.4)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone sexually mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fYes00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fNo685.7 (25.7 - 99.0)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know114.3 (1.0 - 74.3)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_54. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes666.7 (26.2 - 91.9)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo333.3 (8.1 - 73.8)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_13cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_13cat_fA stranger00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA spouse or partner150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_13cat_fAn ex spouse or partner00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA son or daughter00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fAnother relative00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA friend00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fSome other non-relative150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_13cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_58. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_59. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fYes218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fNo436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_friends_6cat_fSR_62. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fNone114.3 (1.0 - 74.3)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_help_4cat_fSR_63. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_help_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_help_4cat_fNo436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_help_4cat_fDon't know218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_job_4cat_fSR_61. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_job_4cat_fYes654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)sexual_person_job_4cat_fNo218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_job_4cat_fDon't know327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_job_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_4cat_fYes150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_live_4cat_fNo150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_57b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fYes222.2 (3.9 - 67.0)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fNo666.7 (26.2 - 91.9)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know111.1 (0.9 - 62.6)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_57a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fYes337.5 (8.7 - 79.2)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fNo450.0 (14.3 - 85.7)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_64. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fYes3100.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_police_4cat_fSR_60. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_police_4cat_fYes436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_police_4cat_fNo218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_police_4cat_fDon't know545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_police_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_4cat_fSR_52a. Has anyone ever taken a picture of you with your clothes partially or completely taken off when you didn’t want them to?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_4cat_fYes181.9 (1.2 - 3.0)sexual_picture_4cat_fNo91197.4 (96.2 - 98.3)sexual_picture_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)sexual_picture_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_picture_65_4cat_fSR_52c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fYes212.5 (2.6 - 43.0)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fNo1487.5 (57.0 - 97.4)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fSR_52d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago2100.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_times_7cat_fSR_52b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times425.0 (8.6 - 54.3)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times425.0 (8.6 - 54.3)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times212.5 (2.6 - 43.0)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_7cat_f20 or more times637.5 (16.1 - 65.2)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_4cat_fSR_50a. Females- Has anyone ever touched your breasts or pubic area or made you touch his penis by using force or threat of force? Males - Has anyone ever touched your pubic area or made you touch their pubic area by using force or threat of force?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_4cat_fYes10110.8 (9.0 - 13.0)sexual_touched_4cat_fNo82988.7 (86.5 - 90.5)sexual_touched_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_4cat_fRefused50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)\nsexual_touched_65_4cat_fSR_50c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fYes56.9 (2.9 - 15.9)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fNo6691.7 (82.4 - 96.3)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fDon't know11.4 (0.2 - 9.6)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fSR_50d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_times_7cat_fSR_50b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2843.1 (31.4 - 55.6)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1523.1 (14.2 - 35.2)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)sexual_touched_times_7cat_f20 or more times1624.6 (15.5 - 36.8)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fRefused23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)"
+ "text": "emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fSR_20a. Has anyone ever made you feel humiliated or embarrassed by calling you names such as stupid, or telling you that you or your opinion was worthless?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fYes13514.4 (12.3 - 16.8)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fNo80085.1 (82.7 - 87.2)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fDon't know50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)emotional_embarrassed_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fSR_20c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fYes3738.1 (28.9 - 48.3)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fNo5960.8 (50.6 - 70.2)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_fRefused11.0 (0.1 - 7.2)\nemotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fSR_20d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1438.9 (23.9 - 56.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago513.9 (5.6 - 30.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago25.6 (1.3 - 20.8)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago513.9 (5.6 - 30.3)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago38.3 (2.6 - 23.9)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago616.7 (7.4 - 33.4)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_fRefused12.8 (0.4 - 18.7)\nemotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fSR_20b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times910.2 (5.3 - 18.7)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1618.2 (11.3 - 27.9)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times78.0 (3.8 - 16.0)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times1314.8 (8.7 - 24.0)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f20 or more times4247.7 (37.3 - 58.3)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_fRefused11.1 (0.2 - 7.9)\nemotional_harassed_4cat_fSR_21a. Has anyone ever forcefully or repeatedly asked you to do something so much that you felt harassed or coerced into doing something against your will?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_4cat_fYes707.5 (6.0 - 9.4)emotional_harassed_4cat_fNo85991.9 (89.9 - 93.5)emotional_harassed_4cat_fDon't know50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)emotional_harassed_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nemotional_harassed_65_4cat_fSR_21c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fYes2451.1 (36.6 - 65.4)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fNo2348.9 (34.6 - 63.4)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fSR_21d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1145.8 (26.3 - 66.8)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago416.7 (5.9 - 38.9)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago14.2 (0.5 - 27.4)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago520.8 (8.3 - 43.2)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago312.5 (3.7 - 34.5)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_harassed_times_7cat_fSR_21b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1331.0 (18.5 - 47.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1126.2 (14.8 - 42.1)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times716.7 (7.9 - 31.8)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times24.8 (1.1 - 18.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f20 or more times921.4 (11.2 - 37.0)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_harassed_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_60_4cat_f(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fYes4374.1 (61.0 - 84.0)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fNo1525.9 (16.0 - 39.0)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_60_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_person_12cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/17/20.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA stranger37.1 (2.2 - 20.7)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner24.8 (1.1 - 18.0)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA brother or sister511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA son or daughter1228.6 (16.6 - 44.6)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fAnother relative49.5 (3.5 - 23.6)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA coworker12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA neighbor511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fA friend12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative37.1 (2.2 - 20.7)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_12cat_fRefused12.4 (0.3 - 16.2)\nemotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_25. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger55.1 (2.1 - 11.8)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner1717.3 (11.0 - 26.3)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner22.0 (0.5 - 8.0)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent11.0 (0.1 - 7.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister55.1 (2.1 - 11.8)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter2828.6 (20.4 - 38.5)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative1010.2 (5.5 - 18.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker11.0 (0.1 - 7.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor44.1 (1.5 - 10.5)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend66.1 (2.7 - 13.1)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative1919.4 (12.6 - 28.6)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone emotionally or verbally mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fYes918.4 (9.6 - 32.3)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fNo3979.6 (65.5 - 88.9)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know12.0 (0.3 - 14.0)emotional_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_24. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes3330.0 (22.1 - 39.3)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo7770.0 (60.7 - 77.9)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_27. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes3725.2 (18.7 - 32.9)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo8759.2 (51.0 - 66.9)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know2315.6 (10.6 - 22.5)emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_28. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fYes3121.1 (15.2 - 28.5)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fNo7651.7 (43.6 - 59.8)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know4027.2 (20.6 - 35.1)emotional_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_friends_6cat_fSR_31. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fNone1010.8 (5.8 - 19.0)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)2729.0 (20.6 - 39.2)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)2021.5 (14.2 - 31.2)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)3638.7 (29.2 - 49.1)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_help_4cat_fSR_32. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_help_4cat_fYes5537.4 (29.9 - 45.6)emotional_person_help_4cat_fNo8255.8 (47.6 - 63.7)emotional_person_help_4cat_fDon't know106.8 (3.7 - 12.3)emotional_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_job_4cat_fSR_30. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_job_4cat_fYes5839.7 (32.0 - 48.0)emotional_person_job_4cat_fNo6745.9 (37.9 - 54.1)emotional_person_job_4cat_fDon't know1913.0 (8.4 - 19.6)emotional_person_job_4cat_fRefused21.4 (0.3 - 5.4)\nemotional_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_4cat_fYes1739.5 (25.7 - 55.3)emotional_person_live_4cat_fNo2660.5 (44.7 - 74.3)emotional_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_26b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fYes2221.4 (14.4 - 30.5)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fNo7976.7 (67.4 - 84.0)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know21.9 (0.5 - 7.6)emotional_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_26a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fYes4645.1 (35.6 - 55.0)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fNo5452.9 (43.1 - 62.6)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know22.0 (0.5 - 7.7)emotional_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_33. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fYes3589.7 (74.8 - 96.3)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fNo410.3 (3.7 - 25.2)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_person_police_4cat_fSR_29. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_person_police_4cat_fYes5437.5 (29.9 - 45.8)emotional_person_police_4cat_fNo6545.1 (37.1 - 53.4)emotional_person_police_4cat_fDon't know2517.4 (12.0 - 24.5)emotional_person_police_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_refused_4cat_fSR_22a. Has anyone close to you ever completely refused to talk to you or ignored you for days at a time, even when you wanted to talk to them?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_4cat_fYes12213.0 (11.0 - 15.3)emotional_refused_4cat_fNo81987.0 (84.7 - 89.0)emotional_refused_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nemotional_refused_65_4cat_fSR_22c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fYes4658.2 (46.9 - 68.8)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fNo3240.5 (30.1 - 51.9)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_65_4cat_fRefused11.3 (0.2 - 8.8)\nemotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fSR_22d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1329.5 (17.6 - 45.1)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago511.4 (4.6 - 25.3)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago613.6 (6.1 - 27.9)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago715.9 (7.5 - 30.5)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_fRefused12.3 (0.3 - 15.5)\nemotional_refused_times_7cat_fSR_22b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_refused_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2533.8 (23.8 - 45.5)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times810.8 (5.4 - 20.4)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1013.5 (7.3 - 23.6)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times810.8 (5.4 - 20.4)emotional_refused_times_7cat_f20 or more times2229.7 (20.3 - 41.3)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_refused_times_7cat_fRefused11.4 (0.2 - 9.4)\nemotional_yelled_4cat_fSR_19a. Has anyone ever verbally attacked, scolded, or yelled at you so that you felt afraid for your safety, threatened or intimidated?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_4cat_fYes15516.4 (14.2 - 18.9)emotional_yelled_4cat_fNo78583.1 (80.5 - 85.3)emotional_yelled_4cat_fDon't know40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)emotional_yelled_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.7)\nemotional_yelled_65_4cat_fSR_19c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fYes5546.6 (37.7 - 55.8)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fNo6252.5 (43.4 - 61.5)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_65_4cat_fRefused10.8 (0.1 - 5.9)\nemotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fSR_19d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago610.7 (4.8 - 22.3)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago47.1 (2.6 - 18.0)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago1221.4 (12.4 - 34.5)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago916.1 (8.4 - 28.6)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_fRefused11.8 (0.2 - 12.3)\nemotional_yelled_times_7cat_fSR_19b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2824.8 (17.6 - 33.7)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1916.8 (10.9 - 25.0)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1715.0 (9.5 - 23.0)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times87.1 (3.5 - 13.7)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f20 or more times4035.4 (27.0 - 44.8)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)emotional_yelled_times_7cat_fRefused10.9 (0.1 - 6.2)\nfear_afraid_2cat_fFNW_1. What do you worry most about right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_afraid_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_afraid_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_forward_2cat_fFNW_4. What are you most looking forward to for your future?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_forward_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_forward_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_future_2cat_fFNW_2. What is your greatest fear for your future?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_future_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_future_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_grateful_2cat_fFNW_3. What are you most grateful for right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_grateful_2cat_fDon't know0NaN (NaN - NaN)fear_grateful_2cat_fRefused0NaN (NaN - NaN)\nfear_important_2cat_fFNW_5. What is the single most important thing that someone outside of your friends and family could do to benefit your quality of life right now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)fear_important_2cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)fear_important_2cat_fRefused3100.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_copies_4cat_fSR_12. Do you have the copies of paperwork for the financial decisions they make or can you get copies if you wanted them?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_copies_4cat_fYes14494.7 (89.8 - 97.4)finance_copies_4cat_fNo85.3 (2.6 - 10.2)finance_copies_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_copies_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_help_4cat_fSR_8. Is there someone who helps you take care of your finances, or is there someone other than yourself who makes decisions about your money and your property, either with or without your approval?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_help_4cat_fYes15516.4 (14.2 - 18.9)finance_help_4cat_fNo78883.5 (81.0 - 85.7)finance_help_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)finance_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_12cat_fSR_9. What is that person’s relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner4630.7 (23.7 - 38.6)finance_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent10.7 (0.1 - 4.7)finance_person_12cat_fA brother or sister53.3 (1.4 - 7.8)finance_person_12cat_fA son or daughter8053.3 (45.2 - 61.3)finance_person_12cat_fAnother relative96.0 (3.1 - 11.2)finance_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fA friend32.0 (0.6 - 6.1)finance_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative64.0 (1.8 - 8.7)finance_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_decisions_4cat_fSR_11. Do you feel like that person usually makes good decisions about your finances?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fYes15299.3 (95.4 - 99.9)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fNo10.7 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_decisions_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_4cat_fSR_13. Has that person ever forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_4cat_fYes42.6 (1.0 - 6.9)finance_person_forged_4cat_fNo14797.4 (93.1 - 99.0)finance_person_forged_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_65_4cat_fSR_13a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fYes133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fNo266.7 (0.3 - 99.9)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fSR_13b. When was the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago1100.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_4cat_fSR_10. Does that person usually ask for your permission before deciding to spend your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_4cat_fYes13587.7 (81.4 - 92.0)finance_person_permission_4cat_fNo1811.7 (7.5 - 17.9)finance_person_permission_4cat_fDon't know10.6 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_permission_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_65_4cat_fSR_10a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fYes316.7 (4.8 - 44.1)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fNo1477.8 (50.5 - 92.3)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fDon't know15.6 (0.6 - 35.5)finance_person_permission_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fSR_10b. When was the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago3100.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_stolen_4cat_fSR_15. Has that person, or anyone else you are close to, ever stolen your money or take your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fYes1610.7 (6.6 - 16.9)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fNo13288.6 (82.3 - 92.8)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_4cat_fRefused10.7 (0.1 - 4.7)\nfinance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fSR_15a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fYes436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fNo654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fDon't know19.1 (0.9 - 53.7)finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fSR_15b. When was the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago250.0 (2.5 - 97.5)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago125.0 (0.5 - 95.9)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago125.0 (0.5 - 95.9)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_4cat_fSR_14. Has that person ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fYes64.0 (1.8 - 8.6)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fNo14495.4 (90.5 - 97.8)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fDon't know10.7 (0.1 - 4.6)finance_person_tricked_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fSR_14a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fYes360.0 (8.1 - 96.2)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fNo240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fSR_14b. When was the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago133.3 (0.1 - 99.7)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_4cat_fSR_17. Has a stranger ever forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fYes555.9 (4.5 - 7.5)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fNo88293.8 (92.1 - 95.2)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fDon't know30.3 (0.1 - 1.0)finance_stranger_forged_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fSR_17a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fYes2262.9 (45.1 - 77.7)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fNo1337.1 (22.3 - 54.9)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fSR_17b. When was the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago522.7 (9.1 - 46.5)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago29.1 (2.0 - 32.7)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago418.2 (6.4 - 41.9)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago731.8 (15.0 - 55.3)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago418.2 (6.4 - 41.9)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_4cat_fSR_16. Has a stranger ever spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fYes647.1 (5.6 - 8.9)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fNo83692.4 (90.5 - 93.9)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fDon't know50.6 (0.2 - 1.3)finance_stranger_permission_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fSR_16a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fYes3475.6 (60.4 - 86.2)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fNo1124.4 (13.8 - 39.6)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fSR_16b. When was the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago926.5 (13.9 - 44.5)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago25.9 (1.4 - 22.0)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago926.5 (13.9 - 44.5)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fSR_18. Has a stranger ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fYes181.9 (1.2 - 3.0)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fNo91997.9 (96.7 - 98.6)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fSR_18a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fNo654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nfinance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fSR_18b. When was the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago360.0 (8.1 - 96.2)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_4cat_fSR_6a. Do you need someone to make sure your bills get paid?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_4cat_fYes12213.0 (11.0 - 15.3)neglect_bills_4cat_fNo81786.9 (84.6 - 88.9)neglect_bills_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)neglect_bills_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_help_5cat_fSR_6b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fYes, one person9881.0 (72.9 - 87.1)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person1714.0 (8.9 - 21.6)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fNo65.0 (2.2 - 10.7)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_bills_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fSR_6c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable21.8 (0.4 - 6.9)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable54.4 (1.8 - 10.2)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable4136.0 (27.6 - 45.3)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable6657.9 (48.5 - 66.7)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_clean_4cat_fSR_4a. Do you need someone to help you with house cleaning or yard work?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_4cat_fYes45048.0 (44.8 - 51.2)neglect_clean_4cat_fNo48451.7 (48.4 - 54.8)neglect_clean_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)neglect_clean_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nneglect_clean_help_5cat_fSR_4b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fYes, one person25557.6 (52.9 - 62.1)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person15033.9 (29.6 - 38.4)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fNo388.6 (6.3 - 11.6)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_clean_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fSR_4c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable41.0 (0.4 - 2.6)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable399.7 (7.2 - 13.1)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable15939.7 (35.0 - 44.5)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable19548.6 (43.7 - 53.5)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know30.7 (0.2 - 2.3)neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_fRefused10.2 (0.0 - 1.8)\nneglect_food_4cat_fSR_2a. Do you need someone to make sure you have enough food, medicines or any other things you need in your house?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_4cat_fYes29431.2 (28.3 - 34.2)neglect_food_4cat_fNo64868.7 (65.7 - 71.6)neglect_food_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)neglect_food_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_food_help_5cat_fSR_2b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_help_5cat_fYes, one person17358.4 (52.7 - 64.0)neglect_food_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person10635.8 (30.5 - 41.5)neglect_food_help_5cat_fNo175.7 (3.6 - 9.1)neglect_food_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_food_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_food_reliable_6cat_fSR_2c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable10.4 (0.1 - 2.5)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable3010.8 (7.7 - 15.1)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable9935.7 (30.3 - 41.6)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable14753.1 (47.1 - 58.9)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_food_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_4cat_fSR_1a. Do you need someone to help you get to the places you need to go, for example do you need someone to drive you to the grocery store, a place of worship, the doctor?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_4cat_fYes47149.8 (46.6 - 53.0)neglect_go_4cat_fNo47450.1 (46.9 - 53.3)neglect_go_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.7)neglect_go_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_help_5cat_fSR_1b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_help_5cat_fYes, one person23750.3 (45.8 - 54.8)neglect_go_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person20844.2 (39.7 - 48.7)neglect_go_help_5cat_fNo265.5 (3.8 - 8.0)neglect_go_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_go_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_go_reliable_6cat_fSR_1c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable20.5 (0.1 - 1.8)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable5512.4 (9.6 - 15.8)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable18341.2 (36.7 - 45.9)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable20345.7 (41.1 - 50.4)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_go_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_4cat_fSR_3a. Do you need someone to help you with household things, like cooking meals, helping you eat, or making sure you take the correct medicines each day?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_4cat_fYes25827.4 (24.7 - 30.4)neglect_house_4cat_fNo68172.4 (69.4 - 75.1)neglect_house_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)neglect_house_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_help_5cat_fSR_3b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_help_5cat_fYes, one person15559.8 (53.7 - 65.7)neglect_house_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person8532.8 (27.3 - 38.8)neglect_house_help_5cat_fNo197.3 (4.7 - 11.2)neglect_house_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_house_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_house_reliable_6cat_fSR_3c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable20.8 (0.2 - 3.3)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable229.2 (6.1 - 13.6)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable9539.7 (33.7 - 46.1)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable11949.8 (43.4 - 56.1)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know10.4 (0.1 - 2.9)neglect_house_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_person_12cat_fSR_7. Considering all the things that we just talked about, who is the person who is supposed to help you with these things most of the time? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner7516.5 (13.3 - 20.2)neglect_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent10.2 (0.0 - 1.6)neglect_person_12cat_fA brother or sister184.0 (2.5 - 6.2)neglect_person_12cat_fA son or daughter17638.7 (34.3 - 43.3)neglect_person_12cat_fAnother relative296.4 (4.5 - 9.0)neglect_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_person_12cat_fA neighbor81.8 (0.9 - 3.5)neglect_person_12cat_fA friend388.4 (6.1 - 11.3)neglect_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative10924.0 (20.2 - 28.1)neglect_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_person_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_4cat_fSR_5a. Do you need someone to help you get out of bed, get showered, or get dressed?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_4cat_fYes14415.3 (13.1 - 17.8)neglect_ready_4cat_fNo79584.5 (82.0 - 86.7)neglect_ready_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)neglect_ready_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_help_5cat_fSR_5b. Do you have someone who helps with this?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fYes, one person9868.5 (60.4 - 75.7)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fYes, more than one person3524.5 (18.1 - 32.3)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fNo107.0 (3.8 - 12.6)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_ready_help_5cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nneglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fSR_5c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fNot at all reliable10.8 (0.1 - 5.3)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fSomewhat reliable118.3 (4.6 - 14.4)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fVery reliable6045.1 (36.8 - 53.7)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fCompletely reliable6145.9 (37.5 - 54.5)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fDon’t know00.0 (NaN - NaN)neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hit_4cat_fSR_34a. Has anyone ever hit you with their hand or object, slapped you, or threatened you with a weapon?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_4cat_fYes17218.4 (16.0 - 21.0)physical_hit_4cat_fNo76181.4 (78.8 - 83.8)physical_hit_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)physical_hit_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hit_65_4cat_fSR_34c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_65_4cat_fYes3227.1 (19.8 - 36.0)physical_hit_65_4cat_fNo8572.0 (63.1 - 79.5)physical_hit_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_65_4cat_fRefused10.8 (0.1 - 5.9)\nphysical_hit_last_time_8cat_fSR_34d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago515.2 (6.1 - 32.8)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago26.1 (1.4 - 22.6)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago412.1 (4.4 - 29.4)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago618.2 (8.0 - 36.1)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago1442.4 (26.2 - 60.4)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_last_time_8cat_fRefused26.1 (1.4 - 22.6)\nphysical_hit_times_7cat_fSR_34b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hit_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times4740.9 (32.2 - 50.2)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1815.7 (10.0 - 23.6)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times1412.2 (7.3 - 19.6)physical_hit_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times108.7 (4.7 - 15.5)physical_hit_times_7cat_f20 or more times2420.9 (14.3 - 29.4)physical_hit_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hit_times_7cat_fRefused21.7 (0.4 - 6.8)\nphysical_hurt_4cat_fSR_36a. Has anyone ever physically hurt you so that you suffered some degree of injury, including cuts, bruises, or other marks?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_4cat_fYes11612.3 (10.4 - 14.6)physical_hurt_4cat_fNo82287.4 (85.2 - 89.4)physical_hurt_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)physical_hurt_4cat_fRefused10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)\nphysical_hurt_65_4cat_fSR_36c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fYes2125.6 (17.2 - 36.4)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fNo6174.4 (63.6 - 82.8)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fSR_36d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago419.0 (6.7 - 43.6)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago14.8 (0.6 - 30.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago29.5 (2.1 - 34.0)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago29.5 (2.1 - 34.0)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago628.6 (12.5 - 52.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago628.6 (12.5 - 52.9)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_hurt_times_7cat_fSR_36b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_hurt_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times3238.6 (28.5 - 49.6)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1619.3 (12.0 - 29.4)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times910.8 (5.7 - 19.8)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times910.8 (5.7 - 19.8)physical_hurt_times_7cat_f20 or more times1518.1 (11.1 - 28.1)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_hurt_times_7cat_fRefused22.4 (0.6 - 9.4)\nphysical_incident_60_4cat_f(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_60_4cat_fYes712.5 (5.9 - 24.4)physical_incident_60_4cat_fNo4885.7 (73.5 - 92.9)physical_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_60_4cat_fRefused11.8 (0.2 - 12.3)\nphysical_incident_person_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who physically mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_person_4cat_fYes975.0 (39.3 - 93.3)physical_incident_person_4cat_fNo216.7 (3.3 - 54.3)physical_incident_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_4cat_fRefused18.3 (0.8 - 50.1)\nphysical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_40. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger514.7 (6.0 - 31.9)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner720.6 (9.7 - 38.4)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner514.7 (6.0 - 31.9)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter823.5 (11.8 - 41.5)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative411.8 (4.3 - 28.6)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend12.9 (0.4 - 19.8)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative411.8 (4.3 - 28.6)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone physically mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fYes650.0 (21.0 - 79.0)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fNo541.7 (15.7 - 73.3)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused18.3 (0.8 - 50.1)\nphysical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_38. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes1743.6 (28.5 - 60.0)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo2256.4 (40.0 - 71.5)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_12cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_12cat_fA stranger00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA spouse or partner337.5 (8.7 - 79.2)physical_person_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA son or daughter112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fAnother relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fA friend112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)physical_person_12cat_fSome other non-relative00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_12cat_fRefused112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)\nphysical_person_4cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_4cat_fYes00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_4cat_fRefused1100.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_42. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes2044.4 (30.3 - 59.6)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo1737.8 (24.5 - 53.2)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know817.8 (8.9 - 32.4)physical_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_43. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fYes920.5 (10.7 - 35.5)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fNo2352.3 (37.2 - 67.0)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know1227.3 (15.8 - 42.8)physical_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_friends_6cat_fSR_46. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_friends_6cat_fNone39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)1651.6 (33.6 - 69.2)physical_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)412.9 (4.6 - 31.1)physical_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)825.8 (12.9 - 44.9)physical_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_help_4cat_fSR_47. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_help_4cat_fYes2147.7 (33.0 - 62.8)physical_person_help_4cat_fNo2250.0 (35.1 - 64.9)physical_person_help_4cat_fDon't know12.3 (0.3 - 15.5)physical_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_job_4cat_fSR_45. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_job_4cat_fYes1635.6 (22.6 - 51.0)physical_person_job_4cat_fNo2351.1 (36.3 - 65.8)physical_person_job_4cat_fDon't know613.3 (5.9 - 27.3)physical_person_job_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_4cat_fYes8100.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_41b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fYes1129.7 (16.8 - 47.0)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fNo2670.3 (53.0 - 83.2)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_41a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fYes2670.3 (53.0 - 83.2)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fNo1027.0 (14.7 - 44.2)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know12.7 (0.3 - 18.3)physical_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_48. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fYes1789.5 (62.9 - 97.7)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fNo15.3 (0.6 - 33.8)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know15.3 (0.6 - 33.8)physical_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_person_police_4cat_fSR_44. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_person_police_4cat_fYes2146.7 (32.2 - 61.7)physical_person_police_4cat_fNo1533.3 (20.8 - 48.8)physical_person_police_4cat_fDon't know817.8 (8.9 - 32.4)physical_person_police_4cat_fRefused12.2 (0.3 - 15.1)\nphysical_restrain_4cat_fSR_35a. Has anyone ever tried to restrain you by holding you down, tying you up, or locking you in your room or house?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_4cat_fYes475.0 (3.8 - 6.6)physical_restrain_4cat_fNo88994.7 (93.0 - 95.9)physical_restrain_4cat_fDon't know10.1 (0.0 - 0.8)physical_restrain_4cat_fRefused20.2 (0.1 - 0.8)\nphysical_restrain_65_4cat_fSR_35c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fYes928.1 (14.8 - 46.9)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fNo2371.9 (53.1 - 85.2)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fSR_35d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago111.1 (0.9 - 62.6)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago555.6 (19.5 - 86.6)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago333.3 (8.1 - 73.8)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nphysical_restrain_times_7cat_fSR_35b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)physical_restrain_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1445.2 (28.0 - 63.5)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times412.9 (4.6 - 31.1)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times39.7 (2.9 - 27.4)physical_restrain_times_7cat_f20 or more times722.6 (10.7 - 41.6)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)physical_restrain_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nreport_influence_4cat_fSR_99 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Did you get the impression that the presence of other people (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) may have affected the answers given by the patient during THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)report_influence_4cat_fYes54.9 (2.0 - 11.4)report_influence_4cat_fNo9593.1 (86.1 - 96.7)report_influence_4cat_fDon't know22.0 (0.5 - 7.7)report_influence_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nreport_private_5cat_fSR_98 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Was another person (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) present when completing THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)report_private_5cat_fYes, for the entire time507.5 (5.7 - 9.7)report_private_5cat_fYes, for part of the time304.5 (3.1 - 6.3)report_private_5cat_fNo, but they were still close enough to hear253.7 (2.5 - 5.5)report_private_5cat_fNo56684.4 (81.4 - 86.9)report_private_5cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_4cat_fSR_51a. Females- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your breasts or pubic area when you didn’t want to? Males- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your pubic area when you didn’t want to?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_4cat_fYes616.5 (5.1 - 8.3)sexual_forced_4cat_fNo87093.0 (91.2 - 94.5)sexual_forced_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_forced_65_4cat_fSR_51c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fYes511.9 (4.9 - 26.4)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fNo3788.1 (73.6 - 95.1)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fSR_51d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_forced_times_7cat_fSR_51b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_forced_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times1232.4 (18.9 - 49.7)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1027.0 (14.7 - 44.2)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times25.4 (1.3 - 20.3)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times25.4 (1.3 - 20.3)sexual_forced_times_7cat_f20 or more times1129.7 (16.8 - 47.0)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_forced_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_4cat_fSR_49a. Regardless of how long ago it happened or who made the advances, has anyone ever made you have sex or oral sex by using force or threatening to harm you or someone close to you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_4cat_fYes11211.9 (10.0 - 14.1)sexual_harm_4cat_fNo82587.7 (85.4 - 89.6)sexual_harm_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_harm_65_4cat_fSR_49c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fYes56.2 (2.5 - 14.2)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fNo7693.8 (85.8 - 97.5)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fSR_49d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_harm_times_7cat_fSR_49b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_harm_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times3547.9 (36.5 - 59.6)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1216.4 (9.5 - 27.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times45.5 (2.0 - 14.0)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times79.6 (4.6 - 19.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_f20 or more times1216.4 (9.5 - 27.1)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_harm_times_7cat_fRefused34.1 (1.3 - 12.3)\nsexual_incident_60_4cat_f(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fYes512.2 (5.0 - 26.9)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fNo3585.4 (70.3 - 93.5)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_60_4cat_fRefused12.4 (0.3 - 16.6)\nsexual_incident_person_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who sexually mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fYes228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fNo571.4 (21.5 - 95.8)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSR_56. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA stranger225.0 (4.1 - 72.4)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA spouse or partner112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAn ex spouse or partner225.0 (4.1 - 72.4)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA son or daughter00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fAnother relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fA friend112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fSome other non-relative112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_reported_4cat_fThinking about the most recent incident where someone sexually mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fYes00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fNo685.7 (25.7 - 99.0)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fDon't know114.3 (1.0 - 74.3)sexual_incident_reported_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fSR_54. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fYes666.7 (26.2 - 91.9)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fNo333.3 (8.1 - 73.8)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_13cat_fWhat was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_13cat_fA stranger00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA spouse or partner150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_13cat_fAn ex spouse or partner00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA parent or step-parent00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA brother or sister00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA son or daughter00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fAnother relative00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA coworker00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA neighbor00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fA friend00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fSome other non-relative150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_13cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_13cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fSR_58. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fNo327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fDon't know327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_counseling_4cat_fSR_59. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fYes218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fNo436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fDon't know545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_counseling_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_friends_6cat_fSR_62. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say…VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fNone114.3 (1.0 - 74.3)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fVery few (1-3)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fSome (4-6)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fA lot (7+)228.6 (4.2 - 78.5)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_friends_6cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_help_4cat_fSR_63. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_help_4cat_fYes545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_help_4cat_fNo436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_help_4cat_fDon't know218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_help_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_job_4cat_fSR_61. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_job_4cat_fYes654.5 (22.6 - 83.2)sexual_person_job_4cat_fNo218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_job_4cat_fDon't know327.3 (7.2 - 64.6)sexual_person_job_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_4cat_fDid that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.)VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_4cat_fYes150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_live_4cat_fNo150.0 (0.0 - 100.0)sexual_person_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_now_4cat_fSR_57b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fYes222.2 (3.9 - 67.0)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fNo666.7 (26.2 - 91.9)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fDon't know111.1 (0.9 - 62.6)sexual_person_live_now_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_live_then_4cat_fSR_57a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fYes337.5 (8.7 - 79.2)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fNo450.0 (14.3 - 85.7)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fDon't know112.5 (0.9 - 68.1)sexual_person_live_then_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_no_live_4cat_fSR_64. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fYes3100.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fNo00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_person_no_live_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_person_police_4cat_fSR_60. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_person_police_4cat_fYes436.4 (11.7 - 71.2)sexual_person_police_4cat_fNo218.2 (3.5 - 58.0)sexual_person_police_4cat_fDon't know545.5 (16.8 - 77.4)sexual_person_police_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_4cat_fSR_52a. Has anyone ever taken a picture of you with your clothes partially or completely taken off when you didn’t want them to?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_4cat_fYes181.9 (1.2 - 3.0)sexual_picture_4cat_fNo91197.4 (96.2 - 98.3)sexual_picture_4cat_fDon't know20.2 (0.1 - 0.9)sexual_picture_4cat_fRefused40.4 (0.2 - 1.1)\nsexual_picture_65_4cat_fSR_52c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fYes212.5 (2.6 - 43.0)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fNo1487.5 (57.0 - 97.4)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fSR_52d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago2100.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_picture_times_7cat_fSR_52b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_picture_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times425.0 (8.6 - 54.3)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times425.0 (8.6 - 54.3)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times212.5 (2.6 - 43.0)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_7cat_f20 or more times637.5 (16.1 - 65.2)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_picture_times_7cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_4cat_fSR_50a. Females- Has anyone ever touched your breasts or pubic area or made you touch his penis by using force or threat of force? Males - Has anyone ever touched your pubic area or made you touch their pubic area by using force or threat of force?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_4cat_fYes10110.8 (9.0 - 13.0)sexual_touched_4cat_fNo82988.7 (86.5 - 90.5)sexual_touched_4cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_4cat_fRefused50.5 (0.2 - 1.3)\nsexual_touched_65_4cat_fSR_50c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fYes56.9 (2.9 - 15.9)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fNo6691.7 (82.4 - 96.3)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fDon't know11.4 (0.2 - 9.6)sexual_touched_65_4cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fSR_50d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fLess than 1 month ago120.0 (0.8 - 88.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 month and less than 3 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 3 months and less than 6 months ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 6 months and less than 1 year ago00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fBetween 1 year and less than 3 years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f3 or more years ago240.0 (3.8 - 91.9)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_fRefused00.0 (NaN - NaN)\nsexual_touched_times_7cat_fSR_50b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime?VariableCategoryNPercent of N (95% CI)sexual_touched_times_7cat_f1 or 2 times2843.1 (31.4 - 55.6)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 3 and less than 5 times1523.1 (14.2 - 35.2)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 5 and less than 10 times23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fBetween 10 and less than 20 times23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)sexual_touched_times_7cat_f20 or more times1624.6 (15.5 - 36.8)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fDon't know00.0 (NaN - NaN)sexual_touched_times_7cat_fRefused23.1 (0.7 - 11.9)"
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EM Self Report
Continuous Variable Tables
Variable | Description | N | Mean of N (95% CI) |
emotional_embarrassed_age_years | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 34 | 61.7 (56.3 - 67.2) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_times | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 21 | 21.8 (9.8 - 33.7) |
emotional_harassed_age_years | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 23 | 59.3 (52.7 - 65.8) |
emotional_harassed_times_times | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 14 | 11.9 (3.5 - 20.4) |
emotional_refused_age_years | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 40 | 64.6 (61.4 - 67.8) |
emotional_refused_times_times | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 25 | 25.6 (7.0 - 44.3) |
emotional_yelled_age_years | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 34 | 58.2 (51.2 - 65.2) |
emotional_yelled_times_times | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 22 | 13.9 (3.1 - 24.8) |
finance_stranger_forged_age_years | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 5 | 51.0 (16.6 - 85.4) |
finance_stranger_forged_times | finance_stranger_forged_times | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_forged_times_times | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 5 | 1.6 (0.9 - 2.3) |
finance_stranger_permission_age_years | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 12 | 63.3 (50.7 - 76.0) |
finance_stranger_permission_times_times | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 11 | 3.5 (1.5 - 5.4) |
finance_stranger_tricked_age_years | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 3 | 49.3 (-52.5 - 151.2) |
finance_stranger_tricked_times_times | Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview | 3 | 1.0 (1.0 - 1.0) |
physical_hit_age_years | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 54 | 39.7 (34.4 - 44.9) |
physical_hit_times_times | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 40 | 13.8 (3.5 - 24.0) |
physical_hurt_age_years | Question from an older version of the follow_up interview | 32 | 32.6 (26.1 - 39.1) |
physical_hurt_times_times | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 26 | 6.3 (3.5 - 9.2) |
physical_restrain_age_years | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 13 | 32.5 (22.9 - 42.0) |
physical_restrain_times_times | Question from an older version of the follow-up intervie | 11 | 5.9 (2.1 - 9.7) |
sexual_forced_age_years | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 19 | 28.7 (18.9 - 38.6) |
sexual_forced_times_times | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 15 | 13.8 (-1.3 - 28.9) |
sexual_harm_age_years | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 29 | 24.8 (19.7 - 29.9) |
sexual_harm_times_times | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 24 | 9.2 (0.3 - 18.1) |
sexual_picture_age_years | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 1 | 20.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_times_times | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 1 | 1.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_age_years | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 29 | 27.6 (19.8 - 35.3) |
sexual_touched_times_times | Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until | 21 | 5.3 (0.5 - 10.1) |
Variable | Description | N | Mean of N (95% CI) |
emotional_embarrassed_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview. | 34 | 61.7 (56.3 - 67.2) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.) | 21 | 21.8 (9.8 - 33.7) |
emotional_harassed_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.) | 23 | 59.3 (52.7 - 65.8) |
emotional_harassed_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.) | 14 | 11.9 (3.5 - 20.4) |
emotional_refused_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.) | 40 | 64.6 (61.4 - 67.8) |
emotional_refused_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.) | 25 | 25.6 (7.0 - 44.3) |
emotional_yelled_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.) | 34 | 58.2 (51.2 - 65.2) |
emotional_yelled_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from earlier version of the follow-up interview.) | 22 | 13.9 (3.1 - 24.8) |
finance_stranger_forged_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 5 | 51.0 (16.6 - 85.4) |
finance_stranger_forged_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 5 | 1.6 (0.9 - 2.3) |
finance_stranger_permission_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 12 | 63.3 (50.7 - 76.0) |
finance_stranger_permission_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 11 | 3.5 (1.5 - 5.4) |
finance_stranger_tricked_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 3 | 49.3 (-52.5 - 151.2) |
finance_stranger_tricked_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 3 | 1.0 (1.0 - 1.0) |
physical_hit_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 54 | 39.7 (34.4 - 44.9) |
physical_hit_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 40 | 13.8 (3.5 - 24.0) |
physical_hurt_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question from an older version of the follow_up interview.) | 32 | 32.6 (26.1 - 39.1) |
physical_hurt_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 26 | 6.3 (3.5 - 9.2) |
physical_restrain_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 13 | 32.5 (22.9 - 42.0) |
physical_restrain_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question from an older version of the follow-up interview.) | 11 | 5.9 (2.1 - 9.7) |
sexual_forced_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 19 | 28.7 (18.9 - 38.6) |
sexual_forced_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 15 | 13.8 (-1.3 - 28.9) |
sexual_harm_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 29 | 24.8 (19.7 - 29.9) |
sexual_harm_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 24 | 9.2 (0.3 - 18.1) |
sexual_picture_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 1 | 20.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 1 | 1.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_age_years | How old were you when this happened (most recently)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 29 | 27.6 (19.8 - 35.3) |
sexual_touched_times_times | About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) | 21 | 5.3 (0.5 - 10.1) |
Categorical Variable Tables
-emotional_embarrassed_4cat_f |
SR_20a. Has anyone ever made you feel humiliated or embarrassed by calling you names such as stupid, or telling you that you or your opinion was worthless? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_embarrassed_4cat_f | Yes | 135 | 14.4 (12.3 - 16.8) |
emotional_embarrassed_4cat_f | No | 800 | 85.1 (82.7 - 87.2) |
emotional_embarrassed_4cat_f | Don't know | 5 | 0.5 (0.2 - 1.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_f |
SR_20c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_f | Yes | 37 | 38.1 (28.9 - 48.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_f | No | 59 | 60.8 (50.6 - 70.2) |
emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.0 (0.1 - 7.2) |
-emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_20d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 14 | 38.9 (23.9 - 56.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 5 | 13.9 (5.6 - 30.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 2 | 5.6 (1.3 - 20.8) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 5 | 13.9 (5.6 - 30.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 3 | 8.3 (2.6 - 23.9) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 6 | 16.7 (7.4 - 33.4) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 1 | 2.8 (0.4 - 18.7) |
-emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f |
SR_20b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 9 | 10.2 (5.3 - 18.7) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 16 | 18.2 (11.3 - 27.9) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 7 | 8.0 (3.8 - 16.0) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 13 | 14.8 (8.7 - 24.0) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 42 | 47.7 (37.3 - 58.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.1 (0.2 - 7.9) |
-emotional_harassed_4cat_f |
SR_21a. Has anyone ever forcefully or repeatedly asked you to do something so much that you felt harassed or coerced into doing something against your will? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_harassed_4cat_f | Yes | 70 | 7.5 (6.0 - 9.4) |
emotional_harassed_4cat_f | No | 859 | 91.9 (89.9 - 93.5) |
emotional_harassed_4cat_f | Don't know | 5 | 0.5 (0.2 - 1.3) |
emotional_harassed_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
-emotional_harassed_65_4cat_f |
SR_21c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_harassed_65_4cat_f | Yes | 24 | 51.1 (36.6 - 65.4) |
emotional_harassed_65_4cat_f | No | 23 | 48.9 (34.6 - 63.4) |
emotional_harassed_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_harassed_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_21d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 11 | 45.8 (26.3 - 66.8) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 4 | 16.7 (5.9 - 38.9) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 1 | 4.2 (0.5 - 27.4) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 5 | 20.8 (8.3 - 43.2) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 3 | 12.5 (3.7 - 34.5) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f |
SR_21b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 13 | 31.0 (18.5 - 47.0) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 11 | 26.2 (14.8 - 42.1) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 7 | 16.7 (7.9 - 31.8) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 2 | 4.8 (1.1 - 18.0) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 9 | 21.4 (11.2 - 37.0) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_incident_60_4cat_f |
(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_incident_60_4cat_f | Yes | 43 | 74.1 (61.0 - 84.0) |
emotional_incident_60_4cat_f | No | 15 | 25.9 (16.0 - 39.0) |
emotional_incident_60_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_incident_60_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_incident_person_12cat_f |
What was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/17/20.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A stranger | 3 | 7.1 (2.2 - 20.7) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 5 | 11.9 (4.9 - 26.4) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 2 | 4.8 (1.1 - 18.0) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 5 | 11.9 (4.9 - 26.4) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 12 | 28.6 (16.6 - 44.6) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | Another relative | 4 | 9.5 (3.5 - 23.6) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A coworker | 1 | 2.4 (0.3 - 16.2) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A neighbor | 5 | 11.9 (4.9 - 26.4) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A friend | 1 | 2.4 (0.3 - 16.2) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 3 | 7.1 (2.2 - 20.7) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | Refused | 1 | 2.4 (0.3 - 16.2) |
-emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f |
SR_25. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A stranger | 5 | 5.1 (2.1 - 11.8) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 17 | 17.3 (11.0 - 26.3) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 2 | 2.0 (0.5 - 8.0) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 1 | 1.0 (0.1 - 7.1) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 5 | 5.1 (2.1 - 11.8) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 28 | 28.6 (20.4 - 38.5) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Another relative | 10 | 10.2 (5.5 - 18.1) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A coworker | 1 | 1.0 (0.1 - 7.1) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A neighbor | 4 | 4.1 (1.5 - 10.5) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A friend | 6 | 6.1 (2.7 - 13.1) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 19 | 19.4 (12.6 - 28.6) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_incident_reported_4cat_f |
Thinking about the most recent incident where someone emotionally or verbally mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_incident_reported_4cat_f | Yes | 9 | 18.4 (9.6 - 32.3) |
emotional_incident_reported_4cat_f | No | 39 | 79.6 (65.5 - 88.9) |
emotional_incident_reported_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 2.0 (0.3 - 14.0) |
emotional_incident_reported_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f |
SR_24. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Yes | 33 | 30.0 (22.1 - 39.3) |
emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | No | 77 | 70.0 (60.7 - 77.9) |
emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_f |
SR_27. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Yes | 37 | 25.2 (18.7 - 32.9) |
emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_f | No | 87 | 59.2 (51.0 - 66.9) |
emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Don't know | 23 | 15.6 (10.6 - 22.5) |
emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_person_counseling_4cat_f |
SR_28. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_counseling_4cat_f | Yes | 31 | 21.1 (15.2 - 28.5) |
emotional_person_counseling_4cat_f | No | 76 | 51.7 (43.6 - 59.8) |
emotional_person_counseling_4cat_f | Don't know | 40 | 27.2 (20.6 - 35.1) |
emotional_person_counseling_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_person_friends_6cat_f |
SR_31. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say… |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | None | 10 | 10.8 (5.8 - 19.0) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | Very few (1-3) | 27 | 29.0 (20.6 - 39.2) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | Some (4-6) | 20 | 21.5 (14.2 - 31.2) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | A lot (7+) | 36 | 38.7 (29.2 - 49.1) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_person_help_4cat_f |
SR_32. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_help_4cat_f | Yes | 55 | 37.4 (29.9 - 45.6) |
emotional_person_help_4cat_f | No | 82 | 55.8 (47.6 - 63.7) |
emotional_person_help_4cat_f | Don't know | 10 | 6.8 (3.7 - 12.3) |
emotional_person_help_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_person_job_4cat_f |
SR_30. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_job_4cat_f | Yes | 58 | 39.7 (32.0 - 48.0) |
emotional_person_job_4cat_f | No | 67 | 45.9 (37.9 - 54.1) |
emotional_person_job_4cat_f | Don't know | 19 | 13.0 (8.4 - 19.6) |
emotional_person_job_4cat_f | Refused | 2 | 1.4 (0.3 - 5.4) |
-emotional_person_live_4cat_f |
Did that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_live_4cat_f | Yes | 17 | 39.5 (25.7 - 55.3) |
emotional_person_live_4cat_f | No | 26 | 60.5 (44.7 - 74.3) |
emotional_person_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_person_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_person_live_now_4cat_f |
SR_26b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_live_now_4cat_f | Yes | 22 | 21.4 (14.4 - 30.5) |
emotional_person_live_now_4cat_f | No | 79 | 76.7 (67.4 - 84.0) |
emotional_person_live_now_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 1.9 (0.5 - 7.6) |
emotional_person_live_now_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_person_live_then_4cat_f |
SR_26a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_live_then_4cat_f | Yes | 46 | 45.1 (35.6 - 55.0) |
emotional_person_live_then_4cat_f | No | 54 | 52.9 (43.1 - 62.6) |
emotional_person_live_then_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 2.0 (0.5 - 7.7) |
emotional_person_live_then_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_person_no_live_4cat_f |
SR_33. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_no_live_4cat_f | Yes | 35 | 89.7 (74.8 - 96.3) |
emotional_person_no_live_4cat_f | No | 4 | 10.3 (3.7 - 25.2) |
emotional_person_no_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_person_no_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_person_police_4cat_f |
SR_29. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_police_4cat_f | Yes | 54 | 37.5 (29.9 - 45.8) |
emotional_person_police_4cat_f | No | 65 | 45.1 (37.1 - 53.4) |
emotional_person_police_4cat_f | Don't know | 25 | 17.4 (12.0 - 24.5) |
emotional_person_police_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_refused_4cat_f |
SR_22a. Has anyone close to you ever completely refused to talk to you or ignored you for days at a time, even when you wanted to talk to them? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_refused_4cat_f | Yes | 122 | 13.0 (11.0 - 15.3) |
emotional_refused_4cat_f | No | 819 | 87.0 (84.7 - 89.0) |
emotional_refused_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_refused_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-emotional_refused_65_4cat_f |
SR_22c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_refused_65_4cat_f | Yes | 46 | 58.2 (46.9 - 68.8) |
emotional_refused_65_4cat_f | No | 32 | 40.5 (30.1 - 51.9) |
emotional_refused_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_refused_65_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.3 (0.2 - 8.8) |
-emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_22d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 13 | 29.5 (17.6 - 45.1) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 6 | 13.6 (6.1 - 27.9) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 6 | 13.6 (6.1 - 27.9) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 5 | 11.4 (4.6 - 25.3) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 6 | 13.6 (6.1 - 27.9) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 7 | 15.9 (7.5 - 30.5) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 1 | 2.3 (0.3 - 15.5) |
-emotional_refused_times_7cat_f |
SR_22b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 25 | 33.8 (23.8 - 45.5) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 8 | 10.8 (5.4 - 20.4) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 10 | 13.5 (7.3 - 23.6) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 8 | 10.8 (5.4 - 20.4) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 22 | 29.7 (20.3 - 41.3) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.4 (0.2 - 9.4) |
-emotional_yelled_4cat_f |
SR_19a. Has anyone ever verbally attacked, scolded, or yelled at you so that you felt afraid for your safety, threatened or intimidated? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_yelled_4cat_f | Yes | 155 | 16.4 (14.2 - 18.9) |
emotional_yelled_4cat_f | No | 785 | 83.1 (80.5 - 85.3) |
emotional_yelled_4cat_f | Don't know | 4 | 0.4 (0.2 - 1.1) |
emotional_yelled_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.7) |
-emotional_yelled_65_4cat_f |
SR_19c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_yelled_65_4cat_f | Yes | 55 | 46.6 (37.7 - 55.8) |
emotional_yelled_65_4cat_f | No | 62 | 52.5 (43.4 - 61.5) |
emotional_yelled_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_yelled_65_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.8 (0.1 - 5.9) |
-emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_19d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 12 | 21.4 (12.4 - 34.5) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 12 | 21.4 (12.4 - 34.5) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 6 | 10.7 (4.8 - 22.3) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 4 | 7.1 (2.6 - 18.0) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 12 | 21.4 (12.4 - 34.5) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 9 | 16.1 (8.4 - 28.6) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.8 (0.2 - 12.3) |
-emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f |
SR_19b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 28 | 24.8 (17.6 - 33.7) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 19 | 16.8 (10.9 - 25.0) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 17 | 15.0 (9.5 - 23.0) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 8 | 7.1 (3.5 - 13.7) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 40 | 35.4 (27.0 - 44.8) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.9 (0.1 - 6.2) |
-fear_afraid_2cat_f |
FNW_1. What do you worry most about right now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
fear_afraid_2cat_f | Don't know | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
fear_afraid_2cat_f | Refused | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
-fear_forward_2cat_f |
FNW_4. What are you most looking forward to for your future? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
fear_forward_2cat_f | Don't know | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
fear_forward_2cat_f | Refused | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
-fear_future_2cat_f |
FNW_2. What is your greatest fear for your future? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
fear_future_2cat_f | Don't know | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
fear_future_2cat_f | Refused | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
-fear_grateful_2cat_f |
FNW_3. What are you most grateful for right now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
fear_grateful_2cat_f | Don't know | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
fear_grateful_2cat_f | Refused | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
-fear_important_2cat_f |
FNW_5. What is the single most important thing that someone outside of your friends and family could do to benefit your quality of life right now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
fear_important_2cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
fear_important_2cat_f | Refused | 3 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_copies_4cat_f |
SR_12. Do you have the copies of paperwork for the financial decisions they make or can you get copies if you wanted them? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_copies_4cat_f | Yes | 144 | 94.7 (89.8 - 97.4) |
finance_copies_4cat_f | No | 8 | 5.3 (2.6 - 10.2) |
finance_copies_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_copies_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_help_4cat_f |
SR_8. Is there someone who helps you take care of your finances, or is there someone other than yourself who makes decisions about your money and your property, either with or without your approval? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_help_4cat_f | Yes | 155 | 16.4 (14.2 - 18.9) |
finance_help_4cat_f | No | 788 | 83.5 (81.0 - 85.7) |
finance_help_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
finance_help_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_12cat_f |
SR_9. What is that person’s relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 46 | 30.7 (23.7 - 38.6) |
finance_person_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 1 | 0.7 (0.1 - 4.7) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 5 | 3.3 (1.4 - 7.8) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 80 | 53.3 (45.2 - 61.3) |
finance_person_12cat_f | Another relative | 9 | 6.0 (3.1 - 11.2) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A neighbor | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A friend | 3 | 2.0 (0.6 - 6.1) |
finance_person_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 6 | 4.0 (1.8 - 8.7) |
finance_person_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_12cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_decisions_4cat_f |
SR_11. Do you feel like that person usually makes good decisions about your finances? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_decisions_4cat_f | Yes | 152 | 99.3 (95.4 - 99.9) |
finance_person_decisions_4cat_f | No | 1 | 0.7 (0.1 - 4.6) |
finance_person_decisions_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_decisions_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_forged_4cat_f |
SR_13. Has that person ever forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_forged_4cat_f | Yes | 4 | 2.6 (1.0 - 6.9) |
finance_person_forged_4cat_f | No | 147 | 97.4 (93.1 - 99.0) |
finance_person_forged_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_forged_65_4cat_f |
SR_13a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_forged_65_4cat_f | Yes | 1 | 33.3 (0.1 - 99.7) |
finance_person_forged_65_4cat_f | No | 2 | 66.7 (0.3 - 99.9) |
finance_person_forged_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_13b. When was the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_permission_4cat_f |
SR_10. Does that person usually ask for your permission before deciding to spend your money or sell your property? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_permission_4cat_f | Yes | 135 | 87.7 (81.4 - 92.0) |
finance_person_permission_4cat_f | No | 18 | 11.7 (7.5 - 17.9) |
finance_person_permission_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.6 (0.1 - 4.6) |
finance_person_permission_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_permission_65_4cat_f |
SR_10a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_permission_65_4cat_f | Yes | 3 | 16.7 (4.8 - 44.1) |
finance_person_permission_65_4cat_f | No | 14 | 77.8 (50.5 - 92.3) |
finance_person_permission_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 5.6 (0.6 - 35.5) |
finance_person_permission_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_10b. When was the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 3 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_stolen_4cat_f |
SR_15. Has that person, or anyone else you are close to, ever stolen your money or take your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_stolen_4cat_f | Yes | 16 | 10.7 (6.6 - 16.9) |
finance_person_stolen_4cat_f | No | 132 | 88.6 (82.3 - 92.8) |
finance_person_stolen_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_stolen_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.7 (0.1 - 4.7) |
-finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_f |
SR_15a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_f | Yes | 4 | 36.4 (11.7 - 71.2) |
finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_f | No | 6 | 54.5 (22.6 - 83.2) |
finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 9.1 (0.9 - 53.7) |
finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_15b. When was the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 2 | 50.0 (2.5 - 97.5) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 1 | 25.0 (0.5 - 95.9) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 1 | 25.0 (0.5 - 95.9) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_tricked_4cat_f |
SR_14. Has that person ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_tricked_4cat_f | Yes | 6 | 4.0 (1.8 - 8.6) |
finance_person_tricked_4cat_f | No | 144 | 95.4 (90.5 - 97.8) |
finance_person_tricked_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.7 (0.1 - 4.6) |
finance_person_tricked_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_f |
SR_14a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_f | Yes | 3 | 60.0 (8.1 - 96.2) |
finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_f | No | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_14b. When was the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 33.3 (0.1 - 99.7) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 1 | 33.3 (0.1 - 99.7) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 1 | 33.3 (0.1 - 99.7) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_stranger_forged_4cat_f |
SR_17. Has a stranger ever forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_forged_4cat_f | Yes | 55 | 5.9 (4.5 - 7.5) |
finance_stranger_forged_4cat_f | No | 882 | 93.8 (92.1 - 95.2) |
finance_stranger_forged_4cat_f | Don't know | 3 | 0.3 (0.1 - 1.0) |
finance_stranger_forged_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_f |
SR_17a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_f | Yes | 22 | 62.9 (45.1 - 77.7) |
finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_f | No | 13 | 37.1 (22.3 - 54.9) |
finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_17b. When was the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 5 | 22.7 (9.1 - 46.5) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 2 | 9.1 (2.0 - 32.7) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 4 | 18.2 (6.4 - 41.9) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 7 | 31.8 (15.0 - 55.3) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 4 | 18.2 (6.4 - 41.9) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_stranger_permission_4cat_f |
SR_16. Has a stranger ever spent your money or sold your property without your permission? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_permission_4cat_f | Yes | 64 | 7.1 (5.6 - 8.9) |
finance_stranger_permission_4cat_f | No | 836 | 92.4 (90.5 - 93.9) |
finance_stranger_permission_4cat_f | Don't know | 5 | 0.6 (0.2 - 1.3) |
finance_stranger_permission_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_f |
SR_16a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_f | Yes | 34 | 75.6 (60.4 - 86.2) |
finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_f | No | 11 | 24.4 (13.8 - 39.6) |
finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_16b. When was the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 9 | 26.5 (13.9 - 44.5) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 2 | 5.9 (1.4 - 22.0) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 7 | 20.6 (9.7 - 38.4) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 9 | 26.5 (13.9 - 44.5) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 7 | 20.6 (9.7 - 38.4) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_f |
SR_18. Has a stranger ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_f | Yes | 18 | 1.9 (1.2 - 3.0) |
finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_f | No | 919 | 97.9 (96.7 - 98.6) |
finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.8) |
finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_f |
SR_18a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 45.5 (16.8 - 77.4) |
finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_f | No | 6 | 54.5 (22.6 - 83.2) |
finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_18b. When was the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 20.0 (0.8 - 88.9) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 3 | 60.0 (8.1 - 96.2) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 1 | 20.0 (0.8 - 88.9) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_bills_4cat_f |
SR_6a. Do you need someone to make sure your bills get paid? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_bills_4cat_f | Yes | 122 | 13.0 (11.0 - 15.3) |
neglect_bills_4cat_f | No | 817 | 86.9 (84.6 - 88.9) |
neglect_bills_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
neglect_bills_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_bills_help_5cat_f |
SR_6b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_bills_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 98 | 81.0 (72.9 - 87.1) |
neglect_bills_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 17 | 14.0 (8.9 - 21.6) |
neglect_bills_help_5cat_f | No | 6 | 5.0 (2.2 - 10.7) |
neglect_bills_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_bills_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_6c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 2 | 1.8 (0.4 - 6.9) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 5 | 4.4 (1.8 - 10.2) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 41 | 36.0 (27.6 - 45.3) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 66 | 57.9 (48.5 - 66.7) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_clean_4cat_f |
SR_4a. Do you need someone to help you with house cleaning or yard work? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_clean_4cat_f | Yes | 450 | 48.0 (44.8 - 51.2) |
neglect_clean_4cat_f | No | 484 | 51.7 (48.4 - 54.8) |
neglect_clean_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.9) |
neglect_clean_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
-neglect_clean_help_5cat_f |
SR_4b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_clean_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 255 | 57.6 (52.9 - 62.1) |
neglect_clean_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 150 | 33.9 (29.6 - 38.4) |
neglect_clean_help_5cat_f | No | 38 | 8.6 (6.3 - 11.6) |
neglect_clean_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_clean_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_4c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 4 | 1.0 (0.4 - 2.6) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 39 | 9.7 (7.2 - 13.1) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 159 | 39.7 (35.0 - 44.5) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 195 | 48.6 (43.7 - 53.5) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 3 | 0.7 (0.2 - 2.3) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.2 (0.0 - 1.8) |
-neglect_food_4cat_f |
SR_2a. Do you need someone to make sure you have enough food, medicines or any other things you need in your house? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_food_4cat_f | Yes | 294 | 31.2 (28.3 - 34.2) |
neglect_food_4cat_f | No | 648 | 68.7 (65.7 - 71.6) |
neglect_food_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
neglect_food_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_food_help_5cat_f |
SR_2b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_food_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 173 | 58.4 (52.7 - 64.0) |
neglect_food_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 106 | 35.8 (30.5 - 41.5) |
neglect_food_help_5cat_f | No | 17 | 5.7 (3.6 - 9.1) |
neglect_food_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_food_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_2c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 1 | 0.4 (0.1 - 2.5) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 30 | 10.8 (7.7 - 15.1) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 99 | 35.7 (30.3 - 41.6) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 147 | 53.1 (47.1 - 58.9) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_go_4cat_f |
SR_1a. Do you need someone to help you get to the places you need to go, for example do you need someone to drive you to the grocery store, a place of worship, the doctor? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_go_4cat_f | Yes | 471 | 49.8 (46.6 - 53.0) |
neglect_go_4cat_f | No | 474 | 50.1 (46.9 - 53.3) |
neglect_go_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.7) |
neglect_go_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_go_help_5cat_f |
SR_1b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_go_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 237 | 50.3 (45.8 - 54.8) |
neglect_go_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 208 | 44.2 (39.7 - 48.7) |
neglect_go_help_5cat_f | No | 26 | 5.5 (3.8 - 8.0) |
neglect_go_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_go_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_1c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 2 | 0.5 (0.1 - 1.8) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 55 | 12.4 (9.6 - 15.8) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 183 | 41.2 (36.7 - 45.9) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 203 | 45.7 (41.1 - 50.4) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 1 | 0.2 (0.0 - 1.6) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_house_4cat_f |
SR_3a. Do you need someone to help you with household things, like cooking meals, helping you eat, or making sure you take the correct medicines each day? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_house_4cat_f | Yes | 258 | 27.4 (24.7 - 30.4) |
neglect_house_4cat_f | No | 681 | 72.4 (69.4 - 75.1) |
neglect_house_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.8) |
neglect_house_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_house_help_5cat_f |
SR_3b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_house_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 155 | 59.8 (53.7 - 65.7) |
neglect_house_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 85 | 32.8 (27.3 - 38.8) |
neglect_house_help_5cat_f | No | 19 | 7.3 (4.7 - 11.2) |
neglect_house_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_house_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_3c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 2 | 0.8 (0.2 - 3.3) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 22 | 9.2 (6.1 - 13.6) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 95 | 39.7 (33.7 - 46.1) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 119 | 49.8 (43.4 - 56.1) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 1 | 0.4 (0.1 - 2.9) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_person_12cat_f |
SR_7. Considering all the things that we just talked about, who is the person who is supposed to help you with these things most of the time? (MULTIPLE RECORD) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 75 | 16.5 (13.3 - 20.2) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 1 | 0.2 (0.0 - 1.6) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 1 | 0.2 (0.0 - 1.6) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 18 | 4.0 (2.5 - 6.2) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 176 | 38.7 (34.3 - 43.3) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | Another relative | 29 | 6.4 (4.5 - 9.0) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A neighbor | 8 | 1.8 (0.9 - 3.5) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A friend | 38 | 8.4 (6.1 - 11.3) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 109 | 24.0 (20.2 - 28.1) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_ready_4cat_f |
SR_5a. Do you need someone to help you get out of bed, get showered, or get dressed? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_ready_4cat_f | Yes | 144 | 15.3 (13.1 - 17.8) |
neglect_ready_4cat_f | No | 795 | 84.5 (82.0 - 86.7) |
neglect_ready_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.8) |
neglect_ready_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_ready_help_5cat_f |
SR_5b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_ready_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 98 | 68.5 (60.4 - 75.7) |
neglect_ready_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 35 | 24.5 (18.1 - 32.3) |
neglect_ready_help_5cat_f | No | 10 | 7.0 (3.8 - 12.6) |
neglect_ready_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_ready_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_5c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 1 | 0.8 (0.1 - 5.3) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 11 | 8.3 (4.6 - 14.4) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 60 | 45.1 (36.8 - 53.7) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 61 | 45.9 (37.5 - 54.5) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_hit_4cat_f |
SR_34a. Has anyone ever hit you with their hand or object, slapped you, or threatened you with a weapon? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hit_4cat_f | Yes | 172 | 18.4 (16.0 - 21.0) |
physical_hit_4cat_f | No | 761 | 81.4 (78.8 - 83.8) |
physical_hit_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.9) |
physical_hit_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_hit_65_4cat_f |
SR_34c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hit_65_4cat_f | Yes | 32 | 27.1 (19.8 - 36.0) |
physical_hit_65_4cat_f | No | 85 | 72.0 (63.1 - 79.5) |
physical_hit_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hit_65_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.8 (0.1 - 5.9) |
-physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_34d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 5 | 15.2 (6.1 - 32.8) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 2 | 6.1 (1.4 - 22.6) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 4 | 12.1 (4.4 - 29.4) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 6 | 18.2 (8.0 - 36.1) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 14 | 42.4 (26.2 - 60.4) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 2 | 6.1 (1.4 - 22.6) |
-physical_hit_times_7cat_f |
SR_34b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 47 | 40.9 (32.2 - 50.2) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 18 | 15.7 (10.0 - 23.6) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 14 | 12.2 (7.3 - 19.6) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 10 | 8.7 (4.7 - 15.5) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 24 | 20.9 (14.3 - 29.4) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | Refused | 2 | 1.7 (0.4 - 6.8) |
-physical_hurt_4cat_f |
SR_36a. Has anyone ever physically hurt you so that you suffered some degree of injury, including cuts, bruises, or other marks? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hurt_4cat_f | Yes | 116 | 12.3 (10.4 - 14.6) |
physical_hurt_4cat_f | No | 822 | 87.4 (85.2 - 89.4) |
physical_hurt_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
physical_hurt_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
-physical_hurt_65_4cat_f |
SR_36c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hurt_65_4cat_f | Yes | 21 | 25.6 (17.2 - 36.4) |
physical_hurt_65_4cat_f | No | 61 | 74.4 (63.6 - 82.8) |
physical_hurt_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hurt_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_36d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 4 | 19.0 (6.7 - 43.6) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 1 | 4.8 (0.6 - 30.9) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 2 | 9.5 (2.1 - 34.0) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 2 | 9.5 (2.1 - 34.0) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 6 | 28.6 (12.5 - 52.9) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 6 | 28.6 (12.5 - 52.9) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_hurt_times_7cat_f |
SR_36b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 32 | 38.6 (28.5 - 49.6) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 16 | 19.3 (12.0 - 29.4) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 9 | 10.8 (5.7 - 19.8) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 9 | 10.8 (5.7 - 19.8) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 15 | 18.1 (11.1 - 28.1) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | Refused | 2 | 2.4 (0.6 - 9.4) |
-physical_incident_60_4cat_f |
(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_incident_60_4cat_f | Yes | 7 | 12.5 (5.9 - 24.4) |
physical_incident_60_4cat_f | No | 48 | 85.7 (73.5 - 92.9) |
physical_incident_60_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_60_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.8 (0.2 - 12.3) |
-physical_incident_person_4cat_f |
Thinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who physically mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_incident_person_4cat_f | Yes | 9 | 75.0 (39.3 - 93.3) |
physical_incident_person_4cat_f | No | 2 | 16.7 (3.3 - 54.3) |
physical_incident_person_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 8.3 (0.8 - 50.1) |
-physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f |
SR_40. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A stranger | 5 | 14.7 (6.0 - 31.9) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 7 | 20.6 (9.7 - 38.4) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 5 | 14.7 (6.0 - 31.9) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 8 | 23.5 (11.8 - 41.5) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Another relative | 4 | 11.8 (4.3 - 28.6) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A neighbor | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A friend | 1 | 2.9 (0.4 - 19.8) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 4 | 11.8 (4.3 - 28.6) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_incident_reported_4cat_f |
Thinking about the most recent incident where someone physically mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_incident_reported_4cat_f | Yes | 6 | 50.0 (21.0 - 79.0) |
physical_incident_reported_4cat_f | No | 5 | 41.7 (15.7 - 73.3) |
physical_incident_reported_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_reported_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 8.3 (0.8 - 50.1) |
-physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f |
SR_38. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Yes | 17 | 43.6 (28.5 - 60.0) |
physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | No | 22 | 56.4 (40.0 - 71.5) |
physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_12cat_f |
What was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A stranger | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 3 | 37.5 (8.7 - 79.2) |
physical_person_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
physical_person_12cat_f | Another relative | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A neighbor | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A friend | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
physical_person_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | Refused | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
-physical_person_4cat_f |
What was that person's (those persons') relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_4cat_f | Yes | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_4cat_f | No | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_alcohol_4cat_f |
SR_42. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Yes | 20 | 44.4 (30.3 - 59.6) |
physical_person_alcohol_4cat_f | No | 17 | 37.8 (24.5 - 53.2) |
physical_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Don't know | 8 | 17.8 (8.9 - 32.4) |
physical_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_counseling_4cat_f |
SR_43. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_counseling_4cat_f | Yes | 9 | 20.5 (10.7 - 35.5) |
physical_person_counseling_4cat_f | No | 23 | 52.3 (37.2 - 67.0) |
physical_person_counseling_4cat_f | Don't know | 12 | 27.3 (15.8 - 42.8) |
physical_person_counseling_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_friends_6cat_f |
SR_46. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say… |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | None | 3 | 9.7 (2.9 - 27.4) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | Very few (1-3) | 16 | 51.6 (33.6 - 69.2) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | Some (4-6) | 4 | 12.9 (4.6 - 31.1) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | A lot (7+) | 8 | 25.8 (12.9 - 44.9) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_help_4cat_f |
SR_47. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_help_4cat_f | Yes | 21 | 47.7 (33.0 - 62.8) |
physical_person_help_4cat_f | No | 22 | 50.0 (35.1 - 64.9) |
physical_person_help_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 2.3 (0.3 - 15.5) |
physical_person_help_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_job_4cat_f |
SR_45. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_job_4cat_f | Yes | 16 | 35.6 (22.6 - 51.0) |
physical_person_job_4cat_f | No | 23 | 51.1 (36.3 - 65.8) |
physical_person_job_4cat_f | Don't know | 6 | 13.3 (5.9 - 27.3) |
physical_person_job_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_live_4cat_f |
Did that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_live_4cat_f | Yes | 8 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_live_4cat_f | No | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_live_now_4cat_f |
SR_41b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_live_now_4cat_f | Yes | 11 | 29.7 (16.8 - 47.0) |
physical_person_live_now_4cat_f | No | 26 | 70.3 (53.0 - 83.2) |
physical_person_live_now_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_live_now_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_live_then_4cat_f |
SR_41a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_live_then_4cat_f | Yes | 26 | 70.3 (53.0 - 83.2) |
physical_person_live_then_4cat_f | No | 10 | 27.0 (14.7 - 44.2) |
physical_person_live_then_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 2.7 (0.3 - 18.3) |
physical_person_live_then_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_no_live_4cat_f |
SR_48. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_no_live_4cat_f | Yes | 17 | 89.5 (62.9 - 97.7) |
physical_person_no_live_4cat_f | No | 1 | 5.3 (0.6 - 33.8) |
physical_person_no_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 5.3 (0.6 - 33.8) |
physical_person_no_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_person_police_4cat_f |
SR_44. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_police_4cat_f | Yes | 21 | 46.7 (32.2 - 61.7) |
physical_person_police_4cat_f | No | 15 | 33.3 (20.8 - 48.8) |
physical_person_police_4cat_f | Don't know | 8 | 17.8 (8.9 - 32.4) |
physical_person_police_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 2.2 (0.3 - 15.1) |
-physical_restrain_4cat_f |
SR_35a. Has anyone ever tried to restrain you by holding you down, tying you up, or locking you in your room or house? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_restrain_4cat_f | Yes | 47 | 5.0 (3.8 - 6.6) |
physical_restrain_4cat_f | No | 889 | 94.7 (93.0 - 95.9) |
physical_restrain_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
physical_restrain_4cat_f | Refused | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.8) |
-physical_restrain_65_4cat_f |
SR_35c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_restrain_65_4cat_f | Yes | 9 | 28.1 (14.8 - 46.9) |
physical_restrain_65_4cat_f | No | 23 | 71.9 (53.1 - 85.2) |
physical_restrain_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_35d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 11.1 (0.9 - 62.6) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 5 | 55.6 (19.5 - 86.6) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 3 | 33.3 (8.1 - 73.8) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-physical_restrain_times_7cat_f |
SR_35b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 14 | 45.2 (28.0 - 63.5) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 4 | 12.9 (4.6 - 31.1) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 3 | 9.7 (2.9 - 27.4) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 3 | 9.7 (2.9 - 27.4) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 7 | 22.6 (10.7 - 41.6) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-report_influence_4cat_f |
SR_99 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Did you get the impression that the presence of other people (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) may have affected the answers given by the patient during THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
report_influence_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 4.9 (2.0 - 11.4) |
report_influence_4cat_f | No | 95 | 93.1 (86.1 - 96.7) |
report_influence_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 2.0 (0.5 - 7.7) |
report_influence_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-report_private_5cat_f |
SR_98 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Was another person (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) present when completing THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
report_private_5cat_f | Yes, for the entire time | 50 | 7.5 (5.7 - 9.7) |
report_private_5cat_f | Yes, for part of the time | 30 | 4.5 (3.1 - 6.3) |
report_private_5cat_f | No, but they were still close enough to hear | 25 | 3.7 (2.5 - 5.5) |
report_private_5cat_f | No | 566 | 84.4 (81.4 - 86.9) |
report_private_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_forced_4cat_f |
SR_51a. Females- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your breasts or pubic area when you didn’t want to? Males- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your pubic area when you didn’t want to? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_forced_4cat_f | Yes | 61 | 6.5 (5.1 - 8.3) |
sexual_forced_4cat_f | No | 870 | 93.0 (91.2 - 94.5) |
sexual_forced_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_4cat_f | Refused | 4 | 0.4 (0.2 - 1.1) |
-sexual_forced_65_4cat_f |
SR_51c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_forced_65_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 11.9 (4.9 - 26.4) |
sexual_forced_65_4cat_f | No | 37 | 88.1 (73.6 - 95.1) |
sexual_forced_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_51d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 20.0 (0.8 - 88.9) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_forced_times_7cat_f |
SR_51b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 12 | 32.4 (18.9 - 49.7) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 10 | 27.0 (14.7 - 44.2) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 2 | 5.4 (1.3 - 20.3) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 2 | 5.4 (1.3 - 20.3) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 11 | 29.7 (16.8 - 47.0) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_harm_4cat_f |
SR_49a. Regardless of how long ago it happened or who made the advances, has anyone ever made you have sex or oral sex by using force or threatening to harm you or someone close to you? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_harm_4cat_f | Yes | 112 | 11.9 (10.0 - 14.1) |
sexual_harm_4cat_f | No | 825 | 87.7 (85.4 - 89.6) |
sexual_harm_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_4cat_f | Refused | 4 | 0.4 (0.2 - 1.1) |
-sexual_harm_65_4cat_f |
SR_49c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_harm_65_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 6.2 (2.5 - 14.2) |
sexual_harm_65_4cat_f | No | 76 | 93.8 (85.8 - 97.5) |
sexual_harm_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_49d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 20.0 (0.8 - 88.9) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_harm_times_7cat_f |
SR_49b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 35 | 47.9 (36.5 - 59.6) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 12 | 16.4 (9.5 - 27.1) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 4 | 5.5 (2.0 - 14.0) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 7 | 9.6 (4.6 - 19.1) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 12 | 16.4 (9.5 - 27.1) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | Refused | 3 | 4.1 (1.3 - 12.3) |
-sexual_incident_60_4cat_f |
(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_incident_60_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 12.2 (5.0 - 26.9) |
sexual_incident_60_4cat_f | No | 35 | 85.4 (70.3 - 93.5) |
sexual_incident_60_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_60_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 2.4 (0.3 - 16.6) |
-sexual_incident_person_4cat_f |
Thinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who sexually mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_incident_person_4cat_f | Yes | 2 | 28.6 (4.2 - 78.5) |
sexual_incident_person_4cat_f | No | 5 | 71.4 (21.5 - 95.8) |
sexual_incident_person_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f |
SR_56. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A stranger | 2 | 25.0 (4.1 - 72.4) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 2 | 25.0 (4.1 - 72.4) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Another relative | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A neighbor | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A friend | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_incident_reported_4cat_f |
Thinking about the most recent incident where someone sexually mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_incident_reported_4cat_f | Yes | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_reported_4cat_f | No | 6 | 85.7 (25.7 - 99.0) |
sexual_incident_reported_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 14.3 (1.0 - 74.3) |
sexual_incident_reported_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f |
SR_54. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Yes | 6 | 66.7 (26.2 - 91.9) |
sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | No | 3 | 33.3 (8.1 - 73.8) |
sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_13cat_f |
What was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A stranger | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A spouse or partner | 1 | 50.0 (0.0 - 100.0) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A brother or sister | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A son or daughter | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | Another relative | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A neighbor | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A friend | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | Some other non-relative | 1 | 50.0 (0.0 - 100.0) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_f |
SR_58. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 45.5 (16.8 - 77.4) |
sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_f | No | 3 | 27.3 (7.2 - 64.6) |
sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Don't know | 3 | 27.3 (7.2 - 64.6) |
sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_counseling_4cat_f |
SR_59. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_counseling_4cat_f | Yes | 2 | 18.2 (3.5 - 58.0) |
sexual_person_counseling_4cat_f | No | 4 | 36.4 (11.7 - 71.2) |
sexual_person_counseling_4cat_f | Don't know | 5 | 45.5 (16.8 - 77.4) |
sexual_person_counseling_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_friends_6cat_f |
SR_62. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say… |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | None | 1 | 14.3 (1.0 - 74.3) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | Very few (1-3) | 2 | 28.6 (4.2 - 78.5) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | Some (4-6) | 2 | 28.6 (4.2 - 78.5) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | A lot (7+) | 2 | 28.6 (4.2 - 78.5) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_help_4cat_f |
SR_63. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_help_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 45.5 (16.8 - 77.4) |
sexual_person_help_4cat_f | No | 4 | 36.4 (11.7 - 71.2) |
sexual_person_help_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 18.2 (3.5 - 58.0) |
sexual_person_help_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_job_4cat_f |
SR_61. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_job_4cat_f | Yes | 6 | 54.5 (22.6 - 83.2) |
sexual_person_job_4cat_f | No | 2 | 18.2 (3.5 - 58.0) |
sexual_person_job_4cat_f | Don't know | 3 | 27.3 (7.2 - 64.6) |
sexual_person_job_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_live_4cat_f |
Did that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_live_4cat_f | Yes | 1 | 50.0 (0.0 - 100.0) |
sexual_person_live_4cat_f | No | 1 | 50.0 (0.0 - 100.0) |
sexual_person_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_live_now_4cat_f |
SR_57b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_live_now_4cat_f | Yes | 2 | 22.2 (3.9 - 67.0) |
sexual_person_live_now_4cat_f | No | 6 | 66.7 (26.2 - 91.9) |
sexual_person_live_now_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 11.1 (0.9 - 62.6) |
sexual_person_live_now_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_live_then_4cat_f |
SR_57a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_live_then_4cat_f | Yes | 3 | 37.5 (8.7 - 79.2) |
sexual_person_live_then_4cat_f | No | 4 | 50.0 (14.3 - 85.7) |
sexual_person_live_then_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
sexual_person_live_then_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_no_live_4cat_f |
SR_64. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_no_live_4cat_f | Yes | 3 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_no_live_4cat_f | No | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_no_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_no_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_person_police_4cat_f |
SR_60. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_police_4cat_f | Yes | 4 | 36.4 (11.7 - 71.2) |
sexual_person_police_4cat_f | No | 2 | 18.2 (3.5 - 58.0) |
sexual_person_police_4cat_f | Don't know | 5 | 45.5 (16.8 - 77.4) |
sexual_person_police_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_picture_4cat_f |
SR_52a. Has anyone ever taken a picture of you with your clothes partially or completely taken off when you didn’t want them to? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_picture_4cat_f | Yes | 18 | 1.9 (1.2 - 3.0) |
sexual_picture_4cat_f | No | 911 | 97.4 (96.2 - 98.3) |
sexual_picture_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.9) |
sexual_picture_4cat_f | Refused | 4 | 0.4 (0.2 - 1.1) |
-sexual_picture_65_4cat_f |
SR_52c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_picture_65_4cat_f | Yes | 2 | 12.5 (2.6 - 43.0) |
sexual_picture_65_4cat_f | No | 14 | 87.5 (57.0 - 97.4) |
sexual_picture_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_52d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 2 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_picture_times_7cat_f |
SR_52b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 4 | 25.0 (8.6 - 54.3) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 4 | 25.0 (8.6 - 54.3) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 2 | 12.5 (2.6 - 43.0) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 6 | 37.5 (16.1 - 65.2) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_touched_4cat_f |
SR_50a. Females- Has anyone ever touched your breasts or pubic area or made you touch his penis by using force or threat of force? Males - Has anyone ever touched your pubic area or made you touch their pubic area by using force or threat of force? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_touched_4cat_f | Yes | 101 | 10.8 (9.0 - 13.0) |
sexual_touched_4cat_f | No | 829 | 88.7 (86.5 - 90.5) |
sexual_touched_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_4cat_f | Refused | 5 | 0.5 (0.2 - 1.3) |
-sexual_touched_65_4cat_f |
SR_50c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_touched_65_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 6.9 (2.9 - 15.9) |
sexual_touched_65_4cat_f | No | 66 | 91.7 (82.4 - 96.3) |
sexual_touched_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 1.4 (0.2 - 9.6) |
sexual_touched_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_50d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 20.0 (0.8 - 88.9) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
-sexual_touched_times_7cat_f |
SR_50b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 28 | 43.1 (31.4 - 55.6) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 15 | 23.1 (14.2 - 35.2) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 2 | 3.1 (0.7 - 11.9) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 2 | 3.1 (0.7 - 11.9) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 16 | 24.6 (15.5 - 36.8) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | Refused | 2 | 3.1 (0.7 - 11.9) |
+emotional_embarrassed_4cat_f |
SR_20a. Has anyone ever made you feel humiliated or embarrassed by calling you names such as stupid, or telling you that you or your opinion was worthless? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_embarrassed_4cat_f | Yes | 135 | 14.4 (12.3 - 16.8) |
emotional_embarrassed_4cat_f | No | 800 | 85.1 (82.7 - 87.2) |
emotional_embarrassed_4cat_f | Don't know | 5 | 0.5 (0.2 - 1.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_f |
SR_20c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_f | Yes | 37 | 38.1 (28.9 - 48.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_f | No | 59 | 60.8 (50.6 - 70.2) |
emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_embarrassed_65_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.0 (0.1 - 7.2) |
+emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_20d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 14 | 38.9 (23.9 - 56.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 5 | 13.9 (5.6 - 30.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 2 | 5.6 (1.3 - 20.8) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 5 | 13.9 (5.6 - 30.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 3 | 8.3 (2.6 - 23.9) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 6 | 16.7 (7.4 - 33.4) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_embarrassed_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 1 | 2.8 (0.4 - 18.7) |
+emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f |
SR_20b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 9 | 10.2 (5.3 - 18.7) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 16 | 18.2 (11.3 - 27.9) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 7 | 8.0 (3.8 - 16.0) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 13 | 14.8 (8.7 - 24.0) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 42 | 47.7 (37.3 - 58.3) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_embarrassed_times_7cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.1 (0.2 - 7.9) |
+emotional_harassed_4cat_f |
SR_21a. Has anyone ever forcefully or repeatedly asked you to do something so much that you felt harassed or coerced into doing something against your will? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_harassed_4cat_f | Yes | 70 | 7.5 (6.0 - 9.4) |
emotional_harassed_4cat_f | No | 859 | 91.9 (89.9 - 93.5) |
emotional_harassed_4cat_f | Don't know | 5 | 0.5 (0.2 - 1.3) |
emotional_harassed_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
+emotional_harassed_65_4cat_f |
SR_21c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_harassed_65_4cat_f | Yes | 24 | 51.1 (36.6 - 65.4) |
emotional_harassed_65_4cat_f | No | 23 | 48.9 (34.6 - 63.4) |
emotional_harassed_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_harassed_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_21d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 11 | 45.8 (26.3 - 66.8) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 4 | 16.7 (5.9 - 38.9) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 1 | 4.2 (0.5 - 27.4) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 5 | 20.8 (8.3 - 43.2) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 3 | 12.5 (3.7 - 34.5) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_harassed_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f |
SR_21b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 13 | 31.0 (18.5 - 47.0) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 11 | 26.2 (14.8 - 42.1) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 7 | 16.7 (7.9 - 31.8) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 2 | 4.8 (1.1 - 18.0) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 9 | 21.4 (11.2 - 37.0) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_harassed_times_7cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_incident_60_4cat_f |
(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_incident_60_4cat_f | Yes | 43 | 74.1 (61.0 - 84.0) |
emotional_incident_60_4cat_f | No | 15 | 25.9 (16.0 - 39.0) |
emotional_incident_60_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_incident_60_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_incident_person_12cat_f |
What was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/17/20.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A stranger | 3 | 7.1 (2.2 - 20.7) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 5 | 11.9 (4.9 - 26.4) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 2 | 4.8 (1.1 - 18.0) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 5 | 11.9 (4.9 - 26.4) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 12 | 28.6 (16.6 - 44.6) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | Another relative | 4 | 9.5 (3.5 - 23.6) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A coworker | 1 | 2.4 (0.3 - 16.2) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A neighbor | 5 | 11.9 (4.9 - 26.4) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | A friend | 1 | 2.4 (0.3 - 16.2) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 3 | 7.1 (2.2 - 20.7) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_incident_person_12cat_f | Refused | 1 | 2.4 (0.3 - 16.2) |
+emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f |
SR_25. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A stranger | 5 | 5.1 (2.1 - 11.8) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 17 | 17.3 (11.0 - 26.3) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 2 | 2.0 (0.5 - 8.0) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 1 | 1.0 (0.1 - 7.1) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 5 | 5.1 (2.1 - 11.8) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 28 | 28.6 (20.4 - 38.5) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Another relative | 10 | 10.2 (5.5 - 18.1) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A coworker | 1 | 1.0 (0.1 - 7.1) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A neighbor | 4 | 4.1 (1.5 - 10.5) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A friend | 6 | 6.1 (2.7 - 13.1) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 19 | 19.4 (12.6 - 28.6) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_incident_reported_4cat_f |
Thinking about the most recent incident where someone emotionally or verbally mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_incident_reported_4cat_f | Yes | 9 | 18.4 (9.6 - 32.3) |
emotional_incident_reported_4cat_f | No | 39 | 79.6 (65.5 - 88.9) |
emotional_incident_reported_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 2.0 (0.3 - 14.0) |
emotional_incident_reported_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f |
SR_24. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Yes | 33 | 30.0 (22.1 - 39.3) |
emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | No | 77 | 70.0 (60.7 - 77.9) |
emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_f |
SR_27. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Yes | 37 | 25.2 (18.7 - 32.9) |
emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_f | No | 87 | 59.2 (51.0 - 66.9) |
emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Don't know | 23 | 15.6 (10.6 - 22.5) |
emotional_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_person_counseling_4cat_f |
SR_28. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_counseling_4cat_f | Yes | 31 | 21.1 (15.2 - 28.5) |
emotional_person_counseling_4cat_f | No | 76 | 51.7 (43.6 - 59.8) |
emotional_person_counseling_4cat_f | Don't know | 40 | 27.2 (20.6 - 35.1) |
emotional_person_counseling_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_person_friends_6cat_f |
SR_31. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say… |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | None | 10 | 10.8 (5.8 - 19.0) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | Very few (1-3) | 27 | 29.0 (20.6 - 39.2) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | Some (4-6) | 20 | 21.5 (14.2 - 31.2) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | A lot (7+) | 36 | 38.7 (29.2 - 49.1) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_person_friends_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_person_help_4cat_f |
SR_32. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_help_4cat_f | Yes | 55 | 37.4 (29.9 - 45.6) |
emotional_person_help_4cat_f | No | 82 | 55.8 (47.6 - 63.7) |
emotional_person_help_4cat_f | Don't know | 10 | 6.8 (3.7 - 12.3) |
emotional_person_help_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_person_job_4cat_f |
SR_30. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_job_4cat_f | Yes | 58 | 39.7 (32.0 - 48.0) |
emotional_person_job_4cat_f | No | 67 | 45.9 (37.9 - 54.1) |
emotional_person_job_4cat_f | Don't know | 19 | 13.0 (8.4 - 19.6) |
emotional_person_job_4cat_f | Refused | 2 | 1.4 (0.3 - 5.4) |
+emotional_person_live_4cat_f |
Did that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_live_4cat_f | Yes | 17 | 39.5 (25.7 - 55.3) |
emotional_person_live_4cat_f | No | 26 | 60.5 (44.7 - 74.3) |
emotional_person_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_person_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_person_live_now_4cat_f |
SR_26b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_live_now_4cat_f | Yes | 22 | 21.4 (14.4 - 30.5) |
emotional_person_live_now_4cat_f | No | 79 | 76.7 (67.4 - 84.0) |
emotional_person_live_now_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 1.9 (0.5 - 7.6) |
emotional_person_live_now_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_person_live_then_4cat_f |
SR_26a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_live_then_4cat_f | Yes | 46 | 45.1 (35.6 - 55.0) |
emotional_person_live_then_4cat_f | No | 54 | 52.9 (43.1 - 62.6) |
emotional_person_live_then_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 2.0 (0.5 - 7.7) |
emotional_person_live_then_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_person_no_live_4cat_f |
SR_33. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_no_live_4cat_f | Yes | 35 | 89.7 (74.8 - 96.3) |
emotional_person_no_live_4cat_f | No | 4 | 10.3 (3.7 - 25.2) |
emotional_person_no_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_person_no_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_person_police_4cat_f |
SR_29. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_person_police_4cat_f | Yes | 54 | 37.5 (29.9 - 45.8) |
emotional_person_police_4cat_f | No | 65 | 45.1 (37.1 - 53.4) |
emotional_person_police_4cat_f | Don't know | 25 | 17.4 (12.0 - 24.5) |
emotional_person_police_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_refused_4cat_f |
SR_22a. Has anyone close to you ever completely refused to talk to you or ignored you for days at a time, even when you wanted to talk to them? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_refused_4cat_f | Yes | 122 | 13.0 (11.0 - 15.3) |
emotional_refused_4cat_f | No | 819 | 87.0 (84.7 - 89.0) |
emotional_refused_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_refused_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+emotional_refused_65_4cat_f |
SR_22c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_refused_65_4cat_f | Yes | 46 | 58.2 (46.9 - 68.8) |
emotional_refused_65_4cat_f | No | 32 | 40.5 (30.1 - 51.9) |
emotional_refused_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_refused_65_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.3 (0.2 - 8.8) |
+emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_22d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 13 | 29.5 (17.6 - 45.1) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 6 | 13.6 (6.1 - 27.9) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 6 | 13.6 (6.1 - 27.9) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 5 | 11.4 (4.6 - 25.3) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 6 | 13.6 (6.1 - 27.9) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 7 | 15.9 (7.5 - 30.5) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_refused_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 1 | 2.3 (0.3 - 15.5) |
+emotional_refused_times_7cat_f |
SR_22b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 25 | 33.8 (23.8 - 45.5) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 8 | 10.8 (5.4 - 20.4) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 10 | 13.5 (7.3 - 23.6) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 8 | 10.8 (5.4 - 20.4) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 22 | 29.7 (20.3 - 41.3) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_refused_times_7cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.4 (0.2 - 9.4) |
+emotional_yelled_4cat_f |
SR_19a. Has anyone ever verbally attacked, scolded, or yelled at you so that you felt afraid for your safety, threatened or intimidated? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_yelled_4cat_f | Yes | 155 | 16.4 (14.2 - 18.9) |
emotional_yelled_4cat_f | No | 785 | 83.1 (80.5 - 85.3) |
emotional_yelled_4cat_f | Don't know | 4 | 0.4 (0.2 - 1.1) |
emotional_yelled_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.7) |
+emotional_yelled_65_4cat_f |
SR_19c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_yelled_65_4cat_f | Yes | 55 | 46.6 (37.7 - 55.8) |
emotional_yelled_65_4cat_f | No | 62 | 52.5 (43.4 - 61.5) |
emotional_yelled_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_yelled_65_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.8 (0.1 - 5.9) |
+emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_19d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 12 | 21.4 (12.4 - 34.5) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 12 | 21.4 (12.4 - 34.5) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 6 | 10.7 (4.8 - 22.3) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 4 | 7.1 (2.6 - 18.0) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 12 | 21.4 (12.4 - 34.5) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 9 | 16.1 (8.4 - 28.6) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_yelled_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.8 (0.2 - 12.3) |
+emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f |
SR_19b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 28 | 24.8 (17.6 - 33.7) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 19 | 16.8 (10.9 - 25.0) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 17 | 15.0 (9.5 - 23.0) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 8 | 7.1 (3.5 - 13.7) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 40 | 35.4 (27.0 - 44.8) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
emotional_yelled_times_7cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.9 (0.1 - 6.2) |
+fear_afraid_2cat_f |
FNW_1. What do you worry most about right now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
fear_afraid_2cat_f | Don't know | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
fear_afraid_2cat_f | Refused | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
+fear_forward_2cat_f |
FNW_4. What are you most looking forward to for your future? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
fear_forward_2cat_f | Don't know | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
fear_forward_2cat_f | Refused | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
+fear_future_2cat_f |
FNW_2. What is your greatest fear for your future? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
fear_future_2cat_f | Don't know | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
fear_future_2cat_f | Refused | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
+fear_grateful_2cat_f |
FNW_3. What are you most grateful for right now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
fear_grateful_2cat_f | Don't know | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
fear_grateful_2cat_f | Refused | 0 | NaN (NaN - NaN) |
+fear_important_2cat_f |
FNW_5. What is the single most important thing that someone outside of your friends and family could do to benefit your quality of life right now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
fear_important_2cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
fear_important_2cat_f | Refused | 3 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_copies_4cat_f |
SR_12. Do you have the copies of paperwork for the financial decisions they make or can you get copies if you wanted them? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_copies_4cat_f | Yes | 144 | 94.7 (89.8 - 97.4) |
finance_copies_4cat_f | No | 8 | 5.3 (2.6 - 10.2) |
finance_copies_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_copies_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_help_4cat_f |
SR_8. Is there someone who helps you take care of your finances, or is there someone other than yourself who makes decisions about your money and your property, either with or without your approval? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_help_4cat_f | Yes | 155 | 16.4 (14.2 - 18.9) |
finance_help_4cat_f | No | 788 | 83.5 (81.0 - 85.7) |
finance_help_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
finance_help_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_12cat_f |
SR_9. What is that person’s relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 46 | 30.7 (23.7 - 38.6) |
finance_person_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 1 | 0.7 (0.1 - 4.7) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 5 | 3.3 (1.4 - 7.8) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 80 | 53.3 (45.2 - 61.3) |
finance_person_12cat_f | Another relative | 9 | 6.0 (3.1 - 11.2) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A neighbor | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_12cat_f | A friend | 3 | 2.0 (0.6 - 6.1) |
finance_person_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 6 | 4.0 (1.8 - 8.7) |
finance_person_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_12cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_decisions_4cat_f |
SR_11. Do you feel like that person usually makes good decisions about your finances? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_decisions_4cat_f | Yes | 152 | 99.3 (95.4 - 99.9) |
finance_person_decisions_4cat_f | No | 1 | 0.7 (0.1 - 4.6) |
finance_person_decisions_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_decisions_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_forged_4cat_f |
SR_13. Has that person ever forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_forged_4cat_f | Yes | 4 | 2.6 (1.0 - 6.9) |
finance_person_forged_4cat_f | No | 147 | 97.4 (93.1 - 99.0) |
finance_person_forged_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_forged_65_4cat_f |
SR_13a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_forged_65_4cat_f | Yes | 1 | 33.3 (0.1 - 99.7) |
finance_person_forged_65_4cat_f | No | 2 | 66.7 (0.3 - 99.9) |
finance_person_forged_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_13b. When was the last time that person forged your signature without your permission in order to sell your property or to get money from your accounts? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_permission_4cat_f |
SR_10. Does that person usually ask for your permission before deciding to spend your money or sell your property? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_permission_4cat_f | Yes | 135 | 87.7 (81.4 - 92.0) |
finance_person_permission_4cat_f | No | 18 | 11.7 (7.5 - 17.9) |
finance_person_permission_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.6 (0.1 - 4.6) |
finance_person_permission_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_permission_65_4cat_f |
SR_10a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_permission_65_4cat_f | Yes | 3 | 16.7 (4.8 - 44.1) |
finance_person_permission_65_4cat_f | No | 14 | 77.8 (50.5 - 92.3) |
finance_person_permission_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 5.6 (0.6 - 35.5) |
finance_person_permission_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_10b. When was the last time that person spent your money or sold your property without your permission? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 3 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_stolen_4cat_f |
SR_15. Has that person, or anyone else you are close to, ever stolen your money or take your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_stolen_4cat_f | Yes | 16 | 10.7 (6.6 - 16.9) |
finance_person_stolen_4cat_f | No | 132 | 88.6 (82.3 - 92.8) |
finance_person_stolen_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_stolen_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.7 (0.1 - 4.7) |
+finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_f |
SR_15a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_f | Yes | 4 | 36.4 (11.7 - 71.2) |
finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_f | No | 6 | 54.5 (22.6 - 83.2) |
finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 9.1 (0.9 - 53.7) |
finance_person_stolen_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_15b. When was the last time that person stole your money or took your things for themselves, their friends, or to sell? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 2 | 50.0 (2.5 - 97.5) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 1 | 25.0 (0.5 - 95.9) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 1 | 25.0 (0.5 - 95.9) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_stolen_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_tricked_4cat_f |
SR_14. Has that person ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_tricked_4cat_f | Yes | 6 | 4.0 (1.8 - 8.6) |
finance_person_tricked_4cat_f | No | 144 | 95.4 (90.5 - 97.8) |
finance_person_tricked_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.7 (0.1 - 4.6) |
finance_person_tricked_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_f |
SR_14a. Were you age 65 or older the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_f | Yes | 3 | 60.0 (8.1 - 96.2) |
finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_f | No | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_tricked_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_14b. When was the last time that person forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 33.3 (0.1 - 99.7) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 1 | 33.3 (0.1 - 99.7) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 1 | 33.3 (0.1 - 99.7) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_person_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_stranger_forged_4cat_f |
SR_17. Has a stranger ever forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_forged_4cat_f | Yes | 55 | 5.9 (4.5 - 7.5) |
finance_stranger_forged_4cat_f | No | 882 | 93.8 (92.1 - 95.2) |
finance_stranger_forged_4cat_f | Don't know | 3 | 0.3 (0.1 - 1.0) |
finance_stranger_forged_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_f |
SR_17a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_f | Yes | 22 | 62.9 (45.1 - 77.7) |
finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_f | No | 13 | 37.1 (22.3 - 54.9) |
finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_forged_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_17b. When was the last time a stranger forged your signature in order to get some of your money or sell your property? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 5 | 22.7 (9.1 - 46.5) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 2 | 9.1 (2.0 - 32.7) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 4 | 18.2 (6.4 - 41.9) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 7 | 31.8 (15.0 - 55.3) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 4 | 18.2 (6.4 - 41.9) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_forged_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_stranger_permission_4cat_f |
SR_16. Has a stranger ever spent your money or sold your property without your permission? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_permission_4cat_f | Yes | 64 | 7.1 (5.6 - 8.9) |
finance_stranger_permission_4cat_f | No | 836 | 92.4 (90.5 - 93.9) |
finance_stranger_permission_4cat_f | Don't know | 5 | 0.6 (0.2 - 1.3) |
finance_stranger_permission_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_f |
SR_16a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_f | Yes | 34 | 75.6 (60.4 - 86.2) |
finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_f | No | 11 | 24.4 (13.8 - 39.6) |
finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_permission_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_16b. When was the last time a stranger spent your money or sold your property without your permission? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 9 | 26.5 (13.9 - 44.5) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 2 | 5.9 (1.4 - 22.0) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 7 | 20.6 (9.7 - 38.4) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 9 | 26.5 (13.9 - 44.5) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 7 | 20.6 (9.7 - 38.4) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_permission_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_f |
SR_18. Has a stranger ever forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_f | Yes | 18 | 1.9 (1.2 - 3.0) |
finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_f | No | 919 | 97.9 (96.7 - 98.6) |
finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.8) |
finance_stranger_tricked_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_f |
SR_18a. Were you age 65 or older the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 45.5 (16.8 - 77.4) |
finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_f | No | 6 | 54.5 (22.6 - 83.2) |
finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_tricked_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_18b. When was the last time a stranger forced or tricked you into signing a document so that they would be able to get some of your money or possessions? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 20.0 (0.8 - 88.9) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 3 | 60.0 (8.1 - 96.2) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 1 | 20.0 (0.8 - 88.9) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
finance_stranger_tricked_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_bills_4cat_f |
SR_6a. Do you need someone to make sure your bills get paid? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_bills_4cat_f | Yes | 122 | 13.0 (11.0 - 15.3) |
neglect_bills_4cat_f | No | 817 | 86.9 (84.6 - 88.9) |
neglect_bills_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
neglect_bills_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_bills_help_5cat_f |
SR_6b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_bills_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 98 | 81.0 (72.9 - 87.1) |
neglect_bills_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 17 | 14.0 (8.9 - 21.6) |
neglect_bills_help_5cat_f | No | 6 | 5.0 (2.2 - 10.7) |
neglect_bills_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_bills_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_6c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 2 | 1.8 (0.4 - 6.9) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 5 | 4.4 (1.8 - 10.2) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 41 | 36.0 (27.6 - 45.3) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 66 | 57.9 (48.5 - 66.7) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_bills_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_clean_4cat_f |
SR_4a. Do you need someone to help you with house cleaning or yard work? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_clean_4cat_f | Yes | 450 | 48.0 (44.8 - 51.2) |
neglect_clean_4cat_f | No | 484 | 51.7 (48.4 - 54.8) |
neglect_clean_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.9) |
neglect_clean_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
+neglect_clean_help_5cat_f |
SR_4b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_clean_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 255 | 57.6 (52.9 - 62.1) |
neglect_clean_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 150 | 33.9 (29.6 - 38.4) |
neglect_clean_help_5cat_f | No | 38 | 8.6 (6.3 - 11.6) |
neglect_clean_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_clean_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_4c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 4 | 1.0 (0.4 - 2.6) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 39 | 9.7 (7.2 - 13.1) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 159 | 39.7 (35.0 - 44.5) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 195 | 48.6 (43.7 - 53.5) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 3 | 0.7 (0.2 - 2.3) |
neglect_clean_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.2 (0.0 - 1.8) |
+neglect_food_4cat_f |
SR_2a. Do you need someone to make sure you have enough food, medicines or any other things you need in your house? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_food_4cat_f | Yes | 294 | 31.2 (28.3 - 34.2) |
neglect_food_4cat_f | No | 648 | 68.7 (65.7 - 71.6) |
neglect_food_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
neglect_food_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_food_help_5cat_f |
SR_2b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_food_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 173 | 58.4 (52.7 - 64.0) |
neglect_food_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 106 | 35.8 (30.5 - 41.5) |
neglect_food_help_5cat_f | No | 17 | 5.7 (3.6 - 9.1) |
neglect_food_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_food_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_2c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 1 | 0.4 (0.1 - 2.5) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 30 | 10.8 (7.7 - 15.1) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 99 | 35.7 (30.3 - 41.6) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 147 | 53.1 (47.1 - 58.9) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_food_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_go_4cat_f |
SR_1a. Do you need someone to help you get to the places you need to go, for example do you need someone to drive you to the grocery store, a place of worship, the doctor? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_go_4cat_f | Yes | 471 | 49.8 (46.6 - 53.0) |
neglect_go_4cat_f | No | 474 | 50.1 (46.9 - 53.3) |
neglect_go_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.7) |
neglect_go_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_go_help_5cat_f |
SR_1b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_go_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 237 | 50.3 (45.8 - 54.8) |
neglect_go_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 208 | 44.2 (39.7 - 48.7) |
neglect_go_help_5cat_f | No | 26 | 5.5 (3.8 - 8.0) |
neglect_go_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_go_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_1c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 2 | 0.5 (0.1 - 1.8) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 55 | 12.4 (9.6 - 15.8) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 183 | 41.2 (36.7 - 45.9) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 203 | 45.7 (41.1 - 50.4) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 1 | 0.2 (0.0 - 1.6) |
neglect_go_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_house_4cat_f |
SR_3a. Do you need someone to help you with household things, like cooking meals, helping you eat, or making sure you take the correct medicines each day? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_house_4cat_f | Yes | 258 | 27.4 (24.7 - 30.4) |
neglect_house_4cat_f | No | 681 | 72.4 (69.4 - 75.1) |
neglect_house_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.8) |
neglect_house_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_house_help_5cat_f |
SR_3b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_house_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 155 | 59.8 (53.7 - 65.7) |
neglect_house_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 85 | 32.8 (27.3 - 38.8) |
neglect_house_help_5cat_f | No | 19 | 7.3 (4.7 - 11.2) |
neglect_house_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_house_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_3c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 2 | 0.8 (0.2 - 3.3) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 22 | 9.2 (6.1 - 13.6) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 95 | 39.7 (33.7 - 46.1) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 119 | 49.8 (43.4 - 56.1) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 1 | 0.4 (0.1 - 2.9) |
neglect_house_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_person_12cat_f |
SR_7. Considering all the things that we just talked about, who is the person who is supposed to help you with these things most of the time? (MULTIPLE RECORD) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 75 | 16.5 (13.3 - 20.2) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 1 | 0.2 (0.0 - 1.6) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 1 | 0.2 (0.0 - 1.6) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 18 | 4.0 (2.5 - 6.2) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 176 | 38.7 (34.3 - 43.3) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | Another relative | 29 | 6.4 (4.5 - 9.0) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A neighbor | 8 | 1.8 (0.9 - 3.5) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | A friend | 38 | 8.4 (6.1 - 11.3) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 109 | 24.0 (20.2 - 28.1) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_person_12cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_ready_4cat_f |
SR_5a. Do you need someone to help you get out of bed, get showered, or get dressed? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_ready_4cat_f | Yes | 144 | 15.3 (13.1 - 17.8) |
neglect_ready_4cat_f | No | 795 | 84.5 (82.0 - 86.7) |
neglect_ready_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.8) |
neglect_ready_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_ready_help_5cat_f |
SR_5b. Do you have someone who helps with this? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_ready_help_5cat_f | Yes, one person | 98 | 68.5 (60.4 - 75.7) |
neglect_ready_help_5cat_f | Yes, more than one person | 35 | 24.5 (18.1 - 32.3) |
neglect_ready_help_5cat_f | No | 10 | 7.0 (3.8 - 12.6) |
neglect_ready_help_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_ready_help_5cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f |
SR_5c. How reliable would you say (that person/these people) is/are? Would you say they are… (READ LIST) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Not at all reliable | 1 | 0.8 (0.1 - 5.3) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Somewhat reliable | 11 | 8.3 (4.6 - 14.4) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Very reliable | 60 | 45.1 (36.8 - 53.7) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Completely reliable | 61 | 45.9 (37.5 - 54.5) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Don’t know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
neglect_ready_reliable_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_hit_4cat_f |
SR_34a. Has anyone ever hit you with their hand or object, slapped you, or threatened you with a weapon? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hit_4cat_f | Yes | 172 | 18.4 (16.0 - 21.0) |
physical_hit_4cat_f | No | 761 | 81.4 (78.8 - 83.8) |
physical_hit_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.9) |
physical_hit_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_hit_65_4cat_f |
SR_34c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hit_65_4cat_f | Yes | 32 | 27.1 (19.8 - 36.0) |
physical_hit_65_4cat_f | No | 85 | 72.0 (63.1 - 79.5) |
physical_hit_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hit_65_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.8 (0.1 - 5.9) |
+physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_34d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 5 | 15.2 (6.1 - 32.8) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 2 | 6.1 (1.4 - 22.6) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 4 | 12.1 (4.4 - 29.4) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 6 | 18.2 (8.0 - 36.1) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 14 | 42.4 (26.2 - 60.4) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hit_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 2 | 6.1 (1.4 - 22.6) |
+physical_hit_times_7cat_f |
SR_34b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 47 | 40.9 (32.2 - 50.2) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 18 | 15.7 (10.0 - 23.6) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 14 | 12.2 (7.3 - 19.6) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 10 | 8.7 (4.7 - 15.5) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 24 | 20.9 (14.3 - 29.4) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hit_times_7cat_f | Refused | 2 | 1.7 (0.4 - 6.8) |
+physical_hurt_4cat_f |
SR_36a. Has anyone ever physically hurt you so that you suffered some degree of injury, including cuts, bruises, or other marks? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hurt_4cat_f | Yes | 116 | 12.3 (10.4 - 14.6) |
physical_hurt_4cat_f | No | 822 | 87.4 (85.2 - 89.4) |
physical_hurt_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
physical_hurt_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
+physical_hurt_65_4cat_f |
SR_36c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hurt_65_4cat_f | Yes | 21 | 25.6 (17.2 - 36.4) |
physical_hurt_65_4cat_f | No | 61 | 74.4 (63.6 - 82.8) |
physical_hurt_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hurt_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_36d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 4 | 19.0 (6.7 - 43.6) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 1 | 4.8 (0.6 - 30.9) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 2 | 9.5 (2.1 - 34.0) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 2 | 9.5 (2.1 - 34.0) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 6 | 28.6 (12.5 - 52.9) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 6 | 28.6 (12.5 - 52.9) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hurt_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_hurt_times_7cat_f |
SR_36b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 32 | 38.6 (28.5 - 49.6) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 16 | 19.3 (12.0 - 29.4) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 9 | 10.8 (5.7 - 19.8) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 9 | 10.8 (5.7 - 19.8) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 15 | 18.1 (11.1 - 28.1) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_hurt_times_7cat_f | Refused | 2 | 2.4 (0.6 - 9.4) |
+physical_incident_60_4cat_f |
(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_incident_60_4cat_f | Yes | 7 | 12.5 (5.9 - 24.4) |
physical_incident_60_4cat_f | No | 48 | 85.7 (73.5 - 92.9) |
physical_incident_60_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_60_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 1.8 (0.2 - 12.3) |
+physical_incident_person_4cat_f |
Thinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who physically mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_incident_person_4cat_f | Yes | 9 | 75.0 (39.3 - 93.3) |
physical_incident_person_4cat_f | No | 2 | 16.7 (3.3 - 54.3) |
physical_incident_person_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 8.3 (0.8 - 50.1) |
+physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f |
SR_40. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A stranger | 5 | 14.7 (6.0 - 31.9) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 7 | 20.6 (9.7 - 38.4) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 5 | 14.7 (6.0 - 31.9) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 8 | 23.5 (11.8 - 41.5) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Another relative | 4 | 11.8 (4.3 - 28.6) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A neighbor | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A friend | 1 | 2.9 (0.4 - 19.8) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 4 | 11.8 (4.3 - 28.6) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_incident_reported_4cat_f |
Thinking about the most recent incident where someone physically mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_incident_reported_4cat_f | Yes | 6 | 50.0 (21.0 - 79.0) |
physical_incident_reported_4cat_f | No | 5 | 41.7 (15.7 - 73.3) |
physical_incident_reported_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_reported_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 8.3 (0.8 - 50.1) |
+physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f |
SR_38. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Yes | 17 | 43.6 (28.5 - 60.0) |
physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | No | 22 | 56.4 (40.0 - 71.5) |
physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_12cat_f |
What was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A stranger | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 3 | 37.5 (8.7 - 79.2) |
physical_person_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
physical_person_12cat_f | Another relative | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A neighbor | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | A friend | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
physical_person_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_12cat_f | Refused | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
+physical_person_4cat_f |
What was that person's (those persons') relationship to you? (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_4cat_f | Yes | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_4cat_f | No | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_alcohol_4cat_f |
SR_42. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Yes | 20 | 44.4 (30.3 - 59.6) |
physical_person_alcohol_4cat_f | No | 17 | 37.8 (24.5 - 53.2) |
physical_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Don't know | 8 | 17.8 (8.9 - 32.4) |
physical_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_counseling_4cat_f |
SR_43. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_counseling_4cat_f | Yes | 9 | 20.5 (10.7 - 35.5) |
physical_person_counseling_4cat_f | No | 23 | 52.3 (37.2 - 67.0) |
physical_person_counseling_4cat_f | Don't know | 12 | 27.3 (15.8 - 42.8) |
physical_person_counseling_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_friends_6cat_f |
SR_46. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say… |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | None | 3 | 9.7 (2.9 - 27.4) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | Very few (1-3) | 16 | 51.6 (33.6 - 69.2) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | Some (4-6) | 4 | 12.9 (4.6 - 31.1) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | A lot (7+) | 8 | 25.8 (12.9 - 44.9) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_friends_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_help_4cat_f |
SR_47. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_help_4cat_f | Yes | 21 | 47.7 (33.0 - 62.8) |
physical_person_help_4cat_f | No | 22 | 50.0 (35.1 - 64.9) |
physical_person_help_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 2.3 (0.3 - 15.5) |
physical_person_help_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_job_4cat_f |
SR_45. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_job_4cat_f | Yes | 16 | 35.6 (22.6 - 51.0) |
physical_person_job_4cat_f | No | 23 | 51.1 (36.3 - 65.8) |
physical_person_job_4cat_f | Don't know | 6 | 13.3 (5.9 - 27.3) |
physical_person_job_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_live_4cat_f |
Did that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_live_4cat_f | Yes | 8 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_live_4cat_f | No | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_live_now_4cat_f |
SR_41b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_live_now_4cat_f | Yes | 11 | 29.7 (16.8 - 47.0) |
physical_person_live_now_4cat_f | No | 26 | 70.3 (53.0 - 83.2) |
physical_person_live_now_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_person_live_now_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_live_then_4cat_f |
SR_41a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_live_then_4cat_f | Yes | 26 | 70.3 (53.0 - 83.2) |
physical_person_live_then_4cat_f | No | 10 | 27.0 (14.7 - 44.2) |
physical_person_live_then_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 2.7 (0.3 - 18.3) |
physical_person_live_then_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_no_live_4cat_f |
SR_48. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_no_live_4cat_f | Yes | 17 | 89.5 (62.9 - 97.7) |
physical_person_no_live_4cat_f | No | 1 | 5.3 (0.6 - 33.8) |
physical_person_no_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 5.3 (0.6 - 33.8) |
physical_person_no_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_person_police_4cat_f |
SR_44. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_person_police_4cat_f | Yes | 21 | 46.7 (32.2 - 61.7) |
physical_person_police_4cat_f | No | 15 | 33.3 (20.8 - 48.8) |
physical_person_police_4cat_f | Don't know | 8 | 17.8 (8.9 - 32.4) |
physical_person_police_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 2.2 (0.3 - 15.1) |
+physical_restrain_4cat_f |
SR_35a. Has anyone ever tried to restrain you by holding you down, tying you up, or locking you in your room or house? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_restrain_4cat_f | Yes | 47 | 5.0 (3.8 - 6.6) |
physical_restrain_4cat_f | No | 889 | 94.7 (93.0 - 95.9) |
physical_restrain_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 0.1 (0.0 - 0.8) |
physical_restrain_4cat_f | Refused | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.8) |
+physical_restrain_65_4cat_f |
SR_35c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_restrain_65_4cat_f | Yes | 9 | 28.1 (14.8 - 46.9) |
physical_restrain_65_4cat_f | No | 23 | 71.9 (53.1 - 85.2) |
physical_restrain_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_35d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 11.1 (0.9 - 62.6) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 5 | 55.6 (19.5 - 86.6) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 3 | 33.3 (8.1 - 73.8) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+physical_restrain_times_7cat_f |
SR_35b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 14 | 45.2 (28.0 - 63.5) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 4 | 12.9 (4.6 - 31.1) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 3 | 9.7 (2.9 - 27.4) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 3 | 9.7 (2.9 - 27.4) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 7 | 22.6 (10.7 - 41.6) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
physical_restrain_times_7cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+report_influence_4cat_f |
SR_99 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Did you get the impression that the presence of other people (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) may have affected the answers given by the patient during THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
report_influence_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 4.9 (2.0 - 11.4) |
report_influence_4cat_f | No | 95 | 93.1 (86.1 - 96.7) |
report_influence_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 2.0 (0.5 - 7.7) |
report_influence_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+report_private_5cat_f |
SR_98 [Please don’t read — just complete on your own]. Was another person (e.g., caregivers, family members, friends, etc.) present when completing THIS SECTION (Self-Report Injury, Violence, Neglect, & Exploitation) of the interview? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
report_private_5cat_f | Yes, for the entire time | 50 | 7.5 (5.7 - 9.7) |
report_private_5cat_f | Yes, for part of the time | 30 | 4.5 (3.1 - 6.3) |
report_private_5cat_f | No, but they were still close enough to hear | 25 | 3.7 (2.5 - 5.5) |
report_private_5cat_f | No | 566 | 84.4 (81.4 - 86.9) |
report_private_5cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_forced_4cat_f |
SR_51a. Females- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your breasts or pubic area when you didn’t want to? Males- Has anyone ever forced you to undress or expose your pubic area when you didn’t want to? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_forced_4cat_f | Yes | 61 | 6.5 (5.1 - 8.3) |
sexual_forced_4cat_f | No | 870 | 93.0 (91.2 - 94.5) |
sexual_forced_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_4cat_f | Refused | 4 | 0.4 (0.2 - 1.1) |
+sexual_forced_65_4cat_f |
SR_51c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_forced_65_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 11.9 (4.9 - 26.4) |
sexual_forced_65_4cat_f | No | 37 | 88.1 (73.6 - 95.1) |
sexual_forced_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_51d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 20.0 (0.8 - 88.9) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_forced_times_7cat_f |
SR_51b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 12 | 32.4 (18.9 - 49.7) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 10 | 27.0 (14.7 - 44.2) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 2 | 5.4 (1.3 - 20.3) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 2 | 5.4 (1.3 - 20.3) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 11 | 29.7 (16.8 - 47.0) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_forced_times_7cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_harm_4cat_f |
SR_49a. Regardless of how long ago it happened or who made the advances, has anyone ever made you have sex or oral sex by using force or threatening to harm you or someone close to you? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_harm_4cat_f | Yes | 112 | 11.9 (10.0 - 14.1) |
sexual_harm_4cat_f | No | 825 | 87.7 (85.4 - 89.6) |
sexual_harm_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_4cat_f | Refused | 4 | 0.4 (0.2 - 1.1) |
+sexual_harm_65_4cat_f |
SR_49c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_harm_65_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 6.2 (2.5 - 14.2) |
sexual_harm_65_4cat_f | No | 76 | 93.8 (85.8 - 97.5) |
sexual_harm_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_49d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 20.0 (0.8 - 88.9) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_harm_times_7cat_f |
SR_49b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 35 | 47.9 (36.5 - 59.6) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 12 | 16.4 (9.5 - 27.1) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 4 | 5.5 (2.0 - 14.0) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 7 | 9.6 (4.6 - 19.1) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 12 | 16.4 (9.5 - 27.1) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_harm_times_7cat_f | Refused | 3 | 4.1 (1.3 - 12.3) |
+sexual_incident_60_4cat_f |
(Did this/Have any of these) incidents (happen/happened) since you were 60 years old? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/09/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_incident_60_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 12.2 (5.0 - 26.9) |
sexual_incident_60_4cat_f | No | 35 | 85.4 (70.3 - 93.5) |
sexual_incident_60_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_60_4cat_f | Refused | 1 | 2.4 (0.3 - 16.6) |
+sexual_incident_person_4cat_f |
Thinking about the most recent incident, was the person(s) who sexually mistreated you someone you have seen before? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_incident_person_4cat_f | Yes | 2 | 28.6 (4.2 - 78.5) |
sexual_incident_person_4cat_f | No | 5 | 71.4 (21.5 - 95.8) |
sexual_incident_person_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f |
SR_56. What was your relationship to the person, or people, who treated you this way? (MULTIPLE RECORD) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A stranger | 2 | 25.0 (4.1 - 72.4) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A spouse or partner | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 2 | 25.0 (4.1 - 72.4) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A brother or sister | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A son or daughter | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Another relative | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A neighbor | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | A friend | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Some other non-relative | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_person_v2_12cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_incident_reported_4cat_f |
Thinking about the most recent incident where someone sexually mistreated you, was this incident reported to the police or other authorities? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_incident_reported_4cat_f | Yes | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_reported_4cat_f | No | 6 | 85.7 (25.7 - 99.0) |
sexual_incident_reported_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 14.3 (1.0 - 74.3) |
sexual_incident_reported_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f |
SR_54. Did you or anyone else report what happened to the police or other authorities? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Yes | 6 | 66.7 (26.2 - 91.9) |
sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | No | 3 | 33.3 (8.1 - 73.8) |
sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_incident_reported_v2_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_13cat_f |
What was that person's (those persons') relationship to you (MULTIPLE RECORD)? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A stranger | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A spouse or partner | 1 | 50.0 (0.0 - 100.0) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | An ex spouse or partner | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A parent or step-parent | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A brother or sister | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A son or daughter | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | Another relative | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A coworker | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A neighbor | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | A friend | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | Some other non-relative | 1 | 50.0 (0.0 - 100.0) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_13cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_f |
SR_58. Did that person have a problem with alcohol or drugs at the time when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 45.5 (16.8 - 77.4) |
sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_f | No | 3 | 27.3 (7.2 - 64.6) |
sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Don't know | 3 | 27.3 (7.2 - 64.6) |
sexual_person_alcohol_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_counseling_4cat_f |
SR_59. Has that person ever received inpatient or outpatient counseling for emotional problems? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_counseling_4cat_f | Yes | 2 | 18.2 (3.5 - 58.0) |
sexual_person_counseling_4cat_f | No | 4 | 36.4 (11.7 - 71.2) |
sexual_person_counseling_4cat_f | Don't know | 5 | 45.5 (16.8 - 77.4) |
sexual_person_counseling_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_friends_6cat_f |
SR_62. How many friends did that person have at the time when these things happened? Would you say… |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | None | 1 | 14.3 (1.0 - 74.3) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | Very few (1-3) | 2 | 28.6 (4.2 - 78.5) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | Some (4-6) | 2 | 28.6 (4.2 - 78.5) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | A lot (7+) | 2 | 28.6 (4.2 - 78.5) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_friends_6cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_help_4cat_f |
SR_63. Did that person ever help you out with any day to day things, like shopping, taking medicines, driving you places, getting dressed, and that type of thing? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_help_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 45.5 (16.8 - 77.4) |
sexual_person_help_4cat_f | No | 4 | 36.4 (11.7 - 71.2) |
sexual_person_help_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 18.2 (3.5 - 58.0) |
sexual_person_help_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_job_4cat_f |
SR_61. Did that person have a job at the time when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_job_4cat_f | Yes | 6 | 54.5 (22.6 - 83.2) |
sexual_person_job_4cat_f | No | 2 | 18.2 (3.5 - 58.0) |
sexual_person_job_4cat_f | Don't know | 3 | 27.3 (7.2 - 64.6) |
sexual_person_job_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_live_4cat_f |
Did that person live with you at the time of the incident, or does (he/she) live with you now? (Question used in older version of the follow-up interview until 06/18/2020.) |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_live_4cat_f | Yes | 1 | 50.0 (0.0 - 100.0) |
sexual_person_live_4cat_f | No | 1 | 50.0 (0.0 - 100.0) |
sexual_person_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_live_now_4cat_f |
SR_57b. Does that person (any of those people) live with you now? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_live_now_4cat_f | Yes | 2 | 22.2 (3.9 - 67.0) |
sexual_person_live_now_4cat_f | No | 6 | 66.7 (26.2 - 91.9) |
sexual_person_live_now_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 11.1 (0.9 - 62.6) |
sexual_person_live_now_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_live_then_4cat_f |
SR_57a. Did that person (any of those people) live with you when these things happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_live_then_4cat_f | Yes | 3 | 37.5 (8.7 - 79.2) |
sexual_person_live_then_4cat_f | No | 4 | 50.0 (14.3 - 85.7) |
sexual_person_live_then_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 12.5 (0.9 - 68.1) |
sexual_person_live_then_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_no_live_4cat_f |
SR_64. Would you be able to live on your own if that person no longer lived with you? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_no_live_4cat_f | Yes | 3 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_no_live_4cat_f | No | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_no_live_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_person_no_live_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_person_police_4cat_f |
SR_60. Has that person ever been in trouble with the police? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_person_police_4cat_f | Yes | 4 | 36.4 (11.7 - 71.2) |
sexual_person_police_4cat_f | No | 2 | 18.2 (3.5 - 58.0) |
sexual_person_police_4cat_f | Don't know | 5 | 45.5 (16.8 - 77.4) |
sexual_person_police_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_picture_4cat_f |
SR_52a. Has anyone ever taken a picture of you with your clothes partially or completely taken off when you didn’t want them to? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_picture_4cat_f | Yes | 18 | 1.9 (1.2 - 3.0) |
sexual_picture_4cat_f | No | 911 | 97.4 (96.2 - 98.3) |
sexual_picture_4cat_f | Don't know | 2 | 0.2 (0.1 - 0.9) |
sexual_picture_4cat_f | Refused | 4 | 0.4 (0.2 - 1.1) |
+sexual_picture_65_4cat_f |
SR_52c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_picture_65_4cat_f | Yes | 2 | 12.5 (2.6 - 43.0) |
sexual_picture_65_4cat_f | No | 14 | 87.5 (57.0 - 97.4) |
sexual_picture_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_52d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 2 | 100.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_picture_times_7cat_f |
SR_52b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 4 | 25.0 (8.6 - 54.3) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 4 | 25.0 (8.6 - 54.3) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 2 | 12.5 (2.6 - 43.0) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 6 | 37.5 (16.1 - 65.2) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_picture_times_7cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_touched_4cat_f |
SR_50a. Females- Has anyone ever touched your breasts or pubic area or made you touch his penis by using force or threat of force? Males - Has anyone ever touched your pubic area or made you touch their pubic area by using force or threat of force? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_touched_4cat_f | Yes | 101 | 10.8 (9.0 - 13.0) |
sexual_touched_4cat_f | No | 829 | 88.7 (86.5 - 90.5) |
sexual_touched_4cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_4cat_f | Refused | 5 | 0.5 (0.2 - 1.3) |
+sexual_touched_65_4cat_f |
SR_50c. Were you age 65 or older the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_touched_65_4cat_f | Yes | 5 | 6.9 (2.9 - 15.9) |
sexual_touched_65_4cat_f | No | 66 | 91.7 (82.4 - 96.3) |
sexual_touched_65_4cat_f | Don't know | 1 | 1.4 (0.2 - 9.6) |
sexual_touched_65_4cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f |
SR_50d. How long ago was the last time (most recent time) this happened? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Less than 1 month ago | 1 | 20.0 (0.8 - 88.9) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 month and less than 3 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Between 3 months and less than 6 months ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Between 6 months and less than 1 year ago | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Between 1 year and less than 3 years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | 3 or more years ago | 2 | 40.0 (3.8 - 91.9) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_last_time_8cat_f | Refused | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
+sexual_touched_times_7cat_f |
SR_50b. About how many times has this happened to you in your lifetime? |
Variable | Category | N | Percent of N (95% CI) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | 1 or 2 times | 28 | 43.1 (31.4 - 55.6) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | Between 3 and less than 5 times | 15 | 23.1 (14.2 - 35.2) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | Between 5 and less than 10 times | 2 | 3.1 (0.7 - 11.9) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | Between 10 and less than 20 times | 2 | 3.1 (0.7 - 11.9) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | 20 or more times | 16 | 24.6 (15.5 - 36.8) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | Don't know | 0 | 0.0 (NaN - NaN) |
sexual_touched_times_7cat_f | Refused | 2 | 3.1 (0.7 - 11.9) |
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