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Running a FreeBSD guest under bhyve on ARM systems

darius-m edited this page Jul 13, 2018 · 7 revisions

To run a FreeBSD guest under bhyve for ARM you will need both a FreeBSD host (can be a virtual machine) and a Linux or Windows machine (the FastModels emulator does not run under FreeBSD). It is recommended to not run the emulator inside a virtual machine since running a virtual machine (bhyve) under an emulator is highly demanding.

The build process has two steps: cross-compiling the FreeBSD kernels and running the emulator.

Cross-compiling the FreeBSD guest and host kernels

To cross-compile the FreeBSD host and guest kernels clone this repository and switch to the projects/bhyvearm repository:

root@freebsd:# git clone
root@freebsd:# cd freebsd
root@freebsd:# git checkout projects/bhyvearm

Here you can find the helper script It can be used to build everything (world, host and guest).

The kernels will be build with small filesystems built directly into the binary. The specification of these filesystems is placed in the external repository (at The script expects this repository to be placed in the same directory as freebsd. The script can clone it for you if necessary. However, if you wish to clone it yourself, use the following command (the WORKDIR variable must point to the parent directory of the freebsd directory that contains the sources):

root@freebsd:# git clone ${WORKDIR}/bhyvearm-utils

Important: The repository will also have to be cloned on your Linux host in order to run the emulator.

To build everything, simply run freebsd/ -A. The script will clone the bhyvearm-utils repository if required and create a clean cross-compiled build of everything - world, guest and host - in ${WORKDIR}/freebsd-obj. Almost no output will be displayed by the script; if you wish to check the status of the build, view the files {world,guest,host}.out, depending on the build stage. I recommend using less +F <file> in order to read the output of the build.

Note: The host's filesystem expects a public SSH key to exist, named bhyvearm-utils/ramdisk/ If you wish, you can create the SSH key, use ssh-keygen -t rsa and copy the public key to the aforementioned location. If the host build fails with a message saying the key is missing, run rebuild -h after copying the key.

Running the FastModels emulator with Fixed Virtual Platforms

To run the The FastModels emulator (available at: and the Fixed Virtual Platforms (available at You can retrieve an evaluation copy for both from ARM; to do so, please follow the steps on their site. For the Fixed Virtual Platforms please download the Cortex-A15 FVP variant.

As mentioned before, please also clone the bhyvearm-utils repository to your Linux host. After that, please install both FastModels and FixedVirtualPlatforms in the bhyvearm-utils/FastModels directory with their default names (ARM and FVP_VE_Cortex-A15x124 currently). Please also read the included README file.

Note 1: Since it is impossible to automatically retrieve information about the FreeBSD host, please update the REMOTE_WORKDIR (the work directory on the remote) and REMOTE_HOST (the name of the FreeBSD host in the ~/.ssh/config file; a string like <user>@<hostname> or <user>@<ip> should also work, since the name is used by scp) variables accordingly.

Note 2: If you wish to connect the the emulated host using SSH, you will need to create a tap/bridge pair using the script included in the FastModelPortfolio/ModelNetwork directory with the default names (the files/app.txt configuration file specifies that the tap interface should be named ARM<username>; this in by the run script before starting the emulator using a sed script). You will also need to set an IP address on the bridge. The (automatically called by, script on the emulated host assigns the address to its interface, so assigning the address to the bridge should work (you can use ip address add dev armbr0 for this).

After the script has been set up, run ./run to start the emulator and the FreeBSD guest. To run the guest, use the / script. The script will also create a tap interface for virtio-net and a bridge with the IP address

Testing the VirtIO devices

VirtIO net

To test the VirtIO network device, run the script inside the guest. The script will assign the IP address to its vtnet0 network device. You should now be able to ping the host's bridge interface using ping

VirtIO console

To test the VirtIO console device you will need to connect to the emulated host via SSH in order to obtain a second console. Please use the key you provided when building the host earlier.

On the host run nc -U /test_sock (the /test_sock socket is created by VirtIO console, according to the command line argument provided by /

On the guest run cu -l /dev/ttyV0.0 (the ttyV0.0 pseudo-terminal is created by the guest's VirtIO driver)

You should now be able to see messages sent from on console to the other.

VirtIO block