List is from "DECsystem-10 PROLOG USER'S MANUAL" (1982).
- abolish(F,N) Abolish the interpreted procedure named F arity N.
- abort Abort execution of the current directive.
- ancestors(L) The ancestor list of the current clause is L.
- arg(N,T,A) The Nth argument of term T is A.
- assert(C) Assert clause C.
- assert(C,R) Assert clause C, reference R.
- asserta(C) Assert C as first clause.
- asserta(C,R) Assert C as first clause, reference R.
- assertz(C) Assert C as last clause.
- assertz(C,R) Assert C as last clause, reference R.
- atom(T) Term T is an atom.
- atomic(T) Term T is an atom or integer.
- bagof(X,P,B) The bag of instances of X such that P is provable is B.
- break Break at the next interpreted procedure call.
- 'C'(S1,T,S2) (grammar rules) S1 is connected by the terminal T to S2.
- call(P) Execute the interpreted procedure call P.
- clause(P,Q) There is an interpreted clause, head P, body Q.
- clause(P,Q,R) There is an interpreted clause, head P, body Q, ref R.
- close(F) Close file F.
- compare(C,X,Y) C is the result of comparing terms X and Y.
- compile(F) Compile the procedures in text file F.
- consult(F) Extend the interpreted program with clauses from file F.
- current_atom(A) One of the currently defined atoms is A.
- current_functor(A,T) A current functor is named A, most general term T.
- current_predicate(A,P) A current predicate is named A, most general goal P.
- current_op(P,T,A) Atom A is an operator type T precedence P.
- debug Switch on debugging.
- debugging Output debugging status information.
- depth(D) The current invocation depth is D.
- display(T) Display term T on the terminal.
- erase(R) Erase the clause or record, reference R.
- expand_term(T,X) Term T is a shorthand which expands to term X.
- fail Backtrack immediately.
- fileerrors Enable reporting of file errors.
- functor(T,F,N) The principal functor of term T has name F, arity N.
- gc Enable garbage collection.
- gcguide(F,O,N) Change garbage collection parameter F from O to N.
- get(C) The next non-blank character input is C.
- get0(C) The next character input is C.
- halt Halt Prolog, exit to the monitor.
- incore(P) Execute the compiled procedure call P.
- instance(R,T) A most general instance of the record reference R is T.,
- integer(T) Term T is an integer.
- Y is X Y is the value of integer expression X.
- keysort(L,S) The list L sorted by key yields S.
- leash(M) Set leashing mode to M.
- length(L,N) The length of list L is N.
- listing List the current interpreted program.
- listing(P) List the interpreted procedure(s) specified by P.
- log Enable logging.
- maxdepth(D) Limit invocation depth to D.
- name(A,L) The name of atom or integer A is string L.
- nl Output a new line.
- nodebug Switch off debugging.
- nofileerrors Disable reporting of file errors.
- nogc Disable garbage collection.
- nolog Disable logging.
- nonvar(T) Term T is a non-variable.
- nospy P Remove spy-points from the procedure(s) specified by P.
- numbervars(T,M,N) Number the variables in term T from M to N-1.
- op(P,T,A) Make atom A an operator of type T precedence P.
- phrase(P,L) List L can be parsed as a phrase of type P.
- plsys(T) Allows certain interactions with the operating system.
- print(T) Portray or else write the term T.
- prompt(A,B) Change the prompt from A to B.
- put(C) The next character output is C.
- read(T) Read term T.
- reconsult(F) Update the interpreted program with procedures from file F.
- recorda(K,T,R) Make term T the first record under key K, reference R.
- recorded(K,T,R) Term T is recorded under key K, reference R.
- recordz(K,T,R) Make term T the last record under key K, reference R.
- reinitialise Initialisation - looks for 'prolog.bin' or 'prolog.ini'.
- rename(F,G) Rename file F to G.
- repeat Succeed repeatedly.
- restore(S) Restore the state saved in file S.
- retract(C) Erase the first interpreted clause of form C.
- revive(F,N) Revive the latest compiled procedure named F arity N.
- save(F) Save the current state of Prolog in file F.
- save(F,R) As save(F) but R is 0 first time, 1 after a 'restore'.
- see(F) Make file F the current input stream.
- seeing(F) The current input stream is named F.
- seen Close the current input stream.
- setof(X,P,S) The set of instances of X such that P is provable is S.
- skip(C) Skip input characters until after character C.
- sort(L,S) The list L sorted into order yields S.
- spy P Set spy-points on the procedure(s) specified by P.
- statistics Output various execution statistics.
- statistics(K,V) The execution statistic key K has value V.
- subgoal_of(G) An ancestor goal of the current clause is G.
- tab(N) Output N spaces.
- tell(F) Make file F the current output stream.
- telling(F) The current output stream is named F.
- told Close the current output stream.
- trace Switch on debugging and start tracing immediately.
- trimcore Reduce free stack space to a minimum.
- true Succeed.
- ttyflush Transmit all outstanding terminal output.
- ttyget(C) The next non-blank character input from the terminal is C.
- ttyget0(C) The next character input from the terminal is C.
- ttynl Output a new line on the terminal.
- ttyput(C) The next character output to the terminal is C.
- ttyskip(C) Skip over terminal input until after character C.
- ttytab(N) Output N spaces to the terminal.
- unknown(O,N) Change action on unknown procedures from O to N.
- var(T) Term T is a variable.
- version Displays introductory and/or system identification messages.
- version(A) Adds the atom A to the list of introductory messages.
- write(T) Write the term T.
- writeq(T) Write the term T, quoting names where necessary.
- 'LC' The following Prolog text uses lower case.
- 'NOLC' The following Prolog text uses upper case only.
- ! Cut any choices taken in the current procedure.
- \+ P Goal P is not provable.
- X^P There exists an X such that P is provable.
- X<Y As integer values, X is less than Y.
- X=<Y As integer values, X is less than or equal to Y.
- X>Y As integer values, X is greater than Y.
- X>=Y As integer values, X is greater than or equal to Y.
- X=Y Terms X and Y are equal (i.e. unified).
- T=..L The functor and arguments of term T comprise the list L.
- X==Y Terms X and Y are strictly identical.
- X==Y Terms X and Y are not strictly identical.
- X@<Y Term X precedes term Y.
- X@=<Y Term X precedes or is identical to term Y.
- X@>Y Term X follows term Y.
- X@>=Y Term X follows or is identical to term Y.
- [F|R] Perform the consult/reconsult(s) on the listed files..
[ ] :-op( 1200, xfx, [ :-, --> ]).
[x] :-op( 1200, fx, [ :-, ?- ]).
[ ] :-op( 1150, fx, [ mode, public ]).
[~] :-op( 1100, xfy, [ ; ]).
[ ] :-op( 1050, xfy, [ -> ]).
[x] :-op( 1000, xfy, [ ',' ]).
[ ] :-op( 900, fy, [ \+, spy, nospy ]).
[~] :-op( 700, xfx, [ =, is, =.., ==, \==, @<, @>, @=<, @>=,
[ ] =:=, =\=, <, >, =<, >= ]).
[ ] :-op( 500, yfx, [ +, -, /\, \/ ]).
[ ] :-op( 500, fx, [ +, - ]).
[ ] :-op( 400, yfx, [ *, /, <<, >> ]).
[ ] :-op( 300, xfx, [ mod ]).
[ ] :-op( 200, xfy, [ ^ ]).