├── public/ ├── src/ │ ├── assets/ svgs & images │ ├── boot/ files comprise the entrypoint when compiled (quasar) │ ├── components/ vue sfcs │ ├── css/ - sass styles │ ├── layouts/ │ ├── pages/ │ ├── router/ - route & history management (route module example) │ ├── store/ - app state management │ ├── types/ - all types are located here and referenced via this dir │ ├── App.vue - app mount component ├── test/ - contains jest unit tests (simple demo examples currently) ├── .eslintrc.js - linter settings ├── netlify.toml - env variables for netlify deployment ├── jest.config.js - jest unit testing settings & reporting thresholds ├── quasar.conf.js - quasar settings ├── .tsconfig.json - typescript settings
This configuration supports development using both Vue 2 (options) and Vue 3 (composition) which will make upgrading/fully migrating easy in the future
There are very basic examples in store, router, and tests, one or two of the components will be fleshed out to show style and full integration