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Build tools for Haxe

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Lang Version License

First install

  1. Install library

haxelib git hxmake

or clone source code and install as dev version

haxelib dev hxmake path/to/hxmake

  1. Build hxmake and install command-line alias

haxelib run hxmake _

Enter system password if required to install alias


hxmake - run hxmake

hxmake _ - rebuild hxmake tool and reinstall command-line alias

hxmake all arguments you need - usage

hxmake idea haxe - run idea and haxe tasks for project

Running steps and environment

  1. Linked modules are scanned from current-working-directory (Haxe compiler)
  2. Build scripts class-path are added at compile-time (Haxe compiler)
  3. Compiled make program is running (Haxe interpreter or Neko stand-alone application)


Is under development

What is hxmake about

  1. Delivering make scripts and building tasks for Haxe projects
  2. Haxe language for everything: makes, tasks, plugins, whatever
  3. Should run on MacOS / Windows / Linux

Cache your make program cases

You able to add --haxe to arguments, in this case hxmake will be runned in compile-time on macro context, By default file make.n will be generated and executed with your current neko. This program will include all your built-in arguments, but you able to run it with additional arguments. You need to recompile your make if you modify your make-scripts or change your project in multi-module perspective.

Regular make program: hxmake - just build your make program neko make.n test --override-test-target=js - for example, run your make program with additional arguments

Specified make program: hxmake test --override-test-target=js - build make program which will always run test task for js target neko make.n --override-test-target=flash - and run your test task, but for js and flash target


  • Support plugins infrastructure
  • Add Daemon mode with Haxe compiler server (for recompiling make scripts faster)
  • Core: re-install on windows, cannot overwrite self executable