🎉😍 Added collections and Breaking Changes 🎉😍
Welcome, everyone!
Here is what's new on the release:
Breaking changes
-Added collections! Now you can have different collections or databases, so you can add the content to the collection you choose. More info here as you need to change your current notion setup: https://github.com/elblogbruno/NotionAI-MyMind/wiki/Notion-AI-My-Mind-Collections
-Android/Ios app has updated to allow the new collections! You can download it as an apk or wait for being published on the play store.
Notion API has changed. Maybe you get this error: "400 error on get_block() call" or "requests.exceptions.HTTPError: Invalid input.", the fix is in here jamalex/notion-py#292 but you need to modify manually the library. Meanwhile, I am waiting for the library owner to update it. I have forked the library myself, simply call pip install -r requirements.txt again!
If you make a lot of request to notion API, means adding a lot of content in a short amount of time, you may get now a 429 error(Too Many Requests).
I may look into finding a solution or workaround to this, but it is a problem on notion's API system, not my repo or @jamalex notion-py repo.
More info available on the CHANGELOG: https://github.com/elblogbruno/NotionAI-MyMind/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md
Hope you like it!