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Panagiotis Antoniadis edited this page Jun 23, 2019 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the Wiki of Creation of an online Greek mail dictation system using Sphinx and personalized acoustic/language model training.

This project is implemented as a Google Summer of Code 2019 Project, under the auspices of Open Technologies Alliance - GFOSS.

Here, you will find in-depth information about the current status of the project. For a quick introduction to the project, check the project README.

Table of Contents

  1. Home
  2. Repository
  3. Datasets and Adaptation
  4. Fetching and Processing Emails
  5. Classify Emails
  6. Clustering Emails

Wiki external links

In Projects section the whole progress of the project is tracked on a daily basis. Every new feature or concept is opened as an issue using the above cards:

  • Sticky: Useful notes
  • Incubator: Task ideas that are not finalized
  • Backlog: Future tasks and subtasks
  • Sprint planning: Tasks to be done in the following 1-2 weeks
  • In progress: Tasks that are in progress.
  • Delivered: Tasks that are done and wait for mentors' approval.
  • Accepted: Tasks are moved here when mentors close the corresponding issue.

Each issue is in the form (N) name [M], where N is the estimated man-days and M is the man-days spent so far, as indicated in this chrome extension.