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This repository contains the source code for web application for staking

Run in development mode

The repository includes a vscode devcontainer that installs all the necessary dependencies to run the application.

Create a .env.local file in the root directory of the project. Have a look a the .env.example_local file for the required environment variables of a setup running again a local ganache chain. The minimum required variables are described below Then run the application in dev mode with npm run dev.

API services


The API /api/monitor can be used to check if the balance of the reward reserved and staking allowance are below the configured thresholds. If they are, the API will return a 500 error code.

The threasholds can be changed using the environment variables NEXT_PUBLIC_STAKING_ALLOWANCE_ALERT_BALANCE and NEXT_PUBLIC_REWARD_RESERVES_ALERT_BALANCE. The values are expected to be in DIP.



The application uses redis to store information. The redis modules search and JSON need to enabled. The application expects a environment variables called REDIS_URL to be set. The application will use the url'redis://redis:6379' if no connection is specified in the REDIS_URL.

The docker image redis/redis-stack can be used to run a redis instance with the required modules enabled.


General config

# Blockchain connection configuration



Google analytics

To enable Google Analytics, set the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_GA_MEASUREMENT_ID to the value you get from your Google Analytics settings. Setting the environment variable NEXT_PUBLIC_GA_ENVIRONMENT_ID will add a parameter environment with the given value to any events transmitted.


NEXT_FAUCET_MNEMONIC=candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat

Run docker image locally with mumbai instance configuration

docker build -t staking-ui --build-arg INSTANCE=mumbai .
docker run --rm -p 3003:3000 -e HOSTNAME= staking-ui

open browser at http://localhost:3003



The application can be run in a docker container. The docker image can be build via the provided Dockerfile. We do not currently provide a prebuilt docker image as the image includes static instance information that needs to be configured at build time.

The build process requires the following arguments:

  • INSTANCE - the name of the instance to build the image for. The instance name is used to load the correct configuration from the .env.INSTANCE file in the root diretory of the project (see .env.mumbai as an example).


We use dokku for deployment.

With the current setup (dokku repo is added as remote repo called dokku to the local git), deployment is triggered by running the following command in the root directory of the project:

git push dokku <branch-to-deploy>:main

Initial instance setup

Replace application name (amoy-setup) with whatever fits your need. DNS is expected to be prepared in advance.

# create dokku application 
dokku apps:create amoy-staking

# add new domain and remove default domain
dokku domains:add amoy-staking
dokku domains:remove amoy-staking

# configure dokku docker build to load correct instance environment during build
dokku docker-options:add amoy-staking build --build-arg INSTANCE=amoy

# set correct proxy ports for http and https
dokku ports:add amoy-staking http:80:3000
dokku ports:add amoy-staking https:443:3000
dokku ports:remove amoy-staking http:80:5000

# create redis service
dokku redis:create staking-amoy-redis -i redis/redis-stack-server -I 7.2.0-v0

# now you need to manually enable redissearch and redisjson modules in the redis config (replace 'staking-amoy-redis' below with correct service name)
vi /var/lib/dokku/services/redis/staking-mumbai-redis/config/redis.conf
# scroll down to the section 'MODULES' and paste the following two lines (remove the # in front of the lines)
# loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/
# loadmodule /opt/redis-stack/lib/

# restart redis service
dokku redis:restart staking-amoy-redis
# link the redis service to the app
dokku redis:link staking-amoy-redis amoy-staking

# now push deployment via git 
# 1. add new git remote 'git remote add dokku-amoy dokku@<host>:amoy-staking'
# 2. 'git push dokku-amoy develop:main'

# enable let's encrypt for https certificates
dokku letsencrypt:enable amoy-staking

# configure backend chain rpc url
dokku config:set amoy-staking BACKEND_CHAIN_RPC_URL=<chain rpc url>
dokku config:set amoy-staking HOSTNAME=

# app should be ready now - open in browser

Dokku redis debug connection

Example using service depeg-mumbai-redis:

  1. Expose redis port on dokku dokku redis:expose depeg-mumbai-redis
  2. Find the exposed port in the output above or via dokku redis:info depeg-mumbai-redis
  3. Open ssh tunnel with dokku redis port forward ssh -L 6479:localhost:15956 user@host
  4. Now connect with redis client of choice (e.g. RedisInsight) using localhost:6479 as host and the password mentioned in redis info
  5. When finished, close the ssh tunnel by logging out of the ssh shell and unexpose the redis port dokku redis:unexpose depeg-mumbai-redis

Dokku documentation links: