Upgrade eeacms/plone-backend: 6.0.7-2 ~ 6.0.10-8
Dependency updates
eea.api.dataconnector: 6.3 ~ 10.2
Change: Release
[claudiaifrim] -
Change: Release
[claudiaifrim] -
Change: feat: improve plotlychart visualization serialization
[razvanMiu] -
Change: fix: don't break visualizations if selected content is not a viz
[razvanMiu] -
Bug fix: Add upgrade step to fix plotly with BOM character
[avoinea - refs #262155] -
Change: fix - default values
[claudiaifrim] -
Feature: Add custom add permissions for EEA-Viz content-types
[avoinea - refs #257682] -
Change: map-interactive content type
[claudiaifrim] -
Change: (feat): Serializer and deserializer for embed tableau and embed eea map
[razvanMiu] -
Change: feat: serialize embed_visualization and new embed_map
eea.coremetadata: 3.4 ~ 3.7
Change: updated Organizations taxonomy, added EMA.
[alecghica refs #268171] -
Change: Develop
[alecghica] -
Feature: Expose rights field as metadata
[dobri1408 - refs #159551]
- Update Dockerfile - revert changes - set 6.0.10-8 from 6.0.11-1 - [Claudia Ifrim -