The implementation details follow, organized by GSoC timeline.
The proper electronic parts selected for that project and designed,printed and tested the 3D parts of the robot in a modular way with a tool-less philosophy.
- Selection of electronic parts
- 3D designs 📐
- Parts printing stage
- Functionality tests of the parts
- Robot Assembly 🔧
New libraries created for the communication between hardware-software. A object oriented way for programming selected and the integration with Jupyter completed.
- Control library
- Vision library
- OpenCV integration
- Special control and functionality library (e.x. PID Controller)
- Jupyter Notebook integration
- Wireless access, control and programming of the program achieved
All the needed preparations completed for easy deployment of software and material for the courses, user manuals and instructions created.
- Modifications of Rasbian image
- Courses on Jupyter Notebook (e.x. Line Follower robot)
- PDFs with extensive instructions for the assembly and usage of the robot
- Final debugging
- Wiki page created