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Creating a plugin

This document explains how to create a plugin for modern-errors. To learn how to install, use and configure plugins, please refer to the main documentation instead.


Plugins can add error:

  • Properties: error.message, error.stack or any other error.*
  • Instance methods: ErrorClass.exampleMethod(error, ...args) or error.exampleMethod(...args)
  • Static methods: ErrorClass.exampleMethod(...args)


Simple example

export default {
  name: 'secret',
  properties({ error }) {
    return { message: error.message.replaceAll('secret', '******') }
import ModernError from 'modern-errors'

import secretPlugin from './secret.js'

const BaseError = ModernError.subclass('BaseError', { plugins: [secretPlugin] })
const error = new BaseError('Message with a secret')
console.log(error.message) // 'Message with a ******'

Real-life examples

Existing plugins can be used for inspiration.


The following directory contains a template to start a new plugin, including types and tests.


Plugins are plain objects with a default export. All members are optional except for name.

export default {
  // Name used to configure the plugin
  name: 'example',

  // Set error properties
  properties(info) {
    return {}

  // Add instance methods like `ErrorClass.exampleMethod(error, ...args)` or
  // `error.exampleMethod(...args)`
  instanceMethods: {
    exampleMethod(info, ...args) {
      // ...

  // Add static methods like `ErrorClass.staticMethod(...args)`
  staticMethods: {
    staticMethod(info, ...args) {
      // ...

  // Validate and normalize options
  getOptions(options, full) {
    return options

  // Determine if a value is plugin's options
  isOptions(options) {
    return typeof options === 'boolean'


Type: string

Plugin's name. It is used to configure the plugin's options.

Only lowercase letters must be used (as opposed to _ - . or uppercase letters).

// Users configure this plugin using
// `ErrorClass.subclass('ErrorName', { example: ... })`
// or `new ErrorClass('...', { example: ... })
export default {
  name: 'example',


Type: (info) => object

Set properties on error.* (including message or stack). The properties to set must be returned as an object.

Error properties that are internal or secret can be prefixed with _. This makes them non-enumerable, which prevents iterating or logging them.

export default {
  name: 'example',
  // Sets `error.example: true`
  properties() {
    return { example: true }


Type: (info, ...args) => any

Add error instance methods like ErrorClass.methodName(error, ...args) or error.methodName(...args). Unlike static methods, this should be used when the method's main argument is an error instance.

The first argument info is provided by modern-errors. The error argument is passed as info.error. The other ...args are forwarded from the method's call.

export default {
  name: 'example',
  // `ErrorClass.concatMessage(error, "one")` or `error.concatMessage("one")`
  // return `${error.message} - one`
  instanceMethods: {
    concatMessage(info, string) {
      return `${info.error.message} - ${string}`

Invalid errors passed as error argument are automatically normalized. This only occurs when using ErrorClass.methodName(error, ...args), not error.methodName(...args). For this reason, we discourage using or documenting error.methodName(...args) unless there is a use case for it, since users might accidentally call it without normalizing error first.

try {
  return regExp.test(value)
} catch (error) {
  ErrorClass.exampleMethod(error, ...args) // This works
  ErrorClass.normalize(error).exampleMethod(...args) // This works
  error.exampleMethod(...args) // This throws


Type: (info, ...args) => any

Add error static methods like ErrorClass.methodName(...args). Unlike instance methods, this should be used when the method's main argument is not an error instance.

The first argument info is provided by modern-errors. info.error is not defined. The other ...args are forwarded from the method's call.

export default {
  name: 'example',
  // `ErrorClass.multiply(2, 3)` returns `6`
  staticMethods: {
    multiply(info, first, second) {
      return first * second


Type: (options, full) => options

Normalize and return the plugin's options. Required to use plugin options.

If options are invalid, an Error should be thrown. The error message is automatically prepended with Invalid "${}" options:. Regular Errors should be thrown, as opposed to using modern-errors itself.

The plugin's options's type can be anything.

export default {
  name: 'example',
  getOptions(options = true) {
    if (typeof options !== 'boolean') {
      throw new Error('It must be true or false.')

    return options


Plugin users can pass additional options at multiple stages. Each stage calls getOptions().

full is a boolean parameter indicating whether the options might still be partial. It is false in the first stage above, true in the others.

When full is false, any logic validating required properties should be skipped. The same applies to properties depending on each other.

export default {
  name: 'example',
  getOptions(options, full) {
    if (typeof options !== 'object' || options === null) {
      throw new Error('It must be a plain object.')

    if (full && options.apiKey === undefined) {
      throw new Error('"apiKey" is required.')

    return options


Type: (options) => boolean

Plugin users can pass the plugin's options as the last argument of any plugin method (instance or static). isOptions() determines whether the last argument of a plugin method are options or not. This should be defined if the plugin has any method with arguments.

If options are invalid but can be determined not to be the last argument of any plugin's method, isOptions() should still return true. This allows getOptions() to validate them and throw proper error messages.

// `ErrorClass.exampleMethod(error, 'one', true)` results in:
//   options: true
//   args: ['one']
// `ErrorClass.exampleMethod(error, 'one', 'two')` results in:
//   options: undefined
//   args: ['one', 'two']
export default {
  name: 'example',
  isOptions(options) {
    return typeof options === 'boolean'
  getOptions(options) {
    return options
  instanceMethod: {
    exampleMethod({ options }, ...args) {
      // ...


info is a plain object passed as the first argument to properties(), instance methods and static methods.

Its members are readonly and should not be directly mutated. Exception: instance methods can mutate info.error.


Type: Error

Normalized error instance. This is not defined in static methods.

export default {
  name: 'example',
  properties({ error }) {
    return { isInputError: === 'InputError' }


Type: ErrorClass

Current error class.

export default {
  name: 'example',
  instanceMethods: {
    addErrors({ error, ErrorClass }, errors = []) {
      error.errors =


Type: ErrorClass[]

Array containing both the current error class and all its subclasses (including deep ones).

export default {
  name: 'example',
  staticMethods: {
    isKnownErrorClass({ ErrorClasses }, value) {
      return ErrorClasses.includes(value)


Type: any

Plugin's options, as returned by getOptions().

export default {
  name: 'example',
  getOptions(options) {
    return options
  // `new ErrorClass('message', { example: value })` sets `error.example: value`
  properties({ options }) {
    return { example: options }


Type: (Error) => info

Returns the info object from a specific Error. All members are present except for info.errorInfo itself.

export default {
  name: 'example',
  staticMethods: {
    getLogErrors({ errorInfo }) {
      return function logErrors(errors) {
        errors.forEach((error) => {
          const { options } = errorInfo(error)
          console.error(options.example?.stack ? error.stack : error.message)


Any plugin's types are automatically exposed to its TypeScript users.


The types of getOptions()'s parameters are used to validate the plugin's options.

// Any `{ example }` plugin option passed by users will be validated as boolean
export default {
  name: 'example' as const,
  getOptions(options: boolean): object {
    // ...


The name property should be typed as const so it can be used to validate the plugin's options.

export default {
  name: 'example' as const,
  // ...

properties, instanceMethods and staticMethods

The types of properties(), instanceMethods and staticMethods are also exposed to plugin users. Please note generics are currently ignored.

// Any `ErrorClass.exampleMethod(error, input)` or `error.exampleMethod(input)`
// call will be validated
export default {
  // ...
  instanceMethods: {
    exampleMethod(info: Info['instanceMethods'], input: boolean): void {},


The info parameter can be typed with Info['properties'], Info['instanceMethods'], Info['staticMethods'] or Info['errorInfo'].

import type { Info } from 'modern-errors'

export default {
  // ...
  properties(info: Info['properties']) {
    // ...


A Plugin type is available to validate the plugin's shape. satisfies Plugin should be used (as opposed to const plugin: Plugin = { ... }) to prevent widening it and removing any specific types declared by that plugin.

import type { Plugin } from 'modern-errors'

export default {
  // ...
} satisfies Plugin


If the plugin is published on npm, we recommend the following conventions:

  • The npm package name should be [@scope/]modern-errors-${}
  • The repository name should match the npm package name
  • "modern-errors" and "modern-errors-plugin" should be added as both package.json keywords and GitHub topics
  • "modern-errors" should be added in the package.json's peerDependencies, not in the production dependencies, devDependencies nor bundledDependencies. Its semver range should start with ^. Also, peerDependenciesMeta.modern-errors.optional should not be used.
  • The README should document how to:
    • Add the plugin to modern-errors (example)
    • Configure options, if there are any (example)
  • The plugin should export its types for TypeScript users
  • Please create an issue on the modern-errors repository so we can add the plugin to the list of available ones! 🎉

Best practices


Serializable options

Options types should ideally be JSON-serializable. This allows preserving them when errors are serialized/parsed. In particular, functions and class instances should be avoided in plugin options, when possible.

Separate options

modern-errors provides with a pattern for options that enables them to be:

export default {
  name: 'example',
  getOptions(options) {
    return options
  instanceMethods: {
    exampleMethod(info) {

Plugins should avoid alternatives since they would lose those benefits. This includes:

  • Error method arguments, for configuration options
export default {
  name: 'example',
  instanceMethods: {
    exampleMethod(exampleOption) {
  • Error properties
export default {
  name: 'example',
  instanceMethods: {
    exampleMethod(info) {
  • Top-level objects
export const pluginOptions = {}

export default {
  name: 'example',
  instanceMethods: {
    exampleMethod() {
  • Functions taking options as input and returning the plugin
export default function getPlugin(exampleOption) {
  return {
    name: 'example',
    instanceMethods: {
      exampleMethod() {


Global state

Plugins should be usable by libraries. Therefore, modifying global objects (such as Error.prepareStackTrace()) should be avoided.

State objects

Other state objects, such as class instances or network connections, should not be kept in the global state. This ensures plugins are concurrency-safe, i.e. can be safely used in parallel async logic. Instead, plugins should either:

  • Provide with methods returning such objects
  • Let users create those objects and pass them as arguments to plugin methods

Separation of concerns

If the plugin contains some logic that is not specific to modern-errors, splitting it to a separate library allows using it without modern-errors. This also keeps the plugin smaller and focused on integrating with modern-errors.

Some examples include: