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MichaelKohler edited this page Oct 5, 2012 · 5 revisions

To Customer


  • Does the password need to be repeated on registration?

  • Are picture and list of interests required?

  • How does a user authenticate?

  • What are these restricted pages that require authentication?

  • How does a user login? Is that the same as authentication? Can everybody autheticate? Is this reset on logout?

  • Can authenticated users do the same as non authenticated ones plus more?

  • Does the old password need to be repeated in order to change it?

  • "As a user belonging to at least one organization, I can select which organization I'm currently working for." Shouldn't he belong to at least two? Or can he either work for himself or the organization?

  • Who is a seller? Everybody?

  • What happens with items that were bought? Does the seller keep it in his list???

  • Can I change the amount of items I have once one has been bought?

  • Can a seller remove items?

  • "the number of copies shown to other users must be consistent with ongoing transactions" What does that mean? Realtime updates?

  • "(temporal list)" ? What does it mean?

  • "As buyer or seller, I can watch a user, organization or item so that I can easily track activity related to them." What activity of organizations are you notified of? Can you filter this too?

  • should a user page show the user's credits or are these private?

To Implementation Team