Telegram Bot to search and download music from VK
(proven (by me and for me) to be more reliable for offline than official VK music app (BOOM?). also this one is free)
my own version is sometimes available at @ep_vk_music_bot
(it speaks Russian but it's pretty straightforward)
also: Shazam support on input audio/voice
First, create a bot using @BotFather
( /start
-> /newbot
-> <follow instruction>
Then clone the repo, inside it create a file __auths.txt
and fill it with:
< login>
< password>
<telegram bot token received from @BotFather>
(Archaic and not really user-friendly. I know. This is the way.)
then simply install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
And then run the thing
or use the older one:
( use *env/... if you know what it is. and want to )