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Releases: elastic/elasticsearch-php

Release 7.14.0

03 Aug 16:42
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This release is compatible with the latest Elasticsearch 7.14.0 released in 3rd August 2021.

It includes the following fixes and improvements:

  • Usage of psr/log version 2 #1154
  • Update search iterators to send scroll_id inside the request body #1134
  • Added the ingest.geoip.downloader.enabled=false setting for ES 5867351
  • Removed phpcs for autogenerated files (endpoints) 651c57b

Added the following new APIs 🎉 (8 stable, and 1 beta):



API changes

  • Msearch, removed the query_and_fetch and dfs_query_and_fetch options in search_type parameter.
  • MsearchTemplate, removed the query_and_fetch and dfs_query_and_fetch options in search_type parameter.
  • SearchTemplate, removed the query_and_fetch and dfs_query_and_fetch options in search_type parameter.
  • Snapshot.get, added include_repository parameter, (boolean) whether to include the repository name in the snapshot info. Defaults to true.
  • Snapshot.repositoryAnalyze, added rarely_abort_writes parameter, (boolean) whether to rarely abort writes before they complete. Defaults to 'true'.

Release 6.8.2

14 Jul 14:44
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  • Fix #1131 class naming for some endpoints used in elasticsearch-php < 6.8.
    These endpoints are: NodeAttrs, ForceMerge, MTermVectors, TermVectors

Release 7.13.1

15 Jun 18:42
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This is a patch release that includes PR #1126. It was scheduled for 7.13.0 but not included in the release.

  • Added port in url for trace and logger messages #1126

Release 7.13.0

25 May 20:59
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This release is compatible with the latest Elasticsearch 7.13.0 released in 25th May 2021.

It includes the following fixes and improvements:

  • (DOCS) Added the HTTP meta data section #1143
  • Added support for API Compatibility Header #1142
  • (DOCS) Added Helpers section to PHP book #1129
  • Added the API description in phpdoc section for each endpoint 9e05c81
  • Usage of PHPUnit 9 only + migrated xml configurations 038b5dd

Added the following new APIs 🎉 (4 stable, 7 experimental, and 5 beta):




API changes

  • Cat.nodes, added the include_unloaded_segments parameter (boolean). If set to true segment stats will include stats for segments that are not currently loaded into memory (Default = false).
  • Ml.deleteDataFrameAnalytics, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.deleteTrainedModel, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.explainDataFrameAnalytics, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.getDataFrameAnalytics, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.getDataFrameAnalyticsStats, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.getTrainedModels, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.getTrainedModelsStats, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.putDataFrameAnalytics, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.putTrainedModel, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.startDataFrameAnalytics, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.stopDataFrameAnalytics, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Ml.updateDataFrameAnalytics, this API is now stable, previosuly it was beta.
  • Nodes.stats, added include_unloaded_segments parameter (boolean). If set to true segment stats will include stats for segments that are not currently loaded into memory (Default = false).
  • Snapshot.get, added index_details parameter (boolean). Whether to include details of each index in the snapshot, if those details are available. Defaults to false.
  • TextStructure.findStructure, this API is now stable, previosuly it was experimental.

Release 7.12.0

23 Mar 18:50
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This release is compatible with the latest Elasticsearch 7.12.0 released in 23th March 2021.

It includes the following fixes and improvements:

  • 136d5b9 Removed cpliakas/git-wrapper in favor of symplify/git-wrapper
  • 0d81be1 Fixed warning header as array in YAML tests generator
  • f69d96f Refactored TEST_SUITE with free, platinum + removed old YamlRunnerTest

Added the following new APIs 🎉 (5 stable, 1 experimental):



API changes

  • Autoscaling.deleteAutoscalingPolicy, this API is now stable, previosuly it was experimental
  • Autoscaling.getAutoscalingPolicy, this API is now stable, previosuly it was experimental
  • Autoscaling.putAutoscalingPolicy, this API is now stable, previosuly it was experimental
  • Indices.close, added documentation for the wait_for_active_shards parameter: set to index-setting to wait according to the index setting index.write.wait_for_active_shards, or all to wait for all shards, or an integer. Defaults to 0
  • Ml.findFileStructure, this API has been removed, previosuly it was experimental
  • Search, added the min_compatible_shard_node parameter (string). The minimum compatible version that all shards involved in search should have for this request to be successful
  • SearchableSnapshots.mount, added the storage parameter (string). Selects the kind of local storage used to accelerate searches.
    Experimental, and defaults to full_copy
  • SearchableSnapshots.stats, added the level parameter (enum). Return stats aggregated at cluster, index or shard level
    (Options = cluster,indices,shards) (Default = indices)

Release 6.8.1

22 Mar 21:52
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  • Fixed missing class aliases in 6.8.0 (#1114)
  • Backported #1066: fix #1058 using object instead of array in onFailure event (#1109)

Release 6.8.0

01 Mar 19:19
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The 6.8.0 release includes all the Elasticsearch endpoints (including XPack).
We tested using the latest Elasticsearch 6.8.14 released in February 10, 2021.

NOTE: This release requires PHP 7.3+. It supports also PHP 8.

This release includes the following updates:

  • Added the XPack endpoints
  • Removed Travis CI in favor of Github Action

and backported the following features/PRs:

  • Added X-Opaque-Id header (#952)
  • Added X-Elastic-Client-Meta header (#1089)
  • Added the license header (0ff5fb9)
  • Support of PHP 8 (#1095 and #1063)
  • Replace array_walk with array_map in Connection::getURI (#1075)
  • Fix for #1064 reset custom headers (#1065)
  • Replace guzzlehttp/ringphp with ezimuel/ringphp (#1102)

Release 7.11.0

11 Feb 11:32
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This release is compatible with the latest Elasticsearch 7.11.0 released in 10th February 2021.
This is the first release to be compatible with PHP 8.

It includes the following fixes and improvements:

  • #1089 Added the X-Elastic-Client-Meta header which is used by Elastic Cloud
    and can be disabled with ClientBuilder::setElasticMetaHeader(false)
  • #1075 Replaced array_walk with array_map in Connection::getURI for PHP 8
  • #1069 Remove unnecessary InvalidArgumentExceptions
  • #1063 Introducing PHP 8 compatibility
  • #1062 Replace Sami by Doctum and fix .gitignore

Added the following new APIs 🎉 (6 stable, 1 experimental):



API changes

  • Cat.tasks, the parameters node_id and parent_task has been changed in nodes and parent_task_id
  • Cluster.deleteComponentTemplate, this API has become STABLE, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Cluster.existsComponentTemplate, this API has become STABLE, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Cluster.getComponentTemplate, this API has become STABLE, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Cluster.putComponentTemplate, this API has become STABLE, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Indices.deleteIndexTemplate, this API has become STABLE, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Indices.existsIndexTemplate, this API has become STABLE, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Indices.getIndexTemplate, this API has become STABLE, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Indices.putIndexTemplate, this API has become STABLE, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Indices.simulateIndexTemplate, this API has become STABLE, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Indices.simulateTemplate, this API has become STABLE, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • DataFrameTransformDeprecated.getTransform (BETA API), added the exclude_generated parameter: (boolean) Omits generated fields. Allows transform configurations to be easily copied between clusters and within the same cluster (Default = false)
  • Eql.delete, this API has become STABLE, it was BETA before
  • Eql.get, this API has become STABLE, it was BETA before
  •, this API has become STABLE, it was BETA before
  • Indices.deleteDataStream, added expand_wildcards parameter: (enum) Whether wildcard expressions should get expanded
    to open or closed indices (default: open) (Options = open,closed,hidden,none,all) (Default = open)
  • Indices.getDataStream, added expand_wildcards parameter: (enum) Whether wildcard expressions should get expanded
    to open or closed indices (default: open) (Options = open,closed,hidden,none,all) (Default = open)
  • Ml.deleteDataFrameAnalytics, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Ml.deleteTrainedModel, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Ml.explainDataFrameAnalytics, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Ml.getDataFrameAnalytics, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Ml.getDatafeeds, added the exclude_generated parameter: (boolean) Omits fields that are illegal to set on data frame
    analytics PUT (Default = false)
  • Ml.getJobs, added the exclude_generated parameter: (boolean) Omits fields that are illegal to set on job PUT
    (Default = false)
  • Ml.getTrainedModels, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before. Added the exclude_generated paremeter: (boolean) Omits fields that are illegal to set on model PUT (Default = false). Removed the for_export parameter
  • Ml.getTrainedModelsStats, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Ml.putDataFrameAnalytics, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Ml.putTrainedModel, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Ml.startDataFrameAnalytics, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Ml.stopDataFrameAnalytics, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Ml.updateDataFrameAnalytics, this API has become BETA, it was EXPERIMENTAL before
  • Transform.getTransform, added the exclude_generated parameter: (boolean) Omits fields that are illegal to set on transform
    PUT (Default = false)

Release 7.10.0

11 Nov 17:04
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This release is compatible with the latest Elasticsearch 7.10.0 released in 11th November 2020.

It includes the following fixes and improvements:

  • Fixed ClientBuilder::fromConfig allowing multiple function parameters (e.g. setApiKey) #1076
  • Refactored the YAML tests using generated PHPUnit code 85fadc2

Added the following new APIs 🎉:


API changes

  • Bulk: added the require_alias parameter = (boolean) Sets require_alias for all incoming documents. Defaults to unset (false).

  • Index: added the require_alias parameter = (boolean) When true, requires destination to be an alias. Default is false.

  • Update: added the require_alias parameter = (boolean) When true, requires destination is an alias. Default is false.

  • Cat.mlDatafeeds: added the allow_no_match parameter = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds.
    This includes _all string or when no datafeeds have been specified.

  • Cat.mlJobs: added the allow_no_match parameter = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds.
    This includes _all string or when no datafeeds have been specified.

  • Ml.closeJob: added the allow_no_match parameter = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs.
    This includes _all string or when no jobs have been specified.

  • Ml.getDatafeeds: added the allow_no_match parameter = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds.
    This includes _all string or when no datafeeds have been specified.

  • Ml.getJobStats: added the allow_no_match parameter = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs.
    This includes _all string or when no jobs have been specified.

  • Ml.getJobs: added the allow_no_match parameter = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs.
    This includes _all string or when no jobs have been specified.

  • Ml.getOverallBuckets: added the allow_no_match parameter = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no jobs.
    This includes _all string or when no jobs have been specified.

  • Ml.getTrainedModels (EXPERIMENTAL API): added the include parameter = (string) A comma-separate list of fields to optionally include.
    Valid options are definition and total_feature_importance. Default is none.

  • Ml.stopDatafeed: added the allow_no_match parameter = (boolean) Whether to ignore if a wildcard expression matches no datafeeds.
    This includes _all string or when no datafeeds have been specified.

Release 7.9.1

06 Oct 13:08
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  • Fixed using object instead of array in onFailure transport event #1066
  • Fixed reset custom header after endpoint call #1065
  • Show generic error messages when server returns no response #1056