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Version: 0.17.0-SNAPSHOT Type: application AppVersion: 0.17.0-SNAPSHOT Artifact HUB

A Helm chart for KubeRocketCI Tekton Pipelines

Additional Information

Tekton Pipelines

Tekton Pipelines supports four VCS: Gerrit, GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket. To check the VCS Import strategy, please refer to the KubeRocketCI Documentation).

Tekton Pipelines are implemented and packaged using the helm-chart approach. The helm-chart contains:

  • Tasks - basic building block for Tekton. Some of the tasks are forks from Upstream Tekton Catalog.
  • Pipelines, which consist of Tasks and implement logic for the CI flow. KubeRocketCI follows the below approach for pipelines definition:
    • Each type of VCS has its own Pipelines, e.g. for Gerrit, GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket;
    • KubeRocketCI has two types of Pipelines: CodeReview - triggers on Review, Build - triggers on Merged Event.
  • Triggers, TriggerBindings, TriggerTemplates - defines the logic for specific VCS Events (Gerrit, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket) and Pipelines.
  • Resources - Kubernetes resources, that are used from Pipelines, e.g. ServiceAccount with IRSA Enablement, ConfigMaps for Maven/Gradle Pipelines, Tekton cache, CodeNarc, CTLint, and PVC to share resources between Tasks.
  • Tekton Pipeline pruner - created as a cron job, it is designed to clear outdated pipelines.

EDP Interceptor

EDP Interceptor is used as a component that provides KubeRocketCI metadata for Tekton Pipelines. The code is based on Upstream implementation.

EDP Interceptor extracts information from VCS payload, like repository_name. The repository_name has 1-2-1 mapping with Codebase (kind: Codebase; Interceptor populates Tekton Pipelines with Codebase SPEC data, see the diagram below:

    ┌────────────┐              ┌─────────────────┐       ┌─────────────┐
    │            │              │ EDP Interceptor │       │   Tekton    │
    │  VCS(Git)  ├──────────────►                 ├───────►             │
    │            │              │                 │       │  Pipelines  │
    └──────┬─────┘              └────────┬────────┘       └─────────────┘
           │                             │
    ┌──────┴─────┐                       │ extract
    │    Repo    │                       │
    │            │                       │
    │            │      ┌────────────────▼───────────────┐
    └────────────┘      │ apiVersion: │
                        │ kind: Codebase                 │
                        │                                │
                        │ spec:                          │

The data, retrieved from the Codebase SPEC, is used in Tekton Pipelines logic. The docker images for Interceptor are available on the DockerHub. The helm-chart for interceptor deployment is in the same repository by the charts/interceptor directory. Follows Tekton Interceptor paradigm and enriches payload from different Version Control Systems (VCS) like Gerrit, GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket with KubeRocketCI specific data.



Name Email Url
epmd-edp [email protected]

Source Code


Repository Name Version
@epamedp tekton-cache 0.4.1
file://../common-library edp-tekton-common-library 0.3.12


Key Type Default Description
ctLint.chartSchema string "name: str()\nhome: str()\nversion: str()\ntype: str()\napiVersion: str()\nappVersion: any(str(), num())\ndescription: str()\nkeywords: list(str(), required=False)\nsources: list(str(), required=True)\nmaintainers: list(include('maintainer'), required=True)\ndependencies: list(include('dependency'), required=False)\nicon: str(required=False)\nengine: str(required=False)\ncondition: str(required=False)\ntags: str(required=False)\ndeprecated: bool(required=False)\nkubeVersion: str(required=False)\nannotations: map(str(), str(), required=False)\n---\nmaintainer:\n name: str(required=True)\n email: str(required=False)\n url: str(required=False)\n---\ndependency:\n name: str()\n version: str()\n repository: str()\n condition: str(required=False)\n tags: list(str(), required=False)\n enabled: bool(required=False)\n import-values: any(list(str()), list(include('import-value')), required=False)\n alias: str(required=False)\n"
ctLint.lintconf string "---\nrules:\n braces:\n min-spaces-inside: 0\n max-spaces-inside: 0\n min-spaces-inside-empty: -1\n max-spaces-inside-empty: -1\n brackets:\n min-spaces-inside: 0\n max-spaces-inside: 0\n min-spaces-inside-empty: -1\n max-spaces-inside-empty: -1\n colons:\n max-spaces-before: 0\n max-spaces-after: 1\n commas:\n max-spaces-before: 0\n min-spaces-after: 1\n max-spaces-after: 1\n comments:\n require-starting-space: true\n min-spaces-from-content: 2\n document-end: disable\n document-start: disable # No --- to start a file\n empty-lines:\n max: 2\n max-start: 0\n max-end: 0\n hyphens:\n max-spaces-after: 1\n indentation:\n spaces: consistent\n indent-sequences: whatever # - list indentation will handle both indentation and without\n check-multi-line-strings: false\n key-duplicates: enable\n line-length: disable # Lines can be any length\n new-line-at-end-of-file: enable\n new-lines:\n type: unix\n trailing-spaces: enable\n truthy:\n level: warning\n"
ctLint.validateMaintainers bool false
fullnameOverride string ""
gitServers object {}
githubOwners object {"checkType":"all","enabled":true} Enabling this feature ensures that Tekton pipelines trigger only when the repo owner creates a PR. More information:
global.dnsWildCard string "" a cluster DNS wildcard name
global.dockerRegistry.type string "ecr" Define Image Registry that will to be used in Pipelines. Can be ecr (default), harbor, dockerhub
global.dockerRegistry.url string "<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION><registry_space>" Docker Registry endpoint. In dockerhub case the URL must be specified in accordance with the Kaniko name convention (<registry_space>)
global.gerritHost string "gerrit" Gerrit Host URL, must be specified if gerrit is enabled
global.gitProviders list ["bitbucket","gerrit","github","gitlab"] Deploy Kubernetes Resources for the specific Git Provider. Can be gerrit, gitlab, github (default)
global.platform string "kubernetes" platform type that can be "kubernetes" or "openshift"
grafana.dashboards.labelKey string "grafana_dashboard"
grafana.dashboards.labelValue string "1"
grafana.enabled bool false
grafana.serviceMonitor.prometheusReleaseLabels.release string "prom"
interceptor.affinity object {} Affinity settings for pod assignment
interceptor.enabled bool true Deploy KubeRocketCI interceptor as a part of pipeline library when true. Default: true
interceptor.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
interceptor.image.repository string "epamedp/edp-tekton"
interceptor.image.tag string nil Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
interceptor.imagePullSecrets list []
interceptor.nameOverride string "tekton-interceptor"
interceptor.nodeSelector object {} Node labels for pod assignment
interceptor.podAnnotations object {}
interceptor.podSecurityContext object {}
interceptor.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"70m","memory":"60Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"50m","memory":"40Mi"}} The resource limits and requests for the Tekton Interceptor
interceptor.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false
interceptor.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] string "ALL"
interceptor.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true
interceptor.securityContext.runAsGroup int 65532
interceptor.securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true
interceptor.securityContext.runAsUser int 65532
interceptor.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account string "" If not set, a name is generated using the fullname template
interceptor.tolerations list [] Toleration labels for pod assignment
kaniko.customCert bool false Save cert in secret "custom-ca-certificates" with key ca.crt
kaniko.image.repository string ""
kaniko.image.tag string "v1.12.1"
kaniko.roleArn string "" AWS IAM role to be used for kaniko pod service account (IRSA). Format: arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<AWS_IAM_ROLE_NAME>
nameOverride string ""
pipelines.deployableResources object {"c":{"cmake":true,"make":true},"cs":{"dotnet3.1":false,"dotnet6.0":false},"deploy":true,"docker":true,"gitops":true,"go":{"beego":true,"gin":true,"operatorsdk":true},"groovy":true,"helm":true,"helm-pipeline":true,"infrastructure":true,"java":{"java11":true,"java17":true,"java21":true,"java8":false},"js":{"angular":true,"antora":true,"express":true,"next":true,"react":true,"vue":true},"opa":false,"python":{"ansible":true,"fastapi":true,"flask":true,"python3.8":false},"tasks":true,"terraform":true} This section contains the list of pipelines and tasks that will be installed.
pipelines.deployableResources.c object {"cmake":true,"make":true} This section control the installation of the review and build pipelines.
pipelines.deployableResources.deploy bool true This flag control the installation of the Deploy pipelines.
pipelines.deployableResources.tasks bool true This flag control the installation of the tasks.
pipelines.image.registry string "" Registry for tekton pipelines images. Default:
pipelines.podTemplate list [] This section allows to determine on which nodes to run tekton pipelines
tekton-cache.enabled bool true Enables the Tekton-cache subchart.
tekton-cache.url string "http://tekton-cache:8080" Defines the URL to the tekton-cache. Default: http://tekton-cache:8080
tekton.configs.gradleConfigMap string "custom-gradle-settings" Default configuration maps for provisioning init.gradle file, REPOSITORY_SNAPSHOTS_PATH and REPOSITORY_RELEASES_PATH environment variables.
tekton.configs.mavenConfigMap string "custom-maven-settings" Default configuration map for provisioning Maven settings.xml file. To use custom Maven settings.xml configuration file, the user should prepare another configuration map and update "mavenConfigMap". For reference see
tekton.configs.npmConfigMap string "custom-npm-settings" Default configuration maps for provisioning NPM .npmrc files. To use custom NPM .npmrc configuration file, the user should prepare another configuration map and update "npmConfigMap". For reference see
tekton.configs.nugetConfigMap string "custom-nuget-settings" Default configuration maps for provisioning nuget.config file.
tekton.configs.pythonConfigMap string "custom-python-settings" Default configuration maps for provisioning PIP_TRUSTED_HOST, PIP_INDEX_PATH, PIP_INDEX_URL_PATH, REPOSITORY_SNAPSHOTS_PATH and REPOSITORY_RELEASES_PATH environment variables for Python tasks.
tekton.packageRegistriesSecret.enabled bool false Set this as true if the secret should be available in Pipelines string "package-registries-auth-secret" Secret name that will be used in Pipelines. Default: package-registries-auth-secret
tekton.pruner.create bool true Specifies whether a cronjob should be created
tekton.pruner.image string "bitnami/kubectl:1.25" Docker image to run the pruner, expected to have kubectl and jq
tekton.pruner.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"70Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"50m","memory":"50Mi"}} Pod resources for Tekton pruner job
tekton.pruner.schedule string "0 10 */1 * *" How often to clean up resources
tekton.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"2","memory":"3Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"1Gi"}} The resource limits and requests for the Tekton Tasks
tekton.workspaceSize string "5Gi" Tekton workspace size. Most cases 1Gi is enough. It's common for all pipelines