We need to set up our Data Science JupyterHub environment so we can run the Airflow demo's. Let's do that now.
Login to Gitlab and under your group <TEAM_NAME> create a dag project repo called daintree-dev-dags
In DevSpaces initialize the dags repo.
cd /projects git clone https://<GIT_SERVER>/<TEAM_NAME>/daintree-dev-dags.git cd daintree-dev-dags echo "# rainforest/daintree-dev-dags" > README.md git add README.md git commit -m "🦩 initial commit 🦩" git branch -M main git push -u origin main
Copy airflowignore file to root of dags directory
cd /projects/daintree-dev-dags echo "# ignore the symlinked directory" > .airflowignore echo "daintree-dev-dags.git" >> .airflowignore podname=$(oc -n daintree-dev get pod -lapp.kubernetes.io/name=airflow-scheduler -o name) oc -n daintree-dev -c airflow-scheduler cp .airflowignore ${podname##pod/}:/opt/app-root/dags