ArgoCD is a gitops controller. We will use the OpenShift Gitops operator to deploy our team based ArgoCD which will deploy and configure all of our other application tools.
Check these environment variables are configured in your DevSpaces Terminal.
We need to use a ServiceAccount to connect ArgoCD to Vault which we will setup shortly. For now, we will just configure the ServiceAccount name to use.
export SERVICE_ACCOUNT=vault
Create our ci-cd namespace:
oc new-project ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd
Create vault SA that runs the repo server:
oc -n ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd create sa ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}
The Service Account mst be able to read secrets and be used for authentication in our <TEAM_NAME>-ci-cd namespace. Let's create the RBAC.
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user edit -z ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} -n ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user system:auth-delegator -z ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} -n ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd
Helm setup
helm repo add redhat-cop
We configure the cluster scoped ArgoCD Operator so that we may create a privileged Team based ArgoCD instance. Ideally we want a less privileged instance that just controls our teams namespaces - but for now this will suffice. Read more about aligning Teams and ArgoCD here.
run() { NS=$(oc get -n openshift-operators \ -o jsonpath='{.spec.config.env[?("ARGOCD_CLUSTER_CONFIG_NAMESPACES")].value}') opp= if [ -z $NS ]; then NS="${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd" opp=add elif [[ "$NS" =~ .*"${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd".* ]]; then echo "${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd already added." return else NS="${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd,${NS}" opp=replace fi oc -n openshift-operators patch --type=json \ -p '[{"op":"'$opp'","path":"/spec/config/env/1","value":{"name": "ARGOCD_CLUSTER_CONFIG_NAMESPACES", "value":"'${NS}'"}}]' echo "EnvVar set to: $(oc get -n openshift-operators \ -o jsonpath='{.spec.config.env[?("ARGOCD_CLUSTER_CONFIG_NAMESPACES")].value}')" } run
Setup our ArgoCD configuration. There is quite a bit of detail here. We configure the ArgoCD Vault Plugin so that we can integrate our secrets' management with ArgoCD.
export IMAGE_TAG=2.9.5
cat << EOF > /tmp/argocd-values.yaml ignoreHelmHooks: true operator: [] namespaces: - ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd argocd_cr: statusBadgeEnabled: true repo: mountsatoken: true serviceaccount: ${SERVICE_ACCOUNT} volumes: - name: vault-plugin configMap: name: argocd-vault-plugins items: - key: vault-plugin.yaml path: plugin.yaml mode: 509 - name: vault-plugin-helm configMap: name: argocd-vault-plugins items: - key: helm-plugin.yaml path: plugin.yaml mode: 509 - name: vault-plugin-kustomize configMap: name: argocd-vault-plugins items: - key: kustomize-plugin.yaml path: plugin.yaml mode: 509 - name: cmp-tmp-vault emptyDir: {} - name: cmp-tmp-helm emptyDir: {} - name: cmp-tmp-kustomize emptyDir: {} initContainers: - name: copy-cmp-server command: - cp - -n - /usr/local/bin/argocd - /var/run/argocd/argocd-cmp-server image:${IMAGE_TAG} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: drop: - ALL readOnlyRootFilesystem: true runAsNonRoot: true seccompProfile: type: RuntimeDefault terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/run/argocd name: var-files sidecarContainers: - name: vault-plugin command: [/var/run/argocd/argocd-cmp-server] image:${IMAGE_TAG} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: drop: - ALL readOnlyRootFilesystem: true runAsNonRoot: true seccompProfile: type: RuntimeDefault volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/run/argocd name: var-files - mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/config name: vault-plugin - mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/plugins name: plugins - mountPath: /tmp name: cmp-tmp-vault - name: vault-plugin-helm command: [/var/run/argocd/argocd-cmp-server] image:${IMAGE_TAG} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: drop: - ALL readOnlyRootFilesystem: true runAsNonRoot: true seccompProfile: type: RuntimeDefault volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/run/argocd name: var-files - mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/config name: vault-plugin-helm - mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/plugins name: plugins - mountPath: /tmp name: cmp-tmp-helm - name: vault-plugin-kustomize command: [/var/run/argocd/argocd-cmp-server] image:${IMAGE_TAG} securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false capabilities: drop: - ALL readOnlyRootFilesystem: true runAsNonRoot: true seccompProfile: type: RuntimeDefault volumeMounts: - mountPath: /var/run/argocd name: var-files - mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/config name: vault-plugin-kustomize - mountPath: /home/argocd/cmp-server/plugins name: plugins - mountPath: /tmp name: cmp-tmp-kustomize initialRepositories: | - name: rainforest url: https://${GIT_SERVER}/${TEAM_NAME}/rainforest.git repositoryCredentials: | - url: https://${GIT_SERVER} type: git passwordSecret: key: password name: git-auth usernameSecret: key: username name: git-auth EOF
And create our ConfigMap that defines the commands for the plugin.
oc apply -n ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd -f- <<EOF apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: argocd-vault-plugins data: vault-plugin.yaml: | apiVersion: kind: ConfigManagementPlugin metadata: name: argocd-vault-plugin spec: generate: command: ["sh", "-c"] args: ["argocd-vault-plugin -s ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd:team-avp-credentials generate ./"] helm-plugin.yaml: | apiVersion: kind: ConfigManagementPlugin metadata: name: argocd-vault-plugin-helm spec: init: command: [sh, -c] args: ["helm dependency build"] generate: command: ["bash", "-c"] args: ['helm template "\$ARGOCD_APP_NAME" -n "\$ARGOCD_APP_NAMESPACE" -f <(echo "\$ARGOCD_ENV_HELM_VALUES") . | argocd-vault-plugin generate -s ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd:team-avp-credentials -'] kustomize-plugin.yaml: | apiVersion: kind: ConfigManagementPlugin metadata: name: argocd-vault-plugin-kustomize spec: generate: command: ["sh", "-c"] args: ["kustomize build . | argocd-vault-plugin -s ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd:team-avp-credentials generate -"] EOF
Install ArgoCD using our configuration.
helm upgrade --install argocd \ --namespace ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd \ -f /tmp/argocd-values.yaml \ redhat-cop/gitops-operator
You should see the pods spun up in the <TEAM_NAME>-ci-cd project.
Login to ArgoCD using the OpenShift button. Login as admin. On the first login you will be asked to approve OAuth permissions.
echo https://$(oc get route argocd-server --template='{{ }}' -n ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd)
We will use ArgoCD Projects, set these up now. The rainforest project is for our shared middleware, whilst the daintree is for our per-team tools.
oc apply -n ${TEAM_NAME}-ci-cd -k /projects/rainforest/tenant-argocd/overlay/cluster-dev/rainforest
You can see these in the ArgoCD UI Settings > Projects
Login to Gitlab using a data science USER_NAME and the LDAP identity provider. Create an Internal Group called <TEAM_NAME>.
echo https://$(oc get route gitlab-ce --template='{{ }}' -n gitlab)
Create an Internal Project called rainforest.
We will use a Personal Access Token to check in the code as the data science user.
cd /projects/rainforest git remote set-url origin https://${GITLAB_USER}:${GITLAB_PAT}@${GIT_SERVER}/${TEAM_NAME}/rainforest.git
Push our cloned code to Gitlab.
cd /projects/rainforest git add . git commit -am "🐙 ADD - rainforest 🐙" git push -u origin --all
Let's create a GitLab webhook that triggers ArgoCD to immediately refresh when code is checked in. Browse to Gitlab > Rainforest project > Settings > Integrations. Add a webhook with using this url:
echo https://$(oc -n <TEAM_NAME>-ci-cd get route argocd-server --template='{{}}'/api/webhook)
🪄🪄 Now, let's carry on and configure our Secrets ... !🪄🪄