All contributions to databases are welcomed!
To make it as simple as possible for us to help you, please include the following:
- OS
- python version
- databases version
- database backend (mysql, sqlite or postgresql)
- database driver (aiopg, aiomysql etc.)
Please try to always include the above unless you're unable to install databases or know it's not relevant to your question or feature request.
It should be quite straight forward to get started and create a Pull Request.
!!! note Unless your change is trivial (typo, docs tweak etc.), please create an issue to discuss the change before creating a pull request.
To make contributing as easy and fast as possible, you'll want to run tests and linting locally.
You'll need to have python >= 3.6 (recommended 3.7+) and git installed.
- Clone your fork and cd into the repo directory
git clone [email protected]:<your username>/databases.git
cd databases
- Create and activate virtual env
virtualenv -p `which python3.6` env
source env/bin/activate
- Install databases, dependencies and test dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Checkout a new branch and make your changes
git checkout -b my-new-feature-branch
- Formatting and linting - databases uses black for formatting, autoflake for linting and mypy for type hints check run all of those with lint script
Prepare tests (basic)
- Set-up
env variable where you can comma separate urls for several backends - The simples one is for sqlite alone:
- Set-up
Prepare tests (all backends)
- In order to run all backends you need either a docker installation on your system or all supported backends servers installed on your local machine.
- A sample docker configuration that reflects the CI/CD workflow of databases might be:
version: '2.1' services: postgres: image: postgres:10.8 environment: POSTGRES_USER: username POSTGRES_PASSWORD: password POSTGRES_DB: testsuite ports: - 5432:5432 mysql: image: mysql:5.7 environment: MYSQL_USER: username MYSQL_PASSWORD: password MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password MYSQL_DATABASE: testsuite ports: - 3306:3306
- To test all backends, the test urls need to consist of all possible drivers too, so a sample might look like following:
sqlite:///test.db, sqlite+aiosqlite:///test.db, mysql+aiomysql://username:password@localhost:3306/testsuite, mysql+asyncmy://username:password@localhost:3306/testsuite, postgresql+aiopg://username:[email protected]:5432/testsuite, postgresql+asyncpg://username:password@localhost:5432/testsuite
Run tests
- Build documentation
- If you have changed the documentation make sure it runs successfully
- Commit, push, and create your pull request