- Remember download page settings
- Remember search page settings (Donation Package)
- Key shortcuts (accesskey) for left menu (eg. Chrome ALT+)
- Added shared page
- Download: added buttons commands (eg. play, pause) for single file
- Download: added filename filter
- Search: kad (instead Global) for default (Donation Package)
- Search: added button downloads for single file result (Donation Package)
- Search: added spinner (heuristic calculation of finish) (Donation Package)
- Finished: added filename filter
- Removed browser autosuggest for search input box (download, search, ...)
- Fix filters in download page
- Added Turtle mode: toggle custom limit bandwidth
- Minor fixes
- Option to disable new version check
- Minor fixes
- Update webmanifest
- Icon now is maskable (https://bit.ly/2YOVAyw)
- Load Non-blocking JavaScript
- Fix download list
- Added Liberapay to Donation service
- Added Finished downloads list
- Fixed PWA start_url
- Fixed saving config
- Full support to Progressive Web Apps (PWA)
- Added manifest.json
- Added add to home screen (chrome)
- Added NativeDroid2 theme
- Fixed NativeDroid
- Removed appcache in favour of service worker (https needed)
- Changed milliseconds to seconds
- Updated jquery, jquery-mobile and font-awesome
- Fixed graph
- Auto-refresh graphs
- Setting: auto-refresh graphs (Donation Package)
- Display file fullname in Download, Upload and Search page
- Fixed "Scroll up" button on desktop
- Support to Application Cache, increase application speed and fallback when offline (need aMule >= svn-r10852)
- Fixed Search page on Firefox
- Update copyright year
- Fixed Search page on Firefox (Donation Package)
- Search result auto-refresh (Donation Package)
- Setting: chart tick on status page (Donation Package)
- Setting: changed range step (Donation Package)
- Added Google Analytics (IP Anonymization)
- Minor bug fix
- Fixed infinite execution of commands in page Downloads
- Able to choose default page to display after the login (Donation Package)
- Able to choose gap time info refresh for page status (Donation Package)
- Added notification on command (pause, resume, prio.up, etc...) on download page
- New notification system
- Download page auto-refresh downloads list
- Added support for themes (Donation Package)
- Fixed little bugs
- Drastically increased speed and performance!
- Whole project refactoring
- Graphic improvements for status, downloads, search config and servers pages (colored bar, responsive grid, collapsible object, etc...)
- Real-time Speed Chart on status page
- Servers page now highlight the server connected
- Add ed2k link now support multi-links
- Autologin (remember me)
- Added icons for Android and Apple devices when app is installed on home.
- And more and more...I don't remember
- Hide address bar in Chrome and Safari (Android and iOS) when user install Web Apps to the home screen (like native app!)
- Added lib http://cubiq.org/add-to-home-screen for notify to install app on home
- Now Chrome (mobile and desktop) ask user to save password
- Added Servers page
- Log text more clear to read
- Speed improvement
- Fixed input text on iOS (issues: #1). Thanks to beck2929
- swipe right/left for open/close menu panel
- menu panel and header now is position fixed
- added font awesome icons
- improve version check
- lightweight redirect on login
- new panel menu
- version check
- Upgrade jQuery and jQueryMobile
- New UI
- Added Search panel (only for Donation Package)
- other minor fix
- Fixed sort and filter on download page
- Remove img with progress from download page and add a progress bar for lighten
- Minify css and js library
- Fixed infinite (ajax) status update
- Fixed 'Menu' and 'Scroll up' button
- Hide 'Menu' button on desktop mode
- Change default page after login to 'Status'
- Fixed web server "freeze" issue: Amule web server often "freeze" and not release entire web page an js script...this cause some problems in buttons, checkboxs and javascript releated stufs.
- First release