The message type SignAndUploadBundles can generate the following exceptions:
Exceptions sends as message through the Websocket:
Exception | Generated in | Documentation |
NullPointerException | Everywhere | Happens if a null reference is access |
JsonException | | if a JSON object cannot be created due to i/o error (IOException would be cause of JsonException) |
JsonParsingException | | if a JSON object cannot be created due to incorrect representation |
IllegalStateException | | if read, readObject, readArray, readValue or close method is already called |
IllegalArgumentException | | Thrown during intialization of service, when FOP factory has illegal arguments |
ConfigurationException | | Thrown during intialization of service, when FOP factory has an invalid configuration |
ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException | | Thrown during intialization of service, when it is tried to access an array that is shorter than the index |
IOException | | Thrown when files can't be read |
URISyntaxExceptionConfigurationException | | Thrown when certain URIs can't be parsed e.g. the onces for the base directory |
DirectoryIteratorException | | Thrown during intialization of service, when the fonts from the JARs can't be extracted |
FOPException | | Thrown during intialization of service, when in general the factory can't be build |
TransformerException | | Thrown when the XSLT transformation did not work |
Exceptions added to the message ERezeptWithDocuments:
Exception | Generated in | Documentation |
WebApplicationException | | Thrown when creating or updating the task (eprescription) on the domain services returns a response code unequals to a success code e.g. 200 this happens e.g. when the id is already taken, the bundle does not validate or signature is invalid |
ERezeptWorkflowException | | Is thrown for general errors like task is null after creating it |
ERezeptWorkflowException - ConnectorCardsException | | Is thrown when something goes wrong with the card selection or the PIN entering e.g. no active SMC or eHBA found |
ERezeptWorkflowException - FaultMessage | | Is thrown when something with the signing goes wrong e.g. job number was already used or there is already an elevated security session on the card |
Some example fault messages are:
- Timeout bei der PIN-Eingabe
- Der Komfortsignatur-Zähler hat den Wert SAK_COMFORT_SIGNATURE_MAX erreicht;HBA-78
- Zugriffsbedingungen nicht erfüllt
The gematik defines multiple FaultExceptions in
Here is a table from the different use cases and the possible exceptions:
Tabelle 218: TAB_KON_128 Fehlercodes TUC_KON_150 „Dokument QES signieren“ (Page: 344)
Code | ErrorType | Severity | Text (de) | Text (en)* |
4060 | Technical | Error | Ressource belegt | Resource is in use |
4110 | Technical | Error | ungültiges Dokumentformat (%Format%) Der Parameter Format enthält das übergebene Dokumentformat. | Unknown document format (%Format%). The paramter %Format% contains the request document format |
4111 | Technical | Error | ungültiger Signaturtyp oder Signaturvariante | Unknown signature type or signature variant |
4118 | Technical | Error | Stapelsignaturen werden nur für den HBA unterstützt. Mit HBA-Vorläuferkarten sind nur Einzelsignaturen möglich. | Batch signature are only supported for HBA. With pre-HBA cards it is only possible to do single signature. |
4126 | Security | Error | Kartentyp nicht zulässig für Signatur | Card type not supported for signature |
4049 | Technical | Error | Abbruch durch den Benutzer | Cancellation by user |
Tabelle 65: TAB_KON_089 Fehlercodes TUC_KON_012 „PIN verifizieren“ (Page: 160)
Code | ErrorType | Severity | Text (de) | Text (en)* |
4001 | Technical | Error | Interner Fehler | Internal error |
4043 | Technical | Warning | Timeout bei der PIN-Eingabe | Timeout during PIN entering |
4049 | Technical | Error | Abbruch durch den Benutzer | Cancellation by user |
4053 | Security | Error | Remote-PIN nicht möglich | Remote-PIN not possible |
4060 | Technical | Error | Ressource belegt | Ressource is in use |
4063 | Security | Error | PIN bereits gesperrt (BLOCKED) | PIN is already locked (BLOCKED) |
4065 | Technical | Warning | PIN ist transportgeschützt, Änderung erforderlich | PIN is transport procted, change required |
4072 | Technical | Error | Ungültige PIN-Referenz PinRef | Invalid PIN-Reference PinRef |
4092 | Technical | Error | Remote-PIN-KT benötigt aber für diesen Arbeitsplatz nicht definiert | Remote-PIN-KT required but not defined for this workplace |
4093 | Technical | Error | Karte wird in einer anderen Kartensitzung exklusiv verwendet | Card is used in another session exclusivly |
4094 | Technical | Error | Timeout beim Kartenzugriff aufgetreten | Timeout during accessing card. |
The english text is a translation by us it won't be send by the connector.
Examples for our response message can be found here:
Further please read the following document ERezeptWithDocuments-Exception-4093.json