diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yaml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b9d5f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/bug_report.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+name: Bug report
+description: Create a report to help us improve
+title: "Bug title"
+labels: [bug]
+ - type: textarea
+ validations:
+ required: true
+ attributes:
+ label: Describe the bug
+ description: A clear and concise description of what the bug is
+ - type: textarea
+ validations:
+ required: true
+ attributes:
+ label: To Reproduce
+ description: Steps to reproduce the behavior
+ - type: textarea
+ validations:
+ required: true
+ attributes:
+ label: Expected behavior
+ description: A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen
+ - type: textarea
+ attributes:
+ label: Screenshots
+ description: If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem
+ - type: textarea
+ validations:
+ required: true
+ attributes:
+ label: OS version
+ description: Which OS versions did you see the issue on?
+ - type: textarea
+ validations:
+ required: true
+ attributes:
+ label: .NET version
+ description: Which .NET versions did you see the issue on?
+ - type: textarea
+ validations:
+ required: true
+ attributes:
+ label: WPF-UI NuGet version
+ description: Which WPF-UI NuGet versions did you see the issue on?
+ - type: textarea
+ attributes:
+ label: Additional context
+ description: Add any other context about the problem here
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..221acf1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/config.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+blank_issues_enabled: false
+ - name: Documentation
+ url: https://wpfui.lepo.co/documentation/
+ about: Find out how WPF UI works.
+ - name: Tutorial
+ url: https://wpfui.lepo.co/documentation/tutorial
+ about: Having trouble with the basics? Check out the tutorial!
+ - name: lepo.co contact
+ url: https://lepo.co/contact
+ about: Do you want to establish business contact? Let us know.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yaml b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38358df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/feature_request.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+name: Feature request
+description: Suggest an idea for the wpfui
+title: "Feature request title"
+labels: [enhancement]
+ - type: textarea
+ validations:
+ required: true
+ attributes:
+ label: Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe
+ description: A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...]
+ - type: textarea
+ validations:
+ required: true
+ attributes:
+ label: Describe the solution you'd like
+ description: A clear and concise description of what you want to happen
+ - type: textarea
+ attributes:
+ label: Describe alternatives you've considered
+ description: A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've considered
+ - type: textarea
+ attributes:
+ label: Additional context
+ description: Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.github/workflows/library.nuget.yml b/.github/workflows/library.nuget.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91375dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/library.nuget.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+name: wpfui.violeta
+ release:
+ types: [created]
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ build:
+ runs-on: windows-latest
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ - name: Setup .NET
+ uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v2
+ with:
+ dotnet-version: 8.0.x
+ - name: Setup Windows SDK
+ uses: GuillaumeFalourd/setup-windows10-sdk-action@v1.5
+ - name: Install dependencies
+ run: dotnet restore
+ - name: Build
+ run: dotnet build --configuration Release --no-restore
+ - name: Pack
+ run: dotnet pack src\Wpf.Ui.Violeta\Wpf.Ui.Violeta.csproj -c Release --no-build -o out
+ - name: Push NuGet package
+ # run: dotnet nuget push "out\*.nupkg" -k ${{secrets.NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN}} --source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
+ with:
+ name: nuget-packages
+ path: out/*.nupkg
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30b97c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+## Ignore Visual Studio temporary files, build results, and
+## files generated by popular Visual Studio add-ons.
+## Get latest from https://github.com/github/gitignore/blob/master/VisualStudio.gitignore
+# Strong Name Key files
+# DocFX
+# Desktop service store
+# User-specific files
+# User-specific files (MonoDevelop/Xamarin Studio)
+# Visual Studio Code files
+# IntelliJ IDEA files
+# Mono auto generated files
+# Build results
+# Visual Studio 2015/2017 cache/options directory
+# Uncomment if you have tasks that create the project's static files in wwwroot
+# Visual Studio 2017 auto generated files
+Generated\ Files/
+# MSTest test Results
+# NUnit
+# Build Results of an ATL Project
+# Benchmark Results
+# .NET Core
+# StyleCop
+# Files built by Visual Studio
+# Chutzpah Test files
+# Visual C++ cache files
+# Visual Studio profiler
+# Visual Studio Trace Files
+# TFS 2012 Local Workspace
+# Guidance Automation Toolkit
+# ReSharper is a .NET coding add-in
+# TeamCity is a build add-in
+# DotCover is a Code Coverage Tool
+# AxoCover is a Code Coverage Tool
+# Visual Studio code coverage results
+# NCrunch
+# MightyMoose
+# Web workbench (sass)
+# Installshield output folder
+# DocProject is a documentation generator add-in
+# Click-Once directory
+# Publish Web Output
+# Note: Comment the next line if you want to checkin your web deploy settings,
+# but database connection strings (with potential passwords) will be unencrypted
+# Microsoft Azure Web App publish settings. Comment the next line if you want to
+# checkin your Azure Web App publish settings, but sensitive information contained
+# in these scripts will be unencrypted
+# NuGet Packages
+# NuGet Symbol Packages
+# The packages folder can be ignored because of Package Restore
+# except build/, which is used as an MSBuild target.
+# Uncomment if necessary however generally it will be regenerated when needed
+# NuGet v3's project.json files produces more ignorable files
+# Microsoft Azure Build Output
+# Microsoft Azure Emulator
+# Windows Store app package directories and files
+# Visual Studio cache files
+# files ending in .cache can be ignored
+# but keep track of directories ending in .cache
+# Others
+# Including strong name files can present a security risk
+# (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/2483#issue-259490424)
+# Since there are multiple workflows, uncomment next line to ignore bower_components
+# (https://github.com/github/gitignore/pull/1529#issuecomment-104372622)
+# RIA/Silverlight projects
+# Backup & report files from converting an old project file
+# to a newer Visual Studio version. Backup files are not needed,
+# because we have git ;-)
+# SQL Server files
+# Business Intelligence projects
+*- [Bb]ackup.rdl
+*- [Bb]ackup ([0-9]).rdl
+*- [Bb]ackup ([0-9][0-9]).rdl
+# Microsoft Fakes
+# GhostDoc plugin setting file
+# Node.js Tools for Visual Studio
+# Visual Studio 6 build log
+# Visual Studio 6 workspace options file
+# Visual Studio 6 auto-generated workspace file (contains which files were open etc.)
+# Visual Studio LightSwitch build output
+# Paket dependency manager
+# FAKE - F# Make
+# CodeRush personal settings
+# Python Tools for Visual Studio (PTVS)
+# Cake - Uncomment if you are using it
+# tools/**
+# !tools/packages.config
+# Tabs Studio
+# Telerik's JustMock configuration file
+# BizTalk build output
+# OpenCover UI analysis results
+# Azure Stream Analytics local run output
+# MSBuild Binary and Structured Log
+# NVidia Nsight GPU debugger configuration file
+# MFractors (Xamarin productivity tool) working folder
+# Local History for Visual Studio
+# BeatPulse healthcheck temp database
+# Backup folder for Package Reference Convert tool in Visual Studio 2017
+# Ionide (cross platform F# VS Code tools) working folder
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3bdfa9
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+MIT License
+Copyright (c) 2024 ema
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
+copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ece177e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+![WPF UI Banner Dark](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13592821/174165081-9c62d188-ecb6-4200-abd8-419afbaf32c2.png#gh-dark-mode-only)
+![WPF UI Banner Light](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13592821/174165388-921c4745-90ed-4396-9a4b-9c86478f7447.png#gh-light-mode-only)
+# WPF UI Violeta
+[![GitHub license](https://img.shields.io/github/license/emako/wpfui.violeta)](https://github.com/emako/wpfui.violeta/blob/master/LICENSE) [![Nuget](https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/WPF-UI.Violeta?label=nuget)](https://www.nuget.org/packages/WPF-UI.Violeta/) [![VS 2022 Downloads](https://img.shields.io/visual-studio-marketplace/i/lepo.WPF-UI?label=vs-2022)](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=lepo.WPF-UI) [![Actions](https://github.com/emako/wpfui.violeta/actions/workflows/library.nuget.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/emako/wpfui.violeta/actions/workflows/library.nuget.yml) [![Platform](https://img.shields.io/badge/platform-Windows-blue?logo=windowsxp&color=1E9BFA)](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/zh-cn/download/dotnet/latest/runtime)
+WPF UI Violeta is based on [WPF UI](https://github.com/lepoco/wpfui), and provides the Fluent experience in your known and loved WPF framework. Some new immersive controls like `Toast`.
+When I decided to create this project I was listening to the song `Violeta`.
+### 🚀 Getting started
+Under construction
+### 📷 Screenshots
+Under construction
+### Thanks
+- [🔗 Fischless](https://github.com/GenshinMatrix/Fischless)
+- [🔗 ModernWpf](https://github.com/Kinnara/ModernWpf)
diff --git a/Settings.XamlStyler b/Settings.XamlStyler
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e44ef3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Settings.XamlStyler
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ "AttributesTolerance": 2,
+ "KeepFirstAttributeOnSameLine": false,
+ "MaxAttributeCharactersPerLine": 0,
+ "MaxAttributesPerLine": 1,
+ "NewlineExemptionElements": "RadialGradientBrush, GradientStop, LinearGradientBrush, ScaleTransform, SkewTransform, RotateTransform, TranslateTransform, Trigger, Condition, Setter",
+ "SeparateByGroups": false,
+ "AttributeIndentation": 0,
+ "AttributeIndentationStyle": 1,
+ "RemoveDesignTimeReferences": false,
+ "IgnoreDesignTimeReferencePrefix": false,
+ "EnableAttributeReordering": true,
+ "AttributeOrderingRuleGroups": [
+ "x:Class",
+ "xmlns, xmlns:x",
+ "xmlns:*",
+ "x:Key, Key, x:Name, Name, x:Uid, Uid, Title",
+ "Grid.Row, Grid.RowSpan, Grid.Column, Grid.ColumnSpan, Canvas.Left, Canvas.Top, Canvas.Right, Canvas.Bottom",
+ "Width, Height, MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight",
+ "Margin, Padding, HorizontalAlignment, VerticalAlignment, HorizontalContentAlignment, VerticalContentAlignment, Panel.ZIndex",
+ "*:*, *",
+ "PageSource, PageIndex, Offset, Color, TargetName, Property, Value, StartPoint, EndPoint",
+ "mc:Ignorable, d:IsDataSource, d:LayoutOverrides, d:IsStaticText",
+ "Storyboard.*, From, To, Duration"
+ ],
+ "FirstLineAttributes": "",
+ "OrderAttributesByName": true,
+ "PutEndingBracketOnNewLine": false,
+ "RemoveEndingTagOfEmptyElement": true,
+ "SpaceBeforeClosingSlash": true,
+ "RootElementLineBreakRule": 0,
+ "ReorderVSM": 2,
+ "ReorderGridChildren": false,
+ "ReorderCanvasChildren": false,
+ "ReorderSetters": 0,
+ "FormatMarkupExtension": true,
+ "NoNewLineMarkupExtensions": "x:Bind, Binding",
+ "ThicknessSeparator": 2,
+ "ThicknessAttributes": "Margin, Padding, BorderThickness, ThumbnailClipMargin",
+ "FormatOnSave": true,
+ "CommentPadding": 2,
+ "IndentSize": 4,
+ "IndentWithTabs": false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Wpf.Ui.sln b/Wpf.Ui.sln
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58998c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Wpf.Ui.sln
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
+# Visual Studio Version 17
+VisualStudioVersion = 17.9.34902.65
+MinimumVisualStudioVersion = 10.0.40219.1
+Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "Wpf.Ui.Test", "src\Wpf.Ui.Test\Wpf.Ui.Test.csproj", "{DB963C29-774D-4E63-A6C0-BEE52A23E40B}"
+Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "Wpf.Ui.Violeta", "src\Wpf.Ui.Violeta\Wpf.Ui.Violeta.csproj", "{2DBA3326-F339-48CB-BCCC-F2C4FBF2E612}"
+ GlobalSection(SolutionConfigurationPlatforms) = preSolution
+ Debug|Any CPU = Debug|Any CPU
+ Release|Any CPU = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ProjectConfigurationPlatforms) = postSolution
+ {DB963C29-774D-4E63-A6C0-BEE52A23E40B}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {DB963C29-774D-4E63-A6C0-BEE52A23E40B}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {DB963C29-774D-4E63-A6C0-BEE52A23E40B}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {DB963C29-774D-4E63-A6C0-BEE52A23E40B}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ {2DBA3326-F339-48CB-BCCC-F2C4FBF2E612}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
+ {2DBA3326-F339-48CB-BCCC-F2C4FBF2E612}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
+ {2DBA3326-F339-48CB-BCCC-F2C4FBF2E612}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
+ {2DBA3326-F339-48CB-BCCC-F2C4FBF2E612}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(SolutionProperties) = preSolution
+ HideSolutionNode = FALSE
+ EndGlobalSection
+ GlobalSection(ExtensibilityGlobals) = postSolution
+ SolutionGuid = {0BEEA15F-4DFC-4E8B-B5B6-2E2DECE1E579}
+ EndGlobalSection
diff --git a/branding/geometric_splash.psd b/branding/geometric_splash.psd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f384dbf
Binary files /dev/null and b/branding/geometric_splash.psd differ
diff --git a/branding/microsoft-fluent-resources.psd b/branding/microsoft-fluent-resources.psd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f710f9
Binary files /dev/null and b/branding/microsoft-fluent-resources.psd differ
diff --git a/branding/wpfui.ico b/branding/wpfui.ico
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc128fd
Binary files /dev/null and b/branding/wpfui.ico differ
diff --git a/branding/wpfui.png b/branding/wpfui.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b70c4ed
Binary files /dev/null and b/branding/wpfui.png differ
diff --git a/branding/wpfui.psd b/branding/wpfui.psd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e2f8ca
Binary files /dev/null and b/branding/wpfui.psd differ
diff --git a/branding/wpfui_full.png b/branding/wpfui_full.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d54bb3
Binary files /dev/null and b/branding/wpfui_full.png differ
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/App.xaml b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/App.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6d33642
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/App.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/App.xaml.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/App.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2076809
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/App.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+using System.Windows;
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Test;
+public partial class App : Application
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/AssemblyInfo.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/AssemblyInfo.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0ec827
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using System.Windows;
+[assembly: ThemeInfo(
+ ResourceDictionaryLocation.None, //where theme specific resource dictionaries are located
+ //(used if a resource is not found in the page,
+ // or application resource dictionaries)
+ ResourceDictionaryLocation.SourceAssembly //where the generic resource dictionary is located
+ //(used if a resource is not found in the page,
+ // app, or any theme specific resource dictionaries)
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/MainWindow.xaml b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/MainWindow.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7745050
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/MainWindow.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/MainWindow.xaml.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/MainWindow.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..433d17d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/MainWindow.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.ComponentModel;
+using CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.Input;
+using System;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+using Wpf.Ui.Controls;
+using Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls;
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Test;
+public partial class MainWindow : FluentWindow
+ public MainWindow()
+ {
+ DataContext = this;
+ InitializeComponent();
+ }
+ protected override void OnSourceInitialized(EventArgs e)
+ {
+ base.OnSourceInitialized(e);
+ if (WindowBackdrop.IsSupported(WindowBackdropType.Mica))
+ {
+ Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Transparent);
+ WindowBackdrop.ApplyBackdrop(this, WindowBackdropType.Mica);
+ }
+ }
+ [RelayCommand]
+ private void ShowToast(Button self)
+ {
+ string message = "This is a toast message";
+ ToastLocation toastLocation = (ToastLocation)Enum.Parse(typeof(ToastLocation), self.Content.ToString()!);
+ if (self.Tag.ToString() == "Information")
+ {
+ Toast.Information(message, toastLocation);
+ }
+ else if (self.Tag.ToString() == "Error")
+ {
+ Toast.Error(message, toastLocation);
+ }
+ else if (self.Tag.ToString() == "Success")
+ {
+ Toast.Success(message, toastLocation);
+ }
+ else if (self.Tag.ToString() == "Warning")
+ {
+ Toast.Warning(message, toastLocation);
+ }
+ else if (self.Tag.ToString() == "Question")
+ {
+ Toast.Question(message, toastLocation);
+ }
+ else if (self.Tag.ToString() == "None")
+ {
+ Toast.Show(null!, message, new ToastConfig()
+ {
+ Location = toastLocation,
+ });
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/Wpf.Ui.Test.csproj b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/Wpf.Ui.Test.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76b37c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Test/Wpf.Ui.Test.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ WinExe
+ net6.0-windows
+ enable
+ true
+ 12.0
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/AssemblyInfo.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/AssemblyInfo.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05bdf58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/AssemblyInfo.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Markup;
+[assembly: ComVisible(false)]
+[assembly: ThemeInfo(ResourceDictionaryLocation.None, ResourceDictionaryLocation.SourceAssembly)]
+[assembly: Guid("617d6360-3976-4871-85cb-36bdb4f7ab62")]
+[assembly: XmlnsPrefix("http://schemas.lepo.co/wpfui/2022/xaml/violeta", "vio")]
+[assembly: XmlnsDefinition("http://schemas.lepo.co/wpfui/2022/xaml/violeta", "Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls")]
+[assembly: XmlnsDefinition("http://schemas.lepo.co/wpfui/2022/xaml/violeta", "Wpf.Ui.Violeta")]
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/FontIcon/FontSymbols.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/FontIcon/FontSymbols.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c2f251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/FontIcon/FontSymbols.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,1412 @@
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls;
+/// Segoe Fluent Icons
+/// https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/apps/design/style/segoe-fluent-icons-font
+public sealed class FontSymbols
+ public const string GlobalNavButton = "\xe700";
+ public const string Wifi = "\xe701";
+ public const string Bluetooth = "\xe702";
+ public const string Connect = "\xe703";
+ public const string InternetSharing = "\xe704";
+ public const string VPN = "\xe705";
+ public const string Brightness = "\xe706";
+ public const string MapPin = "\xe707";
+ public const string QuietHours = "\xe708";
+ public const string Airplane = "\xe709";
+ public const string Tablet = "\xe70a";
+ public const string QuickNote = "\xe70b";
+ public const string RememberedDevice = "\xe70c";
+ public const string ChevronDown = "\xe70d";
+ public const string ChevronUp = "\xe70e";
+ public const string Edit = "\xe70f";
+ public const string Add = "\xe710";
+ public const string Cancel = "\xe711";
+ public const string More = "\xe712";
+ public const string Settings = "\xe713";
+ public const string Video = "\xe714";
+ public const string Mail = "\xe715";
+ public const string People = "\xe716";
+ public const string Phone = "\xe717";
+ public const string Pin = "\xe718";
+ public const string Shop = "\xe719";
+ public const string Stop = "\xe71a";
+ public const string Link = "\xe71b";
+ public const string Filter = "\xe71c";
+ public const string AllApps = "\xe71d";
+ public const string Zoom = "\xe71e";
+ public const string ZoomOut = "\xe71f";
+ public const string Microphone = "\xe720";
+ public const string Search = "\xe721";
+ public const string Camera = "\xe722";
+ public const string Attach = "\xe723";
+ public const string Send = "\xe724";
+ public const string SendFill = "\xe725";
+ public const string WalkSolid = "\xe726";
+ public const string InPrivate = "\xe727";
+ public const string FavoriteList = "\xe728";
+ public const string PageSolid = "\xe729";
+ public const string Forward = "\xe72a";
+ public const string Back = "\xe72b";
+ public const string Refresh = "\xe72c";
+ public const string Share = "\xe72d";
+ public const string Lock = "\xe72e";
+ public const string ReportHacked = "\xe730";
+ public const string EMI = "\xe731";
+ public const string FavoriteStar = "\xe734";
+ public const string FavoriteStarFill = "\xe735";
+ public const string ReadingMode = "\xe736";
+ public const string Favicon = "\xe737";
+ public const string Remove = "\xe738";
+ public const string Checkbox = "\xe739";
+ public const string CheckboxComposite = "\xe73a";
+ public const string CheckboxFill = "\xe73b";
+ public const string CheckboxIndeterminate = "\xe73c";
+ public const string CheckboxCompositeReversed = "\xe73d";
+ public const string CheckMark = "\xe73e";
+ public const string BackToWindow = "\xe73f";
+ public const string FullScreen = "\xe740";
+ public const string ResizeTouchLarger = "\xe741";
+ public const string ResizeTouchSmaller = "\xe742";
+ public const string ResizeMouseSmall = "\xe743";
+ public const string ResizeMouseMedium = "\xe744";
+ public const string ResizeMouseWide = "\xe745";
+ public const string ResizeMouseTall = "\xe746";
+ public const string ResizeMouseLarge = "\xe747";
+ public const string SwitchUser = "\xe748";
+ public const string Print = "\xe749";
+ public const string Up = "\xe74a";
+ public const string Down = "\xe74b";
+ public const string OEM = "\xe74c";
+ public const string Delete = "\xe74d";
+ public const string Save = "\xe74e";
+ public const string Mute = "\xe74f";
+ public const string BackSpaceQWERTY = "\xe750";
+ public const string ReturnKey = "\xe751";
+ public const string UpArrowShiftKey = "\xe752";
+ public const string Cloud = "\xe753";
+ public const string Flashlight = "\xe754";
+ public const string RotationLock = "\xe755";
+ public const string CommandPrompt = "\xe756";
+ public const string SIPMove = "\xe759";
+ public const string SIPUndock = "\xe75a";
+ public const string SIPRedock = "\xe75b";
+ public const string EraseTool = "\xe75c";
+ public const string UnderscoreSpace = "\xe75d";
+ public const string GripperTool = "\xe75e";
+ public const string Dialpad = "\xe75f";
+ public const string PageLeft = "\xe760";
+ public const string PageRight = "\xe761";
+ public const string MultiSelect = "\xe762";
+ public const string KeyboardLeftHanded = "\xe763";
+ public const string KeyboardRightHanded = "\xe764";
+ public const string KeyboardClassic = "\xe765";
+ public const string KeyboardSplit = "\xe766";
+ public const string Volume = "\xe767";
+ public const string Play = "\xe768";
+ public const string Pause = "\xe769";
+ public const string ChevronLeft = "\xe76b";
+ public const string ChevronRight = "\xe76c";
+ public const string InkingTool = "\xe76d";
+ public const string Emoji2 = "\xe76e";
+ public const string GripperBarHorizontal = "\xe76f";
+ public const string System = "\xe770";
+ public const string Personalize = "\xe771";
+ public const string Devices = "\xe772";
+ public const string SearchAndApps = "\xe773";
+ public const string Globe = "\xe774";
+ public const string TimeLanguage = "\xe775";
+ public const string EaseOfAccess = "\xe776";
+ public const string UpdateRestore = "\xe777";
+ public const string HangUp = "\xe778";
+ public const string ContactInfo = "\xe779";
+ public const string Unpin = "\xe77a";
+ public const string Contact = "\xe77b";
+ public const string Memo = "\xe77c";
+ public const string IncomingCall = "\xe77e";
+ public const string Paste = "\xe77f";
+ public const string PhoneBook = "\xe780";
+ public const string LEDLight = "\xe781";
+ public const string Error = "\xe783";
+ public const string GripperBarVertical = "\xe784";
+ public const string Unlock = "\xe785";
+ public const string Slideshow = "\xe786";
+ public const string Calendar = "\xe787";
+ public const string GripperResize = "\xe788";
+ public const string Megaphone = "\xe789";
+ public const string Trim = "\xe78a";
+ public const string NewWindow = "\xe78b";
+ public const string SaveLocal = "\xe78c";
+ public const string Color = "\xe790";
+ public const string DataSense = "\xe791";
+ public const string SaveAs = "\xe792";
+ public const string Light = "\xe793";
+ public const string AspectRatio = "\xe799";
+ public const string DataSenseBar = "\xe7a5";
+ public const string Redo = "\xe7a6";
+ public const string Undo = "\xe7a7";
+ public const string Crop = "\xe7a8";
+ public const string OpenWith = "\xe7ac";
+ public const string Rotate = "\xe7ad";
+ public const string RedEye = "\xe7b3";
+ public const string SetlockScreen = "\xe7b5";
+ public const string MapPin2 = "\xe7b7";
+ public const string Package = "\xe7b8";
+ public const string Warning = "\xe7ba";
+ public const string ReadingList = "\xe7bc";
+ public const string Education = "\xe7be";
+ public const string ShoppingCart = "\xe7bf";
+ public const string Train = "\xe7c0";
+ public const string Flag = "\xe7c1";
+ public const string Move = "\xe7c2";
+ public const string Page = "\xe7c3";
+ public const string TaskView = "\xe7c4";
+ public const string BrowsePhotos = "\xe7c5";
+ public const string HalfStarLeft = "\xe7c6";
+ public const string HalfStarRight = "\xe7c7";
+ public const string Record = "\xe7c8";
+ public const string TouchPointer = "\xe7c9";
+ public const string LangJPN = "\xe7de";
+ public const string Ferry = "\xe7e3";
+ public const string Highlight = "\xe7e6";
+ public const string ActionCenterNotification = "\xe7e7";
+ public const string PowerButton = "\xe7e8";
+ public const string ResizeTouchNarrower = "\xe7ea";
+ public const string ResizeTouchShorter = "\xe7eb";
+ public const string DrivingMode = "\xe7ec";
+ public const string RingerSilent = "\xe7ed";
+ public const string OtherUser = "\xe7ee";
+ public const string Admin = "\xe7ef";
+ public const string CC = "\xe7f0";
+ public const string SDCard = "\xe7f1";
+ public const string CallForwarding = "\xe7f2";
+ public const string SettingsDisplaySound = "\xe7f3";
+ public const string TVMonitor = "\xe7f4";
+ public const string Speakers = "\xe7f5";
+ public const string Headphone = "\xe7f6";
+ public const string DeviceLaptopPic = "\xe7f7";
+ public const string DeviceLaptopNoPic = "\xe7f8";
+ public const string DeviceMonitorRightPic = "\xe7f9";
+ public const string DeviceMonitorLeftPic = "\xe7fa";
+ public const string DeviceMonitorNoPic = "\xe7fb";
+ public const string Game = "\xe7fc";
+ public const string HorizontalTabKey = "\xe7fd";
+ public const string StreetsideSplitMinimize = "\xe802";
+ public const string StreetsideSplitExpand = "\xe803";
+ public const string Car = "\xe804";
+ public const string Walk = "\xe805";
+ public const string Bus = "\xe806";
+ public const string TiltUp = "\xe809";
+ public const string TiltDown = "\xe80a";
+ public const string CallControl = "\xe80b";
+ public const string RotateMapRight = "\xe80c";
+ public const string RotateMapLeft = "\xe80d";
+ public const string Home = "\xe80f";
+ public const string ParkingLocation = "\xe811";
+ public const string MapCompassTop = "\xe812";
+ public const string MapCompassBottom = "\xe813";
+ public const string IncidentTriangle = "\xe814";
+ public const string Touch = "\xe815";
+ public const string MapDirections = "\xe816";
+ public const string StartPoint = "\xe819";
+ public const string StopPoint = "\xe81a";
+ public const string EndPoint = "\xe81b";
+ public const string History = "\xe81c";
+ public const string Location = "\xe81d";
+ public const string MapLayers = "\xe81e";
+ public const string Accident = "\xe81f";
+ public const string Work = "\xe821";
+ public const string Construction = "\xe822";
+ public const string Recent = "\xe823";
+ public const string Bank = "\xe825";
+ public const string DownloadMap = "\xe826";
+ public const string InkingToolFill2 = "\xe829";
+ public const string HighlightFill2 = "\xe82a";
+ public const string EraseToolFill = "\xe82b";
+ public const string EraseToolFill2 = "\xe82c";
+ public const string Dictionary = "\xe82d";
+ public const string DictionaryAdd = "\xe82e";
+ public const string ToolTip = "\xe82f";
+ public const string ChromeBack = "\xe830";
+ public const string ProvisioningPackage = "\xe835";
+ public const string AddRemoteDevice = "\xe836";
+ public const string FolderOpen = "\xe838";
+ public const string Ethernet = "\xe839";
+ public const string ShareBroadband = "\xe83a";
+ public const string DirectAccess = "\xe83b";
+ public const string DialUp = "\xe83c";
+ public const string DefenderApp = "\xe83d";
+ public const string BatteryCharging9 = "\xe83e";
+ public const string Battery10 = "\xe83f";
+ public const string Pinned = "\xe840";
+ public const string PinFill = "\xe841";
+ public const string PinnedFill = "\xe842";
+ public const string PeriodKey = "\xe843";
+ public const string PuncKey = "\xe844";
+ public const string RevToggleKey = "\xe845";
+ public const string RightArrowKeyTime1 = "\xe846";
+ public const string RightArrowKeyTime2 = "\xe847";
+ public const string LeftQuote = "\xe848";
+ public const string RightQuote = "\xe849";
+ public const string DownShiftKey = "\xe84a";
+ public const string UpShiftKey = "\xe84b";
+ public const string PuncKey0 = "\xe84c";
+ public const string PuncKeyLeftBottom = "\xe84d";
+ public const string RightArrowKeyTime3 = "\xe84e";
+ public const string RightArrowKeyTime4 = "\xe84f";
+ public const string Battery0 = "\xe850";
+ public const string Battery1 = "\xe851";
+ public const string Battery2 = "\xe852";
+ public const string Battery3 = "\xe853";
+ public const string Battery4 = "\xe854";
+ public const string Battery5 = "\xe855";
+ public const string Battery6 = "\xe856";
+ public const string Battery7 = "\xe857";
+ public const string Battery8 = "\xe858";
+ public const string Battery9 = "\xe859";
+ public const string BatteryCharging0 = "\xe85a";
+ public const string BatteryCharging1 = "\xe85b";
+ public const string BatteryCharging2 = "\xe85c";
+ public const string BatteryCharging3 = "\xe85d";
+ public const string BatteryCharging4 = "\xe85e";
+ public const string BatteryCharging5 = "\xe85f";
+ public const string BatteryCharging6 = "\xe860";
+ public const string BatteryCharging7 = "\xe861";
+ public const string BatteryCharging8 = "\xe862";
+ public const string BatterySaver0 = "\xe863";
+ public const string BatterySaver1 = "\xe864";
+ public const string BatterySaver2 = "\xe865";
+ public const string BatterySaver3 = "\xe866";
+ public const string BatterySaver4 = "\xe867";
+ public const string BatterySaver5 = "\xe868";
+ public const string BatterySaver6 = "\xe869";
+ public const string BatterySaver7 = "\xe86a";
+ public const string BatterySaver8 = "\xe86b";
+ public const string SignalBars1 = "\xe86c";
+ public const string SignalBars2 = "\xe86d";
+ public const string SignalBars3 = "\xe86e";
+ public const string SignalBars4 = "\xe86f";
+ public const string SignalBars5 = "\xe870";
+ public const string SignalNotConnected = "\xe871";
+ public const string Wifi1 = "\xe872";
+ public const string Wifi2 = "\xe873";
+ public const string Wifi3 = "\xe874";
+ public const string MobSIMLock = "\xe875";
+ public const string MobSIMMissing = "\xe876";
+ public const string Vibrate = "\xe877";
+ public const string RoamingInternational = "\xe878";
+ public const string RoamingDomestic = "\xe879";
+ public const string CallForwardInternational = "\xe87a";
+ public const string CallForwardRoaming = "\xe87b";
+ public const string JpnRomanji = "\xe87c";
+ public const string JpnRomanjiLock = "\xe87d";
+ public const string JpnRomanjiShift = "\xe87e";
+ public const string JpnRomanjiShiftLock = "\xe87f";
+ public const string StatusDataTransfer = "\xe880";
+ public const string StatusDataTransferVPN = "\xe881";
+ public const string StatusDualSIM2 = "\xe882";
+ public const string StatusDualSIM2VPN = "\xe883";
+ public const string StatusDualSIM1 = "\xe884";
+ public const string StatusDualSIM1VPN = "\xe885";
+ public const string StatusSGLTE = "\xe886";
+ public const string StatusSGLTECell = "\xe887";
+ public const string StatusSGLTEDataVPN = "\xe888";
+ public const string StatusVPN = "\xe889";
+ public const string WifiHotspot = "\xe88a";
+ public const string LanguageKor = "\xe88b";
+ public const string LanguageCht = "\xe88c";
+ public const string LanguageChs = "\xe88d";
+ public const string USB = "\xe88e";
+ public const string InkingToolFill = "\xe88f";
+ public const string View = "\xe890";
+ public const string HighlightFill = "\xe891";
+ public const string Previous = "\xe892";
+ public const string Next = "\xe893";
+ public const string Clear = "\xe894";
+ public const string Sync = "\xe895";
+ public const string Download = "\xe896";
+ public const string Help = "\xe897";
+ public const string Upload = "\xe898";
+ public const string Emoji = "\xe899";
+ public const string TwoPage = "\xe89a";
+ public const string LeaveChat = "\xe89b";
+ public const string MailForward = "\xe89c";
+ public const string RotateCamera = "\xe89e";
+ public const string ClosePane = "\xe89f";
+ public const string OpenPane = "\xe8a0";
+ public const string PreviewLink = "\xe8a1";
+ public const string AttachCamera = "\xe8a2";
+ public const string ZoomIn = "\xe8a3";
+ public const string Bookmarks = "\xe8a4";
+ public const string Document = "\xe8a5";
+ public const string ProtectedDocument = "\xe8a6";
+ public const string OpenInNewWindow = "\xe8a7";
+ public const string MailFill = "\xe8a8";
+ public const string ViewAll = "\xe8a9";
+ public const string VideoChat = "\xe8aa";
+ public const string Switch = "\xe8ab";
+ public const string Rename = "\xe8ac";
+ public const string Go = "\xe8ad";
+ public const string SurfaceHub = "\xe8ae";
+ public const string Remote = "\xe8af";
+ public const string Click = "\xe8b0";
+ public const string Shuffle = "\xe8b1";
+ public const string Movies = "\xe8b2";
+ public const string SelectAll = "\xe8b3";
+ public const string Orientation = "\xe8b4";
+ public const string Import = "\xe8b5";
+ public const string ImportAll = "\xe8b6";
+ public const string Folder = "\xe8b7";
+ public const string Webcam = "\xe8b8";
+ public const string Picture = "\xe8b9";
+ public const string Caption = "\xe8ba";
+ public const string ChromeClose = "\xe8bb";
+ public const string ShowResults = "\xe8bc";
+ public const string Message = "\xe8bd";
+ public const string Leaf = "\xe8be";
+ public const string CalendarDay = "\xe8bf";
+ public const string CalendarWeek = "\xe8c0";
+ public const string Characters = "\xe8c1";
+ public const string MailReplyAll = "\xe8c2";
+ public const string Read = "\xe8c3";
+ public const string ShowBcc = "\xe8c4";
+ public const string HideBcc = "\xe8c5";
+ public const string Cut = "\xe8c6";
+ public const string PaymentCard = "\xe8c7";
+ public const string Copy = "\xe8c8";
+ public const string Important = "\xe8c9";
+ public const string MailReply = "\xe8ca";
+ public const string Sort = "\xe8cb";
+ public const string MobileTablet = "\xe8cc";
+ public const string DisconnectDrive = "\xe8cd";
+ public const string MapDrive = "\xe8ce";
+ public const string ContactPresence = "\xe8cf";
+ public const string Priority = "\xe8d0";
+ public const string GotoToday = "\xe8d1";
+ public const string Font = "\xe8d2";
+ public const string FontColor = "\xe8d3";
+ public const string Contact2 = "\xe8d4";
+ public const string FolderFill = "\xe8d5";
+ public const string Audio = "\xe8d6";
+ public const string Permissions = "\xe8d7";
+ public const string DisableUpdates = "\xe8d8";
+ public const string Unfavorite = "\xe8d9";
+ public const string OpenLocal = "\xe8da";
+ public const string Italic = "\xe8db";
+ public const string Underline = "\xe8dc";
+ public const string Bold = "\xe8dd";
+ public const string MoveToFolder = "\xe8de";
+ public const string LikeDislike = "\xe8df";
+ public const string Dislike = "\xe8e0";
+ public const string Like = "\xe8e1";
+ public const string AlignRight = "\xe8e2";
+ public const string AlignCenter = "\xe8e3";
+ public const string AlignLeft = "\xe8e4";
+ public const string OpenFile = "\xe8e5";
+ public const string ClearSelection = "\xe8e6";
+ public const string FontDecrease = "\xe8e7";
+ public const string FontIncrease = "\xe8e8";
+ public const string FontSize = "\xe8e9";
+ public const string CellPhone = "\xe8ea";
+ public const string Reshare = "\xe8eb";
+ public const string Tag = "\xe8ec";
+ public const string RepeatOne = "\xe8ed";
+ public const string RepeatAll = "\xe8ee";
+ public const string Calculator = "\xe8ef";
+ public const string Directions = "\xe8f0";
+ public const string Library = "\xe8f1";
+ public const string ChatBubbles = "\xe8f2";
+ public const string PostUpdate = "\xe8f3";
+ public const string NewFolder = "\xe8f4";
+ public const string CalendarReply = "\xe8f5";
+ public const string UnsyncFolder = "\xe8f6";
+ public const string SyncFolder = "\xe8f7";
+ public const string BlockContact = "\xe8f8";
+ public const string SwitchApps = "\xe8f9";
+ public const string AddFriend = "\xe8fa";
+ public const string Accept = "\xe8fb";
+ public const string GoToStart = "\xe8fc";
+ public const string BulletedList = "\xe8fd";
+ public const string Scan = "\xe8fe";
+ public const string Preview = "\xe8ff";
+ public const string Group = "\xe902";
+ public const string ZeroBars = "\xe904";
+ public const string OneBar = "\xe905";
+ public const string TwoBars = "\xe906";
+ public const string ThreeBars = "\xe907";
+ public const string FourBars = "\xe908";
+ public const string World = "\xe909";
+ public const string Comment = "\xe90a";
+ public const string MusicInfo = "\xe90b";
+ public const string DockLeft = "\xe90c";
+ public const string DockRight = "\xe90d";
+ public const string DockBottom = "\xe90e";
+ public const string Repair = "\xe90f";
+ public const string Accounts = "\xe910";
+ public const string DullSound = "\xe911";
+ public const string Manage = "\xe912";
+ public const string Street = "\xe913";
+ public const string Printer3D = "\xe914";
+ public const string RadioBullet = "\xe915";
+ public const string Stopwatch = "\xe916";
+ public const string Photo = "\xe91b";
+ public const string ActionCenter = "\xe91c";
+ public const string FullCircleMask = "\xe91f";
+ public const string ChromeMinimize = "\xe921";
+ public const string ChromeMaximize = "\xe922";
+ public const string ChromeRestore = "\xe923";
+ public const string Annotation = "\xe924";
+ public const string BackSpaceQWERTYSm = "\xe925";
+ public const string BackSpaceQWERTYMd = "\xe926";
+ public const string Swipe = "\xe927";
+ public const string Fingerprint = "\xe928";
+ public const string Handwriting = "\xe929";
+ public const string ChromeBackToWindow = "\xe92c";
+ public const string ChromeFullScreen = "\xe92d";
+ public const string KeyboardStandard = "\xe92e";
+ public const string KeyboardDismiss = "\xe92f";
+ public const string Completed = "\xe930";
+ public const string ChromeAnnotate = "\xe931";
+ public const string Label = "\xe932";
+ public const string IBeam = "\xe933";
+ public const string IBeamOutline = "\xe934";
+ public const string FlickDown = "\xe935";
+ public const string FlickUp = "\xe936";
+ public const string FlickLeft = "\xe937";
+ public const string FlickRight = "\xe938";
+ public const string FeedbackApp = "\xe939";
+ public const string MusicAlbum = "\xe93c";
+ public const string Streaming = "\xe93e";
+ public const string Code = "\xe943";
+ public const string ReturnToWindow = "\xe944";
+ public const string LightningBolt = "\xe945";
+ public const string Info = "\xe946";
+ public const string CalculatorMultiply = "\xe947";
+ public const string CalculatorAddition = "\xe948";
+ public const string CalculatorSubtract = "\xe949";
+ public const string CalculatorDivide = "\xe94a";
+ public const string CalculatorSquareroot = "\xe94b";
+ public const string CalculatorPercentage = "\xe94c";
+ public const string CalculatorNegate = "\xe94d";
+ public const string CalculatorEqualTo = "\xe94e";
+ public const string CalculatorBackspace = "\xe94f";
+ public const string Component = "\xe950";
+ public const string DMC = "\xe951";
+ public const string Dock = "\xe952";
+ public const string MultimediaDMS = "\xe953";
+ public const string MultimediaDVR = "\xe954";
+ public const string MultimediaPMP = "\xe955";
+ public const string PrintfaxPrinterFile = "\xe956";
+ public const string Sensor = "\xe957";
+ public const string StorageOptical = "\xe958";
+ public const string Communications = "\xe95a";
+ public const string Headset = "\xe95b";
+ public const string Projector = "\xe95d";
+ public const string Health = "\xe95e";
+ public const string Wire = "\xe95f";
+ public const string Webcam2 = "\xe960";
+ public const string Input = "\xe961";
+ public const string Mouse = "\xe962";
+ public const string Smartcard = "\xe963";
+ public const string SmartcardVirtual = "\xe964";
+ public const string MediaStorageTower = "\xe965";
+ public const string ReturnKeySm = "\xe966";
+ public const string GameConsole = "\xe967";
+ public const string Network = "\xe968";
+ public const string StorageNetworkWireless = "\xe969";
+ public const string StorageTape = "\xe96a";
+ public const string ChevronUpSmall = "\xe96d";
+ public const string ChevronDownSmall = "\xe96e";
+ public const string ChevronLeftSmall = "\xe96f";
+ public const string ChevronRightSmall = "\xe970";
+ public const string ChevronUpMed = "\xe971";
+ public const string ChevronDownMed = "\xe972";
+ public const string ChevronLeftMed = "\xe973";
+ public const string ChevronRightMed = "\xe974";
+ public const string Devices2 = "\xe975";
+ public const string ExpandTile = "\xe976";
+ public const string PC1 = "\xe977";
+ public const string PresenceChicklet = "\xe978";
+ public const string PresenceChickletVideo = "\xe979";
+ public const string Reply = "\xe97a";
+ public const string SetTile = "\xe97b";
+ public const string Type = "\xe97c";
+ public const string Korean = "\xe97d";
+ public const string HalfAlpha = "\xe97e";
+ public const string FullAlpha = "\xe97f";
+ public const string Key12On = "\xe980";
+ public const string ChineseChangjie = "\xe981";
+ public const string QWERTYOn = "\xe982";
+ public const string QWERTYOff = "\xe983";
+ public const string ChineseQuick = "\xe984";
+ public const string Japanese = "\xe985";
+ public const string FullHiragana = "\xe986";
+ public const string FullKatakana = "\xe987";
+ public const string HalfKatakana = "\xe988";
+ public const string ChineseBoPoMoFo = "\xe989";
+ public const string ChinesePinyin = "\xe98a";
+ public const string ConstructionCone = "\xe98f";
+ public const string XboxOneConsole = "\xe990";
+ public const string Volume0 = "\xe992";
+ public const string Volume1 = "\xe993";
+ public const string Volume2 = "\xe994";
+ public const string Volume3 = "\xe995";
+ public const string BatteryUnknown = "\xe996";
+ public const string WifiAttentionOverlay = "\xe998";
+ public const string Robot = "\xe99a";
+ public const string TapAndSend = "\xe9a1";
+ public const string FitPage = "\xe9a6";
+ public const string PasswordKeyShow = "\xe9a8";
+ public const string PasswordKeyHide = "\xe9a9";
+ public const string BidiLtr = "\xe9aa";
+ public const string BidiRtl = "\xe9ab";
+ public const string ForwardSm = "\xe9ac";
+ public const string CommaKey = "\xe9ad";
+ public const string DashKey = "\xe9ae";
+ public const string DullSoundKey = "\xe9af";
+ public const string HalfDullSound = "\xe9b0";
+ public const string RightDoubleQuote = "\xe9b1";
+ public const string LeftDoubleQuote = "\xe9b2";
+ public const string PuncKeyRightBottom = "\xe9b3";
+ public const string PuncKey1 = "\xe9b4";
+ public const string PuncKey2 = "\xe9b5";
+ public const string PuncKey3 = "\xe9b6";
+ public const string PuncKey4 = "\xe9b7";
+ public const string PuncKey5 = "\xe9b8";
+ public const string PuncKey6 = "\xe9b9";
+ public const string PuncKey9 = "\xe9ba";
+ public const string PuncKey7 = "\xe9bb";
+ public const string PuncKey8 = "\xe9bc";
+ public const string Frigid = "\xe9ca";
+ public const string Unknown = "\xe9ce";
+ public const string AreaChart = "\xe9d2";
+ public const string CheckList = "\xe9d5";
+ public const string Diagnostic = "\xe9d9";
+ public const string Equalizer = "\xe9e9";
+ public const string Process = "\xe9f3";
+ public const string Processing = "\xe9f5";
+ public const string ReportDocument = "\xe9f9";
+ public const string VideoSolid = "\xea0c";
+ public const string MixedMediaBadge = "\xea0d";
+ public const string DisconnectDisplay = "\xea14";
+ public const string Shield = "\xea18";
+ public const string Info2 = "\xea1f";
+ public const string ActionCenterAsterisk = "\xea21";
+ public const string Beta = "\xea24";
+ public const string SaveCopy = "\xea35";
+ public const string List = "\xea37";
+ public const string Asterisk = "\xea38";
+ public const string ErrorBadge = "\xea39";
+ public const string CircleRing = "\xea3a";
+ public const string CircleFill = "\xea3b";
+ public const string MergeCall = "\xea3c";
+ public const string PrivateCall = "\xea3d";
+ public const string Record2 = "\xea3f";
+ public const string AllAppsMirrored = "\xea40";
+ public const string BookmarksMirrored = "\xea41";
+ public const string BulletedListMirrored = "\xea42";
+ public const string CallForwardInternationalMirrored = "\xea43";
+ public const string CallForwardRoamingMirrored = "\xea44";
+ public const string ChromeBackMirrored = "\xea47";
+ public const string ClearSelectionMirrored = "\xea48";
+ public const string ClosePaneMirrored = "\xea49";
+ public const string ContactInfoMirrored = "\xea4a";
+ public const string DockRightMirrored = "\xea4b";
+ public const string DockLeftMirrored = "\xea4c";
+ public const string ExpandTileMirrored = "\xea4e";
+ public const string GoMirrored = "\xea4f";
+ public const string GripperResizeMirrored = "\xea50";
+ public const string HelpMirrored = "\xea51";
+ public const string ImportMirrored = "\xea52";
+ public const string ImportAllMirrored = "\xea53";
+ public const string LeaveChatMirrored = "\xea54";
+ public const string ListMirrored = "\xea55";
+ public const string MailForwardMirrored = "\xea56";
+ public const string MailReplyMirrored = "\xea57";
+ public const string MailReplyAllMirrored = "\xea58";
+ public const string OpenPaneMirrored = "\xea5b";
+ public const string OpenWithMirrored = "\xea5c";
+ public const string ParkingLocationMirrored = "\xea5e";
+ public const string ResizeMouseMediumMirrored = "\xea5f";
+ public const string ResizeMouseSmallMirrored = "\xea60";
+ public const string ResizeMouseTallMirrored = "\xea61";
+ public const string ResizeTouchNarrowerMirrored = "\xea62";
+ public const string SendMirrored = "\xea63";
+ public const string SendFillMirrored = "\xea64";
+ public const string ShowResultsMirrored = "\xea65";
+ public const string Media = "\xea69";
+ public const string SyncError = "\xea6a";
+ public const string Devices3 = "\xea6c";
+ public const string SlowMotionOn = "\xea79";
+ public const string Lightbulb = "\xea80";
+ public const string StatusCircle = "\xea81";
+ public const string StatusTriangle = "\xea82";
+ public const string StatusError = "\xea83";
+ public const string StatusWarning = "\xea84";
+ public const string Puzzle = "\xea86";
+ public const string CalendarSolid = "\xea89";
+ public const string HomeSolid = "\xea8a";
+ public const string ParkingLocationSolid = "\xea8b";
+ public const string ContactSolid = "\xea8c";
+ public const string ConstructionSolid = "\xea8d";
+ public const string AccidentSolid = "\xea8e";
+ public const string Ringer = "\xea8f";
+ public const string PDF = "\xea90";
+ public const string ThoughtBubble = "\xea91";
+ public const string HeartBroken = "\xea92";
+ public const string BatteryCharging10 = "\xea93";
+ public const string BatterySaver9 = "\xea94";
+ public const string BatterySaver10 = "\xea95";
+ public const string CallForwardingMirrored = "\xea97";
+ public const string MultiSelectMirrored = "\xea98";
+ public const string Broom = "\xea99";
+ public const string ForwardCall = "\xeac2";
+ public const string Trackers = "\xeadf";
+ public const string Market = "\xeafc";
+ public const string PieSingle = "\xeb05";
+ public const string StockDown = "\xeb0f";
+ public const string StockUp = "\xeb11";
+ public const string Design = "\xeb3c";
+ public const string Website = "\xeb41";
+ public const string Drop = "\xeb42";
+ public const string Radar = "\xeb44";
+ public const string BusSolid = "\xeb47";
+ public const string FerrySolid = "\xeb48";
+ public const string StartPointSolid = "\xeb49";
+ public const string StopPointSolid = "\xeb4a";
+ public const string EndPointSolid = "\xeb4b";
+ public const string AirplaneSolid = "\xeb4c";
+ public const string TrainSolid = "\xeb4d";
+ public const string WorkSolid = "\xeb4e";
+ public const string ReminderFill = "\xeb4f";
+ public const string Reminder = "\xeb50";
+ public const string Heart = "\xeb51";
+ public const string HeartFill = "\xeb52";
+ public const string EthernetError = "\xeb55";
+ public const string EthernetWarning = "\xeb56";
+ public const string StatusConnecting1 = "\xeb57";
+ public const string StatusConnecting2 = "\xeb58";
+ public const string StatusUnsecure = "\xeb59";
+ public const string WifiError0 = "\xeb5a";
+ public const string WifiError1 = "\xeb5b";
+ public const string WifiError2 = "\xeb5c";
+ public const string WifiError3 = "\xeb5d";
+ public const string WifiError4 = "\xeb5e";
+ public const string WifiWarning0 = "\xeb5f";
+ public const string WifiWarning1 = "\xeb60";
+ public const string WifiWarning2 = "\xeb61";
+ public const string WifiWarning3 = "\xeb62";
+ public const string WifiWarning4 = "\xeb63";
+ public const string Devices4 = "\xeb66";
+ public const string NUIIris = "\xeb67";
+ public const string NUIFace = "\xeb68";
+ public const string GatewayRouter = "\xeb77";
+ public const string EditMirrored = "\xeb7e";
+ public const string NUIFPStartSlideHand = "\xeb82";
+ public const string NUIFPStartSlideAction = "\xeb83";
+ public const string NUIFPContinueSlideHand = "\xeb84";
+ public const string NUIFPContinueSlideAction = "\xeb85";
+ public const string NUIFPRollRightHand = "\xeb86";
+ public const string NUIFPRollRightHandAction = "\xeb87";
+ public const string NUIFPRollLeftHand = "\xeb88";
+ public const string NUIFPRollLeftAction = "\xeb89";
+ public const string NUIFPPressHand = "\xeb8a";
+ public const string NUIFPPressAction = "\xeb8b";
+ public const string NUIFPPressRepeatHand = "\xeb8c";
+ public const string NUIFPPressRepeatAction = "\xeb8d";
+ public const string StatusErrorFull = "\xeb90";
+ public const string TaskViewExpanded = "\xeb91";
+ public const string Certificate = "\xeb95";
+ public const string BackSpaceQWERTYLg = "\xeb96";
+ public const string ReturnKeyLg = "\xeb97";
+ public const string FastForward = "\xeb9d";
+ public const string Rewind = "\xeb9e";
+ public const string Photo2 = "\xeb9f";
+ public const string MobBattery0 = "\xeba0";
+ public const string MobBattery1 = "\xeba1";
+ public const string MobBattery2 = "\xeba2";
+ public const string MobBattery3 = "\xeba3";
+ public const string MobBattery4 = "\xeba4";
+ public const string MobBattery5 = "\xeba5";
+ public const string MobBattery6 = "\xeba6";
+ public const string MobBattery7 = "\xeba7";
+ public const string MobBattery8 = "\xeba8";
+ public const string MobBattery9 = "\xeba9";
+ public const string MobBattery10 = "\xebaa";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging0 = "\xebab";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging1 = "\xebac";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging2 = "\xebad";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging3 = "\xebae";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging4 = "\xebaf";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging5 = "\xebb0";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging6 = "\xebb1";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging7 = "\xebb2";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging8 = "\xebb3";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging9 = "\xebb4";
+ public const string MobBatteryCharging10 = "\xebb5";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver0 = "\xebb6";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver1 = "\xebb7";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver2 = "\xebb8";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver3 = "\xebb9";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver4 = "\xebba";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver5 = "\xebbb";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver6 = "\xebbc";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver7 = "\xebbd";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver8 = "\xebbe";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver9 = "\xebbf";
+ public const string MobBatterySaver10 = "\xebc0";
+ public const string DictionaryCloud = "\xebc3";
+ public const string ResetDrive = "\xebc4";
+ public const string VolumeBars = "\xebc5";
+ public const string Project = "\xebc6";
+ public const string AdjustHologram = "\xebd2";
+ public const string CloudDownload = "\xebd3";
+ public const string MobWifiCallBars = "\xebd4";
+ public const string MobWifiCall0 = "\xebd5";
+ public const string MobWifiCall1 = "\xebd6";
+ public const string MobWifiCall2 = "\xebd7";
+ public const string MobWifiCall3 = "\xebd8";
+ public const string MobWifiCall4 = "\xebd9";
+ public const string Family = "\xebda";
+ public const string LockFeedback = "\xebdb";
+ public const string DeviceDiscovery = "\xebde";
+ public const string WindDirection = "\xebe6";
+ public const string RightArrowKeyTime0 = "\xebe7";
+ public const string Bug = "\xebe8";
+ public const string TabletMode = "\xebfc";
+ public const string StatusCircleLeft = "\xebfd";
+ public const string StatusTriangleLeft = "\xebfe";
+ public const string StatusErrorLeft = "\xebff";
+ public const string StatusWarningLeft = "\xec00";
+ public const string MobBatteryUnknown = "\xec02";
+ public const string NetworkTower = "\xec05";
+ public const string CityNext = "\xec06";
+ public const string CityNext2 = "\xec07";
+ public const string Courthouse = "\xec08";
+ public const string Groceries = "\xec09";
+ public const string Sustainable = "\xec0a";
+ public const string BuildingEnergy = "\xec0b";
+ public const string ToggleFilled = "\xec11";
+ public const string ToggleBorder = "\xec12";
+ public const string SliderThumb = "\xec13";
+ public const string ToggleThumb = "\xec14";
+ public const string MiracastLogoSmall = "\xec15";
+ public const string MiracastLogoLarge = "\xec16";
+ public const string PLAP = "\xec19";
+ public const string Badge = "\xec1b";
+ public const string SignalRoaming = "\xec1e";
+ public const string MobileLocked = "\xec20";
+ public const string InsiderHubApp = "\xec24";
+ public const string PersonalFolder = "\xec25";
+ public const string HomeGroup = "\xec26";
+ public const string MyNetwork = "\xec27";
+ public const string KeyboardFull = "\xec31";
+ public const string Cafe = "\xec32";
+ public const string MobSignal1 = "\xec37";
+ public const string MobSignal2 = "\xec38";
+ public const string MobSignal3 = "\xec39";
+ public const string MobSignal4 = "\xec3a";
+ public const string MobSignal5 = "\xec3b";
+ public const string MobWifi1 = "\xec3c";
+ public const string MobWifi2 = "\xec3d";
+ public const string MobWifi3 = "\xec3e";
+ public const string MobWifi4 = "\xec3f";
+ public const string MobAirplane = "\xec40";
+ public const string MobBluetooth = "\xec41";
+ public const string MobActionCenter = "\xec42";
+ public const string MobLocation = "\xec43";
+ public const string MobWifiHotspot = "\xec44";
+ public const string LanguageJpn = "\xec45";
+ public const string MobQuietHours = "\xec46";
+ public const string MobDrivingMode = "\xec47";
+ public const string SpeedOff = "\xec48";
+ public const string SpeedMedium = "\xec49";
+ public const string SpeedHigh = "\xec4a";
+ public const string ThisPC = "\xec4e";
+ public const string MusicNote = "\xec4f";
+ public const string FileExplorer = "\xec50";
+ public const string FileExplorerApp = "\xec51";
+ public const string LeftArrowKeyTime0 = "\xec52";
+ public const string MicOff = "\xec54";
+ public const string MicSleep = "\xec55";
+ public const string MicError = "\xec56";
+ public const string PlaybackRate1x = "\xec57";
+ public const string PlaybackRateOther = "\xec58";
+ public const string CashDrawer = "\xec59";
+ public const string BarcodeScanner = "\xec5a";
+ public const string ReceiptPrinter = "\xec5b";
+ public const string MagStripeReader = "\xec5c";
+ public const string CompletedSolid = "\xec61";
+ public const string CompanionApp = "\xec64";
+ public const string Favicon2 = "\xec6c";
+ public const string SwipeRevealArt = "\xec6d";
+ public const string MicOn = "\xec71";
+ public const string MicClipping = "\xec72";
+ public const string TabletSelected = "\xec74";
+ public const string MobileSelected = "\xec75";
+ public const string LaptopSelected = "\xec76";
+ public const string TVMonitorSelected = "\xec77";
+ public const string DeveloperTools = "\xec7a";
+ public const string MobCallForwarding = "\xec7e";
+ public const string MobCallForwardingMirrored = "\xec7f";
+ public const string BodyCam = "\xec80";
+ public const string PoliceCar = "\xec81";
+ public const string Draw = "\xec87";
+ public const string DrawSolid = "\xec88";
+ public const string LowerBrightness = "\xec8a";
+ public const string ScrollUpDown = "\xec8f";
+ public const string DateTime = "\xec92";
+ public const string HoloLens = "\xec94";
+ public const string Tiles = "\xeca5";
+ public const string PartyLeader = "\xeca7";
+ public const string AppIconDefault = "\xecaa";
+ public const string Calories = "\xecad";
+ public const string POI = "\xecaf";
+ public const string BandBattery0 = "\xecb9";
+ public const string BandBattery1 = "\xecba";
+ public const string BandBattery2 = "\xecbb";
+ public const string BandBattery3 = "\xecbc";
+ public const string BandBattery4 = "\xecbd";
+ public const string BandBattery5 = "\xecbe";
+ public const string BandBattery6 = "\xecbf";
+ public const string AddSurfaceHub = "\xecc4";
+ public const string DevUpdate = "\xecc5";
+ public const string Unit = "\xecc6";
+ public const string AddTo = "\xecc8";
+ public const string RemoveFrom = "\xecc9";
+ public const string RadioBtnOff = "\xecca";
+ public const string RadioBtnOn = "\xeccb";
+ public const string RadioBullet2 = "\xeccc";
+ public const string ExploreContent = "\xeccd";
+ public const string Blocked2 = "\xece4";
+ public const string ScrollMode = "\xece7";
+ public const string ZoomMode = "\xece8";
+ public const string PanMode = "\xece9";
+ public const string WiredUSB = "\xecf0";
+ public const string WirelessUSB = "\xecf1";
+ public const string USBSafeConnect = "\xecf3";
+ public const string ActionCenterNotificationMirrored = "\xed0c";
+ public const string ActionCenterMirrored = "\xed0d";
+ public const string SubscriptionAdd = "\xed0e";
+ public const string ResetDevice = "\xed10";
+ public const string SubscriptionAddMirrored = "\xed11";
+ public const string QRCode = "\xed14";
+ public const string Feedback = "\xed15";
+ public const string Hide = "\xed1a";
+ public const string Subtitles = "\xed1e";
+ public const string SubtitlesAudio = "\xed1f";
+ public const string OpenFolderHorizontal = "\xed25";
+ public const string CalendarMirrored = "\xed28";
+ public const string MobeSIM = "\xed2a";
+ public const string MobeSIMNoProfile = "\xed2b";
+ public const string MobeSIMLocked = "\xed2c";
+ public const string MobeSIMBusy = "\xed2d";
+ public const string SignalError = "\xed2e";
+ public const string StreamingEnterprise = "\xed2f";
+ public const string Headphone0 = "\xed30";
+ public const string Headphone1 = "\xed31";
+ public const string Headphone2 = "\xed32";
+ public const string Headphone3 = "\xed33";
+ public const string Apps = "\xed35";
+ public const string KeyboardBrightness = "\xed39";
+ public const string KeyboardLowerBrightness = "\xed3a";
+ public const string SkipBack10 = "\xed3c";
+ public const string SkipForward30 = "\xed3d";
+ public const string TreeFolderFolder = "\xed41";
+ public const string TreeFolderFolderFill = "\xed42";
+ public const string TreeFolderFolderOpen = "\xed43";
+ public const string TreeFolderFolderOpenFill = "\xed44";
+ public const string MultimediaDMP = "\xed47";
+ public const string KeyboardOneHanded = "\xed4c";
+ public const string Narrator = "\xed4d";
+ public const string EmojiTabPeople = "\xed53";
+ public const string EmojiTabSmilesAnimals = "\xed54";
+ public const string EmojiTabCelebrationObjects = "\xed55";
+ public const string EmojiTabFoodPlants = "\xed56";
+ public const string EmojiTabTransitPlaces = "\xed57";
+ public const string EmojiTabSymbols = "\xed58";
+ public const string EmojiTabTextSmiles = "\xed59";
+ public const string EmojiTabFavorites = "\xed5a";
+ public const string EmojiSwatch = "\xed5b";
+ public const string ConnectApp = "\xed5c";
+ public const string CompanionDeviceFramework = "\xed5d";
+ public const string Ruler = "\xed5e";
+ public const string FingerInking = "\xed5f";
+ public const string StrokeErase = "\xed60";
+ public const string PointErase = "\xed61";
+ public const string ClearAllInk = "\xed62";
+ public const string Pencil = "\xed63";
+ public const string Marker = "\xed64";
+ public const string InkingCaret = "\xed65";
+ public const string InkingColorOutline = "\xed66";
+ public const string InkingColorFill = "\xed67";
+ public const string HardDrive = "\xeda2";
+ public const string NetworkAdapter = "\xeda3";
+ public const string Touchscreen = "\xeda4";
+ public const string NetworkPrinter = "\xeda5";
+ public const string CloudPrinter = "\xeda6";
+ public const string KeyboardShortcut = "\xeda7";
+ public const string BrushSize = "\xeda8";
+ public const string NarratorForward = "\xeda9";
+ public const string NarratorForwardMirrored = "\xedaa";
+ public const string SyncBadge12 = "\xedab";
+ public const string RingerBadge12 = "\xedac";
+ public const string AsteriskBadge12 = "\xedad";
+ public const string ErrorBadge12 = "\xedae";
+ public const string CircleRingBadge12 = "\xedaf";
+ public const string CircleFillBadge12 = "\xedb0";
+ public const string ImportantBadge12 = "\xedb1";
+ public const string MailBadge12 = "\xedb3";
+ public const string PauseBadge12 = "\xedb4";
+ public const string PlayBadge12 = "\xedb5";
+ public const string PenWorkspace = "\xedc6";
+ public const string CaretLeft8 = "\xedd5";
+ public const string CaretRight8 = "\xedd6";
+ public const string CaretUp8 = "\xedd7";
+ public const string CaretDown8 = "\xedd8";
+ public const string CaretLeftSolid8 = "\xedd9";
+ public const string CaretRightSolid8 = "\xedda";
+ public const string CaretUpSolid8 = "\xeddb";
+ public const string CaretDownSolid8 = "\xeddc";
+ public const string Strikethrough = "\xede0";
+ public const string Export = "\xede1";
+ public const string ExportMirrored = "\xede2";
+ public const string ButtonMenu = "\xede3";
+ public const string CloudSearch = "\xede4";
+ public const string PinyinIMELogo = "\xede5";
+ public const string CalligraphyPen = "\xedfb";
+ public const string ReplyMirrored = "\xee35";
+ public const string LockscreenDesktop = "\xee3f";
+ public const string TaskViewSettings = "\xee40";
+ public const string MiniExpand2Mirrored = "\xee47";
+ public const string MiniContract2Mirrored = "\xee49";
+ public const string Play36 = "\xee4a";
+ public const string PenPalette = "\xee56";
+ public const string GuestUser = "\xee57";
+ public const string SettingsBattery = "\xee63";
+ public const string TaskbarPhone = "\xee64";
+ public const string LockScreenGlance = "\xee65";
+ public const string GenericScan = "\xee6f";
+ public const string ImageExport = "\xee71";
+ public const string WifiEthernet = "\xee77";
+ public const string ActionCenterQuiet = "\xee79";
+ public const string ActionCenterQuietNotification = "\xee7a";
+ public const string TrackersMirrored = "\xee92";
+ public const string DateTimeMirrored = "\xee93";
+ public const string Wheel = "\xee94";
+ public const string VirtualMachineGroup = "\xeea3";
+ public const string ButtonView2 = "\xeeca";
+ public const string PenWorkspaceMirrored = "\xef15";
+ public const string PenPaletteMirrored = "\xef16";
+ public const string StrokeEraseMirrored = "\xef17";
+ public const string PointEraseMirrored = "\xef18";
+ public const string ClearAllInkMirrored = "\xef19";
+ public const string BackgroundToggle = "\xef1f";
+ public const string Marquee = "\xef20";
+ public const string ChromeCloseContrast = "\xef2c";
+ public const string ChromeMinimizeContrast = "\xef2d";
+ public const string ChromeMaximizeContrast = "\xef2e";
+ public const string ChromeRestoreContrast = "\xef2f";
+ public const string TrafficLight = "\xef31";
+ public const string Replay = "\xef3b";
+ public const string Eyedropper = "\xef3c";
+ public const string LineDisplay = "\xef3d";
+ public const string PINPad = "\xef3e";
+ public const string SignatureCapture = "\xef3f";
+ public const string ChipCardCreditCardReader = "\xef40";
+ public const string MarketDown = "\xef42";
+ public const string PlayerSettings = "\xef58";
+ public const string LandscapeOrientation = "\xef6b";
+ public const string Flow = "\xef90";
+ public const string Touchpad = "\xefa5";
+ public const string Speech = "\xefa9";
+ public const string KnowledgeArticle = "\xf000";
+ public const string Relationship = "\xf003";
+ public const string ZipFolder = "\xf012";
+ public const string DefaultAPN = "\xf080";
+ public const string UserAPN = "\xf081";
+ public const string DoublePinyin = "\xf085";
+ public const string BlueLight = "\xf08c";
+ public const string CaretSolidLeft = "\xf08d";
+ public const string CaretSolidDown = "\xf08e";
+ public const string CaretSolidRight = "\xf08f";
+ public const string CaretSolidUp = "\xf090";
+ public const string ButtonA = "\xf093";
+ public const string ButtonB = "\xf094";
+ public const string ButtonY = "\xf095";
+ public const string ButtonX = "\xf096";
+ public const string ArrowUp8 = "\xf0ad";
+ public const string ArrowDown8 = "\xf0ae";
+ public const string ArrowRight8 = "\xf0af";
+ public const string ArrowLeft8 = "\xf0b0";
+ public const string QuarentinedItems = "\xf0b2";
+ public const string QuarentinedItemsMirrored = "\xf0b3";
+ public const string Protractor = "\xf0b4";
+ public const string ChecklistMirrored = "\xf0b5";
+ public const string StatusCircle7 = "\xf0b6";
+ public const string StatusCheckmark7 = "\xf0b7";
+ public const string StatusErrorCircle7 = "\xf0b8";
+ public const string Connected = "\xf0b9";
+ public const string PencilFill = "\xf0c6";
+ public const string CalligraphyFill = "\xf0c7";
+ public const string QuarterStarLeft = "\xf0ca";
+ public const string QuarterStarRight = "\xf0cb";
+ public const string ThreeQuarterStarLeft = "\xf0cc";
+ public const string ThreeQuarterStarRight = "\xf0cd";
+ public const string QuietHoursBadge12 = "\xf0ce";
+ public const string BackMirrored = "\xf0d2";
+ public const string ForwardMirrored = "\xf0d3";
+ public const string ChromeBackContrast = "\xf0d5";
+ public const string ChromeBackContrastMirrored = "\xf0d6";
+ public const string ChromeBackToWindowContrast = "\xf0d7";
+ public const string ChromeFullScreenContrast = "\xf0d8";
+ public const string GridView = "\xf0e2";
+ public const string ClipboardList = "\xf0e3";
+ public const string ClipboardListMirrored = "\xf0e4";
+ public const string OutlineQuarterStarLeft = "\xf0e5";
+ public const string OutlineQuarterStarRight = "\xf0e6";
+ public const string OutlineHalfStarLeft = "\xf0e7";
+ public const string OutlineHalfStarRight = "\xf0e8";
+ public const string OutlineThreeQuarterStarLeft = "\xf0e9";
+ public const string OutlineThreeQuarterStarRight = "\xf0ea";
+ public const string SpatialVolume0 = "\xf0eb";
+ public const string SpatialVolume1 = "\xf0ec";
+ public const string SpatialVolume2 = "\xf0ed";
+ public const string SpatialVolume3 = "\xf0ee";
+ public const string ApplicationGuard = "\xf0ef";
+ public const string OutlineStarLeftHalf = "\xf0f7";
+ public const string OutlineStarRightHalf = "\xf0f8";
+ public const string ChromeAnnotateContrast = "\xf0f9";
+ public const string DefenderBadge12 = "\xf0fb";
+ public const string DetachablePC = "\xf103";
+ public const string LeftStick = "\xf108";
+ public const string RightStick = "\xf109";
+ public const string TriggerLeft = "\xf10a";
+ public const string TriggerRight = "\xf10b";
+ public const string BumperLeft = "\xf10c";
+ public const string BumperRight = "\xf10d";
+ public const string Dpad = "\xf10e";
+ public const string EnglishPunctuation = "\xf110";
+ public const string ChinesePunctuation = "\xf111";
+ public const string HMD = "\xf119";
+ public const string CtrlSpatialRight = "\xf11b";
+ public const string PaginationDotOutline10 = "\xf126";
+ public const string PaginationDotSolid10 = "\xf127";
+ public const string StrokeErase2 = "\xf128";
+ public const string SmallErase = "\xf129";
+ public const string LargeErase = "\xf12a";
+ public const string FolderHorizontal = "\xf12b";
+ public const string MicrophoneListening = "\xf12e";
+ public const string StatusExclamationCircle7 = "\xf12f";
+ public const string Video360 = "\xf131";
+ public const string GiftboxOpen = "\xf133";
+ public const string StatusCircleOuter = "\xf136";
+ public const string StatusCircleInner = "\xf137";
+ public const string StatusCircleRing = "\xf138";
+ public const string StatusTriangleOuter = "\xf139";
+ public const string StatusTriangleInner = "\xf13a";
+ public const string StatusTriangleExclamation = "\xf13b";
+ public const string StatusCircleExclamation = "\xf13c";
+ public const string StatusCircleErrorX = "\xf13d";
+ public const string StatusCircleCheckmark = "\xf13e";
+ public const string StatusCircleInfo = "\xf13f";
+ public const string StatusCircleBlock = "\xf140";
+ public const string StatusCircleBlock2 = "\xf141";
+ public const string StatusCircleQuestionMark = "\xf142";
+ public const string StatusCircleSync = "\xf143";
+ public const string Dial1 = "\xf146";
+ public const string Dial2 = "\xf147";
+ public const string Dial3 = "\xf148";
+ public const string Dial4 = "\xf149";
+ public const string Dial5 = "\xf14a";
+ public const string Dial6 = "\xf14b";
+ public const string Dial7 = "\xf14c";
+ public const string Dial8 = "\xf14d";
+ public const string Dial9 = "\xf14e";
+ public const string Dial10 = "\xf14f";
+ public const string Dial11 = "\xf150";
+ public const string Dial12 = "\xf151";
+ public const string Dial13 = "\xf152";
+ public const string Dial14 = "\xf153";
+ public const string Dial15 = "\xf154";
+ public const string Dial16 = "\xf155";
+ public const string DialShape1 = "\xf156";
+ public const string DialShape2 = "\xf157";
+ public const string DialShape3 = "\xf158";
+ public const string DialShape4 = "\xf159";
+ public const string ClosedCaptionsInternational = "\xf15f";
+ public const string TollSolid = "\xf161";
+ public const string TrafficCongestionSolid = "\xf163";
+ public const string ExploreContentSingle = "\xf164";
+ public const string CollapseContent = "\xf165";
+ public const string CollapseContentSingle = "\xf166";
+ public const string InfoSolid = "\xf167";
+ public const string GroupList = "\xf168";
+ public const string CaretBottomRightSolidCenter8 = "\xf169";
+ public const string ProgressRingDots = "\xf16a";
+ public const string Checkbox14 = "\xf16b";
+ public const string CheckboxComposite14 = "\xf16c";
+ public const string CheckboxIndeterminateCombo14 = "\xf16d";
+ public const string CheckboxIndeterminateCombo = "\xf16e";
+ public const string StatusPause7 = "\xf175";
+ public const string CharacterAppearance = "\xf17f";
+ public const string Lexicon = "\xf180";
+ public const string ScreenTime = "\xf182";
+ public const string HeadlessDevice = "\xf191";
+ public const string NetworkSharing = "\xf193";
+ public const string EyeGaze = "\xf19d";
+ public const string ToggleLeft = "\xf19e";
+ public const string ToggleRight = "\xf19f";
+ public const string WindowsInsider = "\xf1ad";
+ public const string ChromeSwitch = "\xf1cb";
+ public const string ChromeSwitchContast = "\xf1cc";
+ public const string StatusCheckmark = "\xf1d8";
+ public const string StatusCheckmarkLeft = "\xf1d9";
+ public const string KeyboardLeftAligned = "\xf20c";
+ public const string KeyboardRightAligned = "\xf20d";
+ public const string KeyboardSettings = "\xf210";
+ public const string NetworkPhysical = "\xf211";
+ public const string IOT = "\xf22c";
+ public const string UnknownMirrored = "\xf22e";
+ public const string ViewDashboard = "\xf246";
+ public const string ExploitProtectionSettings = "\xf259";
+ public const string KeyboardNarrow = "\xf260";
+ public const string Keyboard12Key = "\xf261";
+ public const string KeyboardDock = "\xf26b";
+ public const string KeyboardUndock = "\xf26c";
+ public const string KeyboardLeftDock = "\xf26d";
+ public const string KeyboardRightDock = "\xf26e";
+ public const string Ear = "\xf270";
+ public const string PointerHand = "\xf271";
+ public const string Bullseye = "\xf272";
+ public const string DocumentApproval = "\xf28b";
+ public const string LocaleLanguage = "\xf2b7";
+ public const string PassiveAuthentication = "\xf32a";
+ public const string ColorSolid = "\xf354";
+ public const string NetworkOffline = "\xf384";
+ public const string NetworkConnected = "\xf385";
+ public const string NetworkConnectedCheckmark = "\xf386";
+ public const string SignOut = "\xf3b1";
+ public const string StatusInfo = "\xf3cc";
+ public const string StatusInfoLeft = "\xf3cd";
+ public const string NearbySharing = "\xf3e2";
+ public const string CtrlSpatialLeft = "\xf3e7";
+ public const string InteractiveDashboard = "\xf404";
+ public const string DeclineCall = "\xf405";
+ public const string ClippingTool = "\xf406";
+ public const string RectangularClipping = "\xf407";
+ public const string FreeFormClipping = "\xf408";
+ public const string CopyTo = "\xf413";
+ public const string IDBadge = "\xf427";
+ public const string DynamicLock = "\xf439";
+ public const string PenTips = "\xf45e";
+ public const string PenTipsMirrored = "\xf45f";
+ public const string HWPJoin = "\xf460";
+ public const string HWPInsert = "\xf461";
+ public const string HWPStrikeThrough = "\xf462";
+ public const string HWPScratchOut = "\xf463";
+ public const string HWPSplit = "\xf464";
+ public const string HWPNewLine = "\xf465";
+ public const string HWPOverwrite = "\xf466";
+ public const string MobWifiWarning1 = "\xf473";
+ public const string MobWifiWarning2 = "\xf474";
+ public const string MobWifiWarning3 = "\xf475";
+ public const string MobWifiWarning4 = "\xf476";
+ public const string MicLocationCombo = "\xf47f";
+ public const string Globe2 = "\xf49a";
+ public const string SpecialEffectSize = "\xf4a5";
+ public const string GIF = "\xf4a9";
+ public const string Sticker2 = "\xf4aa";
+ public const string SurfaceHubSelected = "\xf4be";
+ public const string HoloLensSelected = "\xf4bf";
+ public const string Earbud = "\xf4c0";
+ public const string MixVolumes = "\xf4c3";
+ public const string Safe = "\xf540";
+ public const string LaptopSecure = "\xf552";
+ public const string PrintDefault = "\xf56d";
+ public const string PageMirrored = "\xf56e";
+ public const string LandscapeOrientationMirrored = "\xf56f";
+ public const string ColorOff = "\xf570";
+ public const string PrintAllPages = "\xf571";
+ public const string PrintCustomRange = "\xf572";
+ public const string PageMarginPortraitNarrow = "\xf573";
+ public const string PageMarginPortraitNormal = "\xf574";
+ public const string PageMarginPortraitModerate = "\xf575";
+ public const string PageMarginPortraitWide = "\xf576";
+ public const string PageMarginLandscapeNarrow = "\xf577";
+ public const string PageMarginLandscapeNormal = "\xf578";
+ public const string PageMarginLandscapeModerate = "\xf579";
+ public const string PageMarginLandscapeWide = "\xf57a";
+ public const string CollateLandscape = "\xf57b";
+ public const string CollatePortrait = "\xf57c";
+ public const string CollatePortraitSeparated = "\xf57d";
+ public const string DuplexLandscapeOneSided = "\xf57e";
+ public const string DuplexLandscapeOneSidedMirrored = "\xf57f";
+ public const string DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedLongEdge = "\xf580";
+ public const string DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored = "\xf581";
+ public const string DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdge = "\xf582";
+ public const string DuplexLandscapeTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored = "\xf583";
+ public const string DuplexPortraitOneSided = "\xf584";
+ public const string DuplexPortraitOneSidedMirrored = "\xf585";
+ public const string DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdge = "\xf586";
+ public const string DuplexPortraitTwoSidedLongEdgeMirrored = "\xf587";
+ public const string DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdge = "\xf588";
+ public const string DuplexPortraitTwoSidedShortEdgeMirrored = "\xf589";
+ public const string PPSOneLandscape = "\xf58a";
+ public const string PPSTwoLandscape = "\xf58b";
+ public const string PPSTwoPortrait = "\xf58c";
+ public const string PPSFourLandscape = "\xf58d";
+ public const string PPSFourPortrait = "\xf58e";
+ public const string HolePunchOff = "\xf58f";
+ public const string HolePunchPortraitLeft = "\xf590";
+ public const string HolePunchPortraitRight = "\xf591";
+ public const string HolePunchPortraitTop = "\xf592";
+ public const string HolePunchPortraitBottom = "\xf593";
+ public const string HolePunchLandscapeLeft = "\xf594";
+ public const string HolePunchLandscapeRight = "\xf595";
+ public const string HolePunchLandscapeTop = "\xf596";
+ public const string HolePunchLandscapeBottom = "\xf597";
+ public const string StaplingOff = "\xf598";
+ public const string StaplingPortraitTopLeft = "\xf599";
+ public const string StaplingPortraitTopRight = "\xf59a";
+ public const string StaplingPortraitBottomRight = "\xf59b";
+ public const string StaplingPortraitTwoLeft = "\xf59c";
+ public const string StaplingPortraitTwoRight = "\xf59d";
+ public const string StaplingPortraitTwoTop = "\xf59e";
+ public const string StaplingPortraitTwoBottom = "\xf59f";
+ public const string StaplingPortraitBookBinding = "\xf5a0";
+ public const string StaplingLandscapeTopLeft = "\xf5a1";
+ public const string StaplingLandscapeTopRight = "\xf5a2";
+ public const string StaplingLandscapeBottomLeft = "\xf5a3";
+ public const string StaplingLandscapeBottomRight = "\xf5a4";
+ public const string StaplingLandscapeTwoLeft = "\xf5a5";
+ public const string StaplingLandscapeTwoRight = "\xf5a6";
+ public const string StaplingLandscapeTwoTop = "\xf5a7";
+ public const string StaplingLandscapeTwoBottom = "\xf5a8";
+ public const string StaplingLandscapeBookBinding = "\xf5a9";
+ public const string StatusDataTransferRoaming = "\xf5aa";
+ public const string MobSIMError = "\xf5ab";
+ public const string CollateLandscapeSeparated = "\xf5ac";
+ public const string PPSOnePortrait = "\xf5ad";
+ public const string StaplingPortraitBottomLeft = "\xf5ae";
+ public const string PlaySolid = "\xf5b0";
+ public const string RepeatOff = "\xf5e7";
+ public const string Set = "\xf5ed";
+ public const string SetSolid = "\xf5ee";
+ public const string FuzzyReading = "\xf5ef";
+ public const string VerticalBattery0 = "\xf5f2";
+ public const string VerticalBattery1 = "\xf5f3";
+ public const string VerticalBattery2 = "\xf5f4";
+ public const string VerticalBattery3 = "\xf5f5";
+ public const string VerticalBattery4 = "\xf5f6";
+ public const string VerticalBattery5 = "\xf5f7";
+ public const string VerticalBattery6 = "\xf5f8";
+ public const string VerticalBattery7 = "\xf5f9";
+ public const string VerticalBattery8 = "\xf5fa";
+ public const string VerticalBattery9 = "\xf5fb";
+ public const string VerticalBattery10 = "\xf5fc";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging0 = "\xf5fd";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging1 = "\xf5fe";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging2 = "\xf5ff";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging3 = "\xf600";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging4 = "\xf601";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging5 = "\xf602";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging6 = "\xf603";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging7 = "\xf604";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging8 = "\xf605";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging9 = "\xf606";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryCharging10 = "\xf607";
+ public const string VerticalBatteryUnknown = "\xf608";
+ public const string SIMError = "\xf618";
+ public const string SIMMissing = "\xf619";
+ public const string SIMLock = "\xf61a";
+ public const string ESIM = "\xf61b";
+ public const string ESIMNoProfile = "\xf61c";
+ public const string ESIMLocked = "\xf61d";
+ public const string ESIMBusy = "\xf61e";
+ public const string NoiseCancelation = "\xf61f";
+ public const string NoiseCancelationOff = "\xf620";
+ public const string MusicSharing = "\xf623";
+ public const string MusicSharingOff = "\xf624";
+ public const string CircleShapeSolid = "\xf63c";
+ public const string WifiCallBars = "\xf657";
+ public const string WifiCall0 = "\xf658";
+ public const string WifiCall1 = "\xf659";
+ public const string WifiCall2 = "\xf65a";
+ public const string WifiCall3 = "\xf65b";
+ public const string WifiCall4 = "\xf65c";
+ public const string CHTLanguageBar = "\xf69e";
+ public const string ComposeMode = "\xf6a9";
+ public const string ExpressiveInputEntry = "\xf6b8";
+ public const string EmojiTabMoreSymbols = "\xf6ba";
+ public const string WebSearch = "\xf6fa";
+ public const string Kiosk = "\xf712";
+ public const string RTTLogo = "\xf714";
+ public const string VoiceCall = "\xf715";
+ public const string GoToMessage = "\xf716";
+ public const string ReturnToCall = "\xf71a";
+ public const string StartPresenting = "\xf71c";
+ public const string StopPresenting = "\xf71d";
+ public const string ProductivityMode = "\xf71e";
+ public const string SetHistoryStatus = "\xf738";
+ public const string SetHistoryStatus2 = "\xf739";
+ public const string Keyboardsettings20 = "\xf73d";
+ public const string OneHandedRight20 = "\xf73e";
+ public const string OneHandedLeft20 = "\xf73f";
+ public const string Split20 = "\xf740";
+ public const string Full20 = "\xf741";
+ public const string Handwriting20 = "\xf742";
+ public const string ChevronLeft20 = "\xf743";
+ public const string ChevronLeft32 = "\xf744";
+ public const string ChevronRight20 = "\xf745";
+ public const string ChevronRight32 = "\xf746";
+ public const string Event12 = "\xf763";
+ public const string MicOff2 = "\xf781";
+ public const string DeliveryOptimization = "\xf785";
+ public const string CancelMedium = "\xf78a";
+ public const string SearchMedium = "\xf78b";
+ public const string AcceptMedium = "\xf78c";
+ public const string RevealPasswordMedium = "\xf78d";
+ public const string DeleteWord = "\xf7ad";
+ public const string DeleteWordFill = "\xf7ae";
+ public const string DeleteLines = "\xf7af";
+ public const string DeleteLinesFill = "\xf7b0";
+ public const string InstertWords = "\xf7b1";
+ public const string InstertWordsFill = "\xf7b2";
+ public const string JoinWords = "\xf7b3";
+ public const string JoinWordsFill = "\xf7b4";
+ public const string OverwriteWords = "\xf7b5";
+ public const string OverwriteWordsFill = "\xf7b6";
+ public const string AddNewLine = "\xf7b7";
+ public const string AddNewLineFill = "\xf7b8";
+ public const string OverwriteWordsKorean = "\xf7b9";
+ public const string OverwriteWordsFillKorean = "\xf7ba";
+ public const string EducationIcon = "\xf7bb";
+ public const string WindowSnipping = "\xf7ed";
+ public const string VideoCapture = "\xf7ee";
+ public const string StatusSecured = "\xf809";
+ public const string NarratorApp = "\xf83b";
+ public const string PowerButtonUpdate = "\xf83d";
+ public const string RestartUpdate = "\xf83e";
+ public const string UpdateStatusDot = "\xf83f";
+ public const string Eject = "\xf847";
+ public const string Spelling = "\xf87b";
+ public const string SpellingKorean = "\xf87c";
+ public const string SpellingSerbian = "\xf87d";
+ public const string SpellingChinese = "\xf87e";
+ public const string FolderSelect = "\xf89a";
+ public const string SmartScreen = "\xf8a5";
+ public const string ExploitProtection = "\xf8a6";
+ public const string AddBold = "\xf8aa";
+ public const string SubtractBold = "\xf8ab";
+ public const string BackSolidBold = "\xf8ac";
+ public const string ForwardSolidBold = "\xf8ad";
+ public const string PauseBold = "\xf8ae";
+ public const string ClickSolid = "\xf8af";
+ public const string SettingsSolid = "\xf8b0";
+ public const string MicrophoneSolidBold = "\xf8b1";
+ public const string SpeechSolidBold = "\xf8b2";
+ public const string ClickedOutLoudSolidBold = "\xf8b3";
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/Toast.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/Toast.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..13ef3b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/Toast.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Windows;
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls;
+public static class Toast
+ public static void Information(FrameworkElement owner, string message, ToastLocation location = ToastLocation.TopCenter, Thickness offsetMargin = default, int time = ToastConfig.NormalTime)
+ => Show(owner, message, new ToastConfig(ToastIcon.Information, location, offsetMargin, time));
+ public static void Information(string message, ToastLocation location = ToastLocation.TopCenter, Thickness offsetMargin = default, int time = ToastConfig.NormalTime)
+ => Show(null!, message, new ToastConfig(ToastIcon.Information, location, offsetMargin, time));
+ public static void Success(FrameworkElement owner, string message, ToastLocation location = ToastLocation.TopCenter, Thickness offsetMargin = default, int time = ToastConfig.NormalTime)
+ => Show(owner, message, new ToastConfig(ToastIcon.Success, location, offsetMargin, time));
+ public static void Success(string message, ToastLocation location = ToastLocation.TopCenter, Thickness offsetMargin = default, int time = ToastConfig.NormalTime)
+ => Show(null!, message, new ToastConfig(ToastIcon.Success, location, offsetMargin, time));
+ public static void Error(FrameworkElement owner, string message, ToastLocation location = ToastLocation.TopCenter, Thickness offsetMargin = default, int time = ToastConfig.NormalTime)
+ => Show(owner, message, new ToastConfig(ToastIcon.Error, location, offsetMargin, time));
+ public static void Error(string message, ToastLocation location = ToastLocation.TopCenter, Thickness offsetMargin = default, int time = ToastConfig.NormalTime)
+ => Show(null!, message, new ToastConfig(ToastIcon.Error, location, offsetMargin, time));
+ public static void Warning(FrameworkElement owner, string message, ToastLocation location = ToastLocation.TopCenter, Thickness offsetMargin = default, int time = ToastConfig.NormalTime)
+ => Show(owner, message, new ToastConfig(ToastIcon.Warning, location, offsetMargin, time));
+ public static void Warning(string message, ToastLocation location = ToastLocation.TopCenter, Thickness offsetMargin = default, int time = ToastConfig.NormalTime)
+ => Show(null!, message, new ToastConfig(ToastIcon.Warning, location, offsetMargin, time));
+ public static void Question(FrameworkElement owner, string message, ToastLocation location = ToastLocation.TopCenter, Thickness offsetMargin = default, int time = ToastConfig.NormalTime)
+ => Show(owner, message, new ToastConfig(ToastIcon.Question, location, offsetMargin, time));
+ public static void Question(string message, ToastLocation location = ToastLocation.TopCenter, Thickness offsetMargin = default, int time = ToastConfig.NormalTime)
+ => Show(null!, message, new ToastConfig(ToastIcon.Question, location, offsetMargin, time));
+ public static void Show(FrameworkElement owner, string message, ToastConfig? options = null)
+ {
+ ToastControl toast = new(owner ?? Owner(), message, options);
+ toast.ShowCore();
+ }
+ public static FrameworkElement Owner()
+ {
+ return Application.Current.Windows.OfType()
+ .Where(win => win.IsActive)
+ .FirstOrDefault();
+ }
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastConfig.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastConfig.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59ff506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastConfig.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls;
+public sealed class ToastConfig
+ public const int FastTime = 1500;
+ public const int NormalTime = 2000;
+ public const int SlowTime = 3000;
+ public int Time { get; set; } = NormalTime;
+ public ToastIcon ToastIcon { get; set; } = ToastIcon.None;
+ public ToastLocation Location { get; set; } = ToastLocation.TopCenter;
+ public FontStyle FontStyle { get; set; } = SystemFonts.MessageFontStyle;
+ public FontStretch FontStretch { get; set; } = FontStretches.Normal;
+ public double FontSize { get; set; } = SystemFonts.MessageFontSize;
+ public FontWeight FontWeight { get; set; } = SystemFonts.MenuFontWeight;
+ public double IconSize { get; set; } = 16d;
+ public CornerRadius CornerRadius { get; set; } = new CornerRadius(3d);
+ public Brush BorderBrush { get; set; } = (Brush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString("#1B1B1B");
+ public Thickness BorderThickness { get; set; } = new Thickness(1d);
+ public HorizontalAlignment HorizontalContentAlignment { get; set; } = HorizontalAlignment.Left;
+ public VerticalAlignment VerticalContentAlignment { get; set; } = VerticalAlignment.Center;
+ public Thickness OffsetMargin { get; set; } = new Thickness(15d);
+ public ToastConfig()
+ {
+ }
+ public ToastConfig(ToastIcon icon, ToastLocation location, Thickness offsetMargin, int time) : this()
+ {
+ ToastIcon = icon;
+ Location = location;
+ if (offsetMargin != default)
+ {
+ OffsetMargin = offsetMargin;
+ }
+ Time = time;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastControl.xaml b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastControl.xaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d404fa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastControl.xaml
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+ pack://application:,,,/Wpf.Ui.Violeta;component/Resources/Fonts/Segoe Fluent Icons.ttf#Segoe Fluent Icons
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastControl.xaml.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastControl.xaml.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c183f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastControl.xaml.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+using System;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Controls;
+using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+using System.Windows.Threading;
+using Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Win32;
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls;
+public partial class ToastControl : UserControl
+ public Window Window { get; internal set; } = null!;
+ public FrameworkElement Owner { get; private set; } = null!;
+ public Popup Popup { get; internal set; } = null!;
+ public DispatcherTimer Timer { get; set; } = null!;
+ public Thickness OffsetMargin { get; set; } = new Thickness(15);
+ public ToastConfig? Options { get; set; } = null!;
+ public ToastControl() : this(null!, string.Empty)
+ {
+ }
+ public ToastControl(FrameworkElement owner, string message, ToastConfig? options = null)
+ {
+ InitializeComponent();
+ DataContext = this;
+ Options = options;
+ if (Options != null)
+ {
+ Time = Options.Time;
+ ToastIcon = Options.ToastIcon;
+ IconSize = Options.IconSize;
+ Location = Options.Location;
+ FontStyle = Options.FontStyle;
+ FontStretch = Options.FontStretch;
+ FontSize = Options.FontSize;
+ FontWeight = Options.FontWeight;
+ BorderBrush = Options.BorderBrush;
+ BorderThickness = Options.BorderThickness;
+ CornerRadius = Options.CornerRadius;
+ HorizontalContentAlignment = Options.HorizontalContentAlignment;
+ VerticalContentAlignment = Options.VerticalContentAlignment;
+ OffsetMargin = Options.OffsetMargin;
+ }
+ Message = message;
+ Owner = owner ?? Application.Current.MainWindow;
+ Window = Window.GetWindow(Owner);
+ if (Window != null)
+ {
+ Window.Closed += (s, e) => Close();
+ }
+ }
+ internal void ShowCore()
+ {
+ if (Window == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ Window.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
+ {
+ Popup = new Popup()
+ {
+ Width = double.NaN,
+ Height = double.NaN,
+ PopupAnimation = PopupAnimation.Fade,
+ AllowsTransparency = true,
+ StaysOpen = true,
+ Placement = PlacementMode.Relative,
+ IsOpen = false,
+ Child = this,
+ PlacementTarget = Window,
+ };
+ Window.LocationChanged += OnUpdatePosition;
+ Window.SizeChanged += OnUpdatePosition;
+ SetPopupOffset(Popup, this);
+ Popup.Opened += OnUpdatePosition;
+ Popup.Closed += (s, _) =>
+ {
+ if (s is not Popup popup)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (popup.Child is not ToastControl t)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ };
+ Popup.IsOpen = true;
+ });
+ Timer = new DispatcherTimer();
+ Timer.Tick += (_, _) =>
+ {
+ Popup.IsOpen = false;
+ Window.LocationChanged -= OnUpdatePosition;
+ Window.SizeChanged -= OnUpdatePosition;
+ };
+ Timer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(Options?.Time ?? ToastConfig.NormalTime);
+ Timer.Start();
+ }
+ protected virtual void OnUpdatePosition(object? sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
+ var up = typeof(Popup).GetMethod("UpdatePosition", System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance);
+ if (up == null || Popup == null)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ SetPopupOffset(Popup, this);
+ up.Invoke(Popup, null);
+ }
+ protected virtual void SetPopupOffset(Popup popup, ToastControl toast)
+ {
+ double ownerWidth = toast.Owner.RenderSize.Width;
+ double ownerHeight = toast.Owner.RenderSize.Height;
+ double popupWidth = popup.Child.RenderSize.Width;
+ double popupHeight = popup.Child.RenderSize.Height;
+ Thickness offset = toast.OffsetMargin;
+ if (popup.PlacementTarget == null)
+ {
+ ownerWidth = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Size.Width * DpiHelper.ScaleX;
+ ownerHeight = SystemParameters.WorkArea.Size.Height * DpiHelper.ScaleY;
+ }
+ switch (toast.Location)
+ {
+ case ToastLocation.Center:
+ popup.HorizontalOffset = (ownerWidth - popupWidth) / 2d;
+ popup.VerticalOffset = (ownerHeight - popupHeight) / 2d;
+ break;
+ case ToastLocation.Left:
+ popup.HorizontalOffset = offset.Left;
+ popup.VerticalOffset = (ownerHeight - popupHeight) / 2d;
+ break;
+ case ToastLocation.Right:
+ popup.HorizontalOffset = ownerWidth - popupWidth - offset.Right;
+ popup.VerticalOffset = (ownerHeight - popupHeight) / 2d;
+ break;
+ case ToastLocation.TopLeft:
+ popup.HorizontalOffset = offset.Left;
+ popup.VerticalOffset = toast.OffsetMargin.Top + offset.Top;
+ break;
+ case ToastLocation.TopCenter:
+ popup.HorizontalOffset = (ownerWidth - popupWidth) / 2d;
+ popup.VerticalOffset = toast.OffsetMargin.Top + offset.Top;
+ break;
+ case ToastLocation.TopRight:
+ popup.HorizontalOffset = ownerWidth - popupWidth - offset.Right;
+ popup.VerticalOffset = toast.OffsetMargin.Top + offset.Top;
+ break;
+ case ToastLocation.BottomLeft:
+ popup.HorizontalOffset = offset.Left;
+ popup.VerticalOffset = ownerHeight - popupHeight - offset.Bottom;
+ break;
+ case ToastLocation.BottomCenter:
+ popup.HorizontalOffset = (ownerWidth - popupWidth) / 2d;
+ popup.VerticalOffset = ownerHeight - popupHeight - offset.Bottom;
+ break;
+ case ToastLocation.BottomRight:
+ popup.HorizontalOffset = ownerWidth - popupWidth - offset.Right;
+ popup.VerticalOffset = ownerHeight - popupHeight - offset.Bottom;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ public void Close()
+ {
+ if (Timer != null)
+ {
+ Timer.Stop();
+ Timer = null!;
+ }
+ Popup.IsOpen = false;
+ Window.LocationChanged -= OnUpdatePosition;
+ Window.SizeChanged -= OnUpdatePosition;
+ }
+ public string Message
+ {
+ get => (string)GetValue(MessageProperty);
+ set => SetValue(MessageProperty, value);
+ }
+ public static readonly DependencyProperty MessageProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Message", typeof(string), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata(string.Empty));
+ public CornerRadius CornerRadius
+ {
+ get => (CornerRadius)GetValue(CornerRadiusProperty);
+ set => SetValue(CornerRadiusProperty, value);
+ }
+ public static readonly DependencyProperty CornerRadiusProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("CornerRadius", typeof(CornerRadius), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata(new CornerRadius(5)));
+ public double IconSize
+ {
+ get => (double)GetValue(IconSizeProperty);
+ set => SetValue(IconSizeProperty, value);
+ }
+ public static readonly DependencyProperty IconSizeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("IconSize", typeof(double), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata(26.0));
+ public new Brush BorderBrush
+ {
+ get => (Brush)GetValue(BorderBrushProperty);
+ set => SetValue(BorderBrushProperty, value);
+ }
+ public new static readonly DependencyProperty BorderBrushProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("BorderBrush", typeof(Brush), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata((Brush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString("#E1E1E1")));
+ public new Thickness BorderThickness
+ {
+ get => (Thickness)GetValue(BorderThicknessProperty);
+ set => SetValue(BorderThicknessProperty, value);
+ }
+ public new static readonly DependencyProperty BorderThicknessProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("BorderThickness", typeof(Thickness), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata(new Thickness(0.5d)));
+ public new Brush Background
+ {
+ get => (Brush)GetValue(BackgroundProperty);
+ set => SetValue(BackgroundProperty, value);
+ }
+ public new static readonly DependencyProperty BackgroundProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Background", typeof(Brush), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata((Brush)new BrushConverter().ConvertFromString("#FAFAFA")));
+ public new HorizontalAlignment HorizontalContentAlignment
+ {
+ get => (HorizontalAlignment)GetValue(HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty);
+ set => SetValue(HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty, value);
+ }
+ public new static readonly DependencyProperty HorizontalContentAlignmentProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("HorizontalContentAlignment", typeof(HorizontalAlignment), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata(HorizontalAlignment.Left));
+ public new VerticalAlignment VerticalContentAlignment
+ {
+ get => (VerticalAlignment)GetValue(VerticalContentAlignmentProperty);
+ set => SetValue(VerticalContentAlignmentProperty, value);
+ }
+ public new static readonly DependencyProperty VerticalContentAlignmentProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("VerticalContentAlignment", typeof(VerticalAlignment), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata(VerticalAlignment.Center));
+ public new double Width
+ {
+ get => (double)GetValue(WidthProperty);
+ set => SetValue(WidthProperty, value);
+ }
+ public new static readonly DependencyProperty WidthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Width", typeof(double), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata(100d));
+ public new double Height
+ {
+ get => (double)GetValue(HeightProperty);
+ set => SetValue(HeightProperty, value);
+ }
+ public new static readonly DependencyProperty HeightProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Height", typeof(double), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata(48.0));
+ public ToastIcon ToastIcon
+ {
+ get => (ToastIcon)GetValue(MessageBoxIconProperty);
+ set => SetValue(MessageBoxIconProperty, value);
+ }
+ public static readonly DependencyProperty MessageBoxIconProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("ToastIcon", typeof(ToastIcon), typeof(ToastControl));
+ public int Time
+ {
+ get => (int)GetValue(TimeProperty);
+ set => SetValue(TimeProperty, value);
+ }
+ public static readonly DependencyProperty TimeProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Time", typeof(int), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata(ToastConfig.NormalTime));
+ public ToastLocation Location
+ {
+ get => (ToastLocation)GetValue(LocationProperty);
+ set => SetValue(LocationProperty, value);
+ }
+ public static readonly DependencyProperty LocationProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Location", typeof(ToastLocation), typeof(ToastControl), new PropertyMetadata(ToastLocation.TopCenter));
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIcon.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIcon.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d45ea5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIcon.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls;
+public enum ToastIcon
+ None,
+ Information,
+ Success,
+ Error,
+ Warning,
+ Question,
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIconConverter.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIconConverter.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ebad77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIconConverter.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+using System;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls;
+[ValueConversion(typeof(ToastIcon), typeof(string))]
+internal sealed class ToastIconConverter : IValueConverter
+ public static ToastIconConverter Default => new();
+ public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ if (value is ToastIcon icon)
+ {
+ return icon switch
+ {
+ ToastIcon.Information => FontSymbols.Info,
+ ToastIcon.Success => FontSymbols.Accept,
+ ToastIcon.Warning => FontSymbols.Warning,
+ ToastIcon.Error => FontSymbols.Cancel,
+ ToastIcon.Question => FontSymbols.Unknown,
+ ToastIcon.None or _ => string.Empty,
+ };
+ }
+ return string.Empty;
+ }
+ public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIconForegroundConverter.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIconForegroundConverter.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa4b784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIconForegroundConverter.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+using System;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+using System.Windows.Media;
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls;
+[ValueConversion(typeof(ToastIcon), typeof(SolidColorBrush))]
+internal sealed class ToastIconForegroundConverter : IValueConverter
+ public static ToastIconForegroundConverter Default => new();
+ public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ if (value is ToastIcon icon)
+ {
+ return icon switch
+ {
+ ToastIcon.Information => "#55CEF1".ToColor().ToBrush(),
+ ToastIcon.Success => "#75CD43".ToColor().ToBrush(),
+ ToastIcon.Warning => "#F9D01A".ToColor().ToBrush(),
+ ToastIcon.Error => "#FF5656".ToColor().ToBrush(),
+ ToastIcon.Question => "#55CEF1".ToColor().ToBrush(),
+ ToastIcon.None or _ => "#55CEF1".ToColor().ToBrush(),
+ };
+ }
+ return "#55CEF1".ToColor().ToBrush();
+ }
+ public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
+ }
+file static class ColorExtension
+ public static Color ToColor(this string hex) => (Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(hex);
+ public static SolidColorBrush ToBrush(this Color color) => new(color);
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIconVisibilityConverter.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIconVisibilityConverter.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..047bbb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastIconVisibilityConverter.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+using System;
+using System.Globalization;
+using System.Windows;
+using System.Windows.Data;
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls;
+[ValueConversion(typeof(ToastIcon), typeof(Visibility))]
+internal sealed class ToastIconVisibilityConverter : IValueConverter
+ public static ToastIconVisibilityConverter Default => new();
+ public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ if (value is ToastIcon icon)
+ {
+ return icon switch
+ {
+ ToastIcon.None => Visibility.Collapsed,
+ _ => Visibility.Visible,
+ };
+ }
+ return Visibility.Collapsed;
+ }
+ public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
+ {
+ return DependencyProperty.UnsetValue;
+ }
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastLocation.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastLocation.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f6d7d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Controls/Toast/ToastLocation.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Controls;
+public enum ToastLocation
+ Center,
+ Left,
+ Right,
+ TopLeft,
+ TopCenter,
+ TopRight,
+ BottomLeft,
+ BottomCenter,
+ BottomRight,
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Keep.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Keep.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b0e1a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Keep.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta;
+internal sealed class Keep
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Resources/Fonts/Segoe Fluent Icons.ttf b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Resources/Fonts/Segoe Fluent Icons.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8f05a4b
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Resources/Fonts/Segoe Fluent Icons.ttf differ
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Win32/DpiHelper.cs b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Win32/DpiHelper.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..328ec77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Win32/DpiHelper.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Security;
+namespace Wpf.Ui.Violeta.Win32;
+internal static class DpiHelper
+ public static float ScaleX => GetScale().X;
+ public static float ScaleY => GetScale().Y;
+ private static (float X, float Y) GetScale()
+ {
+ nint hdc = GetDC(0);
+ float scaleX = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, DeviceCap.LOGPIXELSX);
+ float scaleY = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, DeviceCap.LOGPIXELSY);
+ _ = ReleaseDC(0, hdc);
+ return new(scaleX / 96f, scaleY / 96f);
+ }
+ [SecurityCritical]
+ [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
+ [DefaultDllImportSearchPaths(DllImportSearchPath.System32)]
+ private static extern nint GetDC(nint hWnd);
+ [SecurityCritical]
+ [DllImport("user32.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
+ [DefaultDllImportSearchPaths(DllImportSearchPath.System32)]
+ private static extern int ReleaseDC(nint hWnd, nint hDC);
+ [DllImport("gdi32.dll", SetLastError = false, ExactSpelling = true)]
+ private static extern int GetDeviceCaps(nint hdc, DeviceCap nIndex);
+ private enum DeviceCap
+ {
+ }
diff --git a/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Wpf.Ui.Violeta.csproj b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Wpf.Ui.Violeta.csproj
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c22e541
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Wpf.Ui.Violeta/Wpf.Ui.Violeta.csproj
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ WPF-UI.Violeta
+ WPF-UI.Violeta
+ net472;net48;net6.0-windows;net7.0-windows;net8.0-windows;
+ true
+ false
+ false
+ 12.0
+ enable
+ true
+ true
+ $(VersionPrefix)
+ ema
+ ema
+ WPF UI Violeta is based on WPF UI, and provides the Fluent experience in your known and loved WPF framework. Some new immersive controls like `Toast`.
+ https://github.com/emako/wpfui.violeta
+ https://github.com/emako/wpfui.violeta
+ git
+ WPF-UI .NET WPF Violeta
+ wpfui.png
+ all
+ build; analyzers
+ all
+ runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive
+ all
+ runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers; buildtransitive