diff --git a/examples/Example.py b/examples/Example.py
index 2c09d6d..442e7bc 100644
--- a/examples/Example.py
+++ b/examples/Example.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from operator import itemgetter
-from pyplate.pyplate import Substance, Container, Plate, Recipe
+from pyplate import Substance, Container, Plate, Recipe
# testing #
diff --git a/examples/Test_Example.py b/examples/Test_Example.py
index fdb50c9..0ef8a18 100644
--- a/examples/Test_Example.py
+++ b/examples/Test_Example.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from pyplate.pyplate import Substance, Container, Recipe, Plate
+from pyplate import Substance, Container, Recipe, Plate
water = Substance.liquid('H2O', mol_weight=18.0153, density=1)
diff --git a/pyplate/__init__.py b/pyplate/__init__.py
index c7359fe..ddddb8d 100644
--- a/pyplate/__init__.py
+++ b/pyplate/__init__.py
@@ -1,49 +1,39 @@
-from pathlib import Path
-import os
-import yaml
-class Config:
- def __init__(self):
- file_path = None
- for path in [Path(os.environ.get('PYPLATE_CONFIG', '')), Path.home(), Path(os.path.dirname(__file__))]:
- path = path.joinpath('pyplate.yaml')
- if path.is_file():
- file_path = path
- break
- if file_path is None:
- raise RuntimeError("pyplate.yaml not found.")
- try:
- with file_path.open('r') as config_file:
- yaml_config = yaml.safe_load(config_file)
- except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
- raise RuntimeError("Config file could not be read.") from exc
- self.internal_precision = yaml_config['internal_precision']
- self.moles_storage_unit = yaml_config['moles_storage_unit']
- assert self.moles_storage_unit[-3:] == 'mol'
- self.moles_display_unit = yaml_config['moles_display_unit']
- assert self.moles_display_unit[-3:] == 'mol'
- self.volume_storage_unit = yaml_config['volume_storage_unit']
- assert self.volume_storage_unit[-1] == 'L'
- self.volume_display_unit = yaml_config['volume_display_unit']
- assert self.volume_display_unit[-1] == 'L'
- self.concentration_display_unit = yaml_config['concentration_display_unit']
- # we can't use Unit to do a full check of the unit, so we just do a cursory check
- assert ('/' in self.concentration_display_unit or self.concentration_display_unit[-1] == 'm' or
- self.concentration_display_unit[-1] == 'M')
- self.default_solid_density = float(yaml_config['default_solid_density'])
- self.default_enzyme_density = float(yaml_config['default_enzyme_density'])
- self.default_weight_volume_units = yaml_config['default_weight_volume_units']
- self.default_colormap = yaml_config['default_colormap']
- self.default_diverging_colormap = yaml_config['default_diverging_colormap']
- self.precisions = yaml_config['precisions']
-# This has to be imported after Config is defined, otherwise there will be a circular import.
-from .pyplate import Substance, Container, Plate, Recipe, Unit, RecipeStep # noqa: E402
-__all__ = ['Substance', 'Container', 'Plate', 'Recipe', 'Unit', 'Config', 'RecipeStep']
+pyplate: a tool for designing chemistry experiments in plate format
+Substance: An abstract chemical or biological entity (e.g., reagent, solvent, etc.).
+ Immutable.
+Container: Stores specified quantities of Substances in a vessel with a given maximum volume. Immutable.
+Plate: A spatially ordered collection of Containers, like a 96 well plate.
+ The spatial arrangement must be rectangular. Immutable.
+Recipe: A list of instructions for transforming one set of containers into another.
+Storage format is defined in pyplate.yaml for volumes and moles.
+ Example:
+ # 1e-6 means we will store volumes as microliters
+ volume_storage: 'uL'
+ # 1e-6 means we will store moles as micromoles.
+ moles_storage: 'umol'
+All classes in this package are friends and use private methods of other classes freely.
+All internal computations are rounded to config.internal_precision to maintain sanity.
+ Rounding errors quickly compound.
+All values returned to the user are rounded to config.precisions for ease of use.
+# This is necessary to instantiate the config instance; the unit tests fail without it
+from pyplate.config import config, Config
+from pyplate.container import Container
+from pyplate.plate import Plate
+from pyplate.recipe import Recipe, RecipeStep
+from pyplate.substance import Substance
+from pyplate.unit import Unit
+ # noqa: E402
+__all__ = ['Substance', 'Container', 'Plate', 'Recipe', 'Unit', 'RecipeStep']
diff --git a/pyplate/config.py b/pyplate/config.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9138acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyplate/config.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+from pathlib import Path
+import os
+import yaml
+class Config:
+ def __init__(self):
+ file_path = None
+ for path in [Path(os.environ.get('PYPLATE_CONFIG', '')), Path.home(), Path(os.path.dirname(__file__))]:
+ path = path.joinpath('pyplate.yaml')
+ if path.is_file():
+ file_path = path
+ break
+ if file_path is None:
+ raise RuntimeError("pyplate.yaml not found.")
+ try:
+ with file_path.open('r') as config_file:
+ yaml_config = yaml.safe_load(config_file)
+ except yaml.YAMLError as exc:
+ raise RuntimeError("Config file could not be read.") from exc
+ self.internal_precision = yaml_config['internal_precision']
+ self.moles_storage_unit = yaml_config['moles_storage_unit']
+ assert self.moles_storage_unit[-3:] == 'mol'
+ self.moles_display_unit = yaml_config['moles_display_unit']
+ assert self.moles_display_unit[-3:] == 'mol'
+ self.volume_storage_unit = yaml_config['volume_storage_unit']
+ assert self.volume_storage_unit[-1] == 'L'
+ self.volume_display_unit = yaml_config['volume_display_unit']
+ assert self.volume_display_unit[-1] == 'L'
+ self.concentration_display_unit = yaml_config['concentration_display_unit']
+ # we can't use Unit to do a full check of the unit, so we just do a cursory check
+ assert ('/' in self.concentration_display_unit or self.concentration_display_unit[-1] == 'm' or
+ self.concentration_display_unit[-1] == 'M')
+ self.default_solid_density = float(yaml_config['default_solid_density'])
+ self.default_enzyme_density = float(yaml_config['default_enzyme_density'])
+ self.default_weight_volume_units = yaml_config['default_weight_volume_units']
+ self.default_colormap = yaml_config['default_colormap']
+ self.default_diverging_colormap = yaml_config['default_diverging_colormap']
+ self.precisions = yaml_config['precisions']
+config = Config()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyplate/container.py b/pyplate/container.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..09b34d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyplate/container.py
@@ -0,0 +1,799 @@
+# Allow typing reference while still building classes
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Iterable, Tuple, Dict, TYPE_CHECKING
+from functools import cache
+from copy import deepcopy, copy
+import numpy as np
+import pandas
+from tabulate import tabulate
+from pyplate.config import config
+from pyplate.substance import Substance
+from pyplate.unit import Unit
+# Allows for proper type checking of Plate and PlateSlicer parameters without
+# creating circular references during module loading
+ from pyplate.plate import Plate, PlateSlicer
+ Plate = PlateSlicer = None
+class Container:
+ """
+ Stores specified quantities of Substances in a vessel with a given maximum volume. Immutable.
+ Attributes:
+ name: Name of the Container.
+ contents: A dictionary of Substances to floats denoting how much of each Substance is the Container.
+ volume: Current volume held in the Container in storage format.
+ max_volume: Maximum volume Container can hold in storage format.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name: str, max_volume: str = 'inf L',
+ initial_contents: Iterable[Tuple[Substance, str]] = None):
+ """
+ Create a Container.
+ Arguments:
+ name: Name of container
+ max_volume: Maximum volume that can be stored in the container in mL
+ initial_contents: (optional) Iterable of tuples of the form (Substance, quantity)
+ """
+ if not isinstance(name, str):
+ raise TypeError("Name must be a str.")
+ if len(name) == 0:
+ raise ValueError("Name must not be empty.")
+ if not isinstance(max_volume, str):
+ raise TypeError("Maximum volume must be a str, ('10 mL').")
+ max_volume, _ = Unit.parse_quantity(max_volume)
+ if max_volume <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("Maximum volume must be positive.")
+ self.name = name
+ self.contents: Dict[Substance, float] = {}
+ self.volume = 0.0
+ self.max_volume = Unit.convert_to_storage(max_volume, 'L')
+ self.experimental_conditions = {}
+ if initial_contents:
+ if not isinstance(initial_contents, Iterable):
+ raise TypeError("Initial contents must be iterable.")
+ for entry in initial_contents:
+ if not isinstance(entry, Iterable) or not len(entry) == 2:
+ raise TypeError("Element in initial_contents must be a (Substance, str) tuple.")
+ substance, quantity = entry
+ if not isinstance(substance, Substance) or not isinstance(quantity, str):
+ raise TypeError("Element in initial_contents must be a (Substance, str) tuple.")
+ self._self_add(substance, quantity)
+ contents = []
+ for substance, quantity in self.contents.items():
+ quantity, unit = Unit.convert_from_storage_to_standard_format(substance, quantity)
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ contents.append(f"{round(quantity, precision)} {unit} of {substance.name}")
+ self.instructions = f"Add {', '.join(contents)}"
+ if self.max_volume != float('inf'):
+ unit = "L"
+ max_volume = Unit.convert_from_storage(self.max_volume, unit) # TODO: Add back in a "standard format"
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ self.instructions += f" to a {round(max_volume, precision)} {unit} container."
+ else:
+ self.instructions += " to a container."
+ else:
+ if self.max_volume != float('inf'):
+ unit = "L"
+ max_volume = Unit.convert_from_storage(self.max_volume, unit) # TODO: Add back in a "standard format"
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ self.instructions = f"Create a {round(max_volume, precision)} {unit} container."
+ else:
+ self.instructions = "Create a container."
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, Container):
+ return False
+ return self.name == other.name and self.contents == other.contents and \
+ self.volume == other.volume and self.max_volume == other.max_volume
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash((self.name, self.volume, self.max_volume, *tuple(map(tuple, self.contents.items()))))
+ def _self_add(self, source: Substance, quantity: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Adds `Substance` to current `Container`, mutating it.
+ Only to be used in the constructor and immediately after copy.
+ Arguments:
+ source: Substance to add.
+ quantity: How much to add. ('10 mol')
+ """
+ if not isinstance(source, Substance):
+ raise TypeError("Source must be a Substance.")
+ if not isinstance(quantity, str):
+ raise TypeError("Quantity must be a str.")
+ volume_to_add = Unit.convert(source, quantity, config.volume_storage_unit)
+ amount_to_add = Unit.convert(source, quantity, config.moles_storage_unit)
+ if self.volume + volume_to_add > self.max_volume:
+ raise ValueError("Exceeded maximum volume")
+ self.volume = round(self.volume + volume_to_add, config.internal_precision)
+ self.contents[source] = round(self.contents.get(source, 0) + amount_to_add, config.internal_precision)
+ def _transfer(self, source_container: Container, quantity: str) -> Tuple[Container, Container]:
+ """
+ Move quantity ('10 mL', '5 mg') from container to self.
+ Arguments:
+ source_container: `Container` to transfer from.
+ quantity: How much to transfer.
+ Returns: New source and destination container.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(source_container, Container):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid source type.")
+ quantity_to_transfer, unit = Unit.parse_quantity(quantity)
+ if unit == 'L':
+ volume_to_transfer = Unit.convert_to_storage(quantity_to_transfer, 'L')
+ volume_to_transfer = round(volume_to_transfer, config.internal_precision)
+ if volume_to_transfer > source_container.volume:
+ raise ValueError(f"Not enough mixture left in source container ({source_container.name}). " +
+ f"Only {Unit.convert_from_storage(source_container.volume, 'mL')} mL available, " +
+ f"{Unit.convert_from_storage(volume_to_transfer, 'mL')} mL needed.")
+ ratio = volume_to_transfer / source_container.volume
+ elif unit == 'g':
+ mass_to_transfer = round(quantity_to_transfer, config.internal_precision)
+ total_mass = 0
+ for substance, amount in source_container.contents.items():
+ total_mass += Unit.convert_from(substance, amount, config.moles_storage_unit, "g")
+ ratio = mass_to_transfer / total_mass
+ elif unit == 'mol':
+ moles_to_transfer = Unit.convert_to_storage(quantity_to_transfer, 'mol')
+ total_moles = sum(amount for _, amount in source_container.contents.items())
+ ratio = moles_to_transfer / total_moles
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid quantity unit.")
+ source_container, to = deepcopy(source_container), deepcopy(self)
+ for substance, amount in source_container.contents.items():
+ to_transfer = amount * ratio
+ to.contents[substance] = round(to.contents.get(substance, 0) + to_transfer,
+ config.internal_precision)
+ source_container.contents[substance] = round(source_container.contents[substance] - to_transfer,
+ config.internal_precision)
+ # if quantity to remove is the same as the current amount plus a very small delta,
+ # we will get a negative 0 answer.
+ if source_container.contents[substance] == -0.0:
+ source_container.contents[substance] = 0.0
+ if source_container.has_liquid():
+ transfer = Unit.convert_from_storage(ratio * source_container.volume, 'L')
+ transfer, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(transfer, 'L')
+ else:
+ # total mass in source container times ratio
+ mass = sum(Unit.convert(substance, f"{amount} {config.moles_storage_unit}", "mg") \
+ for substance, amount in source_container.contents.items())
+ transfer, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(mass * ratio, 'mg')
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ to.instructions += f"\nTransfer {round(transfer, precision)} {unit} of {source_container.name} to {to.name}"
+ to.volume = 0
+ for substance, amount in to.contents.items():
+ to.volume += Unit.convert(substance, f"{amount} {config.moles_storage_unit}", config.volume_storage_unit)
+ to.volume = round(to.volume, config.internal_precision)
+ if to.volume > to.max_volume:
+ raise ValueError(f"Exceeded maximum volume in {to.name}.")
+ source_container.volume = 0
+ for substance, amount in source_container.contents.items():
+ source_container.volume += Unit.convert(substance, f"{amount} {config.moles_storage_unit}", config.volume_storage_unit)
+ source_container.volume = round(source_container.volume, config.internal_precision)
+ return source_container, to
+ def _transfer_slice(self, source_slice: Plate | PlateSlicer, quantity: str) -> Tuple[Plate, Container]:
+ """
+ Move quantity ('10 mL', '5 mg') from each well in a slice to self.
+ Arguments:
+ source_slice: Slice or Plate to transfer from.
+ quantity: How much to transfer.
+ Returns:
+ A new plate and a new container, both modified.
+ """
+ # These lines are needed to ensure that the calls to 'is_instance()' inside this function will work correctly.
+ # By the time this function is called, the modules have already been loaded, so no circular dependencies
+ # are created.
+ from pyplate.plate import Plate, PlateSlicer
+ def helper_func(elem):
+ """ Moves volume from elem to to_array[0]"""
+ elem, to_array[0] = Container.transfer(elem, to_array[0], quantity)
+ return elem
+ if isinstance(source_slice, Plate):
+ source_slice = source_slice[:]
+ if not isinstance(source_slice, PlateSlicer):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid source type.")
+ to = deepcopy(self)
+ source_slice = copy(source_slice)
+ source_slice.plate = deepcopy(source_slice.plate)
+ to_array = [to]
+ source_slice.apply(helper_func)
+ to = to_array[0]
+ return source_slice.plate, to
+ @cache
+ def dataframe(self) -> pandas.DataFrame:
+ df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['Volume', 'Mass', 'Moles'])
+ if self.max_volume == float('inf'):
+ df.loc['Maximum Volume'] = ['∞', '-', '-']
+ else:
+ unit = "L"
+ volume = Unit.convert_from_storage(self.max_volume, unit) # TODO: Add back in a "standard format"
+ volume = round(volume,
+ config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default'])
+ df.loc['Maximum Volume'] = [volume, '-', '-']
+ totals = {'L': 0, 'g': 0, 'mol': 0}
+ for substance, value in self.contents.items():
+ columns = []
+ for unit in ['L', 'g', 'mol']:
+ converted_value = Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, unit)
+ totals[unit] += converted_value
+ converted_value, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(converted_value, unit)
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ columns.append(f"{round(converted_value, precision)} {unit}")
+ df.loc[substance.name] = columns
+ columns = []
+ for unit in ['L', 'g', 'mol']:
+ value = totals[unit]
+ value, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(value, unit)
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ columns.append(f"{round(value, precision)} {unit}")
+ df.loc['Total'] = columns
+ df.columns.name = self.name
+ return df
+ @cache
+ def _repr_html_(self):
+ return self.dataframe().to_html(notebook=True)
+ @cache
+ def __repr__(self):
+ df = self.dataframe()
+ return tabulate(df, headers=[self.name] + list(df.columns), tablefmt='pretty')
+ @cache
+ def has_liquid(self) -> bool:
+ """
+ Returns: True if any substance in the container is a liquid.
+ """
+ return any(substance.is_liquid() for substance in self.contents)
+ @cache
+ def get_substances(self):
+ """
+ Returns: A set of substances present in the container.
+ """
+ return set(self.contents.keys())
+ def _add(self, source: Substance, quantity: str) -> Container:
+ """
+ Add the given quantity ('10 mol') of the source substance to the container.
+ Arguments:
+ source: Substance to add to `destination`.
+ quantity: How much `Substance` to add.
+ Returns:
+ A new container with added substance.
+ """
+ destination = deepcopy(self)
+ destination._self_add(source, quantity)
+ return destination
+ @staticmethod
+ def transfer(source: Container | Plate | PlateSlicer, destination: Container, quantity: str) \
+ -> Tuple[Container | Plate | PlateSlicer, Container]:
+ """
+ Move quantity ('10 mL', '5 mg') from source to destination container,
+ returning copies of the objects with amounts adjusted accordingly.
+ Arguments:
+ source: Container, plate, or slice to transfer from.
+ destination: Container to transfer to:
+ quantity: How much to transfer.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of (T, Container) where T is the type of the source.
+ """
+ # These lines are needed to ensure that the calls to 'is_instance()' inside this function will work correctly.
+ # By the time this function is called, the modules have already been loaded, so no circular dependencies
+ # are created.
+ from pyplate.plate import Plate, PlateSlicer
+ if not isinstance(destination, Container):
+ raise TypeError("You can only use Container.transfer into a Container")
+ if isinstance(source, Container):
+ return destination._transfer(source, quantity)
+ if isinstance(source, (Plate, PlateSlicer)):
+ return destination._transfer_slice(source, quantity)
+ raise TypeError("Invalid source type.")
+ def get_concentration(self, solute: Substance, units: str = 'M') -> float:
+ """
+ Get the concentration of solute in the current solution.
+ Args:
+ solute: Substance interested in.
+ units: Units to return concentration in, defaults to Molar.
+ Returns: Concentration
+ """
+ if not isinstance(solute, Substance):
+ raise TypeError("Solute must be a Substance.")
+ if not isinstance(units, str):
+ raise TypeError("Units must be a str.")
+ mult, *units = Unit.parse_concentration('1 ' + units)
+ numerator = Unit.convert_from(solute, self.contents.get(solute, 0), config.moles_storage_unit, units[0])
+ if numerator == 0:
+ return 0
+ if units[1].endswith('L'):
+ denominator = self.get_volume(units[1])
+ else:
+ denominator = 0
+ for substance, amount in self.contents.items():
+ denominator += Unit.convert_from(substance, amount, config.moles_storage_unit, units[1])
+ return round(numerator / denominator / mult, config.internal_precision)
+ def get_volume(self, unit: str = None) -> float:
+ """
+ Get the volume of the container.
+ Args:
+ unit: Unit to return volume in. Defaults to volume_display_unit from config.
+ Returns: Volume of the container.
+ """
+ if unit is None:
+ unit = config.volume_display_unit
+ if not isinstance(unit, str):
+ raise TypeError("Unit must be a str.")
+ return Unit.convert_from_storage(self.volume, unit)
+ @staticmethod
+ def create_solution(solute: Substance | Iterable[Substance], solvent: Substance | Container,
+ name: str = None, **kwargs) -> Container:
+ """
+ Create a solution.
+ Two out of concentration, quantity, and total_quantity must be specified.
+ Multiple solutes can be, optionally, provided as a list. Each solute will have the desired concentration
+ or quantity in the final solution.
+ If one value is specified for concentration or quantity and multiple solutes are provided, the value will be
+ used for all solutes.
+ Arguments:
+ solute: What to dissolve. Can be a single Substance or a list of Substances.
+ solvent: What to dissolve with. Can be a Substance or a Container.
+ name: Optional name for new container.
+ concentration: Desired concentration(s). ('1 M', '0.1 umol/10 uL', etc.)
+ quantity: Desired quantity of solute(s). ('3 mL', '10 g')
+ total_quantity: Desired total quantity. ('3 mL', '10 g')
+ Returns:
+ New container with desired solution.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(solvent, (Substance, Container)):
+ raise TypeError("Solvent must be a Substance or a Container.")
+ if name and not isinstance(name, str):
+ raise TypeError("Name must be a str.")
+ if isinstance(solute, Substance):
+ solute = [solute]
+ elif not isinstance(solute, list) or any(not isinstance(substance, Substance) for substance in solute):
+ raise TypeError("Solute(s) must be a Substance.")
+ concentration = kwargs.get('concentration', None)
+ quantity = kwargs.get('quantity', None)
+ total_quantity = kwargs.get('total_quantity', None)
+ original_solvent = solvent
+ if isinstance(solvent, Container):
+ # Calculate mol_weight and density of solvent
+ # get total mass of solvent
+ total_mass = sum(Unit.convert_from(substance, amount, 'mol', 'g')
+ for substance, amount in solvent.contents.items())
+ total_moles = Unit.convert_from_storage(sum(solvent.contents.values()), 'mol')
+ total_volume = solvent.get_volume('mL')
+ if total_moles == 0 or total_volume == 0:
+ raise ValueError("Solvent must contain a non-zero amount of substance.")
+ # mol_weight = g/mol, density = g/mL
+ solvent = Substance.liquid('fake solvent',
+ mol_weight=total_mass / total_moles, density=total_mass / total_volume)
+ if (concentration is not None) + (quantity is not None) + (total_quantity is not None) != 2:
+ raise ValueError("Must specify two values out of concentration, quantity, and total quantity.")
+ if total_quantity and not isinstance(total_quantity, str):
+ raise TypeError("Total quantity must be a str.")
+ if not name:
+ name = f"Solution of {','.join(substance.name for substance in solute)} in {solvent.name}"
+ def convert_one(substance: Substance, u: str) -> float:
+ """ Converts 1 mol or U to unit `u` for a given substance. """
+ return Unit.convert_from(substance, 1, 'mol', u)
+ # result of linalg.solve will be moles (or 'U') for all solutes solvent
+ n = len(solute)
+ a = np.zeros((n * 2, n + 1), dtype=float)
+ b = np.zeros(n * 2, dtype=float)
+ index = 0
+ identity = np.identity(n + 1)[0]
+ if concentration is not None:
+ if isinstance(concentration, str):
+ concentration = [concentration] * len(solute)
+ elif not isinstance(concentration, Iterable):
+ raise TypeError("Concentration(s) must be a str.")
+ if len(concentration) != n:
+ raise ValueError("Number of concentrations must match number of solutes.")
+ bottom_arrays = {}
+ for i, (c, substance) in enumerate(zip(concentration, solute)):
+ if not isinstance(c, str):
+ raise TypeError("Concentration(s) must be a str.")
+ try:
+ c, numerator, denominator = Unit.parse_concentration(c)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise ValueError(f"Invalid concentration. ({c})")
+ if denominator not in bottom_arrays:
+ bottom = np.array(list(convert_one(substance, denominator) for substance in solute + [solvent]))
+ bottom_arrays[denominator] = bottom
+ else:
+ bottom = bottom_arrays[denominator]
+ # c = top/bottom
+ a[index] = c * bottom - np.roll(identity, i) * convert_one(substance, numerator)
+ index += 1
+ if quantity is not None:
+ if isinstance(quantity, str):
+ quantity = [quantity] * len(solute)
+ elif not isinstance(quantity, Iterable):
+ raise TypeError("Quantity(s) must be a str.")
+ if len(quantity) != n:
+ raise ValueError("Number of quantities must match number of solutes.")
+ for i, (q, substance) in enumerate(zip(quantity, solute)):
+ if not isinstance(q, str):
+ raise TypeError("Quantity(s) must be a str.")
+ q, unit = Unit.parse_quantity(q)
+ a[index] = np.roll(identity, i) * convert_one(substance, unit)
+ b[index] = q
+ index += 1
+ if total_quantity is not None:
+ total_quantity, total_quantity_unit = Unit.parse_quantity(total_quantity)
+ a[index] = np.array(
+ list(convert_one(substance, total_quantity_unit) for substance in solute + [solvent]))
+ b[index] = total_quantity
+ xs = np.linalg.solve(a[:n + 1], b[:n + 1])
+ if any(x <= 0 for x in xs):
+ raise ValueError("Solution is impossible to create.")
+ for i in range(len(a)):
+ if abs(sum(a[i] * xs) - b[i]) > 1e-6:
+ raise ValueError("Solution is impossible to create.")
+ initial_contents = list((substance, f"{x} mol") for x, substance in zip(xs, solute + [solvent]))
+ if isinstance(original_solvent, Container):
+ result = Container(name, initial_contents=initial_contents[:-1])
+ contents = []
+ for substance, value in result.contents.items():
+ value, unit = Unit.convert_from_storage_to_standard_format(substance, value)
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ contents.append(f"{round(value, precision)} {unit} of {substance.name}")
+ _, solvent_amount = initial_contents[-1]
+ solvent_volume = Unit.convert_from(solvent, xs[-1], 'mol', 'L')
+ solvent_volume, volume_unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(solvent_volume, 'L')
+ solvent_volume = round(solvent_volume,
+ config.precisions[volume_unit] if volume_unit in config.precisions else
+ config.precisions['default'])
+ original_solvent, result = Container.transfer(original_solvent, result, solvent_amount)
+ result.instructions = ("Add " + ", ".join(contents) +
+ f" to {solvent_volume} {volume_unit} of {original_solvent.name}.")
+ return original_solvent, result
+ else:
+ result = Container(name, initial_contents=initial_contents)
+ contents = []
+ for substance, value in result.contents.items():
+ value, unit = Unit.convert_from_storage_to_standard_format(substance, value)
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ contents.append(f"{round(value, precision)} {unit} of {substance.name}")
+ result.instructions = "Add " + ", ".join(contents) + " to a container."
+ return result
+ @staticmethod
+ def create_solution_from(source: Container, solute: Substance, concentration: str, solvent: Substance | Container,
+ quantity: str, name=None) -> (Tuple[Container, Container] |
+ Tuple[Container, Container, Container]):
+ """
+ Create a diluted solution from an existing solution or solutions.
+ Arguments:
+ source: Solution to dilute.
+ solute: What to dissolve.
+ concentration: Desired concentration. ('1 M', '0.1 umol/10 uL', etc.)
+ solvent: What to dissolve with (if it is a Container, it can contain some solute).
+ quantity: Desired total quantity. ('3 mL', '10 g')
+ name: Optional name for new container.
+ Returns:
+ Residual from the source container (and possibly the solvent container)
+ and a new container with the desired solution.
+ Raises:
+ ValueError: If the solution is impossible to create.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(source, Container):
+ raise TypeError("Source must be a Container.")
+ if not isinstance(solute, Substance):
+ raise TypeError("Solute must be a Substance.")
+ if not isinstance(concentration, str):
+ raise TypeError("Concentration must be a str.")
+ if not isinstance(solvent, (Substance, Container)):
+ raise TypeError("Solvent must be a Substance or Container.")
+ if not isinstance(quantity, str):
+ raise TypeError("Quantity must be a str.")
+ if name and not isinstance(name, str):
+ raise TypeError("Name must be a str.")
+ quantity_value, quantity_unit = Unit.parse_quantity(quantity)
+ if quantity_value <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("Quantity must be positive.")
+ if solute not in source.contents:
+ raise ValueError(f"Source container does not contain {solute.name}.")
+ if solvent == solute:
+ raise ValueError("Solute and solvent must be different.")
+ if not name:
+ name = f"solution of {solute.name} in {solvent.name}"
+ # x is amount of source solution in mL, y is amount of solvent in mL
+ mass = sum(Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, 'g') for substance, value in
+ source.contents.items())
+ moles = sum(Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, 'mol') for substance, value in
+ source.contents.items())
+ volume = Unit.convert_from_storage(source.volume, 'mL')
+ d_x = mass / volume
+ mw_x = mass / moles
+ m_x = Unit.convert_from_storage(source.contents.get(solute, 0), 'mol') / (volume / 1000)
+ if isinstance(solvent, Container):
+ mass = sum(Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, 'g') for substance, value in
+ solvent.contents.items())
+ moles = sum(Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, 'mol') for substance, value in
+ solvent.contents.items())
+ volume = Unit.convert_from_storage(solvent.volume, 'mL')
+ d_y = mass / volume
+ mw_y = mass / moles
+ m_y = Unit.convert_from_storage(solvent.contents.get(solute, 0), 'mol') / (volume / 1000)
+ else:
+ d_y = solvent.density
+ mw_y = solvent.mol_weight
+ m_y = 0 # no solute in solvent
+ mw_s = solute.mol_weight
+ d_s = solute.density
+ concentration, numerator, denominator = Unit.parse_concentration(concentration)
+ a = np.array([[0., 0.], [0., 0.]])
+ b = np.array([0., 0.])
+ if numerator == 'mol':
+ top = np.array([m_x / 1000., m_y / 1000.])
+ elif numerator == 'g':
+ top = np.array([m_x * mw_s / 1000., m_y * mw_s / 1000.])
+ elif numerator == 'L':
+ # (mL/1000) * mol/L * g/mol * mL/g = mL / 1000 = L
+ top = np.array([m_x * mw_s / (d_s * 1e6), m_y * mw_s / (d_s * 1e6)])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid numerator.")
+ if denominator == 'mol':
+ bottom = np.array([d_x / mw_x, d_y / mw_y])
+ elif denominator == 'g':
+ bottom = np.array([d_x, d_y])
+ elif denominator == 'L':
+ bottom = np.array([1 / 1000., 1 / 1000.])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Invalid denominator.")
+ # concentration = top / bottom -> concentration * bottom - top = 0
+ a[0] = concentration * bottom - top
+ quantity_value, quantity_unit = Unit.parse_quantity(quantity)
+ if quantity_unit == 'g':
+ a[1] = np.array([d_x, d_y])
+ elif quantity_unit == 'L':
+ a[1] = np.array([1 / 1000., 1 / 1000.])
+ elif quantity_value == 'mol':
+ a[1] = np.array([d_x / mw_x, d_y / mw_y])
+ b[1] = quantity_value
+ x, y = np.linalg.solve(a, b)
+ if x < 0 or y < 0:
+ raise ValueError("Solution is impossible to create.")
+ if isinstance(solvent, Substance):
+ if y:
+ new_solution = Container(name, initial_contents=[(solvent, f"{y} mL")])
+ else:
+ new_solution = Container(name)
+ if x:
+ source, new_solution = Container.transfer(source, new_solution, f"{x} mL")
+ else:
+ new_solution = Container(name)
+ if x:
+ source, new_solution = Container.transfer(source, new_solution, f"{x} mL")
+ if y:
+ solvent, new_solution = Container.transfer(solvent, new_solution, f"{y} mL")
+ precision = config.precisions['mL'] if 'mL' in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ new_solution.instructions = f"Add {round(y, precision)} mL of {solvent.name} to" + \
+ f" {round(x, precision)} mL of {source.name}."
+ if isinstance(solvent, Substance):
+ return source, new_solution
+ else:
+ return source, solvent, new_solution
+ def remove(self, what: (Substance | int) = Substance.LIQUID) -> Container:
+ """
+ Removes substances from `Container`
+ Arguments:
+ what: What to remove. Can be a type of substance or a specific substance. Defaults to LIQUID.
+ Returns: New Container with requested substances removed.
+ """
+ new_container = deepcopy(self)
+ new_container.contents = {substance: value for substance, value in self.contents.items()
+ if what not in (substance._type, substance)}
+ new_container.volume = 0
+ for substance, value in new_container.contents.items():
+ new_container.volume += Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, config.volume_storage_unit)
+ new_container.instructions = self.instructions
+ classes = {Substance.SOLID: 'solid', Substance.LIQUID: 'liquid'}
+ if what in classes:
+ new_container.instructions += f"Remove all {classes[what]}s."
+ else:
+ new_container.instructions += f"Remove all {what.name}s."
+ return new_container
+ def dilute(self, solute: Substance, concentration: str, solvent: Substance, name=None) -> Container:
+ """
+ Dilutes `solute` in solution to `concentration`.
+ Args:
+ solute: Substance which is subject to dilution.
+ concentration: Desired concentration.
+ solvent: What to dilute with.
+ name: Optional name for new container.
+ Returns: A new container containing a solution with the desired concentration of `solute`.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(solute, Substance):
+ raise TypeError("Solute must be a Substance.")
+ if not isinstance(concentration, str):
+ raise TypeError("Concentration must be a str.")
+ if not isinstance(solvent, Substance):
+ raise TypeError("Solvent must be a substance.")
+ if name and not isinstance(name, str):
+ raise TypeError("New name must be a str.")
+ if solute not in self.contents:
+ raise ValueError(f"Container does not contain {solute.name}.")
+ new_ratio = Unit.calculate_concentration_ratio(solute, concentration, solvent)[0]
+ current_ratio = self.contents[solute] / sum(self.contents.values())
+ if new_ratio <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("Solution is impossible to create.")
+ if abs(new_ratio - current_ratio) <= 1e-6:
+ return deepcopy(self)
+ if new_ratio > current_ratio:
+ raise ValueError("Desired concentration is higher than current concentration.")
+ current_umoles = Unit.convert_from_storage(self.contents.get(solvent, 0), 'umol')
+ required_umoles = Unit.convert_from_storage(self.contents[solute], 'umol') / new_ratio - current_umoles
+ new_volume = self.volume + Unit.convert(solvent, f"{required_umoles} umol", config.volume_storage_unit)
+ if new_volume > self.max_volume:
+ raise ValueError("Dilute solution will not fit in container.")
+ if name:
+ # Note: this copies the container twice
+ destination = deepcopy(self)
+ destination.name = name
+ else:
+ destination = self
+ needed_umoles = f"{required_umoles} umol"
+ result = destination._add(solvent, needed_umoles)
+ needed_volume, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(Unit.convert(solvent, needed_umoles, 'L'), 'L')
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ result.instructions += f"\nDilute with {round(needed_volume, precision)} {unit} of {solvent.name}."
+ return result
+ def fill_to(self, solvent: Substance, quantity: str) -> Container:
+ """
+ Fills container with `solvent` up to `quantity`.
+ Args:
+ solvent: Substance to use to fill.
+ quantity: Desired final quantity in container.
+ Returns: New Container with desired final `quantity`
+ """
+ if not isinstance(solvent, Substance):
+ raise TypeError("Solvent must be a Substance.")
+ if not isinstance(quantity, str):
+ raise TypeError("Quantity must be a str.")
+ quantity, quantity_unit = Unit.parse_quantity(quantity)
+ if quantity <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("Quantity must be positive.")
+ if quantity_unit not in ('L', 'g', 'mol'):
+ raise ValueError("We can only fill to mass or volume.")
+ current_quantity = sum(Unit.convert(substance, f"{value} {config.moles_storage_unit}", quantity_unit)
+ for substance, value in self.contents.items())
+ required_quantity = quantity - current_quantity
+ result = self._add(solvent, f"{required_quantity} {quantity_unit}")
+ required_volume = Unit.convert(solvent, f"{required_quantity} {quantity_unit}", 'L')
+ required_volume, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(required_volume, 'L')
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ result.instructions += f"\nFill with {round(required_volume, precision)} {unit} of {solvent.name}."
+ return result
diff --git a/pyplate/plate.py b/pyplate/plate.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e998761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyplate/plate.py
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+# Allow typing reference while still building classes
+from __future__ import annotations
+from typing import Iterable, Tuple
+from copy import deepcopy, copy
+import numpy as np
+import pandas
+from pyplate.config import config
+from pyplate.container import Container
+from pyplate.slicer import Slicer
+from pyplate.substance import Substance
+from pyplate.unit import Unit
+class Plate:
+ """
+ A spatially ordered collection of Containers, like a 96 well plate.
+ The spatial arrangement must be rectangular. Immutable.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, name: str, max_volume_per_well: str, make: str = "generic", rows=8, columns=12):
+ """
+ Creates a generic plate.
+ Attributes:
+ name: name of plate
+ max_volume_per_well: maximum volume of each well. (50 uL)
+ make: name of this kind of plate
+ rows (int or list): number of rows or list of names of rows
+ columns (int or list): number of columns or list of names of columns
+ """
+ if not isinstance(name, str) or len(name) == 0:
+ raise ValueError("invalid plate name")
+ self.name = name
+ if not isinstance(make, str) or len(make) == 0:
+ raise ValueError("invalid plate make")
+ self.make = make
+ if not isinstance(max_volume_per_well, str):
+ raise TypeError("Maximum volume must be a str, ('10 mL').")
+ max_volume_per_well, _ = Unit.parse_quantity(max_volume_per_well)
+ if isinstance(rows, int):
+ if rows < 1:
+ raise ValueError("illegal number of rows")
+ self.n_rows = rows
+ self.row_names = []
+ for row_num in range(1, rows + 1):
+ result = []
+ while row_num > 0:
+ row_num -= 1
+ result.append(chr(ord('A') + row_num % 26))
+ row_num //= 26
+ self.row_names.append(''.join(reversed(result)))
+ elif isinstance(rows, list):
+ if len(rows) == 0:
+ raise ValueError("must have at least one row")
+ for row in rows:
+ if not isinstance(row, str):
+ raise ValueError("row names must be strings")
+ if len(row.strip()) == 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "zero length strings are not allowed as column labels"
+ )
+ if len(rows) != len(set(rows)):
+ raise ValueError("duplicate row names found")
+ self.n_rows = len(rows)
+ self.row_names = rows
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("rows must be int or list")
+ if max_volume_per_well <= 0:
+ raise ValueError("max volume per well must be greater than zero")
+ self.max_volume_per_well = Unit.convert_to_storage(max_volume_per_well, 'L')
+ if isinstance(columns, int):
+ if columns < 1:
+ raise ValueError("illegal number of columns")
+ self.n_columns = columns
+ self.column_names = [f"{i + 1}" for i in range(columns)]
+ elif isinstance(columns, list):
+ if len(columns) == 0:
+ raise ValueError("must have at least one column")
+ for column in columns:
+ if not isinstance(column, str):
+ raise ValueError("column names must be strings")
+ if len(column.strip()) == 0:
+ raise ValueError(
+ "zero length strings are not allowed as column labels"
+ )
+ if len(columns) != len(set(columns)):
+ raise ValueError("duplicate column names found")
+ self.n_columns = len(columns)
+ self.column_names = columns
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("columns must be int or list")
+ self.wells = np.array([[Container(f"well {row},{col}",
+ max_volume=f"{max_volume_per_well} L")
+ for col in self.column_names] for row in self.row_names])
+ def __getitem__(self, item) -> PlateSlicer:
+ return PlateSlicer(self, item)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return f"Plate: {self.name}"
+ def get_volumes(self, substance: (Substance | Iterable[Substance]) = None, unit: str = None) -> np.ndarray:
+ """
+ Arguments:
+ unit: unit to return volumes in.
+ substance: (optional) Substance to display volumes of.
+ Returns:
+ numpy.ndarray of volumes for each well in desired unit.
+ """
+ # Arguments are type checked in PlateSlicer.volumes
+ return self[:].get_volumes(substance=substance, unit=unit)
+ def get_substances(self) -> set[Substance]:
+ """
+ Returns: A set of substances present in the slice.
+ """
+ return self[:].get_substances()
+ def get_moles(self, substance: (Substance | Iterable[Substance]), unit: str = None) -> np.ndarray:
+ """
+ Arguments:
+ unit: unit to return moles in. ('mol', 'mmol', 'umol', etc.)
+ substance: Substance to display moles of.
+ Returns: moles of substance in each well.
+ """
+ # Arguments are type checked in PlateSlicer.moles
+ return self[:].get_moles(substance=substance, unit=unit)
+ def dataframe(self, unit: str = None, substance: (str | Substance | Iterable[Substance]) = 'all',
+ cmap: str = None, highlight=False) \
+ -> pandas.io.formats.style.Styler:
+ """
+ Arguments:
+ unit: unit to return quantities in.
+ substance: (optional) Substance or Substances to display quantity of.
+ cmap: Colormap to shade dataframe with.
+ highlight: Highlight all wells.
+ Returns: Shaded dataframe of quantities in each well.
+ """
+ # Types are checked in PlateSlicer.dataframe
+ if unit is None:
+ unit = config.volume_display_unit
+ return self[:].dataframe(substance=substance, unit=unit, cmap=cmap, highlight=highlight)
+ def get_volume(self, unit: str = 'uL') -> float:
+ """
+ Arguments:
+ unit: unit to return volumes in.
+ Returns: total volume stored in slice in uL.
+ """
+ return self.get_volumes(unit=unit).sum()
+ @staticmethod
+ def transfer(source: Container | Plate | PlateSlicer, destination: Plate | PlateSlicer, quantity: str) \
+ -> Tuple[Container | Plate | PlateSlicer, Plate]:
+ """
+ Move quantity ('10 mL', '5 mg') from source to destination,
+ returning copies of the objects with amounts adjusted accordingly.
+ Arguments:
+ source: What to transfer.
+ destination: Plate or slice of a plate to transfer to.
+ quantity: How much to transfer.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple of (T, Plate) where T is the type of the source.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(destination, (Plate, PlateSlicer)):
+ raise TypeError("You can only use Plate.transfer into a Plate")
+ if isinstance(destination, Plate):
+ destination = destination[:]
+ # noinspection PyProtectedMember
+ return PlateSlicer._transfer(source, destination, quantity)
+ def remove(self, what=Substance.LIQUID) -> Plate:
+ """
+ Removes substances from `Plate`
+ Arguments:
+ what: What to remove. Can be a type of substance or a specific substance. Defaults to LIQUID.
+ Returns: New Plate with requested substances removed.
+ """
+ return self[:].remove(what)
+ def fill_to(self, solvent, quantity):
+ """
+ Fills all wells in plate with `solvent` up to `quantity`.
+ Args:
+ solvent: Substance to use to fill.
+ quantity: Desired final quantity in each well.
+ Returns: New Plate with desired final `quantity` in each well.
+ """
+ return self[:].fill_to(solvent, quantity)
+class PlateSlicer(Slicer):
+ """
+ Represents a slice of a Plate.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, plate, item):
+ self.plate = plate
+ super().__init__(plate.wells, plate.row_names, plate.column_names, item)
+ def _get_slice_string(self, item):
+ assert isinstance(item, tuple)
+ left, right = item
+ if left.start is None and left.stop is None and right.start is None and right.stop is None:
+ return ':'
+ if left.start is None:
+ left = slice(0, left.stop)
+ if left.stop is None:
+ left = slice(left.start, len(self.plate.row_names))
+ if right.start is None:
+ right = slice(0, right.stop)
+ if right.stop is None:
+ right = slice(right.start, len(self.plate.column_names))
+ if left.stop == left.start + 1 and right.stop == right.start + 1:
+ return f"'{self.plate.row_names[left.start]}:{self.plate.column_names[right.start]}'"
+ else:
+ if left.start == 0 and left.stop == len(self.plate.row_names):
+ left = ':'
+ else:
+ left = f"'{self.plate.row_names[left.start]}':'{self.plate.row_names[left.stop - 1]}'"
+ if right.start == 0 and right.stop == len(self.plate.column_names):
+ right = ':'
+ else:
+ right = f"'{self.plate.column_names[right.start]}':'{self.plate.column_names[right.stop - 1]}'"
+ if right == ':':
+ return left
+ else:
+ return f"{left}, {right}"
+ def __repr__(self):
+ if isinstance(self.slices, list):
+ result = f"[{', '.join([self._get_slice_string(item) for item in self.slices])}]"
+ else:
+ result = self._get_slice_string(self.slices)
+ return f"{self.plate.name}[{result}]"
+ @property
+ def name(self):
+ return self.__repr__()
+ @property
+ def array(self):
+ """ @private """
+ return self.plate.wells
+ @array.setter
+ def array(self, array: np.ndarray):
+ self.plate.wells = array
+ def get_dataframe(self):
+ return pandas.DataFrame(self.plate.wells, columns=self.plate.column_names,
+ index=self.plate.row_names)
+ @staticmethod
+ def _transfer(frm: Container | PlateSlicer, to: PlateSlicer, quantity):
+ if isinstance(frm, Container):
+ to = copy(to)
+ to.plate = deepcopy(to.plate)
+ def helper_func(elem):
+ """ @private """
+ frm_array[0], elem = Container.transfer(frm_array[0], elem, quantity)
+ return elem
+ frm_array = [frm]
+ to.apply(helper_func)
+ return frm_array[0], to.plate
+ if not isinstance(frm, (Plate, PlateSlicer)):
+ raise TypeError("Invalid source type.")
+ to = copy(to)
+ frm = copy(frm)
+ if to.plate != frm.plate:
+ different = True
+ to.plate = deepcopy(to.plate)
+ frm.plate = deepcopy(frm.plate)
+ else:
+ different = False
+ to.plate = frm.plate = deepcopy(to.plate)
+ if frm.size == 1:
+ # Source from the single element in frm
+ if frm.shape != (1, 1):
+ raise RuntimeError("Shape of source should have been (1, 1)")
+ def helper_func(elem):
+ """ @private """
+ assert isinstance(frm_array, np.ndarray)
+ frm_array[0, 0], elem = Container.transfer(frm_array[0, 0], elem, quantity)
+ if different:
+ instructions = elem.instructions.splitlines()
+ instructions[-1] = instructions[-1].replace(frm_array[0, 0].name,
+ frm.plate.name + " " + frm_array[0, 0].name, 1)
+ elem.instructions = "\n".join(instructions)
+ return elem
+ frm_array = frm.get()
+ to.apply(helper_func)
+ elif to.size == 1:
+ # Replace the single element in self
+ if to.shape != (1, 1):
+ raise RuntimeError("Shape of source should have been (1, 1)")
+ def helper_func(elem):
+ """ @private """
+ elem, to_array[0][0] = to_array[0][0].transfer(elem, quantity)
+ instructions = to_array[0][0].instructions.splitlines()
+ instructions[-1] = instructions[-1].replace(elem.name, frm.plate.name + " " + elem.name, 1)
+ elem.instructions = "\n".join(instructions)
+ return elem
+ to_array = to.get()
+ frm.apply(helper_func)
+ elif frm.size == to.size and frm.shape == to.shape:
+ def helper(elem1, elem2):
+ """ @private """
+ elem1, elem2 = Container.transfer(elem1, elem2, quantity)
+ if different:
+ instructions = elem2.instructions.splitlines()
+ instructions[-1] = instructions[-1].replace(elem1.name, frm.plate.name + " " + elem1.name, 1)
+ elem2.instructions = "\n".join(instructions)
+ return elem1, elem2
+ func = np.frompyfunc(helper, 2, 2)
+ frm_result, to_result = func(frm.get(), to.get())
+ frm.set(frm_result)
+ to.set(to_result)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Source and destination slices must be the same size and shape.")
+ return frm.plate, to.plate
+ def highlight_wells(self, styler: pandas.io.formats.style.Styler) -> pandas.io.formats.style.Styler:
+ highlight_wells = []
+ if isinstance(self.slices, list):
+ for slice_ in self.slices:
+ row = slice_[0].start or 0
+ col = slice_[1].start or 0
+ highlight_wells.append((row, self.plate.column_names[col]))
+ else:
+ row_start = self.slices[0].start or 0
+ row_stop = self.slices[0].stop or len(self.plate.row_names)
+ row_step = self.slices[0].step or 1
+ col_start = self.slices[1].start or 0
+ col_stop = self.slices[1].stop or len(self.plate.column_names)
+ col_step = self.slices[1].step or 1
+ for row in range(row_start, row_stop, row_step):
+ for col in range(col_start, col_stop, col_step):
+ highlight_wells.append((row, self.plate.column_names[col]))
+ def highlight_func(elem):
+ return ['background-color: yellow' if (i, elem.name) in highlight_wells else '' for i, _ in enumerate(elem)]
+ styler.apply(highlight_func)
+ return styler
+ def dataframe(self, unit: str = None, substance: (str | Substance | Iterable[Substance]) = 'all',
+ cmap: str = None, highlight: bool = False):
+ """
+ Arguments:
+ unit: unit to return quantities in.
+ substance: Substance or Substances to display quantity of.
+ cmap: Colormap to shade dataframe with.
+ highlight: Highlight wells in slice(s).
+ Returns: Shaded dataframe of quantities in each well.
+ """
+ if unit is None:
+ unit = config.volume_display_unit
+ if not isinstance(unit, str):
+ raise TypeError("Unit must be a str.")
+ if (substance != 'all' and not isinstance(substance, Substance) and
+ not (isinstance(substance, Iterable) and all(isinstance(x, Substance) for x in substance))):
+ raise TypeError("Substance must be a Substance or 'all'")
+ if cmap is None:
+ cmap = config.default_colormap
+ if not isinstance(cmap, str):
+ raise TypeError("Colormap must be a str.")
+ if ('/' in unit or unit[-1] == 'm' or unit[-1] == 'M') and substance == 'all':
+ raise ValueError("Cannot display concentrations with respect to 'all' substances.")
+ def helper(elem):
+ if '/' in unit or unit[-1] == 'm' or unit[-1] == 'M':
+ """ Returns concentration of substance in elem. """
+ return elem.get_concentration(substance, unit)
+ # else
+ """ Returns amount of substance in elem. """
+ if substance == 'all':
+ amount = 0
+ for subst, quantity in elem.contents.items():
+ amount += Unit.convert_from(subst, quantity, config.moles_storage_unit, unit)
+ return amount
+ elif isinstance(substance, Iterable):
+ amount = 0
+ for subst in substance:
+ amount += Unit.convert_from(subst, elem.contents.get(subst, 0), config.moles_storage_unit, unit)
+ return amount
+ else:
+ return Unit.convert_from(substance, elem.contents.get(substance, 0), config.moles_storage_unit, unit)
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ df = self.get_dataframe().apply(np.vectorize(helper, cache=True, otypes='d'))
+ styler = df.style.format(precision=precision)
+ if highlight:
+ styler = self.highlight_wells(styler)
+ else:
+ if unit[-1] == 'L':
+ vmax = Unit.convert_from_storage(self.plate.max_volume_per_well, unit)
+ else:
+ vmax = df.max().max()
+ styler = styler.background_gradient(cmap, vmin=0, vmax=vmax)
+ return styler
+ def get_volumes(self, substance: (Substance | Iterable[Substance]) = None, unit: str = None) -> np.ndarray:
+ """
+ Arguments:
+ unit: unit to return volumes in.
+ substance: (optional) Substance to display volumes of.
+ Returns:
+ numpy.ndarray of volumes for each well in uL
+ """
+ if unit is None:
+ unit = config.volume_display_unit
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ if substance is None:
+ return np.vectorize(lambda elem: elem.get_volume(unit),
+ cache=True, otypes='d')(self.get()).round(precision)
+ if isinstance(substance, Substance):
+ substance = [substance]
+ if not (substance is None or
+ (isinstance(substance, Iterable) and all(isinstance(x, Substance) for x in substance))):
+ raise TypeError("Substance must be a Substance or an Iterable of Substances.")
+ if not isinstance(unit, str):
+ raise TypeError("Unit must be a str.")
+ def helper(elem):
+ amount = 0
+ """ Returns volume of elem. """
+ if substance is None:
+ for subs, quantity in elem.contents.items():
+ amount += Unit.convert_from(subs, quantity, config.moles_storage_unit, unit)
+ else:
+ for subs in substance:
+ amount += Unit.convert_from(subs, elem.contents.get(subs, 0), config.moles_storage_unit, unit)
+ return amount
+ return np.vectorize(helper, cache=True, otypes='d')(self.get()).round(precision)
+ def get_substances(self) -> set[Substance]:
+ """
+ Returns: A set of substances present in the plate.
+ """
+ substances_arr = np.vectorize(lambda elem: set(elem.contents.keys()), cache=True)(self.get())
+ return set.union(*substances_arr.flatten())
+ def get_moles(self, substance: (Substance | Iterable[Substance]), unit: str = 'mol') -> np.ndarray:
+ """
+ Arguments:
+ unit: unit to return moles in. ('mol', 'mmol', 'umol', etc.)
+ substance: Substance to display moles of.
+ Returns: moles of substance in each well.
+ """
+ if isinstance(substance, Substance):
+ substance = [substance]
+ if unit is None:
+ unit = config.moles_display_unit
+ if not isinstance(substance, Iterable) or not all(isinstance(x, Substance) for x in substance):
+ raise TypeError("Substance must be a Substance or an Iterable of Substances.")
+ if not isinstance(unit, str):
+ raise TypeError("Unit must be a str.")
+ precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
+ def helper(elem):
+ amount = 0
+ for subs in substance:
+ amount += Unit.convert_from(subs, elem.contents.get(subs, 0), config.moles_storage_unit, unit)
+ return amount
+ return np.vectorize(helper, cache=True, otypes='d')(self.get()).round(precision)
+ def remove(self, what: (Substance | int) = Substance.LIQUID):
+ """
+ Removes substances from slice
+ Arguments:
+ what: What to remove. Can be a type of substance or a specific substance. Defaults to LIQUID.
+ Returns: New Plate with requested substances removed.
+ """
+ self.plate = deepcopy(self.plate)
+ self.apply(lambda elem: elem.remove(what))
+ return self.plate
+ def fill_to(self, solvent: Substance, quantity: str):
+ """
+ Fills all wells in slice with `solvent` up to `quantity`.
+ Args:
+ solvent: Substance to use to fill.
+ quantity: Desired final quantity in each well.
+ Returns: New Plate with desired final `quantity` in each well.
+ """
+ self.plate = deepcopy(self.plate)
+ self.apply(lambda elem: elem.fill_to(solvent, quantity))
+ return self.plate
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pyplate/pyplate.py b/pyplate/pyplate.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c439ced..0000000
--- a/pyplate/pyplate.py
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-pyplate: a tool for designing chemistry experiments in plate format
-Substance: An abstract chemical or biological entity (e.g., reagent, solvent, etc.).
- Immutable.
-Container: Stores specified quantities of Substances in a vessel with a given maximum volume. Immutable.
-Plate: A spatially ordered collection of Containers, like a 96 well plate.
- The spatial arrangement must be rectangular. Immutable.
-Recipe: A list of instructions for transforming one set of containers into another.
-Storage format is defined in pyplate.yaml for volumes and moles.
- Example:
- # 1e-6 means we will store volumes as microliters
- volume_storage: 'uL'
- # 1e-6 means we will store moles as micromoles.
- moles_storage: 'umol'
-All classes in this package are friends and use private methods of other classes freely.
-All internal computations are rounded to config.internal_precision to maintain sanity.
- Rounding errors quickly compound.
-All values returned to the user are rounded to config.precisions for ease of use.
-# Allow typing reference while still building classes
-from __future__ import annotations
-from functools import cache
-from typing import Tuple, Dict, Iterable
-from copy import deepcopy, copy
-import numpy
-import numpy as np
-import pandas
-from tabulate import tabulate
-from pyplate.slicer import Slicer
-from . import Config
-config = Config()
-class Unit:
- """
- Provides unit conversion utility functions.
- """
- @staticmethod
- def convert_prefix_to_multiplier(prefix: str) -> float:
- """
- Converts an SI prefix into a multiplier.
- Example: "m" -> 1e-3, "u" -> 1e-6
- Arguments:
- prefix:
- Returns:
- Multiplier (float)
- """
- if not isinstance(prefix, str):
- raise TypeError("SI prefix must be a string.")
- prefixes = {'n': 1e-9, 'u': 1e-6, 'µ': 1e-6, 'm': 1e-3, 'c': 1e-2, 'd': 1e-1, '': 1, 'da': 1e1, 'k': 1e3,
- 'M': 1e6}
- if prefix in prefixes:
- return prefixes[prefix]
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid prefix: {prefix}")
- @staticmethod
- def parse_quantity(quantity: str) -> Tuple[float, str]:
- """
- Splits a quantity into a value and unit, converting any SI prefix.
- Example: '10 mL' -> (0.01, 'L')
- Arguments:
- quantity: Quantity to convert.
- Returns: A tuple of float and str. The float will be the parsed value
- and the str will be the unit ('L', 'mol', 'g', etc.).
- """
- if not isinstance(quantity, str):
- raise TypeError("Quantity must be a string.")
- if quantity.count(' ') != 1:
- raise ValueError("Value and unit must be separated by a single space.")
- value, unit = quantity.split(' ')
- try:
- value = float(value)
- except ValueError as exc:
- raise ValueError("Value is not a valid float.") from exc
- for base_unit in ['mol', 'g', 'L', 'M']:
- if unit.endswith(base_unit):
- prefix = unit[:-len(base_unit)]
- value = value * Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(prefix)
- return value, base_unit
- raise ValueError("Invalid unit {base_unit}.")
- @staticmethod
- def parse_concentration(concentration) -> Tuple[float, str, str]:
- """
- Parses concentration string to (value, numerator, denominator).
- Args:
- concentration: concentration, '1 M', '1 umol/uL', '0.1 umol/10 uL'
- Returns: Tuple of value, numerator, denominator. (0.01, 'mol', 'L')
- """
- if '/' not in concentration:
- if concentration[-1] == 'm':
- concentration = concentration[:-1] + 'mol/kg'
- elif concentration[-1] == 'M':
- concentration = concentration[:-1] + 'mol/L'
- else:
- raise ValueError("Only m and M are allowed as concentration units.")
- replacements = {'%v/v': 'L/L', '%w/w': 'g/g', '%w/v': config.default_weight_volume_units}
- if concentration[-4:] in replacements:
- concentration = concentration[:-4] + replacements[concentration[-4:]]
- numerator, denominator = map(str.split, concentration.split('/'))
- numerator[0] = float(numerator[0]) / 100 # percent
- else:
- numerator, denominator = map(str.split, concentration.split('/'))
- if len(numerator) < 2 or len(denominator) < 1:
- raise ValueError("Concentration must be of the form '1 umol/mL'.")
- try:
- numerator[0] = float(numerator[0])
- if len(denominator) > 1:
- numerator[0] /= float(denominator.pop(0))
- except ValueError as exc:
- raise ValueError("Value is not a float.") from exc
- units = ('mol', 'L', 'g')
- for unit in units:
- if numerator[1].endswith(unit):
- numerator[0] *= Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(numerator[1][:-len(unit)])
- numerator[1] = unit
- if denominator[0].endswith(unit):
- numerator[0] /= Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(denominator[0][:-len(unit)])
- denominator[0] = unit
- if numerator[1] not in ('mol', 'L', 'g') or denominator[0] not in ('mol', 'L', 'g'):
- raise ValueError("Concentration must be of the form '1 umol/mL'.")
- return round(numerator[0], config.internal_precision), numerator[1], denominator[0]
- @staticmethod
- def convert_from(substance: Substance, quantity: float, from_unit: str, to_unit: str) -> float:
- """
- Convert quantity of substance between units.
- Arguments:
- substance: Substance in question.
- quantity: Quantity of substance.
- from_unit: Unit to convert quantity from ('mL').
- to_unit: Unit to convert quantity to ('mol').
- Returns: Converted value.
- """
- if not isinstance(substance, Substance):
- raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for substance, {type(substance)}")
- if not isinstance(quantity, (int, float)):
- raise TypeError("Quantity must be a float.")
- if not isinstance(from_unit, str) or not isinstance(to_unit, str):
- raise TypeError("Unit must be a str.")
- for suffix in ['L', 'g', 'mol']:
- if from_unit.endswith(suffix):
- prefix = from_unit[:-len(suffix)]
- quantity *= Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(prefix)
- from_unit = suffix
- break
- else: # suffix not found
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid unit {from_unit}")
- for suffix in ['L', 'g', 'mol']:
- if to_unit.endswith(suffix):
- prefix = to_unit[:-len(suffix)]
- to_unit = suffix
- break
- else: # suffix not found
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid unit {to_unit}")
- result = None
- if to_unit == 'L':
- if from_unit == 'L':
- result = quantity
- elif from_unit == 'mol':
- # mol * g/mol / (g/mL)
- result_in_mL = quantity * substance.mol_weight / substance.density
- result = result_in_mL / 1000.
- elif from_unit == 'g':
- # g / (g/mL)
- result_in_mL = quantity / substance.density
- result = result_in_mL / 1000
- elif to_unit == 'mol':
- if from_unit == 'L':
- value_in_mL = quantity * 1000. # L * mL/L
- # mL * g/mL / (g/mol)
- result = value_in_mL * substance.density / substance.mol_weight
- elif from_unit == 'mol':
- result = quantity
- elif from_unit == 'g':
- # g / (g/mol)
- result = quantity / substance.mol_weight
- elif to_unit == 'g':
- if from_unit == 'L':
- # L * (1000 mL/L) * g/mL
- result = quantity * 1000. * substance.density
- elif from_unit == 'mol':
- # mol * g/mol
- result = quantity * substance.mol_weight
- elif from_unit == 'g':
- result = quantity
- assert result is not None, f"{substance} {quantity} {from_unit} {to_unit}"
- return result / Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(prefix)
- @staticmethod
- def convert(substance: Substance, quantity: str, unit: str) -> float:
- """
- Convert quantity of substance to unit.
- Arguments:
- substance: Substance in question.
- quantity: Quantity of substance ('10 mL').
- unit: Unit to convert quantity to ('mol').
- Returns: Converted value.
- """
- if not isinstance(substance, Substance):
- raise TypeError(f"Invalid type for substance, {type(substance)}")
- if not isinstance(quantity, str):
- raise TypeError("Quantity must be a str.")
- if not isinstance(unit, str):
- raise TypeError("Unit must be a str.")
- value, quantity_unit = Unit.parse_quantity(quantity)
- return Unit.convert_from(substance, value, quantity_unit, unit)
- @staticmethod
- def convert_to_storage(value: float, unit: str) -> float:
- """
- Converts value to storage format.
- Example: (1, 'L') -> 1e6 uL
- Arguments:
- value: Value to be converted.
- unit: Unit value is in. ('uL', 'mL', 'mol', etc.)
- Returns: Converted value.
- """
- if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
- raise TypeError("Value must be a float.")
- if not isinstance(unit, str):
- raise TypeError("Unit must be a str.")
- if unit[-1] == 'L':
- prefix_value = Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(unit[:-1])
- result = value * prefix_value / Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(config.volume_storage_unit[:-1])
- else: # moles
- prefix_value = Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(unit[:-3])
- result = value * prefix_value / Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(config.moles_storage_unit[:-3])
- return round(result, config.internal_precision)
- @staticmethod
- def convert_from_storage(value: float, unit: str) -> float:
- """
- Converts value from storage format.
- Example: (1e3 uL, 'mL') -> 1
- Arguments:
- value: Value to be converted.
- unit: Unit value should be in. ('uL', 'mL', 'mol', etc.)
- Returns: Converted value.
- """
- if not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
- raise TypeError("Value must be a float.")
- if not isinstance(unit, str):
- raise TypeError("Unit must be a str.")
- if unit[-1] == 'L':
- prefix_value = Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(unit[:-1])
- result = value * Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(config.volume_storage_unit[0]) / prefix_value
- elif unit[-3:] == 'mol': # moles
- prefix_value = Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(unit[:-3])
- result = value * Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(config.moles_storage_unit[0]) / prefix_value
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid unit.")
- return round(result, config.internal_precision)
- @staticmethod
- def convert_from_storage_to_standard_format(what: Substance | Container, quantity: float) -> Tuple[float, str]:
- """
- Converts a quantity of a substance or container to a standard format.
- Example: (water, 1e6) -> (18.015, 'mL'), (NaCl, 1e6) -> (58.443, 'g'), (Amylase, 1) -> (1, 'U')
- Args:
- what: Substance or Container
- quantity: Quantity in storage format.
- Returns: Tuple of quantity and unit.
- """
- if isinstance(what, Substance):
- if what.is_solid():
- unit = 'g'
- # convert moles to grams
- # molecular weight is in g/mol
- quantity *= Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(config.moles_storage_unit[:-3]) * what.mol_weight
- elif what.is_liquid():
- unit = 'L'
- # convert moles to liters
- # molecular weight is in g/mol
- # density is in g/mL
- quantity *= (Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(config.moles_storage_unit[:-3])
- * what.mol_weight / what.density / 1e3)
- else:
- # This shouldn't happen.
- raise TypeError("Invalid type for what.")
- elif isinstance(what, Container):
- # Assume the container contains a liquid
- unit = 'L'
- quantity *= Unit.convert_prefix_to_multiplier(config.volume_storage_unit[:-1])
- else:
- raise TypeError("Invalid type for what.")
- multiplier = 1
- while quantity < 1 and multiplier > 1e-6:
- quantity *= 1e3
- multiplier /= 1e3
- unit = {1: '', 1e-3: 'm', 1e-6: 'u'}[multiplier] + unit
- quantity = round(quantity, config.internal_precision)
- return quantity, unit
- @staticmethod
- def get_human_readable_unit(value: float, unit: str) -> Tuple[float, str]:
- """
- Returns a more human-readable value and unit.
- Args:
- value: Value to work with.
- unit: Unit to determine type and default unit if value is zero.
- Returns: Tuple of new value and unit
- """
- if value == 0:
- return value, unit
- value = abs(value)
- if unit[-1] == 'L':
- unit = 'L'
- elif unit[-3:] == 'mol':
- unit = 'mol'
- elif unit[-1] == 'g':
- unit = 'g'
- multiplier = 1.0
- while value < 1:
- value *= 1e3
- multiplier /= 1e3
- multiplier = max(multiplier, 1e-6)
- return value, {1: '', 1e-3: 'm', 1e-6: 'u'}[multiplier] + unit
- @staticmethod
- def calculate_concentration_ratio(solute: Substance, concentration: str, solvent: Substance) \
- -> Tuple[float, str, str]:
- # TODO: eliminate this from dilute and tests.
- """
- Helper function for dealing with concentrations.
- Returns: ratio of moles or Activity Units per mole storage unit ('umol', etc.).
- """
- # Formulas used here are found in solution_formulas.rst
- c, numerator, denominator = Unit.parse_concentration(concentration)
- if numerator not in ('g', 'L', 'mol'):
- raise ValueError("Invalid unit in numerator.")
- if denominator not in ('g', 'L', 'mol'):
- raise ValueError("Invalid unit in denominator.")
- ratio = None # ration of solute to solvent in moles
- if numerator == 'g':
- if denominator == 'g':
- ratio = c * solvent.mol_weight / (1 - c) / solute.mol_weight
- elif denominator == 'mol':
- ratio = c / (solute.mol_weight - c)
- elif denominator == 'L':
- c /= 1000 # g/mL
- ratio = c * solvent.mol_weight / (solute.mol_weight * solvent.density * (1 - c / solute.density))
- elif numerator == 'L':
- if denominator == 'g':
- c *= 1000 # mL/g
- ratio = c * solvent.mol_weight / (solute.mol_weight * (1 / solute.density - c))
- elif denominator == 'mol':
- c *= 1000 # mL/mol
- ratio = c / (solute.mol_weight / solute.density - c)
- elif denominator == 'L':
- ratio = c * solvent.mol_weight / solvent.density / (solute.mol_weight / solute.density) / (1 - c)
- elif numerator == 'mol':
- if denominator == 'g':
- ratio = c * solvent.mol_weight / (1 - c * solute.mol_weight)
- elif denominator == 'mol':
- ratio = c / (1 - c)
- elif denominator == 'L':
- c /= 1000 # mol/mL
- ratio = c * solvent.mol_weight / solvent.density / (1 - c * solute.mol_weight / solute.density)
- return ratio, numerator, denominator
-class Substance:
- """
- An abstract chemical or biological entity (e.g., reagent, solvent, etc.). Immutable.
- Attributes:
- name: Name of substance.
- mol_weight: Molecular weight (g/mol).
- density: Density if `Substance` is a liquid (g/mL).
- concentration: Calculated concentration if `Substance` is a liquid (mol/mL).
- molecule: `cctk.Molecule` if provided.
- """
- SOLID = 1
- LIQUID = 2
- classes = {SOLID: 'Solids', LIQUID: 'Liquids'}
- def __init__(self, name: str, mol_type: int, molecule=None):
- """
- Create a new substance.
- Arguments:
- name: Name of substance.
- mol_type: Substance.SOLID or Substance.LIQUID.
- molecule: (optional) A cctk.Molecule.
- If cctk.Molecule is provided, molecular weight will automatically populate.
- Note: Support for isotopologues will be added in the future.
- """
- if not isinstance(name, str):
- raise TypeError("Name must be a str.")
- if not isinstance(mol_type, int):
- raise TypeError("Type must be an int.")
- if len(name) == 0:
- raise ValueError("Name must not be empty.")
- self.name = name
- self._type = mol_type
- self.mol_weight = self.concentration = None
- self.density = float('inf')
- self.molecule = molecule
- def __repr__(self):
- return f"{self.name} ({'SOLID' if self.is_solid() else 'LIQUID'})"
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, Substance):
- return False
- return self.name == other.name and self._type == other._type and self.mol_weight == other.mol_weight \
- and self.density == other.density and self.concentration == other.concentration
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.name, self._type, self.mol_weight, self.density, self.concentration))
- @staticmethod
- def solid(name: str, mol_weight: float, molecule=None) -> Substance:
- """
- Creates a solid substance.
- Arguments:
- name: Name of substance.
- mol_weight: Molecular weight in g/mol
- molecule: (optional) A cctk.Molecule
- Returns: New substance.
- """
- if not isinstance(name, str):
- raise TypeError("Name must be a str.")
- if not isinstance(mol_weight, (int, float)):
- raise TypeError("Molecular weight must be a float.")
- if not mol_weight > 0:
- raise ValueError("Molecular weight must be positive.")
- substance = Substance(name, Substance.SOLID, molecule)
- substance.mol_weight = mol_weight
- substance.density = config.default_solid_density
- return substance
- @staticmethod
- def liquid(name: str, mol_weight: float, density: float, molecule=None) -> Substance:
- """
- Creates a liquid substance.
- Arguments:
- name: Name of substance.
- mol_weight: Molecular weight in g/mol
- density: Density in g/mL
- molecule: (optional) A cctk.Molecule
- Returns: New substance.
- """
- if not isinstance(name, str):
- raise TypeError("Name must be a str.")
- if not isinstance(mol_weight, (int, float)):
- raise TypeError("Molecular weight must be a float.")
- if not isinstance(density, (int, float)):
- raise TypeError("Density must be a float.")
- if not mol_weight > 0:
- raise ValueError("Molecular weight must be positive.")
- if not density > 0:
- raise ValueError("Density must be positive.")
- substance = Substance(name, Substance.LIQUID, molecule)
- substance.mol_weight = mol_weight # g / mol
- substance.density = density # g / mL
- substance.concentration = density / mol_weight # mol / mL
- return substance
- def is_solid(self) -> bool:
- """
- Return true if `Substance` is a solid.
- """
- return self._type == Substance.SOLID
- def is_liquid(self) -> bool:
- """
- Return true if `Substance` is a liquid.
- """
- return self._type == Substance.LIQUID
-class Container:
- """
- Stores specified quantities of Substances in a vessel with a given maximum volume. Immutable.
- Attributes:
- name: Name of the Container.
- contents: A dictionary of Substances to floats denoting how much of each Substance is the Container.
- volume: Current volume held in the Container in storage format.
- max_volume: Maximum volume Container can hold in storage format.
- """
- def __init__(self, name: str, max_volume: str = 'inf L',
- initial_contents: Iterable[Tuple[Substance, str]] = None):
- """
- Create a Container.
- Arguments:
- name: Name of container
- max_volume: Maximum volume that can be stored in the container in mL
- initial_contents: (optional) Iterable of tuples of the form (Substance, quantity)
- """
- if not isinstance(name, str):
- raise TypeError("Name must be a str.")
- if len(name) == 0:
- raise ValueError("Name must not be empty.")
- if not isinstance(max_volume, str):
- raise TypeError("Maximum volume must be a str, ('10 mL').")
- max_volume, _ = Unit.parse_quantity(max_volume)
- if max_volume <= 0:
- raise ValueError("Maximum volume must be positive.")
- self.name = name
- self.contents: Dict[Substance, float] = {}
- self.volume = 0.0
- self.max_volume = Unit.convert_to_storage(max_volume, 'L')
- self.experimental_conditions = {}
- if initial_contents:
- if not isinstance(initial_contents, Iterable):
- raise TypeError("Initial contents must be iterable.")
- for entry in initial_contents:
- if not isinstance(entry, Iterable) or not len(entry) == 2:
- raise TypeError("Element in initial_contents must be a (Substance, str) tuple.")
- substance, quantity = entry
- if not isinstance(substance, Substance) or not isinstance(quantity, str):
- raise TypeError("Element in initial_contents must be a (Substance, str) tuple.")
- self._self_add(substance, quantity)
- contents = []
- for substance, quantity in self.contents.items():
- quantity, unit = Unit.convert_from_storage_to_standard_format(substance, quantity)
- precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- contents.append(f"{round(quantity, precision)} {unit} of {substance.name}")
- self.instructions = f"Add {', '.join(contents)}"
- if self.max_volume != float('inf'):
- max_volume, unit = Unit.convert_from_storage_to_standard_format(self, self.max_volume)
- precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- self.instructions += f" to a {round(max_volume, precision)} {unit} container."
- else:
- self.instructions += " to a container."
- else:
- if self.max_volume != float('inf'):
- max_volume, unit = Unit.convert_from_storage_to_standard_format(self, self.max_volume)
- precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- self.instructions = f"Create a {round(max_volume, precision)} {unit} container."
- else:
- self.instructions = "Create a container."
- def __eq__(self, other):
- if not isinstance(other, Container):
- return False
- return self.name == other.name and self.contents == other.contents and \
- self.volume == other.volume and self.max_volume == other.max_volume
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash((self.name, self.volume, self.max_volume, *tuple(map(tuple, self.contents.items()))))
- def _self_add(self, source: Substance, quantity: str) -> None:
- """
- Adds `Substance` to current `Container`, mutating it.
- Only to be used in the constructor and immediately after copy.
- Arguments:
- source: Substance to add.
- quantity: How much to add. ('10 mol')
- """
- if not isinstance(source, Substance):
- raise TypeError("Source must be a Substance.")
- if not isinstance(quantity, str):
- raise TypeError("Quantity must be a str.")
- volume_to_add = Unit.convert(source, quantity, config.volume_storage_unit)
- amount_to_add = Unit.convert(source, quantity, config.moles_storage_unit)
- if self.volume + volume_to_add > self.max_volume:
- raise ValueError("Exceeded maximum volume")
- self.volume = round(self.volume + volume_to_add, config.internal_precision)
- self.contents[source] = round(self.contents.get(source, 0) + amount_to_add, config.internal_precision)
- def _transfer(self, source_container: Container, quantity: str) -> Tuple[Container, Container]:
- """
- Move quantity ('10 mL', '5 mg') from container to self.
- Arguments:
- source_container: `Container` to transfer from.
- quantity: How much to transfer.
- Returns: New source and destination container.
- """
- if not isinstance(source_container, Container):
- raise TypeError("Invalid source type.")
- quantity_to_transfer, unit = Unit.parse_quantity(quantity)
- if unit == 'L':
- volume_to_transfer = Unit.convert_to_storage(quantity_to_transfer, 'L')
- volume_to_transfer = round(volume_to_transfer, config.internal_precision)
- if volume_to_transfer > source_container.volume:
- raise ValueError(f"Not enough mixture left in source container ({source_container.name}). " +
- f"Only {Unit.convert_from_storage(source_container.volume, 'mL')} mL available, " +
- f"{Unit.convert_from_storage(volume_to_transfer, 'mL')} mL needed.")
- ratio = volume_to_transfer / source_container.volume
- elif unit == 'g':
- mass_to_transfer = round(quantity_to_transfer, config.internal_precision)
- total_mass = 0
- for substance, amount in source_container.contents.items():
- total_mass += Unit.convert_from(substance, amount, config.moles_storage_unit, "g")
- ratio = mass_to_transfer / total_mass
- elif unit == 'mol':
- moles_to_transfer = Unit.convert_to_storage(quantity_to_transfer, 'mol')
- total_moles = sum(amount for _, amount in source_container.contents.items())
- ratio = moles_to_transfer / total_moles
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid quantity unit.")
- source_container, to = deepcopy(source_container), deepcopy(self)
- for substance, amount in source_container.contents.items():
- to_transfer = amount * ratio
- to.contents[substance] = round(to.contents.get(substance, 0) + to_transfer,
- config.internal_precision)
- source_container.contents[substance] = round(source_container.contents[substance] - to_transfer,
- config.internal_precision)
- # if quantity to remove is the same as the current amount plus a very small delta,
- # we will get a negative 0 answer.
- if source_container.contents[substance] == -0.0:
- source_container.contents[substance] = 0.0
- if source_container.has_liquid():
- transfer = Unit.convert_from_storage(ratio * source_container.volume, 'L')
- transfer, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(transfer, 'L')
- else:
- # total mass in source container times ratio
- mass = sum(Unit.convert(substance, f"{amount} {config.moles_storage_unit}", "mg") \
- for substance, amount in source_container.contents.items())
- transfer, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(mass * ratio, 'mg')
- precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- to.instructions += f"\nTransfer {round(transfer, precision)} {unit} of {source_container.name} to {to.name}"
- to.volume = 0
- for substance, amount in to.contents.items():
- to.volume += Unit.convert(substance, f"{amount} {config.moles_storage_unit}", config.volume_storage_unit)
- to.volume = round(to.volume, config.internal_precision)
- if to.volume > to.max_volume:
- raise ValueError(f"Exceeded maximum volume in {to.name}.")
- source_container.volume = 0
- for substance, amount in source_container.contents.items():
- source_container.volume += Unit.convert(substance, f"{amount} {config.moles_storage_unit}", config.volume_storage_unit)
- source_container.volume = round(source_container.volume, config.internal_precision)
- return source_container, to
- def _transfer_slice(self, source_slice: Plate | PlateSlicer, quantity: str) -> Tuple[Plate, Container]:
- """
- Move quantity ('10 mL', '5 mg') from each well in a slice to self.
- Arguments:
- source_slice: Slice or Plate to transfer from.
- quantity: How much to transfer.
- Returns:
- A new plate and a new container, both modified.
- """
- def helper_func(elem):
- """ Moves volume from elem to to_array[0]"""
- elem, to_array[0] = Container.transfer(elem, to_array[0], quantity)
- return elem
- if isinstance(source_slice, Plate):
- source_slice = source_slice[:]
- if not isinstance(source_slice, PlateSlicer):
- raise TypeError("Invalid source type.")
- to = deepcopy(self)
- source_slice = copy(source_slice)
- source_slice.plate = deepcopy(source_slice.plate)
- to_array = [to]
- source_slice.apply(helper_func)
- to = to_array[0]
- return source_slice.plate, to
- @cache
- def dataframe(self) -> pandas.DataFrame:
- df = pandas.DataFrame(columns=['Volume', 'Mass', 'Moles'])
- if self.max_volume == float('inf'):
- df.loc['Maximum Volume'] = ['∞', '-', '-']
- else:
- volume, unit = Unit.convert_from_storage_to_standard_format(self, self.max_volume)
- volume = round(volume,
- config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default'])
- df.loc['Maximum Volume'] = [volume, '-', '-']
- totals = {'L': 0, 'g': 0, 'mol': 0}
- for substance, value in self.contents.items():
- columns = []
- for unit in ['L', 'g', 'mol']:
- converted_value = Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, unit)
- totals[unit] += converted_value
- converted_value, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(converted_value, unit)
- precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- columns.append(f"{round(converted_value, precision)} {unit}")
- df.loc[substance.name] = columns
- columns = []
- for unit in ['L', 'g', 'mol']:
- value = totals[unit]
- value, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(value, unit)
- precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- columns.append(f"{round(value, precision)} {unit}")
- df.loc['Total'] = columns
- df.columns.name = self.name
- return df
- @cache
- def _repr_html_(self):
- return self.dataframe().to_html(notebook=True)
- @cache
- def __repr__(self):
- df = self.dataframe()
- return tabulate(df, headers=[self.name] + list(df.columns), tablefmt='pretty')
- @cache
- def has_liquid(self) -> bool:
- """
- Returns: True if any substance in the container is a liquid.
- """
- return any(substance.is_liquid() for substance in self.contents)
- @cache
- def get_substances(self):
- """
- Returns: A set of substances present in the container.
- """
- return set(self.contents.keys())
- def _add(self, source: Substance, quantity: str) -> Container:
- """
- Add the given quantity ('10 mol') of the source substance to the container.
- Arguments:
- source: Substance to add to `destination`.
- quantity: How much `Substance` to add.
- Returns:
- A new container with added substance.
- """
- destination = deepcopy(self)
- destination._self_add(source, quantity)
- return destination
- @staticmethod
- def transfer(source: Container | Plate | PlateSlicer, destination: Container, quantity: str) \
- -> Tuple[Container | Plate | PlateSlicer, Container]:
- """
- Move quantity ('10 mL', '5 mg') from source to destination container,
- returning copies of the objects with amounts adjusted accordingly.
- Arguments:
- source: Container, plate, or slice to transfer from.
- destination: Container to transfer to:
- quantity: How much to transfer.
- Returns:
- A tuple of (T, Container) where T is the type of the source.
- """
- if not isinstance(destination, Container):
- raise TypeError("You can only use Container.transfer into a Container")
- if isinstance(source, Container):
- return destination._transfer(source, quantity)
- if isinstance(source, (Plate, PlateSlicer)):
- return destination._transfer_slice(source, quantity)
- raise TypeError("Invalid source type.")
- def get_concentration(self, solute: Substance, units: str = 'M') -> float:
- """
- Get the concentration of solute in the current solution.
- Args:
- solute: Substance interested in.
- units: Units to return concentration in, defaults to Molar.
- Returns: Concentration
- """
- if not isinstance(solute, Substance):
- raise TypeError("Solute must be a Substance.")
- if not isinstance(units, str):
- raise TypeError("Units must be a str.")
- mult, *units = Unit.parse_concentration('1 ' + units)
- numerator = Unit.convert_from(solute, self.contents.get(solute, 0), config.moles_storage_unit, units[0])
- if numerator == 0:
- return 0
- if units[1].endswith('L'):
- denominator = self.get_volume(units[1])
- else:
- denominator = 0
- for substance, amount in self.contents.items():
- denominator += Unit.convert_from(substance, amount, config.moles_storage_unit, units[1])
- return round(numerator / denominator / mult, config.internal_precision)
- def get_volume(self, unit: str = None) -> float:
- """
- Get the volume of the container.
- Args:
- unit: Unit to return volume in. Defaults to volume_display_unit from config.
- Returns: Volume of the container.
- """
- if unit is None:
- unit = config.volume_display_unit
- if not isinstance(unit, str):
- raise TypeError("Unit must be a str.")
- return Unit.convert_from_storage(self.volume, unit)
- @staticmethod
- def create_solution(solute: Substance | Iterable[Substance], solvent: Substance | Container,
- name: str = None, **kwargs) -> Container:
- """
- Create a solution.
- Two out of concentration, quantity, and total_quantity must be specified.
- Multiple solutes can be, optionally, provided as a list. Each solute will have the desired concentration
- or quantity in the final solution.
- If one value is specified for concentration or quantity and multiple solutes are provided, the value will be
- used for all solutes.
- Arguments:
- solute: What to dissolve. Can be a single Substance or a list of Substances.
- solvent: What to dissolve with. Can be a Substance or a Container.
- name: Optional name for new container.
- concentration: Desired concentration(s). ('1 M', '0.1 umol/10 uL', etc.)
- quantity: Desired quantity of solute(s). ('3 mL', '10 g')
- total_quantity: Desired total quantity. ('3 mL', '10 g')
- Returns:
- New container with desired solution.
- """
- if not isinstance(solvent, (Substance, Container)):
- raise TypeError("Solvent must be a Substance or a Container.")
- if name and not isinstance(name, str):
- raise TypeError("Name must be a str.")
- if isinstance(solute, Substance):
- solute = [solute]
- elif not isinstance(solute, list) or any(not isinstance(substance, Substance) for substance in solute):
- raise TypeError("Solute(s) must be a Substance.")
- concentration = kwargs.get('concentration', None)
- quantity = kwargs.get('quantity', None)
- total_quantity = kwargs.get('total_quantity', None)
- original_solvent = solvent
- if isinstance(solvent, Container):
- # Calculate mol_weight and density of solvent
- # get total mass of solvent
- total_mass = sum(Unit.convert_from(substance, amount, 'mol', 'g')
- for substance, amount in solvent.contents.items())
- total_moles = Unit.convert_from_storage(sum(solvent.contents.values()), 'mol')
- total_volume = solvent.get_volume('mL')
- if total_moles == 0 or total_volume == 0:
- raise ValueError("Solvent must contain a non-zero amount of substance.")
- # mol_weight = g/mol, density = g/mL
- solvent = Substance.liquid('fake solvent',
- mol_weight=total_mass / total_moles, density=total_mass / total_volume)
- if (concentration is not None) + (quantity is not None) + (total_quantity is not None) != 2:
- raise ValueError("Must specify two values out of concentration, quantity, and total quantity.")
- if total_quantity and not isinstance(total_quantity, str):
- raise TypeError("Total quantity must be a str.")
- if not name:
- name = f"Solution of {','.join(substance.name for substance in solute)} in {solvent.name}"
- def convert_one(substance: Substance, u: str) -> float:
- """ Converts 1 mol or U to unit `u` for a given substance. """
- return Unit.convert_from(substance, 1, 'mol', u)
- # result of linalg.solve will be moles (or 'U') for all solutes solvent
- n = len(solute)
- a = numpy.zeros((n * 2, n + 1), dtype=float)
- b = numpy.zeros(n * 2, dtype=float)
- index = 0
- identity = numpy.identity(n + 1)[0]
- if concentration is not None:
- if isinstance(concentration, str):
- concentration = [concentration] * len(solute)
- elif not isinstance(concentration, Iterable):
- raise TypeError("Concentration(s) must be a str.")
- if len(concentration) != n:
- raise ValueError("Number of concentrations must match number of solutes.")
- bottom_arrays = {}
- for i, (c, substance) in enumerate(zip(concentration, solute)):
- if not isinstance(c, str):
- raise TypeError("Concentration(s) must be a str.")
- try:
- c, numerator, denominator = Unit.parse_concentration(c)
- except ValueError:
- raise ValueError(f"Invalid concentration. ({c})")
- if denominator not in bottom_arrays:
- bottom = numpy.array(list(convert_one(substance, denominator) for substance in solute + [solvent]))
- bottom_arrays[denominator] = bottom
- else:
- bottom = bottom_arrays[denominator]
- # c = top/bottom
- a[index] = c * bottom - numpy.roll(identity, i) * convert_one(substance, numerator)
- index += 1
- if quantity is not None:
- if isinstance(quantity, str):
- quantity = [quantity] * len(solute)
- elif not isinstance(quantity, Iterable):
- raise TypeError("Quantity(s) must be a str.")
- if len(quantity) != n:
- raise ValueError("Number of quantities must match number of solutes.")
- for i, (q, substance) in enumerate(zip(quantity, solute)):
- if not isinstance(q, str):
- raise TypeError("Quantity(s) must be a str.")
- q, unit = Unit.parse_quantity(q)
- a[index] = numpy.roll(identity, i) * convert_one(substance, unit)
- b[index] = q
- index += 1
- if total_quantity is not None:
- total_quantity, total_quantity_unit = Unit.parse_quantity(total_quantity)
- a[index] = numpy.array(
- list(convert_one(substance, total_quantity_unit) for substance in solute + [solvent]))
- b[index] = total_quantity
- xs = numpy.linalg.solve(a[:n + 1], b[:n + 1])
- if any(x <= 0 for x in xs):
- raise ValueError("Solution is impossible to create.")
- for i in range(len(a)):
- if abs(sum(a[i] * xs) - b[i]) > 1e-6:
- raise ValueError("Solution is impossible to create.")
- initial_contents = list((substance, f"{x} mol") for x, substance in zip(xs, solute + [solvent]))
- if isinstance(original_solvent, Container):
- result = Container(name, initial_contents=initial_contents[:-1])
- contents = []
- for substance, value in result.contents.items():
- value, unit = Unit.convert_from_storage_to_standard_format(substance, value)
- precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- contents.append(f"{round(value, precision)} {unit} of {substance.name}")
- _, solvent_amount = initial_contents[-1]
- solvent_volume = Unit.convert_from(solvent, xs[-1], 'mol', 'L')
- solvent_volume, volume_unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(solvent_volume, 'L')
- solvent_volume = round(solvent_volume,
- config.precisions[volume_unit] if volume_unit in config.precisions else
- config.precisions['default'])
- original_solvent, result = Container.transfer(original_solvent, result, solvent_amount)
- result.instructions = ("Add " + ", ".join(contents) +
- f" to {solvent_volume} {volume_unit} of {original_solvent.name}.")
- return original_solvent, result
- else:
- result = Container(name, initial_contents=initial_contents)
- contents = []
- for substance, value in result.contents.items():
- value, unit = Unit.convert_from_storage_to_standard_format(substance, value)
- precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- contents.append(f"{round(value, precision)} {unit} of {substance.name}")
- result.instructions = "Add " + ", ".join(contents) + " to a container."
- return result
- @staticmethod
- def create_solution_from(source: Container, solute: Substance, concentration: str, solvent: Substance | Container,
- quantity: str, name=None) -> (Tuple[Container, Container] |
- Tuple[Container, Container, Container]):
- """
- Create a diluted solution from an existing solution or solutions.
- Arguments:
- source: Solution to dilute.
- solute: What to dissolve.
- concentration: Desired concentration. ('1 M', '0.1 umol/10 uL', etc.)
- solvent: What to dissolve with (if it is a Container, it can contain some solute).
- quantity: Desired total quantity. ('3 mL', '10 g')
- name: Optional name for new container.
- Returns:
- Residual from the source container (and possibly the solvent container)
- and a new container with the desired solution.
- Raises:
- ValueError: If the solution is impossible to create.
- """
- if not isinstance(source, Container):
- raise TypeError("Source must be a Container.")
- if not isinstance(solute, Substance):
- raise TypeError("Solute must be a Substance.")
- if not isinstance(concentration, str):
- raise TypeError("Concentration must be a str.")
- if not isinstance(solvent, (Substance, Container)):
- raise TypeError("Solvent must be a Substance or Container.")
- if not isinstance(quantity, str):
- raise TypeError("Quantity must be a str.")
- if name and not isinstance(name, str):
- raise TypeError("Name must be a str.")
- quantity_value, quantity_unit = Unit.parse_quantity(quantity)
- if quantity_value <= 0:
- raise ValueError("Quantity must be positive.")
- if solute not in source.contents:
- raise ValueError(f"Source container does not contain {solute.name}.")
- if solvent == solute:
- raise ValueError("Solute and solvent must be different.")
- if not name:
- name = f"solution of {solute.name} in {solvent.name}"
- # x is amount of source solution in mL, y is amount of solvent in mL
- mass = sum(Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, 'g') for substance, value in
- source.contents.items())
- moles = sum(Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, 'mol') for substance, value in
- source.contents.items())
- volume = Unit.convert_from_storage(source.volume, 'mL')
- d_x = mass / volume
- mw_x = mass / moles
- m_x = Unit.convert_from_storage(source.contents.get(solute, 0), 'mol') / (volume / 1000)
- if isinstance(solvent, Container):
- mass = sum(Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, 'g') for substance, value in
- solvent.contents.items())
- moles = sum(Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, 'mol') for substance, value in
- solvent.contents.items())
- volume = Unit.convert_from_storage(solvent.volume, 'mL')
- d_y = mass / volume
- mw_y = mass / moles
- m_y = Unit.convert_from_storage(solvent.contents.get(solute, 0), 'mol') / (volume / 1000)
- else:
- d_y = solvent.density
- mw_y = solvent.mol_weight
- m_y = 0 # no solute in solvent
- mw_s = solute.mol_weight
- d_s = solute.density
- concentration, numerator, denominator = Unit.parse_concentration(concentration)
- a = numpy.array([[0., 0.], [0., 0.]])
- b = numpy.array([0., 0.])
- if numerator == 'mol':
- top = numpy.array([m_x / 1000., m_y / 1000.])
- elif numerator == 'g':
- top = numpy.array([m_x * mw_s / 1000., m_y * mw_s / 1000.])
- elif numerator == 'L':
- # (mL/1000) * mol/L * g/mol * mL/g = mL / 1000 = L
- top = numpy.array([m_x * mw_s / (d_s * 1e6), m_y * mw_s / (d_s * 1e6)])
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid numerator.")
- if denominator == 'mol':
- bottom = numpy.array([d_x / mw_x, d_y / mw_y])
- elif denominator == 'g':
- bottom = numpy.array([d_x, d_y])
- elif denominator == 'L':
- bottom = numpy.array([1 / 1000., 1 / 1000.])
- else:
- raise ValueError("Invalid denominator.")
- # concentration = top / bottom -> concentration * bottom - top = 0
- a[0] = concentration * bottom - top
- quantity_value, quantity_unit = Unit.parse_quantity(quantity)
- if quantity_unit == 'g':
- a[1] = numpy.array([d_x, d_y])
- elif quantity_unit == 'L':
- a[1] = numpy.array([1 / 1000., 1 / 1000.])
- elif quantity_value == 'mol':
- a[1] = numpy.array([d_x / mw_x, d_y / mw_y])
- b[1] = quantity_value
- x, y = numpy.linalg.solve(a, b)
- if x < 0 or y < 0:
- raise ValueError("Solution is impossible to create.")
- if isinstance(solvent, Substance):
- if y:
- new_solution = Container(name, initial_contents=[(solvent, f"{y} mL")])
- else:
- new_solution = Container(name)
- if x:
- source, new_solution = Container.transfer(source, new_solution, f"{x} mL")
- else:
- new_solution = Container(name)
- if x:
- source, new_solution = Container.transfer(source, new_solution, f"{x} mL")
- if y:
- solvent, new_solution = Container.transfer(solvent, new_solution, f"{y} mL")
- precision = config.precisions['mL'] if 'mL' in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- new_solution.instructions = f"Add {round(y, precision)} mL of {solvent.name} to" + \
- f" {round(x, precision)} mL of {source.name}."
- if isinstance(solvent, Substance):
- return source, new_solution
- else:
- return source, solvent, new_solution
- def remove(self, what: (Substance | int) = Substance.LIQUID) -> Container:
- """
- Removes substances from `Container`
- Arguments:
- what: What to remove. Can be a type of substance or a specific substance. Defaults to LIQUID.
- Returns: New Container with requested substances removed.
- """
- new_container = deepcopy(self)
- new_container.contents = {substance: value for substance, value in self.contents.items()
- if what not in (substance._type, substance)}
- new_container.volume = 0
- for substance, value in new_container.contents.items():
- new_container.volume += Unit.convert_from(substance, value, config.moles_storage_unit, config.volume_storage_unit)
- new_container.instructions = self.instructions
- classes = {Substance.SOLID: 'solid', Substance.LIQUID: 'liquid'}
- if what in classes:
- new_container.instructions += f"Remove all {classes[what]}s."
- else:
- new_container.instructions += f"Remove all {what.name}s."
- return new_container
- def dilute(self, solute: Substance, concentration: str, solvent: Substance, name=None) -> Container:
- """
- Dilutes `solute` in solution to `concentration`.
- Args:
- solute: Substance which is subject to dilution.
- concentration: Desired concentration.
- solvent: What to dilute with.
- name: Optional name for new container.
- Returns: A new container containing a solution with the desired concentration of `solute`.
- """
- if not isinstance(solute, Substance):
- raise TypeError("Solute must be a Substance.")
- if not isinstance(concentration, str):
- raise TypeError("Concentration must be a str.")
- if not isinstance(solvent, Substance):
- raise TypeError("Solvent must be a substance.")
- if name and not isinstance(name, str):
- raise TypeError("New name must be a str.")
- if solute not in self.contents:
- raise ValueError(f"Container does not contain {solute.name}.")
- new_ratio = Unit.calculate_concentration_ratio(solute, concentration, solvent)[0]
- current_ratio = self.contents[solute] / sum(self.contents.values())
- if new_ratio <= 0:
- raise ValueError("Solution is impossible to create.")
- if abs(new_ratio - current_ratio) <= 1e-6:
- return deepcopy(self)
- if new_ratio > current_ratio:
- raise ValueError("Desired concentration is higher than current concentration.")
- current_umoles = Unit.convert_from_storage(self.contents.get(solvent, 0), 'umol')
- required_umoles = Unit.convert_from_storage(self.contents[solute], 'umol') / new_ratio - current_umoles
- new_volume = self.volume + Unit.convert(solvent, f"{required_umoles} umol", config.volume_storage_unit)
- if new_volume > self.max_volume:
- raise ValueError("Dilute solution will not fit in container.")
- if name:
- # Note: this copies the container twice
- destination = deepcopy(self)
- destination.name = name
- else:
- destination = self
- needed_umoles = f"{required_umoles} umol"
- result = destination._add(solvent, needed_umoles)
- needed_volume, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(Unit.convert(solvent, needed_umoles, 'L'), 'L')
- precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- result.instructions += f"\nDilute with {round(needed_volume, precision)} {unit} of {solvent.name}."
- return result
- def fill_to(self, solvent: Substance, quantity: str) -> Container:
- """
- Fills container with `solvent` up to `quantity`.
- Args:
- solvent: Substance to use to fill.
- quantity: Desired final quantity in container.
- Returns: New Container with desired final `quantity`
- """
- if not isinstance(solvent, Substance):
- raise TypeError("Solvent must be a Substance.")
- if not isinstance(quantity, str):
- raise TypeError("Quantity must be a str.")
- quantity, quantity_unit = Unit.parse_quantity(quantity)
- if quantity <= 0:
- raise ValueError("Quantity must be positive.")
- if quantity_unit not in ('L', 'g', 'mol'):
- raise ValueError("We can only fill to mass or volume.")
- current_quantity = sum(Unit.convert(substance, f"{value} {config.moles_storage_unit}", quantity_unit)
- for substance, value in self.contents.items())
- required_quantity = quantity - current_quantity
- result = self._add(solvent, f"{required_quantity} {quantity_unit}")
- required_volume = Unit.convert(solvent, f"{required_quantity} {quantity_unit}", 'L')
- required_volume, unit = Unit.get_human_readable_unit(required_volume, 'L')
- precision = config.precisions[unit] if unit in config.precisions else config.precisions['default']
- result.instructions += f"\nFill with {round(required_volume, precision)} {unit} of {solvent.name}."
- return result
-class Plate:
- """
- A spatially ordered collection of Containers, like a 96 well plate.
- The spatial arrangement must be rectangular. Immutable.
- """
- def __init__(self, name: str, max_volume_per_well: str, make: str = "generic", rows=8, columns=12):
- """
- Creates a generic plate.
- Attributes:
- name: name of plate
- max_volume_per_well: maximum volume of each well. (50 uL)
- make: name of this kind of plate
- rows (int or list): number of rows or list of names of rows
- columns (int or list): number of columns or list of names of columns
- """
- if not isinstance(name, str) or len(name) == 0:
- raise ValueError("invalid plate name")
- self.name = name
- if not isinstance(make, str) or len(make) == 0:
- raise ValueError("invalid plate make")
- self.make = make
- if not isinstance(max_volume_per_well, str):
- raise TypeError("Maximum volume must be a str, ('10 mL').")
- max_volume_per_well, _ = Unit.parse_quantity(max_volume_per_well)
- if isinstance(rows, int):
- if rows < 1:
- raise ValueError("illegal number of rows")
- self.n_rows = rows
- self.row_names = []
- for row_num in range(1, rows + 1):
- result = []
- while row_num > 0:
- row_num -= 1
- result.append(chr(ord('A') + row_num % 26))
- row_num //= 26
- self.row_names.append(''.join(reversed(result)))
- elif isinstance(rows, list):
- if len(rows) == 0:
- raise ValueError("must have at least one row")
- for row in rows:
- if not isinstance(row, str):
- raise ValueError("row names must be strings")
- if len(row.strip()) == 0:
- raise ValueError(
- "zero length strings are not allowed as column labels"
- )
- if len(rows) != len(set(rows)):
- raise ValueError("duplicate row names found")
- self.n_rows = len(rows)
- self.row_names = rows
- else:
- raise ValueError("rows must be int or list")
- if max_volume_per_well <= 0:
- raise ValueError("max volume per well must be greater than zero")
- self.max_volume_per_well = Unit.convert_to_storage(max_volume_per_well, 'L')
- if isinstance(columns, int):
- if columns < 1:
- raise ValueError("illegal number of columns")
- self.n_columns = columns
- self.column_names = [f"{i + 1}" for i in range(columns)]
- elif isinstance(columns, list):
- if len(columns) == 0:
- raise ValueError("must have at least one column")
- for column in columns:
- if not isinstance(column, str):
- raise ValueError("column names must be strings")
- if len(column.strip()) == 0:
- raise ValueError(
- "zero length strings are not allowed as column labels"
- )
- if len(columns) != len(set(columns)):
- raise ValueError("duplicate column names found")
- self.n_columns = len(columns)
- self.column_names = columns
- else:
- raise ValueError("columns must be int or list")
- self.wells = numpy.array([[Container(f"well {row},{col}",
- max_volume=f"{max_volume_per_well} L")
- for col in self.column_names] for row in self.row_names])
- def __getitem__(self, item) -> PlateSlicer:
- return PlateSlicer(self, item)
- def __repr__(self):
- return f"Plate: {self.name}"
- def get_volumes(self, substance: (Substance | Iterable[Substance]) = None, unit: str = None) -> numpy.ndarray:
- """
- Arguments:
- unit: unit to return volumes in.
- substance: (optional) Substance to display volumes of.
- Returns:
- numpy.ndarray of volumes for each well in desired unit.
- """
- # Arguments are type checked in PlateSlicer.volumes
- return self[:].get_volumes(substance=substance, unit=unit)
- def get_substances(self) -> set[Substance]:
- """
- Returns: A set of substances present in the slice.
- """
- return self[:].get_substances()
- def get_moles(self, substance: (Substance | Iterable[Substance]), unit: str = None) -> numpy.ndarray:
- """
- Arguments:
- unit: unit to return moles in. ('mol', 'mmol', 'umol', etc.)
- substance: Substance to display moles of.
- Returns: moles of substance in each well.
- """
- # Arguments are type checked in PlateSlicer.moles
- return self[:].get_moles(substance=substance, unit=unit)
- def dataframe(self, unit: str = None, substance: (str | Substance | Iterable[Substance]) = 'all',
- cmap: str = None, highlight=False) \
- -> pandas.io.formats.style.Styler:
- """
- Arguments:
- unit: unit to return quantities in.
- substance: (optional) Substance or Substances to display quantity of.
- cmap: Colormap to shade dataframe with.
- highlight: Highlight all wells.
- Returns: Shaded dataframe of quantities in each well.
- """
- # Types are checked in PlateSlicer.dataframe
- if unit is None:
- unit = config.volume_display_unit
- return self[:].dataframe(substance=substance, unit=unit, cmap=cmap, highlight=highlight)
- def get_volume(self, unit: str = 'uL') -> float:
- """
- Arguments:
- unit: unit to return volumes in.
- Returns: total volume stored in slice in uL.
- """
- return self.get_volumes(unit=unit).sum()
- @staticmethod
- def transfer(source: Container | Plate | PlateSlicer, destination: Plate | PlateSlicer, quantity: str) \
- -> Tuple[Container | Plate | PlateSlicer, Plate]:
- """
- Move quantity ('10 mL', '5 mg') from source to destination,
- returning copies of the objects with amounts adjusted accordingly.
- Arguments:
- source: What to transfer.
- destination: Plate or slice of a plate to transfer to.
- quantity: How much to transfer.
- Returns:
- A tuple of (T, Plate) where T is the type of the source.
- """
- if not isinstance(destination, (Plate, PlateSlicer)):
- raise TypeError("You can only use Plate.transfer into a Plate")
- if isinstance(destination, Plate):
- destination = destination[:]
- # noinspection PyProtectedMember
- return PlateSlicer._transfer(source, destination, quantity)
- def remove(self, what=Substance.LIQUID) -> Plate:
- """
- Removes substances from `Plate`
- Arguments:
- what: What to remove. Can be a type of substance or a specific substance. Defaults to LIQUID.
- Returns: New Plate with requested substances removed.
- """
- return self[:].remove(what)
- def fill_to(self, solvent, quantity):
- """
- Fills all wells in plate with `solvent` up to `quantity`.
- Args:
- solvent: Substance to use to fill.
- quantity: Desired final quantity in each well.
- Returns: New Plate with desired final `quantity` in each well.
- """
- return self[:].fill_to(solvent, quantity)
-class RecipeStep:
- """
- Stores information about a single step in a recipe.
- Notes: The contents of this class are not meant to be consumed directly by users. Information about the step can be
- extracted using the `dataframe` and `_repr_html_` methods. If a step is displayed in IPython (Jupyter),
- `_repr_html_` will be called automatically.
- """
- def __init__(self, recipe: Recipe, operator: str, frm: Container | PlateSlicer | Plate,
- to: Container | PlateSlicer | Plate, *operands):
- """
- Creates a new RecipeStep.
- """
- self.frm_slice = None
- self.to_slice = None
- self.recipe = recipe
- self.objects_used = set()
- self.substances_used = set()
- self.operator = operator
- self.frm: list[Container | PlateSlicer | Plate | None] = [frm]
- self.to: list[Container | PlateSlicer | Plate] = [to]
- self.trash = {}
- self.operands = operands
- self.instructions = ""
- def _repr_html_(self):
- """
- Returns: HTML representation of the step.
- """
- precision = config.precisions[config.volume_display_unit] if config.volume_display_unit in config.precisions \
- else config.precisions['default']
- source_visual = None
- if isinstance(self.frm[0], Container):
- source_visual = self.frm[0].dataframe()
- elif isinstance(self.frm[0], Plate):
- if self.frm_slice is None:
- source_visual = self.frm[0].dataframe()
- else:
- frm_slice: PlateSlicer = copy(self.frm_slice)
- frm_slice.plate = self.frm[0]
- source_visual = frm_slice.dataframe(highlight=True)
- destination_visual = None
- if isinstance(self.to[0], Container):
- destination_visual = self.to[1].dataframe()
- elif isinstance(self.to[0], Plate):
- if self.to_slice is None:
- before = self.to[0].dataframe()
- after = self.to[1].dataframe()
- else:
- to_slice: PlateSlicer = copy(self.to_slice)
- to_slice.plate = self.to[0]
- before = to_slice.dataframe()
- to_slice.plate = self.to[1]
- after = to_slice.dataframe()
- delta_data = after.data - before.data
- destination_visual = delta_data.style.format(precision=precision).use(before.export())
- vmin = min(delta_data.min().min(), 0)
- vmax = Unit.convert_from_storage(self.to[0].max_volume_per_well, config.volume_display_unit)
- cmap = config.default_colormap if vmin >= 0 and vmax >= 0 else config.default_diverging_colormap
- destination_visual = destination_visual.background_gradient(cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
- if isinstance(source_visual, pandas.DataFrame):
- source_visual = source_visual.style
- if isinstance(destination_visual, pandas.DataFrame):
- destination_visual = destination_visual.style
- label = f"Destination (delta) ({config.volume_display_unit}): " if isinstance(self.to[0],
- Plate) else "Destination: "
- destination_visual.set_caption(label + self.to[0].name)
- if source_visual is None:
- return self.instructions + '
' + destination_visual.to_html()
- # source_visual.set_table_attributes("style='display:inline; margin-right:20px'")
- source_visual.set_table_attributes("style='width: 40%'")
- if isinstance(self.frm[0], Plate):
- source_visual.set_caption(f"Source (initial) ({config.volume_display_unit}): {self.frm[0].name}")
- else:
- source_visual.set_caption(f"Source (initial): {self.frm[0].name}")
- # destination_visual.set_table_attributes("style='display:inline'")
- destination_visual.set_table_attributes("style='width: 40%'")
- return (self.instructions + '