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Publikator Backend

Publikator is a cms prototype: edit files on github with slate.

Works best with: publikator-frontend

Depends on modules from: backend-modules


Quick start

You need to have node (8.3.0+) installed, postgres and redis running somewhere.

Boostrap your .env file (see .env.example).

Install dependencies.

yarn install

Create a seeds file by copying seeds.example.json to seeds/seeds.json and adapting it to your needs. The seeds are read by the scripts db:seed or db:reset.

Create and init the DB.

createdb -U postgres publikator
yarn run db:reset

Run it.

yarn run dev

Checkout the API: http://localhost:3004/graphiql


This prototype features a passwordless signin system. It's a stripped down version from crowdfunding-backend and not suitable for production use (no real random words, no geo location, etc.). Signin emails are sent via Mandrill see lib/sendMail.js. Set the ENV var SEND_MAILS=false to see emails on the console, if you don't have a mandrill key at hand.


This server acts and authenticates as a GitHub-App. Despite the claim of GitHub, GitHub-Apps are also compatible to the GraphQL v4 API.

You need to setup a new GitHub-App and install it to at least one organization / account. Follow the steps below or Read more.

Setup (for dev environment):

  • Create a GitHub-App.
    • As the "Homepage URL" set http://localhost:3004.
    • On the permissions page set "Read & write" for the following sections and leave the rest on "No access".
      • Repository administration
      • Commit statuses
      • Repository contents
  • Download the private key. This key needs to be supplied as GITHUB_APP_KEY ENV var. Open the file in your favorite editor, replace newlines with @ (literally), replace whitespaces (such as in "-END RSA PRIVATE KEY-") with \ (escaped whitespace) and copy the content to your .env. This is needed due to the limitations with encryption keys by travis.
  • On the page of your new GitHub-App you also find the ID. This values needs to be provided as GITHUB_APP_ID env var.
  • Install the GitHub-App in your organization. On the page of the installation (settings -> Installed GitHub Apps -> App) copy the last part of the URL (e.g 41809), it needs to be provided as GITHUB_INSTALLATION_ID env var.

Email Tracking

You can add our own open beacon to newsletters by setting following environment variables:


MailChimp tracking is automatically disabled when creating a new campaign.


The embed root query depends on 3rd party API calls and in order for them to work, you have to create apps on the respective platforms and put your credentials into your .env file.


Create a new app: In the dashboard, select "Library" on the right, then search for and add the YouTube Data API v3 to your services.

Now select "Credentials" on the right and add the key to your .env:



Create a new app here: Now select your new app and in the menu above the icon, click on authentication. Now you add to your .env:

VIMEO_APP_KEY=[The hash from field "Client Identifier"]
VIMEO_APP_SECRET=[The hash from field "Client Secret"]


Create a new app here: and select it. Go to section "Keys and Access Tokens" and add to your .env:

TWITTER_APP_KEY=[The hash from field "Consumer Key (API Key)"]
TWITTER_APP_SECRET=[The hash from field "Consumer Secret (API Secret)"]


Union Types

With graphql-tools you cannot use actual union types. Instead define arbitrary types with interfaces.

Instead of

type A {


type B {


union C = A | B

type Query {
  getC(): C!

you do

interface C {


type A implements C {


type B implements C {


type Query {
  getC(): C!

Queries work exactly the same as they would with actual union types. Source


The source code and it's documentation is licensed under GNU AGPLv3+.