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File metadata and controls

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Type definitions for Enhance

Required reading: Enhance with TypeScript


npm i -D @enhance/types

JS/TS Examples

💁 The TypeScript examples are intentionally "over-typed" to demonstrate different uses. No need to declare a function's type and its call signature + return type.

API Handler

Read more about Enhance API Routes, their request object, and the expected response to understand each interface's properties.

With JSDoc comments in .mjs

The simplest way to type an API middleware function is to use JSDoc's @type and import "@enhance/types". Typically, the API handler functions should be marked aasync.

You can also import the arugment (EnhanceApiReq) and response (EnhanceApiRes) types.

 * @type {import('@enhance/types').EnhanceApiFn}
export async function get(request) {
  console.log(`Handling ${request.path}...`);

  const todos = [
    { title: "todo 1", completed: false },
    { title: "todo 2", completed: true },
    { title: "todo 3" },

  const response = {
    json: { todos },

  return response;

With .ts

Enhance API middlewares for named get and post functions are passed an EnhanceApiReq object and expected to return a Promise that resolves with an EnhanceApiRes payload.

These types can be used independenty, or by simply typing each handler with EnhanceApiFn.

import type {
} from "@enhance/types";

type Todo = {
  title: string;
  completed?: boolean;

export const get: EnhanceApiFn = async function (
  request: EnhanceApiReq,
): Promise<EnhanceApiRes> {
  console.log(`Handling ${request.path}...`);

  const todos: Todo[] = [
    { title: "todo 1", completed: false },
    { title: "todo 2", completed: true },
    { title: "todo 3" },

  const response: EnhanceApiRes = {
    json: { todos },

  return response;

Custom Element

Single file components are the core of the Enhance developer experience.

With JSDoc comments in .mjs

Server rendered custom element functions receive EnhanceElemArg with 2 keys:

  1. html: EnhanceHtmlFn to render HTML strings
  2. state: {attrs: object, store: object} a record of the state used by Enhance
 * @type {import('@enhance/types').EnhanceElemFn}
export default function TodoItem({
  state: { attrs }
}) {
  const todoId = attrs["todo-id"];
  const completed = typeof attrs.completed === "string";

  return html`
    <div class="flex gap-2 mb-1">
        ${completed ? "checked" : ""}

With .ts

Several type definitions are available for SSR custom elements. The simplest is to type your default export function as EnhanceElemFn.

You probably shouldn't make a copy of html() -- but its type, EnhanceHtmlFn, is available if needed.

import type {
} from "@enhance/types";

const TodoItem: EnhanceElemFn = function ({
  state: { attrs },
}: EnhanceElemArg): EnhanceElemResult {
  const todoId = attrs["todo-id"];
  const completed = typeof attrs.completed === "string";
  const myHtml: EnhanceHtmlFn = html;

  return html`
    <div class="flex gap-2 mb-1">
        ${completed ? "checked" : ""}

export default TodoItem;

Head Function

Customize your Enhance app by providing a Head function.

With JSDoc comments in .mjs

Utilize the EnhanceHeadFn type to annotate your app/head.mjs file.

The function takes a EnhanceApiReq object for access to things like the request path and session.

Return a standard EnhanceElemResult (aka a string of HTML).

 * @type {import('@enhance/types').EnhanceHeadFn}
export default function Head(request) {
  const { path } = request;
  const title = `Todos — ${path}`;
  return `
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_static/styles.css">

With .ts

The EnhanceHeadFn is similar to an API handler but returns a string of HTML as EnhanceElemResult.

import type {
} from "@enhance/types";

const Head: EnhanceHeadFn = function (
  request: EnhanceApiReq,
): EnhanceElemResult {
  const { path } = request;
  const title = `Todos — ${path}`;

  return `
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8">
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="/_static/styles.css">

export default Head;