Subspace can be used with redux. Subspace returns Observables
, which you can subscribe to, and if this subscription has access to the redux store, it will be able to dispatch actions when the observable emits an event.
Here's a simple example on how to setup Subspace to work with redux
::: tip This example is available in Github :::
import store from './store';
import web3 from './web3';
import Subspace from '@embarklabs/subspace';
import { myAction } from './actions';
const run = async () => {
const MyContractInstance = ...; // TODO: obtain a web3.eth.contract instance
const subspace = new Subspace("ws://localhost:8545"); // Use a valid provider (geth, parity, infura...)
await subspace.init();
subspace.trackEvent(MyContractInstance, "MyEvent", {filter: {}, fromBlock: 1 })
.subscribe(eventData => {
::: warning Handling Contract Objects
The variable MyContractInstance
is a web3.eth.Contract
object pointing to a deployed contract address. You can use a DApp framework like Embark to easily import that contract instance: import { MyContract } from './embarkArtifacts/contracts';
, or use web3.js directly (just like in the example source code)
import { createStore } from 'redux';
import {myReducer} from './reducer';
export default store = createStore(myReducer);
import { MY_ACTION } from "./constants";
const initialState = {
data: {}
export const myReducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return { data: action.eventData };
return state;
export const MY_ACTION = 'MY_ACTION';
import {MY_ACTION} from './constants.js';
export const myAction = eventData => ({type: MY_ACTION, eventData});
::: tip Using React and Redux
A practical example can also be found in examples/react-redux