Channelflow is hosted on GitHub, using the distributed version control system git. To obtain a copy of the code clone the current repository running
git clone
To compile Channelflow:
- CMake (version 3.1 or higher)
- C++ supportive compiler
- FFTW (version 3 or higher)
- Eigen3 (version 3 or higher)
To enable parallelization, to use the NetCDF format (easy visualization with Paraview, VisIt ...) and to enable the parallel I/O:
- NetCDF (parallel version 4 or higher)
- HDF5(cxx) (format available for backwards compatibility)
To use Channelflow functions from the Python wrapper:
- boost-python
A Makefile to compile and install Channelflow can be generated using the provided CMake build scripts. CMake allows two build types: "release" and "debug". The build type decides on compiler options and whether assertions are compiled. Use "release" for optimal performance (e.g. for production runs) and "debug" for optimal diagnostics (e.g. for code development). Out of source builds are recommended.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake PATH_TO_SOURCE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debug (/release) (configuration options)
make -j
make install
Channelflow supports, beneath other standard cmake flags, the following options
Option | Values | Default | Description |
path | usr/local | Installation path for make install |
ON/OFF | ON | Enable MPI |
ON/OFF | ON | build shared channelflow and nsolver libraries |
ON/OFF | OFF | build static libraries (also enables linking to static libraries) |
ON/OFF | OFF | build a python wrapper for flowfields, disabled by default because it requires boost-python |
ON/OFF | OFF | enable legacy .h5 file format (using HDF5 C++) |
A complete installation, with all features enabled, might look like this:
The correct functionality of the Channelflow code is tested in two ways:
- Unit tests are tests of individual classes or methods.
- Integration tests are tests of applications with all underlying code.
Both test types are hooked to the make test
command, where they run sequentially.
If all tests pass successfully, the installation was successful.
When make test
hangs on executing a test, re-run the tests and see if the problem persists.
For verbose output and debugging, run make test ARGS="-V"
Unit tests use the googletest framework, which comes bundled with channelflow in its version 1.8.0.
To run only the unit tests, run tests/gtest/runUnitTest
in the CMake build directory.
Individual tests can be run by passing --gtest_filter=<foo>
as an argument, where <foo>
is a name or pattern of a specific unit test.
One example would be tests/gtest/runUnitTest --gtest_filter=TimeStepTest.*
to run all tests of the time stepping class.
More on unit testing can be found in the googletest Documentation.
Integration tests are found in folder tests
, and registered in tests/CMakeList.txt
. They are compiled into standalone
programs, which are individually listed in tests/CMakeList.txt
from where they are called on make test
For debugging, each integration test can be run individually and with various command-line arguments.
To run a DNS we first need to provide an initial velocity field. This can be done providing a specific file or creating
a random flowfield using the utility randomfield
in the tools
Running the command line
randomfield -Nx 48 -Ny 81 -Nz 32 -Lx 3 -Lz 2
a random flowfield with zero-divergence, Dirichlet boundary conditions and the specified resolution and geometry is created.
Time integration of this initial condition is performed by the program simulateflow
in the programs
The specific system to be simulated is specified via the program's options.
The following example integrates for 200 advective time units a simple plane Couette system at the default Reynolds number 400 .
simulateflow -T 200
The following example simulates a pressure driven (-dPds) Poiseuille flow (-Uwall 0) at the Reynolds number 1000 using a 1st order forward-backward euler scheme as initial time stepping algorithm (-is).
simulateflow -R 1000 -Uwall 0 -dPds -0.002 -is SBDF1