This document describes different aspects which needs to be accounted for when performing migration from Oracle Tuxedo to Enduro/X middleware. The document describes common elements which Enduro/X covers from Tuxedo functionality, how functionality and configuration differs.
Lastly document describes standard approach for performing configuration migration for Tuxedo UBB Config to Enduro/X based configuration
Document shall be read by anybody which is involved into migration project from Oracle Tuxedo to Enduro/X middleware.
Both systems are build on X/Open XATMI, XA, TX standards. Each of the systems implement extensions over theses APIs. For example Tuxedo have FML key-value structure format handling API. Enduro/X counterpart for this functionality is UBF buffers which even provide emulation for FML via fml.h and fml32.h headers shipped with Enduro/X.
Enduro/X tends to implement most majority of the C APIs which are typically used in Tuxedo application. To verify your application compatibility with Enduro/X, perform manual scan over your code base and check each Tuxedo API in Enduro/X documentation.
Enduro/X uses different configuration file formats than Tuxedo, however majority of the configuration concepts are the same.
Enduro/X provides tool ubb2ex(8) which allows to automatically convert Tuxedo UBB configuration to Enduro/X configuration files.
Mostly all XATMI/FML calls are supported by Enduro/X with the same logic and parameters. This section lists some (but not all) known differences:
tpgetctxt(3) Enduro/X version after the call puts current thread outside of any context association.
When using tpnotify(3) or tpbroadcast(3) in multi-machine mode, to allow remote nodes to process the notifications, tpbrdcstsv(8) process shall be started on the remote nodes.
In case if duplicate field IDs are used for UBF/FML, default logic of mkfldhdr(8) would generate error. In case if for some reason duplicate field IDs are OK, flag ubf_dupfidok shall be set in NDRX_APIFLAGS (see ex_env(5)). Note that for runtime this flag is not required i.e. only needed for build time.
Bnext(3) / Fnext() / Fnext32() Enduro/X version keeps the iteration state within thread local storage, however Tuxedo stores the state in the FML buffer (or uses some other mapped association of the iteration states of multiple buffers). This means that if iterating multiple buffers at the same time by the same thread, Enduro/X version will corrupt the iteration state for previous buffer iterations. However Enduro/X offers Bnext2(3) API call which allow to store the iteration state in reentrant way.
Before starting the migration, necessary package shall be installed. The binary versions can be downloaded from where installers for desired platforms can be found. For example, if installing for Red-Hat Enterprise Linux 8, following procedure applies:
$ wget $ wget $ su - root # rpm -i endurox-7.5.34-5.oracleserver8_0_GNU_epoll.x86_64.rpm # rpm -i endurox-connect-2.5.0-1.oracleserver8_0.x86_64.rpm
Once packages are installed, system limits must be configured see ex_adminman(guides)(Enduro/X Administration Manual, Setup System) section, particularly:
2.2. Linux setup / Increase OS limits
2.2. Linux setup / Setting Posix queue limits
For other Operating systems, other chapters applies from the administration manual.
Migration from Oracle Tuxedo to Enduro/X typically is accomplished by following steps:
Code analysis: User application source code analysis for API compatibility. This can be done by manually checking each of the Tuxedo calls and their counterparts in the Enduro/X documentation.
Build: The first step may be skipped, and migration may be started with the build, to let the compiler to analyze the source code compatibility. Enduro/X has the same build tools as Tuxedo: buildserver(8), buildclient(8) and buildtms(8). In case if some of the APIs are missing, developer needs to figure out how user code can be changed to avoid such API use. Or the other option is to contact Mavimax SIA company for change request to introduce such new API.
Configuration migration: Migrate the configuration either by automatic tool ubb2ex(8) or convert configuration manually according to next chapters.
Testing: Perform extensive system testing.
Go live.
Enduro/X ships with the configuration migration tool ubb2ex(8). Tool accepts valid Tuxedo UBBConfig text format file. It is able to process multi-machine configuration and it produces following set of configuration files for each of the LMID found in UBBconfig:
set<lmid_lowercase> - environment source bash script
ndrxconfig.<lmid_lowercase>.xml - ndrxd(8) and cpmsrv(8) configuration file.
app.<lmid_lowercase>.ini - per binary configuration file.
In the following example prefix directory -P ./test_dir is used. This basically adds prefix to all paths found in the ubb_config1.
$ ubb2ex ubb_config1 -P ./test_dir UBB2EX Tool Enduro/X 7.5.36, build Dec 17 2021 22:33:46, using epoll for LINUX (64 bits) Enduro/X Middleware Platform for Distributed Transaction Processing Copyright (C) 2009-2016 ATR Baltic Ltd. Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Mavimax Ltd. All Rights Reserved. This software is released under one of the following licenses: AGPLv3 (with Java and Go exceptions) or Mavimax license for commercial use. $ cd test_dir/user90/conf $ ls -1 app.test1.ini ndrxconfig.test1.xml settest1 $ source settest1 $ xadmin start -y Enduro/X 7.5.36, build Dec 17 2021 22:33:46, using epoll for LINUX (64 bits) Enduro/X Middleware Platform for Distributed Transaction Processing Copyright (C) 2009-2016 ATR Baltic Ltd. Copyright (C) 2017-2021 Mavimax Ltd. All Rights Reserved. This software is released under one of the following licenses: AGPLv3 (with Java and Go exceptions) or Mavimax license for commercial use. * Shared resources opened... * Enduro/X back-end (ndrxd) is not running * ndrxd PID (from PID file): 57479 * ndrxd idle instance started. exec cconfsrv -k C4Lwt7G4 -i 1 -e /tmp/test_dir/user90/log/cconfsrv.1.log -r -- : process id=57481 ... Started. exec cconfsrv -k C4Lwt7G4 -i 2 -e /tmp/test_dir/user90/log/cconfsrv.2.log -r -- : process id=57482 ... Started. exec tpadmsv -k C4Lwt7G4 -i 3 -e /tmp/test_dir/user90/log/tpadmsv.3.log -r -- : process id=57483 ... Started. exec tpadmsv -k C4Lwt7G4 -i 4 -e /tmp/test_dir/user90/log/tpadmsv.4.log -r -- : process id=57484 ... Started. exec tpevsrv -k C4Lwt7G4 -i 5 -e /tmp/test_dir/user90/log/tpevsrv.5.log -r -- : process id=57485 ... Started. exec tmsrv -k C4Lwt7G4 -i 8 -e /tmp/test_dir/user90/log/tmsrv.8.log -r -- -t1 -l /tmp/test_dir/user90/tmlogs/rm8 : process id=57491 ... Started. exec tmsrv -k C4Lwt7G4 -i 9 -e /tmp/test_dir/user90/log/tmsrv.9.log -r -- -t1 -l /tmp/test_dir/user90/tmlogs/rm8 : process id=57503 ... Started. exec tmqueue -k C4Lwt7G4 -i 40 -e /tmp/test_dir/user90/log/tmqueue.40.log -r -- -s1 -p10 -f10 : ...
Even if configuration is being migrated by automatic approach, it is worth to read this section. This allows get solid understand of the Enduro/X concepts by using existing Tuxedo knowledge.
The following section lists only similar Oracle Tuxedo items which can be mapped to Enduro/X configuration files. Any Tuxedo configuration sections or settings that are not mentioned in bellow sections, does not map directly to Enduro/X or Enduro/X have different concepts or approach for the functionality.
If looking on Tuxedo UBBCONFIG and Enduro/X ndrxconfig.xml/app.ini, then following similarities can be found:
Ubb config section | Enduro/X ndrxconfig.xml | Enduro/X app.ini | Comments |
- |
[@global] section |
Approximate mapping |
- |
[@global], [@debug] path related infos |
Approximate mapping |
- |
[@global/<CCTAG>] - global settings per tag, [@queue/<CCTAG>] - persistent queue configuration per tag. |
Approximate mapping |
Bridge is established as tpbridge(8) XATMI server processes in <servers> section |
- |
Approximate mapping |
<endurox>/<servers> tag |
- |
- |
*SERVERS server |
<endurox>/<servers>/<server name="server"> tag |
- |
- |
<endurox>/<defaults> tag |
- |
- |
<endurox>/<services> |
- |
Service settings are global per instance, i.e. cannot be configured per cctag. |
*SERVICES service |
<endurox>/<services>/<service svcnm="service"> |
- |
- |
<endurox>/<services>/<defaults> |
- |
- |
<endurox>/<routing> |
- |
Defaults are not supported for this section. |
*ROUTING route |
<endurox>/<routing>/<route routing="route"> |
- |
- |
Tuxedo binary | Enduro/X equivalent | Comments |
tmadmin |
xadmin |
There are set of common commands, like psc, start, etc. |
ndrxd |
tlisten |
tpbridge |
Enduro/X binary is booted as a normal XATMI binary, i.e. it is not required to start it before application boots |
tpevsrv |
Also Enduro/X event server is booted as a normal XATMI binary. |
tmsrv |
Enduro/X version of tmsrv supports loading XA switches via shared libraries. So it is possible to configure tmsrv instances for different resources without need to perform buildtms(8). Enduro/X supports Tuxedo mode too, when transaction manager is built for particular resource manager. |
It is recommended to create base configuration for Enduro/X which is then amended to match the migrated system setup.
In order to create a working instance of the Enduro/X application, you may use following command:
$ xadmin provision
This will create base system layout, including directories and configuration files such as:
settest1 (environment loader)
For further document we assume that system code "test1" is used.
Tuxedo use UBB configuration file, which is kind of extended ini file. This describes majority of information used for Tuxedo application instance.
On the other hand Enduro/X uses two separate files for the configuration. One is XML configuration file (ndrxconfig.xml(5) typically) which describes the XATMI server and client processes, services and DDR info. The other file is standard ini file (typically app.ini) which include per binary configuration.
Usually, Enduro/X applications are configured with third configuration file which loads the env variables in the shell session. File name typically starts with set prefix.
Enduro/X resources shall be configured according to the ex_env(5) manpage. ThisF section lists elements with the same or close meaning. Enduro/X setting is written in app.ini in [@global] or [@global/<CCTAG>] section.
Tuxedo setting | Enduro/X equivalent | Comments |
System wide IPC (shm, msg, sem) identifier offset. This is hex value. For Enduro/X 0x or 0X prefix must not be present in value. |
Max number of servers instance can handle |
Max number of services instance can handle. For Enduro/X bigger number (something like x2) is recommended, so that linear hashing/service lookup would work faster. |
In Enduro/X timeouts are configured in single variable, set in seconds. Can be converted as NDRX_TOUT=(Tux SCANUNIT) * (Tux BLOCKTIME). |
In case if using SystemV release (AIX pre 7.3, Solaris), Enduro/X binaries internally by additional thread scan for timeouts in the local process. The scanning is done by NDRX_SCANUNIT setting (in milliseconds), which by default is 1000. For Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS release this is not applicable. |
Number of bytes available for routing criterion storage. |
In Enduro/X normally it each configuration set applies only to one machine/instance. So in Enduro/X there is no such direct equivalent to this section. However, some useful information is encoded in Tuxedo counterpart.
When converting multi-server UBBConfig file, it is needed to split all the resources in UBBConfig by LMID. For following UBB sections that could be done via GROUP setting.
If converting single machine (or multiple machines and working in different directories for each set of the files), then output files may be named as:
In case if converting multiple machines in the same configuration directories, following configuration naming strategy shall be used:
Following information from "*MACHINES" section projects to Enduro/X:
#/bin/bash # # @(#) Load this script in environment before Enduro/X start # # update to correspond actual Enduro/X installation path export NDRX_HOME=/usr export NDRX_APPHOME=<Common part between APPDIR and TUXCONFIG, if no common part found, just use APPDIR > export NDRX_CCONFIG=<Directory name of TUXCONFIG>/app.ini export CDPATH=$CDPATH:.:${NDRX_APPHOME} export PATH=$PATH:<APPDIR>
Additionally dirname of UBB ULOGPFX can be used as [@global]/NDRX_ULOG. Where later NDRX_ULOG by it self means a directory where ULOG files are written by mask ULOG.YYYYMMDD and process debug logging is written.
Data from UBB ENVFILE setting may be copied to app.ini [@global] section.
The above is just recommended way how to setup runtime environment. Other approaches may be used too, according to ex_env(5) and getting_started_tutorial(guides)(Getting Started Tutorial).
So if having Tuxedo configuration like:
*MACHINES "SOME-MACHINE" LMID=TEST1 TUXDIR="/some/folder/tuxedo12" APPDIR="/user90/bin" TUXCONFIG="/user90/conf/tuxconfig" ULOGPFX="/user90/log/ULOG" TLOGDEVICE="/user90/conf/TLOG" ENVFILE="./env_common.txt"
That would be projected as following Enduro/X set file (settest1):
# update to correspond actual Enduro/X installation path export NDRX_HOME=/usr export NDRX_APPHOME=/user90 export NDRX_CCONFIG=${NDRX_APPHOME}/conf/app.ini export CDPATH=$CDPATH:.:${NDRX_APPHOME} export PATH=$PATH:${NDRX_APPHOME}/bin
Additionally, app.ini would get:
[@global] ... NDRX_ULOG=${NDRX_APPHOME}/log # + any data from ENVFILE, directly copied here, as syntax basically is the same
In Tuxedo, on each server tlisten binary shall be started which listens for any other node to connect. In Tuxedo this binary must be started before Tuxedo is booted.
In Enduro/X each cluster link (between this and other node) must be defined in <servers> section as a normal XATMI server. The XATMI server process name for link establishment between two nodes is tpbridge(8). On one of the nodes listening/binding address/port must be configured together with passive mode, and on other node socket client mode shall be configured to connect to first node.
For example, if node 1 shall be connected to nodes 2 and 3, then on node 1, two tpbridge process shall be configured, to establish links to nodes 2 and 3.
In Enduro/X cluster each server is identified with unique number in range for 1..32, set in NDRX_NODEID parameter. This similar to Tuxedo’s LMID, but value is strictly limited to numbers only. (Actually during automatic conversion by ubb2ex(8), UBB keyword LMID is used for each instance, and tool assigns NDRX_NODEID just by counting from 1 upwards for each of the machines).
This assumes the scenario, when cluster is established by three nodes with LMIDs: SITE1, SITE2, SITE3. Each node establishes link with each.
UBB configuration:
This assumes that tlisten is started correctly prior Tuxedo boot.
*NETWORK SITE1 NADDR="//localhost:999" NLSADDR="server1" SITE2 NADDR="//" NLSADDR="server2" # hex format, first variant SITE3 NADDR="\\X00020AFF7F000001" NLSADDR="server3"
Enduro/X Configuration:
Enduro/X to have equivalent network setup, following connections needs to be defined:
Note: Port numbers shall be assigned manually for each of the links. ubb2ex uses following strategy: each listening socket derives the port number as: 21000+NDRX_NODEID(currnet) * O_flag(default 100) + NDRX_NODEID(remote), e.g. If node 3 is listening for node 1 incoming connection, then for particular connection listening port would be: 21000+3*100+1 = 21301. This algorithm ensures that all migrated instances can be booted on localhost. If all booting on localhost is not needed, then when converting with ubb2ex, the flag -O may be set to 0, which would prepare listening socket ports as number of 21000 + NDRX_NODEID(remote).
<endurox> ... <servers> ... <!-- bi-directional link to site2, we are socket clients --> <server name="tpbridge"> <min>1</min> <max>1</max> <srvid>6</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tpbridge.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log</sysopt> <appopt>-n2 -r -i -p 21201 -tA -z30</appopt> </server> <!-- bi-directional link to site3, we are socket clients --> <server name="tpbridge"> <min>1</min> <max>1</max> <srvid>7</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tpbridge.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log</sysopt> <appopt>-n3 -r -i -p 21301 -tA -z30</appopt> </server>
NOTE: Each connection either server or client fined by tpbridge(8), contains other node id in parameter -n.
NOTE: These examples assumes that machine architectures are the same, if different architecture machines are being clustered (e.g. x86, PowerPC), then between these machines protocol mode must be enabled by -f cli flag for tpbridge on both ends.
<endurox> ... <servers> ... <!-- This is listening socket, for node1 to connect to us --> <server name="tpbridge"> <min>1</min> <max>1</max> <srvid>5</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tpbridge.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log</sysopt> <appopt>-n1 -r -i -p 21201 -tP -z30</appopt> </server> <!-- This is client socket connecting to node 3 --> <server name="tpbridge"> <min>1</min> <max>1</max> <srvid>7</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tpbridge.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log</sysopt> <appopt>-n3 -r -i -p 21302 -tA -z30</appopt> </server>
<endurox> ... <servers> ... <!-- incoming socket for node1 --> <server name="tpbridge"> <min>1</min> <max>1</max> <srvid>5</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tpbridge.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log</sysopt> <appopt>-n1 -r -i -p 21301 -tP -z30</appopt> </server> <!-- incoming socket for node2 --> <server name="tpbridge"> <min>1</min> <max>1</max> <srvid>6</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tpbridge.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log</sysopt> <appopt>-n2 -r -i -p 21302 -tP -z30</appopt> </server>
Tuxedo groups can be replaced with Enduro/X CCTAGs. CCTAG basically instructs processes that during XATMI initialization, library shall read specific parts from the app.ini configuration file. Mainly data encoded in Tuxedo "*GROUPS" entry matches to the *[@global/<CCTAG>]* subsection.
Few more differences:
Tuxedo’s SRVID shall be unique within group, in Enduro/X <srvid /> setting must be unique at instance level.
In Enduro/X CCTAGs cannot be used to encode two or more instances in one configuration file. If several cluster instances must be configured, then configuration must be split and separate set/ini/xml files according to LMIDs used in Tuxedo configuration.
Enduro/X CCTAGs may not be used to put processes in backup groups. The migration tool when processing such groups uses only first LMID value specified for the group.
In case if XA processing and DDR is not performed by the group, the CCTAG is not needed to be assigned to the process. The process may be removed from CCTAG (if default was used) the empty <cctag /> setting may be used under the <server /> tag.
Tuxedo setting | Enduro/X equivalent | Comments |
app.ini: [@global/<CCTAG>]/NDRX_XA_RES_ID=GRPNO |
Shall be set only if group fines XA resource |
ndrxconfig.xml: <endurox>/<servers>/<server name="TMSNAME"> |
If TMSNAME name is TMS, then tmsrv name shall be used. For null XA switch groups app.ini [@global/CCTAG]/NDRX_XA_DRIVERLIB shall be set to For /Q queues, [@global/CCTAG]/NDRX_XA_DRIVERLIB shall be set to and [@global/CCTAG]/NDRX_XA_RMLIB shall be set to For all other XA groups, [@global/CCTAG]/NDRX_XA_DRIVERLIB shall be set to to use built-in xa switch. |
ndrxconfig.xml: <endurox>/<servers>/<server name="TMSNAME">/<min>TMSCOUNT</min> and <endurox>/<servers>/<server name="TMSNAME">/<max>TMSCOUNT</max> |
Configures TMSRV number of copies. In Enduro/X this is configured in the same way as all other XA servers. |
app.ini: [@global/<CCTAG>]/NDRX_XA_OPEN_STR=OPENINFO |
When converting from Tuxedo, the XA vendors interface name with colon (:) must be stripped from the value copied to app.ini. |
app.ini: [@global/<CCTAG>]/NDRX_XA_CLOSE_STR=CLOSEINFO |
When converting from Tuxedo, the XA vendors interface name with colon (:) must be stripped from the value copied to app.ini. If not info is required by XA switch vendor, value "-" shall be used. |
Copy the data from ENVFILE file to the [@global/<CCTAG>] ini sub-section |
As basically [@globa] section loads the environment variables for the process, to match environment setup for each of the groups, the contents from the ENVFILE file may be copied to the app.ini. |
Group participates in DDR |
app.ini: [@global/<CCTAG>]/NDRX_RTGRP=GROUP_NAME |
Note: The routing group name with any service name in the grouting group, must not exceed 29 symbols. |
UBB configuration:
Enduro/X configuration:
NB: To protect transactions against OS crash or HW crash, FDATASYNC, DSYNC flags shall be enabled. The downside of this is, that performance would be reduced significantly.
<endurox> ... <servers> ... <!-- tmsrv or custom tms only once defined per first CCTAG/XA configuration usage --> <server name="tmsrv"> <cctag>DDR1</cctag> <min>3</min> <max>3</max> <srvid>10</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tmsrv.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log -r</sysopt> <appopt>-t1 -l ${NDRX_APPHOME}/tmlogs/rm5</appopt> </server> <server name="atmi.sv90_3"> <cctag>DDR1</cctag> <min>2</min> <max>4</max> <srvid>400</srvid> <sysopt>-N -e ${NDRX_ULOG}/atmi.sv90_3.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log -s TESTSV_DDR:TESTSV</sysopt> </server> <server name="atmi.sv90_4"> <cctag>DDR1</cctag> <min>2</min> <max>4</max> <srvid>420</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/atmi.sv90_4.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log</sysopt> </server> ...
When XA related CCTAG is firstly used, the tmsrv(5) instance shall be defined. For each tmsrv or custom built TMS instance used, machine readable log directory shall be defined. In this example directory ${NDRX_APPHOME}/tmlogs/rm5 is used.
In case if converting Tuxedo /Q queue groups additional mapping is used, i.e. Tuxedo’s TMQUEUE and TMQFORWARD processes are merged under single tmqueue(8) instance. Also all persistent queue setup is performed in app.ini, no need for any special script execution, as it is in case of Tuxedo.
UBB configuration:
Enduro/X configuration:
[@global/QGRP1] NDRX_XA_RES_ID=8 NDRX_XA_OPEN_STR=datadir="${NDRX_APPHOME}/qdata/QSPA",qspace="QSPA" NDRX_XA_CLOSE_STR=${NDRX_XA_OPEN_STR} NDRX_XA_LAZY_INIT=0 NDRX_XA_FLAGS=FDATASYNC;DSYNC # Queue definitions: [@queue/QGRP1] # Review as necessary, see q.conf man page for details @=svcnm=@,autoq=n,tries=3,waitinit=0,waitretry=30,waitretrymax=90,memonly=n,mode=fifo,workers=1 QGRP1_1=autoq=y QGRP1_3=autoq=y,workers=2 QGRP1_2=autoq=y,txtout=60
Section [@queue] shall be reviewed according to q.conf(5) instructions. Non-automatic queues Enduro/X will instantiate automatically. The queue defaults are encoded in line starting with @. If svcnm is set to @, this means that automatic queue will send message to service whose name matches the queue name.
Enduro/X persistent queues stores data in the directory on the disk, the path corresponds to the datadir setting in NDRX_XA_OPEN_STR. The queue space name is encoded in qspace parameter.
<endurox> ... <defaults> <cctag>QGRP1</cctag> <respawn>N</respawn> </defaults> <servers> <server name="tmsrv"> <min>2</min> <max>2</max> <srvid>8</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tmsrv.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log -r</sysopt> <appopt>-t1 -l ${NDRX_APPHOME}/tmlogs/rm8</appopt> </server> <server name="tmqueue"> <min>1</min> <max>1</max> <srvid>40</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tmqueue.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log -r</sysopt> <appopt>-s1 -p10 -f10</appopt> </server> </servers> ...
NOTE: No instance of TMQFORWARD is required. All forward handling is done by tmqueue(8) process. Number of forward threads are set in -f parameter, to avoid any waiting on senders, the number of forward threads shall match the total number of workers (workers setting in queue definition) configured for automatic queues.
UBB configuration:
*GROUPS ... ORAGRP2 LMID=TEST1 GRPNO=6 TMSNAME=TMS_ORA_2 TMSCOUNT=2 OPENINFO="Oracle_XA:ORACLE_XA+DB=ROCKY+SqlNet=SID1+ACC=P/username/password+SesTM=10+LogDir=/user90/xalog+Threads=true" CLOSEINFO="Oracle_XA:CLOSE_STR" *SERVERS ... orabin2 SRVID=2000 SRVGRP=ORAGRP2
Enduro/X configuration:
[@global/ORAGRP2] NDRX_XA_RES_ID=6 NDRX_XA_OPEN_STR=ORACLE_XA+DB=ROCKY+SqlNet=SID1+ACC=P/username/password+SesTM=10+LogDir=/user90/xalog+Threads=true NDRX_XA_CLOSE_STR=CLOSE_STR # use built in switch resolver NDRX_XA_RMLIB=- NDRX_XA_LAZY_INIT=1 NDRX_XA_FLAGS=RECON:*:3:100;FDATASYNC;DSYNC
<endurox> ... <servers> ... <server name="TMS_ORA_2"> <cctag>ORAGRP2</cctag> <min>2</min> <max>2</max> <srvid>19</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/TMS_ORA_2.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log -r</sysopt> <appopt>-t1 -l ${NDRX_APPHOME}/tmlogs/rm6</appopt> </server> <server name="orabin2"> <cctag>ORAGRP2</cctag> <srvid>2100</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/orabin2.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log</sysopt> </server> ...
In this case transaction manager used is custom built from buildtms(8) output. This is one of the modes that may be used. The other option Enduro/X offer is to use generic tmsrv process and use one of the our XA switch loader shared libraries:
libndrxxaecpg(8): PostgreSQL PQ/ECPG XA switch emulator and loader. Use, NDRX_XA_RMLIB=-.
libndrxxapq(8): PostgreSQL PQ XA switch emulator and loader. Use, NDRX_XA_RMLIB=-.
libndrxxaoras(8): Oracle DB XA Switch loader. Use for static registration switch (xaosw), use for dynamic registration switch (xaoswd). Set NDRX_XA_RMLIB to the DB specific shared library which provides XA switches, e.g., by assuming that correct shared library path is configured in the environment. NOTE: As tmsrv in Enduro/X is multi-threaded, remember to set +Threads=true in NDRX_XA_OPEN_STR for Oracle DB connections.
libndrxxawsmqs(8): IBM WebSphere MQ XA Driver loader. Use for static registration switch (MQRMIXASwitch), use for dynamic registration switch (MQRMIXASwitchDynamic). Set NDRX_XA_RMLIB to the MQ specific shared library which provides XA switches, e.g., by assuming that correct shared library path is configured in the environment. The multi-threaded library version shall be used.
libndrxxadb2s: IBM DB2 XA Switch loader. Use for static registration switch (db2xacicst_std), use for dynamic registration switch (db2xacic_std). Set NDRX_XA_RMLIB to the DB specific shared library which provides XA switches, e.g., by assuming that correct shared library path is configured in the environment.
The above TMS_ORA_2 usage example may be configured as:
<endurox> ... <servers> ... <server name="tmsrv"> <cctag>ORAGRP2</cctag> <min>2</min> <max>2</max> <srvid>19</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tmsrv.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log -r</sysopt> <appopt>-t1 -l ${NDRX_APPHOME}/tmlogs/rm6</appopt> </server> <server name="orabin2"> <cctag>ORAGRP2</cctag> <srvid>2100</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/orabin2.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log</sysopt> </server> ...
When XA groups are used and for some reason there is chance that tmsrv logs are lost (for example, FSYNC flags were not used), additional process tmrecoversv(5) is recommended to be started at the and of application boot, which would collect the orphaned prepared transactions from all resource managers, and would perform the rollback of them. The rollbacks are not performed by resource managers automatically, due to fact that prepared transactions (from two phase commit protocol) are stuck in the database waiting for further commands from transaction managers.
Enduro/X configuration:
<endurox> .. <defaults> <cctag/> <min>1</min> <max>1</max> </defaults> <servers> <server name="tmrecoversv"> <srvid>6</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tmrecoversv.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log -r</sysopt> <appopt>-p -s10</appopt> </server>
Servers and their defaults migrates to Enduro/X XML configuration relatively straight forward. Following section summarizes the server entry mapping
Tuxedo setting | Enduro/X equivalent in <server> or <defaults> tags | Comments |
<cctag> |
<srvid> |
In Enduro/X must be unique across the instance configuration. |
<sysopt>, <appopt> |
In Enduro/X clopt may split by the — in two parts server options goes to <sysopt> and all other options to <appopt>, but it is possible to leave all to the <sysopt>. Setting is not available for <defaults>. |
<min> |
<max> |
<env> |
N/A |
For conversational servers at Enduro/X no special settings required. Conversational servers builds and configures in the same way as normal XATMI servers. |
<rqaddr> |
Used only for SystemV polling mode (Solaris, pre AIX 7.3). For all other modes, it is ignored. |
<respawn> |
For Enduro/X default is Y. |
<mindispatchthreads> |
For Enduro/X minimum and default is 1. |
<maxdispatchthreads> |
For Enduro/X minimum and default is 1. |
NDRX_THREADSTACKSIZE in app.ini, or configured in <envs> tag as: <envs><env name="NDRX_THREADSTACKSIZE">THREADSTACKSIZE/1024</env></envs> |
Enduro/X value is in KB, thus UBB config value needs to be divided by 1024. |
The Server command line options mostly matches between Tuxedo and Enduro/X XATMI servers, with few exceptions. Following table lists the details:
Tuxedo CLOPT | Enduro/X <sysopt> | Comments |
-A |
-B |
Cross mapping applies. In Enduro/X all servers are advertised by default. In case if in Tuxedo configuration -A is used, no flag must be used for Enduro/X. In case if -A is not used in Tuxedo configuration, in Enduro/X -B shall be used, to suppress advertise of built-in services. |
-s |
-S |
Enduro/X does not support @filename syntax (advertise from file). All other work modes matches. The lower case -s parameter in Enduro/X provides functionality to alias services to other services instead of functions. |
-e |
-e |
If not configured, Enduro/X logs all stderr and stdout to the parent process stderr, effectively ndrxd(8). |
-o |
-o |
Enduro/X redirect all stdout to specified file output. If not configured, output will be sent to configured stderr (set by -e) or parent process stderr (if -e is not configured), effectively ndrxd(8). |
-r |
-r |
Enduro/X ignores this flag. |
UBB Configuration:
DEFAULT: SRVGRP=DFLTGRP MIN=1 MAX=5 REPLYQ=Y MAXGEN=10 RESTART=N CLOPT="-A" "atmi.sv90" SRVID=100 MIN=2 MAX=4 CLOPT="-A --" "atmi.sv90_2" SRVID=200 MIN=1 MAX=4 CLOPT="-A -e /tmp/err.out -- -c \"HELLO \\\"WORLD\"" DEFAULT: MAX=11 orabin3 SRVID=2200 SRVGRP=ORAGRP3 THREADSTACKSIZE=6500000
<endurox> ... <defaults> <cctag>DFLTGRP</cctag> <min>1</min> <max>5</max> <respawn>N</respawn> </defaults> <servers> <server name="atmi.sv90"> <min>2</min> <max>4</max> <srvid>100</srvid> <sysopt /> </server> <server name="atmi.sv90_2"> <min>1</min> <max>4</max> <srvid>200</srvid> <sysopt>-e /tmp/err.out</sysopt> <appopt>-c "HELLO \"WORLD"</appopt> </server> ... <defaults> <max>11</max> </defaults> <servers> <server name="orabin3"> <cctag>ORAGRP3</cctag> <srvid>2200</srvid> <envs><env name="NDRX_THREADSTACKSIZE">6347</env></envs> </server> ...
In case if application uses eventing (i.e. tppost(3) or tpsubscribe(3), etc.) event server needs to be configured. Existing TMSYSEVT or TMUSREVT servers shall be replaced with single (min/max=1) instance of tpevsrv(8).
UBB configuration:
Enduro/X event server does not use control file, so when converting -f flag for these servers may be ignored. For performance reasons it is recommended to set thread dispatch threads to larger number than default 1.
<endurox> ... <servers> ... <server name="tpevsrv"> <min>1</min> <max>1</max> <srvid>10</srvid> <mindispatchthreads>5</mindispatchthreads> <maxdispatchthreads>5</maxdispatchthreads> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tpevsrv.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log -r</sysopt> </server>
For any server, if no special requirement is needed, -e shall be configured and normally expected to be put to NDRX_ULOG directory with file name reflecting the binary name and it’s server id.
In order to enable admin interface API via .TMIB service, tpadmsv(8) shall be configured:
<endurox> ... <servers> ... <server name="tpadmsv"> <min>2</min> <max>2</max> <srvid>3</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/tpadmsv.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log -r</sysopt> </server>
It is optional and only and only used by xadmin mibget command or .TMIB service calls.
Enduro/X allow to configure debug log levels per binary. If no debug is configured, Enduro/X writes logs for the processes at highest debug level (5), meaning that for normal use debug configuration shall be configured.
Enduro/X logging is split across following topics:
ubf - this is UBF/FML library logging. Normally shall be disabled (set to level 0).
ndrx - this is XATMI internals logging, normally logging may be leaved at level 2 (error) or 3 (warning).
tp - user logs, wrote by TP_LOG() and related macros. Also applies to tplog(3) XATMI call. This log level does not affect ULOG output.
Debug is configured according to ndrxdebug.conf(5) description. Sample section would look like:
[@debug] #* - goes for all binaries not listed bellow *= ndrx=3 ubf=1 tp=3 threaded=l file=${NDRX_ULOG}/endurox.log xadmin=file=${NDRX_ULOG}/xadmin.log ndrxd=file=${NDRX_ULOG}/ndrxd.log cconfsrv=file=${NDRX_ULOG}/cconfsrv.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log atmi.sv90=file=${NDRX_ULOG}/atmi.sv90.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log # this logs to stderr, except, if *-e* for server is set, then all logging # is redirected to that particular file. atmi.sv90_2= file=
Debug settings are matched by the binary name. If binary is not found in the section, default * applies. Logging applies to all XATMI related processes, clients and servers, and stand-alone binaries which are just using UBF library, for example.
Enduro/X does not have WebLogic Tuxedo Connector or Jolt libraries for Java. But Enduro/X provides Web Services interface module endurox-connect, particularly restincl(8) from which XATMI services can be exposed as JSONS web services. With this Enduro/X services may be called from any language which supports web services. Web services API provides capability for managing global transactions and associating the calls with the global transactions (this applies only for restincl incoming web service call layer).
If your software uses any of these following Tuxedo binaries: WSL/WSH, JSL/JSH, WSH, GWWS then consider to use endurox-connect package. If using ubb2ex(8) tool, when it sees any of these binaries, it omits them and provides sample restincl(8) configuration, for accepting incoming web service calls.
Sample configuration:
[@restin] defaults={"errors":"json2ubf", "conv":"json2ubf"} # Instance 1, see restincl manpage for the web service formats [@restin/RIN1] port=8080 ip= # invoke by: /SOME_SERVICE1={"svc":"SOME_SERVICE1"} /SOME_SERVICE2={"svc":"SOME_SERVICE2"}
<endurox> ... <server name="cpmsrv"> <srvid>7</srvid> <sysopt>-e ${NDRX_ULOG}/cpmsrv.${NDRX_SVSRVID}.log -r</sysopt> <appopt>-k3 -i1</appopt> </server> </servers> <clients> <client cmdline="restincl"> <exec tag="RESTIN" autostart="Y" subsect="RIN1" cctag="RIN1" log="${NDRX_ULOG}/restincl.rin1.log"/> </client> </clients> ...
As restincl purely is stand-alone XATMI client, Enduro/X offer such process monitoring via Client Process Monitor server - cpmsrv(8) this server starts any programs registered in the <clients> section. Basic management of the clients includes following commands:
$ xadmin pc - print client processes and their statuses
$ xadmin bc - boot client
$ xadmin sc - stop client
Once restincl is booted, check by:
$ xadmin pc ... RESTIN/RIN1 - running pid 27014 (Fri Dec 17 11:46:52 2021)
In case if process is not string, check the ${NDRX_ULOG}/restincl.rin1.log log file, the port 8080 maybe busy already on host where migration is done.
The FML/UBF service may be called in following way:
$ curl -s -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST \ -d "{\"T_STRING_FLD\":\"HELLO POST\"}" http://localhost:8080/SOME_SERVICE2 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Length: 238 Content-Type: application/json Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2021 09:46:54 GMT { "EX_IF_ECODE":0 ,"T_LONG_FLD":9991 ,"EX_IF_EMSG":"SUCCEED" ,"T_STRING_FLD":"HELLO POST" ,"T_STRING_2_FLD":["Hello World from XATMI server","Hello World from XATMI server, other"] ,"T_UBF_FLD":{ "T_SHORT_FLD":[9991,9991] "T_CARRAY_FLD":"AAECAQAABAUGQUI=" } }
Enduro/X services settings applies to whole application instance. Enduro/X does not support different services settings according to different groups. Automatic configuration translation tool ubb2exp uses SRVGRP only to decide to which configuration set service shall be added. If for the same LMID the same service is used for several groups, only first service entry and it’s settings are translated to new configuration, and other same service entries are ignored.
Tuxedo setting | Enduro/X equivalent in <services>/<service> and <services>/<defaults> | Comments |
xml attr "svcnm" |
Not available for <defaults> |
xml attr "prio" |
xml attr "routing" |
xml attr "autotran" |
xml attr "trantime" |
UBB configuration:
Enduro/X event server does not use control file, so when converting -f flag for these servers may be ignored. For performance reasons it is recommended to set thread dispatch threads to larger number than default 1.
<endurox> ... <services> <defaults prio="15" routing="ROUT1" autotran="Y" trantime="60"/> <service svcnm="TESTSV_DDR" routing="ROUT1"/> <service svcnm="EXBENCH" prio="10" routing="ROUT2" autotran="Y" trantime="40"/> </services>
Tuxedo setting | Enduro/X equivalent in <routing>/<route> | Comments |
xml attr "routing" |
<field> |
<fieldtype> |
<ranges> |
<buftype> |
Only supported routing type is UBF. This means that if in Tuxedo configuration constants FML or FML32 are used, in Enduro/X equivalent is UBF. |
UBB configuration:
Enduro/X event server does not use control file, so when converting -f flag for these servers may be ignored. For performance reasons it is recommended to set thread dispatch threads to larger number than default 1.
<endurox> ... <routing> <route routing="ROUT1"> <field>T_STRING_10_FLD</field> <ranges>'0':DDR1,'2':DDR2,*:*</ranges> <buftype>UBF</buftype> </route> <route routing="ROUT2"> <field>T_STRING_10_FLD</field> <ranges>'0':DDR1,'2':DDR2,*:*</ranges> <buftype>UBF</buftype> </route> </routing>
This section lists common tasks that administrator needs to performed with the system and maps the similarities between the two middlewares.
Task | Tuxedo command | Enduro/X command | Comments |
Load configuration |
$ tmloadcf |
N/A |
Enduro/X does not require configuration loading. Enduro/X uses actual text configuration to perform the system boot. |
Starting the application instance |
$ tmboot |
$ xadmin start |
For Enduro/X arguments -y, -i and -s works in the same way as in Tuxedo. Enduro/X provides wrapper tmboot over the xadmin start. |
Stopping the application instance |
$ tmshutdown |
$ xadmin stop |
For Enduro/X arguments -y, -i and -s works in the same way as in Tuxedo. Enduro/X provides wrapper tmshutdown over the xadmin stop. |
Administrative CLI utility |
$ tmadmin |
$ xadmin |
Enduro/X xadmin accepts commands from stdin, as cli arguments and interactive shell mode. Enduro/X ships with wrapper script named tmadmin. |
List services |
$ echo psc | tmadmin |
$ xadmin psc |
Print queues |
$ echo pq | tmadmin |
$ xadmin pq |
List transactions |
$ echo printtrans | tmadmin |
$ xadmin printtrans |
Dynamic configuration update |
$ tmconfig |
$ xadmin reload |
Enduro/X command requests ndrxd to reload the configuration files from the disk, this does not require any interactive editing. In case if remove any server processes or making the <srvid> tags to be different for running XATMI servers, these servers must be stopped before executing reload command. In case if ndrxconfig.xml is invalid, the error is printed and existing configuration for the processes not changed. |
Cleanup IPC resources |
$ tmipcrm |
$ xadmin down |
Enduro/X xadmin’s down command cleans all the IPC resources and also it kills all the server processes and as much as possible client processes. |
Server process reloading (start/stop) one by one for high availability |
N/A, manually write script for sequence of tmshutdown -i/tmboot -i |
$ xadmin sreload -s <servernm> |
This document shall provide enough information to successfully complete the migration from Oracle Tuxedo to Mavimax Enduro/X middleware. In case if support is necessary, the questions may be asked in:
Contact [email protected]
In case if some APIs are missing or other functionality of the Enduro/X shall be amended, change request may be ordered from Mavimax SIA.
In case if providing patches by your self, prior making pull request to Github repository, do not forget to sign and send us a Mavimax Contribution Agreement, found at