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Releases: elys-network/elys


04 Nov 04:48
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We're thrilled to unveil the newest update to the Elys Network, version v0.13.0! This release introduces a suite of advancements, new features, and optimizations, all designed to enrich the user experience and broaden the functionality of the network.

🌟 Key Highlights of v0.13.0:

Enhanced Staking and Liquidity Provisions:

  • Introduction of the Stablestake module with complete functionality, enabling users to stake with increased stability.
  • Leveragelp module development, including features for LP open/close/liquidate positions, provides users with sophisticated liquidity provision options.
  • Commitment updates for vesting, committing, and uncommitting, refine the user's investment and reward processes.

Margin Trading Evolution:

  • Expanded margin trading features including the addition of auto close functionality, margin take profit price flags, and healthy state checks for margin trading positions.
  • Margin parameters have been meticulously refined, enhancing the trading precision and reliability.
  • TakeProfitPrice implementation and Leveragelp MTP to position refactoring, ensuring more strategic and controlled trading operations.

AMM Integration and Price Feeds:

  • AMM's MsgSwapExactAmountIn integration and swap estimation implementation, provide seamless liquidity conversions and estimations.
  • Oracle pool slippage tracking to improve price feed accuracy and reduce slippage impacts on trades.

Smart Contract and WASM Enhancements:

  • New WASM bindings and queries including the addition of oracle asset info message and swap estimation queries, expanding the interactivity with smart contracts.
  • Refactor of existing WASM bindings for optimized contract interactions.

Documentation and Interface Improvements:

  • The file has been meticulously updated.
  • Various user interface enhancements have been implemented to improve user interaction and experience.

Testing, Security, and Codebase Optimization:

  • LeverageLP unit tests have been significantly enhanced, bolstering module reliability.
  • Security measures such as capping logic to vesting have been put in place to protect network integrity.
  • Removal of unnecessary code and optimization of the setup handler for a streamlined codebase.

🙏 Thank You:

We express our sincere appreciation to our engaged community and user base for their persistent support and constructive feedback, contributing significantly to our goal of architecting a durable and intuitive network. Looking to the future, we remain fervently dedicated to advancing innovation and refining our technology.

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux and Darwin (amd64 and arm64) are available below.
Darwin users can also use the same universal binary elysd-v0.13.0-darwin-all for both amd64 and arm64.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd elys && git checkout v0.13.0
make install

What's Changed

See the full changelog here


29 Sep 22:10
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We are elated to announce the latest release of Elys Network, version v0.12.0! This new version brings forth numerous enhancements, feature additions, and improvements, aimed at elevating the user experience and expanding the software's capabilities.

🌟 Key Highlights of v0.12.0:

  1. Enhanced Margin Features:

    • Users can now utilize assets other than native as collateral.
    • Additional unit tests have been introduced for opening long with USDC and Atom and for checking long assets.
    • Refactoring of close long flow, introduction of short flow and accompanying test cases, and updates to margin CLI API with added CLI examples.
    • Clarification of terms with the use of base and trading currency terms in Margin.
  2. Elys Documentation Improvement:

    • Comprehensive updates and enhancements have been made to our documentation, providing clearer and more detailed information and guidelines.
  3. Implementation of Multiple External Liquidity Endpoints:

    • Price feed multiple external liquidity endpoints have been implemented, ensuring enhanced and seamless price feeding flow.
  4. Incentive Module and Eden Rewards:

    • The Eden rewards calculation algorithm in the incentive module has been updated, optimizing reward allocation.
  5. Introduction of x/clock Module from Juno:

    • Integration of the x/clock module from Juno for enhanced time management functionalities.
  6. Governance Handlers:

    • Addition of governance handlers for updating vesting info, ensuring smoother governance processes.
  7. Enhanced Liquidity and Pool Management:

    • Support for single side liquidity addition and the initialization of pool id starting at one instead of zero index, in the AMM.
  8. Security and User Protection:

    • Implementation of capping logic to the commitment vesting process, protecting the network against malicious users creating an excessive number of vesting requests.

🙏 Thank You:

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our dedicated community and users for their continued support and feedback, helping us in our mission to build a robust and user-friendly network. We are excited about the journey ahead and committed to continuous innovation and improvement.

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux and Darwin (amd64 and arm64) are available below.
Darwin users can also use the same universal binary elysd-v0.12.0-darwin-all for both amd64 and arm64.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd elys && git checkout v0.12.0
make install

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.11.0...v0.12.0


06 Sep 11:43
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We're thrilled to announce the release of Elys Network v0.11.0. This version brings some enhancements, fixes, and features aimed at improving the robustness and functionality of the network. Here's a summary of what has changed:

🚀 Features & Enhancements

  • Slippage Calculation Refactoring: We've transitioned to using an external liquidity ratio for slippage calculation. Thanks, @jelysn! PR #166

  • Slippage on Join/Exit Pool: Introduced slippage adjustments for join and exit operations in the oracle pool, thanks to @jelysn! PR #179

  • Oracle Query Proto Wrap: A new feature introduced by @cosmic-vagabond to enhance the querying capabilities for our CosmWasm contracts. PR #180

  • Zero Swap Fee: Now, when the weight is broken and the transaction is a recovery one, no swap fee will be charged. Great work, @jelysn! PR #181

  • Margin Migration: New margin migrations to include new changes to the margin parameters structure, developed by @cosmic-vagabond. PR #185

🐛 Bug Fixes

  • Localnet Testing Script: The issue with localnet testing script has been resolved by @cosmic-vagabond. PR #177

  • Makefile Helper Fix: A needed fix was made to the helper function in the Makefile, thanks to @cosmic-vagabond. PR #178

🛠 Chores

For a detailed list of changes, please refer to our Full Changelog.

Thank you for being a part of our community. We're committed to continuously improving Elys Network and look forward to hearing your feedback!

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux and Darwin (amd64 and arm64) are available below.
Darwin users can also use the same universal binary elysd-v0.11.0-darwin-all for both amd64 and arm64.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd elys && git checkout v0.11.0
make install

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.10.0...v0.11.0


30 Aug 14:50
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We are thrilled to announce the release of Elys Network v0.10.0! This latest version comes packed with groundbreaking features and improvements that will elevate your experience to new heights.

🔍 What's New?

  • Enhanced Margin functionalities, including support for both Short and partial opening/closing of positions.
  • A bolstered test coverage for our margin module.
  • A revolutionary stacked slippage mechanism ensuring fairer slippage for all.
  • An innovative swap transactions ordering mechanism for smoother swaps.
  • Integration with go-releaser expands our support to more platforms and architectures.
  • Major updates in the margin module, allowing more flexibility with collaterals and multi-asset pools.
  • And more!

We've worked tirelessly to bring you this release, and we're excited to see how these improvements will benefit our community. As always, your feedback is invaluable. Let us know your thoughts and experiences with v0.10.0.

Stay connected, and here's to reaching greater heights together!

⚡️ Binaries

Binaries for Linux and Darwin (amd64 and arm64) are available below.
Darwin users can also use the same universal binary elysd-0.10.0-darwin-all for both amd64 and arm64.

🔨 Build from source

If you prefer to build from source, you can use the following commands:

git clone
cd elys && git checkout v0.10.0
make install

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.9.0...v0.10.0


04 Aug 17:18
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We are thrilled to announce the release of Elys Network v0.9.0, encompassing a range of enhancements and fixes to heighten the overall performance and functionality of the platform. The key changes in this release include:

1. Minimum Gas Prices Configuration:

  • Addition of settings for minimum gas prices, allowing for multiple tokens to be leveraged for transaction gas fees. This enhances the flexibility and accessibility of transactions within the network.

2. Revenue Collection Logic Implementation:

  • Implementation of the core logic to facilitate revenue collection, providing a streamlined approach to handle income generated within the network.

3. Margin Module & Position Management:

  • The initial specification of the margin module has been introduced.
  • This includes functionalities for opening and closing long positions, enhancing the trading capabilities of the network.

4. Governance Proposal Automation:

  • A specialized script has been crafted to prepare and automatically submit governance proposals.
  • This includes updates to pool information such as multiplier settings, making governance operations more efficient and transparent.

5. Cosmos SDK Upgrade:

  • The chain has been upgraded to Cosmos SDK version 0.47.4, ensuring compatibility with the latest features and improvements of the Cosmos ecosystem.

6. CI Pipeline Enhancements:

  • Various issues within the Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline have been addressed, improving the process for releasing new binaries with the updated SDK version.

7. CosmWasm Smart Contracts Integration:

  • Integration of the wasmd module now enables support for CosmWasm smart contracts, expanding the development possibilities and enriching the smart contract ecosystem on Elys Network.

This release reflects our continuous commitment to advancing the Elys Network's capabilities and addressing user feedback.

We extend our gratitude for your ongoing support, and want to emphasise that your feedback is highly valued and appreciated.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.8.0...v0.9.0


28 Jun 14:37
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v0.8.0 Pre-release


We are excited to announce the release of Elys Network v0.8.0, which includes several key changes and enhancements to improve the functionality and security of the platform. This version brings various improvements to the Automated Market Maker (AMM) module, the oracle module for price discovery, the commitment module, and the incentive module. Additionally, unit test coverage has been expanded to ensure robustness and reliability.

  1. Fixed Bareberry security issue.
  2. Updated default timeout parameter to 4s for better responsiveness.
  3. Integrated oracle module for price discovery in AMM join and exit pool flows.
  4. Added auto conversion of Elys to USDC using the AMM module.
  5. Expanded unit test coverage for improved reliability.
  6. Introduced commitment flow to automate LP token commitment.
  7. Simplified AMM code structure by removing pointers from the pool structure.
  8. Added additional edge case tests for AMM swap logic.
  9. Refactored AMM functions and tests for better efficiency.
  10. Set initial LP token price to one.
  11. Included more unit tests for create pool flow in AMM module.
  12. Integrated AMM with incentive module.
  13. Added pool multiplier to incentive module parameters.

We greatly appreciate your ongoing support and as always, your feedback is highly valued and appreciated.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.8.0


13 Jun 14:33
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v0.7.0 Pre-release


Elys's team is pleased to announce the release of version v0.7.0, which introduces several new features and enhancements. This release focuses on improving the functionality and performance of the platform while providing users with a more seamless and rewarding experience. The following changes have been made.

  • DEX Rewards per Pool Mechanism: Users can now earn rewards based on their participation in specific pools, incentivizing liquidity provision.
  • Oracle Module Integration: The Oracle module has been seamlessly integrated into the AMM module, providing real-time price feeds for accurate market data.
  • Incentive Module Documentation: The Incentive module has been extensively documented, offering comprehensive guidance on implementing and utilizing incentives effectively.
  • AMM Join and Leave Liquidity Pool: Users can easily join or leave liquidity pools within the AMM module, enhancing liquidity provision and trading efficiency.
  • Increased Test Coverage: The release includes additional unit tests, ensuring a reliable and stable platform experience.

We are also excited to announce a significant development in the Elys Network's infrastructure. In our continuous pursuit of improving performance and security, we have migrated away from Tendermint and transitioned to CometBFT, a robust Tendermint fork. CometBFT offers superior performance and enhanced security measures, providing a more efficient and reliable environment for our validators.

As part of this transition, we aim to optimize the network blocktime to ensure optimal efficiency. CometBFT empowers us to reduce the blocktime to as low as 2 seconds. However, to ensure a seamless transition and mitigate any potential challenges, we have decided to adopt an incremental approach. Initially, we will be reducing the blocktime to 4 seconds, closely monitoring the Testnet environment and actively seeking feedback from the validator community.

To facilitate this transition, we kindly request all validators to make certain manual changes on their end. Please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. Locate and access the ~/.elys/config/config.toml file on your validator node.
  2. Within the file, identify the line that reads: timeout_commit = "5s".
  3. Replace the existing value, 5s, with the new desired blocktime of 4s.
  4. Save the changes made to the config.toml file.
  5. Restart your validator node to ensure the changes take effect.

By implementing these modifications, the network's blocktime will effectively be reduced to 4 seconds, thereby increasing transaction throughput and overall network efficiency.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding during this transition period. Your participation and valuable feedback play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the Elys Network. Should you encounter any difficulties or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for your continued support and as always, we value and appreciate your feedback.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.7.0


31 May 14:42
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v0.6.0 Pre-release


We are excited to announce the release of Elys Network v0.6.0. This version introduces an AMM module, enabling core AMM operations and introducing a new pool balancer design.

The update brings vital enhancements such as the introduction of a swap interface in the AMM module, a revised ante handler for commission and voting thresholds, and an implementation for uncommitted Eden calculation to enhance liquidity providers experience.

Additionally, the specifications for the molecule pool design have been added, a new incentive withdrawal message is now available, and a localnet testing environment has been set up to ensure seamless software upgrades.

Your feedback is always welcome.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.5.4...v0.6.0


12 May 08:08
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v0.5.4 Pre-release

What's Changed

  • fix: remove panic when it is 0 reference count by @kenta-elys in #78

Full Changelog: v0.5.3...v0.5.4


11 May 09:46
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v0.5.3 Pre-release

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.5.2...v0.5.3