Releases: emqx/neuron
Releases · emqx/neuron
2.5.2 Release
- Fix the issue of read commands being sent for write-only data tags.
- Fix the issue of the Siemens S7 ISOTCP plugin asserting when receiving unknown protocol packets.
- Fix the timeout issue when calling the getting license API while there are too many data tags.
- Fix the issue with incorrect UINT32 and INT32 data readings on certain devices for the Mitsubishi 1E plugin.
- Fix the issue of sorting not being cancelled when switching from list view to card view in the UI southbound device/northbound application interface.
- Optimize the issue of repetitive calls to page interfaces.
- Nona 11 plugin supports connecting multiple devices to one node.
- Mitsubishi 1E/3E plugin supports TCP/UDP transmission.
- Optimize password error messages.
2.5.1 Release
- Exception when Panasonic Mewtocol plugin reads Y area.
- Exception when Mitsubishi 1E plugin reads INT32/UINT32 on arm32.
- MQTT plugin crashes on arm32.
- Error message when configuration field is not entered.
- When the interval of a group is long, write requests cannot be processed in time.
- Crash in some cases when adding templates.
- SparkPlug B plugin crashes when handling certain data types.
- When a node is deleted or started, the node page ordering is reset.
- Improve the accuracy of some plugin delays.
- Import more tags in one request.
- Not refreshing the page when debug is on.
2.4.9 Release
- Add validation in Modbus TCP plugin to check if the response length and Slave ID match the request.
- Fix the issue where certain asynchronous plugins cause program crashes when connecting to devices.
- Fix the problem in Modbus TCP plugin where connection abnormalities result in failed device connection.
- Fix the issue in Modbus TCP plugin where reading device data abnormally leads to buffer overflow.
- Fix the problem where connection cannot be restored when there is a line exception.
- Fix the issue where UI refreshes incorrectly when debug logging is enabled.
- Fix the problem where write point messages are not processed promptly when the group interval is large.
2.4.8 Release
- Check the length of username and password for the login and password API.
- EtherNet/IP supports segmented tag addresses.
- UI: Modify the topic of the default MQTT subscription group.
- UI: Schema supports hexadecimal.
- UI: The decimal value isn't displayed when it is 0.
- Fix the program crash caused by excessively long file reading and writing.
- Fix the issue of manually restarting and restoring the connection after the device has been connected by other devices.
- UI: Fix the issue of "not found" prompts on the South Devices page.
2.4.7 Release
- fix the monitoring page to remember the deleted node.
- fix the data exception of some plugins on arm32 devices.
- UI: check the topic that the MQTT plugin fills in when subscribing to group.
- EtherNet/IP plugin is compatible with AB small PLC.
- S7 ISOTCP plugin adds configuration options for Local TSAP and Connection Type.
- change the default log level to NOTICE.
2.3.13 Release
- fix the Mitsubishi 3E plugin crashed when reading and writing at the same time.
- fix plugin parse tag address exceptions on arm32 devices.
- fix NON A11 plugin causes all tags to report errors when the device is not responding.
2.4.6 Release
- fix the Mitsubishi 3E plugin crashed when reading and writing at the same time.
- fix the MQTT plugin lost messages.
- UI:stream data processing refinement.
- UI: add a cancel button to the window of the deleted node.
2.4.5 Release
- fix plugin parse tag address exceptions on arm32 devices.
- fix NON A11 plugin causes all tags to report errors when the device is not responding.
- The MQTT plugin supports custom write topic.
- When the File plugin is not running, the connection status is disconnected.
- When installing version 2.4, the MQTT upload topic from version 2.3 is automatically upgraded to the data of 2.4.
2.4.4 Release
- UI: After creating the node, it will automatically go to the node configuration page.
- UI: The monitoring page will record the last selected device.
- the File plugin crash when file is too large.
- fix failure to configure static tag of string type.
- the Mitsabishi 3E plugin exception truncated string.
2.3.12 Release
- fix File plugin RTT incorrectly.
- fix SparkPlug B parse DCMD topic failed.
- fix SparkPlug B data type incompatibility with Ignition.
- fix SparkPlug B crash when is not configured.
- fix Mitsabishi 3E string being truncated.