Activ-IoTy is composed of Checkpoints (devices that collects competitors' IDs, time-stamps it, and publish it), the MQTT Broker (an instance of Mosquitto Server) and the Controller. The Controller is the component that performs most of the platform's logic.
The Controller is a MQTT subscriber that processes the checkins performed on Checkpoints.
The Controller is basically a Web application that enables competition management, including the processing of checkins performed on checkpoints along the race course. There may be several controllers for different purposes, implementing different features. This controller allow us performing the following tasks:
Users that can sign-up into the platform and submit their profiles.
Creation/edition of checkpoints. This feature allows describing checkpoints that can be located on a map. Checkpoints are identified by their ID.
Creation/edition of races. We can describe races, including a geo-JSON file with the course and the **list of Checkpoints ** that athletes must visit to complete the race. Checkpoints might require more than a 'checkin' to complete the race (i.e., multi-lap races). This example is limited to just 1 lap.
Obviously, only one Checkpoint can be at the finish line (it has to be selected using a radio button).
Registered athletes may be included as competitors in specific races. There is an automatic process where selected athletes are included as competitors in a race. Competitors have assigned unique bib identifiers.
Bib identifiers must be linked to RFID tags. For this example, I use this map of unique identifiers (included in the collection identifiers
{ bibId: '001', epc: 'E2 00 51 42 05 0F 02 62 16 00 6F 40' },
{ bibId: '002', epc: '00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 11' },
{ bibId: '003', epc: '00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 49 17' },
{ bibId: '004', epc: 'E2 00 51 79 98 18 01 38 02 50 F4 9E' },
{ bibId: '005', epc: 'E2 00 51 86 06 0A 01 53 08 00 C3 10' },
{ bibId: '006', epc: 'E2 00 51 79 98 18 01 38 01 50 F9 BB' },
{ bibId: '007', epc: 'E2 00 30 16 66 13 01 21 15 50 74 EF' },
{ bibId: '008', epc: 'E2 00 41 06 21 03 00 32 10 10 AF 41' },
For this prototype, I've populated the database, loading a JSON file directly.
The following picture shows the start list of a race. All athletes shown are the users registered in the system. The administrator may assign bib numbers to athletes directly.
Once a race was defined, including the checkpoints assigned to the course, and the start list already created, the competition is almost ready to start. The admin is able to open the 'live results' option. In this screen, a map with the course track and the checkpoints are shown.
At the beginning, the markers representing checkpoints are in red (disabled). Now, the controller is waiting for the ready
MQTT messages from checkpoints. As soon as a checkpoint is ready, it sends a {checkpoint-ID}/ready
message like this (is the first message the controller received during the example):
TOPIC: Keyboard-2/ready
"checkpoint" : { "id" : "Keyboard-2" },
"timestamp" : 1519401196
Checkpoints are marked in white and their infowindow is shown.
At the right-hand side of the image you can see a terminal connected to the same MQTT broker, waiting for the +/ready
messages that are processed by the controller.
The competition starts (the admin presses the 'play' button'). Once the stopwatch is running the controller expects +/checkin
messages from the checkpoints along the course. The following GIF shows the moment when competitors arrived at the first checkpoint (ID: Keypad-1
The first checkpoint is powered by a keypad so the device sends the bib number of the athlete in a message like the following example (it is the same the checkpoint sent when the first athlete did the checkin). In the right-hand side of the video, you can see a terminal with a Mosquitto client waiting for the same +/checkin
messages as the controller does).
TOPIC: Keyboard-2/checkin
"checkpoint" : { "id" : "Keyboard-2" },
"bibID" : "002",
"timestamp" : 1519401513
The competition may be followed in real time as shown in the full video –the video was speeded up to show just the relevant events: readiness of checkpoints and checkins at all checkpoints. On the right hand side, there are two terminals running Mosquitto subscribers to see the real messages processed by the controller.
Check the full video at
Final results may be exported once the admin considers that the race is finished (other intermediate results could be exported).
This data is served in JSON-LD, following the OpenTrack model. This vocabulary is based on and is in process of standardisation.
Check the results generated in this example –perhaps the final IRIs does not resolve, it's just an example.
The Controller is developed in Meteor, an open source platform for Web, mobile, and desktop applications build in JavaScript. The resulting mobile web application is compatible with all the latest browsers and it has been designed using the responsive web design approach, in concrete through the Materialize CSS framework.
In terms of technology, the application is built in JavaScript and is run on a Node.js server, and a MongoDB as the subjacent database system.
The application is fully operational and you can test it, but it is in an early development phase so it implements exactly the requirements of the pilot.
The system uses MQTT.js, a client library for the MQTT protocol. It is written in JavaScript for node.js and any browser. It can be installed through NPM with just the following command:
npm install mqtt --save
Since the application must be subscribed to the MQTT queue, mqtt.js is configured in the server side of Meteor to wait for new messages from checkpoints. During the startup of the Controller, the a new subscription is setup (to topics +/ready
and +/checkin
. Also the callbacks of these events are configured.
Once a new checkin is detected, the Controller creates a new document on the checkins
collection in the database with all the information of the received checkin. Also, when it detects that a checkpoint is ready, a ready
flag in the database is updated to true
. The concrete code is this:
* File at /imports/startup/server/mqtt.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import mqtt from 'mqtt';
import Sntp from 'sntp';
import { Checkpoints } from '../../api/checkpoints/checkpoints.js';
import { Identifiers } from '../../api/identifiers/identifiers.js';
import { Checkins } from '../../api/checkins/checkins.js';
if (Meteor.isServer) {
const mqttBroker = {
url : 'mqtt://',
port: 1883,
const mqttClient = mqtt.connect(mqttBroker.url, mqttBroker.port);
mqttClient.on('connect', () => {
const timestamp =;
mqttClient.subscribe({ '+/ready': 1, '+/checkin': 1 });
mqttClient.publish('controller/ready', `{ "checkpoint" : { "id" : "I am the controller :-)"}, "timestamp" : ${timestamp} }`);
mqttClient.on('message', Meteor.bindEnvironment((topic, message) => {
const timestamp =;
console.log(`MQTT Message received [${topic.toString()}] -> ${message.toString()}`);
if (topic.includes('/ready')) {
// Marks the checkpoint as ready
try {
const msg = JSON.parse(message.toString());
Checkpoints.update({ identifier: }, { $set : { ready : true } }, (error, result) => {
if (error) { console.log(error); }
if (result) {
console.log(`${result} Checkpoint ${} is marked as ready (${msg.timestamp})`);
} catch (e) {
console.log('I cannot process the readiness of a checkpoint, so I skip it');
} else if (topic.includes('/checkin')) {
// Includes the athlete in the checkins database
try {
const msg = JSON.parse(message.toString());
const checkpoint = Checkpoints.findOne({ identifier: });
let identifier;
if (msg.epc) {
identifier = Identifiers.findOne({ epc: msg.epc });
} else {
identifier = Identifiers.findOne({ bibId: msg.bibId });
const docToInsert = {
checkpointId: checkpoint._id,
bibIdentifier: identifier.bibId,
epc: identifier.epc,
timestamp: msg.timestamp,
Checkins.insert(docToInsert, (error, result) => {
if (error) { console.log(error); }
if (result) {
console.log(`Checkin of Bib Number ${identifier.bibId} at ${}`);
} catch (e) {
console.log('I cannot process the checkin in a checkpoint, so I skip it');
The controller will process and work directly with the checkins
collection in the database.
Another alternative, that was tested but not used in the final solution is mqtt-collection, a MQTT package for Meteor that collects and stores the MQTT messages received. Messages are stored in the MongoDB directly, enabling reactive support for the client side.
This package is easy to use. The following code includes the definition of the MQTT messages
collection and establishes the connection with the MQTT broker, indicating the topics.
* File at /imports/api/messages/messages.js
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { Mongo } from 'meteor/mongo';
export const Messages = new Mongo.Collection('messages');
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Messages.mqttConnect('mqtt://', ['+/ready', '+/checkin'], { insert: true }, {});
In order to adjust time to the common NTP servers, the system uses the sntp package. This is a SNTP v4 client (RFC4330) for Node.js. It allows the server connecting to the NTP server and returns the server time along with the roundtrip duration and clock offset. To adjust the local time to the NTP time we would need to add the returned offset to the local time.
The main stopwatch of the application is built with aldeed:clock, An accurate reactive clock package for Meteor that retains elapsed time. Usage is simple and reliable.
This is a summary of the main declarations related to the official stopwatch of the competition:
* file at: /imports/ui/components/competition/competition.js
Template.competitionMain.onCreated(() => {
// ...
template.CompetitionClock = new ReactiveClock('ExerciseClock');
// ...
stopwatch() {
const template = Template.instance();
return template.CompetitionClock.elapsedTime({ format: '00:00:00' });
// ...
'click #startCompetition-button'(event) {
const template = Template.instance();
template.startTimestamp.set( / 1000);
// ...
'click #finishCompetition-button'(event) {
const template = Template.instance();
template.finishTimestamp =;
// ...
If the clock is enabled (ongoing competition), the controller system waits for checkin
messages. The application runs this code, once a new checkin is included in the database:
Tracker.autorun(() => {
// Gets the current Race
template.currentRace = Races.findOne({ _id: raceId });
if (template.currentRace && template.currentRace.checkpoints) {
template.currentRace.checkpoints.forEach((checkpoint) => {
// creates a local array with checkpoints
template.checkpoints.push(Checkpoints.findOne({ _id: }));
// If the clock is running
if (template.startTimestamp.get() && template.startTimestamp.get() > 0) {
template.subscribe('checkins.after', template.startTimestamp.get());
template.checkpoints.forEach((checkpoint) => {
const checkinsForCheckpoint = Checkins.find({ checkpointId: checkpoint._id });
if (checkinsForCheckpoint) {
checkinsForCheckpoint.forEach((checkin) => {
let competitor;
if (checkin.epc) {
competitor = Competitors.findOne({ epc: checkin.epc });
} else {
competitor = Competitors.findOne({ bibId: checkin.bibId });
const totalTime = checkin.timestamp - template.startTimestamp.get();
// The rest of the logic in the application (show it on a map, store results, etc.)
checkinAthlete(template, checkpoint, competitor, totalTime);
This pilot illustrates how to the data can be processed and visualized. Other services and products on top of it are unlimited.
Activ-IoTy Controller is deployed on a UPsquared I have at home.
We have done several tests in the real World.
I'll post the URL of the controller for you to test it if you want.