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MinLibLog is a minimal logging abstraction for .NET Library developers that avoids adding a dependency to any specific logging framework. It is based off Damian Hickey's LibLog project, but does not require consuming applications to reference any types outside the .NET Framework/.NET Core System namespace.

Library Project Usage

In library projects loggers are created to log library events to.

  1. Copy Logger.cs into the library project
  2. Change the namespace from SampleLibrary to the namespace of the library project.
  3. Create loggers in the library by calling Logger.GetLogger<T>() or Logger.GetLogger(string name).
  4. Log messages to various methods on these Logger instances.


public class MyClass
    //Create a Logger for MyClass
    private static readonly Logger _logger = Logger.GetLoggerFor<MyClass>();

    public MyClass()
            //Log a simple text message
            _logger.Info("Simple info level log message");

            //Log a composite message and arguments
            _logger.Debug("Logging with arguments: UserName = {0}, Machine = {1}", System.Environment.UserName, System.Environment.MachineName);

            throw new Exception("Exception to log");
        catch (Exception exp)
            //Log Error message with exception
            _logger.Error("{0} exception thrown", exp, exp.GetType().Name);

Application Project Usage

Applications configure the destination of log messages by setting Logger.LogHandlerProvider for each library using MinLibLog.

var logFunc = new Func<string, Action<DateTime, int, string, Exception>>(LogHandlerProvider);

LibraryA.Logger.LogHandlerProvider = logFunc;
LibraryB.Logger.LogHandlerProvider = logFunc;
LibraryC.Logger.LogHandlerProvider = logFunc;

LogHandlerProvider accepts a logger name, and returns an Action<DateTime, int, string, Exception> delegate to handle log messages from the library. These these delegates take five arguments.

  1. DateTime: Timestamp of the log event
  2. int: An integer from 0-5 that identifies the level or severity of the log message. (See below)
  3. string: A message describing the logged event.
  4. Exception: An exception to log. This is optional and may be null.

Log Levels

  • Trace [0]: Very detailed logs, which may include high-volume information such as protocol payloads. This log level is typically only enabled during development
  • Debug [1]: Debugging information, less detailed than trace, typically not enabled in production environment.
  • Info [2]: Information messages, which are normally enabled in production environment
  • Warn [3]: Warning messages, typically for non-critical issues, which can be recovered or which are temporary failures
  • Error [4]: Error messages - most of the time these are Exceptions
  • Fatal [5]: Very serious errors!

Log Framework Examples

The following show examples of configuring MinLibLog for various popular logging frameworks.


MinLibLog configuration example for NLog

private static readonly NLog.LogLevel[] _nLogLogLevelArray = new NLog.LogLevel[] {
            NLog.LogLevel.Fatal };

private static Action<DateTime, int, string, Exception> LogHandlerProvider(string loggerName)
    var nLogLogger = NLog.LogManager.GetLogger(loggerName);

    return new Action<DateTime, int, string, Exception>(delegate (DateTime timeStamp, int logLevel, string message, Exception exception)
        NLog.LogEventInfo logEvent = new NLog.LogEventInfo(_nLogLogLevelArray[logLevel], loggerName, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, message);
        logEvent.TimeStamp = timeStamp;


MinLibLog configuration example for log4net

private static log4net.Core.Level[] _log4NetLogLevelArray = new log4net.Core.Level[] {
            log4net.Core.Level.Fatal };

private static log4net.Repository.ILoggerRepository _log4netLogRepo;

private static Action<DateTime, int, string, Exception> LogHandlerProvider(string loggerName)
    if (_log4netLogRepo == null)
        _log4netLogRepo = log4net.LogManager.GetRepository(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly());
        log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.ConfigureAndWatch(_log4netLogRepo, new FileInfo("log4net.config"));

    var log4netLogger = _log4netLogRepo.GetLogger(loggerName);

    return new Action<DateTime, int, string, Exception>(delegate (DateTime timeStamp, int logLevel, string message, Exception exception)
        log4net.Core.LoggingEventData logEventData = new log4net.Core.LoggingEventData();

        logEventData.Level = _log4NetLogLevelArray[logLevel];
        logEventData.TimeStampUtc = timeStamp.ToUniversalTime();
        logEventData.Message = message;
        if (exception != null) logEventData.ExceptionString = exception.ToString();

        log4net.Core.LoggingEvent logEvent = new log4net.Core.LoggingEvent(logEventData);


MinLibLog configuration example for Serilog

private static readonly Serilog.Parsing.MessageTemplateParser _seriLogMessageTemplateParser = new Serilog.Parsing.MessageTemplateParser();
private static LoggerConfiguration _loggerConfig;

private static Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel[] _seriLogLogLevelArray = new Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel[] {
            Serilog.Events.LogEventLevel.Fatal };

private static Action<DateTime, int, string, Exception> LogHandlerProvider(string loggerName)
    var seriLogLogger = new LoggerConfiguration().MinimumLevel.Verbose().WriteTo.Console().WriteTo.File("serilog\\serilog.log").CreateLogger();

    return new Action<DateTime, int, string, Exception>(delegate (DateTime timeStamp, int logLevel, string message, Exception exception)
        DateTimeOffset timeStampOffset = new DateTimeOffset(timeStamp);

        List<Serilog.Parsing.MessageTemplateToken> tokens = new List<Serilog.Parsing.MessageTemplateToken>();
        Serilog.Parsing.MessageTemplateParser parser = new Serilog.Parsing.MessageTemplateParser();

        Serilog.Events.MessageTemplate messageTemplate = _seriLogMessageTemplateParser.Parse(message);

        List<Serilog.Events.LogEventProperty> properties = new List<Serilog.Events.LogEventProperty>();

        Serilog.Events.LogEvent logEvent = new Serilog.Events.LogEvent(timeStampOffset, _seriLogLogLevelArray[logLevel], exception, messageTemplate, properties);
