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Zig Comptime -- WTF is Zig Comptime (and Inline)

The power and complexity of Comptime and Inline in Zig

Ed Yu (@edyu on Github and @edyu on Twitter) August.23.2023

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Zig is a modern systems programming language and although it claims to a be a better C, many people who initially didn't need systems programming were attracted to it due to the simplicity of its syntax compared to alternatives such as C++ or Rust.

However, due to the power of the language, some of the syntaxes are not obvious for those first coming into the language. I was actually one such person.

Today we will explore a unique aspect of metaprogramming in Zig in its comptime and inline keywords. I've always known comptime is special in Zig but I never used it extensively until recently when I was implementing erasure coding. Although the new implementation removed much of the comptime used in the project, I believe it's illuminating to explain my learning journey in comptime (and inline) while implementing the initial mostly comptime version of that project because it allowed me certainly to gain a better grasp both in the power and the restriction of comptime.

WTF is Comptime

If you start learning about Zig, you'll certainly encounter the comptime keywords, and you'll notice it's sprinkled in many places.

For example, in the signature for ArrayList, you'll notice it's written as pub fn ArrayList(comptime T: type) type. You know that when you create an ArrayList, you do need to pass in a type such as var list = std.ArrayList(u8).init(allocator);.

You'd most likely take a mental note that when you declare a type as a function parameter, you need to declare that type as comptime. And for many use cases, that's all you need to know about comptime and go your merry way.

Loris Cro wrote "What is Zig's Comptime?" in 2019 and you are welcome to read through that first.

So, what exactly is comptime? If we look at it literally, the comp part of comptime stands for compile so comptime really means compile time. The keyword comptime is a label that you can apply to a variable to say that the variable can only be changed during comptime so that after the program is compiled and during runtime (when running the program), that variable is essentially const.

That was a mouthful so why would you make a variable comptime? It would allow you to create macros because macros are compile time. And note that one of the reasons that Andrew created Zig initially is to remove macros from the C so comptime is the answer to the C macro use case. I know the previous sentences are somewhat contradictory so what I mean really is that comptime was invented to allow the use cases of macros by using comptime instead.

Now the question is what is a macro? One way to think about it is that macros are substitutions that happen during compile time as part of a preprocessor. A preprocessor is a step before the regular compilation (although it happens normally as part of compilation).

In C, for example, you often use macros to define a constant such as this:

// a constant
#define MY_CONST 5

And after you define the constant, you can then use such constant anywhere in your code. The preprocessor would substitute everywhere the macro is used with the value that was defined (in this case 5).

printf("The constant is %d", MY_CONST);

In Zig, you can just say:

const MY_CONST = 5;

std.debug.print("The constant is {d}", .{MY_CONST});

This is not very useful but often people define more complex macros such as the following:

// square a number
// you need the () around x because you might call square(4 + 2)
#define square(x) ((x) * (x))
// find the minimum of 2 numbers
#define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))

WTF is Inline

So why would those C macros be useful? Why can't we just define these as regular functions?

Often people use macros instead of functions because they want to optimize the code by not incurring the overhead of calling a function.

In this case, Zig introduced an inline keyword so that you can do the following:

// note that this will overflow
// but I left it in this form intentionally
// to mimic the simplicity of the C macro
pub inline fn square(x: i32) i32 {
    return x * x;

pub inline fn min(a: i32, b: i32) i32 {
    return if (a < b) a else b;

test "square" {
    try std.testing.expectEqual(9, square(3));
    try std.testing.expectEqual(25, square(3 + 2));

test "min" {
    try std.testing.expectEqual(min(2, 3), 2);
    try std.testing.expectEqual(min(3, 3), 3);
    try std.testing.expectEqual(min(-1, -3), -3);

As you can see, by using inline, Zig would effectively inline (substitute) the function calls in code without incurring the overhead of a function call.

WTF is Comptime_Int

As you can see from our test code, that we are using constants or just numbers, so we can actually rewrite the functions by introducing a new type as comptime_int. By denoting the type as comptime_int, the compiler would automatically figure out what's the best type to use because the inputs to the functions are known at compile time or comptime. Note that you have to add the comptime keyword in front of the variable names in the argument. You do not need to denote the return type as comptime however.

pub fn squareComptime(comptime x: comptime_int) comptime_int {
    return x * x;

pub inline fn minComptime(comptime a: comptime_int, comptime b: comptime_int) comptime_int {
    return if (a < b) a else b;

test "squareComptime" {
    try std.testing.expectEqual(9, squareComptime(3));
    try std.testing.expectEqual(25, squareComptime(3 + 2));

test "minComptime" {
    try std.testing.expectEqual(minComptime(0, 0), 0);
    try std.testing.expectEqual(minComptime(30000000, 30000000000), 30000000);
    try std.testing.expectEqual(minComptime(-10, -3), -10);

Note that I marked squareComptime as a regular function but denoted minComptime as an inline function. In other words, inline and comptime are not exclusive to each other. You don't have to have both even if both are used at compile time.

Why Not Comptime Everything

When I first started using comptime, I realized two problems:

  1. comptime in some way pollutes the code it touches. What I mean is that once you comptime something, everything it uses would also need to be comptime. I'll show a more complex example later.
  2. The other problem is that as soon as you need to start using a runtime value such as passing in a commmand-line argument, you'll encounter errors while compiling your code.

Let me illustrate the problem 2 here. Say I want to pass in numbers during runtime by passing in the number on the command-line (same problem from a file, or from user input), you will have a hard time calling the squareComptime and minComptime versions.

My friend [InKryption] put it succinctly in a quote: "comptime exists in a sort of pure realm where I/O doesn't exist."

If you try to pass in a command-line argument to the function:

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();

    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
    defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args);

    var x = try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, args[1], 10);
    var y = squareComptime(x);
    std.debug.print("square = {d}\n", .{y});

And then run the program:

> zig run main.zig -- 1337

You'll encounter the following error:

error: unable to resolve comptime value
var y = squareComptime(x);

In other words, once you make your function comptime by making a parameter comptime, you cannot pass non-comptime parameters such as a command-line argument.

On the other hand, if all your parameters of a function are comptime, you can make a variable that takes in the return value of the function comptime.

test "comptime" {
    comptime var y = squareComptime(1337);
    // you can now pass y to anything that requires comptime
    comptime var z = minComptime(y, 7331);
    try std.testing.expectEqual(z, 1337);

The only way to fix problem 2 is to make your functions non-comptime.

// while we are at it, might as well fix the overflow problem
pub inline fn squareNoOverflow(x: i32) u64 {
    return @intCast(std.math.mulWide(i32, x, x));

pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();

    const allocator = gpa.allocator();
    const args = try std.process.argsAlloc(allocator);
    defer std.process.argsFree(allocator, args);

    var x = try std.fmt.parseInt(i32, args[1], 10);
    var y = squareNoOverflow(x);
    std.debug.print("square = {d}\n", .{y});

Now run it with a command-line argument:

> zig run main.zig -- 1337
square = 1787569

Unrolling Loops with Inline

I've already mentioned one common use of inline by prefixing the function declaration with the keyword inline to inline the function for efficiency reasons. The even more common use than inlining a function with inline is to unroll a loop by prefixing a for loop with inline.

For example, say I need to calculate the factorial of a number. We know that that factorial of a number n is written as n! and it means n * (n - 1) * (n - 2)...1. In other words, 2! is 2 * 1 = 2, 3! is 3 * 2 * 1 = 6, 4! is 4 * 3 * 2 * 1 = 24, and so on. For the special cases of 1! and 0!, they are both 1.

Although factorial are often written as a recursive function, it's also fairly easy and efficient to just use a for loop.

Let's write a comptime version:

pub fn factorial(comptime n: u8) comptime_int {
    var r = 1; // no need to write it as comptime var r = 1
    for (1..(n + 1)) |i| {
        r *= i;
    return r;

When you prefix a for loop with the inline, you are effectively unrolling the loop so that each iteration of the loop is executed sequentially without branching. This is usually done also for efficiency reasons.

When you inline the loop, the loop can still do runtime stuff but the loop branching and the iteration variables are now comptime.

pub fn factorial(comptime n: u8) comptime_int {
    var r = 1; // no need to write it as comptime var r = 1
    inline for (1..(n + 1)) |i| {
        r *= i;
    return r;

WTF is Type Function

The real power of comptime lies in something called a type function. Earlier when I showed the signature of ArrayList, it's actually a type function. A type function is simply a function that returns a type.

Let's see the ArrayList type function again:

pub fn ArrayList(comptime T: type) type {
    return ArrayListAligned(T, null);

As you can see because the type function returns a type, the function name is usually capitalized by convention as if it's a type. Effectively you can use type function anywhere a type is usually required such as type annotation, function arguments, and even return types. However, take note that type function name by itself is not a type, because it's a function, you need to actually supply it with the parameters it needs. For example, ArrayList is not a type, but ArrayList(u8) is a type because the ArrayList type function requires a type as its parameter specified as comptime T: type.

For example, say I need to implement a function that allows me to calculate the combinatorics of m choose n. From your high-school maths, you know that (m choose n) is equal to m! / (n! * (m-n)!). In other words, if you have 3 items and you want to get all the combinations of 2 items from those 3 times, you can use such function to calculate how many unique combinations you'd get. So for (3 choose 2), you have 3! / (2! * 1!) = (6 / 2) = 3.

You can use the following function to do the maths:

pub fn numChosen(comptime m: u8, comptime n: u8) comptime_int {
    return factorial(m) / (factorial(n) * factorial(m - n));

If you want to get all the actual permutations of such combinatorics, you need to have some way of grouping the permutations together, and for (3 choose 2) or the 6 permutations, you need to have a group of 6 items where each item is a combination of 2 indices. For example, say you have (0, 1, 2) as in the input, you want to get back an array of [6][2]u8, which is an array of 6 items where each of the item is an array of 2 u8s.

The reason why we use array instead of an ArrayList is to not only be able to find the permutations in comptime but also we don't have to deal with allocators.

In order to make this work, we need to have a type function that would simplify the return type of our function.

pub fn ChosenType(comptime m: u8, comptime n: u8) type {
    comptime var t = numChosen(m, n);
    return [t][n]u8;

As you can see, this function calls the previously defined numChosen to calculate the number of items in the return array type. The return type of the type function is a type.

Now for the final implementation of the choose function that returns all the permutations.

pub fn choose(comptime l: []const u8, comptime k: u8) ChosenType(l.len, k) {
    std.debug.assert(l.len >= k);
    std.debug.assert(k > 0);

    var ret: ChosenType(l.len, k) = std.mem.zeroes(ChosenType(l.len, k));

    if (k == 1) {
        inline for (0..l.len) |i| {
            ret[i] = [k]u8{l[i]};
        return ret;
    comptime var c = choose(l[1..], k - 1);
    comptime var i = 0;
    inline for (0..(l.len - 1)) |m| {
        inline for (0..c.len) |n| {
            if (l[m] < c[n][0]) {
                ret[i][0] = l[m];
                inline for (0..c[n].len) |j| {
                    ret[i][j + 1] = c[n][j];
                i += 1;
    return ret;

Dependency Order of Comptime Arguments and Return Type

You function doesn't have to make all the arguments comptime unless you need to use the function in comptime such as a type function.

There is however an order of comptime variable dependency. What I mean is that if you have 2 comptime parameters, then the latter parameter can depend on the earlier comptime parameter. This is true regardless of the number of parameters in the function, and the return type of the function can depend on the values of the comptime variables defined in the parameters of the function.

In the choose function, the return type ChosenType(m, n) depends on both of the 2 parameters in function arguments. In this particular function, it actually depends on the length of the first comptime slice and the number passed in as the 2nd argument.

A more complex example is in used my code where although I didn't need to pass in the comptime z parameter, I had to because I need that parameter to determine both what matrix to allow multiplying to and the result matrix. In other words, when you multiple an m x n (self) matrix with an n x z (other) matrix, you know the type must be an m x z (return type) matrix. However, because I cannot specify the parameter of the (other) matrix without knowing both values of n and z from some other parameter except when it's already passed in in the argument, I have to take in an extra z parameter.

pub fn multiply(self: *Self, comptime z: comptime_int, other: BinaryFieldMatrix(n, z, b)) !BinaryFieldMatrix(m, z, b)

In this particular function declaration, BinaryFieldMatrix is a type function as well.

This is actually one of the manifestation of the problem 1 I mentioned earlier in the section WTF is Comptime_Int.

I originally made Matrix a type function that takes in comptime values, and that made both BinaryFiniteField and BinaryFieldMatrix type functions, which in turn made my ErasureCoder also a type function, and everything depended on comptime values to initialize which worked great when I was testing the code.

However, when I started running the code by specifying command-line arguments I realized that I cannot pass in any command-line arguments to construct the ErasureCoder because command-line arguments cannot be forced into comptime even if I prepend the variable name with comptime.

Now I'm going to end with the platitude of "great power comes with great responsibility". Use your comptime wisely, my friend!


The keyword comptime in fact can be put in front of any expression such as a loop, or a block, or even a function.

When you do so, you are effectively making that expression comptime.

For example, when you call the factorial function, you can prepend comptime to the function call and then the function would be run at comptime and it would not take any run-time resource to calculate the factorial. So it doesn't matter whether it's 5! or 10!, at run time, it's really just a constant that was calculated at compile time.

pub fn main() !void {
    const z = comptime factorial(50);
    std.debug.print("10! = {d}\n", .{z});
> zig run main.zig
10! = 3628800

The End

You can read Loris Cro's blog "What is Zig's Comptime?".

You can find the code here.

Special thanks to InKryption for helping out on comptime questions!

The erasure coding project I mentioned earlier is here, and the older code that mostly uses comptime is here.

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