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Learning Evidence of Pairwise Association from Epigenomic and TF binding data

Learning Evidence of Pairwise Association from Epigenomic and TF binding data (LEPAE) quantifies evidence of association for pairs of genomic windows based on large-scale epigenomic and TF binding data while considering distance information.

Genome-wide LEPAE score for hg38

Score tracks are provided in .hic format.


This pipeline is written in Snakemake, which enables running on various execution environments. It is highly recommended to run it in a high-performance computing (HPC) environment. We used UCLA's Hoffman2 cluster.

If the following dependencies are available, there is no installation step other than cloning this repository.


  • Snakemake 6.8.1
  • Python 3.9.6
    • Numpy 1.22.2
    • Pandas 1.3.2
    • Pytorch 1.10.0+cu102
    • Scikit-learn 0.24.2
  • Bedtools 2.30.0

How to run on full dataset on HPC

snakemake \
-j 100 \
--configfile parameters_1kb.yaml \
--cluster-config cluster.json \
--cluster "qsub -V -l h_rt={cluster.time},h_data={cluster.memory} -pe shared {cluster.threads} -N {} -j y -o {cluster.output}" \
--latency-wait 60 \
--local-cores 1
  • -j 100 is to limit the number of parallel jobs to 100. Adjust this number based on resource availability.
  • --configfile parameters_1kb.yaml specifies the model configuration file
  • --cluster-config cluster.json specifies the cluster configuration file
  • --cluster "qsub -V -l h_rt={cluster.time},h_data={cluster.memory} -pe shared {cluster.threads} -N {} -j y -o {cluster.output}" specifies the cluster submission command
  • --latency-wait 60 specifies to wait for 60 seconds before checking the status of the submitted jobs. This is optional. Remove or adjust this number accordingly.
  • --local-cores 1 limits the number of local cores used to 1. This is optional

Required input

Name Description Example(s) Where to specify
Snakefile Pipeline definition Snakefile NA
Config YAML Model configuration demo/demo.yaml, parameters_1kb.yaml, parameters_10kb.yaml --configfile or inside Snakefile
Cluster JSON Cluster configuration cluster.json --cluster-config
Chromosome size Chromosome sizes hg38.chrom.sizes Config YAML
DNase-seq and ChIP-seq datasets Text file listing URLs of gzipped BED files containing peak calls from DNase-seq and ChIP-seq experiments files_hg38_DNaseChIPseq.txt Config YAML
ChromHMM annoations Text file listing URLs of gzipped BED files containing ChromHMM tracks files_hg38_ChromHMM.txt Config YAML

The 1-kb resolution LEPAE score was generated using parameters_1kb.yaml and the 10-kb resolution LEPAE score was generated using parameters_10kb.yaml. Other files are used for both resolutions. Input and output paths in config YAML and cluster JSON files should be updated accordingly.

Config YAML

# parameters_1kb.yaml
env: "cluster" # Or "local" to run in a local environment. Used to load bedtools module (See below)

min_dist: 1000 # Minimum pairwise distance in bp. Typically same as window_size
max_dist: 100000 # Maximum pairwise distance in bp
window_size: 1000 # Window size in bp

seed: 413666 # Random seed for reproducibility

training_data_size: 50000 # Number of training data points
tuning_data_size: 5000 # Number of tuning data points
num_random_search: 10 # Number of combinations of hyperparameters to try during random search
ensemble_size: 5 # Number of models to train in an ensemble

num_dnasechipseq_experiments: 3337 # Number of DNase-seq and ChIP-seq experiments
num_chromhmm_experiments: 127 # Number of ChromHMM datasets
num_chromhmm_states: 25 # Number of ChromHMM states

paths: # Paths to input files and output directory
  dnasechipseq_experiment_paths_file: "/u/project/ernst/skwon94/pairwise_scoring/files_hg38_DNaseChIPseq.txt"
  chromhmm_experiment_paths_file: "/u/project/ernst/skwon94/pairwise_scoring/files_hg38_ChromHMM.txt"
  chrom_size_file: "/u/project/ernst/skwon94/pairwise_scoring/hg38.chrom.sizes"
  output_dir: "/u/project/ernst/skwon94/pairwise_scoring/model/gw_1kb"

Loading bedtools module

If env is set to cluster in the config YAML file, the bedtools module, which is available in our HPC environment, is loaded before running any bedtools command as shown below. Depending on your environment, this may not be necessary or need to change (e.g. use a conda environment or Docker image instead).

# Snakefile
if [ "{env}" = "cluster" ]; then
    . /u/local/Modules/default/init/; module load bedtools
bedtools ...


This demo is for a local environment and has been tested in a Linux environment using a Windows laptop.

Create a conda environment with dependencies and run the demo inside the environment as follows:

conda create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -n lepae snakemake=6.8.1 python=3.9.6 numpy=1.22.2 pandas=1.3.2 pytorch=1.10.0 scikit-learn=0.24.2 bedtools=2.30.0 tabulate=0.8
conda activate lepae
snakemake --configfile demo/demo.yaml -c1

In total, 149 steps run in ~15 minutes. Output file demo/model/prediction/NN/prediction_min10000_max30000_window10000.bedpe.gz contains the final score predictions for pairwise distances 10, 20, and 30 kb at a 10-kb resolution.

Given the minimal set of input datasets and small training data size, the trained models are not expected to produce meaningful predictions. To take advantage of this pipeline, scale up to use thousands of datasets and larger training data size as done in parameters_1kb.yaml and parameters_10kb.yaml in a HPC environment.