reservered for frontend static files
Register a new user.{ "name": "Mathias", "surname": "Hertzel (optional)", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "supersecret" }
{ "name": "Mathias", "surname": "Hertzel", "email": "[email protected]", "password": "supersecret" }
Login an existing user.{ "email": "[email protected]", "password": "supersecret" }
{ "name": "Mathias", "surname": "Hertzel", "email": "[email protected]" }
Logout current user.
GET own user (based on SessionToken).{ "id": "12345", "name": "Mathias", "surname": "Hertzel", "email": "[email protected]" }
GET all users[ { "id": "12345", "name": "Mathias", "surname": "Herzel", "email": "[email protected]", "profilePicture": "http://example.com" } ]
GET users.{ "id": "12345", "name": "Mathias", "surname": "Hertzel", "email": "[email protected]" }
GET all courses a member is subscribed to[ { "id:": "1", "title": "Course 1", "description": "a short description" }, { "id": "2", "title": "Course 2", "description": "another short description", "entries": [ { "id": "1", "date": "2018-07-01T15:04:05-07:00", "message": "test test", "pictures": [ "https://example.com/picture1.png", "https:/example.com/picture2.jpg" ] } ], "schedules": [ { "day": 0, "startsAt": "2018-06-24T08:52:28.764Z", "room": "EN 154", "title": "meme Class" } ] } ]
Remarks: Day 0 indicates Sunday, 1 is Monday and so on...
GET all accessible courses[ { "id:": "1", "title": "Course 1", "description": "a short description" }, { "id": "2", "title": "Course 2", "description": "another short description" } ]
GET a certain course{ "id": "1", "title": "Course 1", "description": "a short description", "members": [ "12345", "12346" ], "labels": [ "123", "124" ], "entries": [ { "id": "1", "date": "2018-07-01T15:04:05-07:00", "message": "test test", "pictures": [ "https://example.com/picture1.png", "https:/example.com/picture2.jpg" ] }, { "id": "2", "date": "2018-06-20 15:12:48", "message": "hello world", "pictures": [ "https://example.com/picture1.png", "https:/example.com/picture2.jpg" ] } ], "schedules": [ { "day": 0, "startsAt": "2018-06-24T08:52:28.764Z", "room": "EN 154", "title": "meme Class" } ] }
Remarks: Day 0 indicates Sunday, 1 is Monday and so on...
GET all subscribed members from a course[ { "id": "12345", "name": "Mathias", "surname": "Hertzel", "email": "[email protected]" }, { "id": "12345", "name": "Mathias", "surname": "Hertzel", "email": "[email protected]" } ]
POST user ids that will be subscribed to the courseInput
[ { "id": "1" }, { "id": "2" } ]
POST user ids that will be unsubscribed from the courseInput
[ { "id": "1" }, { "id": "2" } ]
POST new entry that will be added to the courseInput
{ "date": "2018-07-01T15:04:05-07:00", "message": "herpy derpy new messagerpy", "pictures": [ "https://example.com/course/picture1", "https://example.com/course/picture2" ], "published": true }
{ "id": "1", "date": "2018-07-01T15:04:05-07:00", "message": "herpy derpy new messagerpy", "pictures": [ "https://example.com/course/picture1", "https://example.com/course/picture2" ], "published": true }
PUT updates in entry from a course (not yet implemented)Input
{ "date":"2018-07-01T20:04:05-07:00", "message": "herpy derpy", "pictures": [ "https://example.com/course/picture1", "https://example.com/course/picture2" ], "published": false }
{ "id": "1", "date": "2018-07-01T20:04:05-07:00", "message": "herpy derpy", "pictures": [ "https://example.com/course/picture1", "https://example.com/course/picture2" ], "published": false }
DELETE selected entry from a course