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Web HTML Course

enki-hq edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 17 revisions

HTML Course Overview

Table of Contents


Below you can find the ordered content of the topic, in a linear progression

The linear progression of content aims to cover all content, course by course, workout by workout as follows:

  • first course is the only core one, denoted by its manifest
  • the next course is denoted by the first item of the next array in each course manifest
  • each course has its order of workouts designated by the sections field in the same aforementioned manifest


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 hypertext-markup-language 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
syntax-html.4: 10
2 headings-and-paragraphs 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
markup-text.0: 10
markup-text.2: 10
3 hyperlinks 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
markup-text.0: 10
markup-text.2: 10
4 images 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
syntax-html.1: 10
embed-media.0: 10
5 divisions-and-spans 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
layout-html.0: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 html-structure-define 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
syntax-html.2: 10
2 elements 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
syntax-html.2: 10
3 html-tags 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
syntax-html.2: 10
4 attributes 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
syntax-html.1: 10
5 comments 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 paragraphs 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
markup-text.2: 10
2 headings-h1-h6 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
markup-text.0: 10
markup-text.2: 10
3 update-images 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
syntax-html.1: 10
embed-media.0: 10
4 update-hyperlinks 👶 introduction syntax-html.0: 10
markup-text.0: 10
markup-text.2: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 doctype 👶 introduction syntax-html.3: 10
syntax-html.4: 10
syntax-html.5: 10
metadata.4: 10
2 html-element 👶 introduction syntax-html.3: 10
syntax-html.4: 10
syntax-html.5: 10
3 head-element 👶 introduction syntax-html.3: 10
syntax-html.4: 10
syntax-html.5: 10
metadata.0: 10
metadata.1: 10
metadata.2: 10
metadata.4: 10
4 optional-elements 👶 introduction syntax-html.3: 10
syntax-html.4: 10
syntax-html.5: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.

5. images


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 image-types 👶 introduction
💪 workout
embed-media.0: 10
2 image-alt 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🔮 obscura
embed-media.0: 10
3 image-title 👶 introduction
💪 workout
embed-media.0: 10
4 image-height-width 👶 introduction
💪 workout
embed-media.0: 10
5 image-map 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🔮 obscura
embed-media.0: 10
6 image-base 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🔮 obscura
embed-media.0: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.

6. media


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 video 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
embed-media.1: 10
2 audio 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
embed-media.2: 10
3 embed 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
embed-media.3: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.

7. forms


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 intro-form 👶 introduction
💪 workout
html-forms.0: 10
html-forms.1: 10
2 input-element 👶 introduction
💪 workout
html-forms.0: 10
3 text-field 👶 introduction
💪 workout
html-forms.0: 10
4 text-area 👶 introduction
💪 workout
html-forms.0: 10
layout-html.2: 10
5 submit-and-reset 👶 introduction
💪 workout
html-forms.2: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 check-boxes 👶 introduction
💪 workout
html-forms.4: 10
2 checkbox-groups 👶 introduction
💪 workout
html-forms.4: 10
3 radio-buttons 👶 introduction
💪 workout
html-forms.5: 10
4 html-select 👶 introduction
💪 workout
html-forms.6: 10
5 dropdown-list 👶 introduction
💪 workout
html-forms.6: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 meta-intro 👶 introduction
💪 workout
metadata.0: 10
2 charset 👶 introduction
💪 workout
metadata.0: 10
metadata.4: 10
3 description 👶 introduction
💪 workout
metadata.0: 10
metadata.1: 10
metadata.3: 10
4 keywords 👶 introduction
💪 workout
metadata.0: 10
metadata.3: 10
5 author 👶 introduction
💪 workout
metadata.0: 10
metadata.2: 10
6 http-equiv 🔮 obscura
🦑 deep
metadata.0: 10
metadata.1: 10
metadata.3: 10
7 robots 💪 workout
🦑 deep
metadata.0: 10
metadata.3: 10
metadata.4: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 div 👶 introduction
💪 workout
layout-html.0: 10
2 header 👶 introduction
💪 workout
layout-html.0: 10
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
3 main 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
layout-html.0: 10
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
4 nav 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
layout-html.0: 10
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
5 footer 👶 introduction
💪 workout
layout-html.0: 10
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 placeholder 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
html-forms.0: 10
html-forms.3: 10
2 range 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
html-forms.0: 10
html-forms.7: 10
3 intro-step 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
html-forms.0: 10
html-forms.7: 10
4 min-and-max 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
html-forms.0: 10
html-forms.7: 10
5 type-password 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
html-forms.0: 10
html-forms.7: 10
6 pattern-regexp 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
html-forms.0: 10
html-forms.8: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 image-button 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🔮 obscura
html-forms.2: 10
embed-media.0: 10
2 height-and-width 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🔮 obscura
html-forms.2: 10
embed-media.0: 10
3 formaction 💪 workout
🦑 deep
🔮 obscura
html-forms.2: 10
4 formenctype 💪 workout
🦑 deep
🔮 obscura
html-forms.2: 10
5 formmethod 💪 workout
🦑 deep
🔮 obscura
html-forms.2: 10
6 formnovalidate-and-novalidate 💪 workout
🦑 deep
🔮 obscura
html-forms.2: 10
7 formtarget 💪 workout
🦑 deep
🔮 obscura
html-forms.2: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.

13. forms-v


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 autocomplete 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
html-forms.9: 10
2 autofocus 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
html-forms.9: 10
dom.3: 10
3 multiple 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
html-forms.7: 10
html-forms.8: 10
4 oninput 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
dom.3: 10
5 output 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
dom.3: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 semantic-containers 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
layout-html.0: 10
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
2 section 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
layout-html.0: 10
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
3 article 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
layout-html.0: 10
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
4 aside 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
layout-html.0: 10
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
5 figure-and-figcaption 🦑 deep


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 intro-cite 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
2 intro-q 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
3 blockquotes 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
4 address 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
5 intro-bdo 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
🔮 obscura
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
markup-text.2: 10
layout-html.3: 10
6 intro-bdi 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
🔮 obscura
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
markup-text.2: 10
layout-html.3: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 intro-code 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
markup-text.2: 10
layout-html.4: 10
2 intro-kbd 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
markup-text.2: 10
layout-html.3: 10
3 intro-samp 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
markup-text.2: 10
layout-html.3: 10
4 intro-pre 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
markup-text.2: 10
layout-html.4: 10
5 intro-var 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
semantic-html.0: 10
semantic-html.1: 10
semantic-html.3: 10
markup-text.2: 10
layout-html.3: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 doctype-always-first 👶 introduction
🔮 obscura
syntax-html.5: 10
syntax-html.3: 10
metadata.0: 10
syntax-html.6: 10
2 html-vs-htm 👶 introduction
🔮 obscura
syntax-html.6: 10
3 lowercase-element-names 👶 introduction
🔮 obscura
syntax-html.6: 10
4 close-all-html-elements 👶 introduction
💪 workout
syntax-html.2: 10
syntax-html.4: 10
syntax-html.5: 10
syntax-html.6: 10
5 quote-attribute-values 👶 introduction
🔮 obscura
syntax-html.6: 10
6 alt-with-images 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
embed-media.4: 10
syntax-html.6: 10
7 conditional-comments-ie9 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🔮 obscura
🦑 deep
syntax-html.2: 10
syntax-html.3: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 non-breaking-space 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
markup-text.2: 10
2 greater-and-less-than 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
markup-text.2: 10
3 copyright 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
markup-text.2: 10
4 ampersand 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
markup-text.2: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


no name content aspects standards PQ RQ Quiz done
1 html4-xhtml-and-html5 👶 introduction
💪 workout
🦑 deep
metadata.4: 10


⚠️ There are no insights in this workout.


⚠️ There is no game in this workout.


✅ - At least one insight covers this

❌ - Nothing covers this

🛠️ - This standard has no objectives yet

✅ Identify and evaluate the syntax of HTML

  1. ✅ Identify an HTML element
  2. ✅ Identify HTML attributes
  3. ✅ Distinguish opening and closing HTML elements
  4. ✅ Distinguish valid HTML from invalid HTML
  5. ✅ Identify the structure of a valid HTML document
  6. ✅ Distinguish valid from invalid HTML documents based on their structure
  7. ✅ Identify and use commonly-held industry best practices

❌ Markup Text with HTML

  1. ✅ Use HTML to add emphasis, bold, or other decoration to text
  2. ❌ Use HTML to add indentation or spacing to text
  3. ✅ Use HTML to create headings or other special text elements

❌ Lay out text and other elements with HTML

  1. ✅ Use sectioning elements to arrange elements vertically
  2. ❌ Use tables to arrange text fields and other elements vertically and horizontally
  3. ✅ Use semantic elements to arrange and visually distinguish elements
  4. ✅ Use inline elements to affect the presentation of text
  5. ✅ Use block elements to affect the presentation of text

✅ Embed media with HTML elements

  1. ✅ Embed images into an HTML document
  2. ✅ Embed video into an HTML document
  3. ✅ Embed audio into an HTML document
  4. ✅ Embed arbitrary external content
  5. ✅ Use attributes to configure embedded media

✅ Use HTML forms to collect user input

  1. ✅ Use input tags to collect text input from the user
  2. ✅ Use form tags to direct the output of a form
  3. ✅ Use button elements to create actions for the user
  4. ✅ Use label elements and placeholder attributes to label input fields
  5. ✅ Use checkboxes and checkbox groups to collect input from the user
  6. ✅ Use radio buttons and radio button groups to collect input from the user
  7. ✅ Use select and option elements to create dropdown controls and multi-select elements
  8. ✅ Use input element types to collect dates, numbers, or other formatted-text inputs from the user
  9. ✅ Use input patterns to validate user input
  10. ✅ Use autocomplete to improve the user experience

✅ Add metadata to HTML Documents

  1. ✅ Add metadata to the relevant area of an HTML document
  2. ✅ Add metadata that improves the user interface
  3. ✅ Add metadata about the authorship of the document
  4. ✅ Add metadata about the content of the document
  5. ✅ Add metadata about the encoding and version of the document

❌ Use Semantic HTML to communicate about the structure of a document

  1. ✅ Recognize semantic HTML tags
  2. ✅ Choose the correct HTML tag to communicate about the content of text
  3. ❌ Choose the correct HTML tag to communicate about the content of embedded media
  4. ✅ Structure an HTML document using the most relevant semantic HTML tags


Given the insights are tagged with aspects, we can filter over the linear content progression and create learning sub-paths.

These sub-path progressions will most likely not cover all content, but they will ensure and enforce an unified learning experience, tailor for the user wish.

For example, a user might be interested in new additions and updates of a language, rather than introduction lessions. Note that these sub-paths don't take games into consideration

👶 Introduction

If you are being introduced to the topic for the first time


  1. hypertext-markup-language
  2. headings-and-paragraphs
  3. hyperlinks
  4. images
  5. divisions-and-spans
  6. html-structure-define
  7. elements
  8. html-tags
  9. attributes
  11. paragraphs
  12. headings-h1-h6
  13. update-images
  14. update-hyperlinks
  15. doctype
  16. html-element
  17. head-element
  18. optional-elements
  19. image-types
  20. image-alt
  21. image-title
  22. image-height-width
  23. image-map
  24. image-base
  25. video
  26. audio
  27. embed
  28. intro-form
  29. input-element
  30. text-field
  31. text-area
  32. submit-and-reset
  33. check-boxes
  34. checkbox-groups
  35. radio-buttons
  36. html-select
  37. dropdown-list
  38. meta-intro
  39. charset
  40. description
  41. keywords
  42. author
  43. div
  44. header
  45. main
  46. nav
  47. footer
  48. placeholder
  49. range
  50. intro-step
  51. min-and-max
  52. type-password
  53. pattern-regexp
  54. image-button
  55. height-and-width
  56. autocomplete
  57. autofocus
  58. multiple
  59. oninput
  60. output
  61. semantic-containers
  62. section
  63. article
  64. aside
  65. intro-cite
  66. intro-q
  67. blockquotes
  68. address
  69. intro-bdo
  70. intro-bdi
  71. intro-code
  72. intro-kbd
  73. intro-samp
  74. intro-pre
  75. intro-var
  76. doctype-always-first
  77. html-vs-htm
  78. lowercase-element-names
  79. close-all-html-elements
  80. quote-attribute-values
  81. alt-with-images
  82. conditional-comments-ie9
  83. non-breaking-space
  84. greater-and-less-than
  85. copyright
  86. ampersand
  87. html4-xhtml-and-html5

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in html. :warning: There are no games tagged with this aspect in html.

💪 Workout

Theory put into practice/that’s how you achieve X points


  1. image-types
  2. image-alt
  3. image-title
  4. image-height-width
  5. image-map
  6. image-base
  7. video
  8. audio
  9. embed
  10. intro-form
  11. input-element
  12. text-field
  13. text-area
  14. submit-and-reset
  15. check-boxes
  16. checkbox-groups
  17. radio-buttons
  18. html-select
  19. dropdown-list
  20. meta-intro
  21. charset
  22. description
  23. keywords
  24. author
  25. robots
  26. div
  27. header
  28. main
  29. nav
  30. footer
  31. placeholder
  32. range
  33. intro-step
  34. min-and-max
  35. type-password
  36. pattern-regexp
  37. image-button
  38. height-and-width
  39. formaction
  40. formenctype
  41. formmethod
  42. formnovalidate-and-novalidate
  43. formtarget
  44. autocomplete
  45. autofocus
  46. multiple
  47. oninput
  48. output
  49. semantic-containers
  50. section
  51. article
  52. aside
  53. intro-cite
  54. intro-q
  55. blockquotes
  56. address
  57. intro-bdo
  58. intro-bdi
  59. intro-code
  60. intro-kbd
  61. intro-samp
  62. intro-pre
  63. intro-var
  64. close-all-html-elements
  65. alt-with-images
  66. conditional-comments-ie9
  67. non-breaking-space
  68. greater-and-less-than
  69. copyright
  70. ampersand
  71. html4-xhtml-and-html5

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in html. :warning: There are no games tagged with this aspect in html.

🦑 Deep

Prerequisite knowledge consisting of 2 or more 👶/💪 workouts


  1. video
  2. audio
  3. embed
  4. http-equiv
  5. robots
  6. main
  7. nav
  8. placeholder
  9. range
  10. intro-step
  11. min-and-max
  12. type-password
  13. pattern-regexp
  14. formaction
  15. formenctype
  16. formmethod
  17. formnovalidate-and-novalidate
  18. formtarget
  19. autocomplete
  20. autofocus
  21. multiple
  22. oninput
  23. output
  24. semantic-containers
  25. section
  26. article
  27. aside
  28. figure-and-figcaption
  29. intro-cite
  30. intro-q
  31. blockquotes
  32. address
  33. intro-bdo
  34. intro-bdi
  35. intro-code
  36. intro-kbd
  37. intro-samp
  38. intro-pre
  39. intro-var
  40. alt-with-images
  41. conditional-comments-ie9
  42. non-breaking-space
  43. greater-and-less-than
  44. copyright
  45. ampersand
  46. html4-xhtml-and-html5

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in html. :warning: There are no games tagged with this aspect in html.

✨ New

Recently added/gained traction feature

⚠️ There are no insights tagged with this aspect in html. :warning: There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in html. :warning: There are no games tagged with this aspect in html.

🔮 Obscura

Stories, obscure details that don’t specifically relate to a learning objective


  1. image-alt
  2. image-map
  3. image-base
  4. http-equiv
  5. image-button
  6. height-and-width
  7. formaction
  8. formenctype
  9. formmethod
  10. formnovalidate-and-novalidate
  11. formtarget
  12. intro-bdo
  13. intro-bdi
  14. doctype-always-first
  15. html-vs-htm
  16. lowercase-element-names
  17. quote-attribute-values
  18. conditional-comments-ie9

⚠️ There are no exercises tagged with this aspect in html. :warning: There are no games tagged with this aspect in html.

✅ All content has been tagged with aspects.

Clone this wiki locally