When should we use the stochastic gradient descent?
- If we have tons of data/predictors. (regular gradient descent might not be computationally feasible(slow)
- is useful, if there are redundancies in the data
- it’s more easy if we have new data, and we can easily to get another step
How it works?
- stochastic gradient descent will first randomly pick a point for each step.
- use the one/mini-batch/small subset of sample to calculate the derivatives.
- it’s sensitive to the learning rate. (same as gradient descent)
- Schedule : schedule is the strategy of learning rate is start from the large and then make it smaller with each step
- If fail to converge on parameter estimates, try futzing with this setting
我們一般看深度學習的介紹,最常看到的最佳化名稱稱為「 隨機梯度下降法(Stochastic gradient descent, SGD) 」(這篇我為了縮短篇幅,Mini-batch SGD我把它歸納到SGD內),我們簡單說一下這個跟GD差在哪邊。