diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 5e2da27..a7d2687 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ Note: Your host & the host you're deploying talos on needs to be able to reach e Make sure to change the value of the variable ```controlplane_ips``` (playbooks/roles/talos-provision/vars/main.yml) to the IP of the host talos is being deployed to, multiple hosts are currently not supported. -```docker run -it -v /Users/danielr/work/k8s-edge-infra:/k8s-edge-infra eficode-academy/edgek8s-provision:latest /bin/sh -c "cd k8s-edge-infra && ansible-playbook playbooks/edgek8s-complete-provision.yml"``` +```docker run -it -v /Users/danielr/work/k8s-edge-infra:/k8s-edge-infra ghcr.io/eficode-academy/edgek8s-provision:latest /bin/sh -c "cd k8s-edge-infra && ansible-playbook playbooks/edgek8s-complete-provision.yml"``` Make sure that the path to the repo is correct in the volume mounted, change the left part (by the -v flag in the docker command) of the path to match the path to the repo on your localhost. diff --git a/upgrade_edge/upgrade_edge.sh b/upgrade_edge/upgrade_edge.sh index e215c0e..edd0d0f 100644 --- a/upgrade_edge/upgrade_edge.sh +++ b/upgrade_edge/upgrade_edge.sh @@ -9,6 +9,10 @@ if [[ "$UPGRADE_KUBERNETES" == "true" ]] || [[ "$UPGRADE_TALOS" == "true" && -n $TALOS_VERSION ]]; then echo "None of the variables UPGRADE_KUBERNETES or UPGRADE_TALOS has been set to true (true as a string, not a boolean), exiting without any upgrading" + echo $UPGRADE_KUBERENTES + echo $UPGRADE_TALOS + echo $TALOS_VERSION + exit 0 fi check_talos_version_existence() {