forked from Minecrell/plugin-yml
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Lilly Tempest edited this page Feb 3, 2025
4 revisions
If your plugin is supposed to run on bukkit, spigot and/or paper servers this is the plugin to use. It will generate a plugin.yml
plugins {
java // or `kotlin("jvm") version "..."`
id("de.eldoria.plugin-yml.bukkit") version "0.7.0"
dependencies {
// Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded
// library(kotlin("stdlib")) // When using kotlin
library("", "gson", "2.10.1") // All platform plugins
bukkitLibrary("", "gson", "2.10.1") // Bukkit only
bukkit {
// Default values can be overridden if needed
// name = "TestPlugin"
// version = "1.0"
// description = "This is a test plugin"
// website = ""
// author = "Notch"
// Plugin main class (required)
main = "com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin"
// Mark plugin for supporting Folia
foliaSupported = true
// API version (should be set for 1.13+)
apiVersion = "1.13"
// Other possible properties from plugin.yml (optional)
load = BukkitPluginDescription.PluginLoadOrder.STARTUP // or POSTWORLD
authors = listOf("Notch", "Notch2")
contributors = listOf("Notch3", "Notch4")
depend = listOf("WorldEdit")
softDepend = listOf("Essentials")
loadBefore = listOf("BrokenPlugin")
prefix = "TEST"
defaultPermission = BukkitPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP
provides = listOf("TestPluginOldName", "TestPlug")
commands {
register("test") {
description = "This is a test command!"
aliases = listOf("t")
permission = "testplugin.test"
usage = "Just run the command!"
// permissionMessage = "You may not test this command!"
// ...
permissions {
register("testplugin.*") {
children = listOf("testplugin.test") // Defaults permissions to true
// You can also specify the values of the permissions
childrenMap = mapOf("testplugin.test" to true)
register("testplugin.test") {
description = "Allows you to run the test command"
default = BukkitPluginDescription.Permission.Default.OP // TRUE, FALSE, OP or NOT_OP
plugins {
id 'net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bukkit' version '0.7.0'
dependencies {
// Downloaded from Maven Central when the plugin is loaded
library '' // All platform plugins
bukkitLibrary '' // Bukkit only
bukkit {
// Default values can be overridden if needed
// name = 'TestPlugin'
// version = '1.0'
// description = 'This is a test plugin'
// website = ''
// author = 'Notch'
// Plugin main class (required)
main = 'com.example.testplugin.TestPlugin'
// Mark plugin for supporting Folia
foliaSupported = true
// API version (should be set for 1.13+)
apiVersion = '1.13'
// Other possible properties from plugin.yml (optional)
load = 'STARTUP' // or 'POSTWORLD'
authors = ['Notch', 'Notch2']
contributors = ['Notch3', 'Notch4']
depend = ['WorldEdit']
softDepend = ['Essentials']
loadBefore = ['BrokenPlugin']
prefix = 'TEST'
defaultPermission = 'OP' // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP'
provides = ['TestPluginOldName', 'TestPlug']
commands {
test {
description = 'This is a test command!'
aliases = ['t']
permission = 'testplugin.test'
usage = 'Just run the command!'
// permissionMessage = 'You may not test this command!'
// ...
permissions {
'testplugin.*' {
children = ['testplugin.test'] // Defaults permissions to true
// You can also specify the values of the permissions
childrenMap = ['testplugin.test': false]
'testplugin.test' {
description = 'Allows you to run the test command'
setDefault('OP') // 'TRUE', 'FALSE', 'OP' or 'NOT_OP'