The search screen is used to filter the list of consumers based on selected criteria. This is the common search screen for all the transactions such as -
- Collect payments
- Download bills and receipts
- Update consumer information
The consumer can be searched on the following parameters -
- Owner Mobile Number - Allows search of consumer records that match the entered mobile number.
- OLD Mobile Number
- NEW Mobile Number
- The user is able to search only when he/she enters the full mobile number. A partial mobile number search is not allowed.
- Name of Consumer - Allows search of consumer records that match consumer names with the input text.
- OLD Name
- New Name
- Name search can be done with a partial name also.
- Old Connection id - Allows search of consumer records that matches the old Connection id entered in the search bar.
- New Connection id - Allows search of consumer records that matches the New Connection id entered in the search bar.
{% hint style="info" %}
- As the user starts entering one field, other fields are made non-editable. When the user removes text/numbers entered in the field, other fields are made accessible.
- Show more & Show less option expands and contracts the view.
- When the user search matches only one record, the system shows the HH detail screen directly. The intermediary search details screen is not required. {% endhint %}
The search result set contains the below information -
- Sub-Heading - Subheading text changes dynamically with the type of search carried out.
- Following consumers match search criteria with
- Phone Number as +91 - 7731045306
- Name as ABCxyZ
- Following consumers match search criteria with
- New Connection ID
- Old Connection ID
- Consumer’s Name
- Phone Number
- Address - Combination of Door Number, street number, Ward (if applicable)
- Clicking on the View Consumer Details button redirects the user to the HH Details screen.
All content on this page by eGov Foundation is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.