⚠️ This client is deprecated⚠️ As of Enterprise Search version 7.10.0, we are directing users to the new Enterprise Search Ruby Client and deprecating this client.
This client will be compatible with all Enterprise Search 7.x releases, but will not be compatible with 8.x releases. Our development effort on this project will be limited to bug fixes. All future enhancements will be focused on the Enterprise Search Ruby Client.
Thank you! - Elastic
A first-party Ruby client for Elastic Workplace Search.
To install the gem, execute:
gem install elastic-workplace-search
Or place gem 'elastic-workplace-search', '~> 0.4.1
in your Gemfile
and run bundle install
In your Elastic Workplace Search dashboard navigate to Sources/Add a Shared Content Source/Custom API Source to create a new source. Name your source (e.g. Workplace Search Ruby Client
) and once it's created you'll get an access token
and a key
. You'll need these in the following steps.
Create a new instance of the Elastic Workplace Search client with your access token:
Elastic::WorkplaceSearch.access_token = '' # your access token
client = Elastic::WorkplaceSearch::Client.new
client = Elastic::WorkplaceSearch::Client.new
Elastic::WorkplaceSearch.endpoint = 'https://your-server.example.com/api/ws/v1'
client = Elastic::WorkplaceSearch::Client.new(proxy: 'http://localhost:8888')
This example shows how to use the index_documents method:
content_source_key = '' # your content source key
documents = [
'id' => 'INscMGmhmX4',
'url' => 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1uyQZNg2vE',
'title' => 'The Original Grumpy Cat',
'body' => 'this is a test'
'id' => 'JNDFojsd02',
'url' => 'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsdfhk2j',
'title' => 'Another Grumpy Cat',
'body' => 'this is also a test'
document_receipts = client.index_documents(content_source_key, documents)
# handle results
rescue Elastic::WorkplaceSearch::ClientException => e
# handle error
content_source_key = '' # your content source key
document_ids = ['INscMGmhmX4', 'JNDFojsd02']
destroy_document_results = client.destroy_documents(content_source_key, document_ids)
# handle destroy document results
rescue Elastic::WorkplaceSearch::ClientException => e
# handle error
content_source_key = '' # your content source key
content_source_key = '' # your content source key
client.list_all_permissions(content_source_key, current: 2, size: 20)
content_source_key = '' # your content source key
user = 'enterprise_search'
client.get_user_permissions(content_source_key, user)
content_source_key = '' # your content source key
user = 'enterprise_search'
permissions = ['permission1']
client.add_user_permissions(content_source_key, user, permissions: permissions)
content_source_key = '' # your content source key
user = 'enterprise_search'
permissions = ['permission2']
client.update_user_permissions(content_source_key, user, permissions: permissions)
content_source_key = '' # your content source key
user = 'enterprise_search'
permissions = ['permission2']
client.remove_user_permissions(content_source_key, user, permissions: permissions)
Run tests via rspec:
$ ENDPOINT=http://localhost:3002/api/ws/v1 bundle exec rspec
If something is not working as expected, please open an issue.
We welcome contributors to the project. Before you begin, a couple notes...
- Before opening a pull request, please create an issue to discuss the scope of your proposal.
- Please write simple code and concise documentation, when appropriate.
Thank you to all the contributors!