A Helm chart for KubeRocketCI Tekton Pipelines
Tekton Pipelines supports four VCS: Gerrit, GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket. To check the VCS Import strategy, please refer to the KubeRocketCI Documentation).
Tekton Pipelines are implemented and packaged using the helm-chart approach. The helm-chart contains:
- basic building block for Tekton. Some of the tasks are forks from Upstream Tekton Catalog.Pipelines
, which consist ofTasks
and implement logic for the CI flow. KubeRocketCI follows the below approach for pipelines definition:- Each type of VCS has its own Pipelines, e.g. for Gerrit, GitHub, GitLab and BitBucket;
- KubeRocketCI has two types of Pipelines:
- triggers on Review,Build
- triggers on Merged Event.
- defines the logic for specific VCS Events (Gerrit, GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket) and Pipelines.Resources
- Kubernetes resources, that are used from Pipelines, e.g.ServiceAccount
with IRSA Enablement,ConfigMaps
for Maven/Gradle Pipelines, Tekton cache, CodeNarc, CTLint, and PVC to share resources between Tasks.Tekton Pipeline pruner
- created as a cron job, it is designed to clear outdated pipelines.
EDP Interceptor is used as a component that provides KubeRocketCI metadata for Tekton Pipelines. The code is based on Upstream implementation.
EDP Interceptor extracts information from VCS payload, like repository_name
. The repository_name
has 1-2-1 mapping with Codebase
(kind: Codebase; apiVersion:v2.edp.epam.com/v1). Interceptor populates Tekton Pipelines with Codebase SPEC data, see the diagram below:
┌────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐ ┌─────────────┐
│ │ │ EDP Interceptor │ │ Tekton │
│ VCS(Git) ├──────────────► ├───────► │
│ │ │ │ │ Pipelines │
└──────┬─────┘ └────────┬────────┘ └─────────────┘
│ │
┌──────┴─────┐ │ extract
│ Repo │ │
│ │ │
│ │ ┌────────────────▼───────────────┐
└────────────┘ │ apiVersion: v2.edp.epam.com/v1 │
│ kind: Codebase │
│ │
│ spec: │
The data, retrieved from the Codebase SPEC, is used in Tekton Pipelines logic. The docker images for Interceptor are available on the DockerHub. The helm-chart for interceptor deployment is in the same repository by the charts/interceptor directory. Follows Tekton Interceptor paradigm and enriches payload from different Version Control Systems (VCS) like Gerrit, GitHub, GitLab or BitBucket with KubeRocketCI specific data.
Homepage: https://docs.kuberocketci.io
Name | Url | |
epmd-edp | [email protected] | https://solutionshub.epam.com/solution/kuberocketci |
sergk | https://github.com/SergK |
Repository | Name | Version |
@epamedp | tekton-cache | 0.4.1 |
file://../common-library | edp-tekton-common-library | 0.3.12 |
Key | Type | Default | Description |
ctLint.chartSchema | string | "name: str()\nhome: str()\nversion: str()\ntype: str()\napiVersion: str()\nappVersion: any(str(), num())\ndescription: str()\nkeywords: list(str(), required=False)\nsources: list(str(), required=True)\nmaintainers: list(include('maintainer'), required=True)\ndependencies: list(include('dependency'), required=False)\nicon: str(required=False)\nengine: str(required=False)\ncondition: str(required=False)\ntags: str(required=False)\ndeprecated: bool(required=False)\nkubeVersion: str(required=False)\nannotations: map(str(), str(), required=False)\n---\nmaintainer:\n name: str(required=True)\n email: str(required=False)\n url: str(required=False)\n---\ndependency:\n name: str()\n version: str()\n repository: str()\n condition: str(required=False)\n tags: list(str(), required=False)\n enabled: bool(required=False)\n import-values: any(list(str()), list(include('import-value')), required=False)\n alias: str(required=False)\n" |
ctLint.lintconf | string | "---\nrules:\n braces:\n min-spaces-inside: 0\n max-spaces-inside: 0\n min-spaces-inside-empty: -1\n max-spaces-inside-empty: -1\n brackets:\n min-spaces-inside: 0\n max-spaces-inside: 0\n min-spaces-inside-empty: -1\n max-spaces-inside-empty: -1\n colons:\n max-spaces-before: 0\n max-spaces-after: 1\n commas:\n max-spaces-before: 0\n min-spaces-after: 1\n max-spaces-after: 1\n comments:\n require-starting-space: true\n min-spaces-from-content: 2\n document-end: disable\n document-start: disable # No --- to start a file\n empty-lines:\n max: 2\n max-start: 0\n max-end: 0\n hyphens:\n max-spaces-after: 1\n indentation:\n spaces: consistent\n indent-sequences: whatever # - list indentation will handle both indentation and without\n check-multi-line-strings: false\n key-duplicates: enable\n line-length: disable # Lines can be any length\n new-line-at-end-of-file: enable\n new-lines:\n type: unix\n trailing-spaces: enable\n truthy:\n level: warning\n" |
ctLint.validateMaintainers | bool | false |
fullnameOverride | string | "" |
gitServers | object | {} |
githubOwners | object | {"checkType":"all","enabled":true} |
Enabling this feature ensures that Tekton pipelines trigger only when the repo owner creates a PR. More information: https://tekton.dev/docs/triggers/interceptors/#owners-validation-for-pull-requests |
global.dnsWildCard | string | "" |
a cluster DNS wildcard name |
global.dockerRegistry.type | string | "ecr" |
Define Image Registry that will to be used in Pipelines. Can be ecr (default), harbor, dockerhub |
global.dockerRegistry.url | string | "<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com/<registry_space>" |
Docker Registry endpoint. In dockerhub case the URL must be specified in accordance with the Kaniko name convention (docker.io/<registry_space>) |
global.gerritHost | string | "gerrit" |
Gerrit Host URL, must be specified if gerrit is enabled |
global.gitProviders | list | ["bitbucket","gerrit","github","gitlab"] |
Deploy Kubernetes Resources for the specific Git Provider. Can be gerrit, gitlab, github (default) |
global.platform | string | "kubernetes" |
platform type that can be "kubernetes" or "openshift" |
grafana.dashboards.labelKey | string | "grafana_dashboard" |
grafana.dashboards.labelValue | string | "1" |
grafana.enabled | bool | false |
grafana.serviceMonitor.prometheusReleaseLabels.release | string | "prom" |
interceptor.affinity | object | {} |
Affinity settings for pod assignment |
interceptor.enabled | bool | true |
Deploy KubeRocketCI interceptor as a part of pipeline library when true. Default: true |
interceptor.image.pullPolicy | string | "IfNotPresent" |
interceptor.image.repository | string | "epamedp/edp-tekton" |
interceptor.image.tag | string | nil |
Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion. |
interceptor.imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
interceptor.nameOverride | string | "tekton-interceptor" |
interceptor.nodeSelector | object | {} |
Node labels for pod assignment |
interceptor.podAnnotations | object | {} |
interceptor.podSecurityContext | object | {} |
interceptor.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"70m","memory":"60Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"50m","memory":"40Mi"}} |
The resource limits and requests for the Tekton Interceptor |
interceptor.securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation | bool | false |
interceptor.securityContext.capabilities.drop[0] | string | "ALL" |
interceptor.securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem | bool | true |
interceptor.securityContext.runAsGroup | int | 65532 |
interceptor.securityContext.runAsNonRoot | bool | true |
interceptor.securityContext.runAsUser | int | 65532 |
interceptor.serviceAccount.annotations | object | {} |
Annotations to add to the service account |
interceptor.serviceAccount.name | string | "" |
If not set, a name is generated using the fullname template |
interceptor.tolerations | list | [] |
Toleration labels for pod assignment |
kaniko.customCert | bool | false |
Save cert in secret "custom-ca-certificates" with key ca.crt |
kaniko.image.repository | string | "gcr.io/kaniko-project/executor" |
kaniko.image.tag | string | "v1.12.1" |
kaniko.roleArn | string | "" |
AWS IAM role to be used for kaniko pod service account (IRSA). Format: arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<AWS_IAM_ROLE_NAME> |
nameOverride | string | "" |
pipelines.deployableResources | object | {"c":{"cmake":true,"make":true},"cs":{"dotnet3.1":false,"dotnet6.0":false},"deploy":true,"docker":true,"gitops":true,"go":{"beego":true,"gin":true,"operatorsdk":true},"groovy":true,"helm":true,"helm-pipeline":true,"infrastructure":true,"java":{"java11":true,"java17":true,"java21":true,"java8":false},"js":{"angular":true,"antora":true,"express":true,"next":true,"react":true,"vue":true},"opa":false,"python":{"ansible":true,"fastapi":true,"flask":true,"python3.8":false},"tasks":true,"terraform":true} |
This section contains the list of pipelines and tasks that will be installed. |
pipelines.deployableResources.c | object | {"cmake":true,"make":true} |
This section control the installation of the review and build pipelines. |
pipelines.deployableResources.deploy | bool | true |
This flag control the installation of the Deploy pipelines. |
pipelines.deployableResources.tasks | bool | true |
This flag control the installation of the tasks. |
pipelines.image.registry | string | "docker.io" |
Registry for tekton pipelines images. Default: docker.io |
pipelines.podTemplate | list | [] |
This section allows to determine on which nodes to run tekton pipelines |
tekton-cache.enabled | bool | true |
Enables the Tekton-cache subchart. |
tekton-cache.url | string | "http://tekton-cache:8080" |
Defines the URL to the tekton-cache. Default: http://tekton-cache:8080 |
tekton.configs.gradleConfigMap | string | "custom-gradle-settings" |
Default configuration maps for provisioning init.gradle file, REPOSITORY_SNAPSHOTS_PATH and REPOSITORY_RELEASES_PATH environment variables. |
tekton.configs.mavenConfigMap | string | "custom-maven-settings" |
Default configuration map for provisioning Maven settings.xml file. To use custom Maven settings.xml configuration file, the user should prepare another configuration map and update "mavenConfigMap". For reference see https://github.com/epam/edp-tekton/blob/master/charts/pipelines-library/templates/resources/cm-maven-settings.yaml |
tekton.configs.npmConfigMap | string | "custom-npm-settings" |
Default configuration maps for provisioning NPM .npmrc files. To use custom NPM .npmrc configuration file, the user should prepare another configuration map and update "npmConfigMap". For reference see https://github.com/epam/edp-tekton/blob/master/charts/pipelines-library/templates/resources/cm-npm-settings.yaml |
tekton.configs.nugetConfigMap | string | "custom-nuget-settings" |
Default configuration maps for provisioning nuget.config file. |
tekton.configs.pythonConfigMap | string | "custom-python-settings" |
Default configuration maps for provisioning PIP_TRUSTED_HOST, PIP_INDEX_PATH, PIP_INDEX_URL_PATH, REPOSITORY_SNAPSHOTS_PATH and REPOSITORY_RELEASES_PATH environment variables for Python tasks. |
tekton.packageRegistriesSecret.enabled | bool | false |
Set this as true if the secret should be available in Pipelines |
tekton.packageRegistriesSecret.name | string | "package-registries-auth-secret" |
Secret name that will be used in Pipelines. Default: package-registries-auth-secret |
tekton.pruner.create | bool | true |
Specifies whether a cronjob should be created |
tekton.pruner.image | string | "bitnami/kubectl:1.25" |
Docker image to run the pruner, expected to have kubectl and jq |
tekton.pruner.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"70Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"50m","memory":"50Mi"}} |
Pod resources for Tekton pruner job |
tekton.pruner.schedule | string | "0 10 */1 * *" |
How often to clean up resources |
tekton.resources | object | {"limits":{"cpu":"2","memory":"3Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"500m","memory":"1Gi"}} |
The resource limits and requests for the Tekton Tasks |
tekton.workspaceSize | string | "5Gi" |
Tekton workspace size. Most cases 1Gi is enough. It's common for all pipelines |