diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e640987..24ae504 100644
--- a/README.md
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# Shopware 6 Dutch transactional email templates
-Tip: use this with [frosh/frosh-platform-template-mail](https://github.com/FriendsOfShopware/FroshTemplateMail)
Since I couldn't find translations anywhere, here's a community project. If you find any typo's, please create a PR :)
+## Import templates
+A console command is available to import the templates into your database. *Be aware that this overwrites your existing mail templates!*
+$ bin/console elgentos-dutch-email-templates:import
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for contact_form.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for customer.group.registration.accepted.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for customer.group.registration.declined.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for customer.recovery.request.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for customer_group_change_accept.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for customer_group_change_reject.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for customer_register.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for customer_register.double_opt_in.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for guest_order.double_opt_in.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for newsletterDoubleOptIn.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for newsletterRegister.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order.state.cancelled.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order.state.completed.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order.state.in_progress.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order.state.open.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_confirmation_mail.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_delivery.state.cancelled.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_delivery.state.returned.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_delivery.state.returned_partially.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_delivery.state.shipped.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_delivery.state.shipped_partially.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_transaction.state.cancelled.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_transaction.state.open.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_transaction.state.paid.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_transaction.state.paid_partially.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_transaction.state.refunded.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_transaction.state.refunded_partially.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for order_transaction.state.reminded.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for password_change.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for product_stock_warning.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for sepa_confirmation.
+Succesfully upserted mail template translation for user.recovery.request.
Huge thanks to @MelvinAchterhuis for providing a large number of these :)
diff --git a/src/Command/TemplateImport.php b/src/Command/TemplateImport.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..219ea21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Command/TemplateImport.php
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+languageRepository = $languageRepository;
+ $this->mailTemplateRepository = $mailTemplateRepository;
+ $this->mailTemplateTranslationRepository = $mailTemplateTranslationRepository;
+ $this->mailTemplateTypeRepository = $mailTemplateTypeRepository;
+ }
+ protected function configure(): void
+ {
+ $this->addOption('languageName', 'l', InputOption::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'Language name', 'Nederlands');
+ }
+ protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output): int
+ {
+ $languageName = $input->getOption('languageName');
+ // Find language based on language name
+ $criteria = new Criteria();
+ $criteria->addAssociation('locale');
+ $criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('name', $languageName));
+ $context = Context::createDefaultContext();
+ /** @var LanguageEntity $language */
+ try {
+ $language = $this->languageRepository->search($criteria, $context)->first();
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ $output->writeln(sprintf('Could not find mail language with name %s', $languageName));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ $languageCode = $language->getLocale() ? $language->getLocale()->getCode() : null;
+ if (!$languageCode) {
+ $output->writeln(sprintf('Could not find mail language locale with name %s', $languageName));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ // Filter out non-directories or relatives
+ $this->basePath = __DIR__ . '/../Resources/views/email/' . $languageCode . '/';
+ $mailTypes = array_filter(scandir($this->basePath), function ($input) {
+ return strlen($input) > 2 && is_dir($this->basePath . $input);
+ });
+ // Loop through mail types to add the templates
+ foreach ($mailTypes as $mailTypeTechnicalName) {
+ try {
+ $mailTemplateType = $this->getMailTemplateTypeByTechnicalName($mailTypeTechnicalName, $context);
+ $mailTemplate = $mailTemplateType ? $this->getMailTemplateByMailTemplateTypeId($mailTemplateType, $context) : null;
+ $mailTemplateContent = $this->getMailTemplateContent($mailTemplate, $mailTypeTechnicalName, $mailTemplateType->getId(), $language);
+ if (empty($mailTemplateContent)) {
+ $output->writeln(sprintf('No HTML and/or text content for %s (%s) found. Skipping.', $mailTypeTechnicalName, $languageName));
+ continue;
+ }
+ try {
+ // If the 'id' field is set, create a new mail template. If the 'mailTemplateId' is set, create a new mail translation template
+ if (isset($mailTemplateContent['id'])) {
+ $this->mailTemplateRepository->upsert([$mailTemplateContent], $context);
+ $output->writeln(sprintf('Succesfully upserted mail template for %s.', $mailTypeTechnicalName));
+ } elseif (isset($mailTemplateContent['mailTemplateId'])) {
+ $mailTemplateContent['languageId'] = $language->getId();
+ $this->mailTemplateTranslationRepository->upsert([$mailTemplateContent], $context);
+ $output->writeln(sprintf('Succesfully upserted mail template translation for %s.', $mailTypeTechnicalName));
+ }
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ $output->writeln(sprintf('Could not upsert mail template for %s; %s.', $mailTypeTechnicalName, $e->getMessage()));
+ }
+ } catch (\Exception $e) {
+ $output->writeln(sprintf('Could not find mail template type for %s; %s', $mailTypeTechnicalName, $e->getMessage()));
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private function getMailTemplateContent(?MailTemplateEntity $mailTemplate, string $mailTypeTechnicalName, string $mailTypeId, LanguageEntity $language): array
+ {
+ $contentHtml = @file_get_contents($this->basePath . $mailTypeTechnicalName . '/html.twig');
+ $contentText = @file_get_contents($this->basePath . $mailTypeTechnicalName . '/plain.twig');
+ $subject = @file_get_contents($this->basePath . $mailTypeTechnicalName . '/subject.twig');
+ if (!$contentHtml || !$contentText) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ $data = [
+ 'description' => $mailTypeTechnicalName . ' (' . $language->getName() . ')',
+ 'systemDefault' => true,
+ 'senderName' => '{{ salesChannel.name }}',
+ 'subject' => $subject ? trim($subject) : $mailTypeTechnicalName,
+ 'contentHtml' => $contentHtml,
+ 'contentPlain' => $contentText,
+ 'mailTemplateTypeId' => $mailTypeId,
+ ];
+ // If the mail template already exists, pass along the mail template ID, otherwise create a new UUID
+ if ($mailTemplate) {
+ $data['mailTemplateId'] = $mailTemplate->getId();
+ } else {
+ $data['id'] = Uuid::randomHex();
+ }
+ return $data;
+ }
+ protected function getMailTemplateTypeByTechnicalName(string $mailTypeTechnicalName, Context $context): ?MailTemplateTypeEntity
+ {
+ $mailTemplateTypeCriteria = new Criteria();
+ $mailTemplateTypeCriteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('technicalName', $mailTypeTechnicalName));
+ return $this->mailTemplateTypeRepository->search($mailTemplateTypeCriteria, $context)->first();
+ }
+ protected function getMailTemplateByMailTemplateTypeId(MailTemplateTypeEntity $mailTemplateType, Context $context): ?MailTemplateEntity
+ {
+ $mailTemplateCriteria = new Criteria();
+ $mailTemplateCriteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('mailTemplateTypeId', $mailTemplateType->getId()));
+ return $this->mailTemplateRepository->search($mailTemplateCriteria, $context)->first();
+ }
diff --git a/src/Resources/config/services.xml b/src/Resources/config/services.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ede10f
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+++ b/src/Resources/config/services.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/src/Resources/views/email/nl-NL/product_stock_warning/plain.html.twig b/src/Resources/views/email/nl-NL/product_stock_warning/plain.twig
similarity index 100%
rename from src/Resources/views/email/nl-NL/product_stock_warning/plain.html.twig
rename to src/Resources/views/email/nl-NL/product_stock_warning/plain.twig
diff --git a/src/Resources/views/email/nl-NL/sepa_confirmation/plain.html.twig b/src/Resources/views/email/nl-NL/sepa_confirmation/plain.twig
similarity index 100%
rename from src/Resources/views/email/nl-NL/sepa_confirmation/plain.html.twig
rename to src/Resources/views/email/nl-NL/sepa_confirmation/plain.twig