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Spatio-Temporal Deformable Convolution for Compressed Video Quality Enhancement (AAAI 2020)

🚀 Update (22/4/24): We re-implement STDF based on MMEditing at PowerVQE.

🚀 Update (21/4/27): We open-source some commonly-used compared approaches at PowerQE.

0. Background

PyTorch implementation of Spatio-Temporal Deformable Convolution for Compressed Video Quality Enhancement (AAAI 2020).

  • A simple and effective video quality enhancement network.
  • Adopt feature alignment by multi-frame deformable convolutions, instead of motion estimation and motion compensation.

Notice: The dataset and training method are different from those in the original paper.


(Figure copyright: Jianing Deng)

Feel free to contact: [email protected].

1. Pre-request

1.1. Environment

conda create -n stdf python=3.7 -y && conda activate stdf

git clone --depth=1 && cd stdf-pytorch/

# given CUDA 10.1
python -m pip install torch==1.6.0+cu101 torchvision==0.7.0+cu101 -f

python -m pip install tqdm lmdb pyyaml opencv-python scikit-image

1.2. DCNv2

Build DCNv2

cd ops/dcn/

Check if DCNv2 works (optional)


The DCNv2 source files here is different from the open-sourced version due to incompatibility. [issue]

1.3. MFQEv2 dataset

Download and compress videos

Please check here.

Edit YML

We now edit option_R3_mfqev2_4G.yml.

Suppose the folder MFQEv2_dataset/ is placed at /raid/xql/datasets/MFQEv2_dataset/, then you should assign /raid/xql/datasets/MFQEv2_dataset/ to dataset -> train -> root in YAML.

R3: one of the network structures provided in the paper; mfqev2: MFQEv2 dataset will be adopted; 4G: 4 GPUs will be used for the below training. Similarly, you can also edit option_R3_mfqev2_1G.yml and option_R3_mfqev2_2G.yml if needed.

Generate LMDB

We now generate LMDB to speed up IO during training.

python --opt_path option_R3_mfqev2_4G.yml

Now you will get all needed data:

├── train_108/
│   ├── raw/
│   └── HM16.5_LDP/
│       └── QP37/
├── test_18/
│   ├── raw/
│   └── HM16.5_LDP/
│       └── QP37/
├── mfqev2_train_gt.lmdb/
└── mfqev2_train_lq.lmdb/

Finally, the MFQEv2 dataset root will be sym-linked to the folder ./data/ automatically.

So that we and programmes can access MFQEv2 dataset at ./data/ directly.

2. Train


3. Test

Pretrained models can be found here: [Releases] and [百度网盘 (stdf)]

3.1. Test MFQEv2 dataset after training


3.2. Test MFQEv2 dataset without training

If you did not run create_lmdb for training, you should first sym-link MFQEv2 dataset to ./data/.

mkdir data/
ln -s /your/path/to/MFQEv2_dataset/ data/MFQEv2

Download the pre-trained model, and see

3.3. Test your own video

First download the pre-trained model, and then run:


See for more details.

4. Result

loading model exp/MFQEv2_R3_enlarge300x/
> model exp/MFQEv2_R3_enlarge300x/ loaded.

<<<<<<<<<< Results >>>>>>>>>>
BQMall_832x480_600.yuv: [31.297] dB -> [32.221] dB
BQSquare_416x240_600.yuv: [28.270] dB -> [29.078] dB
BQTerrace_1920x1080_600.yuv: [31.247] dB -> [31.852] dB
BasketballDrill_832x480_500.yuv: [31.591] dB -> [32.359] dB
BasketballDrive_1920x1080_500.yuv: [33.227] dB -> [33.963] dB
BasketballPass_416x240_500.yuv: [30.482] dB -> [31.446] dB
BlowingBubbles_416x240_500.yuv: [27.794] dB -> [28.465] dB
Cactus_1920x1080_500.yuv: [32.207] dB -> [32.918] dB
FourPeople_1280x720_600.yuv: [34.589] dB -> [35.533] dB
Johnny_1280x720_600.yuv: [36.375] dB -> [37.161] dB
Kimono_1920x1080_240.yuv: [34.411] dB -> [35.272] dB
KristenAndSara_1280x720_600.yuv: [35.887] dB -> [36.895] dB
ParkScene_1920x1080_240.yuv: [31.583] dB -> [32.140] dB
PartyScene_832x480_500.yuv: [27.802] dB -> [28.402] dB
PeopleOnStreet_2560x1600_150.yuv: [31.388] dB -> [32.557] dB
RaceHorses_416x240_300.yuv: [29.320] dB -> [30.055] dB
RaceHorses_832x480_300.yuv: [30.094] dB -> [30.557] dB
Traffic_2560x1600_150.yuv: [33.176] dB -> [33.866] dB
> ori: [31.708] dB
> ave: [32.486] dB
> delta: [0.778] dB
TOTAL TIME: [0.2] h

5. Q&A

5.1. Vimeo-90K dataset

You should download the Vimeo-90K dataset, convert these PNG sequences into 7-frame YCbCr YUV444P videos, then compress these videos under QP37, All Intra, HM16.5.

We also provide one-click programme at [Releases] and [百度网盘 (stdf)].

├── vimeo_septuplet/
│   └── ...
├── vimeo_septuplet_ycbcr/
│   └── ...
└── vimeo_septuplet_ycbcr_intra/
    └── ...

The LMDB preparation, option YAML, training and test codes have been already provided in this repository.

5.2. Why the epoch index starts from 0, while the iter index (also model index) starts from 1

Small bug. I may fix it some time.

5.3. How do we enlarge the dataset

Following BasicSR, we set sampling index = target index % dataset len.

For example, if we have a dataset which volume is 4 and enlargement ratio is 2, then we will sample images at indexes equal 0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3. Note that at each sampling, we will randomly crop the image. Therefore, the patches cropped at the same image but different times can be different.

Besides, the data loader will be shuffled at the start of each epoch. Enlarging epoch can help reduce the total starting times.

5.4. Why do we set the number of iteration, not epoch

Considering that we can enlarge the dataset with various ratio, the number of epoch is meaningless. In the meanwhile, the number of iteration indicates the number of sampling batches, which is more meaningful to us.

6. License

We adopt Apache License v2.0. For other licenses, please refer to BasicSR and DCNv2.

If you find this repository helpful, you may cite:

  title={Spatio-Temporal Deformable Convolution for Compressed Video Quality Enhancement},
  author={Deng, Jianing and Wang, Li and Pu, Shiliang and Zhuo, Cheng},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence},

  author = {Xing, Qunliang and Deng, Jianing},
  month = {9},
  title = {{PyTorch implementation of STDF}},
  url = {},
  version = {1.0.0},
  year = {2020}

Special thanks to Jianing Deng (邓家宁, the author of STDF) for network structure and training details.