给你一支股票价格的数据流。数据流中每一条记录包含一个 时间戳 和该时间点股票对应的 价格 。
不巧的是,由于股票市场内在的波动性,股票价格记录可能不是按时间顺序到来的。某些情况下,有的记录可能是错的。如果两个有相同时间戳的记录出现在数据流中,前一条记录视为错误记录,后出现的记录 更正 前一条错误的记录。
- 更新 股票在某一时间戳的股票价格,如果有之前同一时间戳的价格,这一操作将 更正 之前的错误价格。
- 找到当前记录里 最新股票价格 。最新股票价格 定义为时间戳最晚的股票价格。
- 找到当前记录里股票的 最高价格 。
- 找到当前记录里股票的 最低价格 。
请你实现 StockPrice
初始化对象,当前无股票价格记录。void update(int timestamp, int price)
。int current()
返回股票 最新价格 。int maximum()
返回股票 最高价格 。int minimum()
返回股票 最低价格 。
示例 1:
输入: ["StockPrice", "update", "update", "current", "maximum", "update", "maximum", "update", "minimum"] [[], [1, 10], [2, 5], [], [], [1, 3], [], [4, 2], []] 输出: [null, null, null, 5, 10, null, 5, null, 2] 解释: StockPrice stockPrice = new StockPrice(); stockPrice.update(1, 10); // 时间戳为 [1] ,对应的股票价格为 [10] 。 stockPrice.update(2, 5); // 时间戳为 [1,2] ,对应的股票价格为 [10,5] 。 stockPrice.current(); // 返回 5 ,最新时间戳为 2 ,对应价格为 5 。 stockPrice.maximum(); // 返回 10 ,最高价格的时间戳为 1 ,价格为 10 。 stockPrice.update(1, 3); // 之前时间戳为 1 的价格错误,价格更新为 3 。 // 时间戳为 [1,2] ,对应股票价格为 [3,5] 。 stockPrice.maximum(); // 返回 5 ,更正后最高价格为 5 。 stockPrice.update(4, 2); // 时间戳为 [1,2,4] ,对应价格为 [3,5,2] 。 stockPrice.minimum(); // 返回 2 ,最低价格时间戳为 4 ,价格为 2 。
1 <= timestamp, price <= 109
总 调用次数不超过105
操作 至少 已经被调用过 一次 。
from sortedcontainers import SortedDict
class StockPrice:
def __init__(self):
self.last_ts = 0
self.mp = {}
self.counter = SortedDict()
def update(self, timestamp: int, price: int) -> None:
if timestamp in self.mp:
old_price = self.mp[timestamp]
self.counter[old_price] -= 1
if self.counter[old_price] == 0:
del self.counter[old_price]
if price not in self.counter:
self.counter[price] = 0
self.counter[price] += 1
self.mp[timestamp] = price
self.last_ts = max(self.last_ts, timestamp)
def current(self) -> int:
return self.mp[self.last_ts]
def maximum(self) -> int:
return self.counter.keys()[-1]
def minimum(self) -> int:
return self.counter.keys()[0]
# Your StockPrice object will be instantiated and called as such:
# obj = StockPrice()
# obj.update(timestamp,price)
# param_2 = obj.current()
# param_3 = obj.maximum()
# param_4 = obj.minimum()
class StockPrice {
private int lastTs;
private Map<Integer, Integer> mp = new HashMap<>();
private TreeMap<Integer, Integer> counter = new TreeMap<>();
public StockPrice() {
public void update(int timestamp, int price) {
if (mp.containsKey(timestamp)) {
int oldPrice = mp.get(timestamp);
counter.put(oldPrice, counter.get(oldPrice) - 1);
if (counter.get(oldPrice) == 0) {
mp.put(timestamp, price);
counter.put(price, counter.getOrDefault(price, 0) + 1);
lastTs = Math.max(lastTs, timestamp);
public int current() {
return mp.get(lastTs);
public int maximum() {
return counter.lastKey();
public int minimum() {
return counter.firstKey();
* Your StockPrice object will be instantiated and called as such:
* StockPrice obj = new StockPrice();
* obj.update(timestamp,price);
* int param_2 = obj.current();
* int param_3 = obj.maximum();
* int param_4 = obj.minimum();
class StockPrice {
int lastTs;
unordered_map<int, int> mp;
map<int, int> counter;
StockPrice() {
void update(int timestamp, int price) {
if (mp.count(timestamp))
int oldPrice = mp[timestamp];
if (counter[oldPrice] == 0) counter.erase(oldPrice);
mp[timestamp] = price;
lastTs = max(lastTs, timestamp);
int current() {
return mp[lastTs];
int maximum() {
return counter.rbegin()->first;
int minimum() {
return counter.begin()->first;
* Your StockPrice object will be instantiated and called as such:
* StockPrice* obj = new StockPrice();
* obj->update(timestamp,price);
* int param_2 = obj->current();
* int param_3 = obj->maximum();
* int param_4 = obj->minimum();
type StockPrice struct {
lastTs int
mp map[int]int
counter *redblacktree.Tree
func Constructor() StockPrice {
return StockPrice{
mp: make(map[int]int),
counter: redblacktree.NewWithIntComparator(),
func (this *StockPrice) Update(timestamp int, price int) {
if timestamp > this.lastTs {
this.lastTs = timestamp
if old, ok := this.mp[timestamp]; ok {
cnt := getInt(this.counter, old)
if cnt == 1 {
} else {
this.counter.Put(old, cnt-1)
this.mp[timestamp] = price
this.counter.Put(price, getInt(this.counter, price)+1)
func (this *StockPrice) Current() int {
return this.mp[this.lastTs]
func (this *StockPrice) Maximum() int {
return this.counter.Right().Key.(int)
func (this *StockPrice) Minimum() int {
return this.counter.Left().Key.(int)
func getInt(rbt *redblacktree.Tree, key int) int {
val, found := rbt.Get(key)
if !found {
return 0
return val.(int)
* Your StockPrice object will be instantiated and called as such:
* obj := Constructor();
* obj.Update(timestamp,price);
* param_2 := obj.Current();
* param_3 := obj.Maximum();
* param_4 := obj.Minimum();