GDSC DeKUT is a community based mobile application built on the flutter framework to help unite the tech Community in Dedan Kimathi University
by helping the get access to upcoming events, resources, news, tech groups, and the leads contacts to allow them to contact them incase of any challenge in their learning process.
The app is built courtesy of GDSC (Google Developer Students Club)
Note The app is not built only for GDSC but the whole tech community or anybody that feels they need to get access to resources to help them learn new and cool things
The app is on PlayStore
You can find the application here
The mobile application is completely built on the the
framework andfirebase
. Cloud Messaging
. Firebase Storage
. Firebase Firestore
. Authentication
To initialize firebase we are going to use FlutterFire
for this work as it will do all the dirty work for us
You can check more about flutterfire
from its docs
Note Yoo need to have a Firebase account, incase you dont have you can create one here
After you have fully installed flutterfire
you can now enable flutterfire for your project now
To get started, you need to run the following command in the terminal of your ide of your project's directory
// paste in your terminal
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
Note To get started, you need to install this you need to have npm(node package manager installed) for you to install the
firebase tools
// paste this
firebase login
The FlutterFire CLI extracts information from your Firebase project and selected project applications to generate all the configuration for a specific platform.
In the root of your application
, run the configure command:
// paste this
flutterfire configure
After you install, all the configurations in your build.gradle
file are added and the google-service.json
are added in the android folder and Firebase
will be integrated in your system this will save you all the trouble of having to install all the configurations one by one and this may cause some of the things to be oeverlooked.
The home page
tries to feature all the sub sections of the application from the events announcements, groups, twitter and even the profile page.
All the events that are upcoming in the tech community can be found in the event page
All the resources that the members of the tech community will be found here
In the resources
page the members are given the ability to post new reources if they have any to share with the other members
All the tech groups in the community will be found here
In the news
page the members are given the ability to get acess to the groups in the tech comunity and also the newly posted news in Community
You can fork
the repo and feel free to contribute.
Note You can reach me up on email
[email protected]
or twitter@EG_Kariuki