copyright | lastupdated | ||
2017-08-18 |
{:shortdesc: .shortdesc} {:new_window: target="_blank"} {:tip: .tip} {:pre: .pre} {:codeblock: .codeblock} {:screen: .screen} {:javascript: .ph data-hd-programlang='javascript'} {:java: .ph data-hd-programlang='java'} {:python: .ph data-hd-programlang='python'} {:swift: .ph data-hd-programlang='swift'}
A new version of {{}} debuted on 31, July 2017. The original version has been renamed {{}} Original and has been retired with a removal from service date of 15, January 2018.
{: shortdesc}
To migrate from {{}} Original to the new version, you need to make several changes, including updating any queries created for {{}} Original.
Note: If you have created a new instance of {{}}, you will only have access to the new version of {{}}. Access to both new {{}} and {{}} Original is only available in instances of {{}} created before 31, July 2017.
See Watson Discovery News for a description of this collection.
For a description and information about querying {{}} Original, see Watson Discovery News Original.
{{}} Original | {{}} |
{{}} Original is pre-enriched with the following Alchemy Language enrichments: Keyword Extraction, Entity Extraction, Concept Tagging, Relation Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, and Taxonomy Classification. The following additional metadata is also added: crawl date, publication date, URL ranking, host rank, and anchor text. | {{}} is pre-enriched with the following {{}} (NLU) enrichments: Keyword Extraction, Entity Extraction, Semantic Role Extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Relations, and Category Classification. The following additional metadata is also added: crawl date and publication date. To learn more about NLU enrichments, see Adding enrichments. |
{{}} Original was accessible through an environment that was unique to your service instance. | When using {{}}, all users query the same environment and collection. This means that all references to your environment and collection need to be changed. |
In {{}} Original, you receive information such as collection size, number of documents, etc. when retrieving the environment via the API. | {{}} API does not return this information. |
The following new fields are available in {{}}:
Many fields have been removed as well, for example blekko.hostrank
, duplicate_url
, domain
, and more. See HERE for a complete list.
To move your queries from {{}} Original to the new {{}}, you need to modify all existing queries in the following ways:
Change the environment ID that the query is calling. The news environment name has been standardized across all {{}} service instances to:
Change the collection ID that the query is calling. The news collection name has been standardized across all {{}} service instances to:
Modify the query to use the new JSON path structure for the new {{}}. Most fields have changed paths, multiple fields have been added, and a selected group of low-value fields have been removed. See the field migration spreadsheet for full details HERE
). For example, the following query:
Should be changed to:
You can query {{}} by using the API or one of the {{}} SDKs. Additionally, you can use the query building tooling to interactively construct queries.
To launch the {{}} tooling and query {{}}:
- Navigate to the Manage tab of your {{}} service instance.
- Click the Launch Tooling button.
- Click on the {{}} tile to open the {{}} overview page.
- Click Query this collection to open the My Data Insights screen. Click Build your own query to open the query builder.
Queries in {{}} are structured the same way as queries written for private data collections. See Building Queries and Delivering Content and Query Building Reference. {: tip}
Note: Do not expect identical results to be returned for similar queries in {{}} Original and {{}}. Crawl time, sources, and enrichments all combine to return different results.
Use one of the following methods to add queries to your application. All of these examples query for enriched_text.entities
with a text
value of IBM
In all of the following examples, replace {username}
and {password}
with the username and password that are listed in the Service Credentials page of your service instance.
curl -u "{username}":"{password}" ''
{: pre}
Discovery discovery = new Discovery("2017-08-01");
discovery.setUsernameAndPassword("{username}", "{password}");
String environmentId = "system";
String collectionId = "news";
QueryRequest.Builder queryBuilder = new QueryRequest.Builder(environmentId, collectionId);
QueryResponse queryResponse = discovery.query(;
{: codeblock}
var watson = require('watson-developer-cloud');
var discovery = new DiscoveryV1({
username: '{username}',
password: '{password}',
version_date: '2017-08-01'
discovery.query(('system', 'news', 'enriched_text.entities.text:IBM'),
function(error, data) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
{: codeblock}
import sys
import os
import json
from watson_developer_cloud import DiscoveryV1
discovery = DiscoveryV1(
qopts = {'query': 'enriched_text.entities.text:IBM'}
my_query = discovery.query('system', 'news', qopts)
print(json.dumps(my_query, indent=2))
{: codeblock}