ROS2 packages for myAGV
- myagv_description
- myagv_navigation2
- teleop_twist_keyboard
- myagv_odometry
- myagv_cartographer
- slam_toolbox
- slam_gmapping
- navigation2
- ydlidar_ros2_driver
- Gazebo simulation
You need to have previously installed ROS2.
Create workspace and clone the repository.
git clone -b galactic-JN myagv_ros2/src
Install dependencies
cd ~/myagv_ros2
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
sudo apt install ros-galactic-bondcpp \
ros-galactic-test-msgs* \
ros-galactic-behaviortree-cpp-v3* \
ros-galactic-ompl \
ros-galactic-joint-state-publisher \
ros-galactic-rqt-tf-tree \
ros-galactic-diagnostic-updater \
ros-galactic-camera-info-manager -y
Build workspace
cd ~/myagv_ros2
colcon build --symlink-install
Setup the workspace
source ~/myagv_ros2/install/local_setup.bash
cd ~/myagv_ros2/src
git pull
cd ..
colcon build --symlink-install