C# /.NET implementation of the Electronic Health Certificate Specification to create and decode Digital Covid Certificates
This is a dotnet standard 2.1 library.
// First connect to the DCC Gateway
// Get the TLS certificate
// From a certificate store or this could also be a file or some other methods
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2([ByteArrayOfTheCert])
var gatewayService = new GatewayService("https://url to the gateway", cert);
var dscs = gatewayService.GetAllDscFromGateway();
// ISecretariatService needs to be implemented
var secratariatService = new MyImpSecratariatService(dscs);
// Decode the barcode to cwt object
GreenCertificateDecoder decoder = new GreenCertificateDecoder();
var cwt = decoder.Decode(barcodeContent);
// Verify
GreenCertificateVerifier verifier = new GreenCertificateVerifier(secratariatService);
var (isvalid, reason) = await verifier.Verify(cwt);
// To check if certificate has been revoked
RevocationVerifier revocationVerifier = new RevocationVerifier(revocationRepository);
var isRevoked = revocationVerifier.IsRevoked(cwt);
This library doesn't implement the secratarieatService which is a repository to host all of the issuers public keys. Also, the library doesn't implement a procedure to fetch certificates and verify that they are verified against the CSCA. The GatewayService does provide an interface to fetch the certificates
The library doesn't implement the revocationRepository that host the list of all revocation or a way to check if the hash of the certificate is revoked. The GatewayService does provide an interface to fetch the revocation list.
// Get the signing certificate with a private key
// From a certificate store (HSM) or this could also be a file or some other methods
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2([ByteArrayOfTheCert])
// Create CWT
var ci = "URN:UVCI:01:IS:SomeUniqeID";
CWT cwt = new CWT();
cwt.DGCv1 = new DgCertificate
Name = new Nam
FamilyName = lastName,
GivenName = firstName,
FamilyNameTransliterated = MrzEncoder.Encode(lastName),
GivenNameTraslitaerated = MrzEncoder.Encode(firstName),
Version = "1.0.0",
DateOfBirth = dateofbirth,
Test = new TestEntry[]
new TestEntry
CertificateIdentifier = ci + "#" + LuhnModN.GenerateCheckCharacter(ci),
CountryOfTest = "IS",
Disease = "840539006",
Issuer="Directorate of Health of Iceland",
SampleTakenDate = sampletakenDate,
TestingCenter = "Department of ClinicalMicrobiology,Landspitali",
TestNameAndManufacturer = "1278",
TestName = "Xiamen Boson Biotech Co. Ltd, Rapid SARS-CoV-2 Antigen Test Card",
TestResult = "260415000",
TestResutDate = testresultDate,
TestType = "LP6464-4"
cwt.ExpiarationTime = testDate.AddHours(72);
cwt.IssueAt = DateTime.Now;
cwt.Issuer = "IS";
string encodedDigitalCovidCert = new GreenCertificateEncoder(cert).Encode(cwt);
// Create a QR Code
using var stream = QrCodeGenerator.GenerateQR(dcc);
using var filestream = File.Create("qrCode.png");
To fetch valuesset from the eu dcc gateway the GatewayServices class can be used.
// First connect to the DCC Gateway
// Get the TLS certificate
// From a certificate store or this could also be a file or some other methods
X509Certificate2 cert = new X509Certificate2([ByteArrayOfTheCert])
var gatewayService = new GatewayService("https://url to the gateway", cert);
var country2Codes = gatewayService.GetValueset("country-2-codes");
var labResult = gatewayService.GetValueset("covid-19-lab-result");
var ratTestManfName = gatewayService.GetValueset("covid-19-lab-test-manufacturer-and-name");
var labTestType = gatewayService.GetValueset("covid-19-lab-test-type");
var diseaseAgentTargeted = gatewayService.GetValueset("disease-agent-targeted");
var sctVaccine = gatewayService.GetValueset("sct-vaccines-covid-19");
var vaccineAuthHoler = gatewayService.GetValueset("vaccines-covid-19-auth-holders");
var vaccineNames = gatewayService.GetValueset("vaccines-covid-19-names");
// To get the name of a RAT test
var ratTestName = ratTestManfName[cwt.Test[0].TestNameAndManufacturer];
To revoke a certificate
// Get the upload certificate with a private key
// From a certificate store (HSM) or this could also be a file or some other methods
X509Certificate2 uploadCert = new X509Certificate2([ByteArrayOfTheCert])
await gateway.UploadNewRevokationBatch(new GatewayRevocationBatch
country = cwt.Issuer,
expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(10),
hashType = "UCI",
kid = cwt.CoseMessage.KID,
entries = new List<GatewayRevocationBatchEntry>
new GatewayRevocationBatchEntry
hash = RevocationUtils.ComputeUCIHash(cwt)
}, uploadCert);
Get a list of revoked certificates
var lastModifiedDate = (new DateTime(2022, 5, 29));
var more = true;
var revocationBatches = await gateway.GetRevocationBatches(lastModifiedDate);
more = revocationBatches.More;
Console.WriteLine($"more? {revocationBatches.More}");
foreach (var item in revocationBatches.Batches.Where(p => !p.deleted))
var (batch, cms) = await gateway.GetRevocationBatch(item.batchId);
Console.WriteLine($"{item.country}, {item.date}, {item.batchId}, {batch.Kid}, {batch.HashType}");
foreach (var en in batch.Entries)
Console.WriteLine(" " + en.Hash);
Verifying extended key parameters and the signing country has not been implemented Signature certificates when downloaded are not verified against CA