- Lab1:Gate-Level Modeling
- Basic
- D-Latch
- 4-bit 1-to-4 de-multiplexer
- 4-bit simple crossbar switch with MUX/DMUX
- 4-bit 4X4 crossbar
- 1-bit toggle flip flop
- Basic
- Lab2:Advanced Gate-Level Verilog
- Basic
- NAND gate only
- 3-input majority gate
- 1-bit full adder and half adder
- 8-bit ripple carry adder (RCA)
- Decode and execute
- 8-bit carry-lookahead (CLA) Adder
- 4-bit multiplier
- An exhausted testbench design
- Decode and execute (FPGA)
- Basic
- Lab3:Sequential Circuits
- Basic
- Clock Divider
- 128 x 8 Memory Array Memory
- 4-bit Ping-Pong Counter
- First-In First Out Circular Queue
- Multi-Bank Memory
- Round-Robin FIFO Arbiter
- 4-bit Parameterized Ping-Pong Counter
- 4-bit Paramterized Ping-Pong Counter(FPGA)
- Basic
- Lab4:Finite State Machines
- Basic
- Moore Machine
- Mealy Machine
- Many-to-One Linear-Feedback Shift Register
- One-to-Many Linear-Feedback Shift Register
- Content-Addressable Memory Design
- Scan Chain Design
- Built-In Self Test
- Mealy machine sequence detector
- The 1A2B Game(FPGA)
- Basic
- Lab5:Keyboard and Audio Modules
- Basic
- Keyboard sample code
- Audio sample codes
- Sliding Window Sequence Detector
- Traffic Light Controller
- Greatest Common Divisor
- Booth Multiplier
- Mixed Keyboard and Audio Modules Together(FPGA)
- Vending Machine(FPGA)
- Basic
- Lab6:Peripheral Components
- Basic
- VGA sample code
- Mouse sample codes
- Dual FPGA Communication(FPGA)
- The Slot Machine(FPGA)
- The Car(FPGA)
- Basic