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Design overview

  • The main behavior tree launcher is in btree-eva.scm. The configurable parameters are in cfg-eva.scm.

  • There are two scheme modules: eva-model, which implements a model of the external world, and also a self-model of the robot. This module allows the robot to be "aware" of it's surroundings, and to be "self-aware" during speech acts and during reasoning. The second module is eva-behavior, which implements the personality and the behaviors.

  • The eva-model module has several components. The faces component models the visible human faces in the external environment. The orchestrate component is a "behavior multiplexer", resolving conflicting instructions for the robot to perform some action. The self-model component implements a model of what the robot is supposedly doing right now (so that the robot can be asked, e.g. "Are you smiling right now?")

  • The eva-behavior module has several components. The express component consists of commands to make facial expressions and gestures. The behavior component contains the primary, full behavior tree that controls the entire performance.

  • The OpenCog behaviors interface to ROS by calling the functions in This file is just a "thin" wrapper around the actual ROS code, which is in A non-ROS, debugging-only interface is in; it does not import ROS, and only prints to stdout. It can be used for a text-only chatbot.

  • The behavior tree works with visible faces based on face ID's, and is only interested in the visible faces, and not their locations. It outputs commands such as "look at face ID 42". The actual tracking of face locations, ad the visual servoing needed to maintain a steady, accurate gaze is in the face_track directory.

  • The face_track directory contains code for visual servoing: it receives ROS messages about human face locations from the webcam

    • pi_vision subsystem. It calls methods in to poke face-ids (ID numbers) into the AtomSpace.

    A new face (for example, face-id 123) is indicated with this message:

     (EvaluationLink (PredicateNode "visible face")
               (ListLink (NumberNode "123")))

    See face_track/ for details.

  • Various behavior labels are published to the robot_behavior ROS topic, so that other ROS nodes can know what we are doing. The published messages are just strings, and they are rather totally ad-hoc. Grep for (DefinedPredicate "Publish behavior") to see these. A random sampling includes:

    • "Searching for attention" -- Room is empty, can't see anyone.
    • "This is boring" -- No one is visible, no sound, we are bored.
    • "Sound of crickets" -- Haven't heard anything for a while.
    • "Falling asleep" -- Bored too long, no one visible, no sound.
    • "Waking up" -- Saw someone, heard something, slept too long.
    • "Look at new arrival" -- Look at newly-arrived person.
    • "Look at requested face" -- Handle WebGUI request.
    • "Someone left" -- Previously visible face no longer visible.
    • `"Interact with someone else" -- Change the focus of attention.
    • `"Who is there?" -- no one visible, but heard sound.
    • `"What was that sound?" -- Woken up by some sound.
  • You can talk to her by using ROS messages. Some examples:

    rostopic pub --once perceived_text std_msgs/String "Shake your head!"
    rostopic pub --once perceived_text std_msgs/String "look sad"
    rostopic pub --once perceived_text std_msgs/String "Emote sadness"
    rostopic pub --once perceived_text std_msgs/String "Turn to the left"
  • XXX The code currently has a large variety of conflicting and poor design choices in it -- its in a state of morphing from "OK so-so code" to "slightly better than before". As a result of this hacking, various parts are being re-designed, and bits of old, poor design still infest the code, and new features are incomplete and half-working. It will be a good, long while before the code here settles down.


The code can be run in debug mode, or in fully-integrated mode.

  • Debug mode: Edit btree.scm, locate the line referencing and change it to The start guile, and, at the guile prompt, say (load "btree.scm") ad then (run). See the top of the btree.scm file for more hints on debugging.

  • Integrated mode: Change directory to your catkin_ws and then run scripts/ This will start up a byobu multiplexed terminal, and will run ROS, the ros face tracker, the blender API and the opencog server automatically, and will launch most of the needed behavior scripts.

Debugging notes

Cython modules are installed here:


You can get a python command-line from the cogserver, like so:

`rlwrap telnet localhost 17020`

and then enter the python interpreter by saying py. You can get a scheme interpreter by saying scm. You can telnet multiple times. You can also call python from scheme, and scheme from python.

From the python prompt, the following should list the python opencog modules:


Face tracking debug

Print all visible faces in the AtomSpace:

rlwrap telnet localhost 17020
(cog-incoming-set (PredicateNode "visible face"))
(cog-bind chk-room-empty)
(cog-bind chk-room-non-empty)

Note that if the room state changes, (show-room-state) will show the wrong state until after both cog-binds are performed!

rostopic pub --once /opencog/glance_at std_msgs/Int32 29
rostopic pub --once /opencog/look_at std_msgs/Int32 29
rostopic pub --once /opencog/gaze_at std_msgs/Int32 29

Unfinished work TODO List

Grep for XXX in the code:

  • Implement the face-study saccade.

Enhancement TODO List

A list of random ideas.

  • Replace the vision processing code by something better.

  • Integrate with OpenPsi.

  • Integrate the authoring GUI.

  • Integrate the chatbot.

  • Integrate face recognition. This not only requires the API, but also needs SQL enabled to remember things.

  • Use the TimeServer ... The TimeServer tracks intervals, so that queries can be performed against a time-range. It might make sense to redesign the TimeServer to be native atomese. Anyway, none of the logic in the btree currently needs TimeServer functions.

  • However, there is a fair amount of "did a unit of time elapse since event XYZ" logic in the btree. Its kind-of clunky, and could use a better design.

  • SatisfactionLink is kind-of not-needed; should be able to directly execute SequentialAndLink, SequentialOrLink. (when there are no actual query variables in it!?)

  • "Search for attention" is a state, need to record that in a state variable. Ditto for "Interact with people"

    (DefinedPredicateNode "Is interacting with someone?")

    Everything emitted to ROS is a state.... look for the behavior pubs.

Pending bugs:

  • (DefinedPredicateNode "Did someone leave?") being called much much too often!!! ... why???
  • Psi hung ... for no apparent reason. (psi-running?) (psi-get-loop-count)