diff --git a/core-v-mini-mcu.core b/core-v-mini-mcu.core
index 1c0d6c818..c26ccfb62 100644
--- a/core-v-mini-mcu.core
+++ b/core-v-mini-mcu.core
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ filesets:
- yosyshq:picorv32_spimemio:0-r1
- x-heep:obi_spimemio:0.1.0
- x-heep:ip:boot_rom
- - x-heep:ip:dma
+ - x-heep:ip:idma
- x-heep:ip:power_manager
- x-heep:ip:fast_intr_ctrl
diff --git a/hw/core-v-mini-mcu/ao_peripheral_subsystem.sv b/hw/core-v-mini-mcu/ao_peripheral_subsystem.sv
index 1ba744a35..84f2356da 100644
--- a/hw/core-v-mini-mcu/ao_peripheral_subsystem.sv
+++ b/hw/core-v-mini-mcu/ao_peripheral_subsystem.sv
@@ -316,11 +316,15 @@ module ao_peripheral_subsystem
- dma #(
- .reg_req_t (reg_pkg::reg_req_t),
- .reg_rsp_t (reg_pkg::reg_rsp_t),
- .obi_req_t (obi_pkg::obi_req_t),
- .obi_resp_t(obi_pkg::obi_resp_t)
+ dma_reg32_wrap #(
+ .reg_req_t(reg_pkg::reg_req_t),
+ .reg_rsp_t(reg_pkg::reg_rsp_t),
+ .obi_req_t(obi_pkg::obi_req_t),
+ .obi_resp_t(obi_pkg::obi_resp_t),
) dma_i (
@@ -330,13 +334,14 @@ module ao_peripheral_subsystem
- .spi_rx_valid_i(spi_rx_valid),
- .spi_tx_ready_i(spi_tx_ready),
- .spi_flash_rx_valid_i(spi_flash_rx_valid),
- .spi_flash_tx_ready_i(spi_flash_tx_ready),
+ .spi_rx_valid_i(),
+ .spi_tx_ready_i(),
+ .spi_flash_rx_valid_i(),
+ .spi_flash_tx_ready_i(),
assign pad_req_o = ao_peripheral_slv_req[core_v_mini_mcu_pkg::PAD_CONTROL_IDX];
assign ao_peripheral_slv_rsp[core_v_mini_mcu_pkg::PAD_CONTROL_IDX] = pad_resp_i;
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/Makefile b/hw/ip/iDMA/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a218cd84e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+BENDER ?= bender
+REG_PATH ?= $(shell $(BENDER) path register_interface)
+REG_TOOL ?= $(REG_PATH)/vendor/lowrisc_opentitan/util/regtool.py
+REG32_FE_DIR = ./frontend
+REG32_HJSON = $(REG32_FE_DIR)/idma_reg32_frontend.hjson
+ $(PYTHON) $(REG_TOOL) $(REG32_HJSON) -t $(REG32_FE_DIR) -r
+ $(PYTHON) $(REG_TOOL) $(REG32_HJSON) -D > $(REG32_FE_DIR)/idma_reg32_frontend.h
+ printf $(REG_HTML_STRING) > $(REG32_FE_DIR)/idma_reg32_frontend.html
+ $(PYTHON) $(REG_TOOL) $(REG32_HJSON) -d >> $(REG32_FE_DIR)/idma_reg32_frontend.html
+ printf "\n" >> $(REG32_FE_DIR)/idma_reg32_frontend.html
+ cp $(REG_PATH)/vendor/lowrisc_opentitan/util/reggen/reg_html.css $(REG32_FE_DIR)
+ rm -f $(REG32_FE_DIR)/idma_reg32_frontend.h
+ rm -f $(REG32_FE_DIR)/idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg.sv
+ rm -f $(REG32_FE_DIR)/idma_reg32_frontend_reg_top.sv
+ rm -f $(REG32_FE_DIR)/reg_html.css
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/axi/axi_to_mem.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/axi/axi_to_mem.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc1b395ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/axi/axi_to_mem.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,758 @@
+// Copyright 2020 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-0.51. Unless required by applicable law
+// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+// Authors:
+// - Michael Rogenmoser
+`include "common_cells/registers.svh"
+/// AXI4+ATOP slave module which translates AXI bursts into a memory stream.
+/// If both read and write channels of the AXI4+ATOP are active, both will have an
+/// utilization of 50%.
+module axi_to_mem #(
+ /// AXI4+ATOP request type. See `include/axi/typedef.svh`.
+ parameter type axi_req_t = logic,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP response type. See `include/axi/typedef.svh`.
+ parameter type axi_resp_t = logic,
+ /// Address width, has to be less or equal than the width off the AXI address field.
+ /// Determines the width of `mem_addr_o`. Has to be wide enough to emit the memory region
+ /// which should be accessible.
+ parameter int unsigned AddrWidth = 0,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP data width.
+ parameter int unsigned DataWidth = 0,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP ID width.
+ parameter int unsigned IdWidth = 0,
+ /// Number of banks at output, must evenly divide `DataWidth`.
+ parameter int unsigned NumBanks = 0,
+ /// Depth of memory response buffer. This should be equal to the memory response latency.
+ parameter int unsigned BufDepth = 1,
+ /// Hide write requests if the strb == '0
+ parameter bit HideStrb = 1'b0,
+ /// Depth of output fifo/fall_through_register. Increase for asymmetric backpressure (contention) on banks.
+ parameter int unsigned OutFifoDepth = 1,
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. Memory address type.
+ localparam type addr_t = logic [AddrWidth-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. Memory data type.
+ localparam type mem_data_t = logic [DataWidth/NumBanks-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. Memory write strobe type.
+ localparam type mem_strb_t = logic [DataWidth/NumBanks/8-1:0]
+) (
+ /// Clock input.
+ input logic clk_i,
+ /// Asynchronous reset, active low.
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ /// The unit is busy handling an AXI4+ATOP request.
+ output logic busy_o,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP slave port, request input.
+ input axi_req_t axi_req_i,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP slave port, response output.
+ output axi_resp_t axi_resp_o,
+ /// Memory stream master, request is valid for this bank.
+ output logic [NumBanks-1:0] mem_req_o,
+ /// Memory stream master, request can be granted by this bank.
+ input logic [NumBanks-1:0] mem_gnt_i,
+ /// Memory stream master, byte address of the request.
+ output addr_t [NumBanks-1:0] mem_addr_o,
+ /// Memory stream master, write data for this bank. Valid when `mem_req_o`.
+ output mem_data_t [NumBanks-1:0] mem_wdata_o,
+ /// Memory stream master, byte-wise strobe (byte enable).
+ output mem_strb_t [NumBanks-1:0] mem_strb_o,
+ /// Memory stream master, `axi_pkg::atop_t` signal associated with this request.
+ output axi_pkg::atop_t [NumBanks-1:0] mem_atop_o,
+ /// Memory stream master, write enable. Then asserted store of `mem_w_data` is requested.
+ output logic [NumBanks-1:0] mem_we_o,
+ /// Memory stream master, response is valid. This module expects always a response valid for a
+ /// request regardless if the request was a write or a read.
+ input logic [NumBanks-1:0] mem_rvalid_i,
+ /// Memory stream master, read response data.
+ input mem_data_t [NumBanks-1:0] mem_rdata_i
+ typedef logic [DataWidth-1:0] axi_data_t;
+ typedef logic [DataWidth/8-1:0] axi_strb_t;
+ typedef logic [IdWidth-1:0] axi_id_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ addr_t addr;
+ axi_pkg::atop_t atop;
+ axi_strb_t strb;
+ axi_data_t wdata;
+ logic we;
+ } mem_req_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ addr_t addr;
+ axi_pkg::atop_t atop;
+ axi_id_t id;
+ logic last;
+ axi_pkg::qos_t qos;
+ axi_pkg::size_t size;
+ logic write;
+ } meta_t;
+ axi_data_t mem_rdata,
+ m2s_resp;
+ axi_pkg::len_t r_cnt_d, r_cnt_q,
+ w_cnt_d, w_cnt_q;
+ logic arb_valid, arb_ready,
+ rd_valid, rd_ready,
+ wr_valid, wr_ready,
+ sel_b, sel_buf_b,
+ sel_r, sel_buf_r,
+ sel_valid, sel_ready,
+ sel_buf_valid, sel_buf_ready,
+ sel_lock_d, sel_lock_q,
+ meta_valid, meta_ready,
+ meta_buf_valid, meta_buf_ready,
+ meta_sel_d, meta_sel_q,
+ m2s_req_valid, m2s_req_ready,
+ m2s_resp_valid, m2s_resp_ready,
+ mem_req_valid, mem_req_ready,
+ mem_rvalid;
+ mem_req_t m2s_req,
+ mem_req;
+ meta_t rd_meta,
+ rd_meta_d, rd_meta_q,
+ wr_meta,
+ wr_meta_d, wr_meta_q,
+ meta, meta_buf;
+ assign busy_o = axi_req_i.aw_valid | axi_req_i.ar_valid | axi_req_i.w_valid |
+ axi_resp_o.b_valid | axi_resp_o.r_valid |
+ (r_cnt_q > 0) | (w_cnt_q > 0);
+ // Handle reads.
+ always_comb begin
+ // Default assignments
+ axi_resp_o.ar_ready = 1'b0;
+ rd_meta_d = rd_meta_q;
+ rd_meta = meta_t'{default: '0};
+ rd_valid = 1'b0;
+ r_cnt_d = r_cnt_q;
+ // Handle R burst in progress.
+ if (r_cnt_q > '0) begin
+ rd_meta_d.last = (r_cnt_q == 8'd1);
+ rd_meta = rd_meta_d;
+ rd_meta.addr = rd_meta_q.addr + axi_pkg::num_bytes(rd_meta_q.size);
+ rd_valid = 1'b1;
+ if (rd_ready) begin
+ r_cnt_d--;
+ rd_meta_d.addr = rd_meta.addr;
+ end
+ // Handle new AR if there is one.
+ end else if (axi_req_i.ar_valid) begin
+ rd_meta_d = '{
+ addr: addr_t'(axi_pkg::aligned_addr(axi_req_i.ar.addr, axi_req_i.ar.size)),
+ atop: '0,
+ id: axi_req_i.ar.id,
+ last: (axi_req_i.ar.len == '0),
+ qos: axi_req_i.ar.qos,
+ size: axi_req_i.ar.size,
+ write: 1'b0
+ };
+ rd_meta = rd_meta_d;
+ rd_meta.addr = addr_t'(axi_req_i.ar.addr);
+ rd_valid = 1'b1;
+ if (rd_ready) begin
+ r_cnt_d = axi_req_i.ar.len;
+ axi_resp_o.ar_ready = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // Handle writes.
+ always_comb begin
+ // Default assignments
+ axi_resp_o.aw_ready = 1'b0;
+ axi_resp_o.w_ready = 1'b0;
+ wr_meta_d = wr_meta_q;
+ wr_meta = meta_t'{default: '0};
+ wr_valid = 1'b0;
+ w_cnt_d = w_cnt_q;
+ // Handle W bursts in progress.
+ if (w_cnt_q > '0) begin
+ wr_meta_d.last = (w_cnt_q == 8'd1);
+ wr_meta = wr_meta_d;
+ wr_meta.addr = wr_meta_q.addr + axi_pkg::num_bytes(wr_meta_q.size);
+ if (axi_req_i.w_valid) begin
+ wr_valid = 1'b1;
+ if (wr_ready) begin
+ axi_resp_o.w_ready = 1'b1;
+ w_cnt_d--;
+ wr_meta_d.addr = wr_meta.addr;
+ end
+ end
+ // Handle new AW if there is one.
+ end else if (axi_req_i.aw_valid && axi_req_i.w_valid) begin
+ wr_meta_d = '{
+ addr: addr_t'(axi_pkg::aligned_addr(axi_req_i.aw.addr, axi_req_i.aw.size)),
+ atop: axi_req_i.aw.atop,
+ id: axi_req_i.aw.id,
+ last: (axi_req_i.aw.len == '0),
+ qos: axi_req_i.aw.qos,
+ size: axi_req_i.aw.size,
+ write: 1'b1
+ };
+ wr_meta = wr_meta_d;
+ wr_meta.addr = addr_t'(axi_req_i.aw.addr);
+ wr_valid = 1'b1;
+ if (wr_ready) begin
+ w_cnt_d = axi_req_i.aw.len;
+ axi_resp_o.aw_ready = 1'b1;
+ axi_resp_o.w_ready = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // Arbitrate between reads and writes.
+ stream_mux #(
+ .DATA_T ( meta_t ),
+ .N_INP ( 32'd2 )
+ ) i_ax_mux (
+ .inp_data_i ({wr_meta, rd_meta }),
+ .inp_valid_i ({wr_valid, rd_valid}),
+ .inp_ready_o ({wr_ready, rd_ready}),
+ .inp_sel_i ( meta_sel_d ),
+ .oup_data_o ( meta ),
+ .oup_valid_o ( arb_valid ),
+ .oup_ready_i ( arb_ready )
+ );
+ always_comb begin
+ meta_sel_d = meta_sel_q;
+ sel_lock_d = sel_lock_q;
+ if (sel_lock_q) begin
+ meta_sel_d = meta_sel_q;
+ if (arb_valid && arb_ready) begin
+ sel_lock_d = 1'b0;
+ end
+ end else begin
+ if (wr_valid ^ rd_valid) begin
+ // If either write or read is valid but not both, select the valid one.
+ meta_sel_d = wr_valid;
+ end else if (wr_valid && rd_valid) begin
+ // If both write and read are valid, decide according to QoS then burst properties.
+ // Prioritize higher QoS.
+ if (wr_meta.qos > rd_meta.qos) begin
+ meta_sel_d = 1'b1;
+ end else if (rd_meta.qos > wr_meta.qos) begin
+ meta_sel_d = 1'b0;
+ // Decide requests with identical QoS.
+ end else if (wr_meta.qos == rd_meta.qos) begin
+ // 1. Prioritize individual writes over read bursts.
+ // Rationale: Read bursts can be interleaved on AXI but write bursts cannot.
+ if (wr_meta.last && !rd_meta.last) begin
+ meta_sel_d = 1'b1;
+ // 2. Prioritize ongoing burst.
+ // Rationale: Stalled bursts create back-pressure or require costly buffers.
+ end else if (w_cnt_q > '0) begin
+ meta_sel_d = 1'b1;
+ end else if (r_cnt_q > '0) begin
+ meta_sel_d = 1'b0;
+ // 3. Otherwise arbitrate round robin to prevent starvation.
+ end else begin
+ meta_sel_d = ~meta_sel_q;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // Lock arbitration if valid but not yet ready.
+ if (arb_valid && !arb_ready) begin
+ sel_lock_d = 1'b1;
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ // Fork arbitrated stream to meta data, memory requests, and R/B channel selection.
+ stream_fork #(
+ .N_OUP ( 32'd3 )
+ ) i_fork (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .valid_i ( arb_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( arb_ready ),
+ .valid_o ({sel_valid, meta_valid, m2s_req_valid}),
+ .ready_i ({sel_ready, meta_ready, m2s_req_ready})
+ );
+ assign sel_b = meta.write & meta.last;
+ assign sel_r = ~meta.write | meta.atop[5];
+ stream_fifo #(
+ .FALL_THROUGH ( 1'b1 ),
+ .DEPTH ( 32'd1 + BufDepth ),
+ .T ( logic[1:0] )
+ ) i_sel_buf (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .flush_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .testmode_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .data_i ({sel_b, sel_r }),
+ .valid_i ( sel_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( sel_ready ),
+ .data_o ({sel_buf_b, sel_buf_r}),
+ .valid_o ( sel_buf_valid ),
+ .ready_i ( sel_buf_ready ),
+ .usage_o ( /* unused */ )
+ );
+ stream_fifo #(
+ .FALL_THROUGH ( 1'b1 ),
+ .DEPTH ( 32'd1 + BufDepth ),
+ .T ( meta_t )
+ ) i_meta_buf (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .flush_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .testmode_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .data_i ( meta ),
+ .valid_i ( meta_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( meta_ready ),
+ .data_o ( meta_buf ),
+ .valid_o ( meta_buf_valid ),
+ .ready_i ( meta_buf_ready ),
+ .usage_o ( /* unused */ )
+ );
+ // Assemble the actual memory request from meta information and write data.
+ assign m2s_req = mem_req_t'{
+ addr: meta.addr,
+ atop: meta.atop,
+ strb: axi_req_i.w.strb,
+ wdata: axi_req_i.w.data,
+ we: meta.write
+ };
+ // Interface memory as stream.
+ stream_to_mem #(
+ .mem_req_t ( mem_req_t ),
+ .mem_resp_t ( axi_data_t ),
+ .BufDepth ( BufDepth )
+ ) i_stream_to_mem (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .req_i ( m2s_req ),
+ .req_valid_i ( m2s_req_valid ),
+ .req_ready_o ( m2s_req_ready ),
+ .resp_o ( m2s_resp ),
+ .resp_valid_o ( m2s_resp_valid ),
+ .resp_ready_i ( m2s_resp_ready ),
+ .mem_req_o ( mem_req ),
+ .mem_req_valid_o ( mem_req_valid ),
+ .mem_req_ready_i ( mem_req_ready ),
+ .mem_resp_i ( mem_rdata ),
+ .mem_resp_valid_i ( mem_rvalid )
+ );
+ // Split single memory request to desired number of banks.
+ mem_to_banks #(
+ .AddrWidth ( AddrWidth ),
+ .DataWidth ( DataWidth ),
+ .NumBanks ( NumBanks ),
+ .HideStrb ( HideStrb ),
+ .MaxTrans ( BufDepth ),
+ .FifoDepth ( OutFifoDepth )
+ ) i_mem_to_banks (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .req_i ( mem_req_valid ),
+ .gnt_o ( mem_req_ready ),
+ .addr_i ( mem_req.addr ),
+ .wdata_i ( mem_req.wdata ),
+ .strb_i ( mem_req.strb ),
+ .atop_i ( mem_req.atop ),
+ .we_i ( mem_req.we ),
+ .rvalid_o ( mem_rvalid ),
+ .rdata_o ( mem_rdata ),
+ .bank_req_o ( mem_req_o ),
+ .bank_gnt_i ( mem_gnt_i ),
+ .bank_addr_o ( mem_addr_o ),
+ .bank_wdata_o ( mem_wdata_o ),
+ .bank_strb_o ( mem_strb_o ),
+ .bank_atop_o ( mem_atop_o ),
+ .bank_we_o ( mem_we_o ),
+ .bank_rvalid_i ( mem_rvalid_i ),
+ .bank_rdata_i ( mem_rdata_i )
+ );
+ // Join memory read data and meta data stream.
+ logic mem_join_valid, mem_join_ready;
+ stream_join #(
+ .N_INP ( 32'd2 )
+ ) i_join (
+ .inp_valid_i ({m2s_resp_valid, meta_buf_valid}),
+ .inp_ready_o ({m2s_resp_ready, meta_buf_ready}),
+ .oup_valid_o ( mem_join_valid ),
+ .oup_ready_i ( mem_join_ready )
+ );
+ // Dynamically fork the joined stream to B and R channels.
+ stream_fork_dynamic #(
+ .N_OUP ( 32'd2 )
+ ) i_fork_dynamic (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .valid_i ( mem_join_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( mem_join_ready ),
+ .sel_i ({sel_buf_b, sel_buf_r }),
+ .sel_valid_i ( sel_buf_valid ),
+ .sel_ready_o ( sel_buf_ready ),
+ .valid_o ({axi_resp_o.b_valid, axi_resp_o.r_valid}),
+ .ready_i ({axi_req_i.b_ready, axi_req_i.r_ready })
+ );
+ // Compose B responses.
+ assign axi_resp_o.b = '{
+ id: meta_buf.id,
+ resp: axi_pkg::RESP_OKAY,
+ user: '0
+ };
+ // Compose R responses.
+ assign axi_resp_o.r = '{
+ data: m2s_resp,
+ id: meta_buf.id,
+ last: meta_buf.last,
+ resp: axi_pkg::RESP_OKAY,
+ user: '0
+ };
+ // Registers
+ `FFARN(meta_sel_q, meta_sel_d, 1'b0, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ `FFARN(sel_lock_q, sel_lock_d, 1'b0, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ `FFARN(rd_meta_q, rd_meta_d, meta_t'{default: '0}, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ `FFARN(wr_meta_q, wr_meta_d, meta_t'{default: '0}, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ `FFARN(r_cnt_q, r_cnt_d, '0, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ `FFARN(w_cnt_q, w_cnt_d, '0, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ // Assertions
+ // pragma translate_off
+ `ifndef VERILATOR
+ default disable iff (!rst_ni);
+ assume property (@(posedge clk_i)
+ axi_req_i.ar_valid && !axi_resp_o.ar_ready |=> $stable(axi_req_i.ar))
+ else $error("AR must remain stable until handshake has happened!");
+ assert property (@(posedge clk_i)
+ axi_resp_o.r_valid && !axi_req_i.r_ready |=> $stable(axi_resp_o.r))
+ else $error("R must remain stable until handshake has happened!");
+ assume property (@(posedge clk_i)
+ axi_req_i.aw_valid && !axi_resp_o.aw_ready |=> $stable(axi_req_i.aw))
+ else $error("AW must remain stable until handshake has happened!");
+ assume property (@(posedge clk_i)
+ axi_req_i.w_valid && !axi_resp_o.w_ready |=> $stable(axi_req_i.w))
+ else $error("W must remain stable until handshake has happened!");
+ assert property (@(posedge clk_i)
+ axi_resp_o.b_valid && !axi_req_i.b_ready |=> $stable(axi_resp_o.b))
+ else $error("B must remain stable until handshake has happened!");
+ assert property (@(posedge clk_i) axi_req_i.ar_valid && axi_req_i.ar.len > 0 |->
+ axi_req_i.ar.burst == axi_pkg::BURST_INCR)
+ else $error("Non-incrementing bursts are not supported!");
+ assert property (@(posedge clk_i) axi_req_i.aw_valid && axi_req_i.aw.len > 0 |->
+ axi_req_i.aw.burst == axi_pkg::BURST_INCR)
+ else $error("Non-incrementing bursts are not supported!");
+ assert property (@(posedge clk_i) meta_valid && meta.atop != '0 |-> meta.write)
+ else $warning("Unexpected atomic operation on read.");
+ `endif
+ // pragma translate_on
+`include "../include/axi/assign.svh"
+`include "../include/axi/typedef.svh"
+/// Interface wrapper for module `axi_to_mem`.
+module axi_to_mem_intf #(
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `AddrWidth`.
+ parameter int unsigned ADDR_WIDTH = 32'd0,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `DataWidth`.
+ parameter int unsigned DATA_WIDTH = 32'd0,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP ID width.
+ parameter int unsigned ID_WIDTH = 32'd0,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP user width.
+ parameter int unsigned USER_WIDTH = 32'd0,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `NumBanks`.
+ parameter int unsigned NUM_BANKS = 32'd0,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `BufDepth`.
+ parameter int unsigned BUF_DEPTH = 32'd1,
+ /// Hide write requests if the strb == '0
+ parameter bit HIDE_STRB = 1'b0,
+ /// Depth of output fifo/fall_through_register. Increase for asymmetric backpressure (contention) on banks.
+ parameter int unsigned OUT_FIFO_DEPTH = 32'd1,
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `addr_t`.
+ localparam type addr_t = logic [ADDR_WIDTH-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `mem_data_t`.
+ localparam type mem_data_t = logic [DATA_WIDTH/NUM_BANKS-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `mem_strb_t`.
+ localparam type mem_strb_t = logic [DATA_WIDTH/NUM_BANKS/8-1:0]
+) (
+ /// Clock input.
+ input logic clk_i,
+ /// Asynchronous reset, active low.
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, port `busy_o`.
+ output logic busy_o,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP slave interface port.
+ AXI_BUS.Slave slv,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, port `mem_req_o`.
+ output logic [NUM_BANKS-1:0] mem_req_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, port `mem_gnt_i`.
+ input logic [NUM_BANKS-1:0] mem_gnt_i,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, port `mem_addr_o`.
+ output addr_t [NUM_BANKS-1:0] mem_addr_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, port `mem_wdata_o`.
+ output mem_data_t [NUM_BANKS-1:0] mem_wdata_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, port `mem_strb_o`.
+ output mem_strb_t [NUM_BANKS-1:0] mem_strb_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, port `mem_atop_o`.
+ output axi_pkg::atop_t [NUM_BANKS-1:0] mem_atop_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, port `mem_we_o`.
+ output logic [NUM_BANKS-1:0] mem_we_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, port `mem_rvalid_i`.
+ input logic [NUM_BANKS-1:0] mem_rvalid_i,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, port `mem_rdata_i`.
+ input mem_data_t [NUM_BANKS-1:0] mem_rdata_i
+ typedef logic [ID_WIDTH-1:0] id_t;
+ typedef logic [DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_t;
+ typedef logic [DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] strb_t;
+ typedef logic [USER_WIDTH-1:0] user_t;
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_AW_CHAN_T(aw_chan_t, addr_t, id_t, user_t)
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_W_CHAN_T(w_chan_t, data_t, strb_t, user_t)
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_B_CHAN_T(b_chan_t, id_t, user_t)
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_AR_CHAN_T(ar_chan_t, addr_t, id_t, user_t)
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_R_CHAN_T(r_chan_t, data_t, id_t, user_t)
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_REQ_T(req_t, aw_chan_t, w_chan_t, ar_chan_t)
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_RESP_T(resp_t, b_chan_t, r_chan_t)
+ req_t req;
+ resp_t resp;
+ `AXI_ASSIGN_TO_REQ(req, slv)
+ `AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_RESP(slv, resp)
+ axi_to_mem #(
+ .axi_req_t ( req_t ),
+ .axi_resp_t ( resp_t ),
+ .AddrWidth ( ADDR_WIDTH ),
+ .DataWidth ( DATA_WIDTH ),
+ .IdWidth ( ID_WIDTH ),
+ .NumBanks ( NUM_BANKS ),
+ .BufDepth ( BUF_DEPTH ),
+ .HideStrb ( HIDE_STRB ),
+ .OutFifoDepth ( OUT_FIFO_DEPTH )
+ ) i_axi_to_mem (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .busy_o,
+ .axi_req_i ( req ),
+ .axi_resp_o ( resp ),
+ .mem_req_o,
+ .mem_gnt_i,
+ .mem_addr_o,
+ .mem_wdata_o,
+ .mem_strb_o,
+ .mem_atop_o,
+ .mem_we_o,
+ .mem_rvalid_i,
+ .mem_rdata_i
+ );
+/// Split memory access over multiple parallel banks, where each bank has its own req/gnt
+/// request and valid response direction.
+module mem_to_banks #(
+ /// Input address width.
+ parameter int unsigned AddrWidth = 32'd0,
+ /// Input data width, must be a power of two.
+ parameter int unsigned DataWidth = 32'd0,
+ /// Number of banks at output, must evenly divide `DataWidth`.
+ parameter int unsigned NumBanks = 32'd0,
+ /// Remove transactions that have zero strobe
+ parameter bit HideStrb = 1'b0,
+ /// Number of outstanding transactions
+ parameter int unsigned MaxTrans = 32'b1,
+ /// FIFO depth, must be >=1
+ parameter int unsigned FifoDepth = 1,
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override! Address type.
+ localparam type addr_t = logic [AddrWidth-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override! Input data type.
+ localparam type inp_data_t = logic [DataWidth-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override! Input write strobe type.
+ localparam type inp_strb_t = logic [DataWidth/8-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override! Output data type.
+ localparam type oup_data_t = logic [DataWidth/NumBanks-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override! Output write strobe type.
+ localparam type oup_strb_t = logic [DataWidth/NumBanks/8-1:0]
+) (
+ /// Clock input.
+ input logic clk_i,
+ /// Asynchronous reset, active low.
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ /// Memory request to split, request is valid.
+ input logic req_i,
+ /// Memory request to split, request can be granted.
+ output logic gnt_o,
+ /// Memory request to split, request address, byte-wise.
+ input addr_t addr_i,
+ /// Memory request to split, request write data.
+ input inp_data_t wdata_i,
+ /// Memory request to split, request write strobe.
+ input inp_strb_t strb_i,
+ /// Memory request to split, request Atomic signal from AXI4+ATOP.
+ input axi_pkg::atop_t atop_i,
+ /// Memory request to split, request write enable, active high.
+ input logic we_i,
+ /// Memory request to split, response is valid. Required for read and write requests
+ output logic rvalid_o,
+ /// Memory request to split, response read data.
+ output inp_data_t rdata_o,
+ /// Memory bank request, request is valid.
+ output logic [NumBanks-1:0] bank_req_o,
+ /// Memory bank request, request can be granted.
+ input logic [NumBanks-1:0] bank_gnt_i,
+ /// Memory bank request, request address, byte-wise. Will be different for each bank.
+ output addr_t [NumBanks-1:0] bank_addr_o,
+ /// Memory bank request, request write data.
+ output oup_data_t [NumBanks-1:0] bank_wdata_o,
+ /// Memory bank request, request write strobe.
+ output oup_strb_t [NumBanks-1:0] bank_strb_o,
+ /// Memory bank request, request Atomic signal from AXI4+ATOP.
+ output axi_pkg::atop_t [NumBanks-1:0] bank_atop_o,
+ /// Memory bank request, request write enable, active high.
+ output logic [NumBanks-1:0] bank_we_o,
+ /// Memory bank request, response is valid. Required for read and write requests
+ input logic [NumBanks-1:0] bank_rvalid_i,
+ /// Memory bank request, response read data.
+ input oup_data_t [NumBanks-1:0] bank_rdata_i
+ localparam DataBytes = $bits(inp_strb_t);
+ localparam BitsPerBank = $bits(oup_data_t);
+ localparam BytesPerBank = $bits(oup_strb_t);
+ typedef struct packed {
+ addr_t addr;
+ oup_data_t wdata;
+ oup_strb_t strb;
+ axi_pkg::atop_t atop;
+ logic we;
+ } req_t;
+ logic req_valid;
+ logic [NumBanks-1:0] req_ready,
+ resp_valid, resp_ready;
+ req_t [NumBanks-1:0] bank_req,
+ bank_oup;
+ logic [NumBanks-1:0] bank_req_internal, bank_gnt_internal, zero_strobe, dead_response;
+ logic dead_write_fifo_full;
+ function automatic addr_t align_addr(input addr_t addr);
+ return (addr >> $clog2(DataBytes)) << $clog2(DataBytes);
+ endfunction
+ // Handle requests.
+ assign req_valid = req_i & gnt_o;
+ for (genvar i = 0; unsigned'(i) < NumBanks; i++) begin : gen_reqs
+ assign bank_req[i].addr = align_addr(addr_i) + i * BytesPerBank;
+ assign bank_req[i].wdata = wdata_i[i*BitsPerBank+:BitsPerBank];
+ assign bank_req[i].strb = strb_i[i*BytesPerBank+:BytesPerBank];
+ assign bank_req[i].atop = atop_i;
+ assign bank_req[i].we = we_i;
+ stream_fifo #(
+ .FALL_THROUGH ( 1'b1 ),
+ .DATA_WIDTH ( $bits(req_t) ),
+ .DEPTH ( FifoDepth ),
+ .T ( req_t )
+ ) i_ft_reg (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .flush_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .testmode_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .usage_o (),
+ .data_i ( bank_req[i] ),
+ .valid_i ( req_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( req_ready[i] ),
+ .data_o ( bank_oup[i] ),
+ .valid_o ( bank_req_internal[i] ),
+ .ready_i ( bank_gnt_internal[i] )
+ );
+ assign bank_addr_o[i] = bank_oup[i].addr;
+ assign bank_wdata_o[i] = bank_oup[i].wdata;
+ assign bank_strb_o[i] = bank_oup[i].strb;
+ assign bank_atop_o[i] = bank_oup[i].atop;
+ assign bank_we_o[i] = bank_oup[i].we;
+ assign zero_strobe[i] = (bank_oup[i].strb == '0);
+ if (HideStrb) begin
+ assign bank_req_o[i] = (bank_oup[i].we && zero_strobe[i]) ? 1'b0 : bank_req_internal[i];
+ assign bank_gnt_internal[i] = (bank_oup[i].we && zero_strobe[i]) ? 1'b1 : bank_gnt_i[i];
+ end else begin
+ assign bank_req_o[i] = bank_req_internal[i];
+ assign bank_gnt_internal[i] = bank_gnt_i[i];
+ end
+ end
+ // Grant output if all our requests have been granted.
+ assign gnt_o = (&req_ready) & (&resp_ready) & !dead_write_fifo_full;
+ if (HideStrb) begin : gen_dead_write_fifo
+ fifo_v3 #(
+ .FALL_THROUGH ( 1'b1 ),
+ .DEPTH ( MaxTrans+1 ),
+ .DATA_WIDTH ( NumBanks )
+ ) i_dead_write_fifo (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .flush_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .testmode_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .full_o ( dead_write_fifo_full ),
+ .empty_o (),
+ .usage_o (),
+ .data_i ( bank_we_o & zero_strobe ),
+ .push_i ( req_i & gnt_o ),
+ .data_o ( dead_response ),
+ .pop_i ( rvalid_o )
+ );
+ end else begin
+ assign dead_response = '0;
+ assign dead_write_fifo_full = 1'b0;
+ end
+ // Handle responses.
+ for (genvar i = 0; unsigned'(i) < NumBanks; i++) begin : gen_resp_regs
+ stream_fifo #(
+ .FALL_THROUGH ( 1'b1 ),
+ .DATA_WIDTH ( $bits(oup_data_t) ),
+ .DEPTH ( FifoDepth ),
+ .T ( oup_data_t )
+ ) i_ft_reg (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .flush_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .testmode_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .usage_o (),
+ .data_i ( bank_rdata_i[i] ),
+ .valid_i ( bank_rvalid_i[i] ),
+ .ready_o ( resp_ready[i] ),
+ .data_o ( rdata_o[i*BitsPerBank+:BitsPerBank] ),
+ .valid_o ( resp_valid[i] ),
+ .ready_i ( rvalid_o & !dead_response[i] )
+ );
+ end
+ assign rvalid_o = &(resp_valid | dead_response);
+ // Assertions
+ // pragma translate_off
+ `ifndef VERILATOR
+ initial begin
+ assume (DataWidth != 0 && (DataWidth & (DataWidth - 1)) == 0)
+ else $fatal(1, "Data width must be a power of two!");
+ assume (DataWidth % NumBanks == 0)
+ else $fatal(1, "Data width must be evenly divisible over banks!");
+ assume ((DataWidth / NumBanks) % 8 == 0)
+ else $fatal(1, "Data width of each bank must be divisible into 8-bit bytes!");
+ end
+ `endif
+ // pragma translate_on
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/axi/axi_to_mem_split.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/axi/axi_to_mem_split.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01140641f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/axi/axi_to_mem_split.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-0.51. Unless required by applicable law
+// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+// Authors:
+// - Michael Rogenmoser
+`include "../include/axi/assign.svh"
+/// AXI4+ATOP to memory-protocol interconnect. Completely separates the read and write channel to
+/// individual mem ports. This can only be used when addresses for the same bank are accessible
+/// from different memory ports.
+module axi_to_mem_split #(
+ /// AXI4+ATOP request type. See `include/axi/typedef.svh`.
+ parameter type axi_req_t = logic,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP response type. See `include/axi/typedef.svh`.
+ parameter type axi_resp_t = logic,
+ /// Address width, has to be less or equal than the width off the AXI address field.
+ /// Determines the width of `mem_addr_o`. Has to be wide enough to emit the memory region
+ /// which should be accessible.
+ parameter int unsigned AddrWidth = 0,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP data width.
+ parameter int unsigned AxiDataWidth = 0,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP ID width.
+ parameter int unsigned IdWidth = 0,
+ /// Memory data width, must evenly divide `DataWidth`.
+ parameter int unsigned MemDataWidth = 0, // must divide `AxiDataWidth` without remainder
+ /// Depth of memory response buffer. This should be equal to the memory response latency.
+ parameter int unsigned BufDepth = 0,
+ /// Hide write requests if the strb == '0
+ parameter bit HideStrb = 1'b0,
+ /// Depth of output fifo/fall_through_register. Increase for asymmetric backpressure (contention) on banks.
+ parameter int unsigned OutFifoDepth = 1,
+ /// Dependent parameters, do not override. Number of memory ports.
+ parameter int unsigned NumMemPorts = 2*AxiDataWidth/MemDataWidth,
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. Memory address type.
+ parameter type addr_t = logic [AddrWidth-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. Memory data type.
+ parameter type mem_data_t = logic [MemDataWidth-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. Memory write strobe type.
+ parameter type mem_strb_t = logic [MemDataWidth/8-1:0]
+) (
+ /// Clock input.
+ input logic clk_i,
+ /// Asynchronous reset, active low.
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ /// The unit is busy handling an AXI4+ATOP request.
+ output logic busy_o,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP slave port, request input.
+ input axi_req_t axi_req_i,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP slave port, response output.
+ output axi_resp_t axi_resp_o,
+ /// Memory stream master, request is valid for this bank.
+ output logic [NumMemPorts-1:0] mem_req_o,
+ /// Memory stream master, request can be granted by this bank.
+ input logic [NumMemPorts-1:0] mem_gnt_i,
+ /// Memory stream master, byte address of the request.
+ output addr_t [NumMemPorts-1:0] mem_addr_o, // byte address
+ /// Memory stream master, write data for this bank. Valid when `mem_req_o`.
+ output mem_data_t [NumMemPorts-1:0] mem_wdata_o, // write data
+ /// Memory stream master, byte-wise strobe (byte enable).
+ output mem_strb_t [NumMemPorts-1:0] mem_strb_o, // byte-wise strobe
+ /// Memory stream master, `axi_pkg::atop_t` signal associated with this request.
+ output axi_pkg::atop_t [NumMemPorts-1:0] mem_atop_o, // atomic operation
+ /// Memory stream master, write enable. Then asserted store of `mem_w_data` is requested.
+ output logic [NumMemPorts-1:0] mem_we_o, // write enable
+ /// Memory stream master, response is valid. This module expects always a response valid for a
+ /// request regardless if the request was a write or a read.
+ input logic [NumMemPorts-1:0] mem_rvalid_i, // response valid
+ /// Memory stream master, read response data.
+ input mem_data_t [NumMemPorts-1:0] mem_rdata_i // read data
+ axi_req_t axi_read_req, axi_write_req;
+ axi_resp_t axi_read_resp, axi_write_resp;
+ logic read_busy, write_busy;
+ always_comb begin: proc_axi_rw_split
+ `AXI_SET_R_STRUCT(axi_resp_o.r, axi_read_resp.r)
+ axi_resp_o.r_valid = axi_read_resp.r_valid;
+ axi_resp_o.ar_ready = axi_read_resp.ar_ready;
+ `AXI_SET_B_STRUCT(axi_resp_o.b, axi_write_resp.b)
+ axi_resp_o.b_valid = axi_write_resp.b_valid;
+ axi_resp_o.aw_ready = axi_write_resp.aw_ready;
+ axi_resp_o.w_ready = axi_write_resp.w_ready;
+ axi_write_req = '0;
+ `AXI_SET_AW_STRUCT(axi_write_req.aw, axi_req_i.aw)
+ axi_write_req.aw_valid = axi_req_i.aw_valid;
+ `AXI_SET_W_STRUCT(axi_write_req.w, axi_req_i.w)
+ axi_write_req.w_valid = axi_req_i.w_valid;
+ axi_write_req.b_ready = axi_req_i.b_ready;
+ axi_read_req = '0;
+ `AXI_SET_AR_STRUCT(axi_read_req.ar, axi_req_i.ar)
+ axi_read_req.ar_valid = axi_req_i.ar_valid;
+ axi_read_req.r_ready = axi_req_i.r_ready;
+ end
+ assign busy_o = read_busy || write_busy;
+ axi_to_mem #(
+ .axi_req_t ( axi_req_t ),
+ .axi_resp_t ( axi_resp_t ),
+ .AddrWidth ( AddrWidth ),
+ .DataWidth ( AxiDataWidth ),
+ .IdWidth ( IdWidth ),
+ .NumBanks ( NumMemPorts/2 ),
+ .BufDepth ( BufDepth ),
+ .HideStrb ( 1'b0 ),
+ .OutFifoDepth ( OutFifoDepth )
+ ) i_axi_to_mem_read (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .busy_o ( read_busy ),
+ .axi_req_i ( axi_read_req ),
+ .axi_resp_o ( axi_read_resp ),
+ .mem_req_o ( mem_req_o [NumMemPorts/2-1:0] ),
+ .mem_gnt_i ( mem_gnt_i [NumMemPorts/2-1:0] ),
+ .mem_addr_o ( mem_addr_o [NumMemPorts/2-1:0] ),
+ .mem_wdata_o ( mem_wdata_o [NumMemPorts/2-1:0] ),
+ .mem_strb_o ( mem_strb_o [NumMemPorts/2-1:0] ),
+ .mem_atop_o ( mem_atop_o [NumMemPorts/2-1:0] ),
+ .mem_we_o ( mem_we_o [NumMemPorts/2-1:0] ),
+ .mem_rvalid_i ( mem_rvalid_i [NumMemPorts/2-1:0] ),
+ .mem_rdata_i ( mem_rdata_i [NumMemPorts/2-1:0] )
+ );
+ axi_to_mem #(
+ .axi_req_t ( axi_req_t ),
+ .axi_resp_t ( axi_resp_t ),
+ .AddrWidth ( AddrWidth ),
+ .DataWidth ( AxiDataWidth ),
+ .IdWidth ( IdWidth ),
+ .NumBanks ( NumMemPorts/2 ),
+ .BufDepth ( BufDepth ),
+ .HideStrb ( HideStrb ),
+ .OutFifoDepth ( OutFifoDepth )
+ ) i_axi_to_mem_write (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .busy_o ( write_busy ),
+ .axi_req_i ( axi_write_req ),
+ .axi_resp_o ( axi_write_resp ),
+ .mem_req_o ( mem_req_o [NumMemPorts-1:NumMemPorts/2] ),
+ .mem_gnt_i ( mem_gnt_i [NumMemPorts-1:NumMemPorts/2] ),
+ .mem_addr_o ( mem_addr_o [NumMemPorts-1:NumMemPorts/2] ),
+ .mem_wdata_o ( mem_wdata_o [NumMemPorts-1:NumMemPorts/2] ),
+ .mem_strb_o ( mem_strb_o [NumMemPorts-1:NumMemPorts/2] ),
+ .mem_atop_o ( mem_atop_o [NumMemPorts-1:NumMemPorts/2] ),
+ .mem_we_o ( mem_we_o [NumMemPorts-1:NumMemPorts/2] ),
+ .mem_rvalid_i ( mem_rvalid_i [NumMemPorts-1:NumMemPorts/2] ),
+ .mem_rdata_i ( mem_rdata_i [NumMemPorts-1:NumMemPorts/2] )
+ );
+`include "../include/axi/typedef.svh"
+/// AXI4+ATOP interface wrapper for `axi_to_mem_split`
+module axi_to_mem_split_intf #(
+ /// AXI4+ATOP ID width
+ parameter int unsigned AXI_ID_WIDTH = 32'b0,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP address width
+ parameter int unsigned AXI_ADDR_WIDTH = 32'b0,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP data width
+ parameter int unsigned AXI_DATA_WIDTH = 32'b0,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP user width
+ parameter int unsigned AXI_USER_WIDTH = 32'b0,
+ /// Memory data width, must evenly divide `DataWidth`.
+ parameter int unsigned MEM_DATA_WIDTH = 32'b0,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `BufDepth`.
+ parameter int unsigned BUF_DEPTH = 0,
+ /// Hide write requests if the strb == '0
+ parameter bit HIDE_STRB = 1'b0,
+ /// Depth of output fifo/fall_through_register. Increase for asymmetric backpressure (contention) on banks.
+ parameter int unsigned OUT_FIFO_DEPTH = 32'd1,
+ /// Dependent parameters, do not override. Number of memory ports.
+ parameter int unsigned NUM_MEM_PORTS = 2*AXI_DATA_WIDTH/MEM_DATA_WIDTH,
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `addr_t`.
+ parameter type addr_t = logic [AXI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `mem_data_t`.
+ parameter type mem_data_t = logic [MEM_DATA_WIDTH-1:0],
+ /// Dependent parameter, do not override. See `axi_to_mem`, parameter `mem_strb_t`.
+ parameter type mem_strb_t = logic [MEM_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0]
+) (
+ /// Clock input.
+ input logic clk_i,
+ /// Asynchronous reset, active low.
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem_split`, port `busy_o`.
+ output logic busy_o,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP slave interface port.
+ AXI_BUS.Slave axi_bus,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem_split`, port `mem_req_o`.
+ output logic [NUM_MEM_PORTS-1:0] mem_req_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem_split`, port `mem_gnt_i`.
+ input logic [NUM_MEM_PORTS-1:0] mem_gnt_i,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem_split`, port `mem_addr_o`.
+ output addr_t [NUM_MEM_PORTS-1:0] mem_addr_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem_split`, port `mem_wdata_o`.
+ output mem_data_t [NUM_MEM_PORTS-1:0] mem_wdata_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem_split`, port `mem_strb_o`.
+ output mem_strb_t [NUM_MEM_PORTS-1:0] mem_strb_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem_split`, port `mem_atop_o`.
+ output axi_pkg::atop_t [NUM_MEM_PORTS-1:0] mem_atop_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem_split`, port `mem_we_o`.
+ output logic [NUM_MEM_PORTS-1:0] mem_we_o,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem_split`, port `mem_rvalid_i`.
+ input logic [NUM_MEM_PORTS-1:0] mem_rvalid_i,
+ /// See `axi_to_mem_split`, port `mem_rdata_i`.
+ input mem_data_t [NUM_MEM_PORTS-1:0] mem_rdata_i
+ typedef logic [AXI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] id_t;
+ typedef logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_t;
+ typedef logic [AXI_DATA_WIDTH/8-1:0] strb_t;
+ typedef logic [AXI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] user_t;
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_ALL(axi, addr_t, id_t, data_t, strb_t, user_t)
+ axi_req_t axi_req;
+ axi_resp_t axi_resp;
+ `AXI_ASSIGN_TO_REQ(axi_req, axi_bus)
+ `AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_RESP(axi_bus, axi_resp)
+ axi_to_mem_split #(
+ .axi_req_t ( axi_req_t ),
+ .axi_resp_t ( axi_resp_t ),
+ .AxiDataWidth ( AXI_DATA_WIDTH ),
+ .AddrWidth ( AXI_ADDR_WIDTH ),
+ .IdWidth ( AXI_ID_WIDTH ),
+ .MemDataWidth ( MEM_DATA_WIDTH ), // must divide `AxiDataWidth` without remainder
+ .BufDepth ( BUF_DEPTH ),
+ .HideStrb ( HIDE_STRB ),
+ .OutFifoDepth ( OUT_FIFO_DEPTH )
+ ) i_axi_to_mem_split (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .busy_o,
+ .axi_req_i (axi_req),
+ .axi_resp_o (axi_resp),
+ .mem_req_o,
+ .mem_gnt_i,
+ .mem_addr_o,
+ .mem_wdata_o,
+ .mem_strb_o,
+ .mem_atop_o,
+ .mem_we_o,
+ .mem_rvalid_i,
+ .mem_rdata_i
+ );
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.h b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e937446aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.h
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+// Generated register defines for idma_reg32_frontend
+// Copyright information found in source file:
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Licensing information found in source file:
+// Licensed under Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Register width
+// Source Address
+// Destination Address
+// Number of bytes
+// Configuration Register for DMA settings
+// DMA Status
+// Next ID, launches transfer, returns 0 if transfer not set up properly.
+// Get ID of finished transactions.
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"
+// End generated register defines for idma_reg32_frontend
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.hjson b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.hjson
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca6e9f73f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.hjson
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Licensed under Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51
+ name: "idma_reg32_frontend",
+ clock_primary: "clk_i",
+ reset_primary: "rst_ni",
+ bus_interfaces: [
+ { protocol: "reg_iface",
+ direction: "device"
+ }
+ ],
+ regwidth: "32",
+ registers: [
+ { name: "src_addr",
+ desc: "Source Address",
+ swaccess: "rw",
+ hwaccess: "hro",
+ fields: [
+ { bits: "31:0",
+ name: "src_addr",
+ desc: "Source Address"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { name: "dst_addr",
+ desc: "Destination Address",
+ swaccess: "rw",
+ hwaccess: "hro",
+ fields: [
+ { bits: "31:0",
+ name: "dst_addr",
+ desc: "Destination Address"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { name: "num_bytes",
+ desc: "Number of bytes",
+ swaccess: "rw",
+ hwaccess: "hro",
+ fields: [
+ { bits: "31:0",
+ name: "num_bytes",
+ desc: "Number of bytes"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { name: "conf",
+ desc: "Configuration Register for DMA settings",
+ swaccess: "rw",
+ hwaccess: "hro",
+ fields: [
+ { bits: "0",
+ name: "decouple",
+ desc: "Decouple enable"
+ },
+ { bits: "1",
+ name: "deburst",
+ desc: "Deburst enable"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { name: "status",
+ desc: "DMA Status",
+ swaccess: "ro",
+ hwaccess: "hwo",
+ hwext: "true",
+ fields: [
+ { bits: "0",
+ name: "busy",
+ desc: "DMA busy"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { name: "next_id",
+ desc: "Next ID, launches transfer, returns 0 if transfer not set up properly.",
+ swaccess: "ro",
+ hwaccess: "hrw",
+ hwext: "true",
+ hwre: "true",
+ fields: [
+ { bits: "31:0",
+ name: "next_id",
+ desc: "Next ID, launches transfer, returns 0 if transfer not set up properly."
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ { name: "done",
+ desc: "Get ID of finished transactions.",
+ swaccess: "ro",
+ hwaccess: "hrw",
+ hwext: "true",
+ hwre: "true",
+ fields: [
+ { bits: "31:0",
+ name: "done",
+ desc: "Get ID of finished transactions."
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.html b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5e64ae402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.html
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ idma_reg32_frontend.src_addr @ 0x0
+ Reset default = 0x0, mask 0xffffffff
+ |
+31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | src_addr... |
+15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | ...src_addr |
+Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:0 | rw | x | src_addr | Source Address |
+ idma_reg32_frontend.dst_addr @ 0x4
+ Reset default = 0x0, mask 0xffffffff
+ |
+31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | dst_addr... |
+15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | ...dst_addr |
+Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:0 | rw | x | dst_addr | Destination Address |
+ idma_reg32_frontend.num_bytes @ 0x8
+ Reset default = 0x0, mask 0xffffffff
+ |
+31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | num_bytes... |
+15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | ...num_bytes |
+Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:0 | rw | x | num_bytes | Number of bytes |
+ idma_reg32_frontend.conf @ 0xc
+ Configuration Register for DMA settings
+ Reset default = 0x0, mask 0x3
+ |
+31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |
+15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | |
+deburst |
+decouple |
+Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
0 | rw | x | decouple | Decouple enable |
1 | rw | x | deburst | Deburst enable |
+ idma_reg32_frontend.status @ 0x10
+ Reset default = 0x0, mask 0x1
+ |
+31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | |
+15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | |
+busy |
+Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
0 | ro | x | busy | DMA busy |
+ idma_reg32_frontend.next_id @ 0x14
+ Next ID, launches transfer, returns 0 if transfer not set up properly.
+ Reset default = 0x0, mask 0xffffffff
+ |
+31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | next_id... |
+15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | ...next_id |
+Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:0 | ro | x | next_id | Next ID, launches transfer, returns 0 if transfer not set up properly. |
+ idma_reg32_frontend.done @ 0x18
+ Get ID of finished transactions.
+ Reset default = 0x0, mask 0xffffffff
+ |
+31 | 30 | 29 | 28 | 27 | 26 | 25 | 24 | 23 | 22 | 21 | 20 | 19 | 18 | 17 | 16 | done... |
+15 | 14 | 13 | 12 | 11 | 10 | 9 | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 | ...done |
+Bits | Type | Reset | Name | Description |
31:0 | ro | x | done | Get ID of finished transactions. |
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..10c59f7ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Xinhu Liu
+// Description: DMA frontend module that includes 32bit config and status reg handling
+module idma_reg32_frontend #(
+ /// address width of iDMA AXI Master Port
+ parameter int unsigned DMAAddrWidth = -1,
+ /// register_interface request type
+ parameter type dma_regs_req_t = logic,
+ /// register_interface response type
+ parameter type dma_regs_rsp_t = logic,
+ /// idma request type
+ parameter type idma_req_t = logic,
+ /// idma response type
+ parameter type idma_rsp_t = logic
+) (
+ input clk_i, // Clock
+ input rst_ni, // Asynchronous reset active low
+ /// register interface control slave
+ input dma_regs_req_t dma_ctrl_req_i,
+ output dma_regs_rsp_t dma_ctrl_rsp_o,
+ /// DMA backend signals
+ output idma_req_t idma_req_o,
+ output logic valid_o,
+ input logic ready_i,
+ input logic backend_idle_i,
+ input logic trans_complete_i
+ localparam int unsigned DMARegisterWidth = 32;
+ idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg::idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_t dma_reg2hw;
+ idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg::idma_reg32_frontend_hw2reg_t dma_hw2reg;
+ logic [DMAAddrWidth-1:0] next_id, done_id;
+ logic issue;
+ dma_regs_rsp_t dma_ctrl_rsp_tmp;
+ idma_reg32_frontend_reg_top #(
+ .reg_req_t(dma_regs_req_t),
+ .reg_rsp_t(dma_regs_rsp_t)
+ ) i_dma_conf_regs (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .reg_req_i(dma_ctrl_req_i),
+ .reg_rsp_o(dma_ctrl_rsp_tmp),
+ .reg2hw (dma_reg2hw),
+ .hw2reg (dma_hw2reg),
+ .devmode_i(1'b0) // if 1, explicit error return for unmapped register access
+ );
+ always_comb begin : proc_process_regs
+ // reset state
+ valid_o = '0;
+ dma_hw2reg.next_id.d = '0;
+ dma_hw2reg.done.d = '0;
+ dma_hw2reg.status.d = ~backend_idle_i;
+ dma_ctrl_rsp_o = dma_ctrl_rsp_tmp;
+ // start transaction upon next_id read (and having a valid config)
+ if (dma_reg2hw.next_id.re) begin
+ if (dma_reg2hw.num_bytes.q != '0) begin
+ valid_o = 1'b1;
+ dma_hw2reg.next_id.d = next_id;
+ dma_ctrl_rsp_o.ready = ready_i;
+ end
+ end
+ // use full width id from generator
+ dma_hw2reg.done.d = done_id;
+ end : proc_process_regs
+ always_comb begin : hw_req_conv
+ idma_req_o = '0;
+ idma_req_o.length = dma_reg2hw.num_bytes.q;
+ idma_req_o.src_addr = dma_reg2hw.src_addr.q;
+ idma_req_o.dst_addr = dma_reg2hw.dst_addr.q;
+ // Current backend only supports one ID
+ idma_req_o.opt.axi_id = '0;
+ // DMA only supports incremental burst
+ idma_req_o.opt.src.burst = axi_pkg::BURST_INCR;
+ // this frontend currently does not support cache variations
+ idma_req_o.opt.src.cache = '0;
+ // AXI4 does not support locked transactions, use atomics
+ idma_req_o.opt.src.lock = '0;
+ // unpriviledged, secure, data access
+ idma_req_o.opt.src.prot = '0;
+ // not participating in qos
+ idma_req_o.opt.src.qos = '0;
+ // only one region
+ idma_req_o.opt.src.region = '0;
+ // DMA only supports incremental burst
+ idma_req_o.opt.dst.burst = axi_pkg::BURST_INCR;
+ // this frontend currently does not support cache variations
+ idma_req_o.opt.dst.cache = '0;
+ // AXI4 does not support locked transactions, use atomics
+ idma_req_o.opt.dst.lock = '0;
+ // unpriviledged, secure, data access
+ idma_req_o.opt.dst.prot = '0;
+ // not participating in qos
+ idma_req_o.opt.dst.qos = '0;
+ // only one region in system
+ idma_req_o.opt.dst.region = '0;
+ // ensure coupled AW to avoid deadlocks
+ idma_req_o.opt.beo.decouple_aw = '0;
+ idma_req_o.opt.beo.decouple_rw = dma_reg2hw.conf.decouple.q;
+ // this frontend currently only supports completely debursting
+ idma_req_o.opt.beo.src_max_llen = '0;
+ // this frontend currently only supports completely debursting
+ idma_req_o.opt.beo.dst_max_llen = '0;
+ idma_req_o.opt.beo.src_reduce_len = dma_reg2hw.conf.deburst.q;
+ idma_req_o.opt.beo.dst_reduce_len = dma_reg2hw.conf.deburst.q;
+ end : hw_req_conv
+ idma_transfer_id_gen #(
+ .IdWidth(DMARegisterWidth)
+ ) i_idma_transfer_id_gen (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .issue_i (issue),
+ .retire_i (trans_complete_i),
+ .next_o (next_id),
+ .completed_o(done_id)
+ );
+ assign done = done_id;
+endmodule : idma_reg32_frontend
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6e2794da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Register Package auto-generated by `reggen` containing data structure
+package idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg;
+ // Address widths within the block
+ parameter int BlockAw = 5;
+ ////////////////////////////
+ // Typedefs for registers //
+ ////////////////////////////
+ typedef struct packed {logic [31:0] q;} idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_src_addr_reg_t;
+ typedef struct packed {logic [31:0] q;} idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_dst_addr_reg_t;
+ typedef struct packed {logic [31:0] q;} idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_num_bytes_reg_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ struct packed {logic q;} decouple;
+ struct packed {logic q;} deburst;
+ } idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_conf_reg_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic [31:0] q;
+ logic re;
+ } idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_next_id_reg_t;
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic [31:0] q;
+ logic re;
+ } idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_done_reg_t;
+ typedef struct packed {logic d;} idma_reg32_frontend_hw2reg_status_reg_t;
+ typedef struct packed {logic [31:0] d;} idma_reg32_frontend_hw2reg_next_id_reg_t;
+ typedef struct packed {logic [31:0] d;} idma_reg32_frontend_hw2reg_done_reg_t;
+ // Register -> HW type
+ typedef struct packed {
+ idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_src_addr_reg_t src_addr; // [163:132]
+ idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_dst_addr_reg_t dst_addr; // [131:100]
+ idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_num_bytes_reg_t num_bytes; // [99:68]
+ idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_conf_reg_t conf; // [67:66]
+ idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_next_id_reg_t next_id; // [65:33]
+ idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_done_reg_t done; // [32:0]
+ } idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_t;
+ // HW -> register type
+ typedef struct packed {
+ idma_reg32_frontend_hw2reg_status_reg_t status; // [64:64]
+ idma_reg32_frontend_hw2reg_next_id_reg_t next_id; // [63:32]
+ idma_reg32_frontend_hw2reg_done_reg_t done; // [31:0]
+ } idma_reg32_frontend_hw2reg_t;
+ // Register offsets
+ parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_SRC_ADDR_OFFSET = 5'h0;
+ parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_DST_ADDR_OFFSET = 5'h4;
+ parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_NUM_BYTES_OFFSET = 5'h8;
+ parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_CONF_OFFSET = 5'hc;
+ parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_STATUS_OFFSET = 5'h10;
+ parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_NEXT_ID_OFFSET = 5'h14;
+ parameter logic [BlockAw-1:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_DONE_OFFSET = 5'h18;
+ // Reset values for hwext registers and their fields
+ parameter logic [0:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_STATUS_RESVAL = 1'h0;
+ parameter logic [31:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_NEXT_ID_RESVAL = 32'h0;
+ parameter logic [31:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_DONE_RESVAL = 32'h0;
+ // Register index
+ typedef enum int {
+ } idma_reg32_frontend_id_e;
+ // Register width information to check illegal writes
+ parameter logic [3:0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_PERMIT[7] = '{
+ 4'b1111, // index[0] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_SRC_ADDR
+ 4'b1111, // index[1] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_DST_ADDR
+ 4'b1111, // index[2] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_NUM_BYTES
+ 4'b0001, // index[3] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_CONF
+ 4'b0001, // index[4] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_STATUS
+ 4'b1111, // index[5] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_NEXT_ID
+ 4'b1111 // index[6] IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_DONE
+ };
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend_reg_top.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend_reg_top.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c5f872c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_reg32_frontend_reg_top.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+// Copyright lowRISC contributors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Register Top module auto-generated by `reggen`
+`include "common_cells/assertions.svh"
+module idma_reg32_frontend_reg_top #(
+ parameter type reg_req_t = logic,
+ parameter type reg_rsp_t = logic,
+ parameter int AW = 5
+) (
+ input clk_i,
+ input rst_ni,
+ input reg_req_t reg_req_i,
+ output reg_rsp_t reg_rsp_o,
+ // To HW
+ output idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg::idma_reg32_frontend_reg2hw_t reg2hw, // Write
+ input idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg::idma_reg32_frontend_hw2reg_t hw2reg, // Read
+ // Config
+ input devmode_i // If 1, explicit error return for unmapped register access
+ import idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg::*;
+ localparam int DW = 32;
+ localparam int DBW = DW / 8; // Byte Width
+ // register signals
+ logic reg_we;
+ logic reg_re;
+ logic [ AW-1:0] reg_addr;
+ logic [ DW-1:0] reg_wdata;
+ logic [DBW-1:0] reg_be;
+ logic [ DW-1:0] reg_rdata;
+ logic reg_error;
+ logic addrmiss, wr_err;
+ logic [DW-1:0] reg_rdata_next;
+ // Below register interface can be changed
+ reg_req_t reg_intf_req;
+ reg_rsp_t reg_intf_rsp;
+ assign reg_intf_req = reg_req_i;
+ assign reg_rsp_o = reg_intf_rsp;
+ assign reg_we = reg_intf_req.valid & reg_intf_req.write;
+ assign reg_re = reg_intf_req.valid & ~reg_intf_req.write;
+ assign reg_addr = reg_intf_req.addr;
+ assign reg_wdata = reg_intf_req.wdata;
+ assign reg_be = reg_intf_req.wstrb;
+ assign reg_intf_rsp.rdata = reg_rdata;
+ assign reg_intf_rsp.error = reg_error;
+ assign reg_intf_rsp.ready = 1'b1;
+ assign reg_rdata = reg_rdata_next;
+ assign reg_error = (devmode_i & addrmiss) | wr_err;
+ // Define SW related signals
+ // Format: __{wd|we|qs}
+ // or _{wd|we|qs} if field == 1 or 0
+ logic [31:0] src_addr_qs;
+ logic [31:0] src_addr_wd;
+ logic src_addr_we;
+ logic [31:0] dst_addr_qs;
+ logic [31:0] dst_addr_wd;
+ logic dst_addr_we;
+ logic [31:0] num_bytes_qs;
+ logic [31:0] num_bytes_wd;
+ logic num_bytes_we;
+ logic conf_decouple_qs;
+ logic conf_decouple_wd;
+ logic conf_decouple_we;
+ logic conf_deburst_qs;
+ logic conf_deburst_wd;
+ logic conf_deburst_we;
+ logic status_qs;
+ logic status_re;
+ logic [31:0] next_id_qs;
+ logic next_id_re;
+ logic [31:0] done_qs;
+ logic done_re;
+ // Register instances
+ // R[src_addr]: V(False)
+ prim_subreg #(
+ .DW (32),
+ .RESVAL (32'h0)
+ ) u_src_addr (
+ .clk_i (clk_i),
+ .rst_ni(rst_ni),
+ // from register interface
+ .we(src_addr_we),
+ .wd(src_addr_wd),
+ // from internal hardware
+ .de(1'b0),
+ .d ('0),
+ // to internal hardware
+ .qe(),
+ .q (reg2hw.src_addr.q),
+ // to register interface (read)
+ .qs(src_addr_qs)
+ );
+ // R[dst_addr]: V(False)
+ prim_subreg #(
+ .DW (32),
+ .RESVAL (32'h0)
+ ) u_dst_addr (
+ .clk_i (clk_i),
+ .rst_ni(rst_ni),
+ // from register interface
+ .we(dst_addr_we),
+ .wd(dst_addr_wd),
+ // from internal hardware
+ .de(1'b0),
+ .d ('0),
+ // to internal hardware
+ .qe(),
+ .q (reg2hw.dst_addr.q),
+ // to register interface (read)
+ .qs(dst_addr_qs)
+ );
+ // R[num_bytes]: V(False)
+ prim_subreg #(
+ .DW (32),
+ .RESVAL (32'h0)
+ ) u_num_bytes (
+ .clk_i (clk_i),
+ .rst_ni(rst_ni),
+ // from register interface
+ .we(num_bytes_we),
+ .wd(num_bytes_wd),
+ // from internal hardware
+ .de(1'b0),
+ .d ('0),
+ // to internal hardware
+ .qe(),
+ .q (reg2hw.num_bytes.q),
+ // to register interface (read)
+ .qs(num_bytes_qs)
+ );
+ // R[conf]: V(False)
+ // F[decouple]: 0:0
+ prim_subreg #(
+ .DW (1),
+ .RESVAL (1'h0)
+ ) u_conf_decouple (
+ .clk_i (clk_i),
+ .rst_ni(rst_ni),
+ // from register interface
+ .we(conf_decouple_we),
+ .wd(conf_decouple_wd),
+ // from internal hardware
+ .de(1'b0),
+ .d ('0),
+ // to internal hardware
+ .qe(),
+ .q (reg2hw.conf.decouple.q),
+ // to register interface (read)
+ .qs(conf_decouple_qs)
+ );
+ // F[deburst]: 1:1
+ prim_subreg #(
+ .DW (1),
+ .RESVAL (1'h0)
+ ) u_conf_deburst (
+ .clk_i (clk_i),
+ .rst_ni(rst_ni),
+ // from register interface
+ .we(conf_deburst_we),
+ .wd(conf_deburst_wd),
+ // from internal hardware
+ .de(1'b0),
+ .d ('0),
+ // to internal hardware
+ .qe(),
+ .q (reg2hw.conf.deburst.q),
+ // to register interface (read)
+ .qs(conf_deburst_qs)
+ );
+ // R[status]: V(True)
+ prim_subreg_ext #(
+ .DW(1)
+ ) u_status (
+ .re (status_re),
+ .we (1'b0),
+ .wd ('0),
+ .d (hw2reg.status.d),
+ .qre(),
+ .qe (),
+ .q (),
+ .qs (status_qs)
+ );
+ // R[next_id]: V(True)
+ prim_subreg_ext #(
+ .DW(32)
+ ) u_next_id (
+ .re (next_id_re),
+ .we (1'b0),
+ .wd ('0),
+ .d (hw2reg.next_id.d),
+ .qre(reg2hw.next_id.re),
+ .qe (),
+ .q (reg2hw.next_id.q),
+ .qs (next_id_qs)
+ );
+ // R[done]: V(True)
+ prim_subreg_ext #(
+ .DW(32)
+ ) u_done (
+ .re (done_re),
+ .we (1'b0),
+ .wd ('0),
+ .d (hw2reg.done.d),
+ .qre(reg2hw.done.re),
+ .qe (),
+ .q (reg2hw.done.q),
+ .qs (done_qs)
+ );
+ logic [6:0] addr_hit;
+ always_comb begin
+ addr_hit = '0;
+ addr_hit[0] = (reg_addr == IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_SRC_ADDR_OFFSET);
+ addr_hit[1] = (reg_addr == IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_DST_ADDR_OFFSET);
+ addr_hit[2] = (reg_addr == IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_NUM_BYTES_OFFSET);
+ addr_hit[3] = (reg_addr == IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_CONF_OFFSET);
+ addr_hit[4] = (reg_addr == IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_STATUS_OFFSET);
+ addr_hit[5] = (reg_addr == IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_NEXT_ID_OFFSET);
+ addr_hit[6] = (reg_addr == IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_DONE_OFFSET);
+ end
+ assign addrmiss = (reg_re || reg_we) ? ~|addr_hit : 1'b0;
+ // Check sub-word write is permitted
+ always_comb begin
+ wr_err = (reg_we &
+ ((addr_hit[0] & (|(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_PERMIT[0] & ~reg_be))) |
+ (addr_hit[1] & (|(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_PERMIT[1] & ~reg_be))) |
+ (addr_hit[2] & (|(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_PERMIT[2] & ~reg_be))) |
+ (addr_hit[3] & (|(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_PERMIT[3] & ~reg_be))) |
+ (addr_hit[4] & (|(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_PERMIT[4] & ~reg_be))) |
+ (addr_hit[5] & (|(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_PERMIT[5] & ~reg_be))) |
+ (addr_hit[6] & (|(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_PERMIT[6] & ~reg_be)))));
+ end
+ assign src_addr_we = addr_hit[0] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+ assign src_addr_wd = reg_wdata[31:0];
+ assign dst_addr_we = addr_hit[1] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+ assign dst_addr_wd = reg_wdata[31:0];
+ assign num_bytes_we = addr_hit[2] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+ assign num_bytes_wd = reg_wdata[31:0];
+ assign conf_decouple_we = addr_hit[3] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+ assign conf_decouple_wd = reg_wdata[0];
+ assign conf_deburst_we = addr_hit[3] & reg_we & !reg_error;
+ assign conf_deburst_wd = reg_wdata[1];
+ assign status_re = addr_hit[4] & reg_re & !reg_error;
+ assign next_id_re = addr_hit[5] & reg_re & !reg_error;
+ assign done_re = addr_hit[6] & reg_re & !reg_error;
+ // Read data return
+ always_comb begin
+ reg_rdata_next = '0;
+ unique case (1'b1)
+ addr_hit[0]: begin
+ reg_rdata_next[31:0] = src_addr_qs;
+ end
+ addr_hit[1]: begin
+ reg_rdata_next[31:0] = dst_addr_qs;
+ end
+ addr_hit[2]: begin
+ reg_rdata_next[31:0] = num_bytes_qs;
+ end
+ addr_hit[3]: begin
+ reg_rdata_next[0] = conf_decouple_qs;
+ reg_rdata_next[1] = conf_deburst_qs;
+ end
+ addr_hit[4]: begin
+ reg_rdata_next[0] = status_qs;
+ end
+ addr_hit[5]: begin
+ reg_rdata_next[31:0] = next_id_qs;
+ end
+ addr_hit[6]: begin
+ reg_rdata_next[31:0] = done_qs;
+ end
+ default: begin
+ reg_rdata_next = '1;
+ end
+ endcase
+ end
+ // Unused signal tieoff
+ // wdata / byte enable are not always fully used
+ // add a blanket unused statement to handle lint waivers
+ logic unused_wdata;
+ logic unused_be;
+ assign unused_wdata = ^reg_wdata;
+ assign unused_be = ^reg_be;
+ // Assertions for Register Interface
+ `ASSERT(en2addrHit, (reg_we || reg_re) |-> $onehot0(addr_hit))
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_transfer_id_gen.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_transfer_id_gen.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a801dd3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/idma_transfer_id_gen.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Author: Thomas Benz
+/// DMA transaction id generator. Increases the transaction id on every request.
+module idma_transfer_id_gen #(
+ parameter int unsigned IdWidth = -1
+) (
+ input logic clk_i,
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ // new request is pushed
+ input logic issue_i,
+ // request is popped
+ input logic retire_i,
+ // next id is
+ output logic [IdWidth-1:0] next_o,
+ // last id completed is
+ output logic [IdWidth-1:0] completed_o
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // counters
+ //--------------------------------------
+ logic [IdWidth-1:0] next_d, next_q, completed_d, completed_q;
+ // count up on events
+ always_comb begin : proc_next_id
+ // default
+ next_d = next_q;
+ // overflow
+ if (next_q == '1) begin
+ if (issue_i)
+ next_d = 'h2;
+ else
+ next_d = 'h1;
+ // request
+ end else begin
+ if (issue_i)
+ next_d = 'h1 + next_q;
+ end
+ end
+ always_comb begin : proc_next_completed
+ // default
+ completed_d = completed_q;
+ // overflow
+ if (completed_q == '1) begin
+ if (retire_i)
+ completed_d = 'h2;
+ else
+ completed_d = 'h1;
+ // request
+ end else begin
+ if (retire_i)
+ completed_d = 'h1 + completed_q;
+ end
+ end
+ // assign outputs
+ assign next_o = next_q;
+ assign completed_o = completed_q;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // state
+ //--------------------------------------
+ always_ff @(posedge clk_i or negedge rst_ni) begin : proc_id_gen
+ if(~rst_ni) begin
+ next_q <= 2;
+ completed_q <= 1;
+ end else begin
+ next_q <= next_d;
+ completed_q <= completed_d;
+ end
+ end
+endmodule : idma_transfer_id_gen
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/reg_html.css b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/reg_html.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cb48edb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/frontend/reg_html.css
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+/* Stylesheet for reggen HTML register output */
+/* Copyright lowRISC contributors. */
+/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details. */
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */
+table.regpic {
+ width: 95%;
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ margin-left:auto;
+ margin-right:auto;
+ table-layout:fixed;
+table.regdef {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ width: 80%;
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ margin-left:auto;
+ margin-right:auto;
+ table-layout:auto;
+table.regdef th {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+td.bitnum {
+ font-size: 60%;
+ text-align: center;
+td.unused {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ background-color: gray;
+td.fname {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+td.regbits, td.regperm, td.regrv {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ text-align: center;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+td.regde, td.regfn {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+table.cfgtable {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ width: 80%;
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ margin-left:auto;
+ margin-right:auto;
+ table-layout:auto;
+table.cfgtable th {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ font-weight: bold;
+table.cfgtable td {
+ border: 1px solid black;
+ font-family: sans-serif;
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/iDMA.core b/hw/ip/iDMA/iDMA.core
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..23722ff8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/iDMA.core
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+name: "x-heep:ip:idma"
+description: "core-v-mini-mcu dma peripheral"
+# Copyright 2021 OpenHW Group
+# Solderpad Hardware License, Version 2.1, see LICENSE.md for details.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH SHL-2.1
+ files_rtl:
+ depend:
+ - pulp-platform.org::common_cells
+ - pulp-platform.org::register_interface
+ files:
+ - ./include/idma/typedef.svh: {is_include_file: true}
+ - ./include/axi/assign.svh: {is_include_file: true}
+ - ./include/axi/typedef.svh: {is_include_file: true}
+ - ./include/axi/axi_pkg.sv
+ - ./include/idma/idma_pkg.sv
+ - ./frontend/idma_transfer_id_gen.sv
+ - ./frontend/idma_reg32_frontend_reg_pkg.sv
+ - ./frontend/idma_reg32_frontend_reg_top.sv
+ - ./frontend/idma_reg32_frontend.sv
+ - ./src/idma_axi_transport_layer.sv
+ - ./src/idma_channel_coupler.sv
+ - ./src/idma_stream_fifo.sv
+ - ./axi/axi_to_mem.sv
+ - ./axi/axi_to_mem_split.sv
+ - ./src/idma_buffer.sv
+ - ./src/idma_legalizer.sv
+ - ./src/idma_backend.sv
+ - ./idma_reg32_wrap.sv
+ file_type: systemVerilogSource
+ default:
+ filesets:
+ - files_rtl
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/idma_reg32_wrap.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/idma_reg32_wrap.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..40a465d37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/idma_reg32_wrap.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
+`include "./include/axi/assign.svh"
+`include "./include/axi/typedef.svh"
+`include "./include/idma/typedef.svh"
+// `include "register_interface/typedef.svh"
+module dma_reg32_wrap #(
+ parameter type reg_req_t = logic,
+ parameter type reg_rsp_t = logic,
+ parameter type obi_req_t = logic,
+ parameter type obi_resp_t = logic,
+ parameter int unsigned OBI_DATA_WIDTH = -1,
+ parameter int unsigned OBI_ADDR_WIDTH = -1,
+ parameter int unsigned OBI_USER_WIDTH = -1,
+ parameter int unsigned OBI_ID_WIDTH = -1
+) (
+ input logic clk_i, // Clock
+ input logic rst_ni, // Asynchronous reset active low
+ input reg_req_t reg_req_i,
+ output reg_rsp_t reg_rsp_o,
+ output obi_req_t dma_master0_ch0_req_o,
+ input obi_resp_t dma_master0_ch0_resp_i,
+ output obi_req_t dma_master1_ch0_req_o,
+ input obi_resp_t dma_master1_ch0_resp_i,
+ input logic spi_rx_valid_i,
+ input logic spi_tx_ready_i,
+ input logic spi_flash_rx_valid_i,
+ input logic spi_flash_tx_ready_i,
+ output logic dma_intr_o
+ localparam int unsigned OBI_SLV_ID_WIDTH = OBI_ID_WIDTH;
+ typedef logic [OBI_ADDR_WIDTH-1:0] addr_t;
+ typedef logic [OBI_DATA_WIDTH-1:0] data_t;
+ typedef logic [(OBI_DATA_WIDTH/8)-1:0] strb_t;
+ typedef logic [OBI_USER_WIDTH-1:0] user_t;
+ typedef logic [OBI_ID_WIDTH-1:0] axi_id_t;
+ typedef logic [OBI_SLV_ID_WIDTH-1:0] axi_slv_id_t;
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_ALL(axi_mst, addr_t, axi_id_t, data_t, strb_t, user_t)
+ axi_mst_req_t axi_mst_req;
+ axi_mst_resp_t axi_mst_resp;
+ localparam int unsigned TFLenWidth = OBI_ADDR_WIDTH;
+ typedef logic [TFLenWidth-1:0] tf_len_t;
+ `IDMA_TYPEDEF_FULL_REQ_T(idma_req_t, axi_slv_id_t, addr_t, tf_len_t)
+ `IDMA_TYPEDEF_FULL_RSP_T(idma_rsp_t, addr_t)
+ idma_req_t idma_req;
+ logic valid, ready, be_trans_complete;
+ idma_pkg::idma_busy_t idma_busy;
+ // Frontend
+ idma_reg32_frontend #(
+ .dma_regs_req_t(reg_req_t),
+ .dma_regs_rsp_t(reg_rsp_t),
+ .idma_req_t (idma_req_t)
+ ) i_idma_reg32_frontend (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .dma_ctrl_req_i (reg_req_i),
+ .dma_ctrl_rsp_o (reg_rsp_o),
+ .idma_req_o (idma_req),
+ .valid_o (valid),
+ .ready_i (ready),
+ .backend_idle_i (~|idma_busy),
+ .trans_complete_i(be_trans_complete)
+ );
+ assign dma_intr_o = be_trans_complete;
+ // Backend
+ idma_backend #(
+ .DataWidth (OBI_DATA_WIDTH),
+ .AddrWidth (OBI_ADDR_WIDTH),
+ .UserWidth (OBI_USER_WIDTH),
+ .AxiIdWidth (OBI_ID_WIDTH),
+ .NumAxInFlight (4),
+ .BufferDepth (3),
+ .TFLenWidth (TFLenWidth),
+ .RAWCouplingAvail (1'b1),
+ .MaskInvalidData (1'b1),
+ .HardwareLegalizer (1'b1),
+ .RejectZeroTransfers(1'b1),
+ .MemSysDepth (32'd1),
+ .ErrorCap (idma_pkg::NO_ERROR_HANDLING),
+ .idma_req_t (idma_req_t),
+ .idma_rsp_t (idma_rsp_t),
+ .idma_eh_req_t (idma_pkg::idma_eh_req_t),
+ .idma_busy_t (idma_pkg::idma_busy_t),
+ .axi_req_t (axi_mst_req_t),
+ .axi_rsp_t (axi_mst_resp_t)
+ ) i_idma_backend (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i('0),
+ .idma_req_i (idma_req),
+ .req_valid_i(valid),
+ .req_ready_o(ready),
+ .idma_rsp_o (),
+ .rsp_valid_o(be_trans_complete),
+ .rsp_ready_i(1'b1),
+ .idma_eh_req_i ('0),
+ .eh_req_valid_i(1'b1),
+ .eh_req_ready_o(),
+ .axi_req_o(axi_mst_req),
+ .axi_rsp_i(axi_mst_resp),
+ .busy_o (idma_busy)
+ );
+ // AXI to OBI
+ axi_to_mem_split #(
+ .axi_req_t (axi_mst_req_t),
+ .axi_resp_t (axi_mst_resp_t),
+ .AddrWidth (OBI_ADDR_WIDTH),
+ .AxiDataWidth(OBI_DATA_WIDTH),
+ .IdWidth (OBI_ID_WIDTH),
+ .MemDataWidth(OBI_DATA_WIDTH),
+ .BufDepth (2),
+ .HideStrb (1'b1)
+ ) i_axi_to_mem_1 (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .mem_req_o ({dma_master1_ch0_req_o.req, dma_master0_ch0_req_o.req}),
+ .mem_gnt_i ({dma_master1_ch0_resp_i.gnt, dma_master0_ch0_resp_i.gnt}),
+ .mem_addr_o ({dma_master1_ch0_req_o.addr, dma_master0_ch0_req_o.addr}),
+ .mem_wdata_o ({dma_master1_ch0_req_o.wdata, dma_master0_ch0_req_o.wdata}),
+ .mem_strb_o ({dma_master1_ch0_req_o.be, dma_master0_ch0_req_o.be}),
+ .mem_atop_o (),
+ .mem_we_o ({dma_master1_ch0_req_o.we, dma_master0_ch0_req_o.we}),
+ .mem_rvalid_i({dma_master1_ch0_resp_i.rvalid, dma_master0_ch0_resp_i.rvalid}),
+ .mem_rdata_i ({dma_master1_ch0_resp_i.rdata, dma_master0_ch0_resp_i.rdata}),
+ .axi_req_i (axi_mst_req),
+ .axi_resp_o(axi_mst_resp),
+ .busy_o ()
+ );
+endmodule : dma_reg32_wrap
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/include/axi/assign.svh b/hw/ip/iDMA/include/axi/assign.svh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80667eb09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/include/axi/assign.svh
@@ -0,0 +1,655 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2014-2018 ETH Zurich, University of Bologna
+// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-0.51. Unless required by applicable law
+// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+// Authors:
+// - Andreas Kurth
+// - Nils Wistoff
+// Macros to assign AXI Interfaces and Structs
+`ifndef AXI_ASSIGN_SVH_
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_SVH_
+// Internal implementation for assigning one AXI struct or interface to another struct or interface.
+// The path to the signals on each side is defined by the `__sep*` arguments. The `__opt_as`
+// argument allows to use this standalone (with `__opt_as = assign`) or in assignments inside
+// processes (with `__opt_as` void).
+`define __AXI_TO_AW(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``id = __rhs``__rhs_sep``id; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``addr = __rhs``__rhs_sep``addr; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``len = __rhs``__rhs_sep``len; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``size = __rhs``__rhs_sep``size; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``burst = __rhs``__rhs_sep``burst; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``lock = __rhs``__rhs_sep``lock; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``cache = __rhs``__rhs_sep``cache; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``prot = __rhs``__rhs_sep``prot; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``qos = __rhs``__rhs_sep``qos; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``region = __rhs``__rhs_sep``region; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``atop = __rhs``__rhs_sep``atop; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``user = __rhs``__rhs_sep``user;
+`define __AXI_TO_W(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``data = __rhs``__rhs_sep``data; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``strb = __rhs``__rhs_sep``strb; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``last = __rhs``__rhs_sep``last; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``user = __rhs``__rhs_sep``user;
+`define __AXI_TO_B(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``id = __rhs``__rhs_sep``id; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``resp = __rhs``__rhs_sep``resp; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``user = __rhs``__rhs_sep``user;
+`define __AXI_TO_AR(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``id = __rhs``__rhs_sep``id; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``addr = __rhs``__rhs_sep``addr; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``len = __rhs``__rhs_sep``len; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``size = __rhs``__rhs_sep``size; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``burst = __rhs``__rhs_sep``burst; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``lock = __rhs``__rhs_sep``lock; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``cache = __rhs``__rhs_sep``cache; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``prot = __rhs``__rhs_sep``prot; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``qos = __rhs``__rhs_sep``qos; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``region = __rhs``__rhs_sep``region; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``user = __rhs``__rhs_sep``user;
+`define __AXI_TO_R(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``id = __rhs``__rhs_sep``id; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``data = __rhs``__rhs_sep``data; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``resp = __rhs``__rhs_sep``resp; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``last = __rhs``__rhs_sep``last; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``user = __rhs``__rhs_sep``user;
+`define __AXI_TO_REQ(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ `__AXI_TO_AW(__opt_as, __lhs.aw, __lhs_sep, __rhs.aw, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs.aw_valid = __rhs.aw_valid; \
+ `__AXI_TO_W(__opt_as, __lhs.w, __lhs_sep, __rhs.w, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs.w_valid = __rhs.w_valid; \
+ __opt_as __lhs.b_ready = __rhs.b_ready; \
+ `__AXI_TO_AR(__opt_as, __lhs.ar, __lhs_sep, __rhs.ar, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs.ar_valid = __rhs.ar_valid; \
+ __opt_as __lhs.r_ready = __rhs.r_ready;
+`define __AXI_TO_RESP(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs.aw_ready = __rhs.aw_ready; \
+ __opt_as __lhs.ar_ready = __rhs.ar_ready; \
+ __opt_as __lhs.w_ready = __rhs.w_ready; \
+ __opt_as __lhs.b_valid = __rhs.b_valid; \
+ `__AXI_TO_B(__opt_as, __lhs.b, __lhs_sep, __rhs.b, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs.r_valid = __rhs.r_valid; \
+ `__AXI_TO_R(__opt_as, __lhs.r, __lhs_sep, __rhs.r, __rhs_sep)
+// Assigning one AXI4+ATOP interface to another, as if you would do `assign slv = mst;`
+// The channel assignments `AXI_ASSIGN_XX(dst, src)` assign all payload and the valid signal of the
+// `XX` channel from the `src` to the `dst` interface and they assign the ready signal from the
+// `src` to the `dst` interface.
+// The interface assignment `AXI_ASSIGN(dst, src)` assigns all channels including handshakes as if
+// `src` was the master of `dst`.
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_ASSIGN(slv, mst)
+// `AXI_ASSIGN_AW(dst, src)
+// `AXI_ASSIGN_R(dst, src)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_AW(dst, src) \
+ `__AXI_TO_AW(assign, dst.aw, _, src.aw, _) \
+ assign dst.aw_valid = src.aw_valid; \
+ assign src.aw_ready = dst.aw_ready;
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_W(dst, src) \
+ `__AXI_TO_W(assign, dst.w, _, src.w, _) \
+ assign dst.w_valid = src.w_valid; \
+ assign src.w_ready = dst.w_ready;
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_B(dst, src) \
+ `__AXI_TO_B(assign, dst.b, _, src.b, _) \
+ assign dst.b_valid = src.b_valid; \
+ assign src.b_ready = dst.b_ready;
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_AR(dst, src) \
+ `__AXI_TO_AR(assign, dst.ar, _, src.ar, _) \
+ assign dst.ar_valid = src.ar_valid; \
+ assign src.ar_ready = dst.ar_ready;
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_R(dst, src) \
+ `__AXI_TO_R(assign, dst.r, _, src.r, _) \
+ assign dst.r_valid = src.r_valid; \
+ assign src.r_ready = dst.r_ready;
+`define AXI_ASSIGN(slv, mst) \
+ `AXI_ASSIGN_AW(slv, mst) \
+ `AXI_ASSIGN_W(slv, mst) \
+ `AXI_ASSIGN_B(mst, slv) \
+ `AXI_ASSIGN_AR(slv, mst) \
+ `AXI_ASSIGN_R(mst, slv)
+// Assigning a AXI4+ATOP interface to a monitor modport, as if you would do `assign mon = axi_if;`
+// The channel assignment `AXI_ASSIGN_MONITOR(mon_dv, axi_if)` assigns all signals from `axi_if`
+// to the `mon_dv` interface.
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_ASSIGN_MONITOR(mon_dv, axi_if)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_MONITOR(mon_dv, axi_if) \
+ `__AXI_TO_AW(assign, mon_dv.aw, _, axi_if.aw, _) \
+ assign mon_dv.aw_valid = axi_if.aw_valid; \
+ assign mon_dv.aw_ready = axi_if.aw_ready; \
+ `__AXI_TO_W(assign, mon_dv.w, _, axi_if.w, _) \
+ assign mon_dv.w_valid = axi_if.w_valid; \
+ assign mon_dv.w_ready = axi_if.w_ready; \
+ `__AXI_TO_B(assign, mon_dv.b, _, axi_if.b, _) \
+ assign mon_dv.b_valid = axi_if.b_valid; \
+ assign mon_dv.b_ready = axi_if.b_ready; \
+ `__AXI_TO_AR(assign, mon_dv.ar, _, axi_if.ar, _) \
+ assign mon_dv.ar_valid = axi_if.ar_valid; \
+ assign mon_dv.ar_ready = axi_if.ar_ready; \
+ `__AXI_TO_R(assign, mon_dv.r, _, axi_if.r, _) \
+ assign mon_dv.r_valid = axi_if.r_valid; \
+ assign mon_dv.r_ready = axi_if.r_ready;
+// Setting an interface from channel or request/response structs inside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_SET_FROM_XX(axi_if, xx_struct)` set the payload signals of the `axi_if`
+// interface from the signals in `xx_struct`. They do not set the handshake signals.
+// The request macro `AXI_SET_FROM_REQ(axi_if, req_struct)` sets all request channels (AW, W, AR)
+// and the request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR valid and B and R ready) of the `axi_if`
+// interface from the signals in `req_struct`.
+// The response macro `AXI_SET_FROM_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct)` sets both response channels (B and R)
+// and the response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and AW, W, and AR ready) of the `axi_if`
+// interface from the signals in `resp_struct`.
+// Usage Example:
+// always_comb begin
+// `AXI_SET_FROM_REQ(my_if, my_req_struct)
+// end
+`define AXI_SET_FROM_AW(axi_if, aw_struct) `__AXI_TO_AW(, axi_if.aw, _, aw_struct, .)
+`define AXI_SET_FROM_W(axi_if, w_struct) `__AXI_TO_W(, axi_if.w, _, w_struct, .)
+`define AXI_SET_FROM_B(axi_if, b_struct) `__AXI_TO_B(, axi_if.b, _, b_struct, .)
+`define AXI_SET_FROM_AR(axi_if, ar_struct) `__AXI_TO_AR(, axi_if.ar, _, ar_struct, .)
+`define AXI_SET_FROM_R(axi_if, r_struct) `__AXI_TO_R(, axi_if.r, _, r_struct, .)
+`define AXI_SET_FROM_REQ(axi_if, req_struct) `__AXI_TO_REQ(, axi_if, _, req_struct, .)
+`define AXI_SET_FROM_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct) `__AXI_TO_RESP(, axi_if, _, resp_struct, .)
+// Assigning an interface from channel or request/response structs outside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_XX(axi_if, xx_struct)` assign the payload signals of the
+// `axi_if` interface from the signals in `xx_struct`. They do not assign the handshake signals.
+// The request macro `AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_REQ(axi_if, req_struct)` assigns all request channels (AW, W,
+// AR) and the request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR valid and B and R ready) of the
+// `axi_if` interface from the signals in `req_struct`.
+// The response macro `AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct)` assigns both response channels (B
+// and R) and the response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and AW, W, and AR ready) of the
+// `axi_if` interface from the signals in `resp_struct`.
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_REQ(my_if, my_req_struct)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_AW(axi_if, aw_struct) `__AXI_TO_AW(assign, axi_if.aw, _, aw_struct, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_W(axi_if, w_struct) `__AXI_TO_W(assign, axi_if.w, _, w_struct, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_B(axi_if, b_struct) `__AXI_TO_B(assign, axi_if.b, _, b_struct, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_AR(axi_if, ar_struct) `__AXI_TO_AR(assign, axi_if.ar, _, ar_struct, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_R(axi_if, r_struct) `__AXI_TO_R(assign, axi_if.r, _, r_struct, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_REQ(axi_if, req_struct) `__AXI_TO_REQ(assign, axi_if, _, req_struct, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_FROM_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct) `__AXI_TO_RESP(assign, axi_if, _, resp_struct, .)
+// Setting channel or request/response structs from an interface inside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_SET_TO_XX(xx_struct, axi_if)` set the signals of `xx_struct` to the
+// payload signals of that channel in the `axi_if` interface. They do not set the handshake
+// signals.
+// The request macro `AXI_SET_TO_REQ(axi_if, req_struct)` sets all signals of `req_struct` (i.e.,
+// request channel (AW, W, AR) payload and request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR valid and
+// B and R ready)) to the signals in the `axi_if` interface.
+// The response macro `AXI_SET_TO_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct)` sets all signals of `resp_struct`
+// (i.e., response channel (B and R) payload and response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and
+// AW, W, and AR ready)) to the signals in the `axi_if` interface.
+// Usage Example:
+// always_comb begin
+// `AXI_SET_TO_REQ(my_req_struct, my_if)
+// end
+`define AXI_SET_TO_AW(aw_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_AW(, aw_struct, ., axi_if.aw, _)
+`define AXI_SET_TO_W(w_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_W(, w_struct, ., axi_if.w, _)
+`define AXI_SET_TO_B(b_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_B(, b_struct, ., axi_if.b, _)
+`define AXI_SET_TO_AR(ar_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_AR(, ar_struct, ., axi_if.ar, _)
+`define AXI_SET_TO_R(r_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_R(, r_struct, ., axi_if.r, _)
+`define AXI_SET_TO_REQ(req_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_REQ(, req_struct, ., axi_if, _)
+`define AXI_SET_TO_RESP(resp_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_RESP(, resp_struct, ., axi_if, _)
+// Assigning channel or request/response structs from an interface outside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_ASSIGN_TO_XX(xx_struct, axi_if)` assign the signals of `xx_struct` to the
+// payload signals of that channel in the `axi_if` interface. They do not assign the handshake
+// signals.
+// The request macro `AXI_ASSIGN_TO_REQ(axi_if, req_struct)` assigns all signals of `req_struct`
+// (i.e., request channel (AW, W, AR) payload and request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR
+// valid and B and R ready)) to the signals in the `axi_if` interface.
+// The response macro `AXI_ASSIGN_TO_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct)` assigns all signals of `resp_struct`
+// (i.e., response channel (B and R) payload and response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and
+// AW, W, and AR ready)) to the signals in the `axi_if` interface.
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_ASSIGN_TO_REQ(my_req_struct, my_if)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_TO_AW(aw_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_AW(assign, aw_struct, ., axi_if.aw, _)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_TO_W(w_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_W(assign, w_struct, ., axi_if.w, _)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_TO_B(b_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_B(assign, b_struct, ., axi_if.b, _)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_TO_AR(ar_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_AR(assign, ar_struct, ., axi_if.ar, _)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_TO_R(r_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_R(assign, r_struct, ., axi_if.r, _)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_TO_REQ(req_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_REQ(assign, req_struct, ., axi_if, _)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_TO_RESP(resp_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_TO_RESP(assign, resp_struct, ., axi_if, _)
+// Setting channel or request/response structs from another struct inside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_SET_XX_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` set the fields of the `lhs` channel struct to
+// the fields of the `rhs` channel struct. They do not set the handshake signals, which are not
+// part of channel structs.
+// The request macro `AXI_SET_REQ_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` sets all fields of the `lhs` request struct to
+// the fields of the `rhs` request struct. This includes all request channel (AW, W, AR) payload
+// and request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR valid and B and R ready).
+// The response macro `AXI_SET_RESP_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` sets all fields of the `lhs` response struct
+// to the fields of the `rhs` response struct. This includes all response channel (B and R) payload
+// and response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and AW, W, and R ready).
+// Usage Example:
+// always_comb begin
+// `AXI_SET_REQ_STRUCT(my_req_struct, another_req_struct)
+// end
+`define AXI_SET_AW_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_AW(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_SET_W_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_W(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_SET_B_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_B(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_SET_AR_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_AR(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_SET_R_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_R(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_SET_REQ_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_REQ(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_SET_RESP_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_RESP(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+// Assigning channel or request/response structs from another struct outside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_ASSIGN_XX_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` assign the fields of the `lhs` channel struct
+// to the fields of the `rhs` channel struct. They do not assign the handshake signals, which are
+// not part of the channel structs.
+// The request macro `AXI_ASSIGN_REQ_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` assigns all fields of the `lhs` request
+// struct to the fields of the `rhs` request struct. This includes all request channel (AW, W, AR)
+// payload and request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR valid and B and R ready).
+// The response macro `AXI_ASSIGN_RESP_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` assigns all fields of the `lhs` response
+// struct to the fields of the `rhs` response struct. This includes all response channel (B and R)
+// payload and response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and AW, W, and R ready).
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_ASSIGN_REQ_STRUCT(my_req_struct, another_req_struct)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_AW_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_AW(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_W_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_W(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_B_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_B(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_AR_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_AR(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_R_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_R(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_REQ_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_REQ(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_RESP_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_TO_RESP(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+// Internal implementation for assigning one Lite structs or interface to another struct or
+// interface. The path to the signals on each side is defined by the `__sep*` arguments. The
+// `__opt_as` argument allows to use this standalne (with `__opt_as = assign`) or in assignments
+// inside processes (with `__opt_as` void).
+`define __AXI_LITE_TO_AX(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``addr = __rhs``__rhs_sep``addr; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``prot = __rhs``__rhs_sep``prot;
+`define __AXI_LITE_TO_W(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``data = __rhs``__rhs_sep``data; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``strb = __rhs``__rhs_sep``strb;
+`define __AXI_LITE_TO_B(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``resp = __rhs``__rhs_sep``resp;
+`define __AXI_LITE_TO_R(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``data = __rhs``__rhs_sep``data; \
+ __opt_as __lhs``__lhs_sep``resp = __rhs``__rhs_sep``resp;
+`define __AXI_LITE_TO_REQ(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(__opt_as, __lhs.aw, __lhs_sep, __rhs.aw, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs.aw_valid = __rhs.aw_valid; \
+ `__AXI_LITE_TO_W(__opt_as, __lhs.w, __lhs_sep, __rhs.w, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs.w_valid = __rhs.w_valid; \
+ __opt_as __lhs.b_ready = __rhs.b_ready; \
+ `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(__opt_as, __lhs.ar, __lhs_sep, __rhs.ar, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs.ar_valid = __rhs.ar_valid; \
+ __opt_as __lhs.r_ready = __rhs.r_ready;
+`define __AXI_LITE_TO_RESP(__opt_as, __lhs, __lhs_sep, __rhs, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs.aw_ready = __rhs.aw_ready; \
+ __opt_as __lhs.ar_ready = __rhs.ar_ready; \
+ __opt_as __lhs.w_ready = __rhs.w_ready; \
+ __opt_as __lhs.b_valid = __rhs.b_valid; \
+ `__AXI_LITE_TO_B(__opt_as, __lhs.b, __lhs_sep, __rhs.b, __rhs_sep) \
+ __opt_as __lhs.r_valid = __rhs.r_valid; \
+ `__AXI_LITE_TO_R(__opt_as, __lhs.r, __lhs_sep, __rhs.r, __rhs_sep)
+// Assigning one AXI-Lite interface to another, as if you would do `assign slv = mst;`
+// The channel assignments `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_XX(dst, src)` assign all payload and the valid signal of
+// the `XX` channel from the `src` to the `dst` interface and they assign the ready signal from the
+// `src` to the `dst` interface.
+// The interface assignment `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN(dst, src)` assigns all channels including handshakes as
+// if `src` was the master of `dst`.
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN(slv, mst)
+// `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_AW(dst, src)
+// `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_R(dst, src)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_AW(dst, src) \
+ `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(assign, dst.aw, _, src.aw, _) \
+ assign dst.aw_valid = src.aw_valid; \
+ assign src.aw_ready = dst.aw_ready;
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_W(dst, src) \
+ `__AXI_LITE_TO_W(assign, dst.w, _, src.w, _) \
+ assign dst.w_valid = src.w_valid; \
+ assign src.w_ready = dst.w_ready;
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_B(dst, src) \
+ `__AXI_LITE_TO_B(assign, dst.b, _, src.b, _) \
+ assign dst.b_valid = src.b_valid; \
+ assign src.b_ready = dst.b_ready;
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_AR(dst, src) \
+ `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(assign, dst.ar, _, src.ar, _) \
+ assign dst.ar_valid = src.ar_valid; \
+ assign src.ar_ready = dst.ar_ready;
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_R(dst, src) \
+ `__AXI_LITE_TO_R(assign, dst.r, _, src.r, _) \
+ assign dst.r_valid = src.r_valid; \
+ assign src.r_ready = dst.r_ready;
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN(slv, mst) \
+ `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_AW(slv, mst) \
+ `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_W(slv, mst) \
+ `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_B(mst, slv) \
+ `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_AR(slv, mst) \
+ `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_R(mst, slv)
+// Setting a Lite interface from channel or request/response structs inside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_XX(axi_if, xx_struct)` set the payload signals of the
+// `axi_if` interface from the signals in `xx_struct`. They do not set the handshake signals.
+// The request macro `AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_REQ(axi_if, req_struct)` sets all request channels (AW, W,
+// AR) and the request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR valid and B and R ready) of the
+// `axi_if` interface from the signals in `req_struct`.
+// The response macro `AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct)` sets both response channels (B
+// and R) and the response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and AW, W, and AR ready) of the
+// `axi_if` interface from the signals in `resp_struct`.
+// Usage Example:
+// always_comb begin
+// `AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_REQ(my_if, my_req_struct)
+// end
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_AW(axi_if, aw_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(, axi_if.aw, _, aw_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_W(axi_if, w_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_W(, axi_if.w, _, w_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_B(axi_if, b_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_B(, axi_if.b, _, b_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_AR(axi_if, ar_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(, axi_if.ar, _, ar_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_R(axi_if, r_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_R(, axi_if.r, _, r_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_REQ(axi_if, req_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_REQ(, axi_if, _, req_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_FROM_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_RESP(, axi_if, _, resp_struct, .)
+// Assigning a Lite interface from channel or request/response structs outside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_XX(axi_if, xx_struct)` assign the payload signals of the
+// `axi_if` interface from the signals in `xx_struct`. They do not assign the handshake signals.
+// The request macro `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_REQ(axi_if, req_struct)` assigns all request channels
+// (AW, W, AR) and the request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR valid and B and R ready) of the
+// `axi_if` interface from the signals in `req_struct`.
+// The response macro `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct)` assigns both response
+// channels (B and R) and the response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and AW, W, and AR
+// ready) of the `axi_if` interface from the signals in `resp_struct`.
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_REQ(my_if, my_req_struct)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_AW(axi_if, aw_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(assign, axi_if.aw, _, aw_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_W(axi_if, w_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_W(assign, axi_if.w, _, w_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_B(axi_if, b_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_B(assign, axi_if.b, _, b_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_AR(axi_if, ar_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(assign, axi_if.ar, _, ar_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_R(axi_if, r_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_R(assign, axi_if.r, _, r_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_REQ(axi_if, req_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_REQ(assign, axi_if, _, req_struct, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_FROM_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct) `__AXI_LITE_TO_RESP(assign, axi_if, _, resp_struct, .)
+// Setting channel or request/response structs from an interface inside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_LITE_SET_TO_XX(xx_struct, axi_if)` set the signals of `xx_struct` to the
+// payload signals of that channel in the `axi_if` interface. They do not set the handshake
+// signals.
+// The request macro `AXI_LITE_SET_TO_REQ(axi_if, req_struct)` sets all signals of `req_struct`
+// (i.e., request channel (AW, W, AR) payload and request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR
+// valid and B and R ready)) to the signals in the `axi_if` interface.
+// The response macro `AXI_LITE_SET_TO_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct)` sets all signals of `resp_struct`
+// (i.e., response channel (B and R) payload and response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and
+// AW, W, and AR ready)) to the signals in the `axi_if` interface.
+// Usage Example:
+// always_comb begin
+// `AXI_LITE_SET_TO_REQ(my_req_struct, my_if)
+// end
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_TO_AW(aw_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(, aw_struct, ., axi_if.aw, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_TO_W(w_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_W(, w_struct, ., axi_if.w, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_TO_B(b_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_B(, b_struct, ., axi_if.b, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_TO_AR(ar_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(, ar_struct, ., axi_if.ar, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_TO_R(r_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_R(, r_struct, ., axi_if.r, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_TO_REQ(req_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_REQ(, req_struct, ., axi_if, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_TO_RESP(resp_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_RESP(, resp_struct, ., axi_if, _)
+// Assigning channel or request/response structs from an interface outside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_XX(xx_struct, axi_if)` assign the signals of `xx_struct`
+// to the payload signals of that channel in the `axi_if` interface. They do not assign the
+// handshake signals.
+// The request macro `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_REQ(axi_if, req_struct)` assigns all signals of
+// `req_struct` (i.e., request channel (AW, W, AR) payload and request-side handshake signals (AW,
+// W, and AR valid and B and R ready)) to the signals in the `axi_if` interface.
+// The response macro `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_RESP(axi_if, resp_struct)` assigns all signals of
+// `resp_struct` (i.e., response channel (B and R) payload and response-side handshake signals (B
+// and R valid and AW, W, and AR ready)) to the signals in the `axi_if` interface.
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_REQ(my_req_struct, my_if)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_AW(aw_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(assign, aw_struct, ., axi_if.aw, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_W(w_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_W(assign, w_struct, ., axi_if.w, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_B(b_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_B(assign, b_struct, ., axi_if.b, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_AR(ar_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(assign, ar_struct, ., axi_if.ar, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_R(r_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_R(assign, r_struct, ., axi_if.r, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_REQ(req_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_REQ(assign, req_struct, ., axi_if, _)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_TO_RESP(resp_struct, axi_if) `__AXI_LITE_TO_RESP(assign, resp_struct, ., axi_if, _)
+// Setting channel or request/response structs from another struct inside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_LITE_SET_XX_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` set the fields of the `lhs` channel struct
+// to the fields of the `rhs` channel struct. They do not set the handshake signals, which are not
+// part of channel structs.
+// The request macro `AXI_LITE_SET_REQ_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` sets all fields of the `lhs` request struct
+// to the fields of the `rhs` request struct. This includes all request channel (AW, W, AR) payload
+// and request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR valid and B and R ready).
+// The response macro `AXI_LITE_SET_RESP_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` sets all fields of the `lhs` response
+// struct to the fields of the `rhs` response struct. This includes all response channel (B and R)
+// payload and response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and AW, W, and R ready).
+// Usage Example:
+// always_comb begin
+// `AXI_LITE_SET_REQ_STRUCT(my_req_struct, another_req_struct)
+// end
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_AW_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_W_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_W(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_B_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_B(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_AR_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_R_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_R(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_REQ_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_REQ(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_SET_RESP_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_RESP(, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+// Assigning channel or request/response structs from another struct outside a process.
+// The channel macros `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_XX_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` assign the fields of the `lhs` channel
+// struct to the fields of the `rhs` channel struct. They do not assign the handshake signals,
+// which are not part of the channel structs.
+// The request macro `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_REQ_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` assigns all fields of the `lhs` request
+// struct to the fields of the `rhs` request struct. This includes all request channel (AW, W, AR)
+// payload and request-side handshake signals (AW, W, and AR valid and B and R ready).
+// The response macro `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_RESP_STRUCT(lhs, rhs)` assigns all fields of the `lhs`
+// response struct to the fields of the `rhs` response struct. This includes all response channel
+// (B and R) payload and response-side handshake signals (B and R valid and AW, W, and R ready).
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_REQ_STRUCT(my_req_struct, another_req_struct)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_AW_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_W_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_W(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_B_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_B(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_AR_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_AX(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_R_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_R(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_REQ_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_REQ(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+`define AXI_LITE_ASSIGN_RESP_STRUCT(lhs, rhs) `__AXI_LITE_TO_RESP(assign, lhs, ., rhs, .)
+// Macros for assigning flattened AXI ports to req/resp AXI structs
+// Flat AXI ports are required by the Vivado IP Integrator. Vivado naming convention is followed.
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_ASSIGN_MASTER_TO_FLAT("my_bus", my_req_struct, my_rsp_struct)
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_MASTER_TO_FLAT(pat, req, rsp) \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awvalid = req.aw_valid; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awid = req.aw.id; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awaddr = req.aw.addr; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awlen = req.aw.len; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awsize = req.aw.size; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awburst = req.aw.burst; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awlock = req.aw.lock; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awcache = req.aw.cache; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awprot = req.aw.prot; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awqos = req.aw.qos; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awregion = req.aw.region; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_awuser = req.aw.user; \
+ \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_wvalid = req.w_valid; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_wdata = req.w.data; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_wstrb = req.w.strb; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_wlast = req.w.last; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_wuser = req.w.user; \
+ \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_bready = req.b_ready; \
+ \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_arvalid = req.ar_valid; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_arid = req.ar.id; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_araddr = req.ar.addr; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_arlen = req.ar.len; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_arsize = req.ar.size; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_arburst = req.ar.burst; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_arlock = req.ar.lock; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_arcache = req.ar.cache; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_arprot = req.ar.prot; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_arqos = req.ar.qos; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_arregion = req.ar.region; \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_aruser = req.ar.user; \
+ \
+ assign m_axi_``pat``_rready = req.r_ready; \
+ \
+ assign rsp.aw_ready = m_axi_``pat``_awready; \
+ assign rsp.ar_ready = m_axi_``pat``_arready; \
+ assign rsp.w_ready = m_axi_``pat``_wready; \
+ \
+ assign rsp.b_valid = m_axi_``pat``_bvalid; \
+ assign rsp.b.id = m_axi_``pat``_bid; \
+ assign rsp.b.resp = m_axi_``pat``_bresp; \
+ assign rsp.b.user = m_axi_``pat``_buser; \
+ \
+ assign rsp.r_valid = m_axi_``pat``_rvalid; \
+ assign rsp.r.id = m_axi_``pat``_rid; \
+ assign rsp.r.data = m_axi_``pat``_rdata; \
+ assign rsp.r.resp = m_axi_``pat``_rresp; \
+ assign rsp.r.last = m_axi_``pat``_rlast; \
+ assign rsp.r.user = m_axi_``pat``_ruser;
+`define AXI_ASSIGN_SLAVE_TO_FLAT(pat, req, rsp) \
+ assign req.aw_valid = s_axi_``pat``_awvalid; \
+ assign req.aw.id = s_axi_``pat``_awid; \
+ assign req.aw.addr = s_axi_``pat``_awaddr; \
+ assign req.aw.len = s_axi_``pat``_awlen; \
+ assign req.aw.size = s_axi_``pat``_awsize; \
+ assign req.aw.burst = s_axi_``pat``_awburst; \
+ assign req.aw.lock = s_axi_``pat``_awlock; \
+ assign req.aw.cache = s_axi_``pat``_awcache; \
+ assign req.aw.prot = s_axi_``pat``_awprot; \
+ assign req.aw.qos = s_axi_``pat``_awqos; \
+ assign req.aw.region = s_axi_``pat``_awregion; \
+ assign req.aw.user = s_axi_``pat``_awuser; \
+ \
+ assign req.w_valid = s_axi_``pat``_wvalid; \
+ assign req.w.data = s_axi_``pat``_wdata; \
+ assign req.w.strb = s_axi_``pat``_wstrb; \
+ assign req.w.last = s_axi_``pat``_wlast; \
+ assign req.w.user = s_axi_``pat``_wuser; \
+ \
+ assign req.b_ready = s_axi_``pat``_bready; \
+ \
+ assign req.ar_valid = s_axi_``pat``_arvalid; \
+ assign req.ar.id = s_axi_``pat``_arid; \
+ assign req.ar.addr = s_axi_``pat``_araddr; \
+ assign req.ar.len = s_axi_``pat``_arlen; \
+ assign req.ar.size = s_axi_``pat``_arsize; \
+ assign req.ar.burst = s_axi_``pat``_arburst; \
+ assign req.ar.lock = s_axi_``pat``_arlock; \
+ assign req.ar.cache = s_axi_``pat``_arcache; \
+ assign req.ar.prot = s_axi_``pat``_arprot; \
+ assign req.ar.qos = s_axi_``pat``_arqos; \
+ assign req.ar.region = s_axi_``pat``_arregion; \
+ assign req.ar.user = s_axi_``pat``_aruser; \
+ \
+ assign req.r_ready = s_axi_``pat``_rready; \
+ \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_awready = rsp.aw_ready; \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_arready = rsp.ar_ready; \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_wready = rsp.w_ready; \
+ \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_bvalid = rsp.b_valid; \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_bid = rsp.b.id; \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_bresp = rsp.b.resp; \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_buser = rsp.b.user; \
+ \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_rvalid = rsp.r_valid; \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_rid = rsp.r.id; \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_rdata = rsp.r.data; \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_rresp = rsp.r.resp; \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_rlast = rsp.r.last; \
+ assign s_axi_``pat``_ruser = rsp.r.user;
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/include/axi/axi_pkg.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/include/axi/axi_pkg.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..92ede558c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/include/axi/axi_pkg.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2014-2020 ETH Zurich, University of Bologna
+// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-0.51. Unless required by applicable law
+// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+// Authors:
+// - Andreas Kurth
+// - Florian Zaruba
+// - Wolfgang Roenninger
+// - Fabian Schuiki
+// - Matheus Cavalcante
+//! AXI Package
+/// Contains all necessary type definitions, constants, and generally useful functions.
+package axi_pkg;
+ /// AXI Transaction Burst Type.
+ typedef logic [1:0] burst_t;
+ /// AXI Transaction Response Type.
+ typedef logic [1:0] resp_t;
+ /// AXI Transaction Cacheability Type.
+ typedef logic [3:0] cache_t;
+ /// AXI Transaction Protection Type.
+ typedef logic [2:0] prot_t;
+ /// AXI Transaction Quality of Service Type.
+ typedef logic [3:0] qos_t;
+ /// AXI Transaction Region Type.
+ typedef logic [3:0] region_t;
+ /// AXI Transaction Length Type.
+ typedef logic [7:0] len_t;
+ /// AXI Transaction Size Type.
+ typedef logic [2:0] size_t;
+ /// AXI5 Atomic Operation Type.
+ typedef logic [5:0] atop_t; // atomic operations
+ /// AXI5 Non-Secure Address Identifier.
+ typedef logic [3:0] nsaid_t;
+ /// In a fixed burst:
+ /// - The address is the same for every transfer in the burst.
+ /// - The byte lanes that are valid are constant for all beats in the burst. However, within
+ /// those byte lanes, the actual bytes that have `wstrb` asserted can differ for each beat in
+ /// the burst.
+ /// This burst type is used for repeated accesses to the same location such as when loading or
+ /// emptying a FIFO.
+ localparam BURST_FIXED = 2'b00;
+ /// In an incrementing burst, the address for each transfer in the burst is an increment of the
+ /// address for the previous transfer. The increment value depends on the size of the transfer.
+ /// For example, the address for each transfer in a burst with a size of 4 bytes is the previous
+ /// address plus four.
+ /// This burst type is used for accesses to normal sequential memory.
+ localparam BURST_INCR = 2'b01;
+ /// A wrapping burst is similar to an incrementing burst, except that the address wraps around to
+ /// a lower address if an upper address limit is reached.
+ /// The following restrictions apply to wrapping bursts:
+ /// - The start address must be aligned to the size of each transfer.
+ /// - The length of the burst must be 2, 4, 8, or 16 transfers.
+ localparam BURST_WRAP = 2'b10;
+ /// Normal access success. Indicates that a normal access has been successful. Can also indicate
+ /// that an exclusive access has failed.
+ localparam RESP_OKAY = 2'b00;
+ /// Exclusive access okay. Indicates that either the read or write portion of an exclusive access
+ /// has been successful.
+ localparam RESP_EXOKAY = 2'b01;
+ /// Slave error. Used when the access has reached the slave successfully, but the slave wishes to
+ /// return an error condition to the originating master.
+ localparam RESP_SLVERR = 2'b10;
+ /// Decode error. Generated, typically by an interconnect component, to indicate that there is no
+ /// slave at the transaction address.
+ localparam RESP_DECERR = 2'b11;
+ /// When this bit is asserted, the interconnect, or any component, can delay the transaction
+ /// reaching its final destination for any number of cycles.
+ localparam CACHE_BUFFERABLE = 4'b0001;
+ /// When HIGH, Modifiable indicates that the characteristics of the transaction can be modified.
+ /// When Modifiable is LOW, the transaction is Non-modifiable.
+ localparam CACHE_MODIFIABLE = 4'b0010;
+ /// When this bit is asserted, read allocation of the transaction is recommended but is not
+ /// mandatory.
+ localparam CACHE_RD_ALLOC = 4'b0100;
+ /// When this bit is asserted, write allocation of the transaction is recommended but is not
+ /// mandatory.
+ localparam CACHE_WR_ALLOC = 4'b1000;
+ /// Maximum number of bytes per burst, as specified by `size` (see Table A3-2).
+ function automatic shortint unsigned num_bytes(size_t size);
+ return 1 << size;
+ endfunction
+ /// An overly long address type.
+ /// It lets us define functions that work generically for shorter addresses. We rely on the
+ /// synthesizer to optimize the unused bits away.
+ typedef logic [127:0] largest_addr_t;
+ /// Aligned address of burst (see A3-51).
+ function automatic largest_addr_t aligned_addr(largest_addr_t addr, size_t size);
+ return (addr >> size) << size;
+ endfunction
+ /// Warp boundary of a `BURST_WRAP` transfer (see A3-51).
+ /// This is the lowest address accessed within a wrapping burst.
+ /// This address is aligned to the size and length of the burst.
+ /// The length of a `BURST_WRAP` has to be 2, 4, 8, or 16 transfers.
+ function automatic largest_addr_t wrap_boundary (largest_addr_t addr, size_t size, len_t len);
+ largest_addr_t wrap_addr;
+ // pragma translate_off
+ `ifndef VERILATOR
+ assume (len == len_t'(4'b1) || len == len_t'(4'b11) || len == len_t'(4'b111) ||
+ len == len_t'(4'b1111)) else
+ $error("AXI BURST_WRAP with not allowed len of: %0h", len);
+ `endif
+ // pragma translate_on
+ // In A3-51 the wrap boundary is defined as:
+ // `Wrap_Boundary = (INT(Start_Address / (Number_Bytes × Burst_Length))) ×
+ // (Number_Bytes × Burst_Length)`
+ // Whereas the aligned address is defined as:
+ // `Aligned_Address = (INT(Start_Address / Number_Bytes)) × Number_Bytes`
+ // This leads to the wrap boundary using the same calculation as the aligned address, difference
+ // being the additional dependency on the burst length. The addition in the case statement
+ // is equal to the multiplication with `Burst_Length` as a shift (used by `aligned_addr`) is
+ // equivalent with multiplication and division by a power of two, which conveniently are the
+ // only allowed values for `len` of a `BURST_WRAP`.
+ unique case (len)
+ 4'b1 : wrap_addr = (addr >> (unsigned'(size) + 1)) << (unsigned'(size) + 1); // multiply `Number_Bytes` by `2`
+ 4'b11 : wrap_addr = (addr >> (unsigned'(size) + 2)) << (unsigned'(size) + 2); // multiply `Number_Bytes` by `4`
+ 4'b111 : wrap_addr = (addr >> (unsigned'(size) + 3)) << (unsigned'(size) + 3); // multiply `Number_Bytes` by `8`
+ 4'b1111 : wrap_addr = (addr >> (unsigned'(size) + 4)) << (unsigned'(size) + 4); // multiply `Number_Bytes` by `16`
+ default : wrap_addr = '0;
+ endcase
+ return wrap_addr;
+ endfunction
+ /// Address of beat (see A3-51).
+ function automatic largest_addr_t
+ beat_addr(largest_addr_t addr, size_t size, len_t len, burst_t burst, shortint unsigned i_beat);
+ largest_addr_t ret_addr = addr;
+ largest_addr_t wrp_bond = '0;
+ if (burst == BURST_WRAP) begin
+ // do not trigger the function if there is no wrapping burst, to prevent assumptions firing
+ wrp_bond = wrap_boundary(addr, size, len);
+ end
+ if (i_beat != 0 && burst != BURST_FIXED) begin
+ // From A3-51:
+ // For an INCR burst, and for a WRAP burst for which the address has not wrapped, this
+ // equation determines the address of any transfer after the first transfer in a burst:
+ // `Address_N = Aligned_Address + (N – 1) × Number_Bytes` (N counts from 1 to len!)
+ ret_addr = aligned_addr(addr, size) + i_beat * num_bytes(size);
+ // From A3-51:
+ // For a WRAP burst, if Address_N = Wrap_Boundary + (Number_Bytes × Burst_Length), then:
+ // * Use this equation for the current transfer:
+ // `Address_N = Wrap_Boundary`
+ // * Use this equation for any subsequent transfers:
+ // `Address_N = Start_Address + ((N – 1) × Number_Bytes) – (Number_Bytes × Burst_Length)`
+ // This means that the address calculation of a `BURST_WRAP` fundamentally works the same
+ // as for a `BURST_INC`, the difference is when the calculated address increments
+ // over the wrap threshold, the address wraps around by subtracting the accessed address
+ // space from the normal `BURST_INCR` address. The lower wrap boundary is equivalent to
+ // The wrap trigger condition minus the container size (`num_bytes(size) * (len + 1)`).
+ if (burst == BURST_WRAP && ret_addr >= wrp_bond + (num_bytes(size) * (len + 1))) begin
+ ret_addr = ret_addr - (num_bytes(size) * (len + 1));
+ end
+ end
+ return ret_addr;
+ endfunction
+ /// Index of lowest byte in beat (see A3-51).
+ function automatic shortint unsigned
+ beat_lower_byte(largest_addr_t addr, size_t size, len_t len, burst_t burst,
+ shortint unsigned strobe_width, shortint unsigned i_beat);
+ largest_addr_t _addr = beat_addr(addr, size, len, burst, i_beat);
+ return _addr - (_addr / strobe_width) * strobe_width;
+ endfunction
+ /// Index of highest byte in beat (see A3-51).
+ function automatic shortint unsigned
+ beat_upper_byte(largest_addr_t addr, size_t size, len_t len, burst_t burst,
+ shortint unsigned strobe_width, shortint unsigned i_beat);
+ if (i_beat == 0) begin
+ return aligned_addr(addr, size) + (num_bytes(size) - 1) - (addr / strobe_width) * strobe_width;
+ end else begin
+ return beat_lower_byte(addr, size, len, burst, strobe_width, i_beat) + num_bytes(size) - 1;
+ end
+ endfunction
+ /// Is the bufferable bit set?
+ function automatic logic bufferable(cache_t cache);
+ return |(cache & CACHE_BUFFERABLE);
+ endfunction
+ /// Is the modifiable bit set?
+ function automatic logic modifiable(cache_t cache);
+ return |(cache & CACHE_MODIFIABLE);
+ endfunction
+ /// Memory Type.
+ typedef enum logic [3:0] {
+ } mem_type_t;
+ /// Create an `AR_CACHE` field from a `mem_type_t` type.
+ function automatic logic [3:0] get_arcache(mem_type_t mtype);
+ unique case (mtype)
+ DEVICE_NONBUFFERABLE : return 4'b0000;
+ DEVICE_BUFFERABLE : return 4'b0001;
+ WTHRU_NOALLOCATE : return 4'b1010;
+ WTHRU_RALLOCATE : return 4'b1110;
+ WTHRU_WALLOCATE : return 4'b1010;
+ WTHRU_RWALLOCATE : return 4'b1110;
+ WBACK_NOALLOCATE : return 4'b1011;
+ WBACK_RALLOCATE : return 4'b1111;
+ WBACK_WALLOCATE : return 4'b1011;
+ WBACK_RWALLOCATE : return 4'b1111;
+ endcase // mtype
+ endfunction
+ /// Create an `AW_CACHE` field from a `mem_type_t` type.
+ function automatic logic [3:0] get_awcache(mem_type_t mtype);
+ unique case (mtype)
+ DEVICE_NONBUFFERABLE : return 4'b0000;
+ DEVICE_BUFFERABLE : return 4'b0001;
+ WTHRU_NOALLOCATE : return 4'b0110;
+ WTHRU_RALLOCATE : return 4'b0110;
+ WTHRU_WALLOCATE : return 4'b1110;
+ WTHRU_RWALLOCATE : return 4'b1110;
+ WBACK_NOALLOCATE : return 4'b0111;
+ WBACK_RALLOCATE : return 4'b0111;
+ WBACK_WALLOCATE : return 4'b1111;
+ WBACK_RWALLOCATE : return 4'b1111;
+ endcase // mtype
+ endfunction
+ /// RESP precedence: DECERR > SLVERR > OKAY > EXOKAY. This is not defined in the AXI standard but
+ /// depends on the implementation. We consistently use the precedence above. Rationale:
+ /// - EXOKAY means an exclusive access was successful, whereas OKAY means it was not. Thus, if
+ /// OKAY and EXOKAY are to be merged, OKAY precedes because the exclusive access was not fully
+ /// successful.
+ /// - Both DECERR and SLVERR mean (part of) a transaction were unsuccessful, whereas OKAY means an
+ /// entire transaction was successful. Thus both DECERR and SLVERR precede OKAY.
+ /// - DECERR means (part of) a transactions could not be routed to a slave component, whereas
+ /// SLVERR means the transaction reached a slave component but lead to an error condition there.
+ /// Thus DECERR precedes SLVERR because DECERR happens earlier in the handling of a transaction.
+ function automatic resp_t resp_precedence(resp_t resp_a, resp_t resp_b);
+ unique case (resp_a)
+ RESP_OKAY: begin
+ // Any response except EXOKAY precedes OKAY.
+ if (resp_b == RESP_EXOKAY) begin
+ return resp_a;
+ end else begin
+ return resp_b;
+ end
+ end
+ RESP_EXOKAY: begin
+ // Any response precedes EXOKAY.
+ return resp_b;
+ end
+ RESP_SLVERR: begin
+ // Only DECERR precedes SLVERR.
+ if (resp_b == RESP_DECERR) begin
+ return resp_b;
+ end else begin
+ return resp_a;
+ end
+ end
+ RESP_DECERR: begin
+ // No response precedes DECERR.
+ return resp_a;
+ end
+ endcase
+ endfunction
+ // ATOP[5:0]
+ /// - Sends a single data value with an address.
+ /// - The target swaps the value at the addressed location with the data value that is supplied in
+ /// the transaction.
+ /// - The original data value at the addressed location is returned.
+ /// - Outbound data size is 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes.
+ /// - Inbound data size is the same as the outbound data size.
+ localparam ATOP_ATOMICSWAP = 6'b110000;
+ /// - Sends two data values, the compare value and the swap value, to the addressed location.
+ /// The compare and swap values are of equal size.
+ /// - The data value at the addressed location is checked against the compare value:
+ /// - If the values match, the swap value is written to the addressed location.
+ /// - If the values do not match, the swap value is not written to the addressed location.
+ /// - The original data value at the addressed location is returned.
+ /// - Outbound data size is 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 bytes.
+ /// - Inbound data size is half of the outbound data size because the outbound data contains both
+ /// compare and swap values, whereas the inbound data has only the original data value.
+ localparam ATOP_ATOMICCMP = 6'b110001;
+ // ATOP[5:4]
+ /// Perform no atomic operation.
+ localparam ATOP_NONE = 2'b00;
+ /// - Sends a single data value with an address and the atomic operation to be performed.
+ /// - The target performs the operation using the sent data and value at the addressed location as
+ /// operands.
+ /// - The result is stored in the address location.
+ /// - A single response is given without data.
+ /// - Outbound data size is 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes.
+ localparam ATOP_ATOMICSTORE = 2'b01;
+ /// Sends a single data value with an address and the atomic operation to be performed.
+ /// - The original data value at the addressed location is returned.
+ /// - The target performs the operation using the sent data and value at the addressed location as
+ /// operands.
+ /// - The result is stored in the address location.
+ /// - Outbound data size is 1, 2, 4, or 8 bytes.
+ /// - Inbound data size is the same as the outbound data size.
+ localparam ATOP_ATOMICLOAD = 2'b10;
+ // ATOP[3]
+ /// For AtomicStore and AtomicLoad transactions `AWATOP[3]` indicates the endianness that is
+ /// required for the atomic operation. The value of `AWATOP[3]` applies to arithmetic operations
+ /// only and is ignored for bitwise logical operations.
+ /// When deasserted, this bit indicates that the operation is little-endian.
+ localparam ATOP_LITTLE_END = 1'b0;
+ /// When asserted, this bit indicates that the operation is big-endian.
+ localparam ATOP_BIG_END = 1'b1;
+ // ATOP[2:0]
+ /// The value in memory is added to the sent data and the result stored in memory.
+ localparam ATOP_ADD = 3'b000;
+ /// Every set bit in the sent data clears the corresponding bit of the data in memory.
+ localparam ATOP_CLR = 3'b001;
+ /// Bitwise exclusive OR of the sent data and value in memory.
+ localparam ATOP_EOR = 3'b010;
+ /// Every set bit in the sent data sets the corresponding bit of the data in memory.
+ localparam ATOP_SET = 3'b011;
+ /// The value stored in memory is the maximum of the existing value and sent data. This operation
+ /// assumes signed data.
+ localparam ATOP_SMAX = 3'b100;
+ /// The value stored in memory is the minimum of the existing value and sent data. This operation
+ /// assumes signed data.
+ localparam ATOP_SMIN = 3'b101;
+ /// The value stored in memory is the maximum of the existing value and sent data. This operation
+ /// assumes unsigned data.
+ localparam ATOP_UMAX = 3'b110;
+ /// The value stored in memory is the minimum of the existing value and sent data. This operation
+ /// assumes unsigned data.
+ localparam ATOP_UMIN = 3'b111;
+ // ATOP[5] == 1'b1 indicated that an atomic transaction has a read response
+ // Ussage eg: if (req_i.aw.atop[axi_pkg::ATOP_R_RESP]) begin
+ localparam ATOP_R_RESP = 32'd5;
+ // `xbar_latency_e` and `xbar_cfg_t` are documented in `doc/axi_xbar.md`.
+ /// Slice on Demux AW channel.
+ localparam logic [9:0] DemuxAw = (1 << 9);
+ /// Slice on Demux W channel.
+ localparam logic [9:0] DemuxW = (1 << 8);
+ /// Slice on Demux B channel.
+ localparam logic [9:0] DemuxB = (1 << 7);
+ /// Slice on Demux AR channel.
+ localparam logic [9:0] DemuxAr = (1 << 6);
+ /// Slice on Demux R channel.
+ localparam logic [9:0] DemuxR = (1 << 5);
+ /// Slice on Mux AW channel.
+ localparam logic [9:0] MuxAw = (1 << 4);
+ /// Slice on Mux W channel.
+ localparam logic [9:0] MuxW = (1 << 3);
+ /// Slice on Mux B channel.
+ localparam logic [9:0] MuxB = (1 << 2);
+ /// Slice on Mux AR channel.
+ localparam logic [9:0] MuxAr = (1 << 1);
+ /// Slice on Mux R channel.
+ localparam logic [9:0] MuxR = (1 << 0);
+ /// Latency configuration for `axi_xbar`.
+ typedef enum logic [9:0] {
+ NO_LATENCY = 10'b000_00_000_00,
+ CUT_SLV_AX = DemuxAw | DemuxAr,
+ CUT_MST_AX = MuxAw | MuxAr,
+ CUT_ALL_AX = DemuxAw | DemuxAr | MuxAw | MuxAr,
+ CUT_SLV_PORTS = DemuxAw | DemuxW | DemuxB | DemuxAr | DemuxR,
+ CUT_MST_PORTS = MuxAw | MuxW | MuxB | MuxAr | MuxR,
+ CUT_ALL_PORTS = 10'b111_11_111_11
+ } xbar_latency_e;
+ /// Configuration for `axi_xbar`.
+ typedef struct packed {
+ int unsigned NoSlvPorts;
+ int unsigned NoMstPorts;
+ int unsigned MaxMstTrans;
+ int unsigned MaxSlvTrans;
+ bit FallThrough;
+ xbar_latency_e LatencyMode;
+ int unsigned AxiIdWidthSlvPorts;
+ int unsigned AxiIdUsedSlvPorts;
+ bit UniqueIds;
+ int unsigned AxiAddrWidth;
+ int unsigned AxiDataWidth;
+ int unsigned NoAddrRules;
+ } xbar_cfg_t;
+ /// Commonly used rule types for `axi_xbar` (64-bit addresses).
+ typedef struct packed {
+ int unsigned idx;
+ logic [63:0] start_addr;
+ logic [63:0] end_addr;
+ } xbar_rule_64_t;
+ /// Commonly used rule types for `axi_xbar` (32-bit addresses).
+ typedef struct packed {
+ int unsigned idx;
+ logic [31:0] start_addr;
+ logic [31:0] end_addr;
+ } xbar_rule_32_t;
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index 000000000..a2a860e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/include/axi/typedef.svh
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+// Copyright (c) 2019 ETH Zurich, University of Bologna
+// Copyright and related rights are licensed under the Solderpad Hardware
+// License, Version 0.51 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
+// compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// http://solderpad.org/licenses/SHL-0.51. Unless required by applicable law
+// or agreed to in writing, software, hardware and materials distributed under
+// this License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
+// CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
+// Authors:
+// - Andreas Kurth
+// - Florian Zaruba
+// - Wolfgang Roenninger
+// Macros to define AXI and AXI-Lite Channel and Request/Response Structs
+// AXI4+ATOP Channel and Request/Response Structs
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_TYPEDEF_AW_CHAN_T(axi_aw_t, axi_addr_t, axi_id_t, axi_user_t)
+// `AXI_TYPEDEF_W_CHAN_T(axi_w_t, axi_data_t, axi_strb_t, axi_user_t)
+// `AXI_TYPEDEF_B_CHAN_T(axi_b_t, axi_id_t, axi_user_t)
+// `AXI_TYPEDEF_AR_CHAN_T(axi_ar_t, axi_addr_t, axi_id_t, axi_user_t)
+// `AXI_TYPEDEF_R_CHAN_T(axi_r_t, axi_data_t, axi_id_t, axi_user_t)
+// `AXI_TYPEDEF_REQ_T(axi_req_t, axi_aw_t, axi_w_t, axi_ar_t)
+// `AXI_TYPEDEF_RESP_T(axi_resp_t, axi_b_t, axi_r_t)
+`define AXI_TYPEDEF_AW_CHAN_T(aw_chan_t, addr_t, id_t, user_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ id_t id; \
+ addr_t addr; \
+ axi_pkg::len_t len; \
+ axi_pkg::size_t size; \
+ axi_pkg::burst_t burst; \
+ logic lock; \
+ axi_pkg::cache_t cache; \
+ axi_pkg::prot_t prot; \
+ axi_pkg::qos_t qos; \
+ axi_pkg::region_t region; \
+ axi_pkg::atop_t atop; \
+ user_t user; \
+ } aw_chan_t;
+`define AXI_TYPEDEF_W_CHAN_T(w_chan_t, data_t, strb_t, user_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ data_t data; \
+ strb_t strb; \
+ logic last; \
+ user_t user; \
+ } w_chan_t;
+`define AXI_TYPEDEF_B_CHAN_T(b_chan_t, id_t, user_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ id_t id; \
+ axi_pkg::resp_t resp; \
+ user_t user; \
+ } b_chan_t;
+`define AXI_TYPEDEF_AR_CHAN_T(ar_chan_t, addr_t, id_t, user_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ id_t id; \
+ addr_t addr; \
+ axi_pkg::len_t len; \
+ axi_pkg::size_t size; \
+ axi_pkg::burst_t burst; \
+ logic lock; \
+ axi_pkg::cache_t cache; \
+ axi_pkg::prot_t prot; \
+ axi_pkg::qos_t qos; \
+ axi_pkg::region_t region; \
+ user_t user; \
+ } ar_chan_t;
+`define AXI_TYPEDEF_R_CHAN_T(r_chan_t, data_t, id_t, user_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ id_t id; \
+ data_t data; \
+ axi_pkg::resp_t resp; \
+ logic last; \
+ user_t user; \
+ } r_chan_t;
+`define AXI_TYPEDEF_REQ_T(req_t, aw_chan_t, w_chan_t, ar_chan_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ aw_chan_t aw; \
+ logic aw_valid; \
+ w_chan_t w; \
+ logic w_valid; \
+ logic b_ready; \
+ ar_chan_t ar; \
+ logic ar_valid; \
+ logic r_ready; \
+ } req_t;
+`define AXI_TYPEDEF_RESP_T(resp_t, b_chan_t, r_chan_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ logic aw_ready; \
+ logic ar_ready; \
+ logic w_ready; \
+ logic b_valid; \
+ b_chan_t b; \
+ logic r_valid; \
+ r_chan_t r; \
+ } resp_t;
+// All AXI4+ATOP Channels and Request/Response Structs in One Macro
+// This can be used whenever the user is not interested in "precise" control of the naming of the
+// individual channels.
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_TYPEDEF_ALL(axi, addr_t, id_t, data_t, strb_t, user_t)
+// This defines `axi_req_t` and `axi_resp_t` request/response structs as well as `axi_aw_chan_t`,
+// `axi_w_chan_t`, `axi_b_chan_t`, `axi_ar_chan_t`, and `axi_r_chan_t` channel structs.
+`define AXI_TYPEDEF_ALL(__name, __addr_t, __id_t, __data_t, __strb_t, __user_t) \
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_AW_CHAN_T(__name``_aw_chan_t, __addr_t, __id_t, __user_t) \
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_W_CHAN_T(__name``_w_chan_t, __data_t, __strb_t, __user_t) \
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_B_CHAN_T(__name``_b_chan_t, __id_t, __user_t) \
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_AR_CHAN_T(__name``_ar_chan_t, __addr_t, __id_t, __user_t) \
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_R_CHAN_T(__name``_r_chan_t, __data_t, __id_t, __user_t) \
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_REQ_T(__name``_req_t, __name``_aw_chan_t, __name``_w_chan_t, __name``_ar_chan_t) \
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_RESP_T(__name``_resp_t, __name``_b_chan_t, __name``_r_chan_t)
+// AXI4-Lite Channel and Request/Response Structs
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_AW_CHAN_T(axi_lite_aw_t, axi_lite_addr_t)
+// `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_W_CHAN_T(axi_lite_w_t, axi_lite_data_t, axi_lite_strb_t)
+// `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_B_CHAN_T(axi_lite_b_t)
+// `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_AR_CHAN_T(axi_lite_ar_t, axi_lite_addr_t)
+// `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_R_CHAN_T(axi_lite_r_t, axi_lite_data_t)
+// `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_REQ_T(axi_lite_req_t, axi_lite_aw_t, axi_lite_w_t, axi_lite_ar_t)
+// `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_RESP_T(axi_lite_resp_t, axi_lite_b_t, axi_lite_r_t)
+`define AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_AW_CHAN_T(aw_chan_lite_t, addr_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ addr_t addr; \
+ axi_pkg::prot_t prot; \
+ } aw_chan_lite_t;
+`define AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_W_CHAN_T(w_chan_lite_t, data_t, strb_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ data_t data; \
+ strb_t strb; \
+ } w_chan_lite_t;
+`define AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_B_CHAN_T(b_chan_lite_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ axi_pkg::resp_t resp; \
+ } b_chan_lite_t;
+`define AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_AR_CHAN_T(ar_chan_lite_t, addr_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ addr_t addr; \
+ axi_pkg::prot_t prot; \
+ } ar_chan_lite_t;
+`define AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_R_CHAN_T(r_chan_lite_t, data_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ data_t data; \
+ axi_pkg::resp_t resp; \
+ } r_chan_lite_t;
+`define AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_REQ_T(req_lite_t, aw_chan_lite_t, w_chan_lite_t, ar_chan_lite_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ aw_chan_lite_t aw; \
+ logic aw_valid; \
+ w_chan_lite_t w; \
+ logic w_valid; \
+ logic b_ready; \
+ ar_chan_lite_t ar; \
+ logic ar_valid; \
+ logic r_ready; \
+ } req_lite_t;
+`define AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_RESP_T(resp_lite_t, b_chan_lite_t, r_chan_lite_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ logic aw_ready; \
+ logic w_ready; \
+ b_chan_lite_t b; \
+ logic b_valid; \
+ logic ar_ready; \
+ r_chan_lite_t r; \
+ logic r_valid; \
+ } resp_lite_t;
+// All AXI4-Lite Channels and Request/Response Structs in One Macro
+// This can be used whenever the user is not interested in "precise" control of the naming of the
+// individual channels.
+// Usage Example:
+// `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_ALL(axi_lite, addr_t, data_t, strb_t)
+// This defines `axi_lite_req_t` and `axi_lite_resp_t` request/response structs as well as
+// `axi_lite_aw_chan_t`, `axi_lite_w_chan_t`, `axi_lite_b_chan_t`, `axi_lite_ar_chan_t`, and
+// `axi_lite_r_chan_t` channel structs.
+`define AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_ALL(__name, __addr_t, __data_t, __strb_t) \
+ `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_AW_CHAN_T(__name``_aw_chan_t, __addr_t) \
+ `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_W_CHAN_T(__name``_w_chan_t, __data_t, __strb_t) \
+ `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_B_CHAN_T(__name``_b_chan_t) \
+ `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_AR_CHAN_T(__name``_ar_chan_t, __addr_t) \
+ `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_R_CHAN_T(__name``_r_chan_t, __data_t) \
+ `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_REQ_T(__name``_req_t, __name``_aw_chan_t, __name``_w_chan_t, __name``_ar_chan_t) \
+ `AXI_LITE_TYPEDEF_RESP_T(__name``_resp_t, __name``_b_chan_t, __name``_r_chan_t)
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/include/idma/idma_pkg.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/include/idma/idma_pkg.sv
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+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/include/idma/idma_pkg.sv
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+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Thomas Benz
+/// iDMA Package
+/// Contains all static type definitions
+package idma_pkg;
+ /// Error Handling Capabilities
+ /// - `NO_ERROR_HANDLING`: No error handling hardware is present
+ /// - `ERROR_HANDLING`: Error handling hardware is present
+ typedef enum logic [0:0] {
+ } error_cap_e;
+ /// Error Handling Type
+ typedef logic [0:0] idma_eh_req_t;
+ /// Error Handling Action
+ /// - `CONTINUE`: The current 1D transfer will just be continued
+ /// - `ABORT`: The current 1D transfer will be aborted
+ typedef enum logic [0:0] {
+ } eh_action_e;
+ /// Error Type type
+ typedef logic [1:0] err_type_t;
+ /// Error Type
+ /// - `BUS_READ`: Error happened during a manager bus read
+ /// - `BUS_WRITE`: Error happened during a manager bus write
+ /// - `BACKEND`: Internal error to the backend; currently only transfer length == 0
+ /// - `ND_MIDEND`: Internal error to the nd-midend; currently all number of repetitions are
+ /// zero
+ typedef enum logic [1:0] {
+ } err_type_e;
+ /// iDMA busy type: contains the busy fields of the various sub units
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic buffer_busy;
+ logic r_dp_busy;
+ logic w_dp_busy;
+ logic r_leg_busy;
+ logic w_leg_busy;
+ logic eh_fsm_busy;
+ logic eh_cnt_busy;
+ logic raw_coupler_busy;
+ } idma_busy_t;
+ /// AXI4 option type: contains the AXI4 options fields
+ typedef struct packed {
+ axi_pkg::burst_t burst;
+ axi_pkg::cache_t cache;
+ logic lock;
+ axi_pkg::prot_t prot;
+ axi_pkg::qos_t qos;
+ axi_pkg::region_t region;
+ } axi_options_t;
+ /// Backend option type:
+ /// - `decouple_aw`: `AWs` will only be sent after the first corresponding `R` is received
+ /// - `decouple_rw`: decouples the `R` and `W` channels completely: can cause deadlocks
+ /// - `*_max_llen`: the maximum log length of a burst
+ /// - `*_reduce_len`: should bursts be reduced in length?
+ typedef struct packed {
+ logic decouple_aw;
+ logic decouple_rw;
+ logic [2:0] src_max_llen;
+ logic [2:0] dst_max_llen;
+ logic src_reduce_len;
+ logic dst_reduce_len;
+ } backend_options_t;
+endpackage : idma_pkg
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+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Thomas Benz
+// Macros to define iDMA structs
+// iDMA Request and Response Structs
+// Usage Example:
+// `IDMA_TYPEDEF_OPTIONS_T(options_t, axi_id_t)
+// `IDMA_TYPEDEF_ERR_PAYLOAD_T(err_payload_t, axi_addr_t)
+// `IDMA_TYPEDEF_REQ_T(idma_req_t, tf_len_t, axi_addr_t, options_t)
+// `IDMA_TYPEDEF_RSP_T(idma_rsp_t, err_payload_t)
+`define IDMA_TYPEDEF_OPTIONS_T(options_t, axi_id_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ axi_id_t axi_id; \
+ idma_pkg::axi_options_t src; \
+ idma_pkg::axi_options_t dst; \
+ idma_pkg::backend_options_t beo; \
+ logic last; \
+ } options_t;
+`define IDMA_TYPEDEF_ERR_PAYLOAD_T(err_payload_t, axi_addr_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ axi_pkg::resp_t cause; \
+ idma_pkg::err_type_t err_type; \
+ axi_addr_t burst_addr; \
+ } err_payload_t;
+`define IDMA_TYPEDEF_REQ_T(idma_req_t, tf_len_t, axi_addr_t, options_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ tf_len_t length; \
+ axi_addr_t src_addr; \
+ axi_addr_t dst_addr; \
+ options_t opt; \
+ } idma_req_t;
+`define IDMA_TYPEDEF_RSP_T(idma_rsp_t, err_payload_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ logic last; \
+ logic error; \
+ err_payload_t pld; \
+ } idma_rsp_t;
+// iDMA Full Request and Response Structs
+// Usage Example:
+// `IDMA_TYPEDEF_FULL_REQ_T(idma_req_t, axi_id_t, axi_addr_t, tf_len_t)
+// `IDMA_TYPEDEF_FULL_RSP_T(idma_rsp_t, axi_addr_t)
+`define IDMA_TYPEDEF_FULL_REQ_T(idma_req_t, axi_id_t, axi_addr_t, tf_len_t) \
+ `IDMA_TYPEDEF_OPTIONS_T(options_t, axi_id_t) \
+ `IDMA_TYPEDEF_REQ_T(idma_req_t, tf_len_t, axi_addr_t, options_t)
+`define IDMA_TYPEDEF_FULL_RSP_T(idma_rsp_t, axi_addr_t) \
+ `IDMA_TYPEDEF_ERR_PAYLOAD_T(err_payload_t, axi_addr_t) \
+ `IDMA_TYPEDEF_RSP_T(idma_rsp_t, err_payload_t)
+// iDMA n-dimensional Request Struct
+// Usage Example:
+// `IDMA_TYPEDEF_D_REQ_T(idma_d_req_t, reps_t, strides_t)
+// `IDMA_TYPEDEF_ND_REQ_T(idma_nd_req_t, idma_req_t, idma_d_req_t)
+`define IDMA_TYPEDEF_D_REQ_T(idma_d_req_t, reps_t, strides_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ reps_t reps; \
+ strides_t src_strides; \
+ strides_t dst_strides; \
+ } idma_d_req_t;
+`define IDMA_TYPEDEF_ND_REQ_T(idma_nd_req_t, idma_req_t, idma_d_req_t) \
+ typedef struct packed { \
+ idma_req_t burst_req; \
+ idma_d_req_t [NumDim-2:0] d_req; \
+ } idma_nd_req_t;
+// iDMA Full n-dimensional Request Struct
+// Usage Example:
+// `IDMA_TYPEDEF_FULL_ND_REQ_T(idma_nd_req_t, idma_req_t, reps_t, strides_t)
+`define IDMA_TYPEDEF_FULL_ND_REQ_T(idma_nd_req_t, idma_req_t, reps_t, strides_t) \
+ `IDMA_TYPEDEF_D_REQ_T(idma_d_req_t, reps_t, strides_t) \
+ `IDMA_TYPEDEF_ND_REQ_T(idma_nd_req_t, idma_req_t, idma_d_req_t)
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_axi_transport_layer.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_axi_transport_layer.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e02f7e8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_axi_transport_layer.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,469 @@
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Thomas Benz
+`include "common_cells/registers.svh"
+/// Implementing the AXI4 transport layer in the iDMA backend.
+module idma_axi_transport_layer #(
+ /// Data width
+ parameter int unsigned DataWidth = 32'd16,
+ /// The depth of the internal reorder buffer:
+ /// - '2': minimal possible configuration
+ /// - '3': efficiently handle misaligned transfers (recommended)
+ parameter int unsigned BufferDepth = 32'd3,
+ /// Mask invalid data on the manager interface
+ parameter bit MaskInvalidData = 1'b1,
+ /// Print the info of the FIFO configuration
+ parameter bit PrintFifoInfo = 1'b0,
+ /// `r_dp_req_t` type:
+ parameter type r_dp_req_t = logic,
+ /// `r_dp_req_t` type:
+ parameter type w_dp_req_t = logic,
+ /// `r_dp_req_t` type:
+ parameter type r_dp_rsp_t = logic,
+ /// `r_dp_req_t` type:
+ parameter type w_dp_rsp_t = logic,
+ /// AXI 4 `AW` channel type
+ parameter type axi_aw_chan_t = logic,
+ /// AXI 4 `AR` channel type
+ parameter type axi_ar_chan_t = logic,
+ /// AXI 4 Request channel type
+ parameter type axi_req_t = logic,
+ /// AXI 4 Response channel type
+ parameter type axi_rsp_t = logic
+ /// Clock
+ input logic clk_i,
+ /// Asynchronous reset, active low
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ /// Testmode in
+ input logic testmode_i,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP manager port request
+ output axi_req_t axi_req_o,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP manager port response
+ input axi_rsp_t axi_rsp_i,
+ /// Read datapath request
+ input r_dp_req_t r_dp_req_i,
+ /// Read datapath request valid
+ input logic r_dp_valid_i,
+ /// Read datapath request ready
+ output logic r_dp_ready_o,
+ /// Read datapath response
+ output r_dp_rsp_t r_dp_rsp_o,
+ /// Read datapath response valid
+ output logic r_dp_valid_o,
+ /// Read datapath response valid
+ input logic r_dp_ready_i,
+ /// Write datapath request
+ input w_dp_req_t w_dp_req_i,
+ /// Write datapath request valid
+ input logic w_dp_valid_i,
+ /// Write datapath request ready
+ output logic w_dp_ready_o,
+ /// Write datapath response
+ output w_dp_rsp_t w_dp_rsp_o,
+ /// Write datapath response valid
+ output logic w_dp_valid_o,
+ /// Write datapath response valid
+ input logic w_dp_ready_i,
+ /// Read meta request
+ input axi_ar_chan_t ar_req_i,
+ /// Read meta request valid
+ input logic ar_valid_i,
+ /// Read meta request ready
+ output logic ar_ready_o,
+ /// Write meta request
+ input axi_aw_chan_t aw_req_i,
+ /// Write meta request valid
+ input logic aw_valid_i,
+ /// Write meta request ready
+ output logic aw_ready_o,
+ /// Datapath poison signal
+ input logic dp_poison_i,
+ /// Read part of the datapath is busy
+ output logic r_dp_busy_o,
+ /// Write part of the datapath is busy
+ output logic w_dp_busy_o,
+ /// Buffer is busy
+ output logic buffer_busy_o
+ /// Stobe width
+ localparam int unsigned StrbWidth = DataWidth / 8;
+ /// Data type
+ typedef logic [DataWidth-1:0] data_t;
+ /// Offset type
+ typedef logic [StrbWidth-1:0] strb_t;
+ /// Byte type
+ typedef logic [7:0] byte_t;
+ // offsets needed for masks to fill/empty buffer
+ strb_t r_first_mask;
+ strb_t r_last_mask;
+ strb_t w_first_mask;
+ strb_t w_last_mask;
+ // hold one bit state: it this the first read?
+ logic first_r_d, first_r_q;
+ // shifted data flowing into the buffer
+ byte_t [StrbWidth-1:0] buffer_in;
+ // read aligned in mask. needs to be shifted together with the data before
+ // it can be used to mask valid data flowing into the buffer
+ strb_t read_aligned_in_mask;
+ // in mask is write aligned: it is the result of the read aligned in mask
+ // that is shifted together with the data in the barrel shifter
+ strb_t mask_in;
+ // inbound control signals to the read buffer: controlled by the read process
+ strb_t buffer_in_valid;
+ strb_t buffer_in_ready;
+ logic in_valid;
+ logic in_ready;
+ // corresponds to the strobe: the write aligned data that is currently valid in the buffer
+ strb_t mask_out;
+ // write signals: is this the first / last element in a burst?
+ logic first_w;
+ logic last_w;
+ // aligned and coalesced data leaving the buffer
+ byte_t [StrbWidth-1:0] buffer_out;
+ // A temporary signal required to write the output of the buffer to before assigning it to
+ // the AXI bus. This is required to be compatible with some of the Questasim Versions and some
+ // of the parametrizations (e.g. DataWidth = 16)
+ data_t buffer_data_masked;
+ // outbound control signals of the buffer: controlled by the write process
+ strb_t buffer_out_valid;
+ strb_t buffer_out_ready;
+ // write happens
+ logic write_happening;
+ // buffer is ready to write the requested data
+ logic ready_to_write;
+ // first transfer is possible - this signal is used to detect
+ // the first write transfer in a burst
+ logic first_possible;
+ // buffer is completely empty
+ logic buffer_clean;
+ // we require a counter to hold the current beat in the burst
+ logic [7:0] w_num_beats_d, w_num_beats_q;
+ logic w_cnt_valid_d, w_cnt_valid_q;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Mask pre-calculation
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // in contiguous transfers that are unaligned, there will be some
+ // invalid bytes at the beginning and the end of the stream
+ // example: 25B in 64 bit system
+ // iiiivvvv|vvvvvvvv|vvvvvvvv|vvvvviii
+ // first msk|----full mask----|last msk
+ // read align masks
+ assign r_first_mask = '1 << r_dp_req_i.offset;
+ assign r_last_mask = '1 >> (StrbWidth - r_dp_req_i.tailer);
+ // write align masks
+ assign w_first_mask = '1 << w_dp_req_i.offset;
+ assign w_last_mask = '1 >> (StrbWidth - w_dp_req_i.tailer);
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Read meta channel
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // connect the ar requests to the AXI bus
+ assign axi_req_o.ar = ar_req_i;
+ assign axi_req_o.ar_valid = ar_valid_i;
+ assign ar_ready_o = axi_rsp_i.ar_ready;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // In mask generation
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // in the case of unaligned reads -> not all data is valid
+ always_comb begin : proc_in_mask_generator
+ // default case: all ones
+ read_aligned_in_mask = '1;
+ // is first word: some bytes at the beginning may be invalid
+ read_aligned_in_mask = first_r_q ?
+ read_aligned_in_mask & r_first_mask : read_aligned_in_mask;
+ // is last word in write burst: some bytes at the end may be invalid
+ if (r_dp_req_i.tailer != '0) begin
+ read_aligned_in_mask = axi_rsp_i.r.last ?
+ read_aligned_in_mask & r_last_mask : read_aligned_in_mask;
+ end
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Barrel shifter
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // data arrives in chunks of length DATA_WDITH, the buffer will be filled with
+ // the realigned data. StrbWidth bytes will be inserted starting from the
+ // provided address, overflows will naturally wrap
+ // a barrel shifter is a concatenation of the same array with twice and a normal
+ // shift. Optimized for Synopsys DesignWare.
+ assign buffer_in = {axi_rsp_i.r.data, axi_rsp_i.r.data} >> (r_dp_req_i.shift * 8);
+ assign mask_in = {read_aligned_in_mask, read_aligned_in_mask} >> r_dp_req_i.shift;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Read control
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // controls the next state of the read flag
+ always_comb begin : proc_first_read
+ // sticky is first bit for read
+ if (!axi_rsp_i.r.last & axi_rsp_i.r_valid & axi_req_o.r_ready) begin
+ // new transfer has started
+ first_r_d = 1'b0;
+ end else if (axi_rsp_i.r.last & axi_rsp_i.r_valid & axi_req_o.r_ready) begin
+ // finish read burst
+ first_r_d = 1'b1;
+ end else begin
+ // no change
+ first_r_d = first_r_q;
+ end
+ end
+ // the buffer can be pushed to if all the masked FIFO buffers (mask_in) are ready.
+ assign in_ready = &(buffer_in_ready | ~mask_in);
+ // the read can accept data if the buffer is ready and the response channel is ready
+ assign axi_req_o.r_ready = in_ready & r_dp_ready_i;
+ // once valid data is applied, it can be pushed in all the selected (mask_in) buffers
+ // be sure the response channel is ready
+ assign in_valid = axi_rsp_i.r_valid & in_ready & r_dp_ready_i;
+ assign buffer_in_valid = in_valid ? mask_in : '0;
+ // r_dp_ready_o is triggered by the last element arriving from the read
+ assign r_dp_ready_o = r_dp_valid_i & r_dp_ready_i &
+ axi_rsp_i.r.last & axi_rsp_i.r_valid & in_ready;
+ // connect r_dp response payload
+ assign r_dp_rsp_o.resp = axi_rsp_i.r.resp;
+ assign r_dp_rsp_o.last = axi_rsp_i.r.last;
+ assign r_dp_rsp_o.first = first_r_q;
+ // r_dp_valid_o is triggered once the last element is here or an error occurs
+ assign r_dp_valid_o = axi_rsp_i.r_valid & in_ready & (axi_rsp_i.r.last | (|axi_rsp_i.r.resp));
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Write meta channel
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // connect the aw requests to the AXI bus
+ assign axi_req_o.aw = aw_req_i;
+ assign axi_req_o.aw_valid = aw_valid_i;
+ assign aw_ready_o = axi_rsp_i.aw_ready;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Out mask generation -> (wstrb mask)
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // only pop the data actually needed for write from the buffer,
+ // determine valid data to pop by calculation the wstrb
+ always_comb begin : proc_out_mask_generator
+ // default case: all ones
+ mask_out = '1;
+ // is first word: some bytes at the beginning may be invalid
+ mask_out = first_w ? (mask_out & w_first_mask) : mask_out;
+ // is last word in write burst: some bytes at the end may be invalid
+ if (w_dp_req_i.tailer != '0 & last_w) begin
+ mask_out = mask_out & w_last_mask;
+ end
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Write control
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // write is decoupled from read, due to misalignment in the read/write
+ // addresses, page crossing can be encountered at any time.
+ // To handle this efficiently, a 2-to-1 or 1-to-2 mapping of r/w beats
+ // is required. The write unit needs to keep track of progress through
+ // a counter and cannot use `r last` for that.
+ // Once buffer contains a full line -> all FIFOs are non-empty push it out.
+ // all elements needed (defined by the mask) are in the buffer and the buffer is non-empty
+ assign ready_to_write = ((buffer_out_valid & mask_out) == mask_out) & (buffer_out_valid != '0);
+ // data needed by the first mask is available in the buffer -> r_first happened for sure
+ // this signal can be high during a transfer as well, it needs to be masked
+ assign first_possible = ((buffer_out_valid & w_first_mask) == w_first_mask) &
+ (buffer_out_valid != '0);
+ // the buffer is completely empty and idle
+ assign buffer_clean = &(~buffer_out_valid);
+ // write happening: both the bus (w_ready) and the buffer (ready_to_write) is high
+ assign write_happening = ready_to_write & axi_rsp_i.w_ready;
+ // the main buffer is conditionally to the write mask popped
+ assign buffer_out_ready = write_happening ? mask_out : '0;
+ // signal the bus that we are ready
+ assign axi_req_o.w_valid = ready_to_write;
+ // connect data and strobe either directly or mask invalid data
+ if (MaskInvalidData) begin : gen_mask_invalid_data
+ // always_comb process implements masking of invalid data
+ always_comb begin : proc_mask
+ // defaults
+ axi_req_o.w.data = '0;
+ axi_req_o.w.strb = '0;
+ buffer_data_masked = '0;
+ // control the write to the bus apply data to the bus only if data should be written
+ if (ready_to_write == 1'b1 & !dp_poison_i) begin
+ // assign data from buffers, mask non valid entries
+ for (int i = 0; i < StrbWidth; i++) begin
+ buffer_data_masked[i*8 +: 8] = mask_out[i] ? buffer_out[i] : 8'b0;
+ end
+ // assign the output
+ axi_req_o.w.data = buffer_data_masked;
+ // assign the out mask to the strobe
+ axi_req_o.w.strb = mask_out;
+ end
+ end
+ end else begin : gen_direct_connect
+ // not used signal
+ assign buffer_data_masked = '0;
+ // simpler: direct connection
+ assign axi_req_o.w.data = buffer_out;
+ assign axi_req_o.w.strb = dp_poison_i ? '0 : mask_out;
+ end
+ // the w last signal should only be applied to the bus if an actual transfer happens
+ assign axi_req_o.w.last = last_w & ready_to_write;
+ // we are ready for the next transfer internally, once the w last signal is applied
+ assign w_dp_ready_o = last_w & write_happening;
+ // the write process: keeps track of remaining beats in burst
+ always_comb begin : proc_write_control
+ // defaults:
+ // beat counter
+ w_num_beats_d = w_num_beats_q;
+ w_cnt_valid_d = w_cnt_valid_q;
+ // mask control
+ first_w = 1'b0;
+ last_w = 1'b0;
+ // differentiate between the burst and non-burst case. If a transfer
+ // consists just of one beat the counters are disabled
+ if (w_dp_req_i.is_single) begin
+ // in the single case the transfer is both first and last.
+ first_w = 1'b1;
+ last_w = 1'b1;
+ // in the burst case the counters are needed to keep track of the progress of sending
+ // beats. The w_last_o depends on the state of the counter
+ end else begin
+ // first transfer happens as soon as a) the buffer is ready for a first transfer and b)
+ // the counter is currently invalid
+ first_w = first_possible & ~w_cnt_valid_q;
+ // last happens as soon as a) the counter is valid and b) the counter is now down to 1
+ last_w = w_cnt_valid_q & (w_num_beats_q == 8'h01);
+ // load the counter with data in a first cycle, only modifying state if bus is ready
+ if (first_w && write_happening) begin
+ w_num_beats_d = w_dp_req_i.num_beats;
+ w_cnt_valid_d = 1'b1;
+ end
+ // if we hit the last element, invalidate the counter, only modifying state
+ // if bus is ready
+ if (last_w && write_happening) begin
+ w_cnt_valid_d = 1'b0;
+ end
+ // count down the beats if the counter is valid and valid data is written to the bus
+ if (w_cnt_valid_q && write_happening) w_num_beats_d = w_num_beats_q - 8'h01;
+ end
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Write response
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // connect w_dp response payload
+ assign w_dp_rsp_o.resp = axi_rsp_i.b.resp;
+ assign w_dp_rsp_o.user = axi_rsp_i.b.user;
+ // w_dp_valid_o is triggered once the write answer is here
+ assign w_dp_valid_o = axi_rsp_i.b_valid;
+ // create back pressure on the b channel if the higher parts of the DMA cannot accept more
+ // write responses
+ assign axi_req_o.b_ready = w_dp_ready_i;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Write user signals
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // in the default implementation: no need for the write user signals
+ assign axi_req_o.w.user = '0;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Buffer
+ //--------------------------------------
+ idma_buffer #(
+ .BufferDepth ( BufferDepth ),
+ .StrbWidth ( StrbWidth ),
+ .PrintFifoInfo ( PrintFifoInfo ),
+ .strb_t ( strb_t ),
+ .byte_t ( byte_t )
+ ) i_idma_buffer (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .data_i ( buffer_in ),
+ .valid_i ( buffer_in_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( buffer_in_ready ),
+ .data_o ( buffer_out ),
+ .valid_o ( buffer_out_valid ),
+ .ready_i ( buffer_out_ready )
+ );
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Module Control
+ //--------------------------------------
+ assign r_dp_busy_o = r_dp_valid_i | r_dp_ready_o;
+ assign w_dp_busy_o = w_dp_valid_i | w_dp_ready_o;
+ assign buffer_busy_o = !buffer_clean;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // State
+ //--------------------------------------
+ `FF(first_r_q, first_r_d, '1, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ `FF(w_cnt_valid_q, w_cnt_valid_d, '0, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ `FF(w_num_beats_q, w_num_beats_d, '0, clk_i, rst_ni)
+endmodule : idma_axi_transport_layer
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_backend.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_backend.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..73f6c7834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_backend.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,699 @@
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Thomas Benz
+`include "../include/axi/typedef.svh"
+/// The iDMA backend implements an arbitrary 1D copy engine using the AXI4 protocol.
+module idma_backend #(
+ /// Data width
+ parameter int unsigned DataWidth = 32'd16,
+ /// Address width
+ parameter int unsigned AddrWidth = 32'd24,
+ /// AXI user width
+ parameter int unsigned UserWidth = 32'd1,
+ /// AXI ID width
+ parameter int unsigned AxiIdWidth = 32'd1,
+ /// Number of transaction that can be in-flight concurrently
+ parameter int unsigned NumAxInFlight = 32'd2,
+ /// The depth of the internal reorder buffer:
+ /// - '2': minimal possible configuration
+ /// - '3': efficiently handle misaligned transfers (recommended)
+ parameter int unsigned BufferDepth = 32'd2,
+ /// With of a transfer: max transfer size is `2**TFLenWidth` bytes
+ parameter int unsigned TFLenWidth = 32'd24,
+ /// The depth of the memory system the backend is attached to
+ parameter int unsigned MemSysDepth = 32'd0,
+ /// Should the `R`-`AW` coupling hardware be present? (recommended)
+ parameter bit RAWCouplingAvail = 1'b1,
+ /// Mask invalid data on the manager interface
+ parameter bit MaskInvalidData = 1'b1,
+ /// Should hardware legalization be present? (recommended)
+ /// If not, software legalization is required to ensure the transfers are
+ /// AXI4-conformal
+ parameter bit HardwareLegalizer = 1'b1,
+ /// Reject zero-length transfers
+ parameter bit RejectZeroTransfers = 1'b1,
+ /// Should the error handler be present?
+ parameter idma_pkg::error_cap_e ErrorCap = idma_pkg::ERROR_HANDLING,
+ /// Print the info of the FIFO configuration
+ parameter bit PrintFifoInfo = 1'b0,
+ /// 1D iDMA request type
+ parameter type idma_req_t = logic,
+ /// iDMA response type
+ parameter type idma_rsp_t = logic,
+ /// Error Handler request type
+ parameter type idma_eh_req_t = logic,
+ /// iDMA busy signal
+ parameter type idma_busy_t = logic,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP request type
+ parameter type axi_req_t = logic,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP response type
+ parameter type axi_rsp_t = logic,
+ /// Strobe Width (do not override!)
+ parameter int unsigned StrbWidth = DataWidth / 8,
+ /// Offset Width (do not override!)
+ parameter int unsigned OffsetWidth = $clog2(StrbWidth)
+ /// Clock
+ input logic clk_i,
+ /// Asynchronous reset, active low
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ /// Testmode in
+ input logic testmode_i,
+ /// 1D iDMA request
+ input idma_req_t idma_req_i,
+ /// 1D iDMA request valid
+ input logic req_valid_i,
+ /// 1D iDMA request ready
+ output logic req_ready_o,
+ /// iDMA response
+ output idma_rsp_t idma_rsp_o,
+ /// iDMA response valid
+ output logic rsp_valid_o,
+ /// iDMA response ready
+ input logic rsp_ready_i,
+ /// Error handler request
+ input idma_eh_req_t idma_eh_req_i,
+ /// Error handler request valid
+ input logic eh_req_valid_i,
+ /// Error handler request ready
+ output logic eh_req_ready_o,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP manager port request
+ output axi_req_t axi_req_o,
+ /// AXI4+ATOP manager port response
+ input axi_rsp_t axi_rsp_i,
+ /// iDMA busy flags
+ output idma_busy_t busy_o
+ /// The localparam MetaFifoDepth holds the maximum number of transfers that can be
+ /// in-flight under any circumstances.
+ localparam int unsigned MetaFifoDepth = BufferDepth + NumAxInFlight + MemSysDepth;
+ /// Address type
+ typedef logic [AddrWidth-1:0] addr_t;
+ /// DAta type
+ typedef logic [DataWidth-1:0] data_t;
+ /// Strobe type
+ typedef logic [StrbWidth-1:0] strb_t;
+ /// User type
+ typedef logic [UserWidth-1:0] user_t;
+ /// ID type
+ typedef logic [AxiIdWidth-1:0] id_t;
+ /// Offset type
+ typedef logic [OffsetWidth-1:0] offset_t;
+ /// Transfer length type
+ typedef logic [TFLenWidth-1:0] tf_len_t;
+ // AXI4+ATOP define macros for the AX channels
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_AW_CHAN_T(axi_aw_chan_t, addr_t, id_t, user_t)
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_AR_CHAN_T(axi_ar_chan_t, addr_t, id_t, user_t)
+ /// The datapath read request type holds all the information required to configure the read
+ /// part of the datapath. The type consists of:
+ /// - `offset`: The bus offset of the read
+ /// - `trailer`: How many empty bytes are required to pad the transfer to a multiple of the
+ /// bus width.
+ /// - `shift`: The amount the data needs to be shifted
+ /// - `decouple_aw`: If the transfer has the AW decoupled from the R
+ typedef struct packed {
+ offset_t offset;
+ offset_t tailer;
+ offset_t shift;
+ logic decouple_aw;
+ } r_dp_req_t;
+ /// The datapath read response type provides feedback from the read part of the datapath:
+ /// - `resp`: The response from the R channel of the AXI4 manager interface
+ /// - `last`: The last flag from the R channel of the AXI4 manager interface
+ /// - `first`: Is the current item first beat in the burst
+ typedef struct packed {
+ axi_pkg::resp_t resp;
+ logic last;
+ logic first;
+ } r_dp_rsp_t;
+ /// The datapath write request type holds all the information required to configure the write
+ /// part of the datapath. The type consists of:
+ /// - `offset`: The bus offset of the write
+ /// - `trailer`: How many empty bytes are required to pad the transfer to a multiple of the
+ /// bus width.
+ /// - `num_beats`: The number of beats this burst consist of
+ /// - `is_single`: Is this transfer just one beat long? `(len == 0)`
+ typedef struct packed {
+ offset_t offset;
+ offset_t tailer;
+ axi_pkg::len_t num_beats;
+ logic is_single;
+ } w_dp_req_t;
+ /// The datapath write response type provides feedback from the write part of the datapath:
+ /// - `resp`: The response from the B channel of the AXI4 manager interface
+ /// - `user`: The user field from the B channel of the AXI4 manager interface
+ typedef struct packed {
+ axi_pkg::resp_t resp;
+ user_t user;
+ } w_dp_rsp_t;
+ /// The iDMA read request bundles an `AR` type and a datapath read response type together.
+ typedef struct packed {
+ r_dp_req_t r_dp_req;
+ axi_ar_chan_t ar_req;
+ } idma_r_req_t;
+ /// The iDMA write request bundles an `AW` type and a datapath write response type together. It
+ /// has an additional flags:
+ /// - `last`: indicating the current burst is the last one of the generic 1D transfer currently
+ /// being processed
+ /// - `midend_last`: The current transfer is marked by the controlling as last
+ /// - `decouple_aw`: indicates this is an R-AW decoupled transfer
+ typedef struct packed {
+ w_dp_req_t w_dp_req;
+ axi_aw_chan_t aw_req;
+ logic last;
+ logic super_last;
+ logic decouple_aw;
+ } idma_w_req_t;
+ /// The mutable transfer options type holds important information that is mutated by the
+ /// `legalizer` block.
+ typedef struct packed {
+ offset_t shift;
+ logic decouple_rw;
+ logic decouple_aw;
+ logic [2:0] src_max_llen;
+ logic [2:0] dst_max_llen;
+ logic src_reduce_len;
+ logic dst_reduce_len;
+ id_t axi_id;
+ idma_pkg::axi_options_t src_axi_opt;
+ idma_pkg::axi_options_t dst_axi_opt;
+ logic super_last;
+ } idma_mut_tf_opt_t;
+ /// The mutable transfer type holds important information that is mutated by the
+ /// `legalizer` block.
+ typedef struct packed {
+ tf_len_t length;
+ addr_t addr;
+ logic valid;
+ } idma_mut_tf_t;
+ // datapath busy indicates the datapath is actively working on a transfer. It is composed of
+ // the activity of the buffer as well as both the read and write machines
+ logic dp_busy;
+ // blanks invalid data
+ logic dp_poison;
+ // read and write requests and their handshaking signals
+ idma_r_req_t r_req;
+ idma_w_req_t w_req;
+ logic r_valid, w_valid;
+ logic r_ready, w_ready;
+ // It the current transfer the last burst in the 1D transfer?
+ logic w_last_burst;
+ logic w_last_ready;
+ // Super last flag: The current transfer is indicated as the last one by the controlling
+ // unit; e.g. by a midend
+ logic w_super_last;
+ // Datapath FIFO signals -> used to decouple legalizer and datapath
+ logic r_dp_req_in_ready , w_dp_req_in_ready;
+ logic r_dp_req_out_valid, w_dp_req_out_valid;
+ logic r_dp_req_out_ready, w_dp_req_out_ready;
+ r_dp_req_t r_dp_req_out;
+ w_dp_req_t w_dp_req_out;
+ // datapah responses
+ r_dp_rsp_t r_dp_rsp;
+ w_dp_rsp_t w_dp_rsp;
+ logic r_dp_rsp_valid, w_dp_rsp_valid;
+ logic r_dp_rsp_ready, w_dp_rsp_ready;
+ // Ax handshaking
+ logic ar_ready, ar_ready_dp;
+ logic aw_ready, aw_ready_dp;
+ logic aw_valid_dp, ar_valid_dp;
+ // Ax request from R-AW coupler to datapath
+ axi_aw_chan_t aw_req_dp;
+ // Ax request from the decoupling stage to the datapath
+ axi_ar_chan_t ar_req_dp;
+ // flush and preemptively empty the legalizer
+ logic legalizer_flush, legalizer_kill;
+ /// intermediate signals to reject zero length transfers
+ logic is_length_zero;
+ logic req_valid;
+ idma_rsp_t idma_rsp;
+ logic rsp_valid;
+ logic rsp_ready;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Reject Zero Length Transfers
+ //--------------------------------------
+ if (RejectZeroTransfers) begin : gen_reject_zero_transfers
+ // is the current transfer length 0?
+ assign is_length_zero = idma_req_i.length == '0;
+ // bypass valid as long as length is not zero, otherwise suppress it
+ assign req_valid = is_length_zero ? 1'b0 : req_valid_i;
+ // modify response
+ always_comb begin : proc_modify_response_zero_length
+ // default: bypass
+ idma_rsp_o = idma_rsp;
+ rsp_ready = rsp_ready_i;
+ rsp_valid_o = rsp_valid;
+ // a zero transfer happens
+ if (is_length_zero & req_valid_i & req_ready_o) begin
+ // block backend
+ rsp_ready = 1'b0;
+ // generate new response
+ rsp_valid_o = 1'b1;
+ idma_rsp_o = '0;
+ idma_rsp_o.error = 1'b1;
+ idma_rsp_o.pld.err_type = idma_pkg::BACKEND;
+ end
+ end
+ // just bypass signals
+ end else begin : gen_bypass_zero_transfers
+ // bypass
+ assign req_valid = req_valid_i;
+ assign idma_rsp_o = idma_rsp;
+ assign rsp_ready = rsp_ready_i;
+ assign rsp_valid_o = rsp_valid;
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Legalization
+ //--------------------------------------
+ if (HardwareLegalizer) begin : gen_hw_legalizer
+ // hardware legalizer is present
+ idma_legalizer #(
+ .DataWidth ( DataWidth ),
+ .AddrWidth ( AddrWidth ),
+ .idma_req_t ( idma_req_t ),
+ .idma_r_req_t ( idma_r_req_t ),
+ .idma_w_req_t ( idma_w_req_t ),
+ .idma_mut_tf_t ( idma_mut_tf_t ),
+ .idma_mut_tf_opt_t ( idma_mut_tf_opt_t )
+ ) i_idma_legalizer (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .req_i ( idma_req_i ),
+ .valid_i ( req_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( req_ready_o ),
+ .r_req_o ( r_req ),
+ .w_req_o ( w_req ),
+ .r_valid_o ( r_valid ),
+ .w_valid_o ( w_valid ),
+ .r_ready_i ( r_ready ),
+ .w_ready_i ( w_ready ),
+ .flush_i ( legalizer_flush ),
+ .kill_i ( legalizer_kill ),
+ .r_busy_o ( busy_o.r_leg_busy ),
+ .w_busy_o ( busy_o.w_leg_busy )
+ );
+ end else begin : gen_no_hw_legalizer
+ // stream fork is used to synchronize the two decoupled channels without the need for a
+ // FIFO here.
+ stream_fork #(
+ .N_OUP ( 32'd2 )
+ ) i_stream_fork (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .valid_i ( req_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( req_ready_o ),
+ .valid_o ( { r_valid, w_valid } ),
+ .ready_i ( { r_ready, w_ready } )
+ );
+ // local signal holding the length -> explicitly only doing the computation once
+ axi_pkg::len_t len;
+ assign len = ((idma_req_i.length + idma_req_i.src_addr[OffsetWidth-1:0] -
+ 'd1) >> OffsetWidth);
+ // assemble AR request
+ assign r_req.ar_req = '{
+ id: idma_req_i.opt.axi_id,
+ addr: { idma_req_i.src_addr[AddrWidth-1:OffsetWidth], {{OffsetWidth}{1'b0}} },
+ len: len,
+ size: axi_pkg::size_t'(OffsetWidth),
+ burst: idma_req_i.opt.src.burst,
+ lock: idma_req_i.opt.src.lock,
+ cache: idma_req_i.opt.src.cache,
+ prot: idma_req_i.opt.src.prot,
+ qos: idma_req_i.opt.src.qos,
+ region: idma_req_i.opt.src.region,
+ user: '0
+ };
+ // assemble AW request
+ assign w_req.aw_req = '{
+ id: idma_req_i.opt.axi_id,
+ addr: { idma_req_i.dst_addr[AddrWidth-1:OffsetWidth], {{OffsetWidth}{1'b0}} },
+ len: len,
+ size: axi_pkg::size_t'(OffsetWidth),
+ burst: idma_req_i.opt.dst.burst,
+ lock: idma_req_i.opt.dst.lock,
+ cache: idma_req_i.opt.dst.cache,
+ prot: idma_req_i.opt.dst.prot,
+ qos: idma_req_i.opt.dst.qos,
+ region: idma_req_i.opt.dst.region,
+ user: '0,
+ atop: '0
+ };
+ // assemble read datapath request
+ assign r_req.r_dp_req = '{
+ offset: idma_req_i.src_addr[OffsetWidth-1:0],
+ tailer: OffsetWidth'(idma_req_i.length + idma_req_i.src_addr[OffsetWidth-1:0]),
+ shift: OffsetWidth'(idma_req_i.src_addr[OffsetWidth-1:0] -
+ idma_req_i.dst_addr[OffsetWidth-1:0]),
+ decouple_aw: idma_req_i.opt.beo.decouple_aw
+ };
+ // assemble write datapath request
+ assign w_req.w_dp_req = '{
+ offset: idma_req_i.dst_addr[OffsetWidth-1:0],
+ tailer: OffsetWidth'(idma_req_i.length + idma_req_i.dst_addr[OffsetWidth-1:0]),
+ num_beats: len,
+ is_single: len == '0
+ };
+ // if the legalizer is bypassed; every burst is the last of the 1D transfer
+ assign w_req.last = 1'b1;
+ // assign the last flag of the controlling unit
+ assign w_req.super_last = idma_req_i.opt.last;
+ // bypass decouple signal
+ assign w_req.decouple_aw = idma_req_i.opt.beo.decouple_aw;
+ // there is no unit to be busy
+ assign busy_o.r_leg_busy = 1'b0;
+ assign busy_o.w_leg_busy = 1'b0;
+ end
+ // data path, meta channels, and last queues have to be ready for the legalizer to be ready
+ assign r_ready = r_dp_req_in_ready & ar_ready;
+ assign w_ready = w_dp_req_in_ready & aw_ready & w_last_ready;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Error handler
+ //--------------------------------------
+ if (ErrorCap == idma_pkg::ERROR_HANDLING) begin : gen_error_handler
+ idma_error_handler #(
+ .MetaFifoDepth ( MetaFifoDepth ),
+ .PrintFifoInfo ( PrintFifoInfo ),
+ .idma_rsp_t ( idma_rsp_t ),
+ .idma_eh_req_t ( idma_eh_req_t ),
+ .addr_t ( addr_t ),
+ .r_dp_rsp_t ( r_dp_rsp_t ),
+ .w_dp_rsp_t ( w_dp_rsp_t )
+ ) i_idma_error_handler (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .rsp_o ( idma_rsp ),
+ .rsp_valid_o ( rsp_valid ),
+ .rsp_ready_i ( rsp_ready ),
+ .req_valid_i ( req_valid ),
+ .req_ready_i ( req_ready_o ),
+ .eh_i ( idma_eh_req_i ),
+ .eh_valid_i ( eh_req_valid_i ),
+ .eh_ready_o ( eh_req_ready_o ),
+ .r_addr_i ( r_req.ar_req.addr ),
+ .r_consume_i ( r_valid & r_ready ),
+ .w_addr_i ( w_req.aw_req.addr ),
+ .w_consume_i ( w_valid & w_ready ),
+ .legalizer_flush_o ( legalizer_flush ),
+ .legalizer_kill_o ( legalizer_kill ),
+ .dp_busy_i ( dp_busy ),
+ .dp_poison_o ( dp_poison ),
+ .r_dp_rsp_i ( r_dp_rsp ),
+ .r_dp_valid_i ( r_dp_rsp_valid ),
+ .r_dp_ready_o ( r_dp_rsp_ready ),
+ .w_dp_rsp_i ( w_dp_rsp ),
+ .w_dp_valid_i ( w_dp_rsp_valid ),
+ .w_dp_ready_o ( w_dp_rsp_ready ),
+ .w_last_burst_i ( w_last_burst ),
+ .w_super_last_i ( w_super_last ),
+ .fsm_busy_o ( busy_o.eh_fsm_busy ),
+ .cnt_busy_o ( busy_o.eh_cnt_busy )
+ );
+ end else if (ErrorCap == idma_pkg::NO_ERROR_HANDLING) begin : gen_no_error_handler
+ // bypass the signals, assign their neutral values
+ assign idma_rsp.error = 1'b0;
+ assign idma_rsp.pld = 1'b0;
+ assign idma_rsp.last = w_super_last;
+ assign rsp_valid = w_dp_rsp_valid & w_last_burst;
+ assign eh_req_ready_o = 1'b0;
+ assign legalizer_flush = 1'b0;
+ assign legalizer_kill = 1'b0;
+ assign dp_poison = 1'b0;
+ assign r_dp_rsp_ready = rsp_ready;
+ assign w_dp_rsp_ready = rsp_ready;
+ assign busy_o.eh_fsm_busy = 1'b0;
+ assign busy_o.eh_cnt_busy = 1'b0;
+ end else begin : gen_param_error
+ $fatal(1, "Unexpected Error Capability");
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Datapath busy signal
+ //--------------------------------------
+ assign dp_busy = busy_o.buffer_busy |
+ busy_o.r_dp_busy |
+ busy_o.w_dp_busy;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Datapath decoupling
+ //--------------------------------------
+ idma_stream_fifo #(
+ .Depth ( NumAxInFlight ),
+ .type_t ( r_dp_req_t ),
+ .PrintInfo ( PrintFifoInfo )
+ ) i_r_dp_req (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .flush_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .usage_o ( /* NOT CONNECTED */ ),
+ .data_i ( r_req.r_dp_req ),
+ .valid_i ( r_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( r_dp_req_in_ready ),
+ .data_o ( r_dp_req_out ),
+ .valid_o ( r_dp_req_out_valid ),
+ .ready_i ( r_dp_req_out_ready )
+ );
+ idma_stream_fifo #(
+ .Depth ( NumAxInFlight ),
+ .type_t ( w_dp_req_t ),
+ .PrintInfo ( PrintFifoInfo )
+ ) i_w_dp_req (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .flush_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .usage_o ( /* NOT CONNECTED */ ),
+ .data_i ( w_req.w_dp_req ),
+ .valid_i ( w_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( w_dp_req_in_ready ),
+ .data_o ( w_dp_req_out ),
+ .valid_o ( w_dp_req_out_valid ),
+ .ready_i ( w_dp_req_out_ready )
+ );
+ // Add fall-through register to allow the input to be ready if the output is not. This
+ // does not add a cycle of delay
+ fall_through_register #(
+ .T ( axi_ar_chan_t )
+ ) i_ar_fall_through_register (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .clr_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .valid_i ( r_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( ar_ready ),
+ .data_i ( r_req.ar_req ),
+ .valid_o ( ar_valid_dp ),
+ .ready_i ( ar_ready_dp ),
+ .data_o ( ar_req_dp )
+ );
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Last flag store
+ //--------------------------------------
+ idma_stream_fifo #(
+ .Depth ( MetaFifoDepth ),
+ .type_t ( logic [1:0] ),
+ .PrintInfo ( PrintFifoInfo )
+ ) i_w_last (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .flush_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .usage_o ( /* NOT CONNECTED */ ),
+ .data_i ( {w_req.super_last, w_req.last} ),
+ .valid_i ( w_valid & w_ready ),
+ .ready_o ( w_last_ready ),
+ .data_o ( {w_super_last, w_last_burst} ),
+ .valid_o ( /* NOT CONNECTED */ ),
+ .ready_i ( w_dp_rsp_valid & w_dp_rsp_ready )
+ );
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Transport Layer / Datapath
+ //--------------------------------------
+ idma_axi_transport_layer #(
+ .DataWidth ( DataWidth ),
+ .BufferDepth ( BufferDepth ),
+ .MaskInvalidData ( MaskInvalidData ),
+ .PrintFifoInfo ( PrintFifoInfo ),
+ .r_dp_req_t ( r_dp_req_t ),
+ .w_dp_req_t ( w_dp_req_t ),
+ .r_dp_rsp_t ( r_dp_rsp_t ),
+ .w_dp_rsp_t ( w_dp_rsp_t ),
+ .axi_aw_chan_t ( axi_aw_chan_t ),
+ .axi_ar_chan_t ( axi_ar_chan_t ),
+ .axi_req_t ( axi_req_t ),
+ .axi_rsp_t ( axi_rsp_t )
+ ) i_idma_axi_transport_layer (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .axi_req_o,
+ .axi_rsp_i,
+ .r_dp_req_i ( r_dp_req_out ),
+ .r_dp_valid_i ( r_dp_req_out_valid ),
+ .r_dp_ready_o ( r_dp_req_out_ready ),
+ .r_dp_rsp_o ( r_dp_rsp ),
+ .r_dp_valid_o ( r_dp_rsp_valid ),
+ .r_dp_ready_i ( r_dp_rsp_ready ),
+ .w_dp_req_i ( w_dp_req_out ),
+ .w_dp_valid_i ( w_dp_req_out_valid ),
+ .w_dp_ready_o ( w_dp_req_out_ready ),
+ .w_dp_rsp_o ( w_dp_rsp ),
+ .w_dp_valid_o ( w_dp_rsp_valid ),
+ .w_dp_ready_i ( w_dp_rsp_ready ),
+ .ar_req_i ( ar_req_dp ),
+ .ar_valid_i ( ar_valid_dp ),
+ .ar_ready_o ( ar_ready_dp ),
+ .aw_req_i ( aw_req_dp ),
+ .aw_valid_i ( aw_valid_dp ),
+ .aw_ready_o ( aw_ready_dp ),
+ .dp_poison_i ( dp_poison ),
+ .r_dp_busy_o ( busy_o.r_dp_busy ),
+ .w_dp_busy_o ( busy_o.w_dp_busy ),
+ .buffer_busy_o ( busy_o.buffer_busy )
+ );
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // R-AW channel coupler
+ //--------------------------------------
+ if (RAWCouplingAvail) begin : gen_r_aw_coupler
+ // instantiate the channel coupler
+ idma_channel_coupler #(
+ .NumAxInFlight ( NumAxInFlight ),
+ .AddrWidth ( AddrWidth ),
+ .UserWidth ( UserWidth ),
+ .AxiIdWidth ( AxiIdWidth ),
+ .PrintFifoInfo ( PrintFifoInfo ),
+ .axi_aw_chan_t ( axi_aw_chan_t )
+ ) i_idma_channel_coupler (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .r_rsp_valid_i ( axi_rsp_i.r_valid ),
+ .r_rsp_ready_i ( axi_req_o.r_ready ),
+ .r_rsp_first_i ( r_dp_rsp.first ),
+ .r_decouple_aw_i ( r_dp_req_out.decouple_aw ),
+ .aw_decouple_aw_i ( w_req.decouple_aw ),
+ .aw_req_i ( w_req.aw_req ),
+ .aw_valid_i ( w_valid ),
+ .aw_ready_o ( aw_ready ),
+ .aw_req_o ( aw_req_dp ),
+ .aw_valid_o ( aw_valid_dp ),
+ .aw_ready_i ( aw_ready_dp ),
+ .busy_o ( busy_o.raw_coupler_busy )
+ );
+ end else begin : gen_r_aw_bypass
+ // Add fall-through register to allow the input to be ready if the output is not. This
+ // does not add a cycle of delay
+ fall_through_register #(
+ .T ( axi_aw_chan_t )
+ ) i_aw_fall_through_register (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .clr_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .valid_i ( w_valid ),
+ .ready_o ( aw_ready ),
+ .data_i ( w_req.aw_req ),
+ .valid_o ( aw_valid_dp ),
+ .ready_i ( aw_ready_dp ),
+ .data_o ( aw_req_dp )
+ );
+ // no unit: not busy
+ assign busy_o.raw_coupler_busy = 1'b0;
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Assertions
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // pragma translate_off
+ `ifndef VERILATOR
+ initial begin : proc_assert_params
+ axi_addr_width : assert(AddrWidth >= 32'd12) else
+ $fatal(1, "Parameter `AddrWidth` has to be >= 12!");
+ axi_id_width : assert(AxiIdWidth > 32'd0) else
+ $fatal(1, "Parameter `AxiIdWidth` has to be > 0!");
+ axi_data_width : assert(DataWidth inside {32'd16, 32'd32, 32'd64, 32'd128, 32'd256,
+ 32'd512, 32'd1028}) else
+ $fatal(1, "Parameter `DataWidth` has to be at least 16 and inside the AXI4 spec!");
+ axi_user_width : assert(UserWidth > 32'd0) else
+ $fatal(1, "Parameter `UserWidth` has to be > 0!");
+ num_ax_in_flight : assert(NumAxInFlight > 32'd1) else
+ $fatal(1, "Parameter `NumAxInFlight` has to be > 1!");
+ buffer_depth : assert(BufferDepth > 32'd1) else
+ $fatal(1, "Parameter `BufferDepth` has to be > 1!");
+ tf_len_width : assert(TFLenWidth >= 32'd12) else
+ $fatal(1, "Parameter `BufferDepth` has to be >= 12!");
+ tf_len_width_max : assert(TFLenWidth <= AddrWidth) else
+ $fatal(1, "Parameter `TFLenWidth` has to be <= `AddrWidth`!");
+ end
+ `endif
+ // pragma translate_on
+endmodule : idma_backend
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_buffer.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_buffer.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3eadeea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_buffer.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Thomas Benz
+/// A byte-granular buffer holding data while it is copied.
+module idma_buffer #(
+ /// The depth of the buffer
+ parameter int unsigned BufferDepth = 32'd3,
+ /// The width of the buffer in bytes
+ parameter int unsigned StrbWidth = 32'd1,
+ /// Print the info of the FIFO configuration
+ parameter bit PrintFifoInfo = 1'b0,
+ /// The strobe type
+ parameter type strb_t = logic,
+ /// The byte type
+ parameter type byte_t = logic [7:0]
+ input logic clk_i,
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ input logic testmode_i,
+ input byte_t [StrbWidth-1:0] data_i,
+ input strb_t valid_i,
+ output strb_t ready_o,
+ output byte_t [StrbWidth-1:0] data_o,
+ output strb_t valid_o,
+ input strb_t ready_i
+ // buffer is implemented as an array of stream FIFOs
+ for (genvar i = 0; i < StrbWidth; i++) begin : gen_fifo_buffer
+ idma_stream_fifo #(
+ .type_t ( byte_t ),
+ .Depth ( BufferDepth ),
+ .PrintInfo ( PrintFifoInfo )
+ ) i_byte_buffer (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .flush_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .usage_o ( /* NOT CONNECTED */ ),
+ .data_i ( data_i [i] ),
+ .valid_i ( valid_i [i] ),
+ .ready_o ( ready_o [i] ),
+ .data_o ( data_o [i] ),
+ .valid_o ( valid_o [i] ),
+ .ready_i ( ready_i [i] )
+ );
+ end : gen_fifo_buffer
+endmodule : idma_buffer
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_channel_coupler.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_channel_coupler.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b59c6673a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_channel_coupler.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Thomas Benz
+`include "common_cells/registers.svh"
+`include "../include/axi/typedef.svh"
+/// Couples the `R` to the `AW` channel by keeping writes back until the corresponding
+/// reads arrive at the DMA. This reduces the congestion in the memory system.
+module idma_channel_coupler #(
+ /// Number of transaction that can be in-flight concurrently
+ parameter int unsigned NumAxInFlight = 32'd2,
+ /// Address width
+ parameter int unsigned AddrWidth = 32'd24,
+ /// AXI user width
+ parameter int unsigned UserWidth = 32'd1,
+ /// AXI ID width
+ parameter int unsigned AxiIdWidth = 32'd1,
+ /// Print the info of the FIFO configuration
+ parameter bit PrintFifoInfo = 1'b0,
+ /// AXI 4 `AW` channel type
+ parameter type axi_aw_chan_t = logic
+ /// Clock
+ input logic clk_i,
+ /// Asynchronous reset, active low
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ /// Testmode in
+ input logic testmode_i,
+ /// R response valid
+ input logic r_rsp_valid_i,
+ /// R response ready
+ input logic r_rsp_ready_i,
+ /// First R response
+ input logic r_rsp_first_i,
+ /// Did the read originate from a decoupled request
+ input logic r_decouple_aw_i,
+ /// Is the `AW` in the queue a decoupled request?
+ input logic aw_decouple_aw_i,
+ /// Original meta request
+ input axi_aw_chan_t aw_req_i,
+ /// Original meta request valid
+ input logic aw_valid_i,
+ /// Original meta request ready
+ output logic aw_ready_o,
+ /// Modified meta request
+ output axi_aw_chan_t aw_req_o,
+ /// Modified meta request valid
+ output logic aw_valid_o,
+ /// Modified meta request ready
+ input logic aw_ready_i,
+ /// busy signal
+ output logic busy_o
+ /// The width of the credit counter keeping track of the transfers
+ localparam int unsigned CounterWidth = cf_math_pkg::idx_width(NumAxInFlight);
+ /// Credit counter type
+ typedef logic [CounterWidth-1:0] cnt_t;
+ /// Address type
+ typedef logic [AddrWidth-1:0] addr_t;
+ /// User type
+ typedef logic [UserWidth-1:0] user_t;
+ /// ID type
+ typedef logic [AxiIdWidth-1:0] id_t;
+ // AXI4+ATOP define macros for the AX channels -> recreate the type locally to increase
+ // compatibility with more versions of questasim
+ `AXI_TYPEDEF_AW_CHAN_T(aw_chan_t, addr_t, id_t, user_t)
+ /// Combination of regular `AW` type and the decoupled field
+ typedef struct packed {
+ aw_chan_t aw;
+ logic decoupled;
+ } aw_ext_t;
+ // cut signals after the fifo
+ aw_ext_t aw_req_in, aw_req_out;
+ logic aw_ready, aw_valid;
+ // first R arrives -> AW can be sent
+ logic first;
+ // aw ready i decoupled
+ logic aw_ready_decoupled;
+ // aw is being sent
+ logic aw_sent;
+ // counter to keep track of AR to send
+ cnt_t aw_to_send_d, aw_to_send_q;
+ // first signal -> an R has arrived that needs to free an AW
+ assign first = r_rsp_valid_i & r_rsp_ready_i & r_rsp_first_i & !r_decouple_aw_i;
+ // stream fifo to hold AWs back
+ idma_stream_fifo #(
+ .Depth ( NumAxInFlight ),
+ .type_t ( aw_ext_t ),
+ .PrintInfo ( PrintFifoInfo )
+ ) i_aw_store (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .flush_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .usage_o ( /* NOT CONNECTED */ ),
+ .data_i ( aw_req_in ),
+ .valid_i ( aw_valid_i ),
+ .ready_o ( aw_ready_o ),
+ .data_o ( aw_req_out ),
+ .valid_o ( aw_valid ),
+ .ready_i ( aw_ready )
+ );
+ // fifo input is assembled
+ assign aw_req_in.aw = aw_req_i;
+ assign aw_req_in.decoupled = aw_decouple_aw_i;
+ // aw payload is just connected to fifo
+ assign aw_req_o = aw_req_out.aw;
+ // use a credit counter to keep track of AWs to send
+ always_comb begin : proc_credit_cnt
+ // defaults
+ aw_to_send_d = aw_to_send_q;
+ // if we bypass the logic
+ aw_sent = aw_req_out.decoupled & aw_valid;
+ // first is asserted and aw is ready -> just send AW out
+ // without changing the credit counter value
+ if (aw_ready_decoupled & first) begin
+ aw_sent = 1'b1;
+ end
+ // if first is asserted and aw is not ready -> increment
+ // credit counter
+ else if (!aw_ready_decoupled & first) begin
+ aw_to_send_d = aw_to_send_q + 1;
+ end
+ // if not first, aw is ready and we have credit -> count down
+ else if (aw_ready_decoupled & !first & aw_to_send_q != '0) begin
+ aw_sent = 1'b1;
+ aw_to_send_d = aw_to_send_q - 1;
+ end
+ end
+ // assign outputs
+ assign aw_ready = aw_valid_o & aw_ready_i;
+ // fall through register to decouple the aw valid signal from the aw ready
+ // now payload is required; just the decoupling of the handshaking signals
+ fall_through_register #(
+ .T ( logic [0:0] )
+ ) i_fall_through_register_decouple_aw_valid (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .clr_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .valid_i ( aw_sent ),
+ .ready_o ( aw_ready_decoupled ),
+ .data_i ( 1'b0 ),
+ .valid_o ( aw_valid_o ),
+ .ready_i ( aw_ready_i ),
+ .data_o ( /* NOT CONNECTED */ )
+ );
+ // connect busy pin
+ assign busy_o = aw_valid;
+ // state
+ `FF(aw_to_send_q, aw_to_send_d, '0, clk_i, rst_ni)
+endmodule : idma_channel_coupler
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_legalizer.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_legalizer.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0eb853e8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_legalizer.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Thomas Benz
+`include "common_cells/registers.svh"
+`include "common_cells/assertions.svh"
+/// Legalizes a generic 1D transfer according to the rules given by the
+/// AXI4 protocol. Bursts are cut at 4kiB boundaries and are a maximum of
+/// 256 beats long.
+module idma_legalizer #(
+ /// Data width
+ parameter int unsigned DataWidth = 32'd16,
+ /// Address width
+ parameter int unsigned AddrWidth = 32'd24,
+ /// 1D iDMA request type:
+ /// - `length`: the length of the transfer in bytes
+ /// - `*_addr`: the source / target byte addresses of the transfer
+ /// - `opt`: the options field
+ parameter type idma_req_t = logic,
+ /// Read request type
+ parameter type idma_r_req_t = logic,
+ /// Write request type
+ parameter type idma_w_req_t = logic,
+ /// Mutable transfer type
+ parameter type idma_mut_tf_t = logic,
+ /// Mutable options type
+ parameter type idma_mut_tf_opt_t = logic
+ /// Clock
+ input logic clk_i,
+ /// Asynchronous reset, active low
+ input logic rst_ni,
+ /// 1D request
+ input idma_req_t req_i,
+ /// 1D request valid
+ input logic valid_i,
+ /// 1D request ready
+ output logic ready_o,
+ /// Read request; contains datapath and meta information
+ output idma_r_req_t r_req_o,
+ /// Read request valid
+ output logic r_valid_o,
+ /// Read request ready
+ input logic r_ready_i,
+ /// Write request; contains datapath and meta information
+ output idma_w_req_t w_req_o,
+ /// Write request valid
+ output logic w_valid_o,
+ /// Write request ready
+ input logic w_ready_i,
+ /// Invalidate the current burst transfer, stops emission of requests
+ input logic flush_i,
+ /// Kill the active 1D transfer; reload a new transfer
+ input logic kill_i,
+ /// Read machine of the legalizer is busy
+ output logic r_busy_o,
+ /// Write machine of the legalizer is busy
+ output logic w_busy_o
+ /// Stobe width
+ localparam int unsigned StrbWidth = DataWidth / 8;
+ /// Offset width
+ localparam int unsigned OffsetWidth = $clog2(StrbWidth);
+ /// The size of a page in byte
+ localparam int unsigned PageSize = (256 * StrbWidth > 4096) ? 4096 : 256 * StrbWidth;
+ /// The width of page offset byte addresses
+ localparam int unsigned PageAddrWidth = $clog2(PageSize);
+ /// Offset type
+ typedef logic [ OffsetWidth-1:0] offset_t;
+ /// Address type
+ typedef logic [ AddrWidth-1:0] addr_t;
+ /// Page address type
+ typedef logic [PageAddrWidth-1:0] page_addr_t;
+ /// Page length type
+ typedef logic [ PageAddrWidth:0] page_len_t;
+ // state: internally hold one transfer, this is mutated
+ idma_mut_tf_t r_tf_d, r_tf_q;
+ idma_mut_tf_t w_tf_d, w_tf_q;
+ idma_mut_tf_opt_t opt_tf_d, opt_tf_q;
+ // enable signals for next mutable transfer storage
+ logic r_tf_ena;
+ logic w_tf_ena;
+ // page boundaries
+ page_addr_t r_page_offset;
+ page_len_t r_num_bytes_to_pb;
+ page_addr_t w_page_offset;
+ page_len_t w_num_bytes_to_pb;
+ page_len_t c_num_bytes_to_pb;
+ logic [3:0] r_page_addr_width;
+ logic [3:0] w_page_addr_width;
+ page_len_t r_page_size;
+ page_len_t w_page_size;
+ // read process
+ page_len_t r_num_bytes_possible;
+ page_len_t r_num_bytes;
+ offset_t r_addr_offset;
+ logic r_done;
+ // write process
+ page_len_t w_num_bytes_possible;
+ page_len_t w_num_bytes;
+ offset_t w_addr_offset;
+ logic w_done;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // read page boundary check
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // calculate the page with in bits
+ always_comb begin : proc_read_addr_width
+ // should the "virtual" page be reduced? e.g. the transfers split into
+ // smaller chunks than the AXI page size?
+ r_page_addr_width = OffsetWidth + (opt_tf_q.src_reduce_len ? opt_tf_q.src_max_llen : 'd8);
+ // a page can be a maximum of 4kB (12 bit)
+ r_page_addr_width = r_page_addr_width > 'd12 ? 'd12 : r_page_addr_width;
+ end
+ // calculate the page size in byte
+ assign r_page_size = (1 << r_page_addr_width);
+ // this is written very confusing due to system verilog not allowing variable
+ // length ranges.
+ // the goal is to get 'r_tf_q.addr[PageAddrWidth-1:0]' where PageAddrWidth is
+ // r_page_addr_width and dynamically changing
+ always_comb begin : proc_read_range_select
+ r_page_offset = '0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < PageAddrWidth; i++) begin
+ r_page_offset[i] = r_page_addr_width > i ? r_tf_q.addr[i] : 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ // calculate the number of bytes left in the page (number of bytes until
+ // we reach the page boundary (bp)
+ assign r_num_bytes_to_pb = r_page_size - r_page_offset;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // write page boundary check
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // calculate the page with in bits
+ always_comb begin : proc_write_addr_width
+ // should the "virtual" page be reduced? e.g. the transfers split into
+ // smaller chunks than the AXI page size?
+ w_page_addr_width = OffsetWidth + (opt_tf_q.dst_reduce_len ? opt_tf_q.dst_max_llen : 'd8);
+ // a page can be a maximum of 4kB (12 bit)
+ w_page_addr_width = w_page_addr_width > 'd12 ? 'd12 : w_page_addr_width;
+ end
+ // calculate the page size in byte
+ assign w_page_size = (1 << w_page_addr_width);
+ // this is written very confusing due to system verilog not allowing variable
+ // length ranges.
+ // the goal is to get 'r_tf_q.addr[PageAddrWidth-1:0]' where PageAddrWidth is
+ // r_page_addr_width and dynamically changing
+ always_comb begin : proc_write_range_select
+ w_page_offset = '0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < PageAddrWidth; i++) begin
+ w_page_offset[i] = w_page_addr_width > i ? w_tf_q.addr[i] : 1'b0;
+ end
+ end
+ // calculate the number of bytes left in the page (number of bytes until
+ // we reach the page boundary (bp)
+ assign w_num_bytes_to_pb = w_page_size - w_page_offset;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // page boundary check
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // how many transfers are remaining when concerning both r/w pages?
+ // take the boundary that is closer
+ assign c_num_bytes_to_pb = (r_num_bytes_to_pb > w_num_bytes_to_pb) ?
+ w_num_bytes_to_pb : r_num_bytes_to_pb;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Synchronized R/W process
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // max num bytes readable in page
+ assign r_num_bytes_possible = opt_tf_q.decouple_rw ?
+ r_num_bytes_to_pb : c_num_bytes_to_pb;
+ // max num bytes writable in page
+ assign w_num_bytes_possible = opt_tf_q.decouple_rw ?
+ w_num_bytes_to_pb : c_num_bytes_to_pb;
+ // calculate the address offsets aligned to transfer sizes.
+ assign r_addr_offset = r_tf_q.addr[OffsetWidth-1:0];
+ assign w_addr_offset = w_tf_q.addr[OffsetWidth-1:0];
+ // legalization process -> read and write is coupled together
+ always_comb begin : proc_read_write_transaction
+ // default: keep state
+ r_tf_d = r_tf_q;
+ w_tf_d = w_tf_q;
+ opt_tf_d = opt_tf_q;
+ // default: not done
+ r_done = 1'b0;
+ w_done = 1'b0;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Legalize read transaction
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // more bytes remaining than we can read
+ if (r_tf_q.length > r_num_bytes_possible) begin
+ r_num_bytes = r_num_bytes_possible;
+ // calculate remainder
+ r_tf_d.length = r_tf_q.length - r_num_bytes_possible;
+ // next address
+ r_tf_d.addr = r_tf_q.addr + r_num_bytes;
+ // remaining bytes fit in one burst
+ end else begin
+ r_num_bytes = r_tf_q.length[PageAddrWidth:0];
+ // finished
+ r_tf_d.valid = 1'b0;
+ r_done = 1'b1;
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Legalize write transaction
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // more bytes remaining than we can write
+ if (w_tf_q.length > w_num_bytes_possible) begin
+ w_num_bytes = w_num_bytes_possible;
+ // calculate remainder
+ w_tf_d.length = w_tf_q.length - w_num_bytes_possible;
+ // next address
+ w_tf_d.addr = w_tf_q.addr + w_num_bytes;
+ // remaining bytes fit in one burst
+ end else begin
+ w_num_bytes = w_tf_q.length[PageAddrWidth:0];
+ // finished
+ w_tf_d.valid = 1'b0;
+ w_done = 1'b1;
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Kill
+ //--------------------------------------
+ if (kill_i) begin
+ // kill the current state
+ r_tf_d = '0;
+ r_done = 1'b1;
+ w_tf_d = '0;
+ w_done = 1'b1;
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Refill
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // new request is taken in if both r and w machines are ready.
+ if (ready_o & valid_i) begin
+ // load all three mutable objects (source, destination, option)
+ // source or read
+ r_tf_d = '{
+ length: req_i.length,
+ addr: req_i.src_addr,
+ valid: 1'b1
+ };
+ // destination or write
+ w_tf_d = '{
+ length: req_i.length,
+ addr: req_i.dst_addr,
+ valid: 1'b1
+ };
+ // options
+ opt_tf_d = '{
+ shift: req_i.src_addr[OffsetWidth-1:0] - req_i.dst_addr[OffsetWidth-1:0],
+ decouple_rw: req_i.opt.beo.decouple_rw,
+ decouple_aw: req_i.opt.beo.decouple_aw,
+ src_max_llen: req_i.opt.beo.src_max_llen,
+ dst_max_llen: req_i.opt.beo.dst_max_llen,
+ src_reduce_len: req_i.opt.beo.src_reduce_len,
+ dst_reduce_len: req_i.opt.beo.dst_reduce_len,
+ axi_id: req_i.opt.axi_id,
+ src_axi_opt: req_i.opt.src,
+ dst_axi_opt: req_i.opt.dst,
+ super_last: req_i.opt.last
+ };
+ end
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Connect outputs
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // assign the signals for the read meta channel
+ assign r_req_o.ar_req = '{
+ id: opt_tf_q.axi_id,
+ addr: { r_tf_q.addr[AddrWidth-1:OffsetWidth], {{OffsetWidth}{1'b0}} },
+ len: ((r_num_bytes + r_addr_offset - 'd1) >> OffsetWidth),
+ size: axi_pkg::size_t'(OffsetWidth),
+ burst: opt_tf_q.src_axi_opt.burst,
+ lock: opt_tf_q.src_axi_opt.lock,
+ cache: opt_tf_q.src_axi_opt.cache,
+ prot: opt_tf_q.src_axi_opt.prot,
+ qos: opt_tf_q.src_axi_opt.qos,
+ region: opt_tf_q.src_axi_opt.region,
+ user: '0
+ };
+ // assign the signals for the write meta channel
+ assign w_req_o.aw_req = '{
+ id: opt_tf_q.axi_id,
+ addr: { w_tf_q.addr[AddrWidth-1:OffsetWidth], {{OffsetWidth}{1'b0}} },
+ len: ((w_num_bytes + w_addr_offset - 'd1) >> OffsetWidth),
+ size: axi_pkg::size_t'(OffsetWidth),
+ burst: opt_tf_q.dst_axi_opt.burst,
+ lock: opt_tf_q.dst_axi_opt.lock,
+ cache: opt_tf_q.dst_axi_opt.cache,
+ prot: opt_tf_q.dst_axi_opt.prot,
+ qos: opt_tf_q.dst_axi_opt.qos,
+ region: opt_tf_q.dst_axi_opt.region,
+ user: '0,
+ atop: '0
+ };
+ // assign the signals needed to set-up the read data path
+ assign r_req_o.r_dp_req = '{
+ offset: r_addr_offset,
+ tailer: OffsetWidth'(r_num_bytes + r_addr_offset),
+ shift: opt_tf_q.shift,
+ decouple_aw: opt_tf_q.decouple_aw
+ };
+ // assign the signals needed to set-up the write data path
+ assign w_req_o.w_dp_req = '{
+ offset: w_addr_offset,
+ tailer: OffsetWidth'(w_num_bytes + w_addr_offset),
+ num_beats: w_req_o.aw_req.len,
+ is_single: w_req_o.aw_req.len == '0
+ };
+ // last burst in generic 1D transfer?
+ assign w_req_o.last = w_done;
+ // last burst indicated by midend
+ assign w_req_o.super_last = opt_tf_q.super_last;
+ // assign aw decouple flag
+ assign w_req_o.decouple_aw = opt_tf_q.decouple_aw;
+ // busy output
+ assign r_busy_o = r_tf_q.valid;
+ assign w_busy_o = w_tf_q.valid;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Flow Control
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // only advance to next state if:
+ // * rw_coupled: both machines advance
+ // * rw_decoupled: either machine advances
+ always_comb begin : proc_legalizer_flow_control
+ if (opt_tf_q.decouple_rw) begin
+ r_tf_ena = (r_ready_i & !flush_i) | kill_i;
+ w_tf_ena = (w_ready_i & !flush_i) | kill_i;
+ r_valid_o = r_tf_q.valid & r_ready_i & !flush_i;
+ w_valid_o = w_tf_q.valid & w_ready_i & !flush_i;
+ end else begin
+ r_tf_ena = (r_ready_i & w_ready_i & !flush_i) | kill_i;
+ w_tf_ena = (r_ready_i & w_ready_i & !flush_i) | kill_i;
+ r_valid_o = r_tf_q.valid & w_ready_i & r_ready_i & !flush_i;
+ w_valid_o = w_tf_q.valid & r_ready_i & w_ready_i & !flush_i;
+ end
+ end
+ // load next idma request: if both machines are done!
+ assign ready_o = r_done & w_done & r_ready_i & w_ready_i & !flush_i;
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // State
+ //--------------------------------------
+ `FF(opt_tf_q, opt_tf_d, '0, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ `FFL(r_tf_q, r_tf_d, r_tf_ena, '0, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ `FFL(w_tf_q, w_tf_d, w_tf_ena, '0, clk_i, rst_ni)
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Assertions
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // only support the decomposition of incremental bursts
+ `ASSERT_NEVER(OnlyIncrementalBurstsSRC, (ready_o & valid_i &
+ req_i.opt.src.burst != axi_pkg::BURST_INCR), clk_i, !rst_ni)
+ `ASSERT_NEVER(OnlyIncrementalBurstsDST, (ready_o & valid_i &
+ req_i.opt.dst.burst != axi_pkg::BURST_INCR), clk_i, !rst_ni)
+endmodule : idma_legalizer
diff --git a/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_stream_fifo.sv b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_stream_fifo.sv
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6de92d90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hw/ip/iDMA/src/idma_stream_fifo.sv
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// Copyright 2022 ETH Zurich and University of Bologna.
+// Solderpad Hardware License, Version 0.51, see LICENSE for details.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: SHL-0.51
+// Thomas Benz
+`include "common_cells/assertions.svh"
+/// Optimal implementation of a stream FIFO based on the common cells modules.
+module idma_stream_fifo #(
+ /// Depth can be arbitrary from 2 to 2**32
+ parameter int unsigned Depth = 32'd8,
+ /// Type of the FIFO
+ parameter type type_t = logic,
+ /// Print information when the simulation launches
+ parameter bit PrintInfo = 1'b0,
+ parameter int unsigned AddrDepth = (Depth > 32'd1) ? $clog2(Depth) : 32'd1
+) (
+ input logic clk_i, // Clock
+ input logic rst_ni, // Asynchronous reset active low
+ input logic flush_i, // flush the fifo
+ input logic testmode_i, // test_mode to bypass clock gating
+ output logic [AddrDepth-1:0] usage_o, // fill pointer
+ // input interface
+ input type_t data_i, // data to push into the fifo
+ input logic valid_i, // input data valid
+ output logic ready_o, // fifo is not full
+ // output interface
+ output type_t data_o, // output data
+ output logic valid_o, // fifo is not empty
+ input logic ready_i // pop head from fifo
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Prevent Depth 0 and 1
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Throw an error if depth is 0 or 1
+ // pragma translate off
+ if (Depth < 32'd2) begin : gen_fatal
+ initial begin
+ $fatal(1, "FIFO of depth %d does not make any sense!", Depth);
+ end
+ end
+ // pragma translate on
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Spill register (depth 2)
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // Instantiate a spill register for depth 2
+ if (Depth == 32'd2) begin : gen_spill
+ // print info
+ // pragma translate off
+ if (PrintInfo) begin : gen_info
+ initial begin
+ $display("[%m] Instantiate spill register (of depth %d)", Depth);
+ end
+ end
+ // pragma translate on
+ // spill register
+ spill_register_flushable #(
+ .T ( type_t ),
+ .Bypass ( 1'b0 )
+ ) i_spill_register_flushable (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .flush_i,
+ .valid_i,
+ .ready_o,
+ .data_i,
+ .valid_o,
+ .ready_i,
+ .data_o
+ );
+ // usage is not supported
+ assign usage_o = 'x;
+ // no full push
+ `ASSERT_NEVER(CheckFullPush, (!ready_o & valid_i), clk_i, !rst_ni)
+ // empty pop
+ `ASSERT_NEVER(CheckEmptyPop, (!valid_o & ready_i), clk_i, !rst_ni)
+ end
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // FIFO register (depth 3+)
+ //--------------------------------------
+ // default to stream fifo
+ if (Depth > 32'd2) begin : gen_fifo
+ // print info
+ // pragma translate off
+ if (PrintInfo) begin : gen_info
+ initial begin
+ $info("[%m] Instantiate stream FIFO of depth %d", Depth);
+ end
+ end
+ // pragma translate on
+ // stream fifo
+ stream_fifo #(
+ .DEPTH ( Depth ),
+ .T ( type_t )
+ ) i_stream_fifo (
+ .clk_i,
+ .rst_ni,
+ .flush_i,
+ .testmode_i,
+ .usage_o,
+ .data_i,
+ .valid_i,
+ .ready_o,
+ .data_o,
+ .valid_o,
+ .ready_i
+ );
+ // no full push
+ `ASSERT_NEVER(CheckFullPush, (!ready_o & valid_i), clk_i, !rst_ni)
+ // empty pop
+ `ASSERT_NEVER(CheckEmptyPop, (!valid_o & ready_i), clk_i, !rst_ni)
+ end
+endmodule : idma_stream_fifo
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma.c b/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma.c
index 44f6db6f6..fc9c78762 100644
--- a/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma.c
+++ b/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma.c
@@ -10,33 +10,29 @@
#include "dma_regs.h" // Generated.
void dma_set_read_ptr(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t read_ptr) {
- mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(DMA_PTR_IN_REG_OFFSET), read_ptr);
+ mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_SRC_ADDR_REG_OFFSET), read_ptr);
void dma_set_write_ptr(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t write_ptr) {
- mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(DMA_PTR_OUT_REG_OFFSET), write_ptr);
+ mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_DST_ADDR_REG_OFFSET), write_ptr);
-void dma_set_cnt_start(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t copy_size) {
- mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(DMA_DMA_START_REG_OFFSET), copy_size);
+void dma_set_cnt(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t copy_size) {
+ mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_NUM_BYTES_REG_OFFSET), copy_size);
-int32_t dma_get_done(const dma_t *dma) {
- return mmio_region_read32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(DMA_DONE_REG_OFFSET));
-void dma_set_read_ptr_inc(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t read_ptr_inc){
- mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(DMA_SRC_PTR_INC_REG_OFFSET), read_ptr_inc);
+void dma_set_config(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t config) {
+ mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_CONF_REG_OFFSET), config);
-void dma_set_write_ptr_inc(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t write_ptr_inc){
- mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(DMA_DST_PTR_INC_REG_OFFSET), write_ptr_inc);
+void dma_get_status(const dma_t *dma) {
+ return mmio_region_read32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_STATUS_REG_OFFSET));
-void dma_set_spi_mode(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t spi_mode){
- mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(DMA_SPI_MODE_REG_OFFSET), spi_mode);
+int32_t dma_get_nextid(const dma_t *dma) {
+ return mmio_region_read32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_NEXT_ID_REG_OFFSET));
-void dma_set_data_type(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t data_type){
- mmio_region_write32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(DMA_DATA_TYPE_REG_OFFSET), data_type);
+int32_t dma_get_done(const dma_t *dma) {
+ return mmio_region_read32(dma->base_addr, (ptrdiff_t)(IDMA_REG32_FRONTEND_DONE_REG_OFFSET));
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma.h b/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma.h
index 4d16a3cf5..b8778af32 100644
--- a/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma.h
+++ b/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma.h
@@ -26,60 +26,53 @@ typedef struct dma {
} dma_t;
- * Write to read_ptr register of the DMA
+ * Write to read_ptr register of the MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
* @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
* @param read_ptr Any valid memory address.
void dma_set_read_ptr(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t read_ptr);
- * Write to write_ptr register of the DMA
+ * Write to write_ptr register of the MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
* @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
* @param write_ptr Any valid memory address.
void dma_set_write_ptr(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t write_ptr);
- * Write to cnt_start register of the DMA
+ * Write to num_byte register of the MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
* @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
- * @param copy_size Number of bytes to be copied from read_ptr to write_ptr.
+ * @param copy_size Number of data to be copied from read_ptr to write_ptr.
-void dma_set_cnt_start(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t copy_size);
+void dma_set_cnt(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t copy_size);
- * Read from done register of the DMA
+ * Write to configration register of the MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
* @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
- * @return done value (0: data are being copied - 1: copy done/peripheral idle)
- */
-int32_t dma_get_done(const dma_t *dma);
- * Write to src_ptr_inc register of the DMA.
- * @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target DMA.
- * @param read_ptr_inc Increment of source pointer (Default: 4).
+ * @param config Configurations of the iDMA
-void dma_set_read_ptr_inc(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t read_ptr_inc);
+void dma_set_config(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t config);
- * Write to dst_ptr_inc register of the DMA.
- * @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target DMA.
- * @param write_ptr_inc Increment of destination pointer (Default: 4).
+ * Read from the status register of the MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
+ * @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
+ * @return status value (1: bust, 0: Not bust)
-void dma_set_write_ptr_inc(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t write_ptr_inc);
+void dma_get_status(const dma_t *dma);
- * Sets the DMA data transfer modes when used with the SPI.
- * @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target DMA.
- * @param spi_mode 0: mem to mem - 1: spi_rx to mem (Default: 0) - 2: mem to spi_tx.
+ * Read from the next_id register of the MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
+ * @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
+ * @return next ID, used to launcher transfer
-void dma_set_spi_mode(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t spi_mode);
+int32_t dma_get_nextid(const dma_t *dma);
- * Sets the DMA data type.
- * @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target DMA.
- * @param data_type Data type to transfer: 32-bit word(0), 16-bit half word (1), 8-bit byte(2,3).
+ * Read from done register of the MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
+ * @param dma Pointer to dma_t represting the target MEMCOPY PERIPHERAL.
+ * @return done value (0: data are being copied - 1: copy done/peripheral idle)
-void dma_set_data_type(const dma_t *dma, uint32_t data_type);
+int32_t dma_get_done(const dma_t *dma);
#ifdef __cplusplus
diff --git a/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma_regs.h b/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma_regs.h
index a11c59765..c3da9ddc7 100644
--- a/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma_regs.h
+++ b/sw/device/lib/drivers/dma/dma_regs.h
@@ -14,43 +14,31 @@
extern "C" {
// Register width
-// Input data pointer (word aligned)
-#define DMA_PTR_IN_REG_OFFSET 0x0
-// Output data pointer (word aligned)
-// Number of bytes to copy - Once a value is written, the copy starts
-// Register set to 1 when copy is done
-#define DMA_DONE_REG_OFFSET 0xc
-// Increment number of source pointer every time a word is copied from source
-// Increment number of source pointer every time a word is copied to
-// destination
-// SPI mode selection: disable(0), receive from SPI (1), and send to SPI (2),
-// receive from SPI FLASH (3), and send to SPI FLASH (4). It waits for TX and
-// RX FIFO in modes 1 and 2, respectively.
- ((bitfield_field32_t) { .mask = DMA_SPI_MODE_SPI_MODE_MASK, .index = DMA_SPI_MODE_SPI_MODE_OFFSET })
-// Data type to transfer: 32-bit word(0), 16-bit half word(1), 8-bit
-// byte(2,3).
- ((bitfield_field32_t) { .mask = DMA_DATA_TYPE_DATA_TYPE_MASK, .index = DMA_DATA_TYPE_DATA_TYPE_OFFSET })
+// Source Address
+// Destination Address
+// Number of bytes
+// Configuration Register for DMA settings
+// DMA Status
+// Next ID, launches transfer, returns 0 if transfer not set up properly.
+// Get ID of finished transactions.
#ifdef __cplusplus
} // extern "C"